Title of Invention


Abstract Restricting access to a device includes obtaining a passphrase for a user, obtaining access credentials for the user, obtaining a PIN value for the user, one-way encrypting at least the access credentials and the PIN using a secret key provided with the device. The user is allowed access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting equals the passphrase. The user is denied access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting does not equal the passphrase. The device may be a storage device. The access credentials may include a username that identifies the user and may include a role for the user. The access credentials may include a time period for which access is allowed. Access may be subsequently revoked in response to the current date and time being greater than the time period for which access is allowed.
Background of the Invention
1. Technical Field
This application relates to the field of computer storage devices, and more
particularly to the field of selectively providing access to computer storage devices.
2. Description of Related Art
Host processor systems may store and retrieve data using a storage device
containing a plurality of host interface units (host adapters), disk drives, and disk
interface units (disk adapters). Such storage devices are provided, for example, by
EMC Corporation of Hopkinton, Mass, and disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 5,206,939 to
Yanai et al., 5,778,394 to Galtzur et al., U.S. Patent No. 5,845,147 to Vishlitzky et al.,
and U.S. Patent No. 5,857,208 to Ofek. The host systems access the storage device
through a plurality of channels provided therewith. Host systems provide data and
access control information through the channels of the storage device and the storage
device provides data to the host systems also through the channels. The host systems
do not address the disk drives of the storage device directly, but rather, access what
appears to the host systems as a plurality of logical volumes. The logical volumes
may or may not correspond to the actual disk drives.
In some cases, it may be necessary to provide access to a computer storage
device for maintenance and/or reconfiguration of the computer storage device.
However, since the type of access needed to be able to perform maintenance and/or
reconfiguration is the same type of access that would allow a malicious user to
damage the computer storage device and/or eliminate or corrupt data, stored thereon, it
is useful to be able to restrict the particular users that have the type of access needed
to perform maintenance and/or reconfiguration of the computer storage device. One
way to do this is to password protect the computer storage device and provide the
password only to those users that are allowed to perform maintenance and/or
reconfiguration on the computer storage device. However, at some point, it may
become desirable to revoke access for at least some of the users that were previously
given access. For example, a user that works for a company that maintains the

storage device may leave that company. In addition, authorized users may
inadvertently (or otherwise) divulge a password to a malicious user who may then use
the password to gain access and damage the storage device and/or destroy or corrupt
the data.
One way to address this difficulty is to connect (e.g., via a communications
cable, the Internet, etc.) each of the storage devices to a central security device that
manages security/access for all of the storage devices and that reconfigures and
revokes users' passwords that allow access to the storage devices. In instances where
it is desirable to revoke a user's access or in instances where an authorized user has
divulged a password, the central security device, coupled to the storage device, may
change/revoke the effected password and then notify authorized users of the change.
However, such a central security device may be impractical for a number of reasons,
not the least of which is the fact that it may be difficult to connect all storage devices
to the central security device.
It is desirable to address the security issues that arise when passwords for
accessing security devices need to be changed/revoked without having to provide
remote connections to the storage devices.
Summary of the Invention
According to the present invention, restricting access to a device includes
obtaining a passphrase for a user, obtaining access credentials for the user, obtaining a
PIN value for the user, one-way encrypting at least the access credentials and the PIN
using a secret key provided with the device, allowing access to the device if the result
of one-way encrypting equals the passphrase, and denying access to the device if the
result of one-way encrypting does not equal the passphrase. The device may be a
storage device. The access credentials may include a username that identifies the user
and a role for the user. The access credentials may include a time period for which
access is allowed. Restricting access to a device may also include, after allowing
access, subsequently revoking access in response to the current date and time being
greater than the time period for which access is allowed. Restricting access to a
device may also include obtaining time/date data indicative of a current date and time
and one-way encrypting the time/date data along with the access credentials and the

