Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a method for providing alternate content to the television viewer. Instead of the white dotted image that appears on the screen when there is no video signal, this method gives a pleasant experience of playing a radio station when there is no video signal. To achieve this we need a radio tuner in the TV. There are already televisions in the market that comes with a radio tuner. Basically every channel will be allotted a different frequency to differentiate between them and the frequency tuner on the TV will tune to that channel on selecting it. The electronics inside the TV does a monitoring of intensity of the signal and accordingly feds that to the electron gun. When there in no video signal it can be accordingly detected and this in turn selects the radio tuner for an already preset frequency selected by the user. The sound signals if any which comes along with composite TV signal are suppressed and the sound signals from the radio tuner are fed to the TV amplifiers which in turn are fed to the TV loudspeakers.
Full Text

The present invention, in general, is related to Television (TV) systems. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method by which a television automatically plays a radio station on receiving no video signal.
Currently there are scenarios of TV signal interruption from the broadcasters as well as from the cable TV operators. During these occurrences of signal interruption, the TV set doesn't display anything. Broadcast signal interruptions and cable operator signal interruptions do happen in Television and during those instances; the TV doesn't display anything on the screen. In older televisions we do observe the white dotted screen occurring when there is no signal. In a normal or conventional television, the other side of the TV screen is coated with Phosphor, which emits visible light when exposed to radiation. An electron beam traverses this coating for an image to appear on the screen. The intensity of the pixel is controlled by the intensity of the electron beam that falls on a screen on a pixel by pixel basis. The electron beam traverses in a fashion as depicted in fig 1 to display a frame of telecast at a particular instant of time. A composite video signal that is transmitted from the broadcaster has

three components namely Intensity, Horizontal retrace and Vertical retrace as described in the figure 2.
On a typical composite video signal, the intensity varies between 0.5v to 2 V for different levels of grey i.e. 0.5 for black and 2v for white. At the moment when there is no video signal, a signal of strength of 2v is fed to the electron gun. The Gun in turn emits an electron beam of full strength that is made to hit the coating to emit white. The same happens as the electron beam traverses and we get the white dotted screen when there is no video signal. In recent color televisions, instead of white dotted screen we obsen/e a blue screen appearing on the screen. Currently available TV sets don't have means to entertain the viewer when the TV signal goes off abruptly.
US 3643167 discloses TV sets with a feature that provides an automatic system for turning off a television receiver when there is no signal on the channel to which the television set is tuned. This system is sensitive only to the FM sound carrier so that the turning off of the set will occur only in the absence of an audio signal.
The drawback with the related art or in the current day television is that they do not provide an alternative option for the user when there is no video signal. It gives an unpleasant experience when the signal goes off

abruptly. The user now has to either wait for reception of television signal or he has to switch off the television.
The present invention relates to television systems. More specifically, it relates to a television set that entertains a viewer when the television signals are not present. Generally a white dotted screen or a blue screen appears during an interruption in the broadcast. The present invention provides alternate content to entertain the viewer during the interruption. The alternate content provided by the television set of the present invention during the absence of signals or interruption of broadcast can be a radio tuner, a video player, or display of images stored in a secondary storage device such as internal memory of the television or hard disk of a personal computer.
The object of the present invention is to provide a method for providing alternate content to the television viewer during the absence of signals or during the interruption of signals, wherein the alternate content is provided by a radio tuner, a video player or display of images stored in a secondary storage device such as internal memory of the television or hard disk of a personal computer or an external hard drive or any such external storage device known in the market.

In the method according to the present invention the alternate content is provided by playing a radio station when there is no video signal or during video signal interruption, wherein the radio tuner is included in the television set, wherein every channel is allotted with a different frequency to differentiate between the channels, wherein the frequency tuner on television tunes to the selected channel, wherein the interruption in video signal is detected and the radio tuner for the preset frequency is selected.
In the method according to the present invention when there is an interruption, the sound signal that comes along with the composite television signal is suppressed and the sound signals from the radio tuner are fed to the television amplifiers which in turn are fed to the television loudspeakers.
Another object of the present invention is to provide alternate content by means of a video player, wherein the video player associated with the television set is switched on by sending sequence of instruction to the video player when the interruption in video signal is detected in video signal. The video player can be any conventional video player such as VCR, VCP or any other video player known in the market.
Accordingly the invention explains a method for providing alternate content in a television device during the absence of signals or during the

