Title of Invention


Abstract A solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control comprises a solar photovoltaic board, a brightness/darkness detection sensor, a lamp pole, a LED lamp, a LED direction board or billboard or light box, a base, an accumulator storage battery, a central controller and an infrared human body inductor, wherein the solar photovoltaic board is mounted on the top end of the lamp pole, the LED direction board or billboard or light box is mounted on the lamp pole, the accumulator storage battery t and the central controller are situated in the base, the infrared human body inductor and the LED lamp, are mounted on the transversal bar of the lamp pole, and a plurality of LEDs are arrayed so as to constitute the characters or the marks on the LED direction board or billboard or light box.


This invention relates to a solar powered LED streetlight and more particularly to an LED streetlight, which has direction board or billboard or light box, brightness and darkness auto-adjustment function and can use solar as its power source.


At present, most of the streetlight use generic power and lamp bulb. There is also example of convert solar power to generic power supply the streetlight. Because the power consumption of generic lamp is pretty large, the solar power collected in the daytime can not supply all the night and generic power is needed for supplement. Moreover, the streetlight keeps on working all the night, which will shorten the life of lamp bulb. Thus the current streetlight does not meet the goal of 100% energy saving. LED has the advantages of long life, high luminous flux, null radiation, anti-strike and low power consumption. It belongs to green power saving lighting and can make up the above mentioned shortages of current streetlight. In addition, present direction board or guide post on the roadsides are made from reflection materials, which needs to function by reflecting the external light, like, streetlight. The electron bulletin board or some commercial billboard need to set up a stand rack. All these can sometimes cause inconvenience.


It is, therefore, an object of the invention, to solve the present technical shortage or problems and to provide a kind of green, solar-powered streetlight, which has billboard or direction board or light box with LED lighting and which has a long lifetime. The streetlight can be used on the road or in the residential area.

It is another object of the invention to provide the brightness/darkness detection sensor, which will sense the brightness/darkness, sending signal to central controller, to turn streetlight on or off automatically.

It is another object of the invention to provide the human body inductor, which will send signal to central controller, to tune the light into low brightness status when it detects that nobody is in the detection area, or to tune the light into high brightness status when it detects that somebody is in the detection area. Because the light brightness can change, it reduces the waste of power and makes good use of the solar power collected in the daytime while no more supplement power is needed. Because the life of LED will not be influenced by brightness change, this overall increases the life time of lamp.

It is another object of the invention to install the direction board or billboard or light box on the lamp pole.

These objects are accomplished by a solar photovoltaic board, a brightness/darkness detection sensor, a lamp pole, a LED lamp, a LED direction board or billboard or light box, a base with an accumulator storage battery inside, a central controller and a human body inductor. The features are that the solar photovoltaic board is mounted on the top end of the lamp pole, the LED direction board or billboard or light box is mounted on the lamp pole or the lamp pole itself is designed to be direction board or billboard or light box, the accumulator storage battery set and the central controller are situated in the base, the human body inductor and the LED lamp are mounted on the transversal bar of the lamp pole, the direction board or billboard or light box is also mounted with photovoltaic board and a plurality of LED are arrayed so as to constitute the characters or the marks on the LED direction board or billboard or light box.

Within the invention, the photovoltaic board collects solar power and when the light turns on in the night, the photovoltaic board on the direction board or billboard or light box continues to collect LED light power. The solar module will charge the storage battery via diode Dl, switch K2, normally closed end; when central controller detects that the storage battery is full, it will connect switch K2 and Kl, cut charge circuit and connect load R, protecting the storage battery from overcharge.

Within the invention, the brightness/darkness detection sensor can configure the brightness/darkness threshold value. When the darkness threshold value is met, the signal will be sent to central controller, to connect switch K3. Then the power is on, lighting LED lamp and direction board or billboard or light box with low brightness and low power light. When the brightness threshold value is met, the signal will be sent to central controller, to disconnect switch K3. Then the power of streetlight is off.

