Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to compositions for the treatment of conditions, including pancreatic insufficiency. The compositions of the present invention comprise lipase, protease and amylase in a particular ratio that provides beneficial results in patients, such as those afflicted with pancreatic insufficiency. This invention also relates to methods using such compositions for the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency.
Full Text WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0001] This application claims benefit under 35
U.S.C. § .119 (e) of United States provisional patent
application no. 60/618,764, filed October 14, 2004, the
disclosure of which is herein incorporated by
[0002] The present invention relates to compositions
for the treatment of conditions, including pancreatic
insufficiency. The compositions of the present
invention comprise lipase, protease and amylase in a
particular ratio that provides beneficial results in
patients, such as those afflicted with pancreatic
insufficiency. This invention also relates to methods
using such compositions for the treatment of pancreatic
[0003] Digestion constitutes the physiological
process by which ingested food is broken down into

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readily absorbed nutrient components. Following
ingestion, food passes through various segments of the
gastrointestinal tract and digestion is carried out,
primarily by digestive enzymes. Three groups of
digestive enzymes essential to this process include
Upases (for fat digestion), proteases (for protein
digestion) and amylases (for carbohydrate digestion).
[0004] Food digestion and nutrient absorption occur
in the small intestine. There, ingested food is broken
down by digestive enzymes for ready absorption. Most
digestive enzymes are secreted by the pancreas and
arrive in the small intestine through the pancreatic
[0005] The pancreas effects a variety of exocrine
and endocrine actions required for proper digestion,
nutrition and metabolism. Pancreatic exocrine
activities include the secretion of proteins that
function as enzymes in the small intestine to catalyze
the hydrolysis of fat into glycerol and fatty acids,
protein into peptides and amino acids and carbohydrates
into dextrins, disaccharides and monosaccharides,- such
as glucose. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
(hereinafter "pancreatic insufficiency") results from a
reduction in pancreatic function and can be caused by a
number of clinical disorders. For example, pancreatic
insufficiency is associated with cystic fibrosis,
chronic pancreatitis, acute pancreatitis, pancreatic
cancer and Shwachmann-Diamond Syndrome [E.P. DiMagno et
al., in The Pancreas: Biology, Pathobiology and
Disease, 2d Ed., V. Liang et al., eds., pp. 665-701
(1993)] .
[0006] In patients afflicted with pancreatic
insufficiency, the pancreas fails to produce and/or

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secrete sufficient amounts of digestive enzymes to
support normal digestive processes, including digestion
of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As a result,
those patients suffer from malabsorption of nutrients.
Clinical manifestations of pancreatic insufficiency
include abdominal cramping, bloating, diarrhea,
steatorrhea, nausea and weight loss.
[0007] Pancreatic insufficiency is present in 89% of
patients suffering from cystic fibrosis [D. Borowitz et
al., "Use of Fecal Elastase-1 to Identify
Misclassification of Functional Pancreatic Status in
Patients with Cystic Fibrosis", J. Pediatr., 145, pp.
322-326 (2004)] . Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal
recessive genetic disorder that primarily affects the
gastrointestinal and respiratory systems [S.M. Rowe et
al. , "Mechanisms of Disease: Cystic Fibrosis", N. Engl.
J. Med., 352, pp. 1992-2001 (1995)]. Abnormal amounts
and viscosity of mucus produced in cystic fibrosis
patients impede the secretion of sufficient amounts of
pancreatic enzymes. The decreased volume of pancreatic
secretions leads to inspissation within the pancreatic
ducts, preventing egress of enzymes and bicarbonate
into the duodenum. As a result, cystic fibrosis
patients with pancreatic insufficiency suffer from
impaired digestion and experience significant
malabsorption of fat and protein. For example, such
patients typically absorb less than 60% of dietary fat
[M. Kraisinger et al., "Clinical Pharmacology of
Pancreatic Enzymes in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and
in vitro Performance of Microencapsulated
Formulations", J. Clin. Pharmacol., 34, pp. 158-166
(1994)]. If left untreated, maldigestion and
malabsorption in cystic fibrosis patients lead to

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malnutrition, inability to gain or maintain weight and
decreased growth, as well as worsening of chronic
suppurative lung disease [K. Gaskin et al., "Improved
Respiratory Prognosis in CF Patients with Normal Fat
Absorption", J. Pediatr., 100, pp. 857-862 (1982); J.M.
Littlewood et al., "Control of Malabsorption in Cystic
Fibrosis", Paediatr. Drugs, 2, pp. 205-222 (2000)].
[0008] To date, standard therapy for pancreatic
insufficiency is primarily based on orally-administered
porcine pancrelipase, containing a mixture of lipases,
trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase and amylases. Although
porcine pancreatic enzyme supplements contain
substantial amounts of amylase, it has been reported
that cystic fibrosis patients have normal amylase
levels [P.L. Townes et al., "Amylase Polymorphism:
Studies of Sera and Duodenal Aspirates in Normal
Individuals and in Cystic Fibrosis", Am. J. Hum.
Genet., 28, pp. 378-389 (1976)]. Accordingly, it is
believed that amylase serves no function in increasing
polysaccharide digestion [E. Lebenthal et al., "Enzyme
Therapy for Pancreatic Insufficiency: Present Status
and Future Needs," Pancreas, 9, pp. 1-12 (1994)]. The
lipase, protease and amylase components of porcine
pancreatic supplements are typically present in a
1:3.5:3.5 ratio.
[0009] Pancreatic enzyme supplements are normally
administered orally with meals. As these supplements
pass through the low pH environment of the stomach,
their enzyme activity diminishes rapidly. As a result,
large quantities of enzyme concentrate (sometimes as
many as 15 capsules or tablets per meal) have been
required to ensure that sufficient active enzyme is

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present in the proximal intestine to relieve pancreatic
[0010] Because protease and lipase can become
irreversibly inactivated in the stomach's acidic
environment, enteric-coating technologies have been
applied to pancrelipase products, to enclose enzymes in
microbeads or otherwise treat them with a protective
enteric coating. While such enteric-coatings improved
the product profile, large quantities of supplements
were still required to yield therapeutic benefit [J.H.
Meyer, in Pancreatic Enzymes in Health and Disease,
P.G. Lankisch, ed., pp. 71-88 (1991)]. A high-strength
pancrelipase product line (Ultrase®) was introduced,
with the goal of reducing the quantities of tablets or
capsules necessary to treat pancreatic insufficiency.
However,, in 1991 the United States Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation, in conjunction with the FDA, reported
multiple cases of fibrosing colonopathy in children
with cystic fibrosis taking such high-strength products
[S.C. Fitzsimmons et al. , "High-Dose Pancreatic-Enzyme
Supplements and Fibrosing Colonopathy in Children with
Cystic Fibrosis", N. Engl. J. Med., 336, pp. 1283-1289
(1997)]. In these patients, colonic fibrosis caused
strictures that often required surgery and, in some
cases, colectomy.
[0011] As a means toward reducing daily doses of
pancreatic enzymes, the FDA removed the high strength
products (defined as greater than 2,500 USP units per
kg body weight) from the market [D.S. Borowitz et al.,
"Use of Pancreatic Enzyme Supplements for Patients with
Cystic Fibrosis in the Context of Fibrosing
Colonopathy11, J. Pediatr. , 127, pp. 681-684 (1995)].
In addition, the United States Cystic Fibrosis

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Foundation, jointly with the FDA, recommended a
detailed examination of the complex nature of porcine
enzyme extracts [Id.]. The Consensus Panel also
recommended investigation of alternative, acid-stable
[0012] Whether or not a given pancreatic enzyme
supplement is enterically-coated, the bioavailability
of such supplements varies widely, due to differentials
in acidification of the intestine among patients. As a
result, many patients take pH altering drugs, such as
histamine-2 (H2) receptor blockers and proton pump
inhibitors (PPI), to improve the clinical efficacy of
the enzyme supplements [P.G. Lankish, "Enzyme Treatment
of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Chronic
Pancreatitis', Digestion, 54 (Supp. 2), pp. 21-29
(1993); D.Y. Graham, "Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement:
the Effect of Antacids or Cimetidine", Dig. Pis Sci.,
27, pp. 485-490 (1982); J.H. Saunders et al.,
"Inhibition of Gastric Secretion in Treatment of
Pancreatic Insufficiency", Br. Med. J., 1, pp. 418-419
(1977); H.G. Heijerman et al. , "Omeprazole Enhances the
Efficacy of Pancreatin (Pancrease) in Cystic Fibrosis",
Ann. Inter. Med., 114, pp. 200-201 (1991); M.J. Bruno
et al., "Comparative Effects of Adjuvant Cimetidine and
Omprazole during Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement
Therapy", Dig. Pis. Sci., 39, pp. 988-992 (1994)].
[0013] Variability in terms of potency and
pharmaceutical properties and lack of stability have
also been identified as important factors contributing
to a poor response of some patients to conventional
pancreatic enzyme supplements [C.L. Chase et al.,
"Enzyme Content and Acid Stability of Enteric-Coated
Pancreatic Enzyme Products in vitro", Pancreas, 30, pp.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
180-183 (2005); D.S. Borowitz et al., J. Pediatr., 127,
supra; C.J. Powell et al., "Colonic Toxicity from
Pancreatins: a Contemporary Safety Issue", Lancet, 353,.
pp. 911-915 (1999); E. Lebenthal et al., "Enzyme
Therapy for Pancreatic Insufficiency: Present Status
and Future Needs", Pancreas, 9, pp. 1-12 (1994); P.
Regan et al., "Comparative Effects of Antacids,
Cimetidine and Enteric Coating on the Therapeutic
Response to Oral Enzymes in Severe Pancreatic
Insufficiency", N. Eng. J. Med., 297, pp. 854-858
(1977)]. These include batch-to-batch variation in
enzyme activity, susceptibility to loss of activity
over time by exposure to sunlight, heat or humidity and
a poorly defined profile of adverse reactions [D.S.
Borowitz et al., J. Pediatr., 127, supra]. Other
factors that complicate pancreatic insufficiency
therapy include destruction of the replacement enzymes
by gastric juice and/or intraluminal proteases,
asynchronous gastric emptying of enzyme supplement and
meal nutrients, and delayed liberation of enzyme from
enteric-coated preparations [P.G. Lankish, Digestion,
54 supra; P. Regan et al., N. Eng. J. Med., 297,
supra] .
[0014] Due to the problems of potency, stability and
bioavailability characterizing conventional pancreatic
enzyme supplements, the use of microbially-derived
enzymes as alternatives to porcine-derived enzymes has
been proposed. For example, United States patent
6,051,220 describes compositions comprising one or more
acid stable lipases and one or more acid stable
amylases, both preferably of fungal origin. United
States patent application 2004/0057944 describes
compositions comprising Rhizopus delemar lipase,

