Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a plectrum (1) having two portions (10, 12) being offset transversely but connected integrally by a stepped member (14). One portion (12) may have a tear-drop shaped playing edge (112), while the other portion may have a pointed edge (114) at one corner and another short pointed edge (118) at the second corner. A scallop playing edge (116) is typically joined to the short pointed edge (118). The stepped edge (14) is preferably in the shape of an arc. Other embodiments of the present invention include a plectrum (la, lb, Ic, Id) having a planar body (20) with a tear-drop shaped playing edge (112a, 112b, 112c, 112d), a pointed playing edge (114a, 114b, 114c, 114d) and a short pointed edge (118a, 118b, 118c, 118d). A scallop shaped edge (116a, 116b, 116c, 116d) may be joined to the short playing edge (118). On the faces of the plectrum is preferably a ridge (201), a groove (202) or a combination of a ridge (201) and a groove (202) on the same or opposed face. The ridge or groove is optionally disposed across the centre of the plectrum and is in the form of an arc. The curved stepped edge (14) or the edges of the curved ridge (201) or groove (202) seek to provide a positive grip on the plectrum. The curved edges are also formed to fit comfortably with the curve of the user's thumb or finger.
This invention relates to a plectrum for picking or strumming the strings of a musical
Instrument. In particular, it relates to a plectrum for holding between the thumb and finger.
Plectrums, or picks, for a stringed Instrument, such as a guitar, banjo, harp and the like,
have long been used as an alternative to one's fingernails to pick or strum the strings.
These plectrums are useful devices for a user who wishes to play a stringed instrument.
Typically, a user chooses a plectrum according to its characteristics, type of strings used
on the instrument, and his style and technique of playing.
A common plectrum Is a flat piece of material, which may be made from plastics, wood,
bone, shell, metal or any other suitable material. Plastic plectrums have become very
common In usage and Its suitability for use with nylon strings further make them popular.
Metal plectrums are hard and rigid, and are mostly suitable for metal strings. These
materials have their own characteristic stiffness and are used to produce different tones
and texture of sounds.
Conventional plectrums are also made in various shapes. The typical shapes are
triangular or oval (or melon-seed or tear-drop shapes). There are three factors that affect
the characteristic sound a plectrum may produce: the gripping point between the thumb
and finger; the distance of the playing edge from the'gripplng point; and the thickness at
the playing edges.
The problem with a flat plectrum is the difficulty of having a good grip between the thumb
and finger. This affects the accuracy of picking the individual strings of the musical
instrument. To overcome this problem of providing a good grip, especially for a plastic
moulded plectrum, the prior art has shown the use of knurling or texturing the gripping
point. Another method is to provide an aperture at the gripping point By providing a good
grip on the plectrum, this enables the user to accurately pick the string to produce a
particular note and allows him to express his style and technique of playing confidently.
The size of a plectrum is another factor. There is a trade off between the size and ease of
gripping a plectrum. A large plectrum provides a larger gripping area but its size impedes
the agile pivoting of the plectrum between the thumb and finger. On the other hand, the
gripping area of a smaller plectrum Is limited although the smaller size provides better
dexterity to the user.
These conventional plectrums are commonly described as "thick", "medium" and 'thin*
with thickness of substantially 1, 0.7 and 0.5 mm respectively. For example, for use in
playing a guitar, a "thick" plectrum produces louder and more powerful sounds, such as
for solo or lead roles. A "thin" plectrum produces a gentle and soft sound, such as for
acoustical background sound. The "medium* thick plectrum may be used for normal or
common sounds.
A typical plectrum has a limited number of playing edges. A playing edge is often located
at an end of the plectrum. When a variety of tones or sounds are required, the user is
required to alternate between a number of playing edges available on a plectrum.
Otherwise, he will have to change to a different plectrum whilst playing the instrument.
This may be necessary when the user desires to produce sound texture, ranging from, for
example, heavy-metal rock type to the soothing strum of the 12-string acoustic guitar.
The plectrum of this invention aims at overcoming or at least alleviate some of the above
shortcomings or problems of conventional plectrums. An aim is to provide the user with
control and variety in the generation of the tone and quality of a stringed musical
instrument with the aid of a plectrum.
