Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to an arrangement (10) comprising at least one high potential electrode (1A) with a high potential (V1) in terms of absolute value, e.g. comprising substantially sharp edges and which may be exposed to a high electrostatic field or a high potential. It comprises at least one low potential electrode means (2A1, 2A2) or balancing electrode mean said low or balancing potential electrode means being provided at a distance from said at least one high potential electrode (1A). and at least one resistive arrangement (3A1, 3A2) connecting each of said high potential electrode(s) (lA) with each respective adjacent low or balancing potential electrode means (2A1, 2A2). Said resistive arrangement(s) (3A1, 3A2) has a low c...
The present invention relates to an arrangement comprising at least one high electrostatic
potential electrode which e.g. may have substantially sharp edges. Particularly the high
potential electrode is adapted to be exposed to a high potential or it is an electrode
intentionally or unintentionally exposed to a high electrostatic field producing a high
potential. The invention also relates to use of the arrangement in for example a
ferroelectric device such as for example a phase shifter, a filter, a matching circuit, an
antenna, a controllable antenna, a power splitter or similar.
For high voltage arrangements in general the design of the electrodes is extremely
important. If they are not designed properly or located properly, there is a high risk for
arching in the air around the electrodes, discharging, and for example dielectric break-
down in surrounding materials or substrate materials carrying the electrodes. If dielectric
materials are carrying the electrodes, a dielectric break-down may occur in the substrate
material. Air as a surrounding material for example supports about 3-5V/um. For so
called planar electrodes the situation is particularly troublesome since a high voltage on
planar electrodes gives rise to high peak-fields near the edges. If the electrodes are located
at an interface between two materials with different or very dissimilar permittivities, the
peak-fields will typically be even higher.
Different solutions have been proposed to solve the problems referred to above. According
to one approach high voltage electrodes are encapsulated in silicone so that there will be
no air in the immediate vicinity of the electrode edges. However, if electrodes are'
provided on a dielectric substrate or a dielectric layer, silicone encapsulation will provide
for an increase in the dielectric strength above the substrate, but it has no effect inside the
substrate. According to another approach, the device is immersed in an isolation fluid, but
such a solution suffers from the same disadvantages as encapsulation in silicone.
According to a third approach, large isolation distances between the electrodes are used.
This may of course reduce the fields, and it will give a larger creep distance for the
current. However, in many cases large fields are desirable in order for example to provide

a good performance of the arrangement and this inevitably leads to strong fields near the
electrodes in any case.
Still further, another solution is suggested according to which all constituent parts,
particularly the electrodes, are made as round as possible, i.e. they are rounded and it is
tried to avoid sharp edges. In principle this is an attractive solution since the fields are
reduced. However, in many cases it is very difficult and expensive to fabricate rounded
electrodes. In addition thereto, in cases when the electrodes are provided on dielectric
layers, when the permittivity of the dielectric layer or the substrate is very high, it will be
necessary to insert the rounded electrodes half way into the dielectric layer substrate if the
rounding is to have a positive effect on the peak fields (in ferroelectric devices allowing
controllability of the dielectric constant by means of for example a controlled applied
voltage, the permittivity is typically in the range of 100-3000 although it may also be
much higher, e.g. up to 20000).
What is needed is therefore an arrangement as initially referred to through which the risk
of arching, discharging, and dielectric break-down (if applicable) around the high potential
or high voltage electrodes can be reduced or eliminated. Particularly an arrangement is
needed through which singularities in the field produced around high potential electrodes
can be suppressed or reduced. Particularly high voltage arrangements are needed through
which the peak-fields around or associated with sharp edge electrodes can be reduced, but
also for cases when rounded electrodes are not inserted to some extent into a dielectric
material as discussed above. Further yet an arrangement is needed wherein high peak-
fields, dischargings etc. can be avoided particularly for planar implementations with planar
electrodes and planar substrates and/or electrically controllable layers. Even more
particularly an arrangement as initially referred to is needed through which peak-fields etc.
can be suppressed or reduced and dielectric break-down can be prevented when the
electrodes are provided on a dielectric substrate material, where the substrate material can
be electrically controllable. Particularly an arrangement as initially referred to is needed
which is electrically controllable through the application of an electrostatic field, e.g. by
variation of the dielectric constant of a ferroelectric material, through which the above
mentioned disadvantages can be reduced or eliminated to a high extent. Particularly a high

