Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a finger or toe prosthesis having an intracorporal implant and an external modular frame constituting the core of the finger or toe prosthesis with a certain number of modules or components, each with its own function, e.g. a joint, which will be assembled to constitute one modular frame, wherein the external modular frame is displaceable fixed to the intracorporal implant. The invention relates to a fail safety mechanism for a finger or toe prosthesis, too, wherein the external modular frame is coupled to the intracorporal implant by a friction-type blocking, a form fit locking a spring loaded hinge or a non-linear spring allowing hyper-extension or hyper-flexion, ductile deformation or breaking at a predetermined load, The invention relates to a cosmetic or function cover of the external modular frame as well, which is attached to the frame and supports the function of the frame.
Full Text Finger or toe prosthesis
The invention relates to a finger or toe prosthesis having an intracorporeal
implant and an external modular frame constituting the core of the finger or toe
prosthesis with a certain number of modules or components, each with its own
function, which will be assembled to constitute one modular frame which can be
covered by an aesthetical or functional cover.
The WO 03/017876 A1 discloses a drive device for a finger prosthesis of
substantially natural size designed to bend the finger prosthesis about a shaft
relative to a fixing, e.g. in a human or artificial metacarpus. The drive device
comprises a motor which can be connected to an energy source, and a
transmission intended to transform a force from the motor to the finger
prosthesis to perform the movement.
It is also known that by using an osseous integration technique and silicone
cosmetic prosthesis serious phalangeal amputations can be treated. This
technique consists in the insertion of a threaded titanium implant in,,the medullar
canal of the bone structure in a finger, anchoring a silicone finger prosthesis to
a skin-penetrating abutment and locking the prosthesis in place by a small
transverse screw device. Such an osseous integrated silicone prosthesis has
good cosmetic results but cannot replace the function of the lost bone structure
An object of the invention is to provide a finger or toe prosthesis which is more
functional in use and which does have a more natural appearance.
The object of the invention is achieved by a finger or toe prosthesis according to
claim 1 wherein the external modular frame is displaceably fixed to the
intracorporeal implant. Due to the displaceable fixing it is possible to bend the
external modular frame or a part of the external modular frame relative to the
intracorporeal implant to adapt the form of the prosthesis to actual

requirements. Furthermore the displaceable fixing allows the external modular frame to move
relatively to the intracorporeal implant upon an overload so that the stress to the intracorporeal
implant or the bone structure can be limited.
The external modular frame is mounted on a transcutaneous component of the implant so that a
stable mechanical fixing can be achieved. Alternatively the external modular frame can be coupled to
the transcutaneous component by means of a coupling component or interface. The external
modular frame is positioned outside of the body and is anchored to the coupling component or
interface. The coupling component can be a modular part of the modular frame fixed to it or it may
be an integral part of the external modular frame. The external modular frame and the coupling
component, as well as the transcutaneous component may constitute in part or in total an aesthetic
finger prosthesis.
The coupling component may be an elastic component or a part of a joint means, e. g. the proximal
part of a hinge joint The coupling component may be constituted as a deformable component, e. g.
a plastic device which recovers its shape after deformation.
The external modular frame has a joint or bendable interface onto which an extension may be
connected. By adaption of the length of the extension, e.g. with a modular setup of the extension,
the position of the joint or bendable interface of the external modular frame can be brought to its
ideal position. A joint, e. g. a simple hinge, can be used for a finger prosthesis with frequent flexion
or extension movements, a bendable interface is preferably used for a prosthesis, which is displaced
not so often or for single adjustment.
The external modular frame is covered with a cosmetic or functional cover consisting of smooth
material reversibly or-irreversibly fixed to the external modular frame. The external modular frame
may be covered completely by the cover wherein the cover may be composed of various materials
with various physical characteristics, e.g. (visco-)elasticity and plasticity, compressibility and
nonlinear deformation behaviour, for supporting the underlying modular frame and to achieve a
natural appearance in respect to wrinkling, elongation, shortening or buckling. The external modular
frame and the cover may be designed to become one unit. The cover may be adapted to the specific
frame and its design or function and support the frame in its function. The cover may be made of
foam or silicone for supporting the function of the underlying external modular frame.
Furthermore, the coupling component may be designed as an adhesive or as a snap joint.
To avoid injuries or lesions the coupling component may contain a fail safety mechanism or overload
protection device so that in the event of an overload, hyper-rotation or hyper-flexion the external
modular frame and the intracorporeal part will be decoupled as to safeguard the bone structure of