According to a first embodiment of the invention there is provided a plectrum for a
stringed musical instrument comprising:
(a) a first portion having a plurality of string engaging means;
(b) a second portion having a further string engaging means; and
(c) an integrally formed connection member connecting the first and second
portions and formed in the shape of an arc across the plectrum; wherein
the plurality of string engaging means and said further string engaging means are
arranged to allow a user to play the stringed instrument by engaging one or more strings
of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string engaging means; and
the connection member provides a grip for gripping between a user's finger and
Typically, the plectrum has a ridged or stepped member that is formed substantially
across the centre of the plectrum. The ridged or stepped member may also be curved
and project into the first portion.
Typically, the first and second portions of the plectrum are respectively flat members, with
the first position in a raised position relative to the second portion.
Optionally, the first or second portions of the plectrum have at least one pointed string
engaging edge, at least one jagged or scallop shaped string engaging edge, and at least
one oval (or melon-seed or tear-drop) shaped string engaging edge.
Preferably, the first portion of the plectrum comprises a short pointed string engaging
edge in close proximity with a jagged or scallop shaped edge.
Typically, the ridged or stepped member has at least one end being operable as a further
string engaging edge.
According to a second embodiment of the invention, there is provided a plectrum for a
stringed instrument having a first end and a second end, the plectrum comprising:
(a) a first substantially flat member having a plurality of string engaging edges;
(b) a second substantially flat member having a further string engaging edge; and
(c) an integrally formed ridged or stepped connection member connecting said
first and second members and formed in an arc across the middle of the plectrum;
the connection member provides a positive grip for gripping between a user's
thumb or finger; and
the plurality of string engaging edges and said further string engaging edge are
arranged to allow the user to play the stringed instrument by engaging one or more
strings of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string engaging edges.
Alternatively, in a third embodiment there is provided a plectrum for a stringed musical
instrument comprising:
(a) a first portion having a plurality of string engaging means;
(b) a second portion having a further string engaging means; and
(c) an integrally formed connection member connecting the first and second
portions and formed in the shape of a curved groove across the plectrum; wherein
the plurality of string engaging means and said further string engaging means are
arranged to allow a user to play the stringed instrument by engaging one or more strings
of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string engaging means; and
the connection member provides a grip for gripping between a user's finger and
Alternatively, in a fourth embodiment of the invention there is provided a plectrum for a
stringed musical instrument comprising:
(a) a first portion having a plurality of string engaging means;
(b) a second portion having a further string engaging means; and
(c) an integrally formed connection member connecting the first and second
portions and formed in the shape of a curved ridge across a first face of the plectrum and
a curved groove on a second opposed face of the plectrum; wherein
the plurality of string engaging means and said further string engaging means are
arranged to allow a user to play the stringed instrument by engaging one or more strings
of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string engaging means; and
the connection member provides a grip for gripping between a user's finger and
Alternatively, in yet another embodiment there is provided a plectrum for a stringed
musical instalment comprising:
(a) a first portion having a plurality of string engaging means;
(b) a second portion having a further string engaging means; and
(c) an integrally formed connection member connecting the first and second
portions and formed in the shape of a combination curved ridge and groove extending
substantially across at least one face of the plectrum; wherein
the plurality of string engaging means and said further string engaging means are
arranged to allow a user to play the stringed instrument by engaging one or more strings
of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string engaging means; and
the connection member provides a grip for gripping between a user's finger and
Alternatively, variations of a plectrum of this invention are provided, such as a mirrorimage
of each embodiment which is suitable for a left-handed user. Further, the arched
ridge or groove may not extend across the entire width of the plectrum but formed from a
number of discontinuous segments.
Typically, a plectrum of this invention is made from materials selected from the group
consisting of plastics, metals, metal alloys and fibre glass.
This invention will now be described by way of non-limitative examples, with reference to
the accompanying drawings, in which:
Fig. 1 illustrates a perspective view of a first embodiment of a plectrum in accordance
with this invention;
Fig. 2 illustrates a side view of the plectrum as shown in Fig. 1, in use, shown together
with a thumb and finger;
Fig. 3 illustrates another side view of the plectrum as shown in Fig. 1 being held between
a thumb and finger;
Figs. 4 and 5 show a perspective and side view respectively of a second embodiment of a
plectrum in accordance with this invention;
Figs. 6 and 7 show a perspective and side view respectively of third embodiment of a
plectrum in accordance with this invention; and
Figs. 8 and 9 show a perspective and side view respectively of a fourth embodiment of a
plectrum in accordance with this invention.
