Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a polymer powder which comprises block polyetheramide, and to the use of this powder for shaping processes, and to moldings produced from this polymer powder. The shaping processes are layer-by-layer processes which use powder, where regions of the respective layer are selectively melted via introduction of electromagnetic energy. Without any intention of restricting the invention thereto, the selectivity can be achieved via masks, application of inhibitors, of absorbers, or of susceptors, or via focusing of the energy introduced. After cooling, the regions then solidified can be removed from the powder bed in the form of a molding. Preparation of the inventive powder is based on a block polyetheramide via polycondensation of oligoamide dicarboxylic acid and polyetheramine. The strength of the material can be adjusted here as a function of constitution. The granular material obtained during the polycondensation process can very easily be ground. Component properties measured on inventive components produced by one of the processes described, in particular impact resistance, even at low temperatures, are very good and permit entry into new application sectors.
Full Text FORM 2
THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970)
(See Section 10; rule 13) TITLE
Degussa AG
Bennigsenplatz 1
D-40474 Dusseldorf
Germany Nationality : a German company
The following specification particularly describes
the nature of this invention and the manner
in which it is to be performed

Polymer powder with block polyetheramide, use in a shaping process, and moldings produced from this polymer powder
A task arising frequently in very recent times is rapid provision of prototypes. Particularly suitable processes are those whose operation is based on pulverulent materials and in which the desired structures are produced layer-by-layer via selective melting and hardening. Support structures for overhangs and undercuts can be omitted in these processes because the powder bed surrounding the molten regions provides sufficient support. The subsequent work of removing supports is also omitted. The processes are also suitable for short-run production.
The invention relates to a polymer powder using block polyetheramide based on an oligoamide dicarboxylic acid and on polyetheramines, preferably based on an oligoamide dicarboxylic acid and on polyetherdiamines, to the use of this powder in shaping processes, and also to moldings produced via a layer-by-layer process by which regions of a powder layer are selectively melted, using this powder. After cooling and hardening of the regions that have undergone layer-by-layer melting, the molding can be removed from the powder bed.
An example of a selectivity method for the layer-by-layer processes here can be the application of susceptors, of absorbers, or of inhibitors, or the use of masks or the use of focused energy introduction, for example via a laser beam, or by way of glass fibers. Energy introduction is achieved by way of electromagnetic radiation.
Descriptions are given below of some processes with which inventive moldings can be produced from the inventive powder, but there is no intention that the invention be restricted thereto.
One process which has particularly good suitability for the purposes of rapid prototyping is selective laser sintering. In this process, plastics powders in a chamber are selectively and briefly irradiated with light from a laser beam, the result being that the powder particles impacted by the laser beam are melted. The molten particles coalesce and rapidly solidify again to give a solid mass. Three-dimensional bodies

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can be simply and rapidly produced by this process via repeated irradiation of fresh layers repeatedly applied.
The patent specifications US 6 136 948 and WO 96/06881 (both DTM Corporation) describe in detail the process of laser sintering (rapid prototyping) to produce moldings from pulverulent polymers. A wide variety of polymers and of copolymers is claimed for this use, examples being polyacetate, polypropylene, polyethylene, ionomers, and polyamide.
Other processes with good suitability are the SIB process as described in WO 01/38061, or a process as described in EP 1 015 214. Both processes operate with full-surface infrared heating to melt the powder. The selectivity of melting is achieved in the first process via application of an inhibitor, and in the second process via a mask. DE 103 11 438 describes another process. In this, the energy needed for the melting process is introduced via a microwave generator, and the selectivity is achieved via application of a susceptor.
Other suitable processes are those that operate with an absorber, either present within the powder or applied via ink-jet methods, as described in DE 10 2004 012 682.8, DE 10 2004 012 683.6, and DE 10 2004 020 452.7.
The rapid prototyping processes or rapid manufacturing processes (RP processes or RM processes) can use pulverulent substrates, in particular polymers, preferably selected from polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyacetal, polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, polycarbonate, poly(N-methylmethacrylimides) (PMMI), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), ionomer, polyamide, or mixtures thereof.
US 6,110,411 describes, specifically for laser sintering, powders of block copolymers which are composed of a hard segment and of a soft segment, where the hard block can comprise a polyamide unit, but the soft block is composed of another component, namely of ether units and of ester units. The structure of the soft segments is described generally via the formulae (1) or (2):

