Title of Invention


Abstract The current invention relates to a method for bio diesel manufacturing. The method provides a time and cost efficient method of producing bio diesel through the use of cheaply available raw material such as waste vegetable oil or animal fat that is otherwise discarded due to a high FFA content. According to this invention, the raw material having high FFA content undergoes a chemical neutralization process to bring down the FFA content in a time and cost effective manner.
The current invention relates to the field of bio diesei manufacturing. More specifically, the invention relates to a cost and time efficient method of manufacturing bio diesei using non edible raw materials.
Energy requirements of the current world are primarily being supplied through naturally occurring fuel sources. Petroleum diesei is the most commonly available naturally occurring fuel. In the current scenario, petroleum diesei is used as the most common and easily available fuel for powering an engine in an automobile. However, the naturally occurring fuel sources are fast depleting due to an enormous increase in the number of automobiles as well as high consumption of fuel in a host of applications besides automobiles. This is also causing an increase in the price of naturally occurring fuel such as petroleum diesei. Another perceived disadvantage of petroleum diesei is the high emission associated with its combustion thus causing pollution in the atmosphere.
Hence, due to an increased environmental awareness and depletion of resources, the demand for alternate fuel sources is fast increasing. Extensive research and development activities are being focused on the development and manufacture of alternate fuels. The desired properties

of alternate fuel include easily available raw materials, cost effective production techniques and low emission contents.
Alternate fuels currently being used include bio diesel, solar energy, methane, natural gas, wood and straight vegetable oil among others. Among the alternate fuels which are being researched, straight vegetable oils and bio diesel are being considered as strong research options. Straight vegetable oils are being used as fuel since the early days of combustion engines. However, the direct use of straight vegetable oils for a longer duration in engines lead to several problems such as deposition.
Bio diesel produced from vegetable oil or animal fat shows strong promise as an alternative fuel. Bio diesel is a processed fuel derived from biological sources and can be readily used in diesel engine vehicles. It is a nontoxic and biodegradable substitute and supplement for petroleum diesel. Bio diesel is commonly used as a blend with petroleum diesel. Bio diesel and petroleum diesel may be mixed in any proportion to produce desired blend. A commonly used blend known as B20 constitutes 20% bio diesel and 80% petroleum diesel substantially reduces the emission levels and toxicity of diesel exhaust.
An important aspect of bio diesel production is to follow a manufacturing process that keeps the manufacturing costs low in order to make it feasible for the bio diesel produced to be commercially viable and compete with other commonly used fuel. Hence, it is an objective of the current invention to keep the production costs at every step of production.
Selection of raw materials is an important step for the manufacture of bio diesel. The raw materials commonly used for the manufacture may be

edible or non edible in nature. The edible raw materials used for manufacture include soya oil, rape seed oil and sunflower oil. The non edible raw materials used include jatropha oil, animal fat and waste vegetable oil. As can be easily understood, any process utilizing non edible raw materials for the production of bio diesel would be preferred over processes utilizing edible raw materials, as non edible materials are even otherwise not of any particular use whereas edible raw materials can be used for other applications. The raw materials are chosen on the basis of their availability and the quality of bio diesel yield they provide. Among all available raw material options, Jatropha oil is considered to be the most suitable raw material. Jatropha oil, if used as raw material provides a high quality bio diesel but is not available in abundance, hence the cost of the raw material is high. However, extensive cultivation of jatropha oil is being carried out to increase the its availability for bio diesel manufacturing.
For the purpose of this invention, non edible raw materials mainly animal fat and waste vegetable oil are used. Both these raw materials are available in abundance and are cheap thus bringing down the overall production cost for bio diesel. Waste vegetable oils can be easily sourced from restaurants and industrial food producers.
In chemical terms, vegetable oils and animal fats are triglycerides that contain glycerin. During the bio diesel manufacturing process, the triglycerides are converted to esters and the glycerin content is separated. The chemical reaction through which a triglyceride is converted to produce bio diesel is known as transesterification. Transesterification is the process through which a triglyceride is reacted with excess alcohol in the presence of a catalyst to produce mono alkyl esters and glycerine. The process of transesterification is also known as

alcoholysis wherein the alcohol from an ester is displaced by another alcohol. The output of the transesterification reaction is glycerin and bio diesel. The reaction takes place in a reactor where the glycerin settles down at the bottom and the bio diesel thus produced is extracted from the reactor. The bio diesel thus produced then undergoes a purification process under which the bio diesel is water washed, vacuum dried and filtered to produce the final product. Additives may be added to the final product to retain it for a longer period.
However, the quality of the bio diesel produced through the transesterification process depends upon quality of the raw materials used. The quality of raw materials is defined by the Free Fatty Acid (FFA) content of the raw materials. For suitable results, the FFA content of the raw materials used should preferably be less than 1%. If the FFA content is greater than 1%, the transesterification reaction may result in the production of soap as a by-product which causes emulsification at later stages of water washing the bio diesel. In case the FFA content of raw material is greater than 2%, the transesterification becomes unworkable.
The FFA content of the non edible raw materials used in accordance with the current invention is much higher than 2%. Hence, in order to capitalize on the low cost availability of non edible raw materials, the FFA content of these raw materials should be brought down to a desired level through a cost effective process.
The commonly used methods for bio diesel production are acid-base reaction and base-base reaction.
In the acid-base reaction, the raw material selected is first reacted with an acid which is known as the esterification reaction and then reacted with a base which is the transesterification reaction. The purpose of the

