Title of Invention


Abstract Arranged in a removable holder (5) above a tank (2) filled with an electrolyte is a coupling (7), which can rotate about a vertical axis of rotation, for attaching a workpiece carrier (15) which may, for example, be loaded with workpieces that have become worn or are not properly coated. It is connected via the coupling (7) to a power supply device, at the opposite terminal of which a counter electrode (12) is connected. In the tank (2), a heating and cooling device (13) and an ultrasonic generator (14) are also arranged. By applying current and simultaneous rotation, the coating is removed from the workpiece carrier (15) and/or the workpieces (18). After improper coating, the workpieces (18) may be taken over together with the workpiece carrier (15) and possibly with the holder (5), directly from a coating installation and, after removal of the coating, they may be transferred directly to such an installation for recoating.
Field of the invention
The invention relates to a coating removal unit and a method
of operating it. Coating removal installations are used for
freeing workpiece supports which are used in coating
installations and are inevitably also coated there from
their coating and for making them suitable for use again and
also for removing the coating from worn or incorrectly
coated workpieces and thus preparing them for recoating.
The prior art
Mechanical methods, especially sand blasting, are
predominantly used today for removing the coating from
workpiece supports. The workpiece supports have to be
dismantled for this purpose. After the treatment, the sand
has to be carefully removed, for example by blowing away.
Nevertheless, frequently residues cannot be avoided, which
may subsequently lead to malfunctions. Moreover, the
workpiece supports are unevenly worn during the sand
blasting and are subject to considerable wear, which
shortens their life.
For removing the coating from worn and incorrectly coated
workpieces, electrochemical methods are also used, cf. for
example, WO 99/54 528 Al. Coating removal installations
according to the precharacterizing clause of Claim 1 are
used for this purpose. Some of these installations have
baskets or rotating drums which can be moved up and down for
receiving the workpieces.

In general, however, the workpieces have to be individually
contacted. This is particularly complicated in the removal
of layers of non-conductive material where the contacting is
subject to further limitations and the workpieces have to be
mounted individually on holders.
The formation and positioning of the opposite electrode
surface in known coating removal installations of the
generic type are difficult and cannot always be optimally
realised, since the current flow should be distributed as
uniformly as possible over those surface regions of the
workpieces from which the coating is to be removed, so that
uniform coating removal is achieved and corrosion of the
body bearing the coating is avoided.
Summary of the Invention
It is the object of the invention further to develop coating
removal installations of the generic type so that the
process of coating removal is substantially simplified and
can be carried out with great reliability. This object is
achieved by the features in the characterizing clause of
Claim 1. In addition, methods for operating a coating
removal installation according to the invention are
described, by means of which coating removal and also, in
addition to the coating removal, more complex processes
comprising further steps can be carried out in a simple
Advantages of the invention are in particular that removing
the coating from workpiece supports can be effected
substantially more easily and more gently. Since mechanical
processing can be substantially avoided, the life is
substantially longer. After treatment is necessary at most

to a small extent (washing, spraying, drying) and requires
scarcely any manual work. In addition, however, removing
the coating from worn and incorrectly coated workpieces is
also substantially simplified and can be effected far more
reliably. By turning the workpiece support, a more or less
uniform current density - averaged over the processing time
- can be achieved more easily. Particularly in the case of
workpieces having a non-conductive coating, the handling is
generally substantially simplified since the workpieces are
contacted in exactly the same way during the coating removal
as in the case of the coating.
Particularly if incorrectly coated workpieces are to be
removed of the coating and recoated, the handling effort can
be substantially reduced if the workpieces are processed by
means according to the invention. For coating removal, they
remain in this case on the workpiece support on which they
were originally coated. Removal and remounting are
dispensed with since the workpiece support with the mounted
and contacted workpieces is transferred from a coating
installation to the coating removal installation according
to the invention and inserted therein. In the case of
recoating of the workpieces, the workpiece support with the
workpieces is transferred in the same way after coating
removal to a coating installation and inserted therein,
whereupon the workpieces are recoated. Direct handling of
the workpieces can be dispensed with.
Brief description of the drawings
Below, the invention is explained in more detail with
reference to a figure which shows only an embodiment.