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Aspergillus melleus protease and Aspergillus oxyzae
amylase. United States patent application 2001/0046493
describes compositions comprising crosslinked
crystalline bacterial lipase, together with a fungal or
plant protease and a fungal or bacterial amylase.
[0015] Despite such developments, the need still
exists for optimizing dosage formulations to further
improve both the efficacy of pancreatic enzyme
supplements and patient compliance. The goal of a
pancreatic enzyme supplement displaying the highest
efficacy at the lowest: dose, and characterized by a
well-defined safety profile, remains of great
importance to all patients suffering from pancreatic
insufficiency, including those in the cystic fibrosis
[0016] The present invention is directed to
compositions and methods for treating conditions,
including pancreatic insufficiency. According to a
preferred embodiment, the compositions of this
invention are characterized by crosslinked microbial
lipase crystals, microbial protease and microbial
amylase, in a ratio of about 1.0:1.0:0.15 USP units of
enzyme activity. Advantageously, these compositions
are characterized by stable enzyme components, in turn
ensuring in vivo delivery of active enzyme to the
gastrointestinal tract and thereby allowing effective
low dose treatment regimens for pancreatic

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0017] Figure 1 illustrates the change in mean
coefficient of fat absorption ("CFA"), as compared to
baseline, in patients treated with compositions
according to the present invention during a Phase 2
[0018] Figure 2 illustrates the change in mean
coefficient of nitrogen absorption ("CNA")/ as compared
to baseline, in patients treated with various
compositions according to the present invention during
a Phase 2 study.
[0019] Figure 3 illustrates the correlation between
the coefficient of fat absorption ("CFA") and the
coefficient of nitrogen absorption ("CNA") at baseline,
in patients treated with compositions according to the
present invention during a Phase 2 study.
[0020] Figure 4 illustrates the correlation between
the coefficient of fat absorption ("CFA") and the
coefficient of nitrogen absorption ("CNA") at treatment
level, in patients treated with compositions according
to the present invention during a Phase 2 study.
[0021] Figure 5 illustrates the difference between
the correlation between the coefficient of fat
absorption ("CFA") and the coefficient of nitrogen
absorption ("CNA") at treatment and baseline levels, in
patients treated with compositions according to the
present invention during a Phase 2 study.
[0022] Figure 6 illustrates the change in mean
coefficient of fat absorption ("CFA"), as compared to
baseline, in cystic fibrosis patients treated with
various doses according to the present invention during
a Phase 1 study.

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[0023] Figure 7 illustrates the change in mean
coefficient of nitrogen absorption ("CMA"), as compared
to baseline, in patients treated with various doses
according to the present invention during a Phase 1
[0024] The present invention relates to the
discovery that compositions comprising lipase, protease
and amylase, in a ratio of about 1.0:1.0:0.15 USP units
of enzyme activity, are effective for treating
conditions, including pancreatic insufficiency. The
unique ratio of lipase to protease to amylase allows
treatment of those conditions in low dose therapy
regimens not possible with conventional porcine derived
pancreatic enzyme supplements. Further, this lipase to
protease to amylase ratio avoids a high concentration
of protease which, in conventional enzyme supplements,
has been thought to be responsible for fibrosing
colonopathy [D.S. Borowitz et al., J. Pediatr., 127,
supra] .
[0025] According to a preferred embodiment, the
compositions of this invention comprise crosslinked
microbial lipase crystals, a microbial protease and a
microbial amylase in a ratio of about 1.0:1.0:0.15 USP
units of enzyme activity.
[0026] The following terms, unless otherwise
indicated, shall be understood to have the following
[0027] The term "amorphous" refers to any state
other than the crystal, crystalline or semi-crystalline

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state. Amorphous matter includes amorphous solids and
[0028] The terra "crystal" or "crystalline" refers to
one form of the solid state matter comprising atoms
arranged in a pattern that repeats periodically in
three dimensions [see, e.g., Barrett, Structure of
Methals, 2nd ed., (1952)]. The crystal or crystalline
form of an enzyme is distinct from the amorphous or
semi-crystalline forms thereof. Crystals display
characteristic features, including a lattice structure,
characteristic shapes and optical properties, such as,
e.g., refractive index.
[0029] The term "semi-crystalline" refers to a solid
state of matter having both crystalline and amorphous
[0030] The term "subject", "patient" or "individual"
refers to any mammal, including any animal classified
as such, including humans and other primates.
[0031] The term "maldigestion" refers to the
impaired breakdown of nutrients (such as fats, proteins
and carbohydrates) into their absorbable constituents
(mono-, di-, or oligosaccharides, amino acids,
oligopeptides, fatty acids and monoglycerides).
Maldigestion may result from several conditions,
including pancreatic insufficiency.
[0032] The term "malabsorption" refers to the
impaired absorption of digested nutrients, including
vitamins and trace elements, from the small intestine
or large bowel. Malabsorption may be due to defective
mucosal uptake by the intestinal lining or particular
abnormalities of digestion. Intestinal malabsorption
may occur for many nutrients, or for specific
macronutrients, namely fats, proteins or carbohydrates,

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as well as for micronutrients, such as calcium,
magnesium, iron and vitamins. Malabsorption may result
from several conditions, including pancreatic
insufficiency. Protein malabsorption is referred to as
"azotorrhea". Lipid malabsorption is referred to as
[0033] The term "lipase" refers to an enzyme that
catalyzes the hydrolysis, (i.e., separating the hydroxyl
group and the hydrogen atom of compounds into fragments
by the addition of water) of lipids to glycerol and
simple fatty acids. This enzymatic reaction usually
requires calcium ions (Ca2+) . Lipases secreted by the
pancreas are extremely important for the digestion of
fat (triglycerides) in the upper loop of the small
intestine. According to a preferred embodiment, the
lipases useful in the compositions and methods of this
invention are non-pancreatic lipases, i.e., they are
not purified from human or animal pancreatic tissue.
According to a more preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the lipases are microbial lipases.
According to a further preferred embodiment of this
invention, the lipase is a bacterial lipase. Bacterial
lipases include, for example, Pseudomonas lipase and/or
Burkholderia lipase.
[0034] Microbial lipases may be isolated from their
native microbial source, or they may be recombinant
microbial lipases produced via recombinant DMA
technology by a suitable host cell, selected from any
one of bacteria, yeast, fungi, plant, insect or
mammalian host cells in culture, preferably bacteria.
Recombinant lipases encompass or are encoded by nucleic
acids from a naturally occurring lipase sequence.
Further, recombinant lipases include an amino acid

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sequence that is homologous or substantially identical
to a naturally occurring sequence, as well as those
lipases encoded by a nucleic acid that is homologous or
substantially identical to a naturally occurring
lipase-encoding nucleic acid. Alternatively, lipases
useful in the compositions and methods of this
invention may be synthesized by conventional peptide
synthesis techniques.
[0035] The term "protease" refers to a proteinase,
proteblytic enzyme or peptidase, which is an enzyme
that catalyzes the splitting of interior amide peptide
bonds in a protein. Specifically, proteases catalyze
the conversion of proteins into their component amino
acids by cleaving the amide linkage between the
carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of
another. Proteases are generally identified by their
catalytic type, e.g., aspartic acid peptidases,
cysteine (thiol) peptidases, metallopeptidases, serine
peptidases, threonine peptidases, alkaline or semi-
alkaline proteases, neutral and peptidases of unknown
catalytic mechanism (see http://merops.sanger.ac.uk).
According to a preferred embodiment, the proteases
useful in the compositions and methods of this
invention are non-pancreatic proteases, i.e., they are
not purified from human or animal pancreatic tissue.
According to a more preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the proteases are microbial proteases.
According to a further preferred embodiment of this
invention, the protease is a fungal protease.
According to one further embodiment of this invention,
the protease is Aspergillus melleus protease.
[0036] Microbial proteases may be isolated from
their native microbial source or they may be