PIN using the secret key. Restricting access to a device may also include, after
allowing access, subsequently revoking access in response to the current date and
time being greater than the time period for which access is allowed. Obtaining the
passphrase may include the user presenting at least one of: a smartcard, a memory
stick, a floppy disk, and a CD or may include the user typing in the passphrase.
Restricting access to a device may also include obtaining a. device. ID indicative of the
device being accessed and one-way encrypting the device ID along with the access
credentials and the PIN using the secret key. The secret key may be provided at the
device in tamper-proof hardware.
According further to the present invention, constructing a passphrase for a user
to gain access to a device includes obtaining a username that identifies the user,
obtaining a PIN for the user, obtaining an expected time of access for the device,
obtaining an identifier that identifies the device, and one-way encrypting the
username, the PIN, the expected time of access, and the identifier using a secret key to
provide the passphrase. The device may be a storage device. Constructing a
passphrase for a user to gain access to a device may include storing the passphrase in
a computer-readable medium. The computer readable medium may be one of: a
smartcard, a memory stick, a floppy disk, and a CD. A computer reetdable medium
having computer executable instructions may be provided for performing the steps
described herein.
According further to the present invention, a computer storage device includes
a plurality of disk drives, a plurality of disk adapters coupled to the disk drives, a
memory coupled to the plurality of disk adapters, a plurality of host adapters, coupled
to the disk adapters and the memory, that communicate with host computers to send
and receive data to and from the disk drives and a. service processor director, coupled
to the memory, that restricts access to the storage device by obtaining a passphrase for
a user, obtaining access credentials for the user, obtaining a PIN value for the user,
one-way encrypting at least the access credentials and the PIN using a secret key
provided with the storage device, allowing access to the storage device if the result of
one-way encrypting equals the passphrase, and denying access to the storage device if
the result of one-way encrypting does not equal the passphrase. The access

credentials may include a username that identifies the user and a role for the user
and/or may include a time period for which access is allowed.
According further to the present invention, a computer readable medium has
computer executable instructions for performing any of the steps described herein.
According further to the present invention, a system has at least one processor
that performs any of the steps described herein.
Brief Description of Drawings
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram showing a plurality of hosts coupled to a data
storage device with a service processor used in connection with the system described
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram showing a storage device, memory, a plurality
of directors, and a communication module according to the system described herein.
Figure 3 is a diagram illustrating a security module that is provided as part of a
service processor director according to the system described herein.
Figure 4 is a flowchart illustrating processing performed by a security module
in connection with determining whether to grant a user access to a storage device
according to the system described herein.
Figure 5 is a diagram illustrating components of a security module according
to the system described herein.
Figure 6 is a flowchart illustrating steps performed in connection with
determining whether a user has provided an appropriate passphrase for gaining access
to a storage device according to the system described herein.
Figure 7 is a flowchart illustrating steps performed in connection with
generating a passphrase for a user to gain access to a storage device according to the
system described herein.

Detailed Description of Various Embodiments
Referring to figure 1, a diagram 20 shows a plurality of hosts 22a-22c coupled
to a data storage device 24. The data storage device 24 includes an internal memory
26 that facilitates operation of the storage device 24 as described elsewhere herein.
The data storage device also includes a plurality of host adaptors (HA's) 28a-28c that
handle reading and writing of data between the hosts 22a-22c and the storage device
24. Although the diagram 20 shows each of the hosts 22a-22c coupled to each of the
HA's 28a-28c, it will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that one or
more of the HA's 28a-28c may be coupled to other hosts.
The storage device 24 may include one or more RDF adapter units (RA's) 32a-
32c. The RA's 32a-32c are coupled to an RDF link 34 and are similar to the HA's
28a-28c, but are used to transfer data between the storage device 24 and other storage
devices (not shown) that are also coupled to the RDF link 34. The storage device 24
may be coupled to addition RDF links (not shown) in addition to the RDF link 34.
The storage device 24 may also include one or more disks 36a-36c, each
containing a different portion of data stored on the storage device 24. Each of the
disks 36a-36c may be coupled to a corresponding one of a plurality of disk adapter
units (DA) 38a-38c that provides data to a corresponding one of the disks 36a-36c and
receives data from a corresponding one of the disks 36a-36c. Note that, in some
embodiments, it is possible for more than one disk to be serviced by a DA and that it
is possible for more than one DA to service a disk.
The logical storage space in the storage device 24 that corresponds to the disks
36a-36c may be subdivided into a plurality of volumes or logical devices. The logical
devices may or may not correspond to the physical storage space of the disks 36a-36c.
Thus, for example, the disk 36a may contain a plurality of logical devices or,
alternatively, a single logical device could span both of the disks 36a, 36b. The hosts
22a-22c may be configured to access any combination of logical devices independent
of the location of the logical devices on the disks 36a-36c.
One or more internal logical data path(s) exist between the DA's 38a-38c, the
HA's 28a-28c, the RA's 32a-32c, and the memory 26. In some embodiments, one or

