Title of Invention


Abstract The invention concerns a process for locating and measuring deformation in a civil engineering structure, characterised by the fact that at least one geosynthetic fabric (1) containing a plurality of optical fibres (2a to 2e) in parallel and capable of transmitting signals is applied in the said structure or under the said structure, the said optical fibres containing Bragg gratings (3), evenly spaced in series (4) of Nl consecutive gratings that correspond to the same wavelength, the said series being themselves distributed in identical sets, each of which contains N2 consecutive series that correspond to the different wavelengths, and by the fact that, in at least two optical fibres, the numbers Nl of gratings of a series and the numbers N2 of series (4) of a set (5) are determined in such as way that the measurement of the differences between the wavelengths of the incident light transmitted in each of the said optical fibres and the wavelengths of the light reflected by the Bragg gratings enable to locate the deformations to which the structure is subjected on the one hand and, on the other, to measure the elongation of the said optical fibres where the deformation occurs.
Full Text Method for locating and measuring deformations in a work of
civil engineering
The invention relates to process for locating and measuring
deformations in a civil engineering structure.
During the construction of motorways or railway lines, a great
deal of civil engineering work is carried out to support the infrastructure of
the road or track. But certain sites comprise unidentified natural or
artificial cavities. In this case, unexpected subsidence may occur during
the construction of the new road or track, or later during its operation,
causing serious accidents due to the overloading of such fragile zones, the
infiltration of water, drought and shaking.
To avoid such accidents, it would be necessary to make
systematic soundings of the site before carrying out the civil engineering
work. Such soundings are indeed carried out in land normally subject to
Nevertheless, certain sites, not subject to natural landslide
(rock slide) were, in former times, occupied by underground military
installations, the existence of which is now unknown.
Systematic soundings are very costly and, in addition, they
have to be taken close to each other, under and in the vicinity the
proposed road or track to guarantee absolute safety.
Furthermore, even in the absence of cavities in the land, the
soil may be subject to uneven settlement under certain sections the road
or track following successive wet periods and drought, which may lead to
ground subsidence, the amplitude of which is certainly limited, but affects
safety particularly when it concerns tracks for high speed trains.
In order to limit the risk of subsidence of infill (embankment), it
is common practice to lay sheets (laps) or strips of woven or non woven
geosynthetic fabric on the soil and in the infill, to stiffen the infill, in the
event of subsidence in the soil. In this case, the threads (yarns) of the
geosynthetic fabric are subject to considerable forces which lead to a
deformation by elongation of the threads and which may cause them to
break, hence the collapse of the infill.
In order to detect deformations in a civil engineering structure,
at pre-defined thresholds, FR 2 72 78 677 has suggested incorporating
parallel threads in the geosynthetic fabric, which are capable of
transmitting signals and calibrated to pre-determined elongation at break
values. The deformation threshold attained is measured by sending signals
through the threads and by detecting the presence or absence of response
to such signals.
The threads may be electrical wires or optical fibres. The
measurement is taken by all or nothing, and location of the deformation at
a pre-defined threshold is only possible by placing two sets of parallel
threads perpendicular to each other.
The purpose of the invention is to provide a process which
provides for the location of the deformation on the one hand and, on the
other, the measurement of the elongation of threads where the
deformation occurs, before the threads break, using a geosynthetic fabric
with a single set of threads, preferably laid parallel to the length of the
The invention achieves its purpose by the fact that at least one
geosynthetic fabric fitted with a plurality of optical fibres in parallel,
capable of transmitting signals is applied to the structure or under the
structure, the said optical fibres comprising Bragg gratings, evenly spaced
and distributed in a series of Nl consecutive gratings with the same
wavelength, the said series being laid in identical sets, each of which has
N2 consecutive series with different wavelengths, and by the fact that, in
at least two optical fibres, the number Nl of gratings in a series and the
number N2 of series in a set are determined in such a way that the
measurement of differences between the wavelengths of the incident light
transmitted to each of the said optical fibres and wavelengths of the light
reflected by the Bragg gratings enable, on the one hand, to locate
deformation of the structure and, on the other, to measure the elongation
of the said optical fibres where the deformation occurs.