Fig. 1 shows a vertical section through a coating removal
installation according to the invention.
Description of the preferred embodiments
The coating removal installation according to the invention
comprises a cuboid housing 1 which contains a tank 2 which
consists of non-conductive material or is coated on the
inside with a non-conduct ive ma terial so that the inner
surface is non-conductive. It serves for holding a liquid
electrolyte. An overflow 3 with a screen or a filter is
arranged next to the tank 2. At the top, the housing 1 has
an opening 4.
A holder 5 comprises a baseplate 6 by means of which it is
supported on the housing 1 and a coupling 7 which is
rotatably mounted in the baseplate 6. Its axis of rotation
runs vertically and approximately centrally through the tank
2. A drive device 8 which is in the form of an electric
motor has an operative connection to the coupling 7. The
holder 5 likewise comprises a two-pole current supply device
(not shown), one pole of which has an electrically
conductive connection via a current transmission device 9 to
the coupling 7. It may be in the form of a current source,
a voltage source, pulsed current source or pulsed voltage
source or in the form of an alternating current supply. The
holder 5 is connected to the housing 1 so that it can be
removed without great effort, for example simply lifted off.
The current supply device may also be external so that the
coating removal installation has only connections for
connection to said current supply device, one connection of
which is connected to the current transmission device 9.
Moreover, a frame surrounding the axis of rotation is
provided with a plurality of parallel rods 10 which are

anchored to the baseplate 6 and on the ends of which a
cross-strut 11 is held.
The other pole of the current supply device or the other
connection is connected to an opposite electrode 12 which,
for example, is in the form of a grid electrode and is
arranged in the interior of the tank 2. The opposite
electrode 12 has an opposite electrode surface facing the
axis of rotation, approximately equidistant from said axis
everywhere and extending substantially over the entire
height of the tank 2. Said opposite electrode surface may
have, for example, the form of a concave cylinder lateral
surface, the axis of which coincides with the axis of
rotation and which extends over a smaller or larger sector
of, for example, 90° to 180°. However, the opposite
electrode may also be in the form of a rod electrode. A
heating and cooling device 13 and an ultrasound generator 14
and an inlet for the electrolyte and devices for moving said
electrolyte, such as pumps or stirrers (not shown), are also
arranged in the tank 2.
During operation, the tank 2 is filled up to at least close
to the upper edge with a liquid electrolyte. A workpiece
support 15 which is in the form of a rotation-symmetric
multilevel support with a central support shaft (in the
following called support tree) in the example, in particular
a central shaft 16 of said workpiece support which lies in
the axis of rotation, is non-rotatably connected to the
coupling 7, to which shaft discs 17 are fastened in
succession at regular intervals, which discs carry
workpieces 18 distributed in each case over their periphery.
There are various possibilities for the formation of the
connection between the coupling 7 and the shaft 16. Rapidly
producible and detachable connections, such as plug

connections or bayonet connections, are preferred. The tip
of the shaft 16 is rotatably mounted on the cross-strut 11.
The shaft 16 is connected to the first pole of the current
supply device via the coupling 7 and the discs 17 too are
connected via the shaft. The workpieces 18 are fastened to
the discs 17 and contacted so that they too have an
electrically conductive connection to the first pole of the
current supply device. The workpiece support 15 as well as
all other components of the coating removal installation
which are arranged in the tank 2 must consist of a material
which is not attacked by the electrolyte, usually of
stainless steel or, where this is not possible, as in the
case of some magnetic materials, must be encapsulated in
stainless foil.
The workpiece support may also be formed other than as
described; in principle, it is possible to use any type of
workpiece support which is rotatable about an axis of
rotation and is used in coating installations, in particular
vacuum coating installations, for example support trees with
multiple rotation, it being possible for driver fingers or
workpiece supports of another type having magnetic or plug
plates to be mounted, for example, on the rods 10. The
fastening of the workpieces can be effected in the manner
customary in vacuum coating units, for example by plug or
clamp connections or magnetically.
The current supply device now produces an intermittent or
permanent potential difference between the workpiece support
15 acting as electrode and the workpieces 18 contacted via
said workpiece support on the one hand and the opposite
electrode 12 on the other hand. Where applicable, the
electrode is usually connected as the anode and the opposite
electrode is the cathode. At the same time, the coupling 7