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recombinant. microbial proteases produced via
recombinant DNA technology by a suitable host cell,
selected from any one of bacteria, yeast, fungi, plant,
insect or mammalian host cells in culture, preferably
fungi. Recombinant proteases encompass or are encoded
by nucleic acids from a naturally occurring protease
sequence. Further, recombinant proteases include an
amino acid sequence that is homologous or substantially
identical to a naturally occurring sequence, as well as
those proteases encoded by a nucleic acid that is
homologous or substantially identical to a naturally
occurring protease-encoding nucleic acid.
Alternatively, proteases useful in the compositions and
methods of this invention may be synthesized by
conventional peptide synthesis techniques.
[0037] The term "amylase" refers to an enzyme that
is produced in the pancreas and also in the salivary
glands in humans but not all mammals. Human salivary
amylase is known as ptyalin. Amylase is the main
digestive enzyme responsible for digesting
carbohydrates, e.g., polysaccharides, by catalyzing the
conversion of the two components of starch (amylose and
amylo-pectin) into simple sugars in the small
intestine. More specifically, amylase hydrolyzes
starch, glycogen and dextrin to form glucose, maltose
and the limit-dextrins. Clinically, blood amylase
levels are often elevated in conditions of acute and
sometimes chronic pancreatitis. The term "non-
pancreatic amylases" refers to amylases which are not
purified from human or animal pancreatic tissue.
According to a more preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the amylases are microbial amylases.
According to a further preferred embodiment of this

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invention, the atnylase is a fungal amylase. According
to one further embodiment of this invention,. the
amylase is Aspergillus amylase and, preferably, is
Aspergillus oryzae amylase.
[0038] Microbial amylases may be isolated from their
native microbial source or they may be recombinant
microbial amylases produced via recombinant DNA
technology by a suitable host cell, selected from any
one of bacteria, yeast, fungi, plant, insect or
mammalian host cells in culture, preferably fungi.
Recombinant amyiases encompass or are encoded by
nucleic acids from a naturally occurring amylase
sequence. Further, recombinant amylases include an
amino acid sequence that is homologous or substantially
identical to a naturally occurring sequence, as well as
those amylases encoded by a nucleic acid that is
homologous or substantially identical to a naturally
occurring amylase-encoding nucleic acid.
Alternatively, amylases useful in the compositions and
methods of this invention may be synthesized by
conventional peptide synthesis techniques.
[0039] The terms "therapeutically effective dose" or
"therapeutically effective amount" refer to that amount
of a composition that results in prevention, delay or
onset of symptoms, or amelioration of symptoms of the
condition to be treated. A therapeutically effective
amount is that sufficient to treat, prevent, reduce the
severity, delay the onset, or reduce the occurrence of
one or more symptoms of the condition to be treated.
Conditions that may be treated using the compositions
of htis invention include, for example, pancreatic
insufficiency, malabsorption, and maldigestion.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0040] The term "USP Unit" refers to the United
States Pharmacopoeia unit of enzyme activity present in
an agent or composition. One USP Unit of lipase,
protease or amylase is defined in Pancrelipase, USP,
U.S. Pharmacopeia National Formulary, USP 24, pp. 1254-
1255 (2000) . Assays for lipase, protease and amylase
are disclosed in that reference and are incorporated
herein by reference.
Characteristics of the Compositions of this Invention
[0041] Advantageously, the compositions of the
present invention improve the absorption of fat,
protein and starch in patients suffering from
conditions such as, for example, pancreatic
insufficiency, leading to improved nutrition and
growth. The compositions retain high levels of
specific activity in an acid-pepsin environment. Such
is the case because their enzyme components withstand
the acidic environment of the upper gastrointestinal
tract, including the low pH of the stomach and the high
protease levels of the gastrointestinal tract; allowing
the enzymes to be delivered to the intestine in active
form. As a result, they can be administered in lower
amounts per dose and by means of fewer administrations,
as compared with porcine pancreatic enzyme supplements.
This, in turn, accommodates improved patient
[0042] Furthermore, the compositions of the present
invention may be administered to a subject without the
need for enteric coatings or addition of acid-
suppressing agents. Such is the case because the
microbial derived enzyme components used in various
embodiments of the compositions of this invention are

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more stable toward stomach acid than porcine pancreatic
The Lipase Component
[0043] The lipase component of the compositions of
the present invention is preferably a microbial lipase.
More preferably, the lipase is bacterial, rather than
fungal or of plant origin.
[0044] The lipase is preferably one that is stable
in an acidic pH environment and/or that is resistant to
proteolytic degradation. The lipase may also be
employed in a form that renders enhances its stability
to acidic pH and/or its resistance to proteolytic
degradation. To that end, the lipase is preferably in
the form of crosslinked crystals. Any of the above-
described lipases may be used to form a crosslinked
lipase crystal component of the compositions of the
present invention.
Crystallization of the Lipase
[0045] Lipase crystals useful in the compositions of
the present invention may be grown using conventional
methods, such as batch crystallization. See, for
example, United States patent 6,541,606.
Alternatively, lipase crystals may be grown by
controlled precipitation of protein out of an aqueous
solution, or an aqueous solution containing organic
solvents. See, for example, United States patent
5,618,710 and United States patent application
2003/0017144. As will be appreciated by those of skill
in the art, conditions to be controlled during
crystallisation include the rate of evaporation of

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solvent, the presence of appropriate co-solutes and
buffers, pH and temperature, for example.
[0046] Lipase crystals may be produced by combining
the lipase enzyme to be crystallized with an
appropriate solvent or aqueous solvent containing
appropriate precipitating agents, such as salts or
organic agents. The solvent is combined with the
lipase and optionally subjected to agitation at a
temperature determined experimentally to be appropriate
for induction of crystallization and acceptable for
maintenance of protein stability and activity. The
solvent can optionally include co-solutes, such as
divalent cations, co-factors or chaotropes, as well as
buffer species to control pH. The need for and
concentrations of co-solutes may be determined
experimentally to facilitate crystallization. For an
industrial scale process, the controlled precipitation
leading to crystallization may best be carried out by
the simple combination of protein, precipitant, co-
solutes, and, optionally, buffers in a batch process.
Alternatively, laboratory crystallization methods, such
as dialysis or vapor diffusion may also be used.
McPherson et al., Methods Enzymol., 114, pp. 112-120
(1985) and Gilliland, J. Crystal Growth, 90, pp. 51-59
(1988) include a comprehensive list of suitable
conditions in the crystallization literature.
Occasionally, incompatibility between the
crystallization medium and the crosslinker may require
changing the buffer or solvent prior to crosslinking.
[0047] Lipase crystallizes under a number of
conditions, including a pH range of about 4-9. For
preparation of the lipase component of the compositions
of the present invention, useful precipitants include

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isopropanol, Tert-butanol, 2-methyl-2,4-pentandiol
(MPD), ammonia sulfate, sodium chloride, magnesium
chloride and others known to those skilled in the art.
Useful salts include divalent or monovalent cations and
their salts.
[0048] Lipase crystals useful in the compositions of
this invention may have a longest dimension between
about 0.01 μm and about 500 μm, alternatively between
about 0.1 urn and about 50 μm, or between about 0.1 μm
and about 10 μm. They may be of a shape selected from
the group consisting of spheres, needles, rods, plates,
such as hexagons and squares, rhomboids, cubes,
bipyramids and prisms.
Crosslinking of the Lipase Crystals
[0049] Once lipase crystals have been grown in a
suitable medium, they may be crosslinked. Crosslinking
results in stabilization of the crystal lattice by
introducing covalent links between the constituent
protein molecules of the crystal. This makes possible
the transfer of the enzyme into an alternate
environment that, for a given enzyme, might otherwise
be"incompatible with the existence of the crystal
lattice or the intact enzyme.
[0050] As a result of crosslinking of the lipase
crystals, the enzymatic stability (e.g., pH,
temperature, mechanical and/or chemical stability), the
pH profile of lipase activity, the solubility, the
uniformity of crystal size or volume, the rate of
release of lipase from the crystal, and/or the pore
size and shape between individual enzyme molecules in
the underlying crystal lattice may be altered.

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[0051] Advantageously, crosslinking is carried out
in such a way that the resulting crosslinked crystals
comprise a lipase that displays at least about 10%,
20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 96% 97%,
98%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.7%, or 99.9% or more of lipase
activity as compared to unmodified lipase. Stability
may be increased by at least about 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%,
60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300% or
more, as compared to unmodified lipase. Stability can
be measured under conditions of storage., such as pH
stability, temperature stability, stability against
proteases, including gastrointestinal proteases and
Pronase™, dissolution stability or as in vivo
biological stability, for example.
[0052] In certain instances, crosslinking of the
lipase crystals slows the dissolution of the lipase
into solution, effectively immobilizing the enzyme
molecules into microcrystalline particles. Upon
exposure to a trigger in the environment surrounding
the crosslinked lipase crystals, such as conditions of
use rather than storage, the lipase crystals dissolve,
releasing lipase polypeptide and/or increasing lipase
activity. The rate of dissolution may be controlled by
one or more of the following factors: the degree of
crosslinking, the length of time of exposure of lipase
crystals to the crosslinking agent, the rate of
addition of the crosslinking agent to the lipase
crystals, the nature of the crosslinker, the chain
length of the crosslinker, pH, temperature, presence of
sulfahydryl reagents, such as cysteine or gluthathione,
the surface area of the crosslinked lipase crystals,
the size of the crosslinked lipase crystals or the
shape of the crosslinked lipase crystals, for example.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0053] The lipase crystals may be crosslinked using
one or a combination of crosslinking agents, including
multifunctional crosslinking agents, including
bifunctional reagents, at the same time (in parallel)
or in sequence. In various embodiments, the crosslinks
between the lipase crystals lessen or weaken upon
exposure to a trigger in the surrounding environment,
or over a given period of time; thus leading to lipase
dissolution or release of activity. Alternatively, the
crosslinks may break at the point of attachment,
leading to protein dissolution or release of activity.
See, for example, United States patents 5,976,529 and
6,14 0,4 75. Crosslinking may be carried out according
to any conventional crosslinking technique.
[0054] The final concentration of crosslinker in the
crosslinked lipase crystals should range between about
0.001 mM and about 300 mM, preferably between about 1.0
mM and about 50 mM, most preferably between about 2.0
mM and about 5.0 mM.
[0055] According to a preferred embodiment of this
invention, the crosslinking agent is bis(sulfosuccini-
midyl) suberate ("BS3") . Other useful crosslinkers
include glutaraldehyde, succinaldehyde, octane-
dialdehyde and glyoxal. Additional multifunctional
crosslinkers agents include halo-triazines, e.g.,
cyanuric chloride; halo-pyrimidines, e.g., 2,4,6-
trichloro/bromo-pyrimidine; anhydrides or halides of
aliphatic or aromatic mono- or di-carboxylic acids,
e.g., maleic anhydride, (meth)acryloyl chloride,
chloroacetyl chloride; N-methylol compounds, e.g., N-
methyloi-chloro acetamide; di-isocyanates or di-
isothiocyanates, e.g., phenylene-l,4-di-isocyanate and
aziridines. Other crosslinkers include epoxides, such

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
as, for example, di-epoxides, tri-epoxides and tetra-
epoxides. For a representative listing of other
available crosslinkers see, for example, the 2003-2004
edition of the Pierce Chemical Company Catalog. Other
examples of crosslinkers include: dimethyl 3, 3'-
dithiobispropionimidate-HCl (DTBP); dithiobis
(succinimidylpropionate) (DSP); bismaleimidohexane
(BMH); l,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DFDNB);
dimethylsuberimidate-2HCl (DMS); disuccinimidyl
glutarate (DSG); disulfosuccinimidyl tartarate (Sulfo-
DST) ; 1-echyi-3- [3-dimethylaminoproplyl]carbodiimide
hydrochloride (EDC); ethylene glycolbis [sulfo-
succinimidylsuccinate] (Sulfo-EGS); N-[Y-maleimido-
butyryloxy]succinimide ester (GMBS); N-hydroxysulfo-
succinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate (Sulfo-HSAB); sulfo-
succinimidyl-6- [a-methyl-a-(2-pyridyldithio)
toluamido] hexanoate (Sulfo-LC-SMPT) ; bis-[(3-(4-azido-
salicylamido) ethyl]disulfide (BASED); and NHS-PEG-
Vinylsulfone (NHS-PEG-VS) .
[0056] Reversible crosslinkers may also be used.
Such reversible crosslinkers are multifunctional
crosslinkers into which a trigger is incorporated as a
separate group. The reactive functionality is involved
in linking together reactive amino acid side chains in
a protein and the trigger consists of a bond that can
be broken by altering one or more conditions in the
surrounding environment (e.g., pH, presence of reducing
agent, temperature or thermodynamic water activity).
[0057] The crosslinker may be homofunctional or
heterofunctional. The reactive functionality (or
moiety) may, e.g., be chosen from one of the following
functional groups (where R, R1, R" and R"' may be
alkyl, aryl or hydrogen groups):

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
I- Reactive acyl donors, such as, e.g.:
carboxylate esters RCOOR', amides RCONHR1,
Acyl azides RCON3/ carbodiimides R-N=C=N-R!,
N-hydroxyimide esters, RCO-O-NR1, imidoesters
R-C=NH2+ (OR1) , anhydrides RCO-C-COR1 ,
carbonates RO-CO-O-R1, urethanes RNHCONHR1,
Acid halides RCOHal (where Hal= a halogen),
acyl hydrazides RCONNR"R", and O-acylisoureas
II. Reactive carbonyl groups, such as, e.g.:
alehydes RCHO and ketones RCOR:, acetals
RCO(H2)R1, and ketals RR'CO2R'R" (reactive
carbonyl containing functional groups known
to those skilled in the art of protein
immobilization and crosslinking (Pierce
Catalog and Handbook, Pierce Chemical Company
2003-2004; S.S. Wong, Chemistry of Protein
Conjugation and Cross-linking, (1991).
III. Alkyl or aryl donors, such as, e.g.:
alkyl or aryl halides R-Hal, azides R-N3/
sulfate esters RSO3R1, phosphate esters
RPO(OR'3), alkyloxonium salts R3O+, sulfonium
R3S+, nitrate esters RONO2, Michael acceptors
RCR'=CR"COR", aryl fluorides ArF,
isonitriles RN+=C-, haloamines R2N-Hal,
alkenes and alkynes.
IV. Sulfur containing groups, such as, e.g.:
Disulfides RSSR', sulfhydryls RSH, and
epoxides R2COCR'2.
V. Salts, such as, e.g.: alkyl or aryl
Ammonium salts R4N+, carboxylate RCOO-,
Sulfate ROSO3-, phosphate ROPO3", and amines

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0058] Reversible crosslinkers, for example,
comprise a trigger. A trigger includes an alkyl, aryl,
or other chain with activating group that can react
with the protein to be crosslinked. Those reactive
groups can be of a variety of groups, such as those
susceptible to nucleophilic, free radical or
eiectrophilic displacement, including halides,
aldehydes, carbonates, urethanes, xanthanes and
epoxides, among others. For example, reactive groups
may be labile to acid, base, fluoride, enzyme,
reduction, oxidation, thioi, metal, photolysis, radical
or heat.
[0059] The crosslinked lipase crystal may be
provided in powder form by, for example, lyophilization
or spray-drying. Lyophilization, or freeze drying,
allows water to be separated from the composition,
producing a crystal that can be stored at non-
refrigerated (room) temperature for extended periods of
time and then easily reconstituted in aqueous, organic,
or mixed aqueous-organic solvents of choice, without
the formation of amorphous suspensions and with a
minimal risk of denaturation. Carpenter et al., Pharm.
Res., 14, pp. 969-975 (1997). Lyophilization may be
carried out as described in United States patent
5,618,710, or by any other method known in the art.
For example, the crosslinked lipase crystal is first
frozen and then placed in a high vacuum where the
crystalline water sublimes, leaving behind a lipase
crystal containing only the tightly bound water

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Characteristics of the Crosslinked Lipase Crystals
[0060] The enzymatic activity of the crosslinked
lipase crystals may be measured using any conventional
method. For example, lipase activity may be determined
spectrophotometrically as described in Example 6 of
United States patent 5,618,710. Lipase activity may be
assessed by monitoring hydrolysis of the substrate p-
nitrophenyl acetate. Substrate cleavage is monitored
by increasing absorbance at 400 nm, with an initial
substrate concentration of 0.005% and a starting enzyme
concentration of 1.5 x 10"° M. Lipase enzyme is added
to a 5 ml reaction volume containing substrate in 0.2 M
Tris pH 7.0 at room temperature. Crystalline lipase is
removed from the reaction mixture by centrifugation
prior to measuring absorbance.
[0061] Alternatively, lipase activity may be
measured in vitro by hydrolysis of olive oil, as
described in Examples 2-4 of United States patent
[0062] Lipase activity can also be measured in vivo.
For example, a small volume (about 3 ml) of olive oil
or corn oil can be labeled with 99Tc- (V) thiocyanate,
and crystalline lipase can be labeled with i:L1In. The
labelled fat is mixed with an animal food onto which
the labelled crystalline lipase has been sprinkled.
Scintigraphic images of the proximal and distal stomach
and small intestine are obtained until activity remains in the stomach. Emptying curves for
each of the isotopes (e.g., percent retention in the
stomach over time) and amounts of isotopes entering the
proximal, middle and distal small bowel from the
respective regions of interest are then determined.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0063] Preferably, the crosslinked lipase component
of the compositions of the present invention has a high
specific activity. A high specific activity lipase
activity is typically one that shows a specific
activity to triolein (olive oil) at greater than 500,
1,000, 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000 or more
units/mg protein.
[0064] Preferably, the crosslinked lipase component
of the compositions of the present invention is also
stable for an extended period of time in a harsh
environment found in the gastrointestinal regions,
i.e., gastric, duodenal and intestinal regions. For
example, the lipase is preferably stable for at least
one hour in acidic pH, e.g., an environment in which
the pH is less than 7, 6, 5, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 2,
1.5 or less. As used herein, "stable" means that the
lipase crystal is more active than the soluble form of
the lipase for a given condition and time. Thus, a
stable lipase crystal retains a higher percentage of
its initial activity than the corresponding soluble
form of the lipase. In some embodiments, the lipase
crystal retains at least 10% of its activity after
exposure to the given conditions and time. In other
embodiments, the lipase retains at least 20%, 30%, 40%,
50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% or more of its activity.
[0065] Alternatively, or in addition, the
crosslinked lipase crystal component of the
compositions of this invention is heat resistant. For
example, in various embodiments, it is stable for at
least one hour at 30°C, 37°C or 4 0°C.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
The Protease Component
[0066] The protease component of the compositions of
the present invention is a microbial protease.
Preferably, the protease is of fungal, rather than
bacterial or plant origin. More preferably, the
protease is an Aspergillus protease. Most preferably,
the protease is Aspergillus melleus protease.
According to a preferred embodiment, the protease
component of the compositions of the present invention
is in crystaliized, non-crosslinked form. Protease
crystals may be prepared according to the
crystallization techniques described above for lipase,
using, for example, ethanol as a precipitant.
Alternatively, the protease component of the
compositions of this invention may be in non-
crystalline forms, in crosslinked crystalline forms, or
coated, or encapsulated or otherwise formulated so that
it does not digest the other protein components of the
The Amylase Component
[0067] The amylase component of the compositions of
the present invention is a microbial amylase.
Preferably, the amylase is of fungal, rather than
bacterial or plant origin. More preferably, the
amylase is an Aspergillus amylase. Most preferably,
the amylase is Aspergillus oryzae. According to a
preferred embodiment, the amylase component of the
compositions of the present invention is in amorphous
form. Alternatively, the amylase component of the
compositions of this invention may be in crystalline
forms, including crosslinked and non-crystalline forms,

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
or coated, or encapsulated or otherwise formulated so
that it retains its activity after oral administration.
Compositions Comprising Crosslinked
Lipase Crystals, a Protease and an Amylase
[0068] The compositions according to the present
invention include those comprising crosslinked
microbial lipase crystals, a microbial protease and a
uiicrobial amylase, in a ratio of about 1.0:1.0:0.15 USF
units of enzyme activity, together with one or more
excipients. Preferably, the lipase is a bacterial
lipase and the protease and amylase are of fungal
origin. Most preferably, the composition comprises
bacterial lipase crystals crosslinked with BS-3
crosslinker, Aspergillus melleus protease crystals and
soluble Aspergillus oryzae amylase; in a ratio of about
1.0:1.0:0.15 USP units of enzyme activity.
[0069] The crosslinking of the lipase component of
the compositions of this invention provides added
stability at pH extremes and protection under
proteolysis, while the protease and amylase components
maintain maximum solubility for effective dissolution.
More particularly, the crystallization and cross-
linking of the lipase component helps provide a
composition with enhanced enzyme activity at lower
dosages. The crystal form of the protease also helps
to provide enhanced enzyme stability, purity and
[0070] In alternate embodiments of the present
invention, the lipase may be in any stabilized form,
and either or both of the protease and amylase
components of the compositions may be in crystal,
amorphous or semi-crystalline form. Alternatively,

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
either or both may be in lyophilized form. And,
regardless of their form, either or both may be
[0071] The compositions of the present invention
advantageously lead to correlated increases in the
coefficient in fat absorption and the coefficient of
nitrogen absorption in patients treated with them. In
addition, the compositions of this invention include a
level of amylase that provides increased starch
digestion and carbohydrate absorption in those
patients. By virtue of the present invention, it has
been discovered that such an effect on starch digestion
and carbohydrate absorption may be achieved using far
less amounts of amylase in relation to lipase and
protease than those of porcine pancreatic supplements.
This discovery is contrary to belief in the art that
amylase is not necessary for the treatment of
pancreatic insufficiency, particularly in cystic
fibrosis patients.
[0072] The excipients useful in the compositions
according to this invention act as a filler or a
combination of fillers, such as those used in
pharmaceutical compositions. In a preferred embodiment
of this invention, the excipient comprises
microcrystalline cellulose, Mal-trin, Crospovidone,
colloidal silcon dioxide, magnesium stearate and talc.
A further preferred group of excipients includes one,
or a mixture of: sucrose, trehalose, lactose, sorbitol,
lactitol, mannitol, inositol, salts of sodium and
potassium, such as acetate, phosphates, citrates and
borate, glycine, arginine, polyethylene oxide,
polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, hexylene
glycol, methoxy polyethylene glycol, gelatin,

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
hydroxypropyl-(3-cyclodextrin, polylysine and
[0073] Other preferred excipients may be any one, or
a mixture of: either 1) amino acids, such as glycine,
arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine,
asparagine, glutamine, proline; 2) carbohydrates, e.g.,
monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose, galactose,
mannose, arabinose, xylose, ribose; 3) disaccharides,
such as lactose, trehalose, maltose, sucrose; 4)
polysaccharides, such as maltodextrins, dextrans,
starch, glycogen; 5) alditols, such as mannitol,
xylitol, lactitol, sorbitol; 6) glucuronic acid,
galacturonic acid; 7) cyclodextrins, such as methyl
cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl-(3-cyclodextrin and alike;
8) inorganic molecules, such as sodium chloride,
potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, phosphates of
sodium and potassium, boric acid, ammonium carbonate
and ammonium phosphate; 9) organic molecules, such as
acetates, citrate, ascorbate, lactate; 10) emulsifying
or solubilizing/stabilizing agents like acacia,
diethanolamine, glyceryl monostearate, lecithin,
monoethanolamine, oleic acid, oleyl alcohol, poloxamer,
polysorbates, sodium lauryl sulfate, stearic acid,
sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan monostearate, and other
sorbitan derivatives, polyoxyl derivatives, wax,
polyoxyethylene derivatives, sorbitan derivatives; and
11) viscosity increasing reagents like, agar, alginic
acid and its salts, guar gum, pectin, polyvinyl
alcohol, polyethylene oxide, cellulose and its
derivatives propylene carbonate, polyethylene glycol,
hexylene glycol, tyloxapol. Salts of such compounds
may also be used.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0074] Additional examples of excipients are
described in the Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients,
published jointly by the American Pharmaceutical
Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great
Britain. With respect to the compositions, according
to this invention, excipients are inactive ingredients,
and lipase, protease and amylase are active
ingredients. The ratio of active to inactive
ingredients in the compositions of this invention, on a
w/w basis, may between about 1:9 to about 9:1,
preferably between about 1:6 to about 6:1.
[0075] In an alternate embodiment of this invention,
any one of the lipase, protease or amylase components
may be present in the composition in association with a
polymeric carrier. This provides an acid-resistant
controlled release composition that allows enzyme
delivery in effective amounts and low dosages to the
intestine, i.e.", the distal bowel, following oral
[0076] Useful polymeric carriers include, for
example, polymers used for encapsulation of protein
crystals for delivery of proteins, including controlled
release biological delivery. Such polymers include
biocompatible and biodegradable polymers, or mixtures
thereof. Preferably, the polymeric carrier is a
biodegradable polymer. The rate of dissolution and,
therefore, delivery of enzymes will be determined by
the particular encapsulation technique, polymer
composition, polymer crosslinking, polymer thickness,
polymer stability, enzyme crystal geometry and degree,
if any, of enzyme crosslinking. According to one
embodiment, the compositions of this invention are
encapsulated within a matrix of the polymeric carrier;

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
thus providing further protection for the lipase,
protease and amylase components from the harsh
environment of the gastrointestinal tract.
Composition Dosage Routes, Forms,
Regimens and Methods for Treatment
[0077] According to a preferred embodiment, the
compositions of this invention are useful in methods
for treating pancreatic insufficiency in any subject,
including those suffering from cystic fibrosis.
According to an alternative embodiment, the
compositions of this invention are useful in methods
for treating malabsorption in a subject. Further
embodiments of this invention include use of the
compositions of this invention for increasing the
coefficient of fat absorption, or for increasing the
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in a subject.
Another embodiment of this invention includes use of
those compositions to increase both the coefficient of
fat absorption and the coefficient of nitrogen
absorption in a subject, optionally by the same amount.
In a further embodiment, the compositions of this
invention are useful in methods for increasing
carbohydrate absorption in a subject.
[0078] The methods for treatment using the
compositions according to this invention comprise the
step of administering to a subject a therapeutically
effective amount of such a composition. Any of the
methods of this invention may be used to treat any
subject suffering from pancreatic insufficiency,
including cystic fibrosis patients. Similarly, any of
these methods may be used to treat any cystic fibrosis

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0079] Methods for treatment according to this
invention include those which comprise the step of
administering to a subject a therapeutically effective
amount of a composition of this invention, wherein that
therapeutically effective amount increases the
coefficient of fat absorption in that subject by an
amount between about 3 0% and about 35% over baseline,
when the baseline coefficient of fat absorption in said
subject is less than or equal to 40%. Preferably, the
increase in the coefficient of fat absorption in such a
subject is about 30% over baseline. In an alternate
embodiment, methods for treatment comprise the step of
administering to a subject a therapeutically effective
amount of a composition of this invention, wherein that
therapeutically effective amount increases the
coefficient of fat absorption in that subject by an
amount between about 10% and about 25% over baseline,
when the baseline coefficient of fat absorption in that
subject is greater than 40% but less than 85%.
Preferably, the increase in the coefficient of fat
absorption in such a subject is about 15% over
[0080] Additionally, methods for treatment according
to this invention include those which comprise the step
of administering to a subject a therapeutically
effective amount of a composition of this invention,
wherein that therapeutically effective amount increases
the coefficient of nitrogen absorption in that subject
by an amount between about 3 0% and about 35% over
baseline, when the baseline coefficient of nitrogen
absorption in that subject is less than or equal to
40%. Preferably, the increase in the coefficient of
nitrogen absorption in such a subject is about 30% over

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
baseline. In an alternate embodiment, methods for
treatment comprise the step of administering to a
subject a therapeutically effective amount of a
composition of this invention, wherein that
therapeutically effective amount increases the
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in that subject by
an amount between about 10% and about 25% over
baseline, when the baseline coefficient of nitrogen
absorption in that subject is greater than 40% but less
than 85%. Preferably, the increase in the coefficient
of nitrogen absorption in that subject is about 15%
over baseline.
[0081] In another embodiment, methods of treatment
according to this invention include those which
comprise the step of administering to a subject a
therapeutically effective amount of a composition of
this invention, wherein that therapeutically effective
amount increases carbohydrate absorption in that
subject to a degree that is greater than or equal to
about 10% over baseline. In another embodiment, such
methods include those wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of a composition of this invention is
one which increases carbohydrate absorption in that
subject to a degree that is greater than or equal to
about 2 0% over baseline. As measured herein, a 10%
increase in carbohydrate absorption constitutes an
extra 90 calories per day. After 365 days, a total of
32,850 additional calories per year would be absorbed.
Because it takes approximately 3,500 calories to gain a
pound, a little over 9 pounds per year would thus be
gained based on a 10% increase in carbohydrate
absorption in a subject.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0082] The compositions according to the present
invention may be formulated for any conventional
delivery route, including administration via the upper
gastrointestinal tract, e.g., the mouth (for example in
capsules, tablets, suspensions, or with food), or the
stomach, or upper intestine (for example, by tube or
infusion), oral route. Preferably, the compositions
are formulated for oral delivery. Accordingly, the
composition may be in any dosage form, including those
of a solid, liquid, suspension or dispersion such as,
for example, a capsule, tablet, caplet, sachet or
dragee. For infants and children, or any adult who is
unable to take tablets or capsules, the compositions
are administered in liquid, suspension or sachet forms
and may be administered with other compatible food or
[0083] In one embodiment of this invention, the
compositions according to this invention are
administered to a subject at the time of a meal or
snack, in one or more capsules, suspensions or sachets.
Preferably the compositions of this invention are
administered to the subject in one to two capsules,
suspensions or sachets per meal or snack. The
compositions may be administered after one-half of the
meal or snack has been consumed= A therapeutically
effective amount of a composition for treating
pancreatic insufficiency according to the present
invention comprises lipase, protease and amylase in a
ratio of about 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme activity
and, per dose, comprises: an active lipase level of
between about 5,000 USP units and about 100,000 USP
units; an active protease level of between about 5,000
USP units and about 100,000 USP units; and an active

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
amylase level of between about of between about 750 USP
units and about 15,000 USP units. More preferably,
such compositions comprise lipase, protease and amylase
in a ratio of about 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme
activity and, per dose, comprise: an active lipase
level of between about 25,000 USP units and about
100,000 USP units; an active protease level of between
about 25,000 USP units and about 100,000 USP units; and
an active amylase level of between about 3,750 USP
units and about 15,000 USP units. Most preferably,
such compositions comprise lipase, protease and amylase
in a ratio of about 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme
activity and, per dose, comprise: an active lipase
level of about 25,000 USP units; an active protease
level of about 25,000 USP units; and an active amylase
level of about 3,750 USP units.
[0084] For children, compositions according to this
invention comprise lipase, protease and amylase in a
ratio of about 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme activity
and, per dose, comprise: an active lipase level of
between about 12,500 USP units and about 25,000 USP
units; an active protease level of between about 12,500
USP units and about 25,000 USP units; and an active
amylase level of between about 1,875 USP units and
about 3,750 USP units. For infants, such compositions
comprise lipase, protease and amylase in a ratio of
about 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme activity and, per
dose, comprise: an active lipase level of between about
500 USP units and about 1,000 USP units; an active
protease level of between about 500 USP units and about
1,000 USP units; and an active amylase level of between
about 75 USP units and about 150 USP units. For all of
the enzyme activity unit numbers and ranges discussed

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
herein, one unit of lipase, protease or amylase is
defined according to the assays set forth above for the
respective enzyme. The above-described amounts are,
respectively, also therapeutically effective amounts
for treating malabsorption or maldigestion in adults,
children or infants; or for increasing any of the
coefficient of fat absorption, coefficient of nitrogen
absorption, carbohydrate absorption or starch digestion
in adults, children or infants.
[0085] The most effective mode of administration and
dosage regimen of compositions according to this
invention will depend on the effect desired, previous
therapy, if any, the subject's health status or status
of the condition itself, response to the therapy and
the judgment of the treating physician.
[0086] Upon improvement of the subject's condition,
a maintenance regimen may be adopted, as necessary.
Subsequently, the dosage or frequency of
administration, or both, may be reduced as a function
of the symptoms, to a level at which the improved
condition is retained. Subjects may, however, require
intermittent treatment on a long-term basis upon any
recurrence of the conditions or symptoms thereof.
[0087] In order that this invention may be better
understood, the following examples are set forth.
These examples are for the purpose of illustration only
and are not to be construed as limiting the scope of
the invention in any manner.
[0088] The following examples relate to compositions
according to the present invention as well as clinical
studies assessing their safety and efficacy for the

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
treatment of pancreatic insufficiency. These studies
included Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials in cystic
fibrosis patients suffering from pancreatic
[0089] The Phase 2 study assessed the efficacy of
compositions according to this invention as measured by
changes in: coefficient of fat absorption ("CFA"),
coefficient of nitrogen absorption ("CNA"), oral
carbohydrate absorption, stool weight per day, number
of stools per day and quality of life, in terms of
gastrointestinal symptoms, as measured by the Cystic
Fibrosis Questionnaire ("CFQ"). The study also
assessed the dosage of such compositions providing the
highest degree of clinically meaningful coefficient of
fat absorption improvement from baseline (off enzyme)
in the subjects treated.
[0090] As demonstrated in the Phase 2 study,
compositions according to the present invention
provided a statistically significant increase in mean
CFA and in CNA from baseline to the treatment period in
cystic fibrosis subjects with pancreatic insufficiency.
Compositions according to this invention were found to
be efficacious at a minimal dose of 25,000 USP units of
lipase, 25,000 USP units of protease and 3,750 USP
units of amylase per capsule ("the middle dose" or
"Arm 2" of the study) ; leading to a significant (^
10 %) increase in both CFA and CNA in most subjects.
CFA and CNA also increased when the treatment dose
contained lipase, protease and amylase in a ratio of
100,000:100,000:15,000 USP units of enzyme activity per
capsule ("the higher dose" of "Arm 3" of the study) .
However, there was no statistical difference between
the middle dose and higher dose regimens with respect

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
to either CFA or CNA. Compositions according to this
invention and used in the Phase 2 study also include
those administered at a dose of 5,000 USP units of
lipase, 5,000 USP units of protease and 750 USP units
of amylase per capsule ("the low dose" or "Arm 1" of
the study).
[0091] Advantageously, even after controlling for
baseline values of CFA and CNA and gender of the
subjects treated, this effect of the compositions
according to this invention on CFA and CNA remained
statistically significant (p=0.0003 and respectively, for the middle and higher dose treatment
groups) . When both CFA and CNA were examined as
separate quartiles (Figures 1 and 2) the greatest
changes were seen in those subjects with baseline
values subjects with baseline CFA and CNA > 40%. With respect
to the CFA, the average increase in the middle dose
treatment group of the eight subjects with a baseline
CFA higher dose group of 12 subjects with baseline CFA 40% was 30.4%. The overall increase in CFA in 20
subjects with baseline CFA £ 40%, for both the middle
and higher treatment groups, was 32.3%.
[0092] The compositions according to this invention
also produced a significant treatment effect as
measured in terms of change in number and weight of
stools per day in the subjects treated. The subjects
receiving the higher dose exhibited a significant
decrease in the number of stools from baseline to the
treatment period, while stool weight decrease was
statistically significant for both the middle dose and
higher dose treatment groups. In fact there was highly