more internal busses and/or communication modules may be used. In some
embodiments, the memory 26 may be used to facilitate data transferred between the
DA's 38a-38c, the HA's 28a-28c and the RA's 32a-32c. The memory 26 may contain
tasks that are to be performed by one or more of the DA's 38a-38c, the HA's 28a-28c
and the RA's 32a-32c, and a cache for data fetched from one or more of the disks 36a-
36c. Use of the memory 26 is described in more detail hereinafter.
The storage device 24 may also include a service processor director 42 that
communicates with and controls components of the storage device 24 to modify the
configuration thereof. For example, the service processor director 42 may be used to
configure local and remote data mirroring, may provide access to various system
functions such as disk erasing, and, generally, may provide relatively thorough and
complete access to the storage device 24 and components thereof to facilitate
maintenance, configuration, etc.
The service processor director 42 may be provided with a modem connection
that allows remote access to the storage device 24 through the service processor
director 42. Using the modem connection, it may be possible for a remote technician
to perform maintenance, reconfiguration, etc. to the storage device 24. In an
embodiment herein, the modem connection into the service processor 42 is restricted
to the manufacture of the storage device 24. Of course, other access rules are possible
so that, for example, it is possible to provide access through the modem connection to
a plurality of trusted users.
The service processor director 42 may be coupled to a service processor 44
that interfaces with the service processor director 42 to provide access to allow,
maintenance, reconfiguration, etc. of the storage device 24. In an embodiment herein,
the service processor 44 may be implemented using a conventional laptop computer
running the Windows® operating system. The service processor 44 may be coupled
to the service processor director 42 in any appropriate fashion, such as by
conventional data communication means. In some embodiments, a secure, tamper-
proof, connection may be used between service processor 44 and the service
processor director 42. The service processor 44 may be built into the storage device
24 so that access to the service processor 44 may require access to the storage device

24 (e.g., via a locked cabinet). In some embodiments, the modem connection may be
provided through the service processor 44 rather than through the service processor
director 42.
The storage device 24 may be provided as a stand-alone device coupled to the
hosts 22a-22c as shown in figure 1 or, alternatively, the storage device 24 may be part
of a storage area network (SAN) that includes a plurality of other storage devices as
well as routers, network connections, etc. The storage device may be coupled to a
SAN fabric and/or be part of a SAN fabric. The system described herein may be
implemented using software, hardware, and/or a combination of software and
hardware where software may be stored in an appropriate storage medium and
executed by one or more processors.
Referring to figure 2, a storage device 24 is shown having a plurality of
directors 52a-52c coupled to the memory 26. Each of the directors 52a-52c represents
one of the HA's 28a-28c, RA's 323-320, DA's 38a-38c, or the service processor
director 42. In an embodiment disclosed herein, there may be up to sixty-four
directors coupled to the memory 26. Of course, for other embodiments, there may be
a higher or lower maximum number of directors that may be used.
The storage device 24 includes an optional communication module (CM) 54
that provides an alternative communication path between the directors 52a-52c. Each
of the directors 52a-52c may be coupled to the CM 54 so that any one of the directors
52a-52c may send a message and/or data to any other one of the directors 52a-52c
without needing to go through the memory 26. The CM 54 may be implemented
using conventional MUX/router technology where a sending one of the directors 52a-
52c provides an appropriate address to cause a message and/or data to be received by
an intended receiving one of the directors 52a-52c. Some or all of the functionality of
the CM 54 may be implemented using one or more of the directors 52a-52c so that,
for example, the directors 52a-52c may be interconnected directly with the
interconnection functionality being provided on each of the directors 52a-52c. In
addition, a sending one of the directors 52a-52c may be able to broadcast a message to
all of the other directors 52a-52c at the same time.

