Title of Invention


Abstract Methods of producing stabilized composite nanoparticles comprising a nanoparticle and a multiple polyelectrolyte stabilizing moiety layer, a method of producing a multilayer stabilized composite nanoparticle, and such nanoparticles.
This application claims the priority of U.S. Provisional Application Nos. 60/889,609
filed February 13,2007 and 60/892,927 filed March 5, 2007, the entire contents of all of
which are incorporated herein by reference.
Nanoparticles are nanometer-sized materials e.g., metals, semiconductors, polymers,
and the like, that can often posses unique characteristics because of their small size.
Nanoparticles are of particular interest because of their potential for use as catalysts,
photocatalysts, adsorbents, sensors, and ferrofluids, as well as for their materia! properties in
for application to optical, electronic, and magnetic devices, and formulation of plastics and
other materials.
In practical application, however, the usefulness of a nanoparticle depends on more
than just the properties exhibited in the laboratory. In practical application many interesting
laboratory properties may not be realized due to interferents and undesired reactions with
chemicals in the application environment.
In various aspects, the present inventions provide nanoparticle compositions
comprising a stabilizer and methods to tailor the permeability of a stabilizer that, e.g., impart
a nanoparticle composite with certain solubility and non-aggregative characteristics. For
example, in various embodiments, a stabilizer can be modified to tune its permeability to
materials moving from the nanoparticle surface to the surrounding environment and/or vice
In various aspects, the present invention provides methods to produce nanoparticles
that are stabilized, where the stabilizer provides solubility and/or prevents aggregation, and
with a selected permeability to selected small chemical entities. For example, in various
embodiments, the present inventions provide methods for producing a stabilized composite
nanoparticle comprising the steps of: a) providing a solution comprising at least one

nanoparticle and at least one stabilizing moiety dispersed therein; and, b) modifying at least
one stabilizer moiety in the solution to change its permeability to SCEs.
For example, in various embodiments, the present inventions provide nanoparticle
compositions that are stabilized, where the stabilizer is chosen to allow for one or more of:
(a) improved permeability to certain SCEs; (b) decreased permeability to certain SCEs; and
(c) improved permeability to a first group of SCEs and decreased permeability to a second
group of SCEs.
In preferred embodiments of the present invention, the stabilizing moiety comprises
one or more polymeric stabilizers. Examples of suitable means to modify the polymeric
stabilizer to change the nanoparticle transport properties include, but are not limited to, (a)
radiation or chemical-induced internal and/or external crosslinking of stabilizer moieties,
where the degree of crosslinking controls the permeability of the layer; (b) change of solution
conditions and/or use of heating and/or cooling to induce expansion or contraction of the
polymeric stabilizer layer; (c) adsorption or desorption of additional moieties (adsorbates) to
the polymer network, which can be assisted by chemical bond formation or cleavage; and (d)
one or more combinations thereof. Non-limiting examples of suitable polymeric materials
for use as stabilizer moieties are discussed herein, and but can be synthetic or naturally
occurring and can be linear, branched, hyperbranched, and/or dendrimeric.
As used herein, the terms "stabilizing moiety" or "stabilizer" are used interchangeably
and refer to a material that interacts with the nanoparticle (e.g., through covalent, non-
covalent, ionic, van der Waals, etc. bonds) and which imparts desirable solubility
characteristics and/or prevents aggregation of the nanoparticles.
As used herein, the terms "adsorbate" and "adsorbate moiety" are used
interchangeably and refer to an entity that preferentially associates with a polymer-stabilized
nanoparticle. This association can be physisorption, chemisorption, through covalent bonds,
through electrostatic interactions, or through van der Waals forces and the like.
As used herein, the term, "small chemical entities" (SCEs) refers to cations, anions, or
neutral species of various types that are between about 0.1 nanometers (ran) to about 5 nm in
size and are soluble in the solvent in which the nanoparticles are dispersed. In various
embodiments, where for example the nanoparticles are provided alone or on a solid support,
SCEs refer to cations, anions, or neutral species of various types that are between 0.1 nm to
about 5 nm in size and in the gaseous state.

As used herein, the terms "nanoparticle composition" when referring to a nanoparticle
composition comprising one or more stabilizer moieties and "stabilized nanoparticle" are
used interchangeably.
As used herein, the terms "solid support" and "support" are used interchangeably and
refer to any solid phase material. Examples of solid supports include, but are not limited to,
resins, membranes, gels, and micron-sized or larger particulates. A solid support can be
composed of one or more organic polymers such as, e.g., polystyrene, polyethylene,
polypropylene, polyfluoroethylene, polyethyleneoxy, and polyacrylamide. A solid support
can be composed of one or more inorganic materials, such as, e.g., glass, silica, controlled-
pore-glass, or reverse-phase silica. The solid support can be porous or non-porous, and can
have swelling or non-swelling characteristics.
Suitable stabilizing moieties for the present invention include stabilizing moieties that
can be internally or externally chemically modified to introduce new intramolecular and/or
intermolecular chemical bonds between one or more stabilizing moieties, e.g., to crosslink
one or more stabilizing moieties. Suitable stabilizing moieties also include stabilizing
moieties taken alone or in combination, which have a three-dimensional structure that can be
expanded or contracted using a chemical or physical change. Suitable stabilizing moieties
also include stabilizing moieties taken alone or in combination that are modified to increase
or decrease the thickness or density of the layer about a nanoparticle containing the
stabilizing moieties.
In various embodiments, suitable stabilizing moieties include, but are not limited to,
polymers, ligands, coordinating ions, coordinating complexes, or combinations thereof.
In various embodiments, the present inventions provide a stabilized nanoparticle
incorporated onto or into a solid support using standard techniques such as spin coating,
extrusion, codeposition, layer-by-layer assembly, or the like.
The foregoing and other aspects, embodiments, objects, features and advantages of
the present inventions can be more fully understood from the description in conjunction with
the accompanying drawings. In the drawings, like reference characters generally refer to like
features and structural elements throughout the various figures. The drawings are not

necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the
present inventions, wherein.
Figure 1 schematically depicts a nanoparticle composition (102) comprising a
nanoparticle (NP) and a stabilizer moiety layer (104); illustrating that increased cross-linking
(106) of the stabilizing moieties (situation A) reducing permeability to a SCE (108) compared
to a composition with a lesser degrees of cross-linking (situation B).
Figure 2 schematically depicts a nanoparticle composition (202) comprising a
nanoparticle (NP) and a stabilizer moiety layer (204); illustrating that less favorable
interaction of the stabilizing moieties with the solvent (situation A) resulting in contraction of
the stabilizer moiety layer (206) and reducing permeability to a SCE (208) compared to a
composition with a more favorable interaction of the stabilizing moieties with the solvent
(situation B) resulting in expansion of the stabilizer moiety layer (210) and increased
permeability to a SCE.
Figure 3 schematically depicts the modification of a nanoparticle composition (302)
comprising a nanoparticle (NP) and a stabilizer moiety layer (304) by addition of an
adsorbate moiety (306); illustrating modification of the stabilizing moieties with an adsorbate
(situation A) reducing permeability to a SCE (308) compared to a composition without an
adsorbate (situation B).
Figure 4 schematically depicts layer-by-layer assembly of a nanoparticle composition
according to various embodiments of the present inventions.
Figure 5 depicts photoluminescence spectra of CdTe-S quantum dots of Example 2
treated with polyelectrolyte stabilizers. The dotted line is for the sample exposed to high
intensity UV radiation (254 nm) while the solid line is for the sample not exposed to the UV
Figure 6 depicts photoluminescence spectra of CdTe-S quantum dots of Example 2
not treated with stabilizers. The dotted line is for the sample exposed to high intensity UV
radiation (254 nm) while the solid line is for the sample not exposed to UV radiation.
Figure 7 depicts UV visible and emission spectra for CdS/PAA of Example 3 formed
using Cd2+/PAA that was crosslinked at different times.
Figure 8 depicts a graph of absorbance versus time.
Figure 9 depicts measured Cd concentration in solutions prepared according to
Example 5.