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(1) -O-G-O-C(O)-R-C(O)-
(2) -O-D-O-C(O)-R-C(O)-
in which R is the radical of a dicarboxylic acid and G and, respectively, D is that i radical of a glycol and, respectively, long-chain diol/polyetherdiol which remains after abstraction of the terminal hydroxy groups. The suitability, mentioned in the same publication, of polyether block amides of the PEBAX® series likewise refers to polyamide elastomers in which polyether segments and aliphatic polyamide segments have been linked to one another via ester groups.
The powders described above moreover have to comprise a powder-flow aid and have to have a glass transition temperature below 50°C. However, there is no feasible method based on polyamides for preparing stable block copolymers with a defined structure, with the exception of the polyetheresteramides (PEBA) included in the cited application and of the polyetheramines (PEA) not included in the cited application. Transamidation reactions usually occur in the melt comprising polyamides, until random distribution of the monomers has been reestablished.
DE 44 33 118 considers polymer blends. However, a blend is a mixture prepared from two or more polymers under defined conditions of temperature and shear, and usually processed to give pellets. In this process, the individual polymer chains are mixed with one another (“intermolecularly”), but no combination of the starting components occurs within one chain (for an example of a definition see Sachtling Kunststofftaschenbuch [Plastics Handbook], 24th edition, pp. 7 et seq.).
EP 0 060 579 A1 describes a polyetheramine in combination with a nylon-6 or -6,6. The solution viscosity of the copolymers considered is from 2 to 3.5. Due to increased water absorption, the material is unsuitable for the moldless production processes described above, and is impossible or very difficult to grind.
US 5,296,062 treats powders with markedly different melting points. The main use is the adhesive-bonding of a relatively high-melting metal component to a component which is composed of metal or of plastic and which has a lower melting point. The

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particles here may be present adjacent to one another, or the lower-melting-point component is applied as a coating to the other component. No homogeneous mixture within a powder particle is involved.
US 6,143,852 describes a copolymer which is composed of methyl methacrylate with C2-C10-alkyl methacrylate, and which is obtained via dispersion polymerization. This gives very small particles and a very narrow grain size distribution. However, the poor flowability of small particles makes them relatively unsuited to laser sintering; a narrow grain distribution such as that described leads to more difficult processing in a layer-by-layer process in which regions are melted selectively, specifically by virtue of narrow processing latitude, which in the extreme case can result in unsuitability.
WO 95/11006 describes a polymer powder suitable for the laser sintering process and exhibiting no overlap of the melting peak and recrystallization peak when melting behavior is determined via differential scanning calorimetry at a scanning rate of from 10 to 20°C/min, having a degree of crystallinity of from 10 to 90%, likewise determined via DSC, a number-average molecular weight Mn of from 30 000 to 500 000, and a Mw/Mn quotient in the range from 1 to 5.
DE 197 47 309 describes the use of a nylon-12 powder with increased melting point and increased enthalpy of fusion, obtained via reprecipitation of a polyamide previously prepared via ring-opening and subsequent polycondensation of laurolactam. This is a nylon-12.
A disadvantage of components of the prior art is poor impact resistance. This is similarly poor to that found in injection-molded polyamide components. Particularly if the intended use extends beyond the prototyping process, an example being small runs, good impact resistance of the components is essential, however. In the case of use in the automotive sector, components also have to retain adequate impact resistances even at low temperatures.
Another disadvantage of the prior art is that impact-resistance modification methods found for granular materials cannot be transferred to pulverulent materials.

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Appropriately modified compound materials are generally not grindable, or only with yields which do not permit commercial use.
It was therefore an object of the present invention to provide a polymer powder which permits production of impact-resistant moldings using a processing method of maximum reproducibility. This processing method is a layer-by-layer process in which regions of the respective powder layer are selectively melted by means of electromagnetic energy, and, after cooling, have become bonded to give the desired molding.
Surprisingly, it has now been found, as described in the claims, that the use of block polyetheramide based on oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and on polyetheramines, preferably on polyetherdiamines, makes it possible, for example via polycondensation and subsequent grinding, to prepare polymer powders from which it is possible to produce, via a layer-by-layer process in which regions of the respective powder layer are selectively melted, moldings which have advantages in terms of impact resistance, even at low temperatures, while their processing properties and mechanical properties are good and comparable with those derived from a polymer powder of the prior art, for example as in DE 197 47 309.
The present invention therefore provides a polymer powder for processing in a layer-by-layer process in which regions of the respective layer are selectively melted, which comprises at least one block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetheramines, preferably one block polyetheramide i prepared via polycondensation of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetherdiamines.
This inventive block polyetheramide powder has a melting point of from 140 to 200oC, an enthalpy of fusion of from 15 to 100 J/g, and a recrystallization temperature of from 50 to 190°C. The recrystallization temperature is preferably as low as possible. The various parameters were determined by means of DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) to DIN 53765, or to AN-SAA 0663. The measurements were carried out using a Perkin Elmer DSC 7 with nitrogen as flushing gas and with a heating rate and