Figs. 10 and 11 show a perspective and side view respectively of a fifth embodiment of a
plectrum in accordance with this invention.
Referring to the accompanying drawings, Fig. 1 shows a perspective view of a plectrum
1. The plectrum 1 comprises two portions 10 and 12, respectively. The two portions 10
and 12 are not coplanar but rather are offset transversely by a distance substantially the
thickness of the plectrum 1. These two portions 10 and 12 are connected by an integrally
formed step member 14. This step member 14 is in the shape of an arc, with the vertex of
the arc extending Into the first portion 10.
Portion 10 has two corners 114 and 118 opposed to each other, while portion 12 has an
oval (or melon-seed or tear-drop) shape comer 112 distal from the other comers 114,
118. These corners define three of the playing edges 112, 114, 118 for engaging the
strings of a musical instrument However, further playing edges will be described below.
Playing edge 112 Is oblong or oval shaped and has a rounded tip. This edge 112 is
suitable for common play and is used for strumming and picking of individual strings, both
in the up and down stroke movement. Pointed playing edge 114 is sharper than edge 112
and is suitable for fast picking. Edge 118 is another pointed edge like 114 but is joined up
with a jagged or scallop shaped playing edge 116.
The arched step 14 creates a recessed surface 102. When In use, for example edge 112
to engage the strings of a musical instrument, 102 defines the gripping area for the thumb
and the corresponding area on the reverse side of plectrum 1 for the forefinger. At this
gripping position, the curve at the back of the thumb's ball fits comfortably against the
curved step 14 (as shown In Rg. 2). This curved step 14 provides the thumb a firm and
positive grip on plectrum 1. Similarly, the curved step on the reverse side of plectrum 1
also provides the finger with a positive grip. With the provision of a firmer grip, the user is
able to pivot the plectrum 1 between the thumb and finger easily each time he alternates
between the upstroke and downstroke picking/strumming.
When using pointed edge 114 to engage the strings, the gripping area is located, for
instance, at 103. The distance of edge 114 from gripping point 103 is shorter than that of
112 from 102. This makes comer 114 more stiff and, therefore, edge 114 Is suitable for
fast picking and produces louder sound, such as for solo play. At this gripping position
103, the front curve of the thumb fits with the curved step 14, which provides a positive
grip for the thumb. Pointed playing edge 114 at this comer of plectrum 1 is also designed
for edge 114 to be held at an ideal angle of 30 degrees with the strings for fast picking
and also for producing clear intonations.
Scallop shaped edge 116 comprises at least three small curved edges 117. These
constituent edges 117 form a convex profile to edge 116. When using this edge 116 for
strumming the strings, each string Is strummed more than once on each stroke and
produces multiple sounds like that of a 12-strings guitar. Edge 116 is also used to
produce a variety of strumming sounds, such as giving a more treble effect Edge 116
provides good contact with the strings and is suitable for strumming both nylon and steel
stringed instruments.
The scallop shaped edge 116 ends with a further pointed playing edge 118. Edges 116
and 118 are proximate to each other and provide a user a choice of strumming the strings
with both edges 116,118 or with only edge 118. By having a flrm grip at position 104, for
example, provided by the curve edge 14, a user Is able to pivot the plectrum 1 about his
thumb and finger and this gives him the freedom to combine the effect of edges 116 and
118 with relative ease. When edge 118 Is strummed with the plectrum 1 at ah angle with
a string and at the same time allowing edge 116 to touch the string, an artificial muted
harmonics Is produced.
Step edge member 14 ends with a Z-profile on both sides of plectrum 1. The edges 120,
120' of the Z-profile Is suitable for tugging the strings of a musical instrument This
provides an alternative to the practice of pinching the strings with one's fingers to produce
a popping or slapping sound effect.
The surface at each of the gripping points 102,103,104 may have a concave depression
or a convex protrusion to provide further grip for the thumb or finger.
With a choice of playing points 112, -114,116,118,120,120' to select from, plectrum 1
provides the user flexibility in playing a stringed instrument Step edge 14 also provides a
reference for a user to move his gripping point when different playing edges are
alternately being used. This helps him to locate the precise playing points to use quickly
and accurately. For example, after playing with edge 112, he can rotate plectrum 1 with
his fingers and thumb and with the feel of step edge 14, move his gripping point to
position 103, for example, and use playing edge 114 with relative ease and precision.
