Title of Invention


Abstract In an apparatus on a spinning preparation machine,especially a flat card,roller card or similar,for monitoring and/or adjusting clearances at components, in which a clothed, high-speed roller is located facing at least one clothed and/or unclothed component and the clearance between the components facing one another is alterable, the components arranged with a clearance are electrically isolated with respect to one another and are connected as contact elements to an electrical power supply line, in which a measuring device for ascertaining contact is located. In order in a simple manner to avoid an undesirably heavy contact between the components, primarily damage to clothing,as facing components approach one another,electrical signals are emitted upon contacts with the clothing of the roller and the measuring device is connected to a device for determining the quantity of the contacts.
Full Text Apparatus on a spinning preparation machine, especially a flat card, roller card or similar, for monitoring and/or adjusting clearances at components.
The invention relates to an apparatus on a spinning preparation machine, especially a flat card, roller card or similar, for monitoring and/or adjusting clearances at components, in which a clothed, high-speed roller is located facing at least one clothed and/or unclothed component and the clearance between the components facing one another is alterable, wherein the components arranged with a clearance are electrically isolated with respect to one another and are connected as contact elements to an electrical power supply line, in which a measuring element for ascertaining contact is located.
When cleaning or carding the fibre material, for example, cotton and/or synthetic fibres, stationary cleaning or carding elements are normally placed facing a rotating roller fitted with clothing. To achieve a good cleaning and/or carding action, these elements must be arranged as close as possible to the clothing of the rotating roller. Adjustment is effected in the cold state or with the roller stationary. Owing to the heat generated in operation and owing to the roller expansion caused by centrifugal force during rotation, the clearance between the roller and the cleaning or carding elements diminishes. In the process, if the adjustment was not effected according to specifications, it may happen that these elements touch the roller during operation. This contact often leads to further heating and to an associated contact pressure on the clothing, with the result that this may "burst". This is associated with considerable consequential damage.
In consequence of misadjustments or incorrect machine operation, carding machines may crash. The repair costs for such crashes are substantial. Contact between a stationary component and, for example, a carding cylinder, has destructive consequences, because due to the setting of

its abrasive teeth the roller clothing exerts a strong pulling action on components on contact therewith, and when contact is discovered, for example, by an operator, the rollers take at least five minutes to run down to a standstill. Damage escalates during this time.
The effective clearance of the tips of a clothing from a machine element facing the clothing is called the carding gap. The last-mentioned element can also have a clothing, but could instead be formed by a casing element having a guide surface. The carding gap is crucial for the carding quality. The size (width) of the carding gap is an important machine parameter, which shapes both the technology (the fibre processing) and the running performance of the machine. The carding gap is set to be as narrow as possible (it is measured in tenths of a millimetre), without running the risk of a "collision" between the work elements. To ensure a uniform processing of the fibres, the gap must be as uniform as possible over the entire working width of the machine.
The carding gap is influenced in particular by the machine settings on the one hand and by the condition of the clothing on the other hand. The most important carding gap of the revolving flat card is located in the main carding zone, i.e. between the cylinder and the revolving flat assembly. At least one clothing, which adjoins the working distance, is in motion, more often than not both clothings. In order to increase the production of the card, it is endeavoured to select the operating revolution speed or the operating speed of the moving elements to be as high as the technology of fibre processing allows. The operating state alters in dependence on the operating conditions. The change is effected in the radial direction (starting from the axis of rotation) of the cylinder.
During carding, increasingly larger amounts of fibre material per unit of time are processed, which means higher speeds of the work elements and higher installed power capacities. Increasing volumetric flow rate of fibre material (output), even with a working area that remains constant, leads to

accordance with a first embodiment of the publication it is known to connect the card wire covering of each element as contact to an electrical power supply line, in which there is a signalling or alarm device. According to a second embodiment, contact rockers are present, which are connected to the electrical power supply line as contacts. It is a disadvantage that even upon a single touching (contact) merely between two facing tips the circuit is closed and the signalling or alarm device takes effect. It may also happen that an electrically conductive particle is circulating with the fibre material, which leads to a spurious shutdown through point contact touch. At the high circumferential speeds and centrifugal moments of the clothed rollers, individual protruding tooth tips or small conductive particles are in practice, however, ground off after such a signal. The known apparatus allows only the mere detection of contact.
The invention is therefore based on the problem to producing an apparatus of the kind described initially, which avoids the said disadvantages and which in particular in a simple manner avoids an undesirable heavy contact between the components, primarily damage to a clothing, when facing components approach one another.
That problem is solved by the characterising features of claim 1.
By means of the measures according to the invention, the number of contacts is determined, whereby a signal or response is avoided if there is only one or only slight contact. In particular, an undesirable shutdown of the machine, which in continuous operation would occur owing to sporadic contacts between the work elements caused, for example, by conductive particles in the fibre material, is avoided. Since these contactings only occur sporadically, they can be filtered by evaluating the number of contacts in a contact period. It is thus possible to differentiate between these contact states, for example, by means of the machine control, and to avoid damage to the clothing.
By means of the measures according to claim 2, the quantity of the measured values is advantageously compared with a limit value and when the limit value is exceeded a signal and/or a switching operation is initiated. The limit value is advantageously chosen so that it is not reached when individual or slight contact occurs. Exceeding the limit value, on the other hand, initiates the

