Title of Invention


Abstract A system and method for detecting cloning of mobile telephones, cells phones are provided. Confidential data from the user end is sent to the server side where these data are compared with that of corresponding data from the main data center and cloning is said to have happened in the case of any mismatch or difference.
Full Text FORM - 2
(39 of 1970)
(See section 10 and rule 13)
an Indian Company
of Bombay House, 24, Sir Homi Mody Street, Mumbai 400 001
Maharashtra, India

Field of Invention:
The invention relates to the field of mobile telephone security.
Background of Invention:
Mobile telephone service is currently one of the most rapidly expanding types of communication services. The risk of the mobile telephones being cloned has also increased. The industry loses approximately 10 to 20 percent of its annual revenues to mobile cloning fraud. A fraudulent user typically copies authentication information from an original mobile telephone to a cloned phone. When calls are made from a cloned phone they are billed to subscribers of the original phone. For CDMA technology, every mobile handset has a unique factory-coded Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and a Mobile Identification Number (MIN).The ESN/MIN pair can be cloned in a number of ways without the knowledge of the carrier or subscriber through the use of electronic scanning devices. After the ESN/MIN pair is captured, the fraudulent user reprograms or alters the microchip of any wireless phone to create a clone of the wireless phone from which the ESN/MIN pair was stolen. A-Key is a 64 bit code used for mobile security that is permanently programmed on handset and on operator network and is stored in the Authentication Center (AC) of the network. A-Key is not transmitted over air, thus making OTA Interception impossible. But A-key can be cloned using data cable and computer.

Identity theft is the most serious problem arising out of mobile cloning. A call or SMS from a cloned phone to a wrong person may invite trouble to the actual owner of the phone. A fraudulent user typically copies authentication information from original phone to cloned phone. Now when calls are made from cloned phone they are billed to subscribers of the original phone, resulting in exorbitantly high prices.
US patent 5822691 describes a method for detecting cloned communication units by comparing the last phone number connected as recorded by the radio telephone network with the last phone number connected as recorded in the mobile radio telephone unit.
US patent 5335265 and Japanese patent JP8223650 disclose apparatus and systems for detecting of fraud and cloned mobile telephones using call origin data and time stamp records.
Also US patent 6181925 discloses a method and apparatus for fraud control in a cellular telephone switch. The system monitors calls and identifies both legitimate calls and fraudulent cellular phones using the call origin data and then transmits a message to the switch to terminate the call from the fraudulent phone.
US patent application 20050282529 describes a method for detecting cloned communication units based on message contents.

Conventional methods typically use voice call detail record and call origin data for comparison. Therefore there is a need for an effective system for detecting cloned calls which is more efficient and detects not only voice calls from cloned mobile telephones but also SMS and data messages.
Objectives of invention:
The object of this invention is to provide system and apparatus for detecting of cloning of mobile telephones.
Another object of this invention is to provide a system and apparatus for enhancing the security of a mobile telephone subscriber.
Still one more object of this invention is to provide a system and apparatus to minimize the revenue loss incurred by the cellular system operators.
Another object of this invention is to provide a system and apparatus to avoid monetary loss and loss of reputation.
Summary of the Invention:
The system and apparatus in accordance with this invention envisages means for detecting cloned mobile telephones.

In accordance with one practical embodiment of this invention, the system and apparatus includes a client side and a server side. The client side comprises a client application running on the handset.
In accordance with one embodiment of this invention, the client application comprises a confirmation message logic, voice call record fetch logic, data call record fetch logic and a SMS call record fetch logic. The confirmation message logic is the module which confirms that the call records are not deleted manually. Voice call record fetch logic retrieves the last call from the local Call Detail Record (CDR) and sends it to the server for comparison receives results of the comparison from the server and if a difference is present in the results, then detects that the mobile telephone is cloned. Data call record fetch logic retrieves the last data call from local Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) and sends to server for comparison, receives results of comparison from the server and detects that the mobile phone is cloned if there is a difference in the results. Similarly SMS record fetch logic module retrieves the last SMS from the SMS inbox and sends it to the server for comparison receives the results of comparison from the server and detect that the mobile telephone is cloned if a difference in the results is present. Also the remote communication device or the mobile telephone handset at client side is provided with downloading means to go over the air and execution means for executing the different functions on the handset.
In accordance with one practical embodiment of this invention, the server side of the invention comprises a server with a server side application being executed on it along with a database. The server side unit retrieves the CDR,

IPDR and SMS from the data center. Server side system compares the above said data with the data received from the client and the results of the comparison are sent to the client for further processing. The server side is provided with Packet Data Serving Node (PDSN) that provides access to the Internet, intranets and applications servers for the mobile stations.
In accordance with one practical embodiment of this invention, the system also includes display means for displaying message on the handset at client side. The system also has receiver means at server end to receive request query and interface means to enable connectivity between the client and server sides, processing means at server side for executing the query.
Brief Description of Drawings:
The invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which
Fig 1 illustrates block diagram of a system and apparatus for detection of mobile cloning.
Fig 2 illustrates flow diagram of working of a system and apparatus for detection of mobile cloning.

Detailed Description of the Drawings:
According to this invention there is provided a system and apparatus to detect cloned mobile telephone.
Fig 1 of accompanying drawings illustrates the block diagram of system and apparatus for detection of mobile cloning.
The system envisaged in accordance with this invention comprises a client side and server side. The Client side and the server side both communicate through a network.
The client side comprises a client application running on the handset. The client application comprises confirmation message logic, voice call record fetch logic, data call records fetch logic and SMS call records fetch logic. The confirmation message logic is the module which confirms that the call records are not deleted manually. Voice call record fetch logic retrieves the last call from the local Call Detail Record (CDR) and sends it to the server for comparison receives results of the comparison from the server and if a difference is present in the results, then detects that the mobile telephone is cloned. Data call record fetch retrieves the last data call from local Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) and sends to server for comparison, receives results of comparison from the server and detects that the mobile phone is cloned if there is a difference in the results. Similarly SMS record fetch logic module retrieves the last SMS from the SMS inbox and sends it to the server for comparison receives the results of comparison from the server and detect

that the mobile telephone is cloned if a difference in the results is present. Also the remote communication device or the mobile telephone handset at client side is provided with downloading means to go over the air and execution means for executing the different functions on the handset.
The server side of the invention comprises a server with a server side application being executed on it along with a database and a comparator. The server side unit retrieves the CDR, IPDR and SMS from the data center. Server side system compares the above said data with the data received from the client and the results of the comparison are sent to the client for further processing.
Validation Matrix

Validation parameter → Voice call Data Call SMS
Comparison entity↓
Last number dialed ü ü ü
Duration of Call ü ü
IPDR (IP Data Record) typicallycomprising of Call Alert Record, CallAttempt record and Call Availabilityrecord ü

Fig 2 illustrates the flow of the system and apparatus in accordance with this invention. The client, based on the programmed timings, shall extract a number of CDR, IPDR and SMS data from the memory of the mobile telephone (1). The client sends this information to the server (2). The server application then request main data centre for corresponding records (3). The server application compares the records from the phone and the records from the data center using the comparator means (4). If a mismatch is detected, the user and carrier are alerted and the particular mobile telephone is detected as cloned (5).
• Reduces the loss in revenue of a cellular phone operator due to identity theft.
• Saves users from becoming a victim of mobile cloning, resulting in exorbitantly high bills.
• The system would be operational during late night hours thereby reducing data traffic congestion.
• With availability of remote communication device application development frameworks like Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) and J2ME, downloading the application over the air is possible.

While considerable emphasis has been placed herein on the particular features of a apparatus and system for detection of cloned mobile telephones, the improvisation with regards to it, it will be appreciated that various modifications can be made, and that many changes can be made in the preferred embodiment without departing from the principles of the invention. These and other modifications in the nature of the invention or the preferred embodiments will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the disclosure herein, whereby it is to be distinctly understood that the foregoing descriptive matter is to be interpreted merely as illustrative of the invention and not as a limitation.



Patent Number 268899
Indian Patent Application Number 1816/MUM/2007
PG Journal Number 39/2015
Publication Date 25-Sep-2015
Grant Date 22-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 19-Sep-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04M1/66,H04L9/32
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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