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cooling rate of 20 K/min.
The BET surface area of the inventive block polyetheramide powder is smaller than 5 m2/g, preferably smaller than 3 m2/g, and particularly preferably smaller than 2 m2/g. The average grain diameter is preferably from 40 to 120 mm, preferably from 45 to 100 mm, and particularly preferably from 50 to 70 mm. The grain distribution here can be narrow, broad, or else bimodal. The grain size range is from 0 to 180 mm, preferably from 0 to 120 mm, and particularly preferably from 0 to 100 mm. The bulk density is from 300 g/l to 550 g/l (without fillers).
The BET surface area is determined via gas adsorption using the Brunauer, Emmet and Teller principle; the standard utilized is DIN ISO 9277.
The solution viscosity is determined here on the polyamide to DIN EN ISO 307 in 0.5% strength m-cresol solution.
The bulk density was determined using an apparatus to DIN 53 466.
The values measured for laser diffraction were determined on a Malvern Mastersizer S, Ver. 2.18.
The present invention also provides moldings produced via a layer-by-layer process which selectively melts regions of the respective layer, which comprise at least block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetheramines, preferably a block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetherdiamines, and, if appropriate, comprise other additives, e.g. stabilizers, fillers, pigments, flow agents and powder-flow aids.
An advantage of the inventive block polyetheramide powder is that moldings produced therefrom via a layer-by-layer process in which regions of the respective layer are selectively melted have increased impact resistance when compared with moldings composed of conventional polyamide powders. When this inventive powder is compared with conventional polyamide powder it has comparable processing reliability. The grinding process is markedly easier and the yields are higher than during grinding of a noninventive PEBA which comprises polyetherester.

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These moldings produced from the inventive powder have good mechanical properties similar to those of moldings produced from conventional nylon-12 powder. In comparison with the latter, they have markedly improved notched impact resistance to ISO 179 1eA, in particular at low temperatures. There is also mostly an increase in tensile strain at break. In contrast, the modulus of elasticity can be in the range of the standard material, or else markedly below that range. It can be adjusted via the constitution of the block polyetheramide. Controlled adjustment for very flexible components produced from inventive polymer powder by an inventive process is therefore possible, as also is production of relatively hard and impact-resistant components, measurements being based on standard PA12 polymer powder. In one preferred embodiment, amine-terminated block polyetheramides are used, the result being a further improvement in mechanical properties of the components.
A feature of the inventive block polyetheramide powder for processing in a layer-by-layer process in which regions of the respective layer are selectively mounted is that the powder comprises at least one block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetheramines, preferably one block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetherdiamines. Polyetheramides and their preparation are known in principle from DE-A 030 06 961.
To prepare the block polyetheramide polyetheramine and the polyamide-forming starting materials are charged to a suitable polycondensation reactor of the prior art. The components here may be added simultaneously or else at different times. The components are heated under nitrogen, with stirring, and then kept for as long as necessary if appropriate in vacuo with heating. Once the desired quality has been achieved, the polymer is discharged from the reactor and during this process is strand-pelletized. The pellets may then be dried, if appropriate under nitrogen.
Inventive block polyetheramide powder is obtained via grinding, preferably at low temperatures, particularly preferably at below 0°C and very particularly preferably at below -25°C, using a block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetheramines, preferably of polyetherdiamines, as starting material.