signalling and/or switching operation. In this way, when facing components approach one another, an undesirably heavy contact between the components is reliably avoided.
Claims 2 to 22 contain advantageous developments of the invention.
In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, the electrical capacitance between the components facing one another is determinable and, on departure from a desired capacitance, a signal is generated for an adjustment process or a switching-off process. By means of measuring the capacitance and comparing it with a desired value, the operative state of the electrical circuit can be checked. That is particularly advantageous in that it allows self-testing to be achieved. That prevents, especially, the ceasing of detection of the contacts in the event of an undesirable interruption of the electrical circuit, which can lead to substantial damage up to complete breakdown of the machine.
The invention is explained in greater detail hereafter with reference to exemplary embodiments illustrated in the drawings, in which:
Fig. 1 shows schematically in side view a card with the apparatus according to the invention,
Fig. 2 shows a carding segment, a fragment of a side plate with a
clearance between the carding segment clothing and the cylinder clothing,
Fig. 2a shows the carding elements as shown in Fig. 2 in detail,
Fig.3 is a block diagram with counting device, comparator, limit value setter and electronic control and regulating arrangement (machine control), and
Fig. 4 is a graph of the dependence of the number of contactings per second on the mean distance of the cylinder clothing from the

6 facing work elements.
Fig. 5 is a block diagram of an apparatus according to a further
embodiment of the invention, including a capacitance-measuring
device, a capacitance comparator and a capacitance limit value
setter; Fig. 6a, 6b are partial sections through a carding machine without
interruption of the electrical circuit (Fig. 6a) and with interruption
of the electrical circuit (Fig. 6b); Figs. 7a, 7b are schematic representations of the capacitors and the
associated capacitances without interruption of the electrical
circuit (Fig. 7a) and with interruption of the electrical circuit (Fig.
7b); Fig. 8 shows a bearing for the rotatable journals of the cylinder with
electrical isolation; Figs. 9a, 9b show an electrical sliding-action contact in engagement with
a cylinder journal (Fig. 9a) and disengaged from the cylinder
Figure 1 shows a flat card for example, the Trützschler flat card TC 03, with feed roller 1, feed table 2, licker-ins 3a, 3b, 3c, cylinder 4, doffer 5, stripping roller 6, squeezing rollers 7, 8, web deflector 9, web funnel 10, take-off rollers 11,12, revolving flat 13 with flat guide rollers 13a, 13b and flat bars 14, can 15 and can coiler 16. The directions of rotation of the rollers are shown by respective curved arrows. The letter M denotes the midpoint (axis) of the cylinder 4. The reference numeral 4a denotes the clothing and 4b denotes the direction of rotation of the numeral 4a denotes the clothing and 4b denotes the direction of rotation of the cylinder 4. The arrow A denotes the working direction. The curved arrows drawn in the rollers denote the directions of rotation of the rollers.
Referring to Fig. 2, on each side of the card an approximately semicircular, rigid side plate 18 is secured laterally to the machine frame (not