interruption of signals, wherein the alternate content is provided by a radio tuner, a video player or display of images stored in a secondary storage device.
The secondary storage device is an internal memory device in the television device. The secondary storage device is an external memory outside the television device. The alternate content is provided by playing a radio station using a radio tuner in the television device. Each channel in the television device is allotted with a specific frequency in a radio tuner and on detection of interruption of signals the specific frequency associated with a radio tuner is selected. On detection of interruption, sound signals that comes along with a composite television signal is suppressed and sound signals from the radio tuner are fed to the television device. On detection of interruption the television device is adapted to be configured to provide alternate content by means of a video from a video player associated with the television device.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the ensuing detailed description of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCOMPANYING DRAWINGS Figure 1 depicts a path of traversed by the electron beam.

Figure 2 depicts a Composite Video signal Figure 3 depicts the flow of the method
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
The present invention provides the TV user/viewer/ owner with a pleasant experience when there is an abrupt disconnection in video signal from the television broadcasters or from the cable TV operators.
The present invention provides a solution which intends to give the viewer with a pleasant experience when the television signal goes off abruptly.

The present invention provides with a feature to entertain the viewer with alternate content during the signal interruption. The alternate content provided by the television set of the present invention during the absence of signals or interruption of broadcast can be a radio tuner, a video player, or display of images stored in a secondary storage device such as internal memory of the television or hard disk of a personal computer.
In one embodiment the present invention is provided with a feature that gives a pleasant experience of playing a radio station when there is no video signal or video signal interruption. This is achieved by including a radio tuner in the TV set. According to the present invention every channel will be allotted a different frequency to differentiate between them and the frequency tuner on the TV will tune to that channel on selecting it. The electronic circuit inside the TV does a monitoring of intensity of the signal and accordingly feeds that information .to the electron gun. When there in no video signal it can be accordingly detected and this in turn selects the radio tuner for an already preset frequency selected by the user. The sound signals if any which comes along with composite TV signal are suppressed and the sound signals from the radio tuner are fed to the TV amplifiers which in turn are fed to the TV loudspeakers. This is one way of giving the user a pleasant experience.
A radio tuner is an adjustable device, which passes one radio frequency, or band of frequencies, and excludes others, by using electrical

resonance. The tuner comprises of an inductor and capacitor. Combined with a detector, also known as a demodulator, it becomes the simplest radio receiver. Tuners can be either stereo or mono, and are available for TV, FM, and AM signals. A radio tuner and a radio station as described in the present application are same devices.
In another embodiment the video player associated with the television set is switched on by sending sequence of commands to the video player.
In yet another embodiment, the pleasant experience is provided by automatic playback of slide shows of the TV user's or the TV owner's interest that is stored in an external memory associated with the TV set.
It will also be obvious to those skilled in the art that other control methods and apparatuses can be derived from the combinations of the various methods and apparatuses of the present invention as taught by the description and the accompanying drawings and these shall also be considered within the scope of the present invention. Further, description of such combinations and variations is therefore omitted above. It should also be noted that the host for storing the applications include but not limited to a microchip, microprocessor, handheld communication device, computer, rendering device or a multi function device.

Although the present invention has been fully described in connection with the preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be noted that various changes and modifications are possible and are apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications are to be understood as included within the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims unless they depart there from.

1. A method for providing alternate content in a television device during the absence of signals or during the interruption of signals, wherein the alternate content is provided by a radio tuner, a video player or display of images stored in a secondary storage device.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the secondary storage device is an internal memory device in the television device.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the secondary storage device is an external memory outside the television device.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the alternate content is provided by playing a radio station using a radio tuner in the television device.
5. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, each channel in the television device is allotted with a specific frequency in a radio tuner and on detection of interruption of signals the specific frequency associated with a radio tuner is selected.
6. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein on detection of interruption, sound signals that comes along with a composite television signal is

suppressed and sound signals from the radio tuner are fed to the television device.
7. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein on detection of interruption the
television device is adapted to be configured to provide alternate content
by means of a video from a video player associated with the television
8. A method for providing alternate content in a television device during
the absence of signals or during the interruption of signals substantially
described particularly with reference to the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 269630
Indian Patent Application Number 2560/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 29-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 07-Nov-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G09G 1/16
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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