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Pinned-disk mills, fluidized-bed opposed-jet mills, or baffle-plate impact mills are suitable, inter alia, for the grinding process. Post-treatment in a mixer with severe shear, preferably at temperatures above the glass transition temperature of the polymer, can follow in order to round the grains and therefore improve powder-flow properties. Fractionation, for example via sieving or sifting, can improve the properties of the powder. Another process which may follow is addition of powder-flow aids of the prior art. Surprisingly, these measures can produce a powder which has good processability and which permits reliable and commercially useful processing by an inventive process.
Surprisingly, it has been found that the disadvantages, in particular the poor grindability, of impact-modified pellets, are not exhibited by powder using the inventive block polyetheramide composed of oligoamide dicarboxylic acids and of polyetheramines. Grinding is readily possible at low temperatures, and the yields here are within the commercially useful range. Components whose notched impact resistance to ISO 179 1eA at room temperature, and also at -30°C, is more than 15 kJ/m2, preferably more than 25 kJ/m2 can be produced here during processing in one of the moldless production processes described.
The modulus of elasticity here can be from 50 N/mm2 to more than 2000 N/mm2. As a function of constitution, a very flexible material can be produced here, for example with a modulus of elasticity of from 50 to 600 N/mm2 to ISO 527 measured on a tensile specimen produced from the material by an inventive process, or a material with relatively high stiffness can be produced, for example with a modulus of elasticity of from 600 to 2000 N/mm2 to ISO 527, measured on a tensile specimen produced from the material by an inventive process. The density of the components produced by an inventive process here is more than 0.88 g/cm3, preferably more than 0.9 g/cm3, and particularly preferably more than 0.92 g/cm3.
The polyetheramines used have primary amino groups and a backbone composed of polyether units. The polyether backbone may, by way of example, be composed of propylene oxide, ethylene oxide, polytetramethylene oxide, or of a mixture composed of two or all of the abovementioned. The individual ether units preferably have alkyl branching. The polyetheramines can be mono-, di- or triamines, particular preference

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being given to diamines. The molar mass (weight-average) is from 200 to 5000 g/mol. The polyetheramines form the soft block in the copolymer.
Commercially available products are the polyetheramines of the D series from BASFAG, Germany, for example polyetheramine D400, and also the Jeffamine series from Huntsman Corp., Texas, for example Jeffamine D2000.
The molar mass of the oligoamide dicarboxylic acids used is from 1000 to 20 000 g/mol. The oligoamide dicarboxylic acids form the hard block in the copolymer. For the soft formulations, the selected length of the hard block is preferably below 1500 g/mol, and for the hard formulations the length of the hard block is preferably more than 5000 g/mol; both of these data are based on the use of a linear diamine-terminated polyether.
By way of example, the oligoamide dicarboxylic acid is obtained from laurolactam or from another lactam having 8 or more carbon atoms, or from the corresponding w-aminocarboxylic acids and from a dicarboxylic acid, preferably from a linear aliphatic dicarboxylic acid, particularly preferably dodecanedioic acid. Oligoamide dicarboxylic acids composed of aliphatic diamines with an excess of aliphatic dicarboxylic acid may also be condensed with the polyetheramines mentioned.
In the polycondensation reaction, it is advantageous to add a catalyst, such as hypophosphorous acid. It is also possible to add stabilizers and costabilizers of the prior art; sterically hindered phenols or phosphites may be mentioned by way of example. The solution viscosity of the block polyetheramide is adjusted by way of the process and the addition of the catalyst and can be from 1.4 to 2.1, preferably from 1.5 to 1.9, and particularly preferably from 1.6 to 1.8. The polycondensation reaction gives a block polyetheramide, the polyamide component forming the hard block and the polyetheramine component forming the soft block. Depending on the proportions of the two components added in the reactor, the material obtained has an excess of amino end groups or of acid end groups, or else is a material with the same number of the two end groups. The block polyetheramide preferably has an excess of amino end groups. The number of amino end groups should not differ by more than 10% from the number of carboxy end groups.