Figure 10 depicts the Emission spectra of CdTe-CdS (yellow) (excitation = 350 nm)
showing the blue shift of the emission maximum from no PSS (λmax = 570nm) to 5%
PSS (λmax = 560 nm) to 25% PSS (λmax = 555 nm)
Figure 11 depicts the mission spectra of CdTe-CdS (orange) (excitation = 408 nm)
showing the blue shift of the emission maximum from no PSS (λmax = 645 nm) to
5% PSS (λmax = 640 nm) to 25% PSS (λmax = 630 nm)
Prior to further describing the present inventions, it may be helpful to provide a
general discussion of polymers and nanoparticles.
A. General
The conformation of a polymer in solution is dictated by various conditions of the
solution, including, for example, its interaction with the solvent, its concentration, and the
concentration of other species that may be present. A polymer can undergo conformational
changes, e.g., depending on the pH, ionic strength, cross-linking agents, temperature and
concentration. For polyelectrolytes, at high charge density, e.g., when "monomer" units of
the polymer are fully charged, an extended conformation is adopted due to electrostatic
repulsion between similarly charged monomer units. Decreasing the charge density of the
polymer, e.g., through addition of salts or a change of pH, can result in a transition of the
extended polymer chains to a more tightly packed globular, i.e., collapsed conformation.
Such a collapse transition is driven by attractive interactions between the polymer segments
that overcome the electrostatic repulsion forces. Changing the solvent environment of a
polymer can induce a similar transition. This collapsed polymer can be of nanoscale
dimensions and a nanoparticle. This collapsed conformation can be rendered irreversible by
the formation of intramolecular chemical bonds between segments of the collapsed polymer,
e.g., by cross-linking.
As used herein, the term "collapsed polymer" refers to an approximately globular
form, generally as a spheroid, but also as an elongate and/or multi-lobed conformation
collapsed polymer having nanometer dimensions.

B. Nanoparticle Compositions
In various aspects, the present inventions provide nanoparticle compositions
comprising a nanoparticle having a layer of one or more stabilizer moieties. The stabilizer
moieties can be chosen, e.g., for permeability to various SCEs and thus the ease or difficulty
with which an SCE can reach or leave the nanoparticle can be selected. The degree to which
materials are allowed to move to or from the nanoparticle surface, through the stabilizer
layer, out of or into the nanoparticle environment is referred to as "permeability." Highly
permeable stabilizer layers to a SCE, e.g., allow for facile movement of the SCE between the
nanoparticle surface and environment, while impermeable stabilizers limit this movement. It
is to be understood that permeability varies depending on the size and chemical character of
the species (SCE) attempting to pass through the stabilizer layer.
In various embodiments, a nanoparticle composition of the present inventions and/or
formed by a method of the present inventions has a mean diameter in the range between
about 1 nanometer (nm) to about 100 nm. In various embodiments, the composite
nanoparticle has a mean diameter in one or more of the ranges between: (a) about lnm to
about 10nm; (b) about 10nm to about 30nm; (c) about 15 nm to about 50 nm; and (d) about
50nm to about 100nm). It is to be understood that the term "mean diameter" is not meant to
imply any sort of specific symmetry (e.g., spherical, ellipsoidal, etc.) of a composite
nanoparticle. Rather, the composite nanoparticle could be highly irregular and asymmetric.
In various practical applications of nanoparticles, nanoparticle interaction with
deactivating compounds, solubility, and/or unwanted aggregation can be a problem. In
various embodiments of the present inventions, nanoparticle compositions are provided
having a stabilizer that provides solubility and/or prevents aggregation, but allows transport
of materials from the nanoparticle environment to the nanoparticle surface and vice versa. In
various versions, such embodiments can have practical application in the areas, e.g., of slow-
release pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, corrosion inhibitors, and the like, where the
nanoparticle comprises an active agent that is to be released. Modifications to the stabilizer
layer can be used to provide nanoparticle compositions with tailored release profiles (such as,
e.g., controlled release, sustained release, delayed release, etc); transport rates to the
nanoparticle and/or away from the nanoparticle.
For example, in various embodiments, the nanoparticle compositions comprising a
stabilizer layer that allows certain SCE transport to and from the nanoparticle can be use in
catalysis applications, where, e.g., the transport of chemical reagents to the nanoparticle

surface is necessary for the catalytic activity of the nanoparticles. In various embodiments,
the stabilizer layer can be chosen to have different transport properties of a SCE to the
surface of a nanoparticle than the transport properties of the reaction product of the SCE,
activated SCE (e.g., by catalytic activation) away from the SCE. Such differences in
transport properties can be used, e.g., to control reaction rates (e.g., by transport to the
catalytic surface), provide sufficient time for catalytic activation (e.g., by adjusting transport
away from nanoparticle surface), etc. The control of transport to and from the nanoparticle
surface of various SCE by selection and/or modification of the stabilizer can be used to adjust
or control other factors of chemical processing such as the rate of gas evolution, heat build
up, etc. that can be problematic in large scale chemical processing. In various embodiments,
the stabilizer layer can have a dynamic aspect, e.g., the stabilizer undergoing a change or
series of changes during the catalytic reaction to facilitate further downstream reactions. In
various embodiments, the dynamic change can be cyclic (e.g., periodic) facilitating providing
a first stabilizer layer for a first reaction, a second stabilizer layer for a second reaction (the
second stabilizer formed by a modification of the first layer), followed by reversion to the
first stabilizer layer for a new first reaction. It is to be understood that more than two that
such cycles or series of stabilizer layers can be used, such as for example, a three-layer cycle
or series , a four layer cycle or series, etc. The changes to the stabilizer layer can be
initiated by compounds produced in situ and/or addition of compounds and/or external
stimuli (e.g., radiation, heat, etc.).
In various embodiments of the present invention, the stabilized nanoparticle,
nanoparticle compositions, of the present inventions facilitate providing and/or provide
improved optical properties, such as narrower emission spectra, improved fluorescence
efficiency, modified fluorescence lifetimes, and the like compared to substantially similar
nanoparticles without a stabilizer layer.
C. Nanoparticles
A wide variety of molecules can be used to form the nanoparticle including,
but not limited to, organic or inorganic charged ions or a combination thereof. In various
preferred embodiments, the nanoparticle comprises an elemental metal, alloy comprising a
metal, or a metal species-containing compound, the metal is preferably Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag,
Mn, Ni, Au, Mg, Fe, Hg. Pt or a combination or alloy of one or more thereof. As used herein,
by the term "metal species-containing compound" is meant a compound containing a metal or