Within the invention, the human body inductor is used to detect human body. When somebody is in the detection area, the inductor will automatically send signal to central controller, the controller will adjust the voltage and current from DC/DC converter, LED lamp and LED in the direction board or billboard or light box turns into high brightness status; when somebody is out from the detection area, they will turn back to low brightness status. As time goes on, the capacity of storage battery goes down, the central controller will adjust the voltage and current from DC/DC converter until disconnecting switch K3 and connecting load R, which will prevent storage battery from over-discharge damage.

Within the invention, the LED can be replaced by LED chip or any other lighting components. The invention can use generic power when removing solar module and re-allocating the brightness/darkness detection senor on the top of lamp pole.

In the said invention, the energy-saving LED is used as lighting source and the human body inductor is installed. When there is nobody, especially deep in the night, the light can be tuned to a low brightness status. Because of it, the power is saved, the solar power collect in the daytime is enough for the whole night without the need of other supplement power. And because of the brightness/darkness detection senor, the streetlight can be automatically turned on/off, few human resources will need to handle this matter everyday.

For the better understanding of the said invention, the objects, characteristics and advantages of the said invention can be illustrated in details through drawings and carrying-outs.


FIG. 1 is a structure chart of a solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control

FIG. 2 is the circuit diagram of a solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control

FIG. 3 is a structure chart of a generic powered LED street lamp with automatic light control

FIG. 4 is a structure chart of the carrying out of the solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control FIG. 5 is a structure chart of another better carrying out of the solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control

In these figures, 1. solar photovoltaic board; 11. solar module/solar panel; 2. brightness/darkness detection sensor; 3 .lamp pole; 31. transversal bar of the lamp pole; 4. base; 5 . LED lamp; 51. LED; 6. LED direction board or billboard or light box; 7. human body inductor; 8. accumulator storage battery; 9. central controller; 10.

DC/DC converter; 61 . solar photovoltaic board; 62. brightness/darkness detection sensor; 63. LED


There is shown in FIG. 1 and 2, the invention is comprised of a solar photovoltaic board(l), a brightness/darkness detection sensor(2), a lamp pole(3), a LED lamp(5), a LED direction board or billboard or light box (6), a base(4) with an accumulator storage battery(8) inside, a central controller(9) and a human body inductor(7). The features are that the solar photovoltaic board(l) is mounted on the top end of the lamp pole(3), the LED direction board or billboard or light box (6) is mounted on the lamp pole(3) or the lamp pole(3) itself is designed to be direction board or billboard or light box, the accumulator storage battery set(8) and the central controller(9) are situated in the base(4), the human body inductor(7) and the LED lamp(5) are mounted on the transversal bar(31) of the lamp pole, and a plurality of LED(63) are arrayed so as to constitute the characters or the marks on the LED direction board or billboard or light box (6).

The said solar photovoltaic board(l and 61) collects solar power and when the light turns on in the night, the photovoltaic board(61) continues to collect light power from LED lamp(5). The solar module(ll) will charge the storage battery(8) via diode Dl, switch K2, normally closed end; when central controller(9) detects that the storage battery is full, it will connect switch K2 and Kl, cut charge circuit and connect load R, protecting the storage battery(8) from overcharge.

The said central controller(9) can configure the time of on/off or set up a time, like, after 12 o'clock of midnight, the central controller(9) sends signal to alter the voltage and current from DC/DC converted 10), LED lamp(5)and LED(63) on the direction board or billboard or light box (6) turns to low brightness status. The said central controller(9) can also send and receive wireless data.

The generic power or other kind of power like wind power can also be used in the invention.

Within the invention, the brightness/darkness detection sensor(2) can be installed in both solar photovoltaic board(l) and the base(4). The brightness/darkness detection sensor(2) can configure the brightness/darkness threshold value. When the darkness threshold value is met, the signal will be sent to central controller(9), to connect switch K3. Then the power is on, lighting LED(51) in LED lamp(5) and LED(63) on direction board or billboard or light box (6) with low brightness and low power light. When the brightness threshold value is met, the signal will be sent to central controller(9), to disconnect switch K3.

Then the power of streetlight is off.