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The melting point of this inventive block polyetheramide powder is from 140 to 200°C, its enthalpy of fusion is from 15 to 100 J/g, and its recrystallization temperature is from 50 to 190°C. The recrystallization temperature is preferably as low as possible.
The glass transition depends on the respective polyetheramine and, when a linear polyetheramine is used whose molar mass is about 2000 g/mol, is -60°C for example, and when a linear polyetheramine is used whose molar mass is about 400 g/mol is about -12°C, for example. Depending on the length of the polyamide hard block, a second glass transition is often found, lying below that of the pure corresponding polyamide. By way of example, in the case of hard blocks smaller than 2000 g/mol there is mostly no second glass transition to be found, but in the case of hard blocks composed of laurolactam and dodecanedioic acid and larger than 2500 g/mol a glass transition at about 27°C can be observed, and with rising hard block length moves in the direction of the glass transition of the pure polyamide, in this case 38°C for nylon-12.
For specific formulation of hard material which can produce components whose notched impact resistance to ISO179 1eA is greater than 10kJ/m2 even at temperatures of -30°C and whose modulus of elasticity to ISO 527 is simultaneously greater than 600 N/mm2, there is an advantageous embodiment in the division of the polyetheramine fraction into polyetheramines of different molar mass. A preferred embodiment here has proven to be a 1:1, 2:1, or 1:2 division of the polyetheramine fraction with molar mass from 400 g/mol to 2000 g/mol.
The BET surface area of the inventive block polyetheramide powder according to the principle of Brunauer, Emmet, Teller, DIN ISO 9277, is smaller than 5 m2/g, preferably smaller than 3 m2/g, and particularly preferably smaller than 2 m2/g. The average grain diameter is preferably from 40 to 120 mm, preferably from 45 to 100 mm, and particularly preferably from 50 to 70 mm. The grain size ranges from 0 to 180 mm, preferably from 0 to 120 mm, and particularly preferably from 0 to 100 mm. The grain size distribution here can be narrow, broad, or else bimodal. The bulk density is from 300 g/l to 500 g/l (without fillers).

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The solution viscosity of the inventive block polyetheramide powders in 0.5% strength m-cresol solution to DIN EN ISO 307 is preferably from 1.4 to 2.1, particularly preferably from 1.5 to 1.9, and very particularly preferably from 1.6 to 1.8.
Inventive block polyetheramide powder can moreover comprise auxiliaries and/or fillers and/or other organic or inorganic pigments. By way of example, these auxiliaries may be powder-flow aids, e.g. precipitated and/or fumed silicas. Examples of precipitated silicas are available for purchase with the product name Aerosil, with various specifications, from Degussa AG. Inventive polymer powder preferably comprises less than 3% by weight, preferably from 0.001 to 2% by weight, and very particularly preferably from 0.05 to 1% by weight, of these auxiliaries, based on the entirety of the polymers present. The fillers may, by way of example, be glass particles, metal particles, or ceramic particles, e.g. glass beads, steel shot, or metal granules, or foreign pigments, e.g. transition metal oxides. The pigments may, byway of example, be titanium dioxide particles based on rutile (preferably) or anatase, or carbon black particles.
The average particle size of these filler particles is preferably smaller or approximately the same as that of the particles of the block polyetheramides. The average particle size d50 of the fillers should preferably be no more than 20%, preferably no more than 15%, and very particularly preferably no more than 5%, greater than the average particle size d50 of the block polyetheramides. A particular limit on the particle size arises via the permissible overall height and, respectively, layer thickness in the rapid prototyping/rapid manufacturing system.
The amount of these fillers present in inventive polymer powder is preferably less than 75% by weight, preferably from 0.001 to 70% by weight, particularly preferably from 0.05 to 50% by weight, and very particularly preferably from 0.5 to 25% by weight, based on the entirety of the block polyetheramides present.
If the stated maximum limits for auxiliaries and/or fillers are exceeded, the result, depending on the filler or auxiliary used, can be marked impairment of the mechanical properties of moldings produced by means of these polymer powders.

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It is also possible to mix conventional polymer powders with inventive polymer powders. This method can produce polymer powders within a wide range of flexibility and impact resistance. The process for preparation of these mixtures can be found in DE 34 41 708, by way of example.
In order to improve melt flow during production of the moldings, a flow agent may be added to the block polyetheramide powder, examples being metal soaps, preferably the alkali metal or alkaline earth metal salts of the underlying alkanemonocarboxylic acids or dimer acids. The metal soap particles may be incorporated into the polymer particles, or else mixtures of fine-particle metal soap particles and polymer particles may be present.
The amounts used of the metal soaps are from 0.01 to 30% by weight, preferably from 0.5 to 15% by weight, based on the entirety of the block polyetheramides present in the powder. Metal soaps preferably used were the sodium or calcium salts of the underlying alkanemonocarboxylic acids or dimer acids. Examples of commercially available products are Licomont NaV 101 or Licomont CaV 102 from Clariant.
For improvement of processibility or for further modification of the polymer powder, this powder may receive additions of inorganic foreign pigments, e.g. transition metal oxides, of stabilizers, e.g. phenols, in particular sterically hindered phenols, of flow agents and powder-flow aids, e.g. fumed silicas, or else filler particles. The amount of these substances added to the polymers, based on the total weight of polymers in the polymer powder, is preferably such as to comply with the concentrations stated for fillers and/or auxiliaries for the inventive polymer powder.
The present invention also provides processes for production of moldings via layer-by-layer processes in which regions of the respective layer are selectively melted, and the inventive polymer powders, which comprise at least one block polyetheramide composed of an oligoamide dicarboxylic acid and of a polyetheramine, preferably polyetherdiamine.