voltage arrangement is needed in which peak-fields and field singularities etc. can be
reduced even if applying a high electro-static field (intentionally, but also for unintentional
Particularly it is an object of the present invention to provide an arrangement through
which it gets possible to set up an electrostatic field which is as high as possible in
ferroelectric devices without facing reliability problems among others due to dielectric
break-down in a ferroelectric material. Particularly it is an object to prevent peak-fields
irrespectively of whether a high voltage is applied voluntarily or involuntarily, i.e. to
provide a solution to the problems produced by high electrostatic fields in general. Most
particularly it is an object to provide an arrangement wherein the electrodes are placed at
an interface between two materials with dissimilar permittivities through which peak-
fields can be reduced to a high extent. Particularly an arrangement is needed through
which, in case the electrodes are provided on a dielectric substrate, the produced fields can
be affected, and reduced, also inside the substrate in order to protect the substrate, or the
ferroelectric layer, when the arrangement, or the electrodes are exposed to a high
electrostatic field. An arrangement is also needed which supports application of large
electric fields in order to provide a good performance. Furthermore an arrangement is
needed which is easy to fabricate and which is reliable. Particularly it is an object to be
able to build components such as controllable antennas, phase shifters, filters, impedance
matching networks, power splitters etc. which support high fields, are resistant to ageing,
are reliable and particularly are electrically controllable or tunable.
Therefore an arrangement as initially referred to is provided with at least one low potential
electrode means, or at least one electrode means having a potential which is such in
relation to said at least one high potential electrode (in absolute value (+/-)) or relative to a
reference potential or background (e.g. ground) potential, that the potential will be
balanced, said low potential or balancing electrode means being disposed at a distance
from said at least one high potential electrode or at least partly surrounding said at least
one high potential electrode, and at least one resistive arrangement connecting each said
high potential electrode with each respective adjacent low or balancing potential electrode,
whereby said resistive arrangement has a low conductivity which however still is non-
isolating, such that a substantially linear voltage drop is provided between said high

potential electrode or electrodes and said low or balancing potential electrode or electrodes
in order to suppress peak-fields or field singularities near the (possibly sharp) edges of the
high potential electrodes.
In a particularly advantageous implementation the high potential electrode or electrodes
are disposed on a dielectric layer with a variable dielectric constant allowing for
electrically controlling or tuning of the arrangement. According to the invention,
particularly the high potential electrode or electrodes, the low (or balancing) potential
electrode or electrodes and the resistive film arrangement are provided on a ferroelectric
layer, i.e. a dielectric layer with a variable and hence tunable or controllable dielectric
constant. In such an embodiment the arrangement particularly comprises, or is connected
to, an electric control means, comprising a voltage generating means or applying means
adapted to apply an electric field to the ferroelectric layer in order to control or tune the
dielectric constant.
In one embodiment at least the high potential electrode or electrodes are planar electrodes,
in the sense that they are provided on a, at least locally, flat surface and where at least one
electrode dimension is very thin compared to the other two, or one. If the high potential
electrodes are provided on a ferroelectric material, i.e. a dielectric material with a variable
dielectric constant, this ferroelectric material may comprises a ceramic material, for
example a BST (Barium Strontium Titanate) material or a material with similar properties.
In one implementation a ground electrode is provided on a side of the ferroelectric layer
which is opposite to the side on which the high and low (balancing) potential electrodes
are arranged. If the low or balancing potential electrode is not a ground electrode it is
particularly at least an electrode having a potential which differs considerably from that of
the high potential electrode or electrodes. The arrangement may comprise one, two or
more high potential electrodes. If there are at least two high potential electrodes they may
have the same potential but also different potentials, differing to a small extent or to a very
large extent, or anything therebetween.
According to the invention the resistive arrangement may comprise a high resistivity film.
The resistive arrangement, particularly the high resistivity film, but actually independently
of which is the resistive arrangement, it can have different values of the (sheet) resistance

for different applications, but a value in the range 1-10.000 MOhm/square should be
adequate in most applications. In one implementation the resistive arrangement has a
resistivity of about 50-150, particularly about 100 MOhm/square.
Particularly the resistivity of the material that is selected to be used in the resistive
arrangement can be limited downwards by requirements concerning maximum power
consumption and/or maximum allowable heating of the arrangement, at the maximum
voltage to be used, and/or requirements as to transmissibility of microwaves, for some
microwave implementations, and particularly it can be limited upwards by requirements as
to fast reaction times at high voltages. It should be clear that the resistivity can be selected
without being limited downwards/upwards as discussed above.
In particular implementations the resistive arrangement may consist of SrTi03 and
LaMn03 films.
In some implementations the arrangement may comprise a thin film arrangement, i.e.
produced using thin-film technology. In other implementations it may comprise an
arrangement for example using "thick films" or a three-dimensional arrangement, where
instead of a virtually two-dimensional film, a three-dimensional filling with a high, but
finite conductivity is used around and between electrodes.
The resistive arrangement, particularly the resistive film in a thin-film application, may
comprise Nichrome (NiCr), Cr, Ta, tantalum oxynitride, or tantalum nitride or a material
with similar properties, and e.g. a material comprising metal particles in a dielectric
matrix, e.g. of a Cr and Si monoxide mixture or a Cr-SiO material. These materials may
particularly be applicable for thin film technologies whereas preferably SrTiO3 and/or
LaMnO3 or other materials with similar properties may be used otherwise.
For a thick film implementation, the resistive arrangement may particularly have a
thickness of about 5-10 μm and the electrodes may have a thickness of about 10 μm and
be provided on a dielectric layer with a thickness approximately in the range 0.5-10 mm. It
should be clear that the resistive arrangement may also be thicker than 10 μm, for example
up to 50 μm or even more.