esterification reaction is to remove the impurities present in the raw material. The esterification reaction thus brings down the FFA content of the raw material. However, multiple steps of esterifcation may be required to bring down the FFA content of the raw material to desired levels.
In the base-base reaction, two levels of transesterification is applied to the raw materials. The first level transesterification reaction is to bring down the FFA content of the raw material. Again, multiple steps may be required to bring down the FFA content to the desired level. Thereafter, the second level transesterification reaction is carried out to convert the raw material to bio diesel.
However, there are disadvantages associated with both the above mentioned methods as well as other existing methods to bring down the FFA content of raw materials. Firstly, under these methods, the FFA content can rarely be brought down to levels less than 5%. Also, these methods are ineffective for raw materials containing higher levels of FFA say more than 15%. As mentioned earlier, these processes may required multiple step reaction to bring down the FFA content. This requires multiple vessels in the manufacturing plant for the reaction, thus escalating the manufacturing cost. Also, an extra chemical being used adds to the storage and maintenance cost. The time required for these reactions is also very high. On an average, the process may take anywhere between 12 to 24 hours thus increasing the overall bio diesel manufacturing process time.
Hence, there exists the need for a method that can bring down the FFA content of raw materials to levels under 1% in a cost and time effective manner.

The objective of the current invention is to provide a cost and time effective process of reducing the FFA content of raw materials used for bio diesel production to the desired values. An important aspect of the current invention is that the process has the capability to bring down the FFA content of the raw material to desired value from FFA content values of as high as 30%. Also the process used is simple in nature. The chemical used in the process may be the same as required for the transesterification process, thus eliminating the need of storage of an extra component. Also, the plant and machinery required are economical. The process used in this invention is capable of bringing down the FFA content of the raw material to as low as 1% in a single step. The reaction time is 5 to 6 hours at the maximum.
Thus the current invention allows the usage of cheaply available raw material having high FFA content for bio diesel production thus bringing down the production costs.
The current invention provides a chemical process through which the FFA content of the raw material can be reduced in a cost and time effective manner. Under this process, the raw material is taken through a process of chemical neutralization. In this process, the raw material is reacted with a mixture of KOH and water.
Under the chemical neutralization process, the raw material with high FFA content undergoes a chemical reaction where potassium hydroxide (KOH) and water are used as catalysts. The quantity of KOH required is calculated through a titration process. The quantity of water is taken at the rate of 40 milliliter per liter of the raw material oil to be treated. The ideal temperature for the reaction is from 70 degree centigrade to 90

degree centigrade. Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) used in the process is also a constituent for the transesterification step in the bio diesel manufacturing process. Hence, the use of KOH also saves on the cost of sourcing and storing an extra constituent. The output of the chemical neutralization process is the raw material with a lower FFA content than the original raw material. The other output of the chemical neutralization process is soap stock that is the FFA extracted from the raw material.
An important aspect of the current invention is that the soap stock generated as a by product of the chemical neutralization process finds application as raw material for local soap production units. Thus the by product can be sold for a reasonable price thus bringing down the overall production cost for bio diesel.
The FFA level of the resultant raw material is then checked through any appropriate process commonly known in the art. The chemical neutralization process may be reapplied on the resultant raw material to further bring down the FFA level if the level of FFA content is not within the desired limit for bio diesel manufacturing.

l/WE claim:
1. A process for preparation of Bio diesel whetein raw material such as non edible oil mainly animal fat and waste vegetable having high Free Fatty Acid (FFA )content at first undergoes a chemical reaction with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and water at an ideal temperature from 70 degree centigrade to 90 degree centigrade.
2. The process for preparation of Bio-diesel according to claim 1 wherein the quantity of KOH required is calculated through a titration process and the quantity of water is taken at the rate of 40 milliliter per liter of the raw material oil to be treated.
3. The process for preparation of Bio-diesel according to claim 1 wherein chemical reaction with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and water is carried out repeatedly till the FFA content of the raw materials used comes preferably to less than 1%.
4. The process for preparation of Bio-diesel such as herein described with reference to specification.



Patent Number 269363
Indian Patent Application Number 1488/DEL/2006
PG Journal Number 43/2015
Publication Date 23-Oct-2015
Grant Date 16-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 23-Jun-2006
Name of Patentee SANJEEV SHARMA
Applicant Address Gomti Biotech Ltd., Tikonia Road, Haldwani, (Uttaranchal). INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 SANJEEV SHARMA Gomti Biotech Ltd., Tikonia Road, Haldwani, (Uttaranchal). INDIA.
PCT International Classification Number C01L 1/32
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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