Should the coupling component not constitute part of the transcutaneous
component or abutment, it may easily be removed with or not by means of
using an accessory.
The patient may also, if desired, cover the parts proximal to the coupling
component or solely transcutaneous component avoiding visibility of metal
elements when the finger epithesis is being removed or protecting, the
transcutaneous component and adjacent tissue. This cover or protective cap
may exert pressure to the skin or soft tissue or may be loaded with an agent for
stimulating the skin or soft tissue. In addition the coupling component may also
serve as an extension thus the level of amputation may be mitigated whereby a
joint may be placed in an ideal position. Consequently, the coupling component
can be adapted, e.g. by telescopic elements or production of various lengths.
The intracorporeal implant is permanently connected to the bone structure of
the stump. It may be a screwed implant, which will be introduced in a
longitudinal manner into the remaining bone structure. Osseous integration will
ensure a definitive anchoring of the implant, preferably made of titanium, into
the bone structure. The transcutaneous component, an integral part of the
implant, perforates the skin and offers the possibility of connecting the other
The material, of e. g. the coupling component or the cover, which gets into
contact with the skin or soft tissue of the patient may be loaded with an agent
released by the material and influencing the skin or soft tissue surrounding the
transcutaneous component in a positive way, e.g. infection treatment.
The coupling component may exercise pressure on the tissue surrounding the
transcutaneous component to stimulate the soft tissue and to provide a
feedback of the exerted pressure of the prosthesis.

The fail safety mechanism may be a friction-type locking, e. g. a magnetic joint, or adhesive
spring loaded form fit locking, a spring loaded hinge or a non-linear spring element.
The bendable interface may be an elastic element, e. g. a metal wire, which is encircled by
tube-typed device to allow internal sliding of the plastic-elastic element upon bending and
adapting the location of bending joint by adjustment of the length of the tube type device.
The tube-type device may be a spiral, which at its turn may be encircled by cylindrical
components ensuring the location of possible flexion or extension.
The external modular frame or the coupling component may be produced from metal or plastic
promoting, limiting or eliminating the conduction of vibrations to the intracorporeal bone
structure. The external modular frame or the coupling component can be designed as a
dampening device for vibrations. Specific components of the external modular frame or the
coupling component may also limit the conduction of heat or cold to the intracorporeal implant
and bone structure by thermal insulation, e.g. plastic elements.

The distal part of the external modular frame may have an extra-low hardness
to promote larger surface-contact when getting in contact with objects. The
functional or cosmetic cover may be loaded with agents leaving the cover and
thus influencing the soft tissue surrounding the transcutaneous component.
A fail safety mechanism for a finger or toe prosthesis may have an external
modular frame which is coupled to the intracorporeal implant by a friction type
locking, e.g. a magnetic joint, a form fit locking, a spring loaded hinge or a non-
linear-spring allowing hyper-extension or hyper-flexion, ductile deformation or
breaking at a predetermined load.
Due to the modularity of the frame various functions, e.g. joints, coupling or fail-
safety-components can be implemented and combined in an efficient and cost
effective way, combined with the cover. Due to the joints or bending interfaces it
is possible to adapt the form of the prosthesis to actual requirements.
Furthermore, a faii-safety-mechanism allows the external modular frame to
move relatively to the intracorporeal implant or to detach from the intracorporeal
implant upon an overload so that the stress transferred by the external modular
frame to the intracorporeal implant can be limited.