The arrangement may be a planar arrangement (with a resistive arrangement with a very
high resistivity), both if it is a thick film arrangement or a thin-film arrangement.
According to some embodiments, the resistive arrangement is arranged in order to
substantially surround the high potential electrodes (or the electrodes requiring balancing).
In other embodiments the resistive arrangement is provided between the high potential
electrode or electrodes and the low or balancing potential electrode or electrodes or it may
be disposed such as to both surround and be provided inbetween high and low/balancing
potential electrodes respectively.
In some implementations high potential as well as low or balancing potential electrodes
may be located on two opposite sides of e.g. an electrically tunable dielectric material, i.e.
two/multi-layer structures are also possible. Particularly the resistive arrangement is
provided, on both opposite sides, between each high potential electrode and the adjacent
respective low or balancing potential electrode or electrode arrangement respectively.
In alternative embodiments the resistive arrangement comprises deliberate leakage
currents enabled to flow in an electrically controllable or tunable dielectric layer or any
other substrate in non-controllable arrangements or in any other substrate if controllable.
Alternatively silicone or an isolation fluid is provided to more or less cover the resistive
The resistive arrangement at least to some extent, directly or indirectly, connects the low
or balancing and high potential electrode(s). The resistive arrangement may also be in
direct contact with the electrodes, or either low/balancing or high potential electrodes.
In order to still further improve the arrangement, the high potential electrode or electrodes
may additionally be encapsulated in silicone or immersed in an isolation fluid as in
conventional technologies. The arrangement may have an extension, which particularly is
planar and/or which is circular, oval, square-shaped, rectangular or ellipsoidal, trapezoid-
or irregularly shaped etc., in other words have any appropriate shape depending on
application. The high and/or low (balancing) potential electrodes may be printed or

sputtered/plated and etched in a dielectric layer, or some other appropriate substrate layer,
acting solely as a substrate, or as an active layer in the sense that it provides for
controllability. In particular implementations the at least two high potential electrodes are
disposed at a distance from each other of approximately the order 0,1-10 mm, or e.g. a few
μm:s, for example 3-30 μm or less, e.g. in thin film ferroelectric devices and integrated
circuits, although also other distances of course can be used depending on which is the
voltage that is applied or the voltage to which the electrodes are exposed.
It should be clear that the inventive concept covers cases when the electrodes (high and/or
low and/or balancing) are provided on a substrate, e.g. ferroelectric, and when they are
not, or some is/are not, and that a high potential (peak-field) may be generated, e.g. due to
a high potential electrode, at a low or balancing potential electrode, and that, through the
invention such peak-fields will be suppressed. It should also be clear that the concept is
applicable in e.g. a high potential electrode, with or without sharp edges which e.g. also
may be spheroidically shaped or have a substantially circular cross-section or any other
shape, where there is a high potential or which produces a high potential somewhere else,
e.g. in the vicinity of a low or balancing potential electrode.
The resistive arrangement, e.g. a film, may e.g. comprise SrTi03+LaMn03, cermets based
on for example RuRuC, PbRu2O7 or BiRuO7 or polymeric resistor materials, BaPbCh,
TaN, NiCr, CrSi, TaSi, TiW, Ruthenium or AgPt-based cermets.
As fabrication methods may e.g. sputtering, plating, screen-printing be used. The
substrate, e.g. a dielectricum, may be ferroelectric ceramic material, AI3O2, A1N, LTCC
(Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics), organic circuit boards etc.
The arrangement may particularly be used in ferroelectric based phase shifters, filters,
matching circuits, controllable antennas, power splitters or similar.
The invention will in the following be further described, in a non-limiting manner, and
with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