The invention therefore uses the known properties of Bragg
gratings used in strain gauges, as described in WO 86/01303, in particular.
The Bragg gratings are placed at equal distance of each other
in all the optical fibres, but the lengths of the series or sets are different
for at least one pair of optical fibres to allow for the simple location of
structural deformations by determining the wavelength of reflected light
which has been distorted in relation to the corresponding wavelength of
incident light; the amplitude of such distortions gives an indication of the
amplitude of the elongation of the optical fibres in the location concerned.
Advantageously, in at least two optical fibres, the numbers Nl of
the gratings of a series are equal and the numbers N2 of series in a set
are prime to each other.
Therefore, for example, let us assume that the distance between
two Bragg gratings is 1 metre, that the number Nl is 10, a series of
gratings therefore extends over 10 metres. Let us also assume that the
first fibre contains seven series per set and can therefore handle seven
different frequencies, and that the second fibre contains ten series per set,
the figures 10 and 7 being prime to each other. A set of the first fibre
therefore extends over 70 metres, and the set of the second fibre extends
over a length of 100 metres. These two fibres enable us to locate, with
precision, a structure over a total length of 700 metres. If furthermore,
the geosynthetic fabric contains a third optical fibre with Bragg gratings 1
metre apart and in series of 10 consecutive Bragg gratings, and each set
contains three series, the figure 3 being prime with 7 and 10, the three
optical fibres enable us to locate with precision deformations in a structure
of 2100 metres in length. The deformation is located to the nearest 10
metres, which corresponds to the length of a series of 10 Bragg gratings.
This level of precision is perfectly adequate for the monitoring of civil
engineering structures.
Obviously the rule for the distribution of Bragg gratings on two
optical fibres may differ from that given above as an example.
Therefore, for example, according to another distribution rule, in at
least one optical fibre the number Nl of gratings in a series is equal to the
number of gratings of a set in another optical fibre.
For example, the first optical fibre contains a set of 10 series, and
each series contains 100 identical Bragg gratings 1 metre apart. The
second optical fibre contains sets of 10 series, and each series contains 10
Bragg gratings 1 metre apart. These two optical fibres provide for the
accurate location of a deformation in a structure 1 kilometre in length.
The invention also relates to a geosynthetic fabric for the
application of the process.
According to the invention, this geosynthetic fabric is
characterised by the fact that it contains a plurality of optical fibres in
parallel, the said optical fibres containing Bragg gratings evenly spaced in
series of Nl consecutive gratings that correspond to the same wavelength,
the said series being themselves distributed in identical sets of N2
consecutive series that correspond to different wavelengths.
The optical fibres are advantageously inserted during
production of the geosynthetic fabric. They should preferably be laid in the
main direction of the sheet or lap, but may also be laid crosswise if
Advantageously, the optical fibres include a sheath for
protection against shear failure, due to aggressive agents in the soil, and
against the influence of water with a high pH (contact with concrete) and
other corrosive agents.
Advantageously, optical fibres are laid in the direction of the
length of the said geosynthetic fabric.
Other advantages and characteristics of the invention shall be
clarified on reading the description below given as an example and with
reference to the drawings appended in which:
figure 1 is a perspective view of a geosynthetic fabric with
optical fibres containing Bragg gratings;
figure 2 shows a first form of the distribution of Bragg gratings
in identical sets of different series in two optical fibres; and
figure 3 shows a second form of the distribution of Bragg
gratings in identical sets of different sets in two optical fibres.
Figure 1 is a perspective view of a geosynthetic fabric 1 with
optical fibres 2a to 2e containing the low reflectivity Bragg gratings 3 and
designed to be used to reinforce a civil engineering structure, the infill of a
motorway or railway line for example.