The invention is illustrated by the accompanying drawings in which:
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of a finger prosthesis;
Figure 2 shows a joint;
Figure 3 shows a part of a joint according to figure 2;
Figure 4 shows a first embodiment of a prosthesis;
Figure 5 shows an alternative embodiment of the prosthesis;
Figure 6 shows a prosthesis with a bendable interface;
Figure 7 shows an example of a possible component configuration;
Figure 8 shows a sectional view of a stump with an trancutaneous component and a cover
or protective cap;
Figure 9 shows an embodiment of an element of an aesthetic cover, modular frame or
protective cap interacting with the skin and soft tissue of the stump; and
Figure 10 shows an example for a prosthesis in situ.
Referring to the drawings, figure 1 shows schematically a bone structure 1 surrounded by soft
tissue 2 covered by a skin 10. Into the bone structure 1 an implant 3 is introduced in a
longitudinal manner. The implant 3 may be screwed into the remaining bone structure 1.
Osseous integration will ensure an anchoring of the implant 1. A transcutaneous component 4,
defining an abutment, perforates the skin 10 and offers the possibility of connecting other
structures to the implant 3 and the stump. The transcutaneous component or abutment 4 may
be an integral part of the implant 3 or is removably fixed to the implant 3. This implant 3 and
the proximal intracorporeal part of the transcutaneous component 4 constitute the intracorporal
Onto the transcutaneous component 4 an extension as a coupling component 5 is removably
fixed. The coupling component 5 is connected to or making part of the transcutaneous
component 4. The coupling component 5 is the connection between the intracorporal level or
intracorporal part and an extracorporal level of the trancutaneous component 4 and an external
modular frame consisting of

the coupling component 5, and joint 6 fixed to the coupling component 5 and extensions 5', 7,
distaliy arranged to the joint 6.
The connection between the transcutaneous component 4 and the external modular frame,
consisting of the coupling component 5, the joint 6 and the extensions 5', 7 needs to be
sufficiently stiff to support the finger in movement. On the other hand, the patient needs to be
able to remove and connect the external modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 as a finger epithesis in a
relatively simple manner, whether or not by means of using an accessory. The design of the
coupling component 5 or interface may also include a fail safety mechanism function. Thus, in
the event of an overload or hyper-rotation, the external modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 and the
intracorporal parts 3, 4 will be decoupled as to safeguard the bone structure 1 of trauma.
Should the coupling component 5 not constitute part of the abutment 4 it may easily be
removed by the patient, whether or not by means of using an accessory. The patient may also,
if desired, cover the transcutaneous component 4 avoiding visibility of metal elements and to
•protect the transcutaneous component when the finger epithesis is being removed. In addition
the coupling component 5 may also serve as an extension thus the level of the amputation may
by mitigated whereby the joint 6 will be placed at an ideal position. Consequently, the coupling
component 5 will be produced in various lengths.
The external modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 constitutes the extension of the bone structure 1 of the
amputated finger. The frame is preferably composed of a light and strong material, e. g. alloys
such as titanium grade 5 or any other suitable material. The material may be selected in
accordance to the preferences of the patient. If the patient feels comfortable to receive
vibrations from the external modular frame to the intracorporal implant 3 and bone structure 1,
the material is selected to transmit such vibrations. Vibrations from the external frame may
promote osseous perception. If a patient does not prefer to receive vibrations from the external
frame, the coupling component 5 or the selected materials may limit or eliminate such
vibrations. The selection of material determines the

conduction of heat or cold as well. For this reason, insulation materials, e.g. ceramics or plastics
can be used in combination with their properties of vibration conduction.
Figure 2 shows an example of the joint 6 consisting of a first articulation 61 and a second
articulation 62. A spring 63 is connected into the second articulation 62 and runs over the first
articulation 61. The position of the spring 63 is cr,uciai as to the functioning of the joint 6 or
hinge. The articulations 61, 62 are interconnected by means of an axis 64 which constitutes the
rotation axis of the joint 6.
A fastening device 65 is attached to the first articulation 61 to receive an extension 5' or the
like. A not shown coupling component 5 may be connected to the second articulation 62.
The joint 6 is a modular joint which, on the proximal side, contains a matrix of the not shown
coupling component and whereto, on the distal side, the extension 5' may be connected. A
different version may have the same design with the exception of the possibility of connecting a
distal extension and the saving in respect of an artificial fingernail.
The extension 5' extends to the joint 6 distally and consists of a structure of a free from shape
which is set at a whether or not determined angle and of which the lengths may be vary. At the
end of the distal part room will be created for a nail. An anti-rotation system will avoid
movement, especially rotation around the longitudinal axis. The whole will be anchored to the
joint 6.
Particular interest is paid to the movement of the joint 6. By fixing the external modular frame
5, 6, 5', 7 into various different positions, the finger prosthesis becomes functional. The
selection of the material of the external modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 and the fixation of the frame
onto the intracorporal components 3, 4 by means of the coupling component 5 will ensure
transmission of forces and, if desired,