Fig. 1A very schematically illustrates a cross-sectional view of an arrangement
according to one implementation of the invention,
Fig. 1B is a schematical top view of the arrangement in Fig. 1A,
Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view of an arrangement according to another
embodiment in which a high potential electrode is disposed on a
ferroelectric layer,
Fig. 3 illustrates simulated equi-potential lines for an arrangement according to
the state of the art, corresponding to Fig. 2 but without resistive films and
ground electrodes on top,
Fig. 4 is a figure similar to Fig. 3 illustrating simulated equi-potential lines for an
arrangement according to one implementation of the inventive concept, e.g.
corresponding to Fig. 2,
Fig. 5A is an illustration of a general implementation with a three-dimensional filling
around not necessarily planar electrodes according to the inventive concept,
Fig. 5B is a 3D-view of the arrangement of Fig. 5 A in perspective,
Fig. 6 shows an arrangement according to one embodiment in which two high
potential electrodes with different potentials are disposed on a dielectric
Fig. 7 is a top view of an embodiment of a circularly shaped arrangement with
two high potential electrodes both having the same potential,
Fig. 8 is a schematical view of an arrangement with two high potential electrodes
partly surrounded by a low potential arrangement,

Fig. 9 is a top view of an ellipsoidally shaped arrangement where there are two
high potential electrodes with two different potentials,
Fig. 10 is a top view of an arrangement with one high potential electrode which is
surrounded by four low potential electrodes,
Fig. 11A is a top view of a multilayer arrangement with high voltage electrodes
disposed on two sides of a dielectric layer (only the upper side shown in
Fig. 11 A), and
Fig. 11B is a cross-sectional view of the arrangement of Fig. 11 A.
Fig. 1A shows a basic implementation of the inventive concept with an arrangement 10 in
which a circular disk shaped high potential electrode 1A with a potential Vi is surrounded
by, here, a ring shaped low potential electrode 2A which here has the potential Voi, which
for example may be zero V or substantially ground. Between the high potential electrode
1A and the low potential electrode 2A a resistive arrangement 3A is provided. The
separation between the high potential electrode and the low potential electrode should at
least be such as to prevent dielectric breakdown in the air (about 3-5 kV/mm) supposing
that the field is "evened out" due to the resistive arrangement. If silicon encapsulation
additionally is implemented, the distance may be reduced e.g. about 2-5 times, the other
materials hence forming the limiting factor.
In other embodiments, as will be described further below, low potential electrodes may be
provided also on only one side of a high potential electrode, or on two or three sides etc.
depending on application and implementation. In this basic embodiment there is no
substrate layer or additional layer on which the electrodes are disposed shown since it is
actually not necessary for the functioning of the inventive concept which merely is based
on there being one or more high voltage or high potential electrodes e.g. with substantially
sharp edges such that there is a risk of high electrostatic peak fields being generated at the
edges or that field singularities are produced around the electrodes. When reference is
made to field singularities occurring, it should be noted that the problems may be

produced in surrounding areas as well as any other adjacent material or substrate layer. For
exemplifying reasons, the high voltages may relate to kV voltages over mm gaps but also
higher voltages as well as lower voltages and in some implementations it may be as low as
20 or a few Volts but then over urn wide gaps. However, in cases in which a field or a
potential is applied voluntarily, for example in order to make an arrangement
controllable, it is often attractive to be able to use as high field strengths as possible in
order to achieve a good performance and a good controllability. Fig. IB is a top view of
the arrangement in Fig. 1A.
Fig. 2 shows an embodiment with an arrangement 20 according to the inventive concept in
which a high voltage electrode or, more generally high voltage area IB, which may
comprise one or more electrodes, is provided on a dielectric material 4B, here a dielectric
material with a controllable dielectric constant, i.e. where the dielectric constant which can
be tuned by means of an applied electrostatic field. According to the invention high
resistivity arrangements or connections 3Bi, 3B2 are provided between different
electrodes, here between the high voltage electrode IB and the low potential electrodes
2Bj, 2B2 which may have the same or different potentials, the main thing being that it is
low, for example substantially ground, or such as to balance the high potential electrode
In the embodiment of Fig. 2, a so called planar technology has been used in order to
implement the idea of connecting different high voltage electrodes. The planar
ferroelectric layer 4B for example comprises ceramic on which conducting regions (the
electrodes) and resistive regions (the resistive arrangement) are printed or sputtered/plated
and etched. The high voltage or high potential electrode IB has a high potential with
reference to, here a ground plane 5B, on the opposite side or the backside of the
ferroelectric layer 4B. In order to suppress the concentration of the electrical field around
the edges of the high voltage electrodes or the electrodes of the high voltage area IB, two
low potential electrodes 2Bi, 2B2, which may be grounded, are provided on two or more
sides of the high potential electrode IB on top of the ferroelectric layer 4B. The high
resistivity arrangement 3Bi, 3B2, which for example comprises a high resistivity film,
connects the high potential electrode IB to the low potential electrodes or the ground
electrodes 2Bi, 2B2. In this way it is provided for a steady transport of current which will