This feature is especially helpful to the user for fast play.
Plectrum 1 of this invention also allows flexible control by holding the plectrum 1 between
the thumb and finger, as compared to those that are worn on the thumb or finger. This
allows the user to control the angle of inclination to the strings during the up-stroke or
down-stroke picking/strumming. This also allows the user to pivot the plectrum 1 about
the gripping point and thus relieves the finger of having to contort Itself. The freedom of
pivoting about the gripping point between the thumb and finger and the alternating use of
the front and back faces of a playing edge also allows the musician to express his own
style and technique of playing, and combination of tone desired.
With a stepped edge 14, plectrum 1 is not flat and can easily be picked up from the table
or from Inside its holder.
Plectrum 1 has a size of substantially 30 mm from the rounded playing edge 112 to the
jagged edge 116, and of substantially 28 mm from the pointed playing edge 114 to edge
118. Plectrum 1 Is made of plastic and is suitable for manufacturing, for instance, by
plastic injection moulding. Plectrum 1 is also manufactured with thickness of about 1, 0.7
and 0.5 mm and are described as "thick", "medium" and "thin" respectively.
The same numerical reference numbers have been preserved to denote the features that
are in common with the first and subsequent embodiments. Alphabet a, b and so on may
be added to differentiate similar features in the embodiments..
Fig. 4 shows a perspective view of a second embodiment of a plectrum la. Plectrum 1a
has a planar body 20 with three comers and an integrally moulded arched ridge 201.The
first comer comprises an oval (or melon-seed or tear-drop shaped) playing edge 112a,
which Is commonly used for regular play. The second comer comprises a pointed playing
edge 114a, while the third comer comprises a further pointed playing edge 118a. In
continuity with 118a and on the edge in common with 114a, is a jagged or scallop edged
playing edge 116a. Ridge 201 is curved and extends across plectrum 1a, separating the
first corner 112a from the other two comers 114a, 118a. The vertex of ridge 201 Is
oriented away from comer 112a. Ridge 201 ends with edges 120a, 120a' at the sides of
plectrum 1a. These edges 120a, 120a' are also suitable as further string engaging edges.
Fig. 5 illustrates a side view of plectrum 1 a.
Fig. 6 shows a perspective view of a third embodiment of a plectrum 1b. Plectrum 1b has
a planar body 30 having three comers and an integrally moulded arched groove 202. The
first comer comprises an oval (or melon-seed or tear-drop) shaped playing edge 112b,
which is commonly used for regular play. The second comer comprises a pointed playing
edge 114b, while the third corner comprises a further pointed playing edge 118b. In
continuity fr&m edge 118b and on the edge in common with 114b, is a jagged or scallop
shaped playing edge 116b. The vertex of groove 202 is oriented away from comer 112b.
Groove 202 ends with edges 120b, 120b' at the sides of plectrum 1b. These edges 120b,
120b' are also suitable as string engaging edges for playing a stringed instrument. Fig. 7
Illustrates a side view of plectrum 1b. As illustrated, the grooves 202 on the opposed
surfaces of plectrum 1b are offset from each other, so that the thickness of plectrum 1b is
not adversely affected.
Fig. 8 illustrates a perspective view of a fourth embodiment of a plectrum 1c. Plectrum 1c
has a combination of an arched ridge 201 on one surface and an arched groove 202 on
the opposed surface. Fig 9 illustrates a side view of plectrum 1c. The playing edges are
112c, 114c, 116c and 118c which are used to produce the edges' own characteristic tone
as described above.
Fig. 10 illustrates a perspective view of a fifth embodiment of a plectrum 1d. Plectrum 1d
has a combination of an arched ridge 201 and an arched groove 202 on the same face.
The opposed surface mayr optionally, have a similar combination ridge 201 and groove
202. Fig. 11 illustrates a side view of plectrum 1d.
While only a few embodiments of a plectrum have been described and illustrated, it is to
be understood that changes, modifications and variations could be made to the present
invention without departing from the scope of the invention. A variation of the above
plectrum is a mirror-image of each embodiment and such mirror-image plectrum is
suitable for a left-handed user. Another modification Is that the arched ridge 201 or
groove 202 extends only substantially across the plectrum 1 and not across the entire
width of the plectrum 1. Further, this arched ridge 201 or groove 202 may be formed from
a number of discontinuous segments. Other materials, for instance metals, metal alloys or
fibre glass may be used. Other manufacturing methods, for instance metal injection
moulding or powder metallurgy are also suitable for the manufacture of the plectrum 1.