vibrations caught by the surface of the prosthesis material and translated to the
bone structure 1 by means of the frame.
• The joint 6 may have a rest position, functional position and a resetting position.
Exercising downward pressure on the dorsal side, as indicated by the arrows in
figure 1, distally of the joint axis 64 will cause a transition from the rest position
to the functional position (flexion). This position will automatically be locked thus
the finger will be set to an active functional position. To leave the functional
position again, a downward pressure will be exercised distally of the joint axis
which will set the extensions 5', 7 to a hyper-flexion and will unlock and reset
the system. An aesthetic cover consisting of elastic material such as foam or
soft silicone or elastic components of the modular frame will function as a spring
and will automatically set the frame from the unlocking position to the' rest
position. The joint 6 may also contain a fail safety mechanism which will
dissipate the energy caused by an overload or hyper-rotation. In this case, the
spring 63 buckles due to overload or a control slipping of cylindrical components
of the modular frame, joint and cosmetic cover takes place.
Figure 3 shows the second first articulation 62 with an outer frame 620 showing
an anchoring position or functional position 621, an unlocking course 624 in_
case of hyper-flexion, a return course to the rest position 622 and a rest position
spring 623.
In Figure 4 a finger prosthesis s shown for replacement of a bone structure in
the event of an amputation at the level of the medial phalanx or in the event of
an amputation through the proximal-inter-phalangeal joint (PIP). The implant 3
and the transcutaneous component are connected to the coupling component 5
and the joint 6, wherein the distal part 61 of the joint 6 has on its upper surface
a saving 16 for a nail prosthesis.
Figure 5 shows an alternative embodiment with an implant 3 and a
transcutaneous component 4. The coupling component 5 is part of the joint 6.

The joint 6 is extended by the extension 7 to distal. The external modular frame 5, 6, 7 can be
used after amputation at a level of the proximal phalanx, in the event of amputation of the
medial or distal phalanx or in the event of amputation through the proximal or distal inter
phalanx joint.
Figure 6 shows an alternative embodiment with the implant 3 and transcutaneous component 4,
connected to the coupling component 5, which acts at the same time as an extension. The
coupling component 5 is designed as a male joint component, wherein a corresponding female
component acts as an extension 5'. To bend a distal part of the finger prosthesis a metal wire 9
is connected to the coupling component 5 via extension 5'. Folding or bending the metal wire 9
will allow the finger prosthesis to change shape. Around the metal wire 9 a tubular device 19 is
arranged. Alternatively, a spring or spiral may encircle the metal wire 9. A fissure 29 is defined
between the tubular elements 19. The fissure 29 reduces the bending stiffness allowing bending
and allows further the metal wire 9 to move freely within the prosthesis at flexion or extension.
Cylindrical structures may be positioned over the metal wire 9 and anchored thus the metal wire
9 will only bend when free. In this manner the exact iocation of the bending joint may be
determined. The position of the prosthesis may be changed manually. The resistance or bending
stiffness of the metal wire 9, constituting as a core of the external frame, needs to be sufficient
high to allow transfer of loads but need to be sufficient flexible to ensure the function of a
bending joint. Alternatively, the bending joint is used for adaption of the flexion angle of the
metal wire 9 only. The bending of the metal wire 9 additionally functions as a fail safety
mechanism, the bending capacities will dissipate the energy caused by an overload or hyper-
rotation. The metal wire 9 may be elastic-plastic to allow permanent bending flexion.
In. Figure 7 an example of a possible component configuration is shown wherein for a thumb a
prosthesis according to figure 4 is used preferably. A prosthesis according to figure 5 may be
used for the index finger and the middle finger, because these three fingers are more often
used than the ring finger or little