assure there will be a linear voltage drop from the high potential electrode IB to the low
potential electrodes 2Bi, 2B2. In that manner a concentration of the field near the high
potential electrode IB can be avoided which otherwise would have been the result. In one
embodiment the resistive arrangement comprises a high resistivity film on the surface of
the dielectric layer.
In other embodiments the resistive arrangement may comprise deliberate leakage currents
provided in the substrate or ferroelectric layer itself or optionally in resistive silicone or
resistive fluid that may be provided around the electrodes.
In one embodiment the thickness of the ferroelectric layer may be around 1 mm whereas
the thickness of the electrodes may comprise about 10 μm. It should however be clear that
these figures of course merely are given for exemplifying reasons. This embodiment
shows an implementation based on planar technology but not implementing thin-film
technology. It should be clear that the inventive concept is applicable also to other planar
technologies, to thin-film technology based implementations etc, but also to non-planar
However, in this particular embodiment a resistivity of the order 100 MOhm/square is
suitable. This is also merely an exemplifying value and depending on application much
lower resistivities for example down to less than, or a few MOhms/square and up to one or
more GOhms/square may also be used. Generally the lower limit of the resistivity in a
resistive arrangement that is used for an application can be set depending on requirements
on maximum DC-power consumption and/or requirements as to maximum heating of the
arrangement and/or requirements as to whether it should be applicable for microwave
applications, i.e. if it has to allow microwaves to penetrate. The upper limit may for
example be set depending on requirements as to fast reaction times, making it capable to
handle fast changes at high voltages.
Different materials can be used. As examples SrTiCh mixed with LaMn03 can be
mentioned, for example 0.5 SrTi03, 0.5 LaMnCb as a screen printed with a thickness of
about 10 μm and sintered at a high temperature, for example about 1200°C.

Also thin film technology can be used for the resistive films. One example of a suitable
material could be Ni, Cr, for example Nichrome (80%Ni, 20%Cr).
In addition to Ni-Cr thin film resistor materials, Cr, Ta, tantalum oxynitride, tantalum
nitride, and other materials could be used for the manufacture of thin-film resistive
Other possible alternative materials that could be used in thin-film resistors are solid
solutions of metal particles in a dielectric matrix, e.g. Cr and Si Monoxide mixtures.
Fig. 3 shows simulated equi-potential lines for a state of the art arrangement 10o featuring
only backside ground. It can be seen that the potential lines are concentrated close to the
electrode edges which corresponds to a field concentration. In this plot there is a 10%
difference in the potential between consecutive equi-potential lines.
Fig. 4 is a figure similar to that of Fig. 3 but for an arrangement 10' according to the
inventive concept in which low potential electrodes or ground electrodes are provided on
either sides of a high potential electrode and between which and the high potential
electrode a resistive arrangement is disposed as discussed above. (For reasons of clarity
this is however not shown in this figure, but any one of the arrangements described herein
might constitute arrangement 10'.) The distance between the potential lines will here be
constant along the surface of the substrate. It is an extremely important advantage of the
present invention that the singularities or peak-fields will be suppressed also inside the
substrate (if such is provided). This is very critical for a long-term, high voltage reliability
of the substrate.
It is extremely advantageous that through the implementation of the inventive concept the
peak-fields around e.g. sharp edge electrodes, particularly planar electrodes, will be
suppressed as well as, if such is provided, the peak-fields will be suppressed also inside
and above a substrate which most particularly may be electrically controllable. This will
have a substantial impact on the performance and reliability of such arrangements.

In different embodiments one or more of already known technologies may also be
combined with the inventive concept in order to, for example, increase the dielectric
strength above a substrate.
It should be clear that the inventive concept can be varied in many different manners, the
main thing being the provisioning of a resistive connection to low (in terms of the absolute
value) or with respect to, also high balancing, e.g. of opposite sign, potential electrodes
that are used to provide a steady current from the high potential (in terms of an absolute
value) electrode edges, and which forces the voltage to drop linearly.
In the following some examples will be briefly discussed with reference to the drawings.
Fig. 5A schematically illustrates a general case in which two three dimensional high
potential electrodes Ci, C2 are provided having first high potentials V41, V42 respectively
which may be different or the same. The resistive arrangement 2C is provided inside a
three-dimensional box surrounding the three-dimensional or high potential electrodes.
Here it is supposed that ground is the low potential.
Fig. 5B is a schematical perspective view of the arrangement of Fig. 5 A.
Fig. 6 shows another example of an implementation in which two high potential electrodes
ID], ID2 are provided on an arbitrary dielectric layer 4D. According to the inventive
concept low potential electrodes 2D\, 2D2 are provided on respective external sides of the
high potential electrodes and a resistive arrangement 3D], 3D2, 3D3 is provided between
all electrodes. It is here supposed that the high potential electrodes lDi, ID2 have different
potentials V51, V52 whereas the low potential electrodes are substantially grounded or have
the same potential V05. However, the high voltage electrodes can have different or even
very different potentials (in absolute values) or differ only slightly and also the low
potential electrodes may have different potentials. Alternatively the added electrodes may
comprise balancing electrodes, e.g. of the opposite sign with respect to the high potential