is rotated uniformly by the drive device 8, and with it the
workpiece support 15, the rotational speed being adapted to
the process. The workpieces 18 are moved closely past the
opposite electrode surface, preferably at a minimum distance
of between 2 cm and 20 cm, preferably between 3 cm and 8 cm.
The coating removal is now effected as a rule by
electrochemical dissolution of the coating of both the
workpiece support 15 and the workpieces 18. Owing to the
rotation of the workpiece support 15, the current density is
fairly uniform on average as a function of time, i.e. the
current is uniformly distributed over the surfaces from
which the coating is to be removed and the coating removal
is accordingly effected uniformly and in a gentle manner.
This is also assisted by the fact that, in any case
according to a preferred development, all parts of the
opposite electrode surface are about the same distance away
from the axis of rotation and hence from the shaft 16.
It is also possible for the coating to consist of an
adhesive layer deposited directly on the body and a
functional layer deposited on said adhesive layer and for
the coating removal to be effected by dissolution of the
adhesive layer through pores of the functional layer, as
described, for example in WO 99/64 646 Al and
WO 05/073 433 Al. Especially in such cases, the coating
removal process can be substantially accelerated and
improved by the use of the ultrasound generator 14.
Various modes of operation are possible with the coating
removal installation according to the invention. Thus, it
can be used, for example, for removing the coating from a
workpiece support 15 alone, i.e. a workpiece support without
workpieces. Alternatively it can be used for removing the
coating from workpieces incorrectly coated beforehand in a

coating installation, in particular a vacuum coating
installation. In this case, for example, the holder 5
together with the workpiece support 15 and workpieces 18 can
be removed from the coating installation and inserted into
the coating removal installation without it being necessary
to carry out any other manipulations on these parts.
The same procedure can be adopted in the case of recoating
after coating removal is complete. In this case, the holder
5 together with the workpiece support 15 and the workpieces
18 can be removed from the housing 1 of the coating removal
installation and transferred to a coating installation, in
particular a vacuum coating installation, and inserted into
the vacuum chamber thereof and, for example, coated by the
CVD or PVD process. In a multi-chamber unit, it is also
> possible, between coating removal and recoating, to carry
out other steps in suitable chambers, such as washing,
spraying and drying, all without having to separate the
workpiece support 15 from the holder 5 or even having to
remove the workpieces 18. Of course, coating removal and
recoating can also be carried out in this manner in
succession after incorrect coating. A suitable transport
device can be provided for moving the holder 5 between the
chambers. In this way, even complex processes comprising a
plurality of processing steps can be substantially
i automated.
Alternatively, it is possible to move in each case the
workpiece support 15 alone, equipped with workpieces 18, in
the manner described, it being necessary to mount said
workpiece support on the coupling 7 and corresponding
couplings in the other chambers or to uncouple it from them.
This is somewhat more complex but the requirements which the
transport device has to meet may be lower.

Many modifications of the coating removal installation
described are also possible. Thus, a plurality of couplings
for a plurality of workpiece supports can be provided in the
tank. Instead of being arranged above the tank or in its
upper region, the coupling can also be arranged on its
bottom. The tank can be formed in such a way that other
process steps, such as washing, spraying and drying, can
also be carried out in it. For this purpose, pumps and a
collecting volume for temporary removal of the electrolyte
can be provided.
Some examples for possible developments of coating removal
installations according to the invention and methods in
which they are used are given below:
1. Holders for plungers of piston valves which became
coated with a multi-layer coating up to 100 urn thick after
repeated use in coating processes for depositing DLC and
CrN/DLC coatings were loaded, on support trees, on a
plurality of rotatable couplings mounted in the bottom of a
tank. The individual support trees were each fastened to a
coupling electrically conductive in the contact region, the
drivers were positioned against the- satellites in a manner
similar to that in PVD units and the tank was then filled
with a potassium hydroxide-containing electrolyte to which
phosphates and surfactants had been added and which had a pH
of between 11 and 13. With constant revolution, the tree
with double-rotating satellites was removed at room
temperature and a constant + 12 V voltage in the course of 1
h. The electrolyte attack took place in each case through
the pores of the DLC layer to the CrN layer or the thin Cr
layer deposited under the DLC as an adhesive layer.