finger. Because of the frequent use of the first three fingers, a joint 6 with a hinge and a locking
mechanism as well as a fail safety mechanism is more stable and reliable. The ring finger and
the little finger may be equipped with a prosthesis according to figure 6, in which a fail safety
mechanism is realized by elastic-plastic deformation of the metal wire 9 or an other elastic-
plastic component.
Figure 8 shows a sectional view through an amputated finger with an implant 3 and a
transcutaneous component encircled by soft tissue 2 of the stump. The external modular frame
5, 6, 5', 7 is removed from the transcutaneous component and for protection and/or for
aesthetic reasons a protective cap or cosmetic cover 11 is arranged onto the transcutaneous
component 4. The cover 11 may contain an agent or agents leaving the cover 11 and thus
influencing the soft tissue 2 surrounding the transcutaneous component 4 to stimulate the soft
tissue 2 or the skin 10. An alternative embodiment is shown in Figure 9 in which the cover 11
encircles the transcutaneous component 4 which passes through the cover 11. The cover 11
exercises pressure on the soft tissue 2 surrounding the transcutaneous component 4 as
indicated by the arrows to influence the soft tissue and skin, e.g. healing, growth and
proprioception. The cover can be a part of the extracorporeal modular frame and its cover as
Figure 10 shows in a cross sectional a view of a prosthesis with the intracorporal implant 3
which is integrated in a remaining bone structure 1 of a finger. The transcutaneous component
4, surrounded by the soft tissue 2 is coupled via the coupling component 5 which is in turn
coupled to the proximal part 62 of the joint 6. The distal part 61 of the joint 6 is connected to
an extension 5' and a second distal extension 7 with a saving 16 for a fingernail prosthesis 13.
Around the external modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 a soft material 12 is arranged, enhancing the grip.
The soft material 12 has an extra-low hardness to promote a larger surface contact when
gripping or getting in contact with objects. The extended modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 is
surrounded partially by foam 15 or other elastic materials to achieve a natural appearance of an

artificial skin in respect to wrinkling, elongation, shortening or buckling of the
skin 14 of the finger prosthesis. These elastic materials 15 may have various
physical characteristics and may promote a return movement into a rest position
after reaching a release position upon bending of joint 6.
The modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 largely determines the level of functionality of the
finger prosthesis. The cosmetics of the finger prosthesis on the other hand will
be determined by the aesthetic or cosmetic finishing of the elastic material 15
and the artificial • skin 14 as well as the soft material 12. The aesthetic and
functional cover 12, 15, 14 may be made of materials that shall remain smooth
such as polyurethane or silicone elastomers. The nail prosthesis 13 may be
created from a smooth or hard material and may be connected to the aesthetic
cover in mechanical and/or chemical manner. The characteristics of the
selected materials form the aesthetic and functional cover depend on the
position within the finger. Near to the joint 6 a material with a high level of
elasticity and a low E-modulus may be used. Near the top of the finger (distal
end) a smooth material 12 with a low hardness and with high resistance against
abrasion may be selected. The proximal part of the prosthesis may be made of
a material with a high resistance against rubbing and tearing. The whole may be
covered with a thin colored or transparent layer 14 with a high level of abrasion "
resistance. Near the joint 6 the aesthetic cover will be connected to the frame
by the foam material 15 which causes the elasticity of the prosthesis material at
a flexion to be limited to the region between both fixations 61, 62. The room
between the cosmetic cover and the modular frame 5, 6, 5', 7 may eventually
be filled by means of a soft form material or any other soft filling material. The
low level of hardness of the prosthesis material shall also have a function.
Positioning itself around the object to be taken point contact will be replaced by
surface conxact which will tighten the grip. However, the modular frame may
also be used without the aesthetic covers 12,13,14 solely covered by means of
a protective cover thus exclusively using the functional characteristics of the