1. A plectrum for a stringed instrument comprising:
(a) a first portion having a plurality of string engaging means;
(b) a second portion having a further string engaging means; and
(c) an integrally formed connection member connecting the first and second
portions and formed in the shape of an arc across the plectrum; wherein
the plurality of string engaging means and said further string engaging
means are arranged to allow a user to play the stringed instrument by engaging
one or more strings of the stringed instrument with one or more of the string
engaging means; and
the connection member provides a grip for gripping between a user's
finger and thumb.
2. A plectrum according to claim 1, wherein said connection member is ridged or
3. A plectrum according to claim 2, wherein the ridged or stepped member has at
least one end which forms a further string engaging surface.
4. A plectrum according to claim 2 or 3, wherein the arc of the connection member
projects into said first portion.
5. A plectrum according to claim 2 or 3, wherein the arc of the connection member
projects into said second portion.
6. A plectrum according to any one of claims 2 to 5. further comprising a gripping
area for a thumb or finger of the user including the concave area defined by the
arc of the connection member.
7. A plectrum according to any one of claims 2 to 6, wherein the first and second
portions are planar, with the plane of the first portion displaced relative to that of
the second portion by substantially the thickness of the plectrum.
8. A plectrum according to claim 1, wherein said connection member is a curved
groove extending substantially across the face of the plectrum.
9. A plectrum according to claim 1, wherein said connection member comprises a
curved ridge extending substantially across a first face of the plectrum and a
curved groove extending substantially across the corresponding opposite face of
the plectrum.
10. A plectrum according to claim 9, wherein the curved ridge and groove are
disposed across the middle of the plectrum and the shapes of the curves are
11. A plectrum according to claim 8, wherein said connection member is a
combination of a groove on the first face and a parallel groove on the opposite
face of the plectrum forming an S-shaped cross-section in the plectrum.
12. A plectrum according to any one of claims 8 to 11, wherein said connection
member is a combination of a ridge and a groove abutting each other on at least
one face of the plectrum.
13. A plectrum according to any one of claims 1 to 12, wherein the first portion and
the second portion, respectively are substantially flat members.
14. A plectrum according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the string
engaging means formed on the first or second portions are at least one pointed
string engaging edge.
15. A plectrum according to any one of claims 1 to 13, wherein the string engaging
means formed on the first or second portions are a plurality of jagged or
scalloped shaped edges.
16. A plectrum according to any one of claims 1 to 13, wherein the string engaging
means formed on the first or second portions are a tear-drop shaped string
engaging edge.
17. A plectrum according to any one of claims 1 to 13, wherein the first portion
comprises a short pointed string engaging edge in close proximity with a jagged
or scalloped shaped edge.
18. A plectrum according to claim 17, wherein the short pointed and jagged playing
edges are shaped and dimensioned for engaging a string of a guitar to produce a
muted harmonic.
19. A plectrum for a stringed instrument having a first end and a second end, the
plectrum comprising:
(a) a first substantially flat member having a plurality of string engaging edges;
(b) a second substantially flat member having a further string engaging edge; and
(c) an integrally formed ridged or stepped connection member connecting said
first and second members and formed in an arc across the middle of the
plectrum; wherein
the connection member provides a positive grip for gripping between a
user's thumb or finger, and
the plurality of string engaging edges and said further string engaging
edge are arranged to allow the user to play the stringed instrument by
engaging one or more strings of the stringed instrument with one or more of
the string engaging edges.
20. A plectrum according to claim 19, wherein the ridged or stepped member has
formed at either or both ends a string engaging edge.
21. A plectrum according to any one of claims 1 to 20, wherein the plectrum is made
of materials selected from the group consisting of plastics, metals, metal alloys
and fibre glass.



Patent Number 269637
Indian Patent Application Number 2035/DELNP/2004
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 29-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 14-Jul-2004
Name of Patentee LEONG, WENG, ONN
Applicant Address 144 TAI KENG GARDENS, SINGAPORE 535424 (SG)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G10D 3/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/SG01/00258
PCT International Filing date 2001-12-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 SG01/00258 2001-12-21 Singapore