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The energy is introduced via electromagnetic radiation, and the selectivity is achieved, by way of example, via masks, application of inhibitors, of absorbers, or of susceptors, or else via focusing of the radiation, for example via lasers. The electromagnetic radiation encompasses the range from 100 nm to 10 cm, preferably from 400 nm to 10 600 nm, and particularly preferably 10 600 nm (CO2 laser) or from 800 to 1060 nm (diode laser, Nd:YAG laser, or appropriate lamps and sources). Examples of the source of the radiation may be a microwave generator, a suitable laser, a radiant heater, or a lamp, or else combinations thereof. Once all of the layers have been cooled, the inventive molding can be removed. It can be advantageous to control the temperature of the construction chamber of the machine.
The following examples of these processes serve for illustration, but there is no intention that the invention be restricted thereto.
Laser sintering processes are well known and are based on the selective sintering of polymer particles, layers of polymer particles being briefly exposed to laser light, the result being that the polymer particles exposed to the laser light become bonded to one another. Successive sintering of layers of polymer particles produces three-dimensional objects. Details of the selective laser sintering process can be found by way of example in US 6 136 948 and WO 96/06881.
The inventive powder can also be used for processing in an inventive process in which different powders are used from layer to layer or else within one layer. By way of example, this method can produce a molding which has hard and soft regions.
Other processes with good suitability are the SIB process as described in WO 01/38061, or a process as described in EP 1 015 214. Both processes operate with full-surface infrared heating to melt the powder. Selectivity of melting is achieved in the former via application of an inhibitor, and in the second process via a mask. Another process is described in DE 103 11 438. In this, the energy needed for fusion is introduced via a microwave generator, and the selectivity is achieved via application of a susceptor.

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Other suitable processes are those which operate with an absorber, which is either present within the powder or is applied by ink-jet processes, as described in DE 10 2004 012 682.8, DE 10 2004 012 683.6, and DE 10 2004 020 452.7.
In order to achieve ideal results, the block polyetheramine powder and the process used must be matched to one another. For example, for powder application systems which use gravity it can be advantageous to increase the free flow of the powder with suitable measures of the prior art. Preheating of the construction chamber, or else of the powder, can be advantageous for processibility and for component quality. Good
results have also been achieved by introducing a different, mostly higher, level of energy into the first layers of a component than into the following layers. No comprehensive list is given here of the wide variety of possible settings of, for example, power, exposure time, and frequency of electromagnetic radiation; however, they can easily be determined in preliminary experiments by the person skilled in the art.
A feature of the inventive moldings produced by a layer-by-layer process in which regions are selectively melted is that they comprise at least one block polyetheramide and one oligoamide dicarboxylic acid, the block polyetheramide being composed of a polyetheramine, preferably polyetherdiamine.
The moldings may moreover comprise fillers and/or auxiliaries (the data given for the polymer powder being applicable here), examples being heat stabilizers, for example sterically hindered phenol derivatives. Examples of fillers may be glass particles, ceramic particles, and also metal particles, e.g. iron shot, or corresponding hollow beads. The inventive moldings preferably comprise glass particles, very particularly preferably glass beads. Inventive moldings preferably comprise less than 3% by weight, particularly preferably from 0.001 to 2% by weight, and very particularly preferably from 0.05 to 1 % by weight, of these auxiliaries, based on the entirety of the polymers present. Inventive moldings also preferably comprise less than 75% by weight, preferably from 0.001 to 70% by weight, particularly preferably from 0.05 to 50% by weight, and very particularly preferably from 0.5 to 25% by weight, of these fillers, based on the entirety of the polymers present.