1. A finger or toe prosthesis having an intracorporeal implant (3) and an external modular
frame (5, 6, 7, 5') constituting the core of the finger or toe prosthesis with a number of
modules or components, each with its own function, wherein the external modular frame
(5, 6, 7, 5') is displaceably fixed on a trancutaneous component (4) of the intracorporeal
implant (3) to form one modular frame (5, 6, 7, 5'), the external modular frame
comprising a coupling component (5) for coupling the intracorporeal implant (3) to the
external modular frame, characterized by a joint (6) or bendable interface (9), and a
distal extension (5') connected to the joint (6) or bendable interface (9), wherein the
external modular frame (5, 6, 7, 5') is covered with a cosmetic or functional cover (12,
13, 14, 15) consisting of a smooth material fixed to the external modular frame (5, 6, 7,
2. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 1, wherein the coupling component (5) is an
elastic component.
3. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the coupling component (5)
is an adhesive or a snap joint.
4. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the coupling
component (5) contains an overload protection device.
5. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the coupling
component (5) is removably attached to the implant (3), covering the transcutaneous
component (4).

6. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the material
of the coupling component which is capable of getting in contact with the skin (10) or
soft tissue (2) of the patient is loaded with an agent capable of leaving the material and
influencing the skin (10) or soft tissue (2) surrounding the transcutaneous component
7. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the joint (6)
is lockable in a position by a form fit locking upon reaching a predetermined angle
position or a manual action.
8. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 7, wherein the joint (6) is releasable by an
9. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the joint (6)
consecutively locks the external modular frame (5, 6, 7, 5') in a rest position and in one
or more functional positions by means of a dorsal or palmar pressure of the distal part
(5', 7) of the joint (6), and is capable of reaching a release position in the event of hyper-
flexion or hyper-bending, wherein it is released to return to the rest position by means of
a spring (63).
10. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the joint (6)
or bendable interface (9) contains an overload protection device.
11.A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 4 or 10, wherein the overload protection
device allows hyper-extension or hyper-flexion or is designed as a predetermined
breaking point.

12. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 4, 10 or 11, wherein the overload protection
device is a friction locking, e.g. a magnetic joint, a spring loaded form fit locking, a spring
loaded hinge or a non-linear-spring.
13.A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein the
bendable interface (9) is an elastic-plastic element, e.g. a metal wire, which is encircled
by a tubular device (19) to allow internal sliding of the elastic-plastic element upon
bending and adapting the location (29) of the bending joint by adjustment of the length
of the tubular device (19).
14. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 13, wherein the tubular device (19) is a
spiral, which at its turn may be encircled by cylindrical components ensuring the location
(29) of possible flexion.
15.A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 1, wherein the external modular frame (5,
6, 7, 5') is completely covered by the cover (12, 13, 14, 15).
16.A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 15, wherein the cover (12, 13, 14, 15) of
the modular frame (5, 6, 7, 5') is locally composed of various elements, specifically
attached with each other with various physical characteristics to achieve a natural
appearance in respect to wrinkling, elongation, shortening or buckling.
17.A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in claim 16, wherein the cover (12, 13, 14, 15) is
made of foam or soft silicone for supporting the underlying external modular frame (5, 6,
7, 5').

18. A finger or toe prosthesis as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein a distal part
of the external modular frame (5, 6, 7, 5') has a lower hardness for promoting a larger
surface-contact when gripping or getting in contact with objects.


The invention relates to a finger or toe prosthesis having an intracorporal implant and an
external modular frame constituting the core of the finger or toe prosthesis with a certain
number of modules or components, each with its own function, e.g. a joint, which will be
assembled to constitute one modular frame, wherein the external modular frame is displaceable
fixed to the intracorporal implant. The invention relates to a fail safety mechanism for a finger or
toe prosthesis, too, wherein the external modular frame is coupled to the intracorporal implant
by a friction-type blocking, a form fit locking a spring loaded hinge or a non-linear spring
allowing hyper-extension or hyper-flexion, ductile deformation or breaking at a predetermined
load, The invention relates to a cosmetic or function cover of the external modular frame as
well, which is attached to the frame and supports the function of the frame.



Patent Number 269140
Indian Patent Application Number 3824/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 41/2015
Publication Date 09-Oct-2015
Grant Date 01-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 19-Dec-2006
Applicant Address Kaiserstrasse 39 1070 Wien Austria
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 cubber, Jan de Guidendelle 35 1930 Zaventem Belguim
PCT International Classification Number A61F2/42; A61F2/58
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/007503
PCT International Filing date 2005-07-11
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2004/0341 2004-07-09 Belgium