Fig. 7 schematically illustrates one example of a circular arrangement with two high
potential electrodes lEi, IE2 which here have same potential V6i and are disposed
between the low potential electrodes 2Ei, 2E2, 2E3, here with the same potential V06 which
may be close to ground. The electrodes are also surrounded by a high resistivity
arrangement 3E. It should be clear that also here there might be more high potential
electrodes, only one high potential electrode, high potential electrodes with different
potentials etc., and the low potential electrodes might comprise balancing electrodes.
Fig. 8 very schematically illustrates still an another implementation with two high
potential electrodes IF), IF2 with different potentials V71, V72 surrounded by a high
resistivity arrangement 3F. In this case a low potential electrode arrangement 2F is
provided which partly surrounds the electrodes in that it surrounds two outer sides of the
second high potential electrode IF2 and one outer side of the high potential electrode lFi
and assumes the form of the outer edges of a half rectangle. It should be clear that also in
this case there might be but one high potential electrode, more high potential electrodes,
they might have different potentials or the same potentials etc.
Fig. 9 illustrate an ellipsoidal implementation with two high potential electrodes lGi, IG2
with different potentials Vgi, Vg2 surrounded by a high resistivity arrangement 3G. In one
embodiment the two high potential electrodes (presupposing more or less symmetrical
conditions) one of which, here named the balancing electrode, such that the average of the
potential will be close to ground. It is supposed that the resistive arrangement 3G is large
compared to the electrodes. Then the outer edge of the resistive arrangement will
experience a potential close to zero automatically, without surrounding electrode. Hence,
one of the "high" potential electrodes is the balancing electrode for the other and vice
versa. Of course it may also be surrounded by a low potential electrode (not shown).
Fig. 10 very schematically illustrates still another implementation in which a high
potential electrode 1H is surrounded on four sides by low potential (or balancing)
electrodes 2H]? 2H2, 2H3, 2H4, all at a potential V09. The high potential electrode is here
supposed to have a potential V9. Resistive arrangement 3H here surrounds all the
electrodes. It might alternatively be provided only between the low potential electrodes
2Hi,...,2H4 and the high potential electrode 1H.

Finally Fig. 11A is a top view of an embodiment wherein a high potential electrode lKi at
a voltage Vioi is provided on top of a ferroelectric material, i.e. a tunable dielectric
material 4K (cf. Fig. 11B) on the opposite side of which another high potential electrode
1K2 (at V102) is provided (cf. Fig. 1 IB). The high potential electrodes lKi, IK2 are
surrounded by low resistivity arrangements 3Ki, 3K.2 and externally surrounded by low
potential electrodes respectively. On the side where the first high potential electrode lKi is
provided, resistive arrangement 3Ki is provided whereas at the opposite side, where the
second high potential electrode IK2 is disposed, a resistive arrangement 3K2 is provided.
In this particular embodiment it is supposed that the ferroelectric layer 4K, or generally a
substrate layer, is possible to penetrate with microwaves. In such an embodiment the high
voltage electrode lKi and the backside electrode IK2 should have a limited conductivity
and thickness so that the microwaves are allowed to pass. This may be very useful in
arrangements based on tuning of ferroelectrics. Hence it is supposed that the electrode
material used for the high potential electrodes is a low microwave absorption electrode
material. It is similar to the resistive film, but the resistivity is an order of magnitude
lower. Of course any such material can be used.
It should be clear that the inventive concept is not limited to the explicitly illustrated
embodiments but that it can be varied in a number of ways. For example it is possible to
have strongly differing high potential electrodes close to one another, for example a very
high potential electrode at for example 10000 V next to an electrode at a potential of -
10000 V. In such an embodiment they could both be surrounded by low potential
electrodes, or electrodes with a potential close to zero. Hence, a high potential electrode
may here also mean an electrode provided at a very low (negative) potential and the
concept is applicable to electrodes with very different potentials in which case a low
potential electrode may be provided e.g. such as to surround partly or completely the
electrode arrangement comprising one or more such electrodes or alternatively, or
additionally, between all the respective electrodes and several variations are in principle
possible, surrounding, partly surrounding, surrounding one side of a respective electrode.
Hence, it should be clear that a resistive arrangement and the low potential electrodes can
be disposed in many different ways with respect to high potential electrodes with the
above mentioned meaning of high potential electrode or when there is a very big potential

difference between two electrodes or components, low potential electrode(s) and a
resistive arrangement may be arranged such as to surround or be provided inbetween or
merely inbetween etc. However, if there is one high potential electrode (e.g. at
approximately 8000 V or at approximately -8000 V), there may be provided a balance
potential electrode at e.g. about -8000 V or +8000 V respectively, if symmetric, which
means that the low potential electrode is replaced by a balance potential electrode, i.e.
there is no need for a "low" potential electrode. It should also be clear that many different
materials can be used in the resistive arrangement, the electrodes, a controllable layer or a
substrate layer in general, only a few have been mentioned since it should be obvious to
the man skilled in the art with knowledge of this document which other materials that
could be used. Still further it should be clear that an arrangement according to the
inventive concept can be implemented in many different components where field
singularities or peak-fields may cause problems.