Referring to Figure 3, the service processor director 42 is shown in more detail
as including a security module 62. Of course, the service processor director 42 may
contain other components besides the security module 62 that provide functionality
other than security. However, the focus of the discussion herein is the security
module 62 and thus other components of the service processor director 42 are not
shown. The security module 62 restricts access to the storage device 24 for
connections coming through the modem connection and/or the connection for the
service processor 44. Therefore, all maintenance, reconfiguration, etc. commands as
well as system inquiries that are made through either the modem connection or the
service processor connection to the service processor director 42 pass through and are
vetted by the security module 62.
In an embodiment herein, the security module 62 may be implemented using a
processor and appropriate software. However, it will be appreciated by one of
ordinary skill in the art that the functionality described elsewhere herein for the
security module 62 may be implemented using any appropriate combination of
computer software and/or hardware. Note also that the security module 62 does not
necessarily need to be implemented within the service processor director 42 and may,
instead, be implemented at any appropriate access point for the storage device 24,
such as the service process 44. Of course, if the security module 62 is implemented at
a user access point that is not also an access point for the modem connection, then
separate security provisions may need to be made for the modem connection or,
alternatively, the modem connection may be made through'the service processor 44.
Note also that the security module 62 may be implemented using or in conjunction
with an operating system security system, such as built in security features of the
Windows® operating system. In some embodiments, a username mat is encoded into
a passphase (discussed elsewhere herein) is the same username that the user uses to
log in to the computer operating system.
Note that a user may also be provided with a particular role that controls the
type and extent of access to'the storage device 24 provided to the user. In some
instances, it may be desirable to provide a user with limited access while in others a
user may need to be given extensive access in order to be able to perform the task(s)
for which the user was given access. The role may be encoded into the passphrase so

that, when the user presents the passphrase, the role for that user in connection with
accessing the storage device is also defined. Thus, it should be understood that
reference herein to username also may also include, where appropriate, an optional
role for the user.
Referring to figure 4, a flow chart 80 illustrates steps performed by the
security module 62 in connection with granting and revoking access to the storage
device 24. Processing begins at a first step 82 where a user is prompted for access
credentials. In an embodiment herein, the access credentials include a user passphrase
and a username that identifies the user. The passphrase and/or username may be
entered manually by the user (e.g., typed by the user at the service processor 44) or
provided to the security module 62 by some other means, such as a floppy disk, a CD,
a smart card, a memory stick, etc. The username allows the security module 62 to
grant access to only the user identified by the username. In an embodiment herein,
the username may be encoded into the passphrase, as discussed in more detail
elsewhere herein.
Following the step 82 is a step 84 where a user is prompted for a personal
identification number (PIN). In an embodiment herein, the PIN is also encoded into
the passphrase and is used as a check to protect against the possibility of an
unauthorized user obtaining the passphrase and username and gaining unauthorized
access to the storage device 24. As discussed elsewhere herein, a user can not gain
access to the storage device 24 without also having the proper PIN value. The PIN
protects against unauthorized access since an unauthorized user who obtains the
username and passphrase may not also obtain the PIN, which may be known only by
the authorized user (and perhaps the entity that issued the passphrase). The
combination of the passphrase and the PIN may be deemed a two-factored password
since it encompasses both what the user has (the passphrase) and what the user knows
(the PIN).
Following the step 84 is a test stepped 86 where the security module 62
determines if the passphrase, usemame, and PIN entered at the steps 82, 84 are
acceptable for granting the user identified by the username access to the storage
device 24. The processing performed at the step 86 is discussed in more detail

