Title of Invention


Abstract A method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body having undercuts includes providing a die cavity formed in closed top and bottom dies, closing a bottom of the die cavity by a bottom punch accommodated in a punch tunnel formed in the bottom die; filling the die cavity with a pre-determined amount of sinterable power; moving a top punch towards the die cavity through a punch tunnel formed in the top die; compacting the powder by urging the top and bottom punches towards each other, thereby forming the green body; and moving the top die and punch away from the bottom die and punch, thereby enabling removal of the formed green body. An apparatus for manufacturing a cutting insert green body having undercuts includes top and bottom dies which abut each other and top and bottom punches which slide in their respective dies.
Full Text WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for
manufacturing pre-sintcred cutting insert green bodies, to be subsequently sintered mio
cutting inserts.
Fabrication ofciitting inserts from sintcrable powders, i.e., metallurgical,
cermets or ceramics powders, comprises compaction of the smterablc powder, with or
without a fugitive binder, into a prc-sintcred green body, and subsequent smtermg of
the green body to produce a cutting insert. Compaction takes place under high
pressures obtained through large opposing forces generated by top and bottom punches
urged towards a die cavity formed in a die containing the sintcrable powder, as is well
known in the art. However, while parts having undercut elements may generally be
pressed, the undercut elements inhibit release and subsequent extraction of the
compacted green body from the die cavity.
It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved method for
manufacturing compacted powder green bodies having undercut elements This object
is attained with the subject matter in accordance with the claims
in accordance with the present invention, there is preferably provided a
method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body, the method comprising the steps of:
(i) Providing top mid bottom dies and top and bottom punches associated
therewith and slidably reciprocable relative (hereto. Kach die comprises opposing die
abutment and die mounting faces and a die inner periphcial surface extending
therebetween. Each die inner peripheral surface comprises an inner first peripheral surface

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
extending from the die abutment face, an inner second peripheral surface extending iron)
the inner first peripheral sari ace and converging inwardly to a die inner edge, and an inner
third peripheral surface extending from the die inner edge to ihe die mounting face and
forming a punch tunnel. Each punch comprises opposing punch pressing and punch
mounting faces, with a punch peripheral surface extending therebetween and forming a
punch edge at an intersection of the punch peripheral surface and the punch pressing face.
(ii) Positioning the top and bottom dies in a closed position, in winch
respective die abutment faces abut, and respective inner first and second peripheral
surfaces form a die cavity. The bottom punch is located m the punch luimol of the bottom
die, and the top punch is external to the punch tunnel of the top die.
(iii) Filling the die cavity with a pre-detcrmincd amount of sinterablc powder.
(iv) Moving the top punch into the punch tunnel of the top die
(v) Compacting the sinterablc powder by urging the punches through the
respective punch tunnels towards each other to a compaction position In the compaction
position, the punch edge of the top punch and the die inner edge of the top die are
contiguous, and the punch edge of the bottom punch and the die inner edge of the bottom
die are contiguous, thereby forming the green body.
(vi) Moving the top die and punch away from the bottom die and punch to an
open position, thereby enabling removal of the green body.
Preferably, the green body comprises opposing green body end faces and a
peripheral side surface extending therebetween. The green body end faces are formed by
the punch pressing faces. The green body peripheral surface is formed by the die inner
first and second peripheral surfaces of the top and bottom dies
Further preferably, the green body comprises top and bottom gieen body
edges formed at intersections of the top and bottom green body end faces with the gieen
body peripheral surface, respectively. Associated contiguous top and bottom punch edges
and top and bottom die inner edges form top and bottom common die cavity edges,
respectively. The top and bottom green body edges are formed at the top and bottom
common die cavity edges.
Yet further preferably, the green body comprises a median plane M
extending between the top and bottom green body end faces. In the compaction position,
the abutting top and bottom die abutment faces coincide with the green body median plane

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If desired, the green body peripheral surface comprises top and bottom
green body relief surfaces adjacent the green body edges. Each green body ichef surface
forms a relief angle p with the green body median plane M. The relief angle p is obtuse at
least a portion of each green body relief surface.
Tf further desired, the relief surfaces arc formed by the inner second
peripheral surfaces.
Typically, the green body end faces comprise rake surfaces adjacent the
green body edges. Adjacent rake and relief surfaces form a wedge having a non-obtuse
wedge angle co.
Generally, the wedge angle eo is acute at least along a portion of the wedge.
In accordance with another preferred embodiment, the green body may
comprise a longitudinal through-hole extending between the green body end faces. The
longitudinal through-hole is formed by a longitudinal rod extending between the punch
pressing faces through the die cavity.
Tf desired, the longitudinal rod comprises slidably rcciprocable top and
bottom longitudinal pins disposed in top and bottom punch pin through-bores formed in
the top and bottom punches.
Alternatively, the green body may comprise a lateral through-hole
extending between two opposing green body major side surfaces of the green body
peripheral surface. The lateral through-hole is formed by a lateral rod extending through
the die cavity between opposing inner side portions of the inner first peripheral surfaces of
the top and bottom dies.
Preferably, the lateral rod comprises opposing shdabiy recipiocubie lateral
pins disposed in top and bottom die pin channels ol'the top and bottom dies.
The present invention provides the following preferred advantages'
facilitating pressing and subsequent ejection of green bodies having undercut
forming green bodies which have sharp, well-defined edges and acute wedge
angles desirable for cutting inserts manufactured from the green bodies;
increasing tool-set rigidity while reducing risks of powder adhesion to the dies or
punches and subsequent tear-off damage to the compacted green body, by eliminating
acute re-entrant elements in the design of the tool-set.

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
For a better understanding of the present invention and to show how the same
may be carried out in practice, reference will now be made to the accompanying
drawings, in which:
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a green body manufactured in accordance with
the method of the present invention;
Fig. 2 is an end view of the green body shown in Fig. 1;
Fig. 3 is a major side view of the green body shown in Fig. 1
Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the green body shown in lug. 1, taken along
the line IV -IV in Fig. 3;
Fig. 5 is a schematic cross-section of a tool-set in accordance with the present
invention, in a compaction position;
Fig. 6 is the schematic cross section of the tool-set shoAvn in lug. 5. in a closed
Fig. 7 is the schematic cross section of the tool-set shown in Fig. X m a filling
Fig. 8 is the schematic cross section of the tool-set shown m lug. 5, in an open
Fig. 9 is a schematic cross section of a longitudinal through-hole tool-set in the
compaction position;
Fig. 10 is a schematic cross section of a lateral through-hole tool-set in the
compaction position;
Fig. 11 is an exploded perspective view of the tool-set shown in Fig 5.
Fig. 12 is an exploded perspective view of the longitudinal through-hole tool-set
shown in Fig. 9;
Fig. 13 is an exploded perspective view of the lateral through-hole tool-set
shown in Fig. 10;
Attention is drawn to Figs. 1 to 4. A pre-sintered green body 20 is
preferably formed by compaction of a sinterable powder consisting of metallurgical,
ceramic or cermet powder, and a binder. The green body 20 is generally rectangular in
an end view and has identical, opposing (i.e., facing in opposite directions) top and
bottom green body end faces 22', 22" In the present description, when following a

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reference numeral, a single prime (') denotes a feature associated with the lop side of
the green body cutting insert, while a double prime (") denotes a feature associated with
the bottom side of the green body cutting insert. Each green body end face 22', 22" has
a 180° rotational symmetry about an axis of symmetry S which passes through the two
green body end faces 22', 22". A peripheral green body side surface 24 extends
between the two green body end faces 22', 22". The peripheral green body side surface
24 comprises two opposing, identical major side faces 24.J of a general parallelogram
shape; two opposing, identical minor side faces 2-4N, also generally parallelogram in
shape; and four curved corner surfaces 24C. Each corner surface 24C extends between
a major side face 24J and an adjacent minor side face 24N.
Major and minor green body axes .1, N are defined as being
perpendicular to each other and to the axis of symmetry S. The major axis J extends
through the major side faces 24J and the minor axis N extends through the minor side
faces 24JN'. liach major side face 24,1 has a 180" rotational symmetiy about the major
axis J, and each minor side face 24N has a 180° rotational symmeti\ about the minor
axis N. The major and minor axes J, N define a median plane M extending beuvcen die
top and bottom green body end faces 22', 22".
Intersections of each green body end face 22", 22" and the peripheral
green body side surface 24 define top and bottom green body edges 26', 26",
respectively. Following sintering, the green body 20 becomes an indexable and
reversible cutting insert and at least a portion of each of the top and bottom green body
edges 26', 26" becomes a cutting edge.
Each green body edge 26', 26" comprises two major edges 26.J', 26J"
formed by the intersection of the major side faces 24J and each of the top and bottom
end faces 22'. 22"; two minor edges 26!S", 26N'" formed by the intersection of the
minor side faces 24N and each of the top and bottom end faces 22'. 22"". and four
corner edges 26C, 26C" formed by the intersection of the corner surfaces 24C and
each of the top and bottom end faces 22', 22".
The peripheral green body side surface 24 has top and bottom relief
surfaces 28', 28" adjacent the top and bottom green body edges 26', 26", respectively.
Bach major side face 24J has two major relief surfaces 28.1', 28.f" adjacent the major
edges 26.P, 26J"; each minor side faces 24N has two minor relief surfaces 28N', 28N"
adjacent the minor edges 26N', 26N"; and each corner surface 24C has two corner

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
relief surfaces 28C, 28C" extending along the corner edges 26C, 26C" A central
peripheral surface 30 extends between the top and bottom relief surfaces 28', 28". Each
major side face 24.1 has a major central surfaces 30J extending between the top and
bottom major relief surfaces 28J', 28J"; each minor side face 24N has a minor central
surfaces 30N extending between the top and bottom minor relief surfaces 28IN", 28N",
and each corner surface 24C has a corner central surface 30C extending between the top
and bottom corner relief surfaces 28C, 28C". In a preferred embodiment, the green
body median plane M intersects the central peripheral surface 30.
Each of the major relief surfaces 28J', 28.1" forms a major relief angle p,j
with the green body median plane M. In accordance with the preferred embodiment,
the major relief angles pJ are obtuse, and therefor one of the top and bottom major
relief surfaces 28J', 28J" constitutes an undercut element of the green body 20. It is
understood that, similarly, the minor and corner relief surfaces 28N', 28N", 28C, 2SC"
form minor and corner relief angles with the green body median plane M
As best seen in Fig 2, the green body top end face 22' has a top land 32'
that extends parallel to, and inwardly from the top green body edge 26' towards the axis
of symmetry S. The top land 32' comprises a pair of top major lands 32,)' formed along
the top major edges 26.1', a pair of Lop minor lands 32N' fonued along the top minor
edges 26N' and four top corner lands 32C formed along the top corner edges 26C A
Top rake surface 34' extends inwardly from the top land 32' towards the axis of
symmetry S while sloping towards the median plane M. The top rake surface 34'
comprises a pair of top major rake surfaces 34.P adjacent the top major lands 32J", a
pair of top minor rake surfaces 34N' adjacent the top minor lands 32N', and four top
corner rake surfaces 34C adjacent the top corner lands 32C 11 is understood that the
green body top end face 22', and in particular its top rake surface 32', may comprise
various geometries and features, such as chjp breakers. It is further understood that the
green body bottom end face 22" has a land and rake surface structure similar to that of
the green body top end face 22'.
As seen m Fig. 4, adjacent top major relief surface 28.1" and top major
rake surface 34.F form a top major wedge 36J' having a top major wedge angle o)J' It
is understood that a top minor wedge having a top minor wedge angle is formed
between adjacent top minor relief surface 28N' and top minor rake surface 34N' while a
top corner wedge 36C having a top corner wedge angle is formed between each

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
adjacent top corner relief surface 28C and top corner rake surface 34C', In accordance
with a preferred embodiment, the top major wedge angle a)J', the top minor wedge
angle and the top corner wedge angle are all acute. It is understood that the green body
bottom end face 22 also has such wedges and wedge angles.
Attention is now drawn to Figs 5 and 11. The green body 20 is
compacted in a tool-set 38 having top and bottom dies 40', 40". Each die 40', 40"
comprises a die mounting face 42', 42" used to attach the die 40', 40" to a press (not
shown) opposing a die abutment face 44', 44" and die outer and inner peripheral
surfaces 46', 46", 48', 48" extending therebetween. Each die inner peripheral surface
48', 48" comprises an inner first peripheral surface SO', 50" extending from, and
transversely to, the die abutment face 44', 44"; an inner second peripheral surface 52',
52" extending from the inner first peripheral surface SO', 50" and converging inwardly
to a die inner edge 54', 54"; and an inner third peripheral surface 56', 56" extending
from the die inner edge 54', 54" to the die mounting face 42', 42" The inner third
peripheral surface 56', 56" forms a punch tunnel 58', 58".
Top and bottom punches 60', 60'" arc associated with the top and bottom
dies 40', 40", respectively, and adapted to be slidably reciprocable m relation thereto,
through the respective punch tunnels 58', 58" Thus, each punch can slide m either
direction within its punch tunnel. Each punch comprises a punch mounting face 62'.
62", used to attach the punch to the press, opposing a punch pressing face 64'. 64" and
a punch peripheral surface 66', 66" extending therebetween, forming a punch edge 68',
68" at the intersection thereof with the punch pressing face 64', 64" Each die or
punch 40', 40", 60', 60" is capable of independent reciprocating motion relative to each
of the other top and bottom dies or punches 40'. 40", 60', 60".
Attention is additionally drawn to Figs. 6 to 8. To manufacture the green
body 20, the tool-set 38 is cycled through closing, filling, compaction and opening
steps. In the closing step (Fig 6), the tool-set 38 is brought to a closed position, in
which the die abutment faces 44', 44" abut, and the first and second inner die peripheral
surfaces 50', 50", 52', 52", form a die cavity 70 extending between the top and bottom
die inner edges 54', 54". The bottom punch 60" is located in the punch tunnel 58" of
the bottom die 40", with its punch edge 68" located below the die inner edge 54", while
the top punch 60' is positioned outside the punch tunnel 58' of the top die 40'.

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
In the filling step (Fig. 7), the die cavity 70 is filled through the punch
tunnel 58' of the top die 40' with a pre-dctermined amount of sinterable powder 72
Subsequent to filling the die cavity 70, the top punch 60' is lowered into the punch
tunnel 58' of the top die 40', thereby scaling the sintcrable powder 72 in the die cavity
In the compaction step, the sintcrable powder 72 is compacted to form
the green body 20, as shown in Fig. 5, as the tool-set 38 is brought to a compaction
position, by urging the top and bottom punches 60', 60" towards each other, until each
punch edge 68', 68" and its associated die inner edge 54', 54" are contiguous, thereby
forming top and bottom common die cavity edges 74', 74" In accordance with the
preferred embodiment, during the compaction step, the green body end faces 22', 22"
are formed by the punch pressing faces 64', 64". Each green body edge 26% 26" is
formed at the common die cavity edges 74', 74". The green body relief sui face 28',
28'" are formed by the inner second peripheral surfaces 52', 52", and the green body top
and bottom central surfaces 30', 30" are formed by the inner first peripheral surfaces
50', 50" of the top and bottom dies 40', 40", respectively, while the top and bottom die
abutment faces 44', 44" coincide with the green body median plane M.
Due to the presence of the undercut elements of the green body, i.e the
top and bottom major relief surfaces 28J', 28.1" having obtuse relief angles pJ, and due
to the matching geometry of the die inner second peripheral surfaces 52', 52", the green
body 20 cannot be released from the die cavity 70 and extracted theiefrom through the
punch tunnel 58' of the top die 40'. In order to release the green body 20 and extract it
from the tool-set 38, an opening step has to be performed, m which the lool-sci is
brought to an open position (see Fig. 8). To arrive at the open position, the lop die 40'
and the top punch 60' are moved up and away from the bottom die 40" and the bottom
punch 60", opening the die cavity 70 and thereby exposing the green body 20, leaving it
free to be removed from the bottom die 40".
The method of manufacturing a cutting insert green body has been
illustrated above for a cutting insert having no through-hole However, it will be
apparent to a person skilled m the art that the above described method can easily be
applied to manufacturing of cutting insert green bodies having through-holes formed

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
Attention is drawn to Figs. 9 and 11. A longitudinal through-hole gieen
body 220 is compacted by a longitudinal through-hole tool-set 238 Since the
longitudinal through-hole green body 220 and the longitudinal through-hole tool-set
238 have many features which are similar to those of the green body 20 without a
through-hole and its associated tool-set 38, similar features will be icferred to heroin
below by reference numerals which arc shifted by 200 from those of the green body 20
without a through-hole and the associated tool-set 38. The longitudinal ihrough-liole
green body 220 comprises a longitudinal through-hole 76 extending between the
longitudinal through-hole green body top and bottom end faces 222', 222"
perpendicularly to the green body median plane M. The longitudinal through-hole tool-
set 238 comprises top and bottom longitudinal pins 78', 78" slidably disposed in punch
pm through-bores 80', 80" extending through the punch mounting face 262', 262" and
the punch pressing face 264', 264" of the respective top and bottom punches 260',
260". During compaction of the longitudinal through-hole green body 220, the
longitudinal pins 78', 78" extend into the die cavity 270 and constitute a longitudinal
rod 82 which extends between the top and bottom punch pressing faces 264", 264", to
form the longitudinal through-hole 76 in the compacted longitudinal through-hole gieea
body 220.
Attention is now drawn to Figs. 10 and 13 A lateral through-hole green
body 420 is compacted by a lateral through-hole tool-set 438. Since the lateral through-
hole green body 420 and the lateral through-hole tool-set 438 have many features which
are similar to those of the green body 20 without a through-hole and its associated tool-
set 38, similar features will be referred to herein below by reference numerals which arc
shifted by 400 from those of the green body 20 without a through-hole and the
associated tool-set 38. Thus, the tool-set 438 includes top and bottom dies 440', 440"
and top and bottom punches 460", 460"
The lateral through-hole green body 420 comprises a iaieia] tiuough-
hole 84 extending between lateral through-hole green body major central sui faces 430J
of opposing lateral through-hole green body major side faces 424J along the major axis
J. The lateral through-hole tool-set 438 comprises first and second lateral pins 86V,
86S slidably disposed in first and second top and bottom die pin channels 88'F, 88'S,
88"F, 88"S. During compaction of the lateral through-hole green body 420, the first
and second lateral pins 86F, 86S protrude into the die cavity 470 and abut each other to

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
form a lateral rod 90. The lateral rod 90 extends through first and second top and
bottom opposing portions 92'F, 92'S, 92"F, 92"S of the die inner first peripheral
surface to form the lateral throngli-holc 84 of the lateral through-hole green body 420.
The above-described apparatus and method may facilitate pressing and subsequent
ejection of green bodies having undercut elements They also may allow for the formation
of green bodies which have sharp, well-defined edges and acute wedge angles of the soil
generally found desirable in cutting inserts manufactured from the green bodies. Finally,
by eliminating acute re-entrant elements in its design, a tool set in accordance with the
present invention may have adequate rigidity without suffering from increased risks of
powder adhesion to the dies or punches and subsequent tear-off damage to the compacted
green body.
Although the present invention has been described to a cerlam degree of
particularity, it should be understood that alterations and modifications to the present
invention may possibly be made without departing from the scope of the invention as
hereinafter claimed.

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
1. A method for manufactui ing a cutting insert green body (20) comprising the
steps of:
(i) providing a cutting insert green body tool-set (38, 238, 438) comprising top
and bottom dies (40'3 40") and top and bottom punches (60'. 60") associated therewith, the
top and bottom punches being slidably rcciprocable relative to their associated top and
bottom dies;
each die comprising opposing die abutment faces (44'. 44") and die mounting
faces (42', 42") and a die inner peripheral surface extending therebetween (48', 48"'), tiie
die inner peripheral surface comprising an inner first peripheral surface (50', 50")
extending from the die abutment face, an inner second peripheral surface (52', 52")
extending from the inner first peripheral surface and converging inwardly to a die inner
edge (54', 54"), and an inner third peripheral surface (56', 56") extending noiii the die
inner edge to the die mounting face and forming a punch tunnel (5S', 58").
each punch (60', 60") comprising opposing punch pressing and punch
mounting laces (64', 64", 62', 62") with a punch peripheral surface (66', 66") extending
therebetween and forming a punch edge (68', 68") at an intersection of the punch
peripheral surface and the punch pressing face;
(ii) adjusting the cutting insert green body tool set (38. 238, 43S) to a closed position m
which the die abutment faces of the top and bottom dies abut each other with the inner first
and second peripheral surfaces of the top and bottom dies forming a die cauty (70), the
bottom punch is located in the punch tunnel of the bottom die, and the top punch is
external to the punch tunnel of the top die;
(iii) filling the die cavity with a pre-determined amount of sinterable powder (72);
(iv) moving the top punch into the punch tunnel of the top die.
(v) compacting the sinterable powder by urging Die punches through the respective
punch tunnels towards each other to a compaction position, wherein the punch, edge (68')
of the top punch (60') and the die inner edge (54') of the top die (40') are contiguous, and
the punch edge (68") of the bottom punch (60") and the die inner edge (54") of the bottom
die (40") are contiguous, thereby forming the green body (20),
(vi) moving the top die and punch away from the bottom die and punch to an open
position, thereby enabling removal of the formed green body (20)

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
2. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body in accordance with
claim 1, comprising forming opposing green body end faces (22', 22") on the green body,
with the punch pressing faces during said compacting.
3. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body in accordance with
claim 2, comprising forming a green body peripheral surface (24) extending between the
opposing green body end faces (22', 22"), with the die inner first, and second peripheral
surfaces (50', 50", 52', 52") during said compacting.
4. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body m aecoulance with
claim 3, comprising:
forming top and bottom common die cavity edges (74', 74") from associated
contiguous top and bottom punch edges and top and bottom die inner edges; and
forming top and bottom green body edges (26', 26") of the green body at said top
and bottom common die cavity edges during said compacting, said top and bottom green
body edges being located on the green body at intersections of the green body peripheral
surface with the green body top and bottom end faces, respectively
5. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body m accordance with
claim 4, wherein in the compaction position, the abutting top and bottom die abutment
faces coincide with a green body median plane (M) which extends between the top and
bottom green body end faces.
6. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green bod)f in accordance with
claim 5, comprising forming green body relief surfaces (28', 28") with the inner second
peripheral surfaces during the compacting, each green body relief surface forming a relief
angle p with the green body median plane M, and the relief angle p being obtuse at least
along a portion of each green body relief surface
7. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body m accordance with
claim 6, comprising forming rake surfaces (34', 34") adjacent tiie green body edges on the
green body end faces, wherein adjacent rake and relief surfaces form a wedge (36', 36")
having anon-obtuse wedge angle ro.

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
8. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body in accordance with
claim 7, comprising forming an acute wedge angle GO at least along a portion of each
wedge (36', 36").
9. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body (220) in accordance
with claim 2, comprising forming a longitudinal through-hole (76) extending between the
green body end faces (222', 222"), the longitudinal through-hole being formed by a
longitudinal rod (82) extending between the top and bottom punch pressing faces through
the die cavity.
10. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body in accordance with
claim 9, comprising forming the longitudinal rod by inserting top and bottom longitudinal
pins (78', 78") in top and bottom punch pin through-bores (SO'. SO"), respectively, and
having said top and bottom longitudinal pins meet.
11. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body (420) m accordance
with claim 3, comprising forming a lateral through-hole (84) extending between opposing
portions of the green body peripheral surface (424), the lateral through-hole being formed
by a lateral rod (90) extending, through the die cavity (470) between opposing first and
second inner side portions (92F, 92S) of the inner first peripheral surfaces of the top and
bottom dies.
12. The method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body m accordance with
claim 11, comprising forming the lateral rod by inserting first and second lateraJ pins (S6l86S) into top and bottom die pm channels (S8F, S8S) formed m the top and bottom dies.
and having said first and second lateral pins meet.
13. A cutting insert green body tool (38, 238, 438) set comprising:
top and bottom dies (40', 40") and top and bottom punches (60, 60") associated
therewith, the top and bottom punches being slidably reciprocable relative to then-
associated top and bottom dies;

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
each die comprising opposing die abutment and die mounting faces (42 \ 42", 44',
44") and a die inner peripheral surface (48', 48") extending therebetween, the die inner
peripheral surface comprising an inner first peripheral surface (50', 50") extending from
the die abutment face, an inner second peripheral surface (52", 52") extending from the
inner first peripheral surface and converging inwardly to a die inner edge (54', 54"), and
an inner third peripheral surface (56', 56") extending from the die inner edge to the die
mounting face and forming a punch tunnel (58', 58");
each punch comprising opposing punch pressing and punch mounting faces (64',
64", 62', 62"), with a punch peripheral surface (66', 66") extending therebetween and
fomnng a punch edge (68', 68") at an intersection of the punch peripheral surface and the
punch pressing face;
wherein the tool set is adjustable between:
a first position in which the die abutment faces of the top and bottom dies abut
each other with the inner first and second peripheral surfaces of the top and bottom dies
forming a die cavity (70), the bottom punch is located in the punch tunnel of the bottom
die, and the top punch is external to the punch tunnel of the top die, and
a second position in which the top punch is located in the punch tunnel of the top
die, the punch edge of the top punch and the die inner edge of the top die arc contiguous,
and the punch edge of the bottom punch and the die inner edge of the bottom die are
14. The cutting insert green body tool set (238) according to claim 13, further
comprising a longitudinal rod (82) extending between the top and bottom punch pressing
faces through the die cavity.
15. The cutting insert green body tool set (238) according to claim 14, wherein the
longitudinal rod comprises top and bottom longitudinal pins (78', 78'") occupying
respective top and bottom punch pin through-bores (80', 80") and meeting in said die
16. The cutting insert green body tool set (438) according to claim 13, further
comprising a lateral rod (90) extending through the die cavity between opposing first and

WO 2006/080002 PCT/112006/000036
second inner side portions (92'F, 92'S, 92"F7 92"S) of the inner first peripheral surfaces of
the top and bottom dies.
17 The cutting insert green body tool set (438) according to claim 16. wherein the
lateral rod comprises first and second lateral pins (86K 86S) occupying top and bottom die
pin channels (88'F, 88'S, 88"F, 88"S) formed in the top and bottom dies and meeting m
said die cavity.

A method for manufacturing a cutting insert green body having undercuts includes
providing a die cavity formed in closed top and bottom dies, closing a bottom of the die
cavity by a bottom punch accommodated in a punch tunnel formed in the bottom die;
filling the die cavity with a pre-determined amount of sinterable power; moving a top
punch towards the die cavity through a punch tunnel formed in the top die; compacting
the powder by urging the top and bottom punches towards each other, thereby forming
the green body; and moving the top die and punch away from the bottom die and
punch, thereby enabling removal of the formed green body. An apparatus for
manufacturing a cutting insert green body having undercuts includes top and bottom
dies which abut each other and top and bottom punches which slide in their respective



Patent Number 269697
Indian Patent Application Number 2111/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 02-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 11-Jun-2007
Name of Patentee ISCAR LTD.
Applicant Address P.O. BOX 11 TEFEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B30B 15/02,B22F 3/03
PCT International Application Number PCT/IL2006/000036
PCT International Filing date 2006-01-11
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 166530 2005-01-27 Israel