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A feature of the inventive moldings is very good impact resistance and, respectively, notched impact resistance, especially at low temperatures. For example, notched impact resistances to DIN EN ISO 179 1eA of 15kJ/m2 are achievable without difficulty both at room temperature and also -30°C, as also are values of more than 20 kJ/m2, or even more than 40 kJ/m2, depending on the constitution of the block polyetheramide. As long as the components do not have an excessive number of cavities, or have a density greater than 0.9 g/mm3, it can be observed that the notched impact resistances at -30°C are indeed higher than at room temperature. The tensile strain at break values to ISO 527 are generally above 30%, but the values measured are mostly markedly higher than that.
The solution viscosity measured on the inventive component in 0.5% strength m-cresol solution to DIN EN ISO 307 can be within the range from 20% lower to 50% higher than the solution viscosity measured on the block polyetheramine powder used. It is preferably in the range from 10% lower to 30% higher than the solution viscosity of the block polyetheramine powder used. A rise in solution viscosity particularly preferably takes place during the inventive construction process. The modulus of elasticity measured on the inventive molding here can be from 50 N/mm2 to more than 2000 N/mm2. Depending on the constitution of the block polyetheramine powder used, a very flexible molding can be produced here, for example with a modulus of elasticity of from 50 to 600 N/mm2 to ISO 527, measured on a tensile specimen produced therefrom by an inventive process, or a molding with relatively high stiffness can be produced, for example with a modulus of elasticity of from 600 to 2000 N/mm2 to ISO 527 measured on a tensile specimen produced therefrom by an inventive process. The density of the components produced by an inventive process here is more than 0.88 g/mm3, preferably more than 0.9 g/mm3, and particularly preferably more than 0.92 g/mm3.
Possible application sectors for these moldings are in both rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing. The latter certainly means short runs, i.e. production of more than one identical part, for which, however, production by means of an injection mold is uneconomic. Examples here are parts for high-specification cars produced only in

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small numbers of units, or replacement parts for motor sports where significant factors are not only the small numbers of units but also the availability time. Possible sectors using the inventive parts are the aerospace industry, medical technology, mechanical engineering, automotive construction, the sports industry, the household goods industry, the electrical industry, and lifestyle products.
The examples below are intended to describe the inventive polymer powder and its use, without restricting the invention to the examples.
Comparative example 1:
EOSINT PPA2200, standard material for laser sintering which can be purchased by way of example from EOS GmbH in Krailling, Germany.
Comparative example 2:
To prepare a PEBA based on PA12 with hard block of 1062 daltons and equimolar amounts of PTHF 1000 and PTHF 2000, the following starting materials were supplied to a 200 I double-tank polycondensation system - composed of mixing vessel with anchor stirrer and polycondensation reactor with helical stirrer:
1st charge:
34.418 kg of laurolactam,
8.507 kg of dodecanedioic acid,
2nd charge
38.050 kg of PTHF 2000,
19.925 kg of PTHF 1000
43.0 g of a 50% strength aqueous solution of hypophosphorous acid
(corresponding to 0.05% by weight).
The starting materials of the 1st charge were melted in a nitrogen atmosphere at 180°C, injected into the polycondensation reactor, and heated, with stirring, to about 280°C for 6 hours in the sealed autoclave. During this process, the 2nd charge was

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preheated to 180°C in the mixing vessel and injected into the oligoamide dicarboxylic acid melt in the polycondensation reactor. After depressurization to atmospheric pressure, this mixture is kept for about 5 hours at 238°C in the stream of nitrogen, with stirring at this temperature. A vacuum of 200 mbar was then applied within a period of 3 hours and maintained until the desired torque had been achieved. The melt was then subjected to a nitrogen pressure of 10 bar and discharged by means of a gear pump, and strand-pelletized. The pellets were dried at 80°C under nitrogen for 24 hours.
Yield: 96 kg
The properties of the product were as follows:
Crystallite melting point Tm: 150°C
Relative solution viscosity hrel 2.12
COOH end groups: 43 mmol/kg
Comparative example 3:
A standard product from Degussa AG, Marl, Germany, namely Vestamid E40 S3, is ground at low temperature. This is a polyetherester-block-amide having a soft block composed of polytetrahydrofuran 1000 and having Shore hardness of 40 D.
Comparative example 4:
A standard product from Degussa AG, Marl, Germany, namely Vestamid E55 S3, is ground at low temperature. This is a polyetherester-block-amide having a soft block composed of polytetrahydrofuran 1000 and having Shore hardness of 55 D.
Inventive example 1:
To prepare a PEA based on PA12 having a hard block of 2392 daltons and Jeffamine D2000, the following starting materials were supplied to a 200 I double-tank polycondensation system - composed of mixing vessel with anchor stirrer and polycondensation reactor with helical stirrer:

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1st charge:
45.186 kg of laurolactam,
4.814 kg of dodecanedioic acid, and
2nd charge
43.060 kg of Jeffamine D2000,
93.0 g of a 50% strength aqueous solution of hypophosphorous acid
(corresponding to 0,05% by weight).
The starting materials of the 1st charge were melted in a nitrogen atmosphere at 180°C, injected into the polycondensation reactor, and heated, with stirring, to about 280°C for 6 hours in the sealed autoclave. During this process, the 2nd charge was preheated to 180°C in the mixing vessel and injected into the oligoamide dicarboxylic acid melt in the polycondensation reactor. After depressurization to atmospheric
pressure, this mixture is kept for about 5 hours at 220°C in the stream of nitrogen, with stirring at this temperature. A vacuum of 100 mbar was then applied within a period of 2 hours and maintained until the desired torque had been achieved. The melt was then subjected to a nitrogen pressure of 10 bar and discharged by means of a gear pump, and strand-pelletized. The pellets were dried at 80°C under nitrogen for 24 hours.
Yield: 92 kg
The properties of the product were as follows:

Crystallite melting point Tm: 167°C
Relative solution viscosity hrel 1 -66
COOH end groups: 48 mmol/kg NH2 end groups: 17 mmol/kg
Inventive example 2:
To prepare a PEA based on PA12 having a hard block of 808 daltons and Jeffamine D400, the following starting materials were supplied to a 100 I double-tank polycondensation system - composed of mixing vessel with anchor stirrer and

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polycondensation reactor with helical stirrer:
1st charge:
46.473 kg of laurolactam,
18.527 kg of dodecanedioic acid, and
2nd charge
37.949 kg of Jeffamine D400,
100.0 g of a 50% strength aqueous solution of hypophosphorous acid
(corresponds to 0.05% by weight).
The starting materials of the 1st charge were melted in a nitrogen atmosphere at 180°C, injected into the polycondensation reactor, and heated, with stirring, to about 280°C for 6 hours in the sealed autoclave. During this process, the 2nd charge was
5 preheated to 180°C in the mixing vessel and injected into the oligoamide dicarboxylic acid melt in the polycondensation reactor. After depressurization to atmospheric pressure, this mixture is kept for about 5 hours at 230°C in the stream of nitrogen, with stirring at this temperature. A vacuum of 100mbar was then applied within a period of 2 hours and maintained until the desired torque had been achieved. The
3 melt was then subjected to a nitrogen pressure of 10 bar and discharged by means of a gear pump, and strand-pelletized. The pellets were dried at 80°C under nitrogen for 24 hours.
Yield: 98 kg 5
The properties of the product were as follows:
Crystallite melting point Tm: 135°C
Relative solution viscosity hrel 1.60
COOH end groups: 2 mmol/kg NH2 end groups: 76 mmol/kg

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Grinding of pellets:
Grinding of the noninventive examples 2-4 was markedly more difficult than that of the inventive pellets. For example, the temperature had to be lowered to -7G°C in order to obtain yields which were still below 50%. In the case of the inventive materials, -40°C is sufficient to provide yields above 50%. The mill used is a Hosokawa Alpine Contraplex 160 C pinned-disk mill.
All of the powders were sieved at 100 mm in order to ensure that excessively coarse particles could not disrupt the construction process. All of the powders were modified with 0.1 part of Aerosil 200.
All of the powders were used for construction in an EOSINT P360 from EOS GmbH, Krailling, Germany. This is a laser sintering machine. The construction chamber was preheated to a temperature close to the melting point of the respective specimen. The parameters for the laser, such as frequency and power, were matched in each case to the material via trials. The noninventive materials were markedly more difficult to process, in particular in relation to absence of grooves during application of each

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powder layer.
As can be seen from the table below, the inventive test specimens exhibit marked advantages particularly in notched impact resistance at -30°C, as long as the density of the components can be set to a value above 0.9 g/mm3. If we compare comparative example 1 with inventive examples 9 and 10, although the parts are softer than parts composed of the reference material from inventive example 1, we nevertheless see a doubling of notched impact resistance and also an improvement in the other mechanical values. Consideration of comparative examples 2-4 and inventive examples 1-8 reveals marked improvements in particular in notched impact resistances at -30°C. In the case of components from comparative example 2, porosity is so high that corresponding use of the components becomes impossible.



Patent Number 269027
Indian Patent Application Number 259/CHE/2006
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 29-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 17-Feb-2006
Name of Patentee "EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH"
Applicant Address "RELLINGHAUSER STRASSE 1-11, 45128 ESSEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10G35/2
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005008044.8 2005-02-19 Germany