1. An arrangement (10;20;30;40;50;60;70;80;90) comprising at least one high potential
electrode (1A;1B;1CI,1C2;1DI,1D2;1E1,1E2; 1F,,1F2;1G,;1H;1KI,1K2) with a high
potential in terms of absolute value and being adapted to be intentionally provided with a
high potential or unintentionally being exposed to a high electrostatic field or a high
characterized in
that it comprises at least one low potential electrode means
(2A;2Bi,2B2;2C;2Di,2D2;2Ei,2E2,2E3;2F;2Hi-2H4;2Ki,2K2) or balancing potential
electrode means (1G), said low potential electrode means or balancing potential electrode
means being provided at a distance from or in the vicinity of said at least one high
potential electrode or surrounding, at least partly, said at least one high potential electrode,
and at least one resistive arrangement
substantially connecting each of said high potential electrode(s) with each respective
adjacent low or balancing potential electrode means
(2A;2Bi,2B2;2C;2Di,2D2;2Ei,2E2,2E3; 2F;2Hi-2H4;2Ki,2K2;lG2), said resistive
arrangement(s) (3A; 3Bi;3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3;3E;3F;3G;3H;3Ki;3K2) having a low
conductivity and being non-isolating such that a substantially linear potential variation is
provided between said high potential electrode(s)
(1A;1B;1CI,1C2;1DI,1D2;1E,,1E2;1FI,1F2;1G,; lHjlKulKand said low or balancing
potential electrode(s) (2A;2Bi,2B2;2C;2Di,2D2;2Ei,2E2,2E3;2F;2Hi-2H4;2Ki,2K2;lG2) to
suppress peak-fields generated in the vicinity of any one of the high, low or balancing
potential electrode(s)
2. An arrangement according to claim 1,
characterized in

that the high potential electrode or electrodes (1A;1B;1CI,1C2;
1DI,1D2;1EI,1E2;1FI,1F2;1GI;1H;1KI,1K2) is/are provided on a dielectric layer
3. An arrangement according to claim 2,
characterized in
that the dielectric layer (4B;4D;4K) has a variable dielectric constant, e.g. comprises a
ferroelectric layer.
4. An arrangement according to claim 1,2 or 3,
characterized in
that the high potential electrode(s) (1A;1B;1CI,1C2;
1DI,1D2;1EI,1E2;1FI,1F2;1GI;1H;1KI,1K2), and the low potential electrode(s)
(2A;2BI,2B2;2C;2D1,2D2;2EI,2E2,2E3;2F;2HI-2H4;2KI,2K2) or the balancing potential
electrode(s) (1G2) and the resistive film arrangement
(3A;3BI,3B2;3C;3DI,3D2,3D3;3E;3F;3G;3H;3KI,3K.2) are provided on a ferroelectric layer
(4B;4D;4K) with a controllable dielectric constant.
5. An arrangement according to claim 2,3 or 4,
characterized in
that it comprises or is connected to electric control means comprising a voltage generating
or applying means adapted to apply an electric field to the ferroelectric layer (4B;4D;4K)
to control the dielectric constant.
6. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that it comprises a planar structure with high potential electrode(s), low or balancing
potential electrode(s)(2A;2Bi,2B2;2C;2D1,2D2;2E1,2E2,2E3;2F;2Hi-2H4;2Ki,2K2;lG2),
and preferably a planar substrate layer (4B;4D;4K), e.g. a dielectric or ferroelectric layer.
7. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims 2-6,
characterized in

that the ferroelectric material comprises a ceramic material such as a BST material or a
material with similar properties.
8. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that it comprises two or more high potential electrodes
9. An arrangement according to claim 8,
characterized in
that the at least two high potential electrodes have at least two different potentials (Vi, V2).
10. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3; 3E;3F;3G;3H;3KU3K2)
comprises a high resistivity film or that the resistive arrangement
(3A;3B],3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3; 3E;3F;3G;3H;3K],3K2) comprises leakage currents enabled
to flow in the electrically tunable dielectric layer (4B;4D;4K) or in a surrounding silicone
material or in an isolation fluid.
11. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3;3E;3F; 3G;3H;3Ki,3K2) has a
sheet resistance of the order 1-10.000 MOhm/square.
12. An arrangement according to claim 11,
characterized in
that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3;3E;3F; 3G;3H;3Ki,3K2) has a
resistivity or sheet resistance of about 50-150, particularly about 100 MOhm/square.
13. An arrangement at least according to claim 10,
characterized in