elsewhere herein. If it is determined at the test step 86 that the user should not be
granted access, then control transfers from the test step 86 to a test step 88 which
determines if the user should be allowed a retry. In some cases, the system may allow
the user a certain number of retries (e.g. three) to account for the possibility that the
user incorrectly typed his PIN or somehow other information like the username and/or
the passphrase was entered incorrectly. The number of retries and whether to grant
any retries at all is based on whatever security policy adopted for the system.
If it is determined that the test step 88 that the user is to be allowed a retry,
then control transfers from the test step 88 back to the step 82 to reprompt the user for
access credentials. Otherwise, if it is determined at the test step 88 that the user is not
to be allowed a retry, then control transfers from the test step 88 to a step 92 where
access error processing is performed. The processing performed at the step 92
depends upon the policies adopted for the system and may include, for example,
displaying a message to the user and requiring that a certain amount of time pass
before the user can attempt to access the system again. Of course, any other type of
access error processing may be performed at the step 92 consistent with the policy
adopted for the system, if any. Following the step 92, processing is complete.
If it is determined at the test step 86 that the access credentials and PIN
provided at the steps 82, 84 are acceptable, then control transfers from the test step 86
to a step 94 where the system enters an access grant state for the user. While the
system is in the access grant state, the user is allowed to access the storage device 24
through the service processor director 42 (or through whatever access point is
provided for the security module 62). In some embodiments, after the system enters
the access state at step 94, the user may be required to separately log in to the system
and then the log into any application the user wishes to use. In these embodiments,
entering the access state at the step 94 may be a precursor to allowing a user to log
into the system. In other embodiments, entering the access state at the step 94 is part
of the log on process so that the user does not need to separately log in to both the
system and the application after entering the access state at the step 94.
Following the step 94 is a test step 96 which determines if the system has
timed out. In an embodiment herein, the system may time out if a certain amount of

idle time has passed after the user has entered the access state at the step 94.
Providing for a time out prevents a situation where an authorized user accesses the
storage device 24 and subsequently forgets to log out, thus providing an opportunity
for unauthorized users to access storage device 24. In an embodiment herein, the
system may time out after fifteen minutes have passed with no user keyboard input at
the service processor 44, but of course other timeout values may be used.
In an embodiment herein, another type of timeout may also occur at the step
96. The other type of timeout involves part of the passphrase that may include
information indicating the allowed service time (allowed access time) for the user.
That is, the passphrase may indicate that the user is only allowed access to the storage
device 24 between a first time and a second time. For example, the user may be
allowed access to the storage device 24 for only a twenty-four or a forty-eight hour
period starting on a particular date. Once this time period has passed, the user may no
longer be allowed access to the storage device 24 even though the user otherwise has
valid credentials and a valid PIN. Accordingly, for embodiments where the
passphrase includes a time limit for the time which the user is allowed access to the
storage device 24, the test at the step 96 may represent a determination of whether the
time for which the user is allowed access has passed.
In some embodiments, the other type of time out described above is not used
so that, once the user logs into the system and remains active, the user is not exited
from the access state. Of course, as discussed elsewhere herein, even if the other type
of time out is not used once the user logs in to the system, it is still possible to use
time criteria to determine whether to grant access to the user in the first place.
If it is determined at the test step 96 that a timeout has not occurred, then
control transfers from the test step 96 to a test step 98 which determines if the user has
logged off of the system. If not, then control transfers back to the test step 96 to
determine if a timeout has occurred. Thus, while a user is accessing the system, the
system is continuously determining if the user has either timed out or if the user has
logged off.