metalloid in any valence state. In various preferred embodiments, the nanoparticle comprises
semiconductor crystals, including, but not limited, to CdS, CdSe, CdTe, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe,
PbS, PbSe, PbTe, CuI, HgS, HgSe, and HgTe. These semiconductors can be ternary or
quaternary semiconductors, including, but not limited to, CdTe/S, CdSe/S, CdTe/Se,
Cd/ZnTe, Cd/ZnSe/Te, and the like. In various preferred embodiments, the nanoparticle
comprises oxides, such as ZnO, SnO2, CoO, NiO, CdO, InO2, and the like. In various
preferred embodiments, the nanoparticle comprises more complex systems, including alloys
such as Ag/Au, Ag/Cu, Au/Cu, phosphates such as LiFePO4, chromates such as PbCrO4, and
the like.
D. Stabilizing Moieties
The nanoparticle compositions of the present inventions comprise a nanoparticle
preferably surrounded by at least one stabilizer moiety. A stabilizer moiety for use in the
present inventions can be any molecule capable of collapse that contains units of monomers,
that can be synthetic or naturally occurring and can be linear, branched, hyperbranched,
and/or dendrimeric.
When considering various practical applications of the present inventions, there are
three main functions of a stabilizer. One function can be to modify and/or control the
interactions of the nanoparticles with each other and/or with a solvent, e.g., to provide certain
solubility characteristics or to prevent aggregation. A second function can be to prevent
transport of other materials dissolved in the nanoparticle environment (e.g., tissue, solvent,
air, etc.) to the nanoparticle surface, which, e.g., can often cause deactivation of nanoparticle
properties, such as, e.g.. fluorescence. A third function can be to prevent release of the
material comprising the nanoparticle into the nanoparticle environment (e.g., tissue, solvent,
air, etc.), e.g., to prevent the nanoparticle from decomposing or dissolving into its component
parts, eliciting a toxic response, etc. It is to be understood that the second and third functions
can apply to nanoparticles in gaseous systems as wells as those in a liquid environment.
In various preferred embodiments of the present inventions, the stabilizing moiety
comprises one or more polymers with ionizable or ionized groups. An ionizable moiety or
group is any chemical functional group that can be rendered charged by adjusting solution
conditions, while ionized moieties refers to chemical functional groups that are charged
regardless of solution conditions. An ionizable moiety also includes any chemical functional
group that can be rendered charged by the use of radiation or by the use of a static

electromagnetic field. The ionized or ionizable moiety or group can be either cationic or
anionic, and can be continuous along an entire chain as in the case of regular polymers, or
can be interrupted by blocks containing different functional groups, as in the case of block
Examples of polymer stabilizers suitable in various embodiments include, but are not
limited to, polyelectrolytes such as, e.g., poly(acrylic acid), poly (styrene sulfonate),
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), poIy(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH), or others.
Suitable examples of adsorbates include similar polyelectrolytes. In various preferred
embodiments employing an adsorbate, the polymer stabilizer is of a larger molecular weight
than the adsorbate moieties.
In various embodiments, a preferred cationic group is the amino group and preferred
anionic groups are carboxylic acid, sulfonic acid, phosphates, and the like. For cationic
polymers, examples include, but are not limited to, poly(allylamine), poly(ethyleneimine),
poly(diallyIdimethylammonium chloride), poly(arginine), chitosan, cationic collapsible
proteins, poly(methacrylamido propyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) and poly(lysine). For
anionic polymers, examples include, but are not limited to, poly(acrylic acid), poly(styrene
sulfonic acid), poly(glutamic acid), poly(methacrylic acid), poly(aspartic acid), nucleic acids,
anionic collapsible proteins, poly (anetholesulfonic acid), cellulose, poly(maleic acid)
poly( vinyl phosphoric acid), etc. Block polymers are made up of blocks of polymers having
different functional groups. The block polymers can be made up of blocks of any of the
mentioned anionic and cationic polymers and another polymer that imparts a specific
desirable property to the block polymer.
E. Formation of Nanoparticle Compositions & Modification of Stabilizer laver
In various preferred embodiments of the present inventions, a polymer-stabilized
nanoparticle composition of the present inventions is produced in a suitable solvent by
collapse of a stabilizer moiety about a nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor moiety. A wide
variety of solvents can be used to form a solution of use in the present inventions. In various
embodiments, the solution is preferably an aqueous solution.
In preferred embodiments of the present inventions, a chosen stabilizer moiety is
dissolved in a suitable solvent to form a solution of the stabilizer. The solvent can be water,
an organic solvent or a mixture of two or more such solvents. The addition to the solution of

the collapsing agent induces a collapse of the stabilizer about the nanoparticle or nanoparticle
precursor. The collapsing agent can itself be the nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor. For
example, the nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor can be an inorganic salt that is water
soluble where the water soluble inorganic salt is of the form MxAy where M is a metal cation
belonging to Groups I to IV of the Periodic Table possessing a charge +y and A is the counter
ion to M with a charge -x or a combination thereof.
Various preferred embodiments of the present inventions involve the formation of
composite nanoparticles by the addition of ions that induce precipitate formation of the
nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor within the collapsed stabilizer, wherein the stabilizer is
intra-molecularly and/or inter-molecularly cross-linked. As used herein, "precipitation" of a
nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor having a stabilizer layer refers to modification of the
ion to a compound that is substantially insoluble in the solvent of the solution.
Collapsing agents are usually water-soluble inorganic salts, most preferably, those
that contain metal cations and their corresponding anions. Examples of collapsing agents
include, but are not limited to, Cd(NO3)2, Zn(NO3)2, Cu(SO4), Pb(NO3)2, Pb(CH3COO)2,
Ag(NO3), Mn(SO4), Ni(NO3)2.
A variety of techniques can be used to collapse the stabilizer around a nanoparticle or
nanoparticle precursor. For example, in various embodiments a collapsing agent such as a
different solvent, an ionic species (e.g., a salt); or combinations thereof can be used. In
various embodiments, it is preferred that the nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor itself
serve as a collapsing agent. Multiple collapsing agents can be used.
In various embodiments, to retain the collapsed conformation of the stabilizer layer,
cross-linking of the collapsed stabilizer is achieved by exposing the polymer to y-radiation or
UV radiation. Preferably, the UV radiation is UV laser radiation or UV arc lamp radiation.
In various embodiments, intra-molecular cross-links are chemically produced, for example,
with carbodiimide chemistry with a homobifunctional cross-linker.
In preferred embodiments, the polymer stabilizer moiety or moieties are at least
partially crosslinked so that the favorable solubility and non-aggregative properties of the
nanoparticle composition are maintained. In various embodiments, the stabilizer layer is
stabilized by inter-molecular crosslinks to form a gel.