The Bragg gratings 3 are evenly spaced along the optical fibres
2a to 2b at a distance of 1 metre for example, and are distributed in series
4 which include a number Nl of identical gratings 3; that is, capable of
reflecting part of incident light with a clearly determined wavelength in the
absence of stress and the wavelength of reflected light, which changes
value according to the stress applied longitudinally on the corresponding
optical fibre. In the example shown in figure 1, the series 4 of the five
optical fibres 2a to 2b include the same number Nl of gratings 3 and
therefore extend over the same length.
Several consecutive series 4, which correspond to the different
wavelengths making up a set 5 of gratings and is reproduced along the
entire length of the fibres.
At least two optical fibres in the geosynthetic fabric 1 include
the sets 5 with the numbers N2 of different sets, and we can even
produce a geosynthetic fabric 1 in which all the optical fibres 2a to 2e
include sets 5 of Bragg gratings with numbers N2 of different sets.
The numbers N2 are preferably prime to each other, to provide
for the precise location of possible deformations of the geosynthetic
fabric 1.
The optical fibres 2a and 2b should preferably be laid in the
direction of the length of the geosynthetic fibre 1 which is wound on to a
tape reel, for transport.
The optical fibres 2a to 2e are laid at a distance of 1 metre
apart, for example. Once the geosynthetic fabric 1 is laid flat on the soil,
the gratings 3 form a square mesh. But this mesh does not have to be
square, without going beyond the scope of the invention. Nevertheless,
this mesh should not be too wide, to allow for the detection of
deformations above occasional subsidence of the roof of an underlying
cavity with a small cross-section in the horizontal planes.
The geosynthetic fabric 1 is usually approximately 5.5 metres
wide, and if the width of the civil engineering structure to be reinforced
is greater than that of the geosynthetic fabric 1, several strips of
geosynthetic fabric are laid side by side. These strips may also be
superimposed in the structure to be reinforced.
To avoid the shear failure of the optical fibres 2a to 2b, failure
due to aggressive agents in the soil for example, and to protect them
against the influence of water, high pH values and other corrosive agents,
the optical fibres 2a to 2e are placed in an appropriate protective sheath.
The optical fibres 2a to 2b are connected at one end of the
geosynthetic fabric to a control system 10 which includes means for
transmitting light in the core of the optical fibres 2a to 2e, means for
measuring the frequencies of the light reflected by the Bragg gratings 3,
means for measuring the differences between the wavelengths
of light reflected during operation and the wavelengths of light reflected,
in the absence of stress, that is, during the construction of the structure,
calculation means to indicate the location of possible
deformation and the elongation of optical fibres due to structural
deformations, means for the storage of data, means to display the results
and, if necessary, warning means to give the alarm.
In figures 2 and 3, we have given the references B, V, R, J, and
M to the series 4 of gratings that correspond to pre-determined, different
In figure 2, the optical fibre 2a contains the sets 5 containing
five series with the references B, V, R, J, M and the optical fibre 2b
contains the sets 5 containing four series with the references B, V, R, J.
It should be noted that over a length of geosynthetic fabric that
correspond to twenty series 4 of gratings 3, a deformation in a series, the
fourteenth series from the left for example, shall be recognised by the
control system 10 by the fact that the wavelength referenced J on the
optical fibre 2a has shifted and the wavelength referenced V on the optical
fibre 2b has shifted, and each combination of two wavelengths correspond
to a precise position of series.
In figure 3, the optical fibre 2b contains five series with the
references B, V, R, J and M per set and the optical fibre 2a contains, for
example, five series with the references B, V, R, J and M, but the length of
each series of the optical fibre 2a is equal to the length of a set of the
optical fibre 2b.
Once again, each position of a series of the optical fibre 2b,
from the left in figure 3, is identified precisely by the wavelength that
corresponds to this series on the optical fibre 2b and the wavelength of
the adjacent series on the optical fibre 2a, over a length of geosynthetic
fabric that corresponds to twenty five series of the optical fibre 2b, and to
a set of the optical fibre 2a.