2. From trees with double-rotating satellites for bucket
tappets which became coated after repeated use with DLC and
CrN/DLC layers the latter were removed similarly to
example 1 with use of the same electrolyte at a constant
200 A current at room temperature in the course of 1 h.
Instead of being driven by driver springs, the double
rotation was effected here by means of toothed wheels and
toothed rings.
3. Incorrectly coated plungers of piston valves which were
coated with a DLC layer, a WC/C layer deposited on a Cr
adhesive layer or CrN/DLC double layer were loaded onto
satellite discs and trees as for a PVD coating process.
Depending on the size of the control pistons, discs having
different divisions were used. The trees were fastened in
succession in a one-tree device on a coupling mounted in the
bottom of a tank and, after positioning of driver springs,
were immersed in the alkaline electrolyte of example 1.
With constant double satellite rotation and constant 250 A
current, the coatings were removed from the trees at room
temperature in the course of 10 min.
4. In the device used in example 3, from CrN+DLC-coated
bolts and piston pins loaded onto satellite trees the
coatings were removed in the same electrolyte as in
example 1 at constant 15 V in 5 min.
5. HSS drills and cutters and other HSS tools which were
coated with different chromium-containing coating systems,
such as Balinit Alcrona (aluminium chromium nitride),
Balinit Helica (aluminium chromium silicon nitride), Balinit
C (Cr+WC/C), Balinit DLC (Cr+DLC) and Balinit D (CrN) were
loaded together onto satellite discs and installed
analogously to example 3 on trees in the tank. After

immersion of the tools in the alkaline electrolyte of
example 1, the coatings were removed at room temperature
with constant double rotation at a current of 250 A in the
course of 30 min.
6. A similar mixture of differently coated tools was
installed as in example 5 and then the coatings removed in
one percent sodium hydroxide solution at a constant 12 V
voltage under otherwise identical conditions in 25 min.
7. Two HSS hobs coated with Balinit Alcrona were loaded on
to a tree and the latter was immersed in the electrolyte of
example 6. With constant single rotation, the coatings were
removed from them at a constant 12 V voltage in the course
of 20 min.

8. A disc with drills and cutters which were coated with
Balinit Futura-Nano (TiAlN) and Balinit Alcrona (AlCrN) were
loaded on to a tree and inserted upside down into a device
according to Fig. 1 and immersed in the electrolyte of
example 1. With constant single rotation, the surface was
modified by formation of a thin layer of an aluminium oxide
with an oxonitride-containing transition zone to the TiAlN
layer at a constant 6 V voltage in the course of 3 min.
9. Carbide tools which were coated with different
coatings, such as Balinit Futura (titanium aluminium
nitride), Balinit Xceed (TiAlN having a high aluminium
content), Balinit AlCrona (AlCrN) and Balinit Helica
(aluminium chromium silicon nitride) were loaded together
onto satellite discs and immersed analogously to example 8
on trees in an electrolyte-comprising ammonium nitrate and
acetic acid with a pH of between 1.5 and 3. With constant

single rotation, the coatings were removed from the tools at
a voltage of 15 V in the course of 5 min.
10. Trees with coated bolts which, as a result of the
process, were coated with a defective double layer
consisting of CrN+WC/C were removed directly from the PVD
coating unit and the coatings removed in a device
analogously to example 3 and under the same conditions as in
example 3. Thereafter, the trees with the bolts were spray-
cleaned several times in the tank and dried' with warm air.
The trees were then installed directly in the PVD coating
installation for recoating.
In addition to being used for coating removal, the unit
according to the invention can also be used for other
electrochemical processes, for example for modifying
coatings as in example 8 or for polishing or oxidizing
surfaces of workpieces, defined rounding of edges on cutting
tools, etc. Such processes, too, are made uniform through
the rotation of the workpiece support. In addition, they
can be better coordinated with other steps of a complex
List of reference numerals
1 Housing
2 Tank
3 Overflow
4 Opening
5 Holder
6 Baseplate
7 Coupling
8 Drive device
9 Current transmission device

10 Rods
11 Cross-strut
12 Opposite electrode
13 Heating and cooling device
14 Ultrasound Generator
15 Workpiece support
16 Shaft
17 Disc
18 Workpieces