1. Crosslinking in General
The polymer stabilizer is preferably chosen to be susceptible to chemical or physical
crosslinking. In various embodiments, control of the permeability of the stabilizer to SCEs,
e.g., modification of the stabilizer layer, is achieved through control of the degree of
crosslinking of the stabilizing polymer. For example, by increasing the degree of chemical
crosslinking, the permeability of the stabilizer to SCEs can be decreased.
A wide variety of means can be used to cross-link the stabilizer layer, for example:
chemical means through radical reactions of pendant groups containing unsaturated bonds;
through the use of molecules having multifunctional groups than can react with the functional
groups of the stabilizer moeity;; though high-energy radiation, such as, e.g., gamma radiation.
Crosslinking can be achieved through chemical means through introduction of
multidentate molecules as crosslinkers. These molecules contain multiple functional groups
that can form covalent bonds with the functional groups on the stabilizer moieties. These
molecules can be linear, branched, or dendrimeric. For example, a molecule containing
multiple amine groups, such as 2,2,-ethylenedioxydiethylamine can effect the intramolecular
crosslinking of poly(acrylic acid). The cross-linking reaction in this case can be promoted by
the addition of an activating agent, typically used for amide bond formation, such as a
Chemical treatment can also be carried out to derivatize the stabilizer layer, such that
a fraction of the ionizable groups are converted to groups that can be cross-linked through
free-radical reactions. An example is to convert some of the carboxylic acid groups of
poly(acrylic acid) to allyl esters. The allyl groups can then be reacted to form intramolecular
bonds through radical chemistry.
Crosslinking by irradiation can be effected by exposing a solution of the collapsed
stabilizer to an electromagnetic radiation source. The radiation source can be, for example,
an excimer laser, a mercury arc lamp, a light emitting diode, a UV germicidal lamp or gamma
rays. For the purposes of this specification, crosslinking through means such as irradiation
shall be referred to as "physical crosslinking."
The degree of chemical cross-linking can be controlled by controlling the relative
concentration of multidentate molecules, activating agents, or other reactive groups. The
degree of physical cross-linking can be controlled by controlling the dose, wavelength, or
type of radiation to which the polymer-stabilized nanoparticles are exposed.

2. Stabilizing Loyer Modifications
In various aspects, the present inventions also provide methods to modify the
properties of the stabilizer so that, in various embodiments, nanoparticles compositions
having stabilizers with specific desired transport properties of material to and/or from the
nanoparticle environment to and/or from the nanoparticle surface, and vice versa, can be
In various preferred embodiments, the step modifying a stabilizer layers occurs after
collapse of the stabilizer moieties about a nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor but prior to
cross-linking of the stabilizer layer; substantially during or concurrent with cross-linking of
the stabilizer layer; after cross-linking of the stabilizer layer; or a combination of one or more
of prior to, during, concurrently and after cross-linking of the stabilizer layer.
In various embodiments, selection of the permeability and/or other properties of the
stabilizer layer are provide for by selecting the degree of intra-molecular and/or
intermolecular cross-linking of the stabilizer moieties. Figure 1 schematically depicts a
nanoparticle composition (102) comprising a nanoparticle (NP), or nanoparticle precursor,
and a stabilizer moiety layer (104). Figure 1 illustrates that increasing the degree of intra-
molecular cross-linking (106) of the stabilizing moieties (situation A) decreases the
permeability of the stabilizer layer to a SCE (108), whereas decreasing the degree of intra-
molecular cross-linking (situation B) increase the permeability of the layer.
In various embodiments of the present inventions, a polymer-stabilized nanoparticle is
provided in a suitable solvent. The polymer stabilizer moieties are chosen to have a three-
dimensional structure that is sensitive to solution conditions such as pH, temperature, solvent,
ionic strength, etc. Non-limiting examples of such polymers are polymers with ionizable
groups, where interactions between these ionizable groups can control the three-dimensional
structure of the polymer. In various versions of c=such embodiments, control of the
permeability of the stabilizer to SCEs can be achieved, through control of the three-
dimensional structure using changes in solution conditions. In preferred embodiments, the
polymer stabilizer moiety or moieties are at least partially crosslinked so that the favorable
solubility and non-aggregative properties of the nanoparticle composition are maintained.
Changes in the three-dimensional structure of ionized or ionizable polymers can be
effected, e.g., using changes in pH, temperature, solvent, ionic strength, etc. Normally in
solution, at high charge density, e.g., when "monomer" units of the stabilizer polymer are

fully or highly charged, an extended conformation is adopted due to electrostatic repulsion
between similarly charged monomer units. Decreasing the charge density of the polymer,
which can be effected through addition of salts or a change of pH, can result in the transition
of extended polymer chains to a collapsed conformation. If, instead of being able to freely
interact with the solution, the polymer is in a non-extended conformation, changes in charge
density on the polymer can result in swelling or contraction of the polymer. The non-
extended conformation can occur even at high charge density if, for example, the polymer has
formed a collapsed conformation and was then internally crosslinked chemically or
physically. For example, even if the initial cause of collapse is removed the polymer may
retain its basic collapsed shape, though it may swell or contract depending on conditions.
This can also occur if the polymer is externally crosslinked with other polymers (inter-
molecular crosslinking), e.g., forming a gel. Cross-linking the stabilizer layer (both by intra-
molecular and/or inter-molecular crosslinking) can provide to a polymer system with a
substantially inflexible shape. Where one or more stabilizer layers have a substantially
inflexible shape, increases in charge density can lead to repulsion between the monomers of
the stabilizer polymers. Since the polymers are not able to adopt an extended conformation,
they will instead swell, substantially maintaining the shape of the layer but increasing in
porosity. Similarly, decreases in charge density can lead to a reduction in repulsive
interactions of the monomers of the polymers, leading to contraction of the stabilizer layer.
Contraction or swelling of the polymer stabilizer layer can be similarly effected by
changing solvent conditions. For example, replacement of a first solvent with a second
solvent with which the polymer has decreased favorable interactions with will encourage
contraction of the polymer stabilizer. Similarly, replacement of a first solvent with a second
solvent with which the polymer has increased favorable interactions will encourage swelling
of the polymer stabilizer. In various versions of these embodiments, suitable stabilizers
include polymers stabilizers that have ionizable groups and dissimilar interactions with
different solvents. In various preferred embodiments, the polymer stabilizer is soluble in
both the first and second solvents in order to maintain favorable solubility and non-
aggregative properties of the stabilized nanoparticle.
Examples of suitable solvent systems include, but are not limited to, water-soluble
polymers where the first solvent is aqueous and the second solvent is a combination of water
and ethanol; alcohol-soluble polymers where the first solvent is a small-chain alcohol and the
second solvent is a longer-chain alcohol and the like.