shown); cast concentrically onto its outer side in the region of the periphery thereof there is a curved, rigid bearing element 19, which has a convex outer surface 19a as its support surface and an underside 19b. The apparatus according to the invention includes at least one stationary carding element 20' that at both ends has bearing surfaces that lie on the convex outer surface 19a of the bearing element (for example, an extension bend). Carding elements 20a, 20b with clothing strips 20a', 20b' (carding clothings) are mounted on the undersurface of the stationary carding element 20'. The reference number 21 denotes the tip circle of the clothings 20a', 20b'. The cylinder 4 has on its periphery a cylinder clothing 4a, for example, a saw tooth clothing. The reference numeral 22 denotes the tip circle of the cylinder clothing 4a. The distance between the tip circle 21 and the tip circle 22 is denoted by the letter a, and is, for example, 0.20 mm. The clearance between the convex outer surface 19a and the tip circle 22 is denoted by the letter b. The radius of the convex outer surface 19a is denoted by r1 and the radius of the tip circle 22 is denoted by r2. The radii r1 and r2 intersect at the mid-point M of the cylinder 4. The carding segment 20' shown in Figure 2 consists of a support 23 and two carding elements 20a, 20b, which are arranged in succession in the direction of rotation (arrow 4b) of the cylinder 4, the clothings 20a', 20b' of the carding elements 20a, 20b and the clothing 4a of the cylinder 4 lying facing each other. The carrier body 23 consists of an aluminium hollow profiled member and has continuous hollow spaces.
As shown in Fig. 3, the carding clothing 4a (all-steel) and the clothing strips 20a' (all-steel) face one another with a clearance a (see Fig. 2). The cylinder clothing 4a is connected via an electrical lead 24 and the clothing strip 20a' is connected via an electrical lead 25 to a counting device 26. The counting device 26 is able to determine the number of contacts between the card clothing 4a and the clothing strip 20a' per unit of time. An electrical power source, for example, a battery, is present in the lead 24. The counting device 26 is connected via an electrical lead 28 to a comparator 29, to which furthermore a limit value setter is connected. The comparator 29 is able to compare the number of contacts determined by the counting device 26 with a

number of contacts preset in the limit value transmitter. Finally, the output of the comparator 29 is connected to the input of an electronic control and regulating device, for example, the machine control 31. When a limit for the number of contactings per second is exceeded (see Fig. 4), the card K is switched off by a shutdown device 32.
The metal clothings 4a and 20a' act like a switch in an electric circuit. The battery 27 can produce, for example, a low voltage of 5 V.
In Fig. 4, the number of contactings per second is plotted over the mean clearance of the cylinder clothing 4a with respect to the work elements, for example, clothing strip 20a'. The reference numeral 31 denotes the normal operating range of the machine, for example, the card. The reference numerals 32 and 33 denote sporadic contacts that lie below the shutdown limit, in which case the machine is not shut down. Three curves are shown for the contact duration t = 0.1 ms, t = 1 ms and t = 2 ms. The reference numeral 34 denotes the possible shutdown limit for t = 0.1 ms and 35 denotes the possible shutdown limit for t = 1 ms.
As shown in Fig. 5, the carding clothing 4a (all-steel) and the clothing strips 20a' (all-steel) face one another with a clearance a. The cylinder clothing 4a is connected via an electrical lead 24 and the clothing strip 20a' is connected via an electrical lead 25 to a counting device 26. The counting device 26 is able to determine the number of contacts between the card clothing 4a and the clothing strip 20a' per unit of time. An electrical power source, for example, a battery 27, is present in the lead 24. The counting device 26 is connected via an electrical lead 28 to a contact-comparator 29, to which furthermore a limit value setter 30 is connected. The comparator 29 is able to compare the number of contacts determined by the counting device 26 with a number of contacts preset in the limit value setter 30. The output of the comparator 29 is connected to the input of an electronic control and regulating device, for example, the machine control 31. When a limit for the number of contactings per second is exceeded, the card K is switched off by a shutdown device 32. In those respects the apparatus corresponds to that of Fig. 3.
The metal clothings 4a and 20a' act like a switch in an electric circuit.

The battery 27 can produce, for example, a low voltage of 5 V.
In the electrical circuit, in the example of Fig. 5 in the lead 24, there is a device for measuring capacitance 36, which is connected via a lead 41 to a capacitance comparator 37 to which furthermore a capacitance limit value setter 38 (desired value setter) is connected. The capacitance comparator 37 is able to compare the actual capacitance C1 or Ctot measured in the circuit with a preset desired capacitance C1. The output of the capacitance comparator 37 is connected via a lead 43 to the input of the electronic control and regulating device 31. The existence of an interruption in the circuit is indicated by an indicating device 39. Switching off the card K by the shutdown device 32 can also be effected.
According to Figs 6a and 6b, the cylinder is electrically isolated, and a voltage is applied thereto. If the functional elements and the cylinder clothing 4a should touch, this is indicated by individual countable contacts. By evaluating the contact number and duration, the machine K can be switched off in good time. Damage to the machine is therefore prevented. Given that the cylinder 4 rotates, the electrical connection is produced via a sliding-action contact (carbon rod 40) centrally in the cylinder journal 44a. To safeguard the function of the system (TCM), this electrical connection is tested at regular intervals or continuously (self testing).
In the case of the cylinder 4, the area delimited by cylinder 4 and functional elements (clothing 20a', 20b') is very large, whereas the clearance a is very small. Accordingly, the capacitance C1 has to assume a very large value (Fig. 6a). If contacting is interrupted in a region (Fig. 6b), a second plate capacitor is produced at the point of rupture. Considered in electrical terms, a series connection of capacitors is thus produced. In this case, the total capacitance (measured variable) is calculated from the following formula:

= +
Ctot - total capacitance (measured variable)
C1 - partial capacitance 1 e.g. between cylinder and functional
C2 - partial capacitance 2 at the disturbance point
The following numerical example serves for further explanation: In normal operation, i.e. with no interruption of the circuit (Fig. 6a), the capacitance between the cylinder 4 and the functional elements equals 1000 owing to the large area. In the event of a fault, i.e. when the circuit is interrupted (Fig. 6b), a further capacitance C2 is added in the region of the interrupted electrical connection. This has a very much smaller area, here assumed at a value of 10. If these two values are inserted in the formula for the series connection, then the following is true for the total capacitance:
= =0.101
= =9.9
If the value of the intact system (Fig. 6a) of 1000 is compared with that of the defective system (Fig. 6b) of 9.9, a clear difference is revealed. Such a difference signifies a malfunction in the system (self testing).
The capacitor K1 illustrated in Fig. 7a is determined by the area of the clothings 4a and 20b' (see Fig. 5), the clearance a thereof and the dielectric constant e. The capacitor K1 (of the capacitance C1) is connected to an electrical power source (symbols"+" and "-"); the electric circuit is not interrupted. According to Fig 7b, added to the capacitor K1 is a second capacitor K2 (of a capacitance C2), which is determined by the end face areas

of the carbon rod 40 and the journal 44a, by the distance of the carbon rod 40 from the journal 44 (see Fig. 6b) and the dielectric constant ?. A series connection of capacitors K1 and K2 is thus formed.
For rotatable mounting of the shaft journals 44a and 44b, a respective pivot bearing 45a, 45b is present (see Figs 6a, 6b). According to Fig. 8, the pivot bearing 45a is mounted in a non-rotatable part 452 (pot). The part 451 (insulating element), which engages on the one hand with the stationary side plate that is, the machine frame, and on the other hand with the part 452, is electrically non-conducting, i.e. an insulator. The part 452, which engages with each of the conductive bearings 45a and 45b, is of metal (steel), i.e. is electrically conductive. In this way, the components arranged with clearance a are electrically isolated with respect to one another and are connected as contact element to the electrical power source 27.
As shown in Fig. 9a, one end face of the carbon rod 40 lies at an end face of the rotatable shaft journal 44a, whilst the other end face of the carbon pin 40 is loaded by a compression spring 47. The carbon rod 40 is mounted in a hollow-cylindrical holding element 46 so as to move in the axial direction. The reference numeral 48 denotes an electrical lead between the carbon rod 40 and the device for measuring capacitance 36, which is connected via a line 49 to the metal side plate 45a. The carbon rod 40 is in electrical contact with the shaft journal 44a, so that the circuit is closed. If, for example, owing to wear, the carbon rod 40 shown in Fig. 9b has a clearance b from the shaft journal 44a, the circuit is interrupted. At the same time, in addition to the capacitor K1, the further capacitor K2 is thereby formed (see Fig. 7b).
The invention has been explained using the example of a stationary component (stationary carding element 20'). The invention also includes non-stationary components, for example, flat bars 14 (revolving flat), clothings on rotating rollers on a roller card (worker rollers, clearer rollers), or similar.

1. Apparatus on a spinning preparation machine, especially a flat card,
roller card or similar, for monitoring and/or adjusting clearances at components,
in which a clothed, high-speed roller is located facing at least one clothed
and/or unclothed component and the clearance between the components
facing one another is alterable, wherein the components arranged with a
clearance are electrically isolated with respect to one another and are
connected as contact elements to an electrical power supply line in which a
measuring device for ascertaining contact is located, characterised in that upon
contacts with the clothing (4a) of the roller (4) electrical signals are emitted and
the measuring device includes a device (26) for determining the quantity of the
2. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterised in that the output of the
device for determining the quantity of the contacts is connected via a
comparator (29) to at least one limit value setter (30) and to a signalling and/or
switching device (32).
3. Apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that the quantity of
the contacts is directly determinable.
4. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterised in that
the quantity of the contacts is indirectly determinable.
5. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterised in that
the number of contacts is determinable.

6. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterised in that a
counting device is present for the number of contacts.
7. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterised in that
the intensity of the contacts is determinable.
8. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterised in that a
resistance-measuring device for determining the intensity of the contacts is
9. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterised in that
the quantity of the contacts per unit of time is determinable.
10. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterised in that
the device for determining the quantity of the contacts comprises a counting
11. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 10, characterised in that
the components facing one another, for example, clothings (4a, 20a', 20b') are
electrically connected to the device for determining the quantity of the contacts.
12. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 11, characterised in that
the device for determining the quantity of the contacts comprises a comparator
13. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 12, characterised in that
the comparator (29) is connected to a limit value setter (30).
14. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 13, characterised in that
the comparator (29) is connected to an electronic control and regulating device,
for example, a machine control (31).

15. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 14, characterised in that
two metal clothings (4a; 20a', 20b') facing one another are electrically
conductive components of the electrical circuit.
16. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 15, characterised in that a
lead (24, 25) is connected to each electrically conductive clothing.
17. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 16, characterised in that
an electrical signal is generated upon a contact between the roller and a facing
18. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 17, characterised in that
the electrical signals are evaluated by the control.
19. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 18, characterised in that
the apparatus according to the invention is connected to a signalling device.
20. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 19, characterised in that
the apparatus according to the invention is connected to an alarm device.
21. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 20, characterised in that
the apparatus according to the invention is connected to a shutdown device
(32) for the card (K).
22. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 21, characterised in that
for the clearance between the components facing one another, the apparatus
according to the invention is connected to, for example, an adjusting device for
the carding gap (a).
23. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 22, characterised in that
the electrical capacitance (C1; Ctot) between the components (4a, 20a; 40, 44a)
facing one another with a clearance (a; b) is determinable (capacitance

measuring device 36) and, upon variation (capacitance comparator 37) from a set capacitance (C1; capacitance limit value setter 38) an indicating operation
(39) and/or a switching operation (32) are/is initiated.
24. Apparatus according to claim 23, characterised in that the apparatus is
used to monitor for an interruption in the electrical circuit.
25. Apparatus according to claim 22 or claim 23, characterised in that the
contact between a rotating component (44a) and a non-rotating component
(40) is interrupted.
26. Apparatus according to claim 25, characterised in that the wear of the
non-rotating component (40) is monitored.
27. Apparatus according to any one of claims 24 to 26, characterised in that
the contact between an electrical lead (24, 25, 48, 49) and a component is
28. Apparatus according to any one of claims 23 to 27, characterised in that
the apparatus includes a capacitance measuring device (36) comprising a
capacitance comparator (37) and a capacitance limit value setter (38).
29. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 28, characterised in that
there is present as an electrical power source a battery.
30. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 29, characterised in that
there is present an electrical power source for generating a voltage of not more
than 20V.
31. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1 to 30, characterised in that
the quantity of the contacts is determined by measuring one or more
parameters selected from the number of times the component touches the

clothed roller, the duration of each occasion upon which the component touches the clothed roller, and the intensity with which the component touches the clothed roller.
32. A method of monitoring the clearance between a clothed roller of a
textile machine and an opposed component, at least one of said clothed roller
and said opposed component defining the clearance to be monitored being
connected to an electrical power supply, comprising:
operating the textile machine;
maintaining said clothed roller and said opposed component in electrical isolation from one another;
on the or each occasion upon which the clothing of the roller touches the opposed component, monitoring the electrical contact arising from the touching of the roller clothing and the opposed component;
and quantitatively determining therefrom the extent to which the roller clothing and the opposed component touch each other.
33. Method according to claim 32, in which there is determined a cumulative
value for the extent to which the roller clothing and the opposed component
touch each other, the cumulative value comprising one or more of the number,
the duration and the intensity with which the roller clothing and the opposed
component touch each other.

In an apparatus on a spinning preparation machine, especially a flat card, roller card or similar, for monitoring and/or adjusting clearances at components, in which a clothed, high-speed roller is located facing at least one clothed and/or unclothed component and the clearance between the components facing one another is alterable, the components arranged with a clearance are electrically isolated with respect to one another and are connected as contact elements to an electrical power supply line, in which a measuring device for ascertaining contact is located.
In order in a simple manner to avoid an undesirably heavy contact between the components, primarily damage to clothing, as facing components approach one another, electrical signals are emitted upon contacts with the clothing of the roller and the measuring device is connected to a device for determining the quantity of the contacts.



Patent Number 268951
Indian Patent Application Number 14/KOL/2007
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 24-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 03-Jan-2007
Name of Patentee TRUTZSCHLER GMBH & CO.KG.
Applicant Address DUVENSTR.,82-92, D-41199 MONCHENGLADBACH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number D01G15/00; D01G15/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102006002812.0 2006-01-19 Germany
2 102006058274.8 2006-12-08 Germany