If it is determined at the test step 96 that a timeout has occurred or if it is
determined at the test step 98 that the user has logged off, then control transfers from
either the step 96 or the step 98 to a step 102 where the system exits the access state.
Once the system has exited the access state at the step 102, the user may no longer
have access to the storage device 24. In some embodiments, the user may be allowed
to reestablish access while in other embodiments the user may not. In embodiments
where the access state is tied to the user logging in to or out of the system, exiting the
access state at the step 102 may represent the user logging out of some part of the
system (e.g., logging out of the operating system). Following the step 102, processing
is complete.
Referring to figure 5, a diagram 120 illustrates components of the security
module 62 that may be used to perform the test at the step 86 to determine if a user
should be granted access. An access test module 122 receives the passphrase,
username (and possibly user role), and PIN along with other information to generate a
result indicating whether a particular user corresponding to the username should be
granted access. The access test module 122 also receivers a secret key 124 a storage
device ID 126 and the time and date from a time and date module 128.
The secret key 124 may be stored within the storage device 24 in a way that
does not allow access to the secret key 124 except by the service processor director 42
(or whichever device is hosting the security module 62) and/or other authorized
devices/users. It is not expected that a user presenting a passphrase would have direct
access to the secret key. In an embodiment herein, the secret key 124 may be stored
using tamper-proof hardware located within the storage device 24. In some
embodiments, each of the different storage devices provided by a manufacturer may
have a unique secret key. In other embodiments, all of the storage devices from a
manufacture may have the same secret key. In still other embodiments, groups of
storage devices have the same secret key while other storage devices have a different
secret key. The distribution of secret keys is a security policy decision. The more
storage devices that share the same secret key, the easier it is to administer the system.
However, providing different storage devices with different secret keys increases the
level of security provided by the system. As discussed elsewhere herein, the secret
key 124 is also known by an entity that generates the passphrase for the user which, in

an embodiment herein, may be the manufacture of the storage device 24 or some
other entity that manages maintenance/reconfiguration of the storage device 24.
The identifier 126 may be used to uniquely identify the storage device 24 to
prevent a user who is authorized to access only a particular storage device from
(inadvertently or otherwise) accessing other storage devices. In some embodiments,
each storage device may be provided with a unique identifier. In other embodiments,
groups of storage devices may share an identifier so that, for example, a plurality of
storage devices at a single site may have the same identifier. In an embodiment
herein, the identifier 126 is also the serial number of the storage device 24 issued by
the manufacturer of the storage device 24.
The time and date module 128 may be used to obtain the current time and date
and provide that information to the access test module 122. In an embodiment herein,
the time and date module 128 accesses one of a plurality of well-known Web sites to
obtain time information. Obviously, the time and date module 128 may obtain time
information from any source, including an internal clock of the storage device 24.
However, to the extent that the accuracy of the information from the time and date
module 128 can be ensured, the system is more secure since ensuring the time and
date information prevents an unauthorized user from modifying the system time and
date information for the storage device 24 in an attempt to use an "old" passphrase.
There are a number of well-known mechanisms that may be employed to help ensure
that the time and information from the time and date module 124 are accurate.
Referring to figure 6, a flowchart 140 illustrates steps performed by the access
test module 122 in order to determine whether to grant access to a user. Processing
begins a first step 142 where the access test module 122 obtains the secret key
associated with the storage device 24. As discussed elsewhere herein, the secret key
associated with the storage device 24 may be stored in tamper-proof hardware
provided within the storage device 24. Following the step 142 is a step 144 where the
access test module 122 obtains the ID of the storage device 24. Following the step
144 is a step 146 where the access test module 122 obtains the current date and time
from the date and time module 128. As discussed elsewhere herein, improving the
reliability of the date and time improves the security of the system.

Following the step 146 is a step 148 where the access test module 122 obtains
the passphrase, username (and possibly role), and PIN. In an embodiment herein, the
user may present a storage medium such as a smart card or memory that contains the
passphrase and (possibly the role) and may manually type in the username in PIN into
the service processor 44 or other appropriate device. In other embodiments, the user
may manually type in the passphrase and/or the username instead of, or in addition to,
providing that information using a storage medium. In other embodiments, the user
may type in only the PIN.
Following the step 148 is a step 152 where a one-way encryption is performed
using the secret key, the ID, the date and time, the username (and possibly role), and
the PIN. In an embodiment herein, the one-way encryption performed at the step 152
is a one-way mathematical function that generates a deterministic output value from a
particular set of input values such that it is mathematically difficult, if not impossible,
to ascertain the input values given only the output value. Thus, an unauthorized user
who obtains a passphrase may not use it to ascertain the secret key or any other
information encoded into the passphrase.
There are a significant number of types of one-way encryption functions that
may be used, including encryption of the ID, the date and time, the username (and
possibly role), and the PIN using the secret key, encryption of the ID, the date and
time, the username (and possibly role), the PIN and the secret key, certain types of
one-way hash functions, digital signatures, etc. The system described herein does not
depend upon any specific type of one-way encryption function being used, so long as
it the one-way encryption 1) allows verification that the entity that constructed the
passphase is in possession of the secret key and 2) the secret key can not be
ascertained (or at least practically ascertained) from the passphrase. Note that, for the
system provided herein, the user is not given the secret key except as it is encrypted in
or used to encrypt the passphrase.
Following the step 152 is a test step 154 which determines if the result of the
one-way encryption performed at the step 152 equals the passphrase. If not, then
control transfers to the step 156 where the access test module returns an indicator
indicating that no access is to be provided to the user. Following step 156, processing