Modification of the three-dimensional structure of the polymer stabilizer, e.g., by
swelling or contraction of the polymer can be used to change the permeability of the polymer
stabilizer to SCEs. For example, Figure 2 schematically depicts a nanoparticle composition
(202) comprising a nanoparticle (NP) or nanoparticle precursor, and a stabilizer moiety layer
(204). Figure 2 illustrates that that less favorable interaction of the stabilizing moieties of the
layer (204) with the solvent (situation A) can result in contraction of the stabilizer moiety
layer (206) and reduce permeability to a SCE (208). A composition with a more favorable
interaction of the stabilizing moieties with the solvent (situation B) resulting in expansion of
the stabilizer moiety layer (210) and an increased permeability to a SCE (208).
Suitable means to modify the stabilizer to change its permeability to SCEs also
include methods to modify stabilizing moieties to increase or decrease the size of the
stabilizing moieties. The means can include, e.g., physical or chemical absorption or
desorption of additional chemical entities (e.g., adsorbates), which can be polymers, ligands,
coordinating complexes, or combinations thereof. The means can further comprise a
chemical reaction to assist in the adsorption or desorption process. For example, in various
embodiments, the stabilizing moiety is further functionalized to improve compatibility with
the further adsorbed species. In various embodiments, this adsorption or desorption process
occurs subsequent to the production of a stabilized nanoparticle, during the production of a
stabilized nanoparticle, or both.
For example, in various embodiments, an adsorbate moiety is added to a polymer-
stabilized nanoparticle while the polymer-stabilized nanoparticle is being synthesized. In
various preferred embodiments, the polymer stabilizer is a polymer with ionizable groups,
e.g., a polyelectrolyte, and the nanoparticle is formed using a collapse transition of the
polyelectrolyte. The adsorbate moiety is added to the solution prior to the collapse transition,
subsequent to the collapse transition, or both, and interacts with the collapsed polyelectrolyte.
In various preferred embodiments, the adsorbate is a lower molecular-weight polyelectrolyte
than the polymer stabilizer. As a non-limiting example, low molecular weight PAA or PAH
can be added to a polymer solution of large molecular weight PAA prior to collapse and
formation of a nanoparticle having a stabilizer layer. The low molecular weight
polyelectrolyte can interact with the polymer stabilizer to decrease the permeability of the
stabilizer layer to SCEs.
In various embodiments of the present inventions, a polymer-stabilized nanoparticle is
provided in a suitable solvent. Subsequent treatment of the polymer-stabilized nanoparticle

with an adsorbate moiety results in a thicker or denser polymer-adsorbate composite
stabilizer layer. This adsorbate, can be chemically and/or physically adsorbed to the polymer
stabilizer, e.g., the adsorbate can be covalently bound to the polymer stabilizer, physisorbed,
etc.. The polymer-adsorbate composite stabilizer can decrease the permeability of the
stabilizer layer to SCEs.
In various embodiments, a stabilizer layer of a polymer-stabilized nanoparticle
comprises a component that can be desorbed or cleaved from the polymer stabilizer, resulting
in a sterically less thick or dense polymer stabilizer layer with increased permeability to
For example. Figure 3 schematically depicts the modification of a nanoparticle
composition (302) comprising a nanoparticle (NP) or nanoparticle precursor, and a stabilizer
moiety layer (304). Addition of an adsorbate moiety (306), e.g., by functionalization,
adsorption, absorption, cleavage, etc., can be used to modify the stabilizer layer (situation A)
and reduce permeability to a SCE (308) as compared to a substantially similar stabilizer layer
without an adsorbate (situation B).
In various embodiments, the adsorbate moiety has one or more functional groups that
can be used for conjugating the stabilized nanoparticles to other molecules containing
complementary functional groups. Examples of such molecules include, but are not limited
to, protein, ligand, oligonucleotide, aptamer, carbohydrate, lipid, other nanoparticles, any
member of affinity-binding pairs (such as, e.g., antigen-antibody, DNA-protein, DNA-DNA,
DNA-RNA, biotin-avidin, hapten-antihapten, protein-protein, enzyme-substrate), and
combinations thereof.
In various embodiments, at least portion of the functional groups of the adsorbate
moiety can be modified to convert them to other functional groups that can be used, e.g., for
conjugation. For example, a hetero bi-functional molecule containing an amine group and a
latent thiol group can be reacted with poly (acrylic acid)-adsorbed nanoparticles through
amide bond formation thereby converting the carboxylic acid to a thiol group. The thiol
group can be used, e.g., for conjugation to other molecules containing thiol-reactive groups.
In various embodiments, in addition to modifying the thickness or density of the
polymer-adsorbate stabilizer layer the adsorbate can modify the chemical properties of the
polymer-adsorbate stabilizer. In various embodiments, this can be used to enhance or retard
changes to the permeability of the stabilizer layer to SCEs caused by the changes in the
thickness or density of the polymer-adsorbate stabilizer. For example, a polymer-adsorbate

stabilizer having a different net charge than the polymer stabilizer alone, would modify the
net charge and thereby can be used to modify the permeability of the stabilizer layer to
charged SCEs.
In various preferred aspects, the stabilizer layer is composed of one or more bilayers.
For example, in various preferred embodiments, a polymer-stabilized nanoparticle is
provided in a suitable solvent. The polymer stabilizer is one or more polymer moieties with
ionizable groups where at least some of the ionizable groups are partially or completely
ionized. The presence of the ionized groups gives the polymer stabilizer a net charge, e.g.,
positive or negative. Addition of a polymer or other adsorbate with opposite charge can
result in adsoption of the adsorbate to the initial polymer stabilizer layer, resulting in a
polymer-adsorbate stabilizer. This process can be continued in a so-called "layer-by-layer"
fashion, where layers of adsorbates of opposite charge are added alternately. A pair of
moieties (e.g., adsorbates, stabilizers, etc.) that are subsequently added of opposite charge is
referred to herein as a bilayer.
In various embodiments of the present inventions, individual layers of stabilizer
moiety and adsorbed polymer stabilizing layer can be crosslinked together using radiation,
chemically, or by heating. High energy radiation in the form of UV lamps, gamma
irradiation, particulate radiation, and the like can be used to generate free radicals to
participate in a cross-linking process. In various embodiments, bifunctional ligands such as
EDC can be used to covalently bond carboxylate groups from adjacent layers together. In
various embodiments, heating can be used to generate crosslinks between two layers of
stabilizing polymers. An example of this process would be where the first layer contains
carboxylate groups and the second layer contains amine groups, where heating promotes the
formation of an amide covalent bond between the two layers.
For example. Figure 4 illustrates various embodiments of a "layer-by-layer"
assembly. A nanoparticle composition (402) comprising a nanoparticle (NP) or nanoparticle
precursor, and a stabilizer moiety layer (404) having a net charge, is contacted with another
stabilizer moiety or adsorbate (406), with an opposite net charge, (step 1) to form a new
nanoparticle composition (408). The steps can be repeated, a stabilizer moiety or adsorbate
moiety being added (410) of net charge opposite to the proceeding moiety (406) to assemble
additional layers (e.g., full or partial bilayers of polyelectrolytes) on the stabilized
nanoparticle (402).

F. Permeability
The permeability of a stabilizer layer can be ascertained by a number of methods. For
example, a stabilized nanoparticle can be added to an etchant (e.g., HC1 for CdS) and the rate
of dissolution measured, the rate of dissolution being be proportional to the rate of H+ in and
Cd out, which can be monitored, e.g., by watching the intensity and position of a fluorescence
peak of CdS. Another method involves measuring the rate of dissolution/leaching of a metal
nanoparticle from the stabilized nanoparticle into solution as a cationic metal (and thus
outside the stabilizer layer), e.g., as in bioavailability studies. Another approach is to monitor
a property of the nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor during collapse and/or modification
of the stabilizer moiety in the presence of a compound that deactivates a property
nanoparticle or nanoparticle precursor, e.g., example, monitoring CdS fluorescence in the
presence of EDTA, a deactivator of CdS fluorescence.
G. Catalytic Supports
In various aspects, the present inventions provide stabilized nanoparticles supported
by a substrate. In various embodiments, supported, stabilized nanoparticles can be used, e.g.,
in heterogeneous processes where supported nanoparticles interact with gas- and/or liquid-
borne SCEs, such as, for example, in heterogenous catalysis. For example, in various
embodiments, stabilized nanoparticles are supported on the substrate (e.g., activated carbon),
on the surfaces of the pores of a mesoporous material, or a combination thereof, for catalysis
of gas and/or liquid-borne SCEs . Examples of mesoporous materials include, but are not
limited to, zeolitic materials, aluminosilicates, clays, and other porous silicates.
A wide variety of substrates can be used as supports, and include any solid phase
material upon which a stabilized nanoparticle can be immobilized. Examples of substrate
materials include, but are not limited to, activated carbon, mesoporous materials, zeolites,
organic polymers, inorganic surfaces, such as, e.g., glass, controlled pore glass, silica, metals,
alloys, etc., and combinations thereof. The support can have a variety of forms and form
factors, including, but not limited to, beads, spheres, particles, granules, gels, membranes,
surfaces. Surfaces can be a variety of shapes, including, but not limited to, planar,
substantially planar, or non-planar. Supports can be porous, non-porous or a combination of
both, and can have swelling and/or non-swelling characteristics.

