Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT A cup conveyor and holder device (1) for a beverage dispensing machine comprises a body (2) into which cups (C1-C3) are vertically dropped for filling with a drink and/or being delivered to the user; the internal surface of the body (2) is provided with at least two steps (3, 4, 8) transversal to the cup dropping direction (X), at different heights of said body (2) with respect to the same direction (X), for vertically supporting said cups (C1, C2, C3) at different diameters.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a cup conveyor and holder device for
beverage dispensing machines, in particular a conveyor and holder for cups
having different sizes to be used in water, ice and beverage dispensing
Hereinafter the word "beverage" is intended to indicate any of coffee, water,
ice, drinks, etc..
United States patent US 4,738,290, in the name of Francois Ciekanski,
discloses a beverage vending machine provided with a motorized apparatus
for picking up a cup from a cup stack, positioning the same under a beverage
dispensing unit for filling with a drink and, finally, guiding the cup to a delivery
recess of the machine accessible by the user. The apparatus comprises a
motorized, horizontally rotatable, arm provided with a fork-shaped end
portion. Each cup has a frustoconical configuration such that, when dropped
from the cup stack, is supported by, and positioned between, the prongs of
the fork.
US 5,727,609, in the name of Michael Terence Knight et al., discloses a drink
vending machine comprising a cup conveyor apparatus comprising an
horizontally moveable arm having a fork-shaped end portion for receiving and
holding a cup. The arm receives a cup from a vertical stack and moves the
same cup first to a dispensing unit for filling, and thereafter to a delivery
position to deliver the cup to an operator or the user.
US 5,074,341, in the name of William S. Credle Jr. et al., discloses an
automatic beverage dispensing machine provided with a motorized conveyor
for collecting the cups from different sized drop tubes and guiding the same
into a filling position. As shown in figure 5, the conveyor is provided with an
cup holder which can be moved along a rail by an endless screw. The cup

holder is made by two L-shaped walls normally arranged to form a support for the cup. The walls are hinged on respective shaft and operated so as to rotate, thereby opening the holder, when the cup has to be dropped. Other prior art conveyors are known to be provided with a carousel for the positioning of the cups picked up from the drop tubes, disclosed by French patent application FR 2629047, international application WO 99/32392 and Japanese patent JP 3103208.
Prior art solutions have several drawbacks. Motorized conveyors/holders have a complicated design, are difficult to assemble and to operate, are expensive, and require rigorous adjustment of the movement. Motors, switches, end stroke controls, photocells, etc., are often provided for controlling and regulating the movement of the different conveyor parts. There are several reasons for avoiding the cups from standing on their bottom. For instance, dropped cups can easily bounce upon touching the flat surface, thereby jeopardizing the proper positioning of the same cup. This problem can be serious when the conveyor is for positioning the cups under a beverage dispensing nozzle. If a cup overturns, the nozzle cannot fill the same cup and the dispensed beverage is lost, this leading to a void dispensing cycle. Moreover the beverage flow dispensed by the nozzle, and impinging the overturned cup, can be improperly dispersed within the machine, this easily causing soiling of the same machine and particularly its beverage dispensing area.
Soiling can also occur to cups correctly dropped in the vertical standing position. In fact the flat surface on which the cups stand is subject to soiling by the droplets of the dispensed drinks which come out of the cups or which leak from the dispensing nozzles. This leads to soiling of the cups bottom. Users can be negatively affected by this problem in that they can get dirty while handling the cups.
Another drawback is related to the size of the cups and the filling of the same
by one or more dispensing nozzles. When cups having different sizes are
provided, typically having a frusto-conical shape with different diameters

and/or height, location of the dispensing nozzle(s) within the beverage dispensing machine depends on the distance of the same nozzle(s) from the flat surface on which cups stand. In other words, the dispensing nozzle(s) must be located within the machine at an height from the aforesaid flat surface sufficient for the taller cups to be properly positioned under the nozzle(s). The flat surface is then a reference plane for designing the drink dispensing machine and its cup conveyor. On the contrary, the need is felt for a conveyor and holder which allows for the proper positioning of differently sized cups under the dispensing nozzle(s), independently by the height of the cups.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a cup conveyor and holder device for beverage dispensing machines which overcomes the drawbacks of prior art solutions in a simple and effective way, being at the same time easy to manufacture, to assemble and inexpensive.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a cup conveyor and holder device for beverage dispensing machines which allows for the proper positioning of the cups under the dispensing nozzle(s) and/or in a delivery position, at the same preventing the cups from overturning while being dropped.
It is still another object to provide a cup conveyor and holder for beverage dispensing machines, in particular for coffee machines or the like, which allows for the proper positioning of differently sized cups under the dispensing nozzle(s) and/or in a delivery position, independently by the location of the flat surface or base upon which the cups are dropped. A further object of the present invention is to provide a cup conveyor and holder device for beverage dispensing machines, which comprise multiple beverage delivery areas having multiple cup receptacle sizes for lodging differently sized cups, wherein the distance between the upper edge of eachI cup and the machine beverage outlet spouts is the minimum.

These and other objects are achieved by the present invention which relates to a cup conveyor and holder device for beverage dispensing machine as set forth in claim 1.
The cups abut the steps at their outer side surface, preferably at their top edge portion. Cups, which have a frusto-conical shape and a lateral projecting upper edge, are intended to abut the respective step provided within the conveyor and holder. Abutting of a cup on the step occurs at its upper edge. In other words the upper edge of a cup dropped into the body of the conveyor abuts the correspondent step, provided at a precise height of the conveyor body to match the diameter of such edge. It is understood that cups can abut the respective step at their outer lateral surface, preferably at their top portion.
Steps are separated along the dropping direction, i.e. they are located at different heights on the conveyor body. A first cup is be held in position by abutting a first step at a first cup diameter. A second cup, having a larger size than the first cup, is held in position by a second step at a second cup diameter. The first step is arranged at a lower height with respect to the second step. The first step can support the second cup at the first diameter. Advantageously, each cup held in position by the conveyor, stands vertically suspended, ready to be filled with a drink dispensed by the machine nozzle(s) or ready to be picked up by the user, without the same cup touching any surface of the machine with its bottom. In other words, standing of the cups is not achieved by laying the same cups on a flat surface of the beverage dispensing machine, but rather by supporting the cups in a
suspended elevated position, with respect to said flat surface. This is achieved by providing, within the conveyor body, one or more supporting surfaces (the steps) for the upper edge of the cups, raised about a sufficient distance from any lower flat surface or base so as to avoid the cup bottom from touching.
The cups are thus held in the desired position, for filling or delivery to the user, without standing on their bottom portion. In this way overturning of the

dropped cups is avoided. Cups are effectively guided and positioned within the funnel-shaped inside of the conveyor with no risks for jamming or overturning.
Advantageously, the device according to the present invention allows for properly positioning differently sized cups within beverage dispensing machines, for instance in a position for filling operated by one or more nozzles (positioned in one or more beverage delivery areas) with drinks, or for delivery the cups to the users. This is achieved by providing a plurality of steps corresponding to the number of cup sizes, each step being arranged at an height of said body internal surface. Small size cups, i.e. cups which have the narrower top portion, are supported against gravity by the lower step provided on the internal surface of the body of the conveyor and holder with respect to the cup dropping direction. Large size cups, i.e. cups which have the larger top portion, are supported against gravity by the higher step provided on the same body internal surface.
Each step is preferably obtained by providing a narrowing of the body internal surface. The steps can be continuous or can be defined by separate portions. Alternatively the steps can be obtained by providing one or more opposite projections departing from the body internal surface toward its centre. Once the cups have been filled with the drink, such as coffee, chocolate, milk, tea, water, cola, ice, etc., they have to be picked up from the conveyor and holder, for instance by the user. The conveyor body is provided with a lateral aperture extending vertically from at least the uppermost step for withdrawal of cups through sliding of the cup upper edge on the respective step. The extension of the width of the lateral aperture at each step is less than the diameter at that step and it is sufficient for the user to remove the cup held in the device according to the invention by sliding the cup along the step, through the lateral aperture.
Preferably, the internal surface of the body of the invention device has a circular cross section and the steps extend along a circumference of the same.

According to another embodiment, the body internal surface is of polygonal cross section and the steps are formed by portions of the polygon sides. The cup conveyor and holder device is preferably further comprising a plurality of chutes, each of which is used for guiding a cup dropped from a cup reservoir (having one between small size, medium size, large size) to the cup holding body of the conveyor and holder device.
The conveyor device of the invention can be located under a beverage dispensing nozzle for filling the selected cup with the required beverage. In this case, the conveyor and holder device does not require motors, electronic components, switches, etc., to be used. If, on the other hand, the beverage dispensing machine is provided with more than one dispensing nozzles, the invention device will be provided either with two (or more) fixed devices, under the relevant nozzles, or with one device movable from one dispensing nozzle to the other.
Advantageously, the device according to the present invention is simple to design, manufacture and assemble, thereby allowing for reducing the related costs. Suitable materials for manufacturing the conveyor and holder are metal (e.g. dye-cast) and thermoplastics.
A beverage dispensing machine provided with the above mentioned conveyor and holder device is a further object of the invention. The invention is also related to a method for delivering a beverage from a beverage dispensing machine to a first cup, having a first size, and a second cup, having a second size. The method comprises the step of conveying and holding said first cup at a first height of said machine and said second cup at
i a second height of said machine, with respect to the cup dropping direction, by means of a device as previously discussed. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
Further advantages and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description with reference to the
drawings enclosed as a non-restrictive example, where:

- figure 1 is a perspective view of a cup conveyor ana noiaer accoraing to the present invention;
- figure 2 is a front elevation view of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure 1;
- figure 3 is a vertical section along line A-A of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure 2;
- figure 4 is a top view of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure 1;
- figure 5 is an elevation view of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure 1;
- figure 6 is a side view of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure
- figure 7 is a bottom view of the cup conveyor and holder shown in figure 1;
- figure 8 is a schematic cross-section of the conveyor and holder according to the present invention.
With reference to figures 1-7, a conveyor and holder 1 according to the present invention is shown, provided with a body 2 intended to lodge a cup per time, dropped by a cup dropping unit of the beverage dispensing machine wherein the conveyor and holder is installed. The body 2 of the conveyor 1 is preferably further comprising, e.g. coupled to chutes having the function of guiding the cups dropped into the conveyor 1. At least a chute is provided. Alternatively a chute can be provided for each dropping unit of the machine. In the embodiment shown in the enclosed figures, the body 2 is coupled to chutes 7 and 8, arranged on opposite sides with respect to the vertical X axis, that is the axis of the cup dropping direction. At the back, the invention device is provided with hanging means 12, e.g. a bracket or similar means, to attach the conveyor and holder 1 to the beverage dispensing machine.
The internal surface of the body 2 preferably has a substantially funnel shape
i to facilitate insertion of the cups, which normally have a frusto-conical
configuration. Figure 3 shows a cross section of the conveyor and holder 1

wherein two cups C1 and C2 are shown, but it is understood that only one cup C1 or C2 is held at a time. Cup C1 is a large size cup and cup C2 is small size. The diameter of the top portion of the cup C1, i.e. the diameter at its projecting top edge 6, is larger than the diameter of the top portion of the cup C2, i.e. the diameter at its projecting edge 5. In the embodiment shown in figures 1-8, the height of cup C1 is greater than the height of cup C2, but it is understood that height of cup C2 can be greater than height of cup C1. In order to hold a cup C1 or C2 in a position for filling the same and later delivering to the user, the conveyor body 2 is provided with internal steps 3 and 4, which provides an abutment surface respectively for the edge 5 and 6 of the cups C1, C2, thereby avoiding the same cups C1, C2 from further downwards movement under the action of the gravity force. The conveyor and holder device 1 is provided with a number of internal steps 3, 4, etc., corresponding to the number of cups C1, C2, etc., having different size, i.e. having at least a different diameter of the top portion,' that are provided within the dispensing machine.
In the embodiment shown in figure 3, the step 3 is for supporting the edge 5 of the small size cup C2, and the step 4 is for supporting the edge 6 of the larger size cup C1. Steps 3 and 4 are each obtained by a narrowing of the body 2 internal surface, forming a "platform" on which the top portions of the cups abut when dropped into the conveyor 1.
The steps 3 and 4 can have different shape, for instance can be a substantially horizontal portion of the body 2 internal surface. With reference to figure 8, it is shown schematically an embodiment for supporting three types of cups C1, C2 and C3, that is a large size cup C1, a small size cup C2 and a medium size cup C3. The last is held in position by the step 8.
As it can be seen in the figures 3 and 8, steps 3, 4 and 8 are positioned at
different levels along the body 2 height. In particular, since the body 2 is
funnel shaped, the step 3 for the small size cups C2 is the lowermost, with

respect to the cup dropping direction X, and the step 4 for the large size cups C1 is the uppermost.
As shown in figures 1-8, the steps 3, 4 and 8 support the upper edges 5, 6 and 9 of the cups C1-C3; edges 5, 6 and 9 laterally projects from the respective cup surface, but it is understood that steps 3, 4 and 8 can support a portion of the cups C1-C3 different from said edges. For instance the cup C1 can match the step 4 with its outer surface, i.e. the coupling between the cup C1 and the step 4 can be a female-male conical coupling. The same applies for cups C2 and C3.
Each of steps 3, 4 and 8 shown in the figures 1-8 runs continuously along the internal surface of the conveyor body 2. As an alternative embodiment, the steps 3, 4 and 8 can be formed by several separate portions, for instance by at least two projections departing from the surface of the body 2 toward its interior.
Advantageously the cups C1-C3 are held in the desired position, for filling or delivery to the user, without standing on their bottom portion. The conveyor and holder 1 according to the present invention provides supporting the cups C1-C3 at their top portion, thereby preventing the bottom of the same cups C1-C3 from contacting possibly soiled surfaces. With reference to figure 8, another advantage of the conveyor and holder 1 over prior art solutions is that cups C1-C3 are held suspended in the desired position despite of the distance from the flat surface 10 of the beverage dispensing machine. Such flat surface 10 could be even not provided. In other words, the cups C1-C3 are held by the conveyor 1 in their filling position, or in the delivery position, regardless of the surface 10 being provided or not.
The conveyor and holder 1 does not require the beverage dispensing machine to be designed with a lower plane surface 10 for supporting the cups released by the dropping units. Advantageously the location of the drink i dispensing nozzle(s) within the machine is not related to the distance from the surface 10. In other words, the beverage dispensing machine can be

designed without referring to the surface 10 and to the height of the cups C1-
The invention provides that cups C1-C3 are to be picked up by the user
directly from the conveyor device 1. As shown in the figures, the wall of the
holding body 2 of the conveyor 1 is provided with a lateral aperture or side
opening 11, for allowing the user to access the cups C1-C3 held on the
respective steps 3, 4, 8. The aperture 11 extends vertically along holding
body 2 from at least the upper step 4, downwards to the bottom end
(included) of body 2. The aperture permits the user to handle the cups, e.g.
once filled with the required beverage, and remove them transversally with
respect to the direction X, from the body 2 of conveyor 1 and from the
beverage dispensing machine.
The conveyor 1 comprises no motorized portions or electronic parts, which
are usually expensive. The cups C1-C3 are properly guided in the desired
position, and held in such a position, in a simple and effective way. The
conveyor results inexpensive. It is preferably made of a thermoplastic
material, by moulding of several parts.
The conveyor and holder apparatus 1 can be motorized, i.e. it can be
moveable between a position for collecting the cups C1-C3 and a position for
filling the cups C1-C3, and/or between a position for filling and a position for
delivery the cups to the user. This can be achieved by coupling the conveyor
1 to a motor, guides, arms, etc..
Alternatively, being the conveyor and holder apparatus 1 fixed to the
dispensing machine, one or more beverage outlet assemblies can be moved
to a dispensing position for minimal splashing of the dispensed drink.
The conveyor and holder 1 allows for implementing the following method for
delivering a beverage by way of a beverage dispensing machine provided
with a first cup C1, having a first size, and a second cup C2, having a second
size, to be filled with said beverage. The method comprises the step of
dropping one of said first cup C1 or said second cup C2 into at least one
beverage dispensing area of the machine. The cup is then filled with the

beverage for delivery to the user. Advantageously the method comprises the step of conveying and holding said first cup C1 at a first height and said second cup C2 at a second height, with respect to the cup dropping direction X, vertically supporting the same cups C1, C2 at different diameters against further downward movement.

1. A cup conveyor and holder device (1) for a beverage dispensing machine, comprising a cup holding body (2) into which cups (C1, C2, C3) are dropped for filling with a beverage and delivering to the user, characterized in that the internal surface of said body (2) is provided with at least two steps (3, 4, 8), positioned at different heights of said body (2) with respect to the cup dropping direction (X), for supporting said cups (C1, C2, C3) suspended at different diameters thereof, against further downward movement in a position raised from any surface or base thereby avoiding the bottom of said cups (C1, C2, C3) from touching said surface.
2. The device according to claim 1, wherein said body (2) wall is provided with a lateral aperture (11) extending vertically along said body and having a width at each step sufficient for withdrawal of cups (C1, C2) by the user through sliding of the same cups on the respective step (3, 4).
3. The device according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said cups (C1, C2, C3) are differently sized and in that the number of steps (3, 4, 8) corresponds to the number of cup sizes, each of said steps (3, 4, 8) supporting one of said differently sized cups (C1, C2, C3) at its upper portion.
4. The device according to any claim 1 to 3, wherein said body (2) is funnel shaped.
5. The device according to any previous claim, wherein each of said steps (3, 4, 8) supports a related cup (C1, C2, C3) at its upper edge (5, 6, 9).
6. The device according to any previous claim, wherein said at least one step (3, 4) is formed by a narrowing of the body (2) internal surface.
7. The device according to any previous claim, wherein at least one step (3, 4) runs continuously on said internal surface of the body (2).

8. The device according to any previous claim, wherein said body (2)
internal surface has a circular cross section and said at least one step
(3, 4) runs along a circumference of the same.
9. The device according to any previous claim, wherein said body (2) is
coupled to at least one chute (7, 8) for guiding a cup (C1, C2) dropped
into said body (2).
10. A beverage dispensing machine comprising at least a dropping unit for
a given size cups, characterized in that it comprises the conveyor and
holder device according to any previous claim.
11. The beverage dispensing machine according to claim 10, further
comprising at least one chute (7, 8) to collect dropped cups (C1, C2)
from the respective dropping unit and guiding the same into said body
12. The beverage dispensing machine according to claim 10 or 11,
wherein said conveyor and holder (1) is located over a horizontal
surface (10) and the height of each of said steps (3, 4, 8) with respect
to said surface (10) is greater than the height of the larger size cup
(C1,C2, C3).
13. A method of delivering a beverage from a beverage dispensing
machine provided with at least a first cup (C1), having a first size, and
a second cup (C2), having a second size, to be filled with said
beverage, comprising the step of dropping one of said first cup (C1) or
said second cup (C2) into at least one beverage dispensing area of
said machine and the step of filling the said one cup (C1, C2) with said
beverage for delivery to the user, characterized in comprising the step
of holding suspended said first cup (C1) at a first height of said
machine or said second cup (C2) at a second height of said machine,
with respect to the cup dropping direction (X) so as to prevent the
bottom of said cup (C1, C2) from touching any surface of said
beverage dispensing machine, by means of a cup conveyor and



Patent Number 269713
Indian Patent Application Number 4358/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 03-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 19-Aug-2008
Name of Patentee RHEA VENDORS S.p.A.
Applicant Address VIA TRIESTE, 49, I-21042 CARONNO PERTUSELLA (VA)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G07F13/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB07/107
PCT International Filing date 2007-01-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 6001415.6 2006-01-24 EUROPEAN UNION