is complete. On the other hand, if it is determined at the test step 154 that the result of
the hash performed at the step 152 equals the passphrase, then control transfers from
the test step 154 to a step 158 where the access test module 122 returns an indicator
indicating that the user corresponding to the username provided at the step 148 is
allowed access to the storage device 24. If a role is used, then the indicator provided
at the step 148 also indicates the role for the user. Following the step 158, processing
is complete.
In an embodiment herein, the system may round the time and date value
obtained at the step 146 to the nearest day. Similarly, the passphrase may be encoded
with a time and date value rounded to the nearest day. In this way, it is possible to
have the time value obtained at the step 146 be equal to the time value encoded into
the passphrase. Of course, different rounding may be used so that, for example, time
values may be rounded to the nearest week, the nearest two-day period, etc. In
addition, it is possible to encode the passphrase with the expected time of service
(rather than the current time) so that, when the user presents the passphrase to the
storage device 24, the time encoded in the passphrase can match the time of service.
Note also that the time obtained at the step 146 may be used in connection with the
test for a timeout at the step 96 discussed above in connection with the flowchart 80
of figure 4 to determine if the allowed time of access has passed. Following the step
158, processing is complete.
Referring to figure 7, a flowchart 170 illustrates steps performed in connection
with generating a passphrase for a user to access the storage device 24. In an
embodiment herein, the passphrase may be generated by the manufacture of the
storage device 24 and provided to users on an as needed basis. It is also possible to
have an entity other than the manufacture be responsible for
maintenance/reconfiguration of the storage device. 24 and thus be responsible for
generating passphrases. In embodiments where the time value is included in the
passphrase, then users are given a passphrase that has encoded therein an allowed
time for the users to access to the storage device 24.
Processing begins at a first step 172 where the username is entered. Entering
the username at the step 172 may be performed by any appropriate means, including

having the user type and his or her username or by accessing a database of authorized
users that contains the username. If roles are employed, then the role for the user may
also be entered at the step 172. Following the step 172 is a step 174 when the
expected access time of the storage device 24 is entered. As discussed elsewhere
herein, the expected access time may be encoded into the passphrase so that the
passphrase allows access to the storage device 24 only for the specified time rather
than at any time. Following the step 174 is a step 176 where the ID of the storage
device 24 is entered. Following the step 176 is a step 178 where the secret key is
entered. In an embodiment herein, the entity that generates the passphrase (for
example, the manufacturer of the storage device 24) maintains the same secret key
that is provided at the storage device 24. Just as with the secret key at the storage
device 24, the secret key at the location where the passphrase is generated may be
protected from unauthorized access/modification in some form using, for example,
tamper-proof hardware, a vaulted computer, etc.
Following step 178 is a step 182 when the PIN is entered. In an embodiment
herein, a user desiring access may choose his or her own PIN for each time the user
accesses a storage device. In other embodiments, is possible to assign PIN values in
an automatic fashion and then to report to the user the assigned PIN value. Following
the step 182 is a step 184 where a passphrase is generated. Generating the passphrase
at step 184 involves using the same (or similar) one-way encryption function used to
test for the validity of the passphrase by the access test module 122. For example, in
embodiments where a one-way hash function is used to test for the passphrase by the
access test module 122, then the same one-way hash function may be used to generate
the passphrase at step 184.
Note that it is possible to use a different function to generate the passphrase
than is used to test the passphrase at the access test module. Note that it is also
possible to use different keys for generation and testing. For example, using a
public/private key pair, it is possible to generate the passphrase using a private key
(by digitally signing the data of the passphrase, except the key, using the private key)
and then verify the passphase at the storage device using the corresponding public
key. An advantage to this is that it does not require special storage requirements for