In various preferred embodiments, a "Iayer-by-layer" assembly process as described
herein, such as, for example, in section F, can be used to fashion supported, stabilized
nanoparticles. For example, in various preferred embodiments, a polymer-stabilized
nanoparticle is provided in a suitable solvent. The polymer stabilizer comprising one or more
polymer moieties with ionizable groups where at least some of the ionizable groups are
partially or completely ionized. The presence of the ionized groups can give the polymer
stabilizer a net charge, e.g., positive or negative. A substrate with a net surface charge of
opposite character can be exposed to a solution of these nanoparticles which can result in
absorption of nanoparticles to the surface. Addition of a polymer, stabilized nanoparticle,
bare nanoparticle, or other adsorbate with opposite charge can result in adsorption of the
adsorbate to the initial stabilized nanoparticle layer. The process can be continued in a so-
called "layer-by-layer" fashion, where layers of adsorbates of opposite charge can be added
alternately. A pair of moieties (e.g., adsorbates, stabilizers, etc.), where one member of the
pair has a net positive charge and the other a net negative charge, can together be referred to
herein as a bilayer.
In various embodiments, each bilayer can comprise stabilized nanoparticles of the
appropriate charge in one and/or both of the layers, which, for example, can be used to
modify the loading of stabilized nanoparticle in the layered substrate. In various
embodiments, one or more of the bilayers does not comprise and/or is substantially free of
nanoparticles, for example, to decrease the loading of nanoparticles in the layered substrate.
The porosity of the layered substrate can be modified, for example, by changing
solution conditions during deposition such as pH, ionic strength, solvent, concentrations, etc.
Increased porosity facilitates improving the diffusion of materials through the layered
substrate, while decreased porosity can, e.g., increase the strength of coordination and barrier
In various embodiments, the layered substrate is loaded with stabilized nanoparticles
with specific catalytic activity such as metals, metal alloys, oxides, and the like. In various
embodiments, the stabilizers have increased or decreased porosity to SCEs.
In various embodiments, a layered substrate comprising nanoparticles is sintered in a
furnace in order to enhance interconnectivity of the nanoparticles and/or burn off stabilizer
and/or other adsorbate moieties. This can result, e.g., in a porous substrate comprising at
least one type of nanoparticle. In various embodiments, this porous substrate is used as a

catalyst. In various embodiments the porous substrate comprises an oxide. In various
embodiments the porous substrate comprises, a porous oxide that can, e.g., act as a Lewis
base in a catalytic reaction.
Various aspects and embodiments of the present inventions may be further understood
in light of the following examples, which are not exhaustive and which should not be
construed as limiting the scope of the present inventions in any way.
Example 1: Preparation of CdTe-CdS nanoparticles encapsulated in PAA
A 10 mM sodium tellurite (Na2TeO3) solution was prepared by weighing out the appropriate
amount of sodium tellurite and dissolving it in deionized water (ddH2O). A heating mantle
was heated to >100 °C. 50 mL of Cd-PAA solution (1.67 mM Cd, irradiated for lh with 254
nm light) was put into a one-necked round bottom flask (rbf). Trisodium citrate (50 mg) and
sodium borohydride (NaBH4, 25 mg) was added in one portion to the stirred Cd-PAA
solution. 1.25 mL Na2TeO3 solution, prepared above, was added to the Cd-PAA solution. A
condenser was put on rbf and the reaction mixture was heated to reflux in the heating mantle
and lef to reflux for 4h. Meanwhile, another heating mantle was preheated to 50 °C. After 4 h
of reflux, the reaction flask was taken out of the heating mantle and let cool to room
temperature. Meanwhile, a 100 mM solution of thioacetamide was prepared by weighing out
the appropriate amount of thioacetamide and dissolving it in deionized water (ddH2O). For
quantum dots that emit in the green, 33 uL of thioacetamide solution was added to the
reaction mixture. For yellow quantum dots, 150 uL of thioacetamide was used. For orange
quantum dots, 675 uL of thioacetamide solution was used. After adding thioacetamide, the
flask was put into the heating mantle pre-heated to 50 °C. The reaction was left at 50 °C for
16h, then let cool to room temperature. The fluorescence of the yellow and orange quantum
dots are shown in Figures 10 and 11 respectively.
Example 2: Preparation of CdTe-CdS nanoparticles encapsulated in PAA/PSS

A 10 mM sodium tellurite (Na2TeCO3) solution was prepared by weighing out the appropriate
amount of sodium tellurite and dissolving it in deionized water (ddH2O). A heating mantle
was heated to >100 oC. 50 mL of Cd-PAA/PSS (PSS is 5% or 25% of PAA by weight)
solution (1.67 mM Cd, irradiated for lh with 254 nm light) was put into a one-necked round
bottom flask (rbf). Trisodium citrate (50 mg) and sodium borohydride (NaBH4, 25 mg) was
added in one portion to the stirred Cd-PAA solution. 1.25 mL Na2TeO3 solution, prepared
above, was added to the Cd-PAA solution. A condenser was put on rbf and the reaction
mixture was heated to reflux in the heating mantle and lef to reflux for 4h. Meanwhile,
another heating mantle was preheated to 50 °C. After 4 h of reflux, the reaction flask was
taken out of the heating mantle and let cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, a 100 mM
solution of thioacetamide was prepared by weighing out the appropriate amount of
thioacetamide and dissolving it in deionized water (ddH2O). ). For quantum clots that emit in
the green, 33 µL of thioacetamide solution was added to the reaction mixture. For yellow
quantum dots, 150 µL of thioacetamide was used. For orange quantum dots, 675 µL of
thioacetamide solution was used. After adding thioacetamide, the flask was put into the
heating mantle pre-heated to 50 °C. The reaction was left at 50 °C for 16h, then let cool to
room temperature. The fluorescence of the yellow and orange quantum dots with 5% and
25% PSS are shown in Figures 10 and 11 respectively.
Example 3: Preparation of CdTe-CdS nanoparticles coated with bilavers of polvelectrolytes
Samples of quantum dots coated with 1, 2. or 3 bilayers of PAA and PAH were
prepared. The green CdTe-CdS quantum dots with a PAA stabilizer were prepared according
to Example 2, purified by precipitation with ethanol, and reconstituted at 16 times its original
concentration (on a solids basis). It was then diluted 333 times with deionized, distilled water
(ddH20). To 100µL of this solution was added alternately solutions of PAH (MW=15,000,
40 µL, 0.03 mg/mL) and PAA-Na (MW = 2,100, 5µL, 0.3 mg/mL). After each addition, the
mixture was put on an orbital shaker for 5 minutes and then the next solution was added.
For CdTe-CdS nanoparticles with one bilayer (i.e. after one alternate addition of PAH
and PAA-Na), after one alternate addition of PAH and PAA-Na the solution was removed
from the shaker and 90 uL of deionized, distilled water was added. For CdTe-CdS
nanoparticles with two bilayers, after two alternate additions of PAH and PAA-Na the
solution was removed from the shaker and 45 uL of ddH20 was added. For CdTe-CdS