The control system 10 is used to locate and measure the local
stresses to which the optical fibres 2a to 2c are subjected following any
deformation of the structure during its operation, by reading the
wavelengths of the light reflected by the Bragg gratings 3 directly in the
range of deformations between 0 and 3 or 4 %, and to locate the level of
deformation in the range between 3 or 4 % and the rupture of an optical
fibre which is at a level of deformation close to 8 % or more, depending
on the fibre used.
Following the laying of the geosynthetic fabric 1 and the
construction of the structure or underlying structure, an initial
measurement is taken to define the reference status of the system. The
location of each grating of an optical fibre is found by identifying the
wavelengths of the gratings 3 of all the optical fibres 2a and 2b aligned in
the direction of the width of the geosynthetic fabric 1.
In the event of deformation which occurs after construction, the
wavelengths of the light reflected by the Bragg gratings 3 where the
deformation occurs are modified, whilst the wavelengths of the other
Bragg gratings remain unchanged. We therefore obtain the location and
measurement of the deformation.

1. Process for locating and measuring deformations in a civil
engineering structure, characterised by the fact that at least one
geosynthetic fabric (1) containing a plurality of optical fibres (2a to 2e) in
parallel and capable of transmitting signals is applied in the said structure
or under the said structure,
the said optical fibres containing Bragg gratings (3), evenly spaced in
series (4) of N1 consecutive gratings that correspond to the same
wavelength, the said series being themselves distributed in identical sets,
each of which contains N2 consecutive series that correspond to different
wavelengths, and by the fact that, in at least two optical fibres, the
numbers Nl of gratings of a series and the numbers N2 of series (4) of a
set (5) are determined in such as way that the measurement of
differences between the wavelengths of the incident light transmitted in
each of the said optical fibres and the wavelengths of the light reflected by
the Bragg gratings enable to locate the deformations to which the
structure is subjected on the one hand and, on the other, to measure the
elongation of the said optical fibres where the deformation occurs.
2. Process according to claim 1, characterised by the fact that in at
least two optical fibres, the numbers Nl of gratings of a series (4) are
equal, and the numbers N2 of series (4) of a set (5) are prime to each
3. Process according to claim 1, characterised by the fact that in at
least one optical fibre, the number Nl of gratings in a series is equal to
the number of gratings of a set in another optical fibre.
4. Geosynthetic fabric for the application of the process according
to any one of the claims 1 to 3, characterised by the fact that it contains a
plurality of optical fibres (2a to 2e) in parallel, the said optical fibres
containing Bragg gratings (3), evenly spaced in series (4) of Nl
consecutive gratings that correspond to the same wavelength, the said
series (4) being themselves distributed in identical sets (5) of N2
consecutive series that correspond to different wavelengths.
5. Geosynthetic fabric according to claim 4, characterised by the
fact that the optical fibres (2a to 2e) include a sheath to protect them
against shear failure, due to aggressive agents in the soil, and against
6. Geosynthetic fabric according to one of the claims 4 or 5,
characterised by the fact that the optical fibres (2a to 2e) are laid in the
direction of the length of the said geosynthetic fabric.
7. Geosynthetic fabric according to any one of the claims 4 to 6,
characterised by the fact that the optical fibres are inserted in the said
geosynthetic fabric during its manufacture.
8. A Process for locating and measuring deformations in a civil engineering
structure and Geosynthetic fabric for the application of such process substantially
as herein described with reference to foregoing examples and accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 269182
Indian Patent Application Number 5436/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 41/2015
Publication Date 09-Oct-2015
Grant Date 07-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 19-Sep-2006
Applicant Address 9 RUE MARCEL PAIL, F-95870 BEZONS, FRANCE
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01B 11/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR2004/000721
PCT International Filing date 2004-03-24
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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