1. Coating removal installation comprising a tank (2) for
holding a liquid electrolyte and an opposite electrode
surface arranged in the interior of the tank (2) and
capable of being connected to a pole of a current
supply device, characterized in that it comprises a
holder (5) having a coupling (7) rotatably mounted on
an axis of rotation which passes through the interior
of the tank (2) and intended for mounting of a
workpiece support (15), which coupling can be connected
to a further pole of the current supply device to
permit the connection of such a workpiece support (15),
and having a drive device (8) operatively connected to
the coupling (7) and intended for rotation thereof.
2. Coating removal installation according to Claim 1,
characterized in that the axis of rotation is vertical.
3. Coating removal installation according to Claim 1 or 2,
characterized in that the coupling (7) is arranged
above the tank (2) or in the upper part thereof.
4. Coating removal installation according to Claim 3,
characterized in that the holder (5) can be removed
from the tank (2).
5. Coating removal installation according to any of Claims
1 to 4, characterized in that the opposite electrode
surface faces the axis of rotation and its distance
from the axis of rotation along said axis of rotation
is substantially constant.

6. Coating removal installation according to Claim 5,
characterized in that all parts of the opposite
electrode surface are approximately the same distance
away from the axis of rotation.
7. Coating removal installation according to any of claims
1 to 6, characterized in that the opposite electrode
surface is part of the surface of at least one opposite
electrode (12) arranged in the interior of the tank (2)
and a distance away from the inner surface thereof.
8. Coating removal installation according to Claim 7,
characterized in that the inner wall of the tank (2)
consists of electrically insulating material.
9. Coating removal installation according to any of Claims
1 to 8, characterized in that an ultrasound generator
(14) is arranged in the interior of the tank (2).
10. Coating removal installation according to any of Claims
1 to 9, characterized in that a heating and cooling
device (13) is arranged in the interior of the tank
(2) .
11. Method for operating a coating removal installation
according to any of Claims 1 to 10, characterized in
that a workpiece support (15) at least predominantly
consisting of electrically conductive material is
mounted on the coupling (7), the interior of the tank
is filled with a liquid electrolyte and, for coating
removal, different electrode potentials are applied at
least intermittently by means of the current supply
device to the coupling (7) and via this to the
workpiece support (15) as an electrode on the one hand

and to the opposite electrode surface on the other
hand, while the workpiece support (15), substantially
completely immersed in the electrolyte, is rotated by
rotating the coupling (7) by means of the drive device
(8) .
12. Method according to Claim 11, characterized in that the
workpiece support (15) is a workpiece support used
before in a coating installation.
13. Method according to Claim 11 for removing a coating
from workpieces (18), characterized in that the
workpiece support (15) is loaded with the workpieces
(18) from which the coating is to be removed.
14. Method according to Claim 13, for removing a coating
from incorrectly coated workpieces (18), characterized
in that, before the coating removal, the workpiece
support (15) loaded with the incorrectly coated
workpieces (18) is removed from a coating installation
and inserted into the coating removal installation.
15. Method according, to Claim 13 or 14, for removing a
coating from workpieces (18) and recoating said
workpieces, characterized in that, after the coating
removal, the workpiece support (15), loaded with the
workpieces (18), is removed from the coating removal
installation and inserted into a coating installation
and the workpieces (18) are then recoated therein.
16. Method according to Claim 15, characterized in
that the workpiece support (15), loaded with the
workpieces (18), is subjected to at least one
treatment, e.g. washed, sprayed, dried, between the

coating removal and the transfer to the coating

Arranged in a removable holder
(5) above a tank (2) filled with an electrolyte is
a coupling (7), which can rotate about a vertical
axis of rotation, for attaching a workpiece carrier
(15) which may, for example, be loaded with
workpieces that have become worn or are not
properly coated. It is connected via the coupling
(7) to a power supply device, at the opposite
terminal of which a counter electrode (12) is
connected. In the tank (2), a heating and cooling
device (13) and an ultrasonic generator (14)
are also arranged. By applying current and
simultaneous rotation, the coating is removed
from the workpiece carrier (15) and/or the
workpieces (18). After improper coating, the
workpieces (18) may be taken over together with
the workpiece carrier (15) and possibly with the
holder (5), directly from a coating installation
and, after removal of the coating, they may be
transferred directly to such an installation for



Patent Number 268902
Indian Patent Application Number 321/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 39/2015
Publication Date 25-Sep-2015
Grant Date 22-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 22-Jan-2009
Applicant Address HAUPTSTRASSE, CH-9477 TRÜBBACH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C25F 7/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/CH2007/000437
PCT International Filing date 2007-09-04
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 1414/06 2006-09-05 Switzerland