nanoparticles with three bilayers, after three alternate additions of PAH and PAA-Na the
solution was removed from the shaker and used.
Example 4: Polyelectrolyte stabilizer effect on CdTe-CdS quantum dot photoluminescence
Two sets of samples of quantum dots were prepared using a modified version of
example 1. In this case, the green CdTe-CdS quantum dots were prepared according to
Example 1 and diluted 10 times. The amounts of PAH and PAA-Na added were also
modified - each bilayer involved the addition of 10µL of each solution at concentrations of
0.5 mg/mL and 0.05 mg/mL respectivelly.
One set of quantum dots was exposed to high intensity UV radiation (254 nm) for 30
minutes while another set was kept covered with aluminum foil tape. The photoluminescence
spectra are shown in Figure 5. As control, two sets of solutions of quantum dots without
bilayers of PAH and PAA-Na were prepared and diluted 10 times; one set was exposed to
high intensity UV radiation (254 urn) for 30 minutes while another set was kept covered with
aluminum foil tape. The photoluminescence spectra are shown in Figure 6.
Example 5: Effect of crosslinking on CdS quantum dot photoluminescence
Cd2+/PAA was prepared by mixing equal volumes of aqueous 2 mg/mL Polyacrylic
acid (1.2 million MW, Sigma) with 3.3 mM Cd(NO3)2. Briefly, 10.0 mL of the polyacrylic
acid solution was placed in a plastic beaker with 10 mL of water and stirred vigorously with a
magnetic stir bar. To this solution, 90 mL of polyacrylic acid solution along with 90 ml of
Cd(NO3)2 were added dropwise at a rate of 5 ml/minute under vigorous stirring. To the
resulting solution, 10 more ml of Cd(NO3)2 was added dropwise at a rate of 2-3 ml/min with
vigorous stirring. The resulting solution was a clear liquid.
The Cd2+/PAA was crosslinked under a UV Germicidal lamp and aliquots at different
crosslinking times were taken (0 mins, 30 mins, 1 hr, 1.5 hrs, and 2 hrs). CdS/PAA was
made using Cd2+/PAA (crosslinked at different times) - 180 µL of 2.8 mM Na2S solution was
added to 500 µL of Cd2+/PAA solution. The resulting UV visible and emission spectra is
shown in Figure 7 for CdS/PAA formed using Cd2+/PAA that was crosslinked at different
times (0 hours, 30 mins., 1 hour, and 2 hours).

Example 6: Photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles.
100UL of methylene blue solution (0.1 mM) was added to two separate solutions
containing 100uL of ZnO nanoparticles with a PAA stabilizer (0.5 mg/mL based on PAA
concentration). The ZnO nanoparticles were prepared as described in Goh et al., PCT
application CD 2006/001686. Two control solutions were also made with 100 uL of ddH20
and 100 µL of methylene blue solution. The solutions were kept in the dark.
After 3.5 hours, one solution with ZnO nanoparticles and one without was exposed to
UV radiation (302 nm) and the other solutions were kept covered with aluminum foil.
Absorbance measurements were taken after 5. 30, 60, and 189 minutes and are shown in
Figure 8. In the absence of ZnO nanoparticles little decrease in absorbance was observed,
and accelerated breakdown was shown for methylene blue in the presence of ZnO.
Example 7: Measurement of cadmium content in unbound form for stabilized CdTe-CdS
Green CdTe-CdS nanoparticles with 1, 2, and 3 bilayers of PAH and PAA were
prepared as described in Example 1. A control solution of CdTe-CdS nanoparticles with 0
bilayers was also prepared by adding 135 uL to 100 µL of the diluted CdTe-CdS solution. A
control solution of polyelectrolytes was also prepared by alternately adding 3 times 40 µL of
PAH and 40 µL of PAA-Na to 100 µL of ddH20 with 5 minutes shaking on an orbital
shaker between addition.
30 µL of the two control solutions and the CdTe-CdS with 1, 2, and 3 bilayers were
each diluted separately with 165 µL of ddH20. The Cadmium content of each solution
prepared was determined using Measure iT Lead and Cadmium Assay kit (Invitrogen catalog
number M36353). The results are shown in Figure 9, where a clear change in measured Ccl
concentration is observed as bilayers of polyelectrolytes are added.
Additional Examples:
All literature and similar material cited in this application, including, patents, patent
applications, articles, books, treatises, dissertations and web pages, regardless of the format
of such literature and similar materials, are expressly incorporated by reference in their
entirety. In the event that one or more of the incorporated literature and similar materials

differs from or contradicts this application, including defined terms, term usage, described
techniques, or the like, this application controls.
The section headings used herein are for organizational puiposes only and are not to
be construed as limiting the subject matter described in any way.
While the present inventions have been described in conjunction with various
embodiments and examples, it is not intended that the present inventions be limited to such
embodiments or examples. On the contrary, the present inventions encompass various
alternatives, modifications, and equivalents, as will be appreciated by those of skill in the art.
Accordingly, the descriptions, methods and diagrams of should not be read as limited to the
described order of elements unless stated to that effect.

What is claimed is:
1. A method of producing a stabilized composite nanoparticle comprising the steps of:
providing a solution comprising a nanoparticle and a plurality of
polyelectrolyte stabilizing moieties;
adding a collapsing agent to the solution to collapse the plurality of
polyelectrolyte stabilizing moieties about the nanoparticle to form a composite
nanoparticle; and
modifying the plurality of polyelectrolyte stabilizing moieties in the solution
to change their transport properties.
2. The method of claim 1 further comprising cross-linking the polymeric stabilizing
3. The method of claim 1 wherein the adding step comprises adding a water-soluble
inorganic salt to the solution to collapse the polymeric stabilizing moiety.
4. The method of claim 1 wherein the providing step comprises providing a nanoparticle
with a mean diameter in the range of between about 1 nm to about 100 nm.
5. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step comprises one of the following:
changing solution pH, changing of the solvent, adding salts, changing the solution
temperature, adsorbing additional chemical moieties to the polymer, and desorbing
chemical moieties to the polymer.
6. The method of claim 1 wherein the cross-linking step comprises one of the following:
exposure to electromagnetic radiation, chemically induced cross-linking or thermally
induced cross-linking.
7. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the transport properties
between the nanoparticle environment and the nanoparticle surface.

8. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the optical properties of
the nanoparticle composite.
9. The method of claim 8 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence
efficiency of the nanoparticle composite.
10. The method of claim 8 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence lifetime
of the nanoparticle composite.
11. The method of claim 8 wherein the modifying step narrows the emission spectrum of
the nanoparticle composite.
12. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the solubility of the
nanoparticle composite.
13. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the aggregation of the
nanoparticle composite.
14. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the permeability of the
stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities.
15. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step selectively increases the
permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities,
and decrease the permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain other
small chemical entities.
16. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the thickness of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
17. The method of claim 1 wherein the modifying step changes the density of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
18. The method of claim 1 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety comprising one of the following: an ionizable polymer, an ionized
polymer, a single polymer molecule, co-polymers thereof, and a combination of
polymer compounds.

19. The method of claim 18 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety that comprises a polyelectrolyte.
20. The method of claim 19 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety comprising one of the following: poly (styrene sulfonate),
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), poly(acrylic acid), poly(ethyleneimine) and
poly(allylamine hydrochloride).
21. A method of producing a stabilized composite nanoparticle comprising the steps of:
providing a nanoparticle substantially confined within a stabilizing moiety
layer comprising a plurality of polyelectrolytes; and
modifying the stabilizing moiety layer to change its transport properties.
22. The method of claim 21 further comprising cross-linking the polymeric stabilizing
23. The method of claim 21 wherein the providing step comprises providing a
nanoparticle with a mean diameter in the range of between about 1 nm to about 100
nm substantially confined within a stabilizing moiety layer.
24. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step comprises one of the following:
changing solution pH, changing of the solvent, adding salts, changing the solution
temperature, adsorbing additional chemical moieties to the polymer, and desorbing
chemical moieties to the polymer.
25. The method of claim 21 wherein the cross-linking step comprises one of the
following: exposure to electromagnetic radiation, chemically induced cross-linking or
thermally induced cross-linking.
26. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the transport properties
between the nanoparticle environment and the nanoparticle surface.
27. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the optical properties of
the nanoparticle composite.

28. The method of claim 27 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence
efficiency of the nanoparticle composite.
29. The method of claim 27 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence
lifetime of the nanoparticle composite.
30. The method of claim 27 wherein the modifying step narrows the emission spectrum of
the nanoparticle composite.
31. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the solubility of the
nanoparticle composite.
32. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the aggregation of the
nanoparticle composite.
33. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the permeability of the
stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities.
34. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step selectively increases the
permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities,
and decrease the permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain other
small chemical entities.
35. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the thickness of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
36. The method of claim 21 wherein the modifying step changes the density of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
37. The method of claim 21 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety comprising one of the following: an ionizable polymer, an ionized
polymer, a single polymer molecule, co-polymers thereof, and a combination of
polymer compounds.
38. The method of claim 37 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety that comprises a polyelectrolyte.

39. The method of claim 38 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety comprising one of the following: poly (styrene sulfonate),
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), poly(acrylic acid), poly(ethyleneimine) and
poly( allylamine hydrochloride).
40. A nanoparticle composite comprising a nanoparticle with a mean diameter in the
range of between about 1 nm to about 100 nm, the nanoparticle substantially confined
within a plurality of polyelectrolyte stabilizing moieties.
41. The composite nanoparticle of claim 40 wherein one or more of the polyelectrolyte
stabilizing moieties is cross-linked.
42. The composite nanoparticle of claim 41 wherein the cross-linking is accomplished by
one of the following: electromagnetic radiation induced cross-linking, chemically
induced cross-linking or thermally induced cross-linking
43. The composite nanoparticle of claim 40 wherein the polymeric stabilizing moiety
layer is porous to small chemical entities.
44. The composite nanoparticle of claim 43 wherein the small chemical entities have a
mean size in the range of about 1 nm to about 5 nm.
45. The composite nanoparticle of claim 40 wherein the polymeric stabilizing moiety
layer comprises of one of the following: an ionizable polymer, an ionized polymer, a
single polymer molecule, co-polymers thereof, and a combination of polymer
46. The composite nanoparticle of claim 45 wherein the polymeric stabilizing moiety
layer comprises a polyelectrolyte.
47. The composite nanoparticle of claim 46 wherein the polymeric stabilizing moiety
comprises one of the following: poly (styrene sulfonate),
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), poly(acrylic acid), poly(ethyleneimine and
poly(allylamine hydrochloride).
48. The composite nanoparticle of claim 40 wherein the polymeric stabilizing moiety
layer has a net charge.

49. The composite nanoparticle of claim 48 supported by a substrate forming a stabilized
nanoparticle layer on the substrate.
50. The composite nanoparticle of claim 49 wherein the substrate surface has a net
51. The composite nanoparticle of claim 49 wherein a second nanoparticle composite
with an opposite charge polarity of the first nanoparticle composite is adsorbed to the
stabilized nanoparticle layer.
52. The nanoparticle composite of claim 49 wherein the nanoparticle and substrate are
53. A method of producing a multilayer, stabilized composite nanoparticle comprising the
steps of:
providing a composite nanoparticle comprising a nanoparticle and a first
polyelectrolyte stabilizing moiety layer with a net charge;
contacting the nanoparticle composite with one of a second polyelectrolyte
stabilizing moiety and an adsorbate having an opposite charge polarity of the
previous polymeric stabilizing moiety layer to form a multilayer, stabilized
composite nanoparticle.
54. The method of claim 53 further comprising cross-linking a polymeric stabilizing
moiety layer by a method comprising one of the following: exposure to
electromagnetic radiation, chemically induced cross-linking, or thermal cross-linking.
55. The method of claim 53 further comprising modifying one of a polymeric stabilizing
moiety layer and an adsorbate.
56. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step modifies the transport properties
between the nanoparticle environment and the nanoparticle surface.
57. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the optical properties of
the nanoparticle composites.
58. The method of claim 57 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence
efficiency of the nanoparticle composites.

59. The method of claim 57 wherein the modifying step improves the fluorescence
lifetime of the nanoparticle composites.
60. The method of claim 57 wherein the modifying step narrows the emission spectrum of
the nanoparticle composites.
The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the solubility of the
nanoparticle composites.
61. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the aggregation of the
nanoparticle composites.
62. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the permeability of the
stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities.
63. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step selectively increases the
permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain small chemical entities,
and decrease the permeability of the stabilizing moiety with respect to certain other
small chemical entities.
64. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the thickness of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
65. The method of claim 55 wherein the modifying step changes the density of the
stabilizing moiety layer.
66. The method of claim 53 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety layer comprising one of the following: an ionizable polymer, an
ionized polymer, a single polymer molecule, co-polymers thereof, and a combination
of polymer compounds.
67. The method of claim 66 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety layer comprising a polyelectrolyte.
68. The method of claim 67 wherein the providing step comprises providing a polymeric
stabilizing moiety layer comprising one of the following: poly (styrene sulfonate),
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), poly poly(allylamine hydrochloride).

Methods of producing stabilized composite nanoparticles comprising a nanoparticle and a multiple polyelectrolyte stabilizing moiety layer, a method of producing a multilayer stabilized composite nanoparticle, and such nanoparticles.



Patent Number 269608
Indian Patent Application Number 2779/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 44/2015
Publication Date 30-Oct-2015
Grant Date 29-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 30-Jul-2009
Applicant Address 700 BAY ST., SUITE 1100, TORONTO, ONTARIO M5G 1Z6 CANADA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07K 1/00, C07K 7/08, C12Q 1/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB2008/000817
PCT International Filing date 2008-02-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/892,927 2007-03-05 U.S.A.