that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3Di,3D2,3D3;3E;3F; 3G;3H;3Ki,3K2), e.g. a
film, comprises a resistive thick film such as screen printed SrTi03 and LaMn03 or similar.
14. An arrangement according to any one of claims 1-12,
characterized in
that it comprises a thin film.
15. An arrangement according to claim 14,
characterized in
that the resistive thin film comprises Nichrome (NiCr), Cr or Ta.
16. An arrangement according to any one of claims 1-13,
characterized in
that it comprises a thick film arrangement, or a three-dimensional arrangement.
17. An arrangement according to claim 16,
characterized in
that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3D1,3D2,3D3;3E;3F; 3G;3H;3Ki,3K2) has a
thickness of about 5-10 urn and in that the electrodes have a thickness of about 10 urn and
are disposed on a dielectric layer with a thickness of approximately 0.5-10 um.
18. An arrangement according to any one of claims 1-17,
characterized in
that it is planar, or comprises planar electrodes and a planar dielectric layer or a planar
substrate layer (4B;4D;4K).
19. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in
that the resistive arrangement (3A;3Bi,3B2;3C;3Dj,3D2,3D3;3E;3F; 3G;3H;3Ki,3K2) is
arranged to surround the high potential electrodes
20. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in

that the resistive arrangement is provided between the high potential electrode(s) and the
low or balancing potential electrode(s).
21. An arrangement according to any one of claims 1-20,
characterized in
that high potential (IK14K2) and low or balancing potential electrodes (2Ki,2K.2) are located
on both of two opposite sides of an electrically tunable dielectric layer (4K).
22. An arrangement at least according to claims 2 or 3,
characterized in
that a ground electrode (5B) is provided on a side of a dielectric or a ferroelectric layer (4B)
which is opposite to the side on which the high (IB) and low or balancing potential
electrodes (2Bi,2B2) are provided.
23. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that it has a circular, oval, square shaped, rectangular or ellipsoidal planar or three-
dimensional extension.
24. An arrangement according to any on of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that additionally the high and/or low and/or balancing potential electrode or electrodes
(1A;1B;1CI,1C2;1DI,1D2;1EI,1E2;1FI,1F2; 1GI;1H;1KI,1K2) are encapsulated in silicon or
immersed in an isolation fluid.
25. An arrangement according to any of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that the high and/or low or balancing potential electrodes are printed or sputtered/plated and
etched on a dielectric, e.g. ferroelectric substrate (4B;4D;4K).
26. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in

that at least one high potential electrode (1A;1B;1CI,1C2;
1DI,1D2;1EI,1E2;1FI,1F2;1GI;1H;1KI,1K.2) is disposed at a distance from any other
electrode of approximately 0,1-10 mm which is typical for thick film processing or at a
distance of a few jam, e.g. 3-30 urn or similar which is typical for thin film processing,
including processing on semiconductor substrates.
27. An arrangement according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that the high potential electrode(s) and/or the low potential electrode(s) and/or the balancing
potential electrode(s) has/have sharp edges.
28. Use of an arrangement (10;20;30;40;50;60;70;80;90) according to any one of the
preceding claims in a ferroelectricum based phase shifter, filter, matching circuit,
controllable antenna, power splitter or similar.
Dated this 12th day of February 2008.


The present invention relates to an arrangement (10) comprising at least one high potential
electrode (1A) with a high potential (V1) in terms of absolute value, e.g. comprising
substantially sharp edges and which may be exposed to a high electrostatic field or a high
potential. It comprises at least one low potential electrode means (2A1,2A2) or balancing
electrode means said low or balancing potential electrode means being provided at a
distance from said at least one high potential electrode (1 A) or at least partly surrounding
said at least one high potential electrode (1A), and at least one resistive arrangement
(3A1,3A2) connecting each of said high potential electrode(s) (1A) with each respective
adjacent low or balancing potential electrode means (2A1,2A2). Said resistive
arrangement(s) (3A1,3A2) has a low conductivity but is non-isolating, such that a
substantially linear voltage drop is provided between said high potential electrode(s) (1A)
and said low or balancing potential electrode(s) (2A1,2A2) to suppress peak-fields
generated in the vicinity of any of the electrode(s) (1A).



Patent Number 269694
Indian Patent Application Number 600/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 31-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 12-Feb-2008
Applicant Address S-164 83 STOCKHOLM
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01M 2/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2005/001161
PCT International Filing date 2005-07-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA