Title of Invention


Abstract The invention is directed to device for adjusting the distance of the stripper chisels (6) from the circumference of the work rolls (5) supported in the chocks of a roll stand, wherein the stripper chisel is movable parallel to the rolling line in direction of the roll gap and away from the latter. In order to adapt to different operating positions and diameters of the work rolls, the stripper chisel (6) is arranged in a horizontally displaceable stand roller table, wherein the movement of the stand roller table (6, 7, 8) is linked with the vertical movement of the bottom work roll so that the stripper chisel (6) can be moved away from the work roll (5) when the bottom work roll moves upward, and vice versa.
The invention is directed to a device for adjusting the distance of the stripper chisels from the circumference of the work rolls supported in the chocks of a roll stand, wherein the stripper chisel is movable parallel to the rolling line in direction of the roll gap and away from the roll gap.
Stand roller tables are conventionally used in hot rolling reversing stands and ensure a transfer of the rolling stock from the work roll to the downstream roller table and to the work roll from the upstream roller table. The passage of the rolling stock from the work roll to the stand roller tables is generally carried out over a stripper chisel which is fastened between the work roll chocks or is integrated in the stand roller table.
An example of a displaceable stripper chisel is known from DE 33 12 009 A1.
In wide roll stands (rolling stock wider than 3500 mm), experience has shown that fastening the stripper chisel between the work roll chocks can cause problems. The shape of the chisels must conform to the free space between the work roll and the work roll chock, i.e., the section modulus of the chisels is limited and cannot always be constructed to conform to requirements. As a result, the chisels can be bent due to loading by the rolling stock to the extent that they come into contact with the work roll or are even completely destroyed. If special requirements are imposed on the chisels because of a large rolling stock width, a heavy rolling stock weight, or special stressing such as in aluminum stands, the chisels are integrated in the stand roller tables so that they can be constructed to be more rigid and robust.
When the stripper chisels are installed between the work roll chocks, the position of the chisel is adapted to the different roll, diameters by means of various inserts so that it is possible to adjust a constant gap between the work roll and the chisel. The chisels remain in a fixed position in relation to the work roll during operation and move up or down with the bottom set of work rolls when an adjustment is carried out in the pass line, e.g., by means of a hydraulic adjustment below in the stand. As a result, the position of the chisel changes in relation to the stand roller table, since the stand roller tables are mounted in a fixed position in the stand. The changing distances between chisel and stand roller table can lead to

problems in the transfer of rolling stock, which is unacceptable above all when special requirements are imposed in this respect, e.g., as in aluminum roll stands,
When the stripper chisels are integrated in the stand roller table, the design of the chisels is optional with respect to their section modulus, so that they are capable of absorbing high loads resulting from the rolling process.
However, there is not yet a solution which would make it possible to adjust the gap between the work roll and stripper chisel to be constant in every operating position when the position of the bottom work roll changes during rolling operation, e.g., due to a hydraulic adjustment below in the stand.
Therefore, it is the object of the invention to integrate the stripper chisel in the stand roller table and, in so doing, be able to adapt the position of the chisel to different operating positions and diameters of the work rolls so that the gap between the chisel and roll can always be kept constant.
This object is met according to the invention in that the stripper chisel is arranged at a horizontally displaceable stand roller table, wherein the movement of the stand roller table is linked with the vertical movement of the bottom work roll so that the stripper chisel can be moved away from the work roll when the bottom work roll moves upward, and vice versa.
Embodiments of the invention are given in the subclaims and are described in the following.
The invention makes it possible to integrate the stripper chisel for the transfer of rolling stock in the stand roller table while nevertheless adjusting a constant gap between the roll and chisel in every position of the bottom work roll. By means of the invention, it is possible to select the position of the stand roller table depending on the position of a bottom hydraulic adjustment. Accordingly, the different work roll diameters and the different positions of the bottom work roll determined by the bottom hydraulic adjustment can be taken into account when positioning the chisel.
This specific requirement derives from the operating conditions present, e.g., in an aluminum reversing stand with a maximum rolling stock width of 4000 mm, a maximum rolling stock weight of 20 t and a hydraulic adjustment below in the stand. Aluminum has the characteristic that it tends to adhere to metallic surfaces in heated state. As a result, the

stripper chisel must be brought toward the work roll in aluminum roll stands with a small gap (approximately 3 mm) to ensure that the rolling stock detaches from the roll and does not run into the gap between the chisel and work roll.
Further, any rolling stock residues must be stripped away from the work roll so that, as a result, the chisel is exposed to high stresses and must be correspondingly rigid. Further, stripping of rolling stock residues from the work roll must also be ensured in every operating position so that the required gap must be adjustable in every position. To adjust different passlines, roll stands are outfitted with a hydraulic adjustment below in the stand which makes it possible to raise and lower the upper edge of the bottom work roll to different levels. Aside from the adjustment of the passline, the hydraulic adjustment also makes it possible to regulate the rolling stock thickness, i.e., the thickness of the rolling stock can be adjusted continuously over the entire length of the rolling stock within certain tolerances. The thickness control is carried out continuously during rolling operation so that the position of the bottom work roll is subject to continual change. This change in position of the bottom work roll must be taken into account when adjusting the gap relative to the chisel.
The invention will be described in the following with reference to an embodiment example.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic partial view of a roll stand with different adjustments of the bottom work roll and backup roll.
The roll stand is shown only partially and is designated by 1. The backup roll 4 and the work roll 5 are supported in this stand in chocks 2 and 3.
The rolls 4 and 5 can be adjusted to the rolling line, for example, by hydraulic cylinders.
The stand roller tables, according to the invention, with the base frame 7, stand rollers 8 and stripper chisels 6 are shown on both sides of the work roll 5.
The horizontal adjustment or displacement of the stand roller table is carried out by means of the adjusting devices 9.
The entire stand roller table can be constructed, for example, from two essential structural component parts: a swivel frame 10 mounted at the roll stand and a stand roller

table comprising a base frame 7 on which the individual stand rollers 8 and stripper chisel 6 are mounted.
A construction in which a supporting frame is fastened to the roll stands, the stand roller table being displaceably arranged therein, is also possible. The supporting frame can be formed of one or more parts. In the solution mentioned above, the stand roller table is arranged so as to be horizontally displaceable in the swivel frame. In both constructions, the displacement can be measured by position sensors,
The position sensors make it possible to exactly determine the actual position of the stand roller table so that it is possible to integrate them in a position control. This position control is linked with the position control of other components in the stand so that it can be ensured that the stand roller table is always located in an optimal position with respect to the work roll. This means that the stand roller table and, therefore, the stripper chisel move outward (away from the work roll) when the bottom work roll moves up, and vice versa. To change the work rolls, the stand roller table is displaced into the outermost position to ensure that there cannot be a collision between the chisel and the work roll chocks when the work roll sets are moved out.
The invention can be used in any rolling mills which are outfitted with a stand roller table and in which special requirements are set with respect to the transfer of rolling stock from the work roll to the stand roller table.
The horizontal displacement of the stand roller table can be achieved, for example, by a hydraulic adjusting device. Other drives, e.g., electrically operated threaded spindles, are also possible.
As was mentioned above, the horizontal movement or displacement of the stand roller table is linked with the vertical movement of the bottom work roll. By this is meant that an electrical or mechanical coupling of the two types of movement is possible structurally.

Patent Claims
1. Device for adjusting the distance of the stripper chisels (6) from the circumference of the work rolls (5) supported in the chocks of a roll stand, wherein the stripper chisel is movable parallel to the rolling line in direction of the roll gap and away from the latter, characterized in that the stripper chisel (6) is arranged in a horizontally displaceable stand roller table, wherein the movement of the stand roller table (6, 7, 8) is linked with the vertical movement of the bottom work roll so that the stripper chisel (6) can be moved away from the work roll (5) when the bottom work roll moves upward, and vice versa.
2. Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the stand roller table (6, 7, 8) contains rollers which are mounted in a displaceable base frame (7).
3. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the drive of the stand rollers (8) is constructed as a group drive or as an individual drive,
4. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the stand roller table comprises a swivel frame (10), which is mounted at the roll stand, and the stand roller table in which the individual stand rollers (8) and the stripper chisel (6) are arranged in a base frame (7).
5. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the stand roller table is arranged in a supporting frame which is fastened to the roll stand.
6. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the stand roller table is arranged so as to be horizontally displaceable in the swivel frame (10) or the supporting frame, wherein the displacement path is measured by position sensors.
7. Device according to claim 6, characterized in that the position control is linked with the position control of other components in the stand so that it can be ensured that the stand roller table is always located in an optimal position with respect to the bottom work roll.
8. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the horizontal movement of the stand roller table is mechanically coupled with the vertical

movement of the bottom work roll so that it is ensured that the stand roller table is always in an optimal position with respect to the bottom work roll.
9. Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that, in order to change the work rolls, the stand roller table is displaceable into the outermost position so that there cannot be a collision between the chisel and the work roll chocks when the work roll sets are moved out.



Patent Number 269710
Indian Patent Application Number 1375/CHENP/2010
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 03-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 10-Mar-2010
Name of Patentee SMS Group GmbH.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B21B39/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/DE08/001356
PCT International Filing date 2008-08-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2007 048 747.0 2007-10-08 Germany
2 10 2007 044 569.7 2007-09-10 Germany