the secret key at the storage device 24 since the storage device 24 may use a non-
secret public key to verify the digital signature.
Following the step 184 is an optional step 186 where the passphrase is stored
in a computer readable storage medium, such as a smart card, a floppy disk, a CD, a
memory stick, or any other appropriate computer readable storage medium. Of
course, since the passphrase is simply a set of numbers/symbols, it is always possible
to simply report the passphrase to the user and have the user to type in the passphrase
at the storage device 24 when the user is requesting access. However, if the step 186
is executed, then the user may have a copy of the passphrase stored on a computer
readable storage medium that the user may then present to the storage device 24 when
the user desires access. Note also that it is possible to store the passphrase on a
computer readable storage medium at the step 186 and still require the user type in the
passphrase at the storage device 24. In that case, the computer readable storage
medium may simply be for the purpose of providing a permanent copy of the
passphrase in case the user loses or forgets it. Following step 186, processing is
complete. Note that, if the step 186 is not executed, then following the step 184
processing is complete.
It is possible to provide other embodiments of the system described herein that
encode only a subset of the information that is illustrated herein as being encoded in
to the passphrase. For example, it is possible to omit the ED and/or to omit the access
time and/or to omit the usernarne, etc. In addition, it is also possible to add additional
information to be encoded into the passphrase that is not mentioned in connection
with the flowchart 170 in figure 7. Any possible additional information may be added
to the passphrase. Examples are the types of additional information which may be
added include location information, information indicating the nature of the service to
be performed by the user, etc.
While the invention has been disclosed in connection with various
embodiments, modifications thereon will be readily apparent to those skilled in the
art. Accordingly, the spirit and scope of the invention is set forth in the following

What is claimed is:
1. A method of restricting access to a device, comprising:
obtaining a passphrase for a user;
obtaining access credentials for the user;
obtaining a PIN value for the user;
one-way encrypting at least the access credentials and the PIN using a secret
key provided with the device;
allowing access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting equals the
passphrase; and
denying access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting does not equal
the passphrase.
2. A method, according to claim 1, wherein the device is a storage device.
3. A method, according to claim 1, wherein the access credentials include a username
that identifies the user and a role for the user.
4. A method, according to claim 1, wherein the access credentials include a time
period for which access is allowed.
5. A method, according to claim 4, further comprising:
after allowing access, subsequently revoking access in response to the current
date and time being greater than the time period for which access is allowed.
6. A method, according to claim 1, further comprising:
obtaining time/date data indicative of a current date and time; and
one-way encrypting the time/date data along with the access credentials and
the PIN using the secret key.
7. A method, according to claim 6, further comprising:
after allowing access, subsequently revoking access in response to the current
date and time being greater than the time period for which access is allowed.

8. A method, according to claim 1, wherein obtaining the passphrase includes the user
presenting at least one of: a smartcard, a memory stick, a floppy disk, and a CD.
9. A method, according to claim 1, further comprising:
obtaining a device ID indicative of the device being accessed; and
one-way encrypting the device ID along with the access credentials and the
PIN using the secret key.
10. A computer readable medium having computer executable instructions for
performing the steps recited in claim 1.

Restricting access to a device includes obtaining a passphrase for a user, obtaining access credentials for the user, obtaining a PIN value for the user, one-way encrypting at least the access credentials and the PIN using a secret key provided with the device. The user is allowed access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting equals the passphrase. The user is denied access to the device if the result of one-way encrypting does not equal the passphrase. The device may be a storage device. The access credentials may include a username that identifies the user and may include a role for the user. The access credentials may
include a time period for which access is allowed. Access may be subsequently revoked in response to the current date and time being greater than the time period for which access is allowed.



Patent Number 268895
Indian Patent Application Number 3755/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 39/2015
Publication Date 25-Sep-2015
Grant Date 22-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 15-Sep-2008
Name of Patentee EMC CORPORATION
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F 21/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2007/007536
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/394536 2006-03-31 U.S.A.