Within the invention, the human body inductor(7) is used to detect human body. When somebody is in the detection area, the inductor(7) will automatically send signal to central controller(9), the controller will adjust the voltage and current from DC/DC converter(lO), LED lamp(5) and LED(63) in the direction board or billboard or light box turns into high brightness status; when somebody is out from the detection area, they will turn back to low brightness status.

As time goes on, the capacity of storage battery(8) goes down, the central controller(9) will adjust the voltage and current from DC/DC converter(lO) until disconnecting switch K3 and connecting load R, which will prevent storage battery from over-discharge damage.

Within the invention, the LED(51 and 63) can be replaced by LED chip or any other lighting components.
There is shown in FIG. 3, the invention removes the solar photovoltaic board(l) and generic power is led from the base(4). The brightness/darkness detection sensor(2) is installed on the top of lamp pole(3)
There is shown in FIG. 4, the other carrying out of the invention, which comprises: LED direction board or billboard or light box (6), solar photovoltaic board(61), brightness/darkness detection sensor(62), LED(63), lamp pole(3), base(4), human body inductor(7), accumulator storage battery(8), central controller(9). In such area as residential block, street center garden or building green stripe, where the need for lighting is relatively low, the LED lamp(5) can be removed while a plurality of LEDs(63), which are arrayed so as to constitute the characters or the marks on the LED direction board or billboard or light box (6), can provide the lighting wherein. The features are: The said solar photovoltaic board(61), brightness/darkness detection sensor(62), human body inductor(7), are all installed on direction board or billboard or light box (6), and central controller(9) is installed within the base(4). The electricity theory is the same as the first carrying out illustrated in figure 1 and 2.

There is shown in FIG. 5, another better carrying out of the invention, which comprises: solar photovoltaic board(l), LED lamp(5), LED(51) in LED lamp(5), brightness/darkness detection sensor(2), human body inductor(7), accumulator storage battery(8), central controller(9) in base(4). The features are: the said solar photovoltaic board(l) is installed on the base(4), the said LED lamp(5) is made from soft transparent or translucent material, which is installed on the sides of base(4). As per the carrying out, the solar power LED streetlight can be installed on the road side and by place where lighting is needed.

The said invention is evolved and progressed in practical value and meets the need of new type of lighting market, which is green, power-saving, elegant in appearance and convenient for mass production. While there have been shown and described above what are at present considered to be the preferred carrying out of the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modification can be made herein without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

I Claim,

1. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control, which comprises a solar photovoltaic board(l), a brightness/darkness detection sensor(2), a lamp pole(3), a LED lamp(5), a LED direction board or billboard(6), a base(4) with an accumulator storage battery(8) inside, a central controller(9) and an infrared human body inductor(7). The features are that the solar photovoltaic board(l) is mounted on the top end of the lamp pole(3), the LED direction board or billboard(6) is mounted on the lamp pole(3), the accumulator storage battery set(8) and the central controller(9) are situated in the base(4), the infrared human body inductor(7) and the LED lamp(5) are mounted on the transversal bar(31) of the lamp pole, and a plurality of LED(63) are arrayed so as to constitute the characters or the marks on the LED direction board or billboard(6).

2. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control of claim 1 is characterized in that, the said solar module(ll) connects accumulator storage battery(8) and central controller(9) via diode Dl, switch K2 and normally closed end.

3. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control of claim 1 is characterized in that, the said brightness/darkness detection sensor (2) connects central controller (9).

4. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control of claim 1 is characterized in that, the said infrared human body inductor (7) connects central controller(9).

5. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control of claim 1 is characterized in that, the said LED (51) and LED (63) can be replaced by LED chip or any lighting components.

6. Solar powered LED street lamp with automatic light control of claim 1 is characterized in that, the said solar module(ll) can be replaced by generic power.



Patent Number 268990
Indian Patent Application Number 5228/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 26-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 19-Nov-2007
Name of Patentee CHAN SZE KEUN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F21S8/00, F21S9/02, F21V33/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/CN2006/000920
PCT International Filing date 2006-05-09
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA