Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a new technology in the roofing, preventing leaks in the building. It uses newly designed tile Profile called Sun and liquid Shield (SLS) Tile which enables to keep away unwanted water or any forms of liquid and heat which percolates the enclosures in the roof An SLS unit (See Figl. ) can be divided into an upper portion 1 (Fig8 )and a lower portion 8.( The top surface is a horizontal surface .The said surface can be subjected to any sought of treatments .There shall be a cantilevered portion 2 at the 2 sides of SLS to transfer the water/liquid to the adjacent SLS unit. The bottom portion of the cantilevered portion 2 shall be made with a curve 18 to accommodate more load from the top. The top portion 1 rests on the lower portion 8 with the help of abutment or legs. The hollow air gaps formed between these abutments reduces the radiation of heat. A liquid /water controller 7 is provided on the front face of the upper portion 1 ,to regulate the escaped water to the channels 10 and Channels U-9. There shall be a channel 10 which is arranged to collect the water as shown in the Fig. 1 and fig7. There shall be a groove insertion 11 at the beginning of the channel 10 and a cantilevered channel portion 12 at the end of the Channel 10 in the bottom portion 8.This cantilevered portion 12 shall be fixed to this groove insertion 11 of the adjacent SLS unit. There shall be anobstruction at the end of the Front Face Channel 10, Which shall obstruct the channel in one side. When the tiles are laid horizontally, The water which escapes through joints if any if there is any gap in the joints, will be passed through the down strip/water cutting 3 and falling into the channel 10 beneath, which runs through the periphery of SLS. The water which is collected in channel 10, will pass to the next adjacent SLS unit through the cantilevered portion 12 and groove insertion 11. At the end of the segment 16 water flows through the escape pipe, this is arranged for this system. The whole load which is transferred from the top portion including the dead weight is passed through the base 14 to the floor or arrangement beneath. Base 14 of SLS is fixed on the floor. Base 14 shall also be designed in different profiles/ shapes. The joints on the top surface 15(upper portion) and the joints at the channel cantilevered 12 (where there is a connection to the adjacent unit in bottom portion 10) shall be grouted properly.
Full Text

Following specification particularly describes and ascertains the nature of this invention and the manner it is to be performed.
This invention relates to a new technology in the roofing, preventing leaks in the building. It uses newly designed tile Profile called Sun and liquid Shield (SLS) Tile which enables to keep away unwanted water or any forms of liquid and heat which percolates the enclosures in the roof SLS unit can be made as a single component or as a multiple component. SLS unit can be laid exactly same as ordinary tile fixing, horizontally or with minimum slope as required by the area on which it is fixed. The SLS unit comprises of an upper part and a lower part. The water which escapes through the gaps in th(j joints if any, on the upper part, will be collected in the channels beneath, which runs through the periphery or any direction of the unit which is going to be the lower part. The water which is collected in one unit will pass to the next adjacent unit and flow towards the gradient and later the water is collected at the end and flows through the escape pipe of the building which is meant for this system. The air spaces provided within the SLS tile reduces the heat transmission, thus considerably reducing the heat of the building.
The concreting made a remarkable change in the roofing, as it was stronger, safer and durable than the then conventional methods of roofing. But the process of concreting requires extreme care in all stages of construction. This extreme case cannot be ensured almost in all cases due to various reasons like uneasiness of work, poor workmanship, negligence, poor compaction unforeseen reasons like air pockets, expansion and contraction cracks etc. As a result.

Building will be less strong, vulnerable to cracks and leakages from above especially in roof slabs, sunshades and toilets. The leakage from the toilets from the above floors is a perennial problem for the apartment complexes and houses.
Concrete is a good conductor of heat. It will absorb the whole heat of the day time and will emit the heat in night which is night mare for most of the people who spends below the roof slab. All these are because of direct sun access on the top of the slab.
For shielding the building, we presently use construction chemicals or polymer based or bitumen based coating or sheets on the top. But it is to be stated that these solutions will only prevent the leakage and other problems of concreting for a short period. More over the chemical treatments require highly skilled workmanship and as the base of this is mostly cement, chances of developing cracks cannot be neglected. And fixing and reaffixing of the base is very expensive. Regarding the bituminous coating, chances of peeling of, are more due to the climate change. Shielding the building with truss work is very expensive and it increases considerably the dead weight of the building. When we lay down tiles to prevent the leaking, it has joints and water will percolate to the bottom.
This new technology of Sun and Liquid Shield tiles (SLS), address all the above said issues. Primarily, the objective of this system is to keep away unwanted water or any forms of liquid and heat which percolates the enclosures. It can be made of any material like clay, cement, glass, metals, bituminous based or polymer based or with any material available. This can be manufactured of any size based upon the convenience of making, fixing and transportation. This product drains out the liquid and transfers bare minimum heat to bottom slab and gives a good sound insulation when laid above the roof

The SLS unit can be made as a single unit or a combination of different components based on the convenience of making, fixing and transportation. For manufacturing of this unit we can utilize any material like clay, cement, glass, metals, bituminous based or polymer based or with any material available or combination of different materials. The whole unit shall also be designed for different shapes and dimensions. Following diagrams are used to describe the invention.
Fig 1 is a pictorial and Perspective view of one single SLS unit with the top portion and the bottom portion.
Fig 2 shows the plan of the SLS unit which shows the top view of SLS unit. Fig 3 is the elevation from the side C
Fig 4 shows the sectional elevation- A taken along the width of the SLS unit. Fig 5 shows the elevation from side D, which is along the length. Fig 6 shows the sectional elevation along the length of SLS-B. Fig 7 shows the Isometric and pictorial view of Bottom portion of SLS. Fig 8 is the Isometric and pictorial view of the top portion of SLS. Fig 9 Shows the Pictorial view of SLS units which are arranged in arrays
An SLS unit can be divided into an upper portion 1 and lower portion 8. An isometric view of the upper portion 1 is shown in Figure 8. The top surface 17 as in the Figure 1 is a horizontal surface. The said surface can be subjected to any sought of treatments and shall be designed in different profiles. There shall be a cantilevered portion 2 (See Fig. 1, Fig4 and Fig.8) at the two sides of the upper portion 1. The SLS unit can also be made without the providing this cantilever, alternatively constructing it straight. The cantilevered portion 2 shall run at two sides of SLS and at the end which will transfer the water/liquid to the adjacent SLS UNIT as normal flow of liquid through any flat surface. The bottom potion of the cantilevered portion 2 shall be made with a curve 18 to accommodate more

load from the top. This curvature 18 can be neglected if needed. Even though the design is made for two sides of top cantilevered portion 2, it can be added or deducted to accommodate the design if needed.
There shall be a down strip/water cutting 3 along the cantilevered portion 2 in order to drop the escaped liquid/Water exactly in channels 10 in the lower portion 8. This shall also be modified by giving necessary grooves or forming wedging in the bottom for water cutting 3. Mortar holders 4 are run at the end of top cantilevered portion 2. This mortar holders 4 shall also be designed to run at the non- cantilevered portion on the other two sides or by providing at the selected sides. Mortar holders 4 will give a moderate gap between two SLS units and is kept at a little lower portion. Filler materials can be used to fill this joint 15(ref fig: 9). The mortar holders 4 will help to retain the filler materials to be in position while laying. Mortar holders 4 will give leverage for tilting the SLS unit for making a desired slope while laying. Design can also be altered without the mortar holder 4 or by giving a cutting/Groove all round or selected sides along the top periphery of the cantilevered Top portion 2. Mortar holders 4 shall also be designed in different sizes, shape and direction.
There shall be hollow air channels/air traps 5 and shall be designed for "n" numbers. However the hollow air trap 5 is an additional provision intended to reduce the heat emission and to act as thermal insulator. This air traps or hollow air channels 5 shall also be designed in different levels, different directions and in different shapes. The top portion or upper portion 1 rests on the Lower portion S.The load on the upper portion 1 is transferred to the Lower portion 8 with the help of abutment or legs 6,This shall be in different size, shape and shall be designed to sit in different direction. Abutments 6 shall be sandwiched to the bottom portion with the help of adhesive/mortar, if the system is made of more than one component. The air traps/Channels 5 can be dispensed with, when there in no building insulation is required.

A liquid/water controller 7 is provided on the front face of the upper portion 1 in the corner as shown in figure 1. This will regulate the escaped water/liquid to the channels 10 and Channel-U 9. This shall also be given as a groove or a strip in any shape or alternatively neglected.
There shall be Channel-U 9 (See Fig. No.l, Fig.4 and Fig. 7) at the top periphery of the Lower portion 8, Which acts as an obstruction for the liquid/water which further escapes through the top of the bottom portion 8 and through the air channels 5. It drains out the liquid to the channel lO.This U-channels 9 shall be in different dimensions, shape and shall run in different directions. This Channel-U 9 shall be neglected if needed or shall run in one or more directions. Instead of the U channels 9 necessary up stands shall also be given in one or more sides. The size, shape and number of channels u 9 shall be varied.
There shall be a channel 10 which is arranged to collect the water/Liquid as shown in the fig.l and fig 7. There shall be a groove insertion 11 at the beginning of the channel 10 and a cantilevered channel portion 12 at the end of the channel 10 in the bottom portion 8. This cantilevered channel portion 12 shall be fixed to this groove insertion 11 of the adjacent SLS unit. Design shall also be altered by avoiding the channel cantilevered portion or by changing the shape of the insertion or cantilevered channel portion 12.
There shall be an obstruction at the end of the front face Channel 10 which we shall call Channel Up stand 13 (ref fig 1). This will obstruct the channel in one side and direct the flow of liquid/Channel to the other side. Channels 10 shall also be designed to run in any direction and shall be designed in different levels of the unit and shall be in different dimensions and different shape. Any sought of treatments shall be given to the any surface of unit in order to avoid the obstruction of flow of liquid, drag produced, fungal, algae and for aesthetics.
As shown in Fig. 9, the SLS tiles are laid horizontally or with a required slope as required by the area and dimension wherein the tiles are laid. The upper portion

1 and the lower portion 8 can be manufactured separately as separate components.
The bottom component/lower portion 8 shall be fixed with proper gradient and
grouting to the floor. Once the Lower portion 8 is properly fixed the top/upper
portion 1 can be sandwiched with same or appropriate gradient.
The water which escapes through the Top joints 15 (ref fig 9), if there is
any gap in the joints, will be passed through the down strip/water cutting 3 and
falling into the channel 10 beneath, which runs through the periphery of SLS. The
water which is collected in channel 10, will pass to the next adjacent SLS unit
through the cantilevered portion 12 and groove insertion 11. At the end of the
segment 16(ref fig 9) water flows through the escape pipe, this is arranged for this
system. The whole load which is transferred from the top portion including the
dead weight is passed through the base 14 to the floor or arrangement beneath.
Base 14 of SLS is fixed on the floor. Base 14 shall also be designed in different
profiles/ shapes. The joints on the top surface 15(upper portion) and the joints at
the channel cantilevered 12 (where there is a connection to the adjacent unit in
bottom portion 10) shall be grouted properly.
Thus, SLS tiles ensure that unwanted water or any forms of liquids is kept away from the top surface of the building. It obviates any chance for percolating water into the structure of the building. On an SLS unit fixed roof, water fill escape through the SLS unit and no water will remain on the surface. Thus the building will be absolutely leak proof. It also insulate the building from heat, as it provides hollow air space. However the scope of the product shall be extended to the irregular or odd shape of the unit and shall also be extended with minor modifications in the design.

In cold climates due to freezing of water, the water which has percolated through concrete or the top surface of the structure will cause damage due to expansion of chilled water when formed as ice. When the SLS tiles are used, channels running across the system, can accommodate the volume increase due to freezing and can reduce the intensity of damage.
In hot climate a bare minimum of heat is transferred due to the depth and hollow design inside of the system and in cold region the system insulates the building as air is considered as poor conductor of heat. Thus we can say a structure which is fixed with this system Conserves Energy.
It reduces the transmission of heat considerably, from the roof of the building, and act as a thermal insulator. Alternatively, it reduces the electricity consumption for A/c and Fans. Thus it saves energy and plays an important role in green buildings.

l.Sun and Liquid Shield (SLS) unit as shown in Figl, to be laid on the roof making it absolutely leak proof, preventing water from percolating down to the building and ensuring complete flow out of water from the outer surface.
2. Sun and liquid Shield ( SLS) tiles, as claimed in claim 1, where in the upper portion has a horizontal surface with a cantilevered portion at the sides with a down strip /water cutting enabling the water through the joints ,to fall in the channels provided in the lower portion.
3. An SLS tile as claimed in claim 1, wherein a mortar holder provided with the upper portion, enabling to maintain gap between adjacent SLS Tiles and to give leverage for tilting the SLS unit for making a desired slope while laying.
4. An SLS tile as claimed in claim 1, where in hollow air channels are provided for heat insulation ,formed between the abutments which fix the top portion on the lower portion.
5. As SLS Tile as claimed in Claim 1 , where in , a Channel-U at the top periphery of the Lower portion , which acts an obstruction for the liquid/water which further escapes through the top of the bottom portion and through the air channels
6. As SLS Tile as claimed in Claim 1, where in a channel with a cantilevered portion which is arranged to collect the water/Liquid with a groove insertion provided at the beginning of the channel 10 to pass the liquid collected in the channels 10 to adjacent SLS system.
8. An SLS tile as claimed in Claim 1, where in a Channel up stand or an obstruction at the end of the front face, obstructing the channel in one side and direct the flow of liquid/Channel to the other side. Any sought of treatments shall be given to the whole surface of unit.

9. An SLS tile as claimed in Claim 1, where in the tiles are laid horizontally, any
water coming down through the joints will be passed through the down strip/water
cutting and falling into the channel beneath, which runs through the periphery of
SLS. The water which is collected in channel will pass to the next adjacent SLS
unit through the cantilevered portion and groove insertion .
10. An SLS tile as claimed in Claim 1, where in the tiles can be manufactured
utilizing, any material like clay, cement, glass, metals, bituminous based or
polymer based or with any material available or combination of different materials



Patent Number 269738
Indian Patent Application Number 1920/CHE/2009
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 04-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 13-Aug-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 Individual Mr. Anson Thekkekara THEKKEKARA HOUSE, VAPALASSERY P.O., ANKAMALI, KOCHI-683572.
PCT International Classification Number E04D 1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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