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
significant inverse correlation (R = - 0.7283; p 0.0001) between change in fat absorption and change in
stool weight. In this respect, therefore, the higher
dose (Arm 3) of the study did not differ significantly
from the middle dose (Arm 2).
[0093] In all of the study subjects, although there
were no overall statistically significant changes noted
in the Starch Challenge Test on and off enzymes, the
effect seen in the higher dose subjects in both maximum
glucose change and area under the curve ("AUC") trended
(p activity. In addition, an ad-hoc analysis using the
Fischer Exact Test showed that more subjects in the
middle dose group and in the higher dose group had a ^
10% increase in maximal glucose change following the
Starch Challenge Test than the lower dose treatment
group, based on a comparison of the off and on enzyme
treatment periods (p = 0.0138). These results
demonstrate that amylase functions as an important
component of the compositions of this invention,
leading to improved starch digestion and carbohydrate
[0094] No serious adverse events were reported in
subjects treated with the compositions according to
this invention, which were well tolerated at all dose
levels in the Phase 2 study. No subjects died over the
course of this study.
Example 1 - Preparation of the Study Compositions
[0095] The compositions used in the Phase 1 and
Phase 2 studies discussed herein comprised lipase,
protease, and amylase, each of which was manufactured
separately under controlled conditions from different

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
raicrobial strains prior to isolation, purification and
drying. The manufacturing was carried out in such a
way to provide compositions that would be stable and
maintain potent enzyme activity within the small
[0096] Lipase: Methods for producing and purifying
lipase from bacteria are well known to those skilled in
the art. For example, the lipase component of the
compositions was produced via fermentation from the
bacterium Burkholderia cepacia (formerly known as
Pseudomonas cepacia). Fermentation took place in a
25,000 liter fermenter. The strain was brought from a
lyophilized frozen master cell bank, grown on a slant,
brought up in eight liters of seed culture, further
fermented in 2,500 liter seed fermenter, and finally
produced in the 25,000 liter fermenter. After
fermentation the viable organisms were killed by heat
treatment and removed with centrifugation. The protein
was concentrated by evaporation, followed by ethanol
precipitation and washed with ethanol in a basket
[0097] A more purified lipase was generated by
ammonium sulfate precipitation, adsorption and elution
with DEAE cellulose, and subsequent refining,
concentration and desalinization by ultra filtration.
The resulting material was further purified by acetone
treatment and CM-cellulose, and then glycine was added
as a stabilization agent. The resulting material was
filtered by membrane filtration and then lyophilized.
The material was then sieved and analyzed for specific
activity, purity and absence of pathogens.
[0098] The purified lipase was further processed by
diafiltration in order to remove the glycine

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stabilizer. It was-then precipitated and crystallized
in 25% t-butanol, followed by crosslinking with BS3
within the concentration ranges described supra,
preferably so that the final concentration of
crosslinker in the crosslinked lipase crystals was
within the range between about 2.0 mM and about 5.0 mM.
The crosslinked lipase crystals were washed with five
volumes of 15% ethanol buffer followed by an additional
wash of five volumes 15% ethanol buffer (with 1.5mM
calcium acetate, pH 5.0),- in order to lower both
residual crosslinker and t-butanol. The resulting
material was lyophilized and packaged for shipment in
HDPE bottles with tape closure, packed into one PE bag
with a silica gel dessicant. Each batch was
specifically analyzed for microbiological contamination
with Burkholderia cepacia in addition to other
microbes, and had to be negative for Burkholderia
cepacia. and pathogens before being released for
clinical use.
[0099] Protease: Methods of producing and purifying
protease are known to those skilled in the art. For
example, the protease was produced by solid
fermentation of Aspergillus melleus. The seed culture
was brought up in solution, and then transferred onto
the wheat bran. Once the seed had coated the
sterilized bran, the solids were loaded onto trays for
fermentation in fermentation rooms. After the
fermentation was complete, the enzyme was extracted
from the solid biomass by perfusion of water through
large extraction tanks.
[0100] The extract containing protease was then run
through charcoal beds and filtered to remove suspended
particles. The solution was then concentrated and

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
treated with charcoal a second time. The protease was
precipitated with ethanol and then vacuum dried for
final purification.
[0101] The protease was dissolved and then passed
across an ion exchange resin. The material was then
filtered prior to transfer into the crystallization
tanks, where it was crystallized with multiple
additions of ethanol. Once crystallization was
complete, the crystals were recovered in a basket
centrifuge and washed with additional ethanol. The
crystals were recovered from the basket centrifuge and
dried with forced air, followed by vacuum drying. Once
dry the powder was transferred in bulk containers for
final sieving and packaging.
[0102] Amylase: Methods of producing and purifying
amylase are known to those skilled in the art. For
example, amylase was produced by solid fermentation of
Aspergillus oryzae. The seed culture was brought up in
solution, and then transferred onto the wheat bran.
Once the seed had coated the sterilized bran the solids
were loaded onto trays for fermentation. After
fermentation was complete, the enzyme was extracted
from the solid biomass by perfusion of water through
extraction tanks. The filtered extract was then
concentrated and diafiltered. This diafiltration was
followed by heat treatment and pH adjustment, followed
by another diafiltration and concentration. Fish
gelatin was then added to the material as a stabilizer
prior to spray drying, and represents up to 30% of the
total weight of the product. Once dried, the material
was sieved, mixed with dextrin, and packaged. The
dextrin was utilized as a stabilizer for long term
storage and might represent as much as 3 0% of the total

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
weight of the final product. The protein in the
resulting active pharmaceutical ingredients was greater
than 90% pure by SEC HPLC with detection at 280 nm.
This 90% does not account for the presence of gelatin
or dextrin as excipients; neither excipient had a
significant absorbance at 280 nra. After being purified
and processed, the lipase, protease and amylase were
formulated together as capsules. More particularly,
the dried enzymes were dry blended (with excipients)
and filled into gelatin capsules. The compositions
were referred to as TheraCLEC .
Example 2 - The Phase 2 Study
Treatment Doses
[0103] The compositions used in the Phase 2 study
comprised active ingredients of crosslinked
Burkholderia cepacia lipase crystals, Aspergillus
melleus protease crystals and soluble Aspergillus
oryzae amylase; and the following inactive ingredients:
microcrystalline cellulose, Maltrin, Crospovidone,
colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and talc.
They contained lipase, protease and amylase in a ratio
of 1:1:0.15 USP units of enzyme activity.
[0104] The compositions were delivered in the form
of capsules of two different strengths. The higher
strength formulation, referred to as "TCT20", was
filled into Size 2 white opaque, hard gelatin capsules
at a strength of 20,000 USP Units of lipase, 20,000 USP
Units of protease, and 3,000 USP Units of amylase. The
lower strength formulation, referred to as "TCT5", was
filled into Size 5 white opaque, hard gelatin capsules
at a strength of 5,000 USP Units of lipase, 5,000 Units
of protease, and 750 USP Units of amylase. The ratio

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of active to inactive ingredients on a w/w basis was
3:4 for TCT20 and 2:5 for TCT5.
[0105] Size 2 and Size 5 placebo capsules were used
in the Phase 2 study to blind the TheraCLEC dose.
Placebo capsules contained the same inactive
ingredients as the TheraCLECTM capsules and were of the
same appearance as the TheraCLEC capsules, such that
the capsule identity (active versus placebo) was
unknown. The appropriate number and type of TheraCLEC
capsules and placebo capsules were given to achieve the
blinded dose level to which the subject was randomized.
[0106] During the Phase 2 study, in the approximate
middle of each meal or snack during the 28-day
Treatment Period, the subjects took a total of six
Mcapsules, which were a combination of TheraCLEC and
placebo capsules, one was a size 5 capsule and five
were size 2 capsules, as described below:
Table 1. Distribution of Study Treatment
vs. Placebo by Treatment Arm
Number of Capsules per
Study Arm Size 5 Size 2
Capsules Capsules
Arm 1 1 TCT 5 5 Placebo
Arm 2 1 TCT 5 1 TCT 204 Placebo
Arm 3 1 Placebo 5 TCT 2 0
Selection and Timing of Doses
[0107] The Phase 2 study's highest fixed dose of
100,000 USP Units of lipase/meal was equivalent to
1,250 lipase USP Units per kg for an 80 kg subject and
25 2,500 lipase USP Units per kg for a 40 kg subject.

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Table 2. Dose of Study Drug—TheraCLEC
USP Units/meal or
ActiveComponent Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3
Lipase 5,000 25, 000 100 ,000
Protease 5,000 25, 000 100 ,000
Amylase 750 3, 750 15 ,000
Further Parameters of the Phase 2 Study
[0108] The Phase 2 study was a randomized, double-
blind, and parallel dose ranging trial. The study
enrolled a total of 129 male and female subjects from
approximately 2 6 US sites at three dose levels of
TheraCLEC (approximately 42 subjects per arm) . The
study was separated into four distinct periods of
observation and assessment: Screening, Baseline,
Treatment and Follow-up.
The Phase 2 Study Population
[0109] The compositions prepared as described above
were tested in three subject populations. The modified
Intent-To-Treat ("mITT") population included all
eligible subjects who underwent Baseline Period (off
enzyme) measures, received at least one randomized
dose, had Treatment Period assessments for safety, and
had a marker-to-marker stool collection. Other subject
populations were tested and the reults were consistent
with those of the mITT population.
Screening Period (Day Si-Baseline)
[0110] On day one of the screening visit (Day SI) ,
subjects were interviewed to determine their

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eligibility for enrollment in the study. Subjects also
underwent a complete physical exam.
[0111] Subjects were asked to eat a high fat diet
throughout the study period. Subjects were permitted
to take medications required for the treatment and
management of their underlying cystic fibrosis and
related illnesses. Subjects were not to receive enzyme
supplementation products or dietary aids that may have
been construed as enzyme supplementation during the
inpatient Baseline (Days B1-B3) and Treatment (Days Tl-
T2 8) periods of the study.
[0112] Subjects were randomized to one of three
blinded doses of TheraCLEC .
Baseline Period (Days B1-B3)
[0113] Within 10-14 days of the Screening Visit,
randomized subjects were required to enter an inpatient
facility in a fasting state and prior to the first meal
of the day (breakfast). The Baseline Period began with
the first meal of the day (breakfast) on Day Bl. Prior
to breakfast, body weight was obtained. The subject
then began a 72-hour controlled diet period without
pancreatic enzyme supplementation. A stool marker (500
mg FD&C Dye Blue #2) was taken at the beginning of the
first meal on Day Bl. Fat and protein intake were
recorded based on actual consumption. Stool collection
for fecal fat and nitrogen assessments began after the
first marker had passed (the stool containing the first
marker was discarded) and ended when the second marker
was first noticed in the stool (the stool containing
the second marker was collected) .
[0114] On each day of the Baseline Period, the
subject were assessed for adverse events and

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
concomitant medications, vital signs were recorded, and
an abridged physical exam was performed.
Treatment Period (Days T1-T28)
[0115] The first dose of study drug was provided to
each subject on day one of the treatment period (Tl) in
the approximate middle of the first meal after
completion of the pre-dose procedures and Starch
Challenge Test on Day Tl (lunch). The subjects were
then observed for at least 3 0 minutes after
administration of the first dose. If the drug was well
tolerated, the subjects then took the same dose of
study drug in the approximate middle of each of 3 meals
and 2 snacks on day Tl through 28 of the treatment
period. In this study, the middle of a meal was
defined as the time at which the subjects had consumed
approximately one-half of the meal or snack.
[0116] On Day T29, subjects discontinued the study
drug. During the Day T29/ET office visit, a complete
physical exam was performed. The subjects were also
assessed for adverse events.
Follow-Up Period (Day F7 + 2)
[0117] During the Follow-Up Period, subjects were
maintained on a high fat diet and usual care enzymes as
prescribed by their physician. The end of the Follow-
Up Period office visit (Day F7 ± 2) was scheduled to
occur 7 ± 2 days after completion of the Treatment
Period (Day T29) visit. At this visit, the subjects
underwent an abridged physical examination and were
assessed for adverse events and concomitant

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Stool Analysis for Fat and Nitrogen
[0118] Stool for a spot fecal elastase test was
collected during the Screening Visit to assess
eligibility for the study. Each subject had stool
testing at various times during the study for the
presence of occult blood and white blood cells.
[0119] During the inpatient Baseline period and the
inpatient Treatment period, an indicator marker (500 mg
of FD & C Blue #2) was given at the beginning of the
first meal of the controlled diet (breakfast). which
consists of approximately 100 grams of fat and a
minimum of approximately 2 grams of protein per
kilogram of body weight per day. Actual fat and
protein intake was to be recorded based on the amount
of food consumed.
[0120] After 72 hours on the controlled diet, a
second blue indicator marker was given to fasted
subjects with the test meal for the Start Challenged
Test. Stool collection for fecal fat and nitrogen
assessments began after the first blue marker had
passed and was completed when the second blue marker
had passed. The collected stool was measured for stool
weight and analysis of fat and nitrogen content.
Seligson, D (ed), Standard Methods of Clinical
Chemistry, Volume II, Fatty Acids in Stool, 1985,
Academic Press, pp 34-3 9; Veldee MS, Nutritional
Assessment, Therapy, and Monitoring in Burtis CA,
Ashwood ER (eds). Tietz Textbook of Clinical
Chemistry, 3rd Ed., 1999, W.B. Sanders Co, pp 1385-86.
[0121] The coefficient of fat absorption (% CFA) was
calculated manually by the site using two data points:
(1) fat consumption in g/24 hours as provided by
the central research dietician, and

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
(2) fat excretion in g/24 hours as provided by-
Mayo Clinical Laboratory Services.
The CPA was calculated manually as follows:
(Avg. grains of fat consumed/24 hours - Avg. grams of
fat excreted/24 hours) x 100
Avg. grams of fat consumed/24 hours.
[0122] The coefficient of nitrogen absorption
(% CNA) was calculated manually using two data points:
(1) nitrogen consumption in g/24 hours as
provided by the central research dietician,
(2) nitrogen excretion in g/24 hours as provided
by Mayo Clinical Laboratory Services.
The CNA was calculated manually as follows:
(Avg. grams of nitrogen consumed/24 hours - Avg. grains
of nitrogen excreted/24 hours)
Avg. grams of nitrogen consumed/24 hours x 100.
Efficacy Evaluation - Coefficient of Fat Absorption
[0123] The coefficient of fat absorption at
baseline, at treatment, and the change from baseline to
treatment was summarized by treatment group. The
coefficient of fat absorption reported was the mean of
two independent CFA calculations using two fecal fat
results from one stool collection. The difference
among the three treatment groups in mean coefficient of
fat absorption during the treatment period was analyzed
using a one-way analysis of variance. In order to
assess the three possible pairwise comparisons while
controlling for the overall 5% type I error rate,
Tukey's studentized range test was used. The dependent
variable included the measures while on treatment.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0124] A linear regression analysis examining the
simultaneous effects of treatment group and mean
baseline CFA was also performed. The dependent
variable again included the on treatment period
measures. Additional factors that were tested in the
model included the following baseline measures: age,
gender, race, and BMI. For these additional factors, a
step-down process was used to eliminate non-significant
factors (p > 0.10) from the model. Pairwise
comparisons were also performed using Tukey's
studentized range test in this linear regression
[0125] The coefficient of fat absorption (CFA) at
baseline, at treatment, and the change from baseline to
treatment for the mITT population is summarized below
in Table 3 by treatment group. Across all three
treatment populations, there was a significant increase
in mean CFA from baseline to the treatment period. On-
treatment CFA was significantly larger in both
treatment arm 2 (the middle dose) and treatment arm 3
(the higher dose) than in treatment arm 1 (the low
dose). In addition, treatment arms 2 and 3 exhibited
the larger mean increase in CFA from off-enzyme to
enzyme than treatment arm 1. While treatment arm 3
showed a consistent numeric advantage over treatment
arm 2, this difference was not statistically
Table 3: Mean Coefficient of Fat
Absorption-Analysis of Variance
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total P-
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117) value*
N 39 41 36 116

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total P-
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117) value*
Mean 55.0 55.6 52.2 54.4
(SD) (17.54) (20.29) (19.14) (18.94)
N 39 41 37 117
Mean 56.2 67.0 69.7 64.3 0.0032
(SD) (18.IS) (18.08) (17.86) (18.81)
Change from
Baseline to
N 33 4 x J 6 X. J-. VJ
Mean 1.2 11.4 17.3 9.8 (18.59) 0.0005
(SD) (14.77) (19.10) (18.37)
(%) Change
Baseline to
N 39 41 36 116
Mean 5.6 42.7 45.9 31.2 0.0153
(SD) (32.15) (95.46) (53.51) (68.69)
*0verall p-value from analysis of variance
**On treatment results (using Tukey's studentized range test for
pairwise comparisons):
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 2, mITT p-value = 0.0229.
Treatment Arm 2 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT p-value = 0.7874.
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT p-value = 0.0041.
[0126] If baseline CFA is broken down into quintiles
from 0-100%, it is clear that all treatment arms had a
more profound increase over baseline from 0-40% CFA
than if the baseline CFA was above 40% (see Figure 1) .
Moreover, the lower the baseline CFA, the greater the
response to the treatment.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Efficacy Evaluation -
Coefficient of Nitrogen Absorption
[0127] The coefficient of nitrogen absorption (CNA)
at baseline (Bl to B3) and treatment for the mITT
population are summarized below in Table 4, by
treatment group. The coefficient of nitrogen
absorption reported was the mean of two independent CNA
calculations using two fecal nitrogen results from one
stool collection. The difference between the three
treatment groups in mean CNA was analyzed in the same
manner as mean CFA.
[0128] Similar to the measurements of CFA, across
all three treatment populations, there was a
significant increase in mean CNA from baseline to the
treatment period. In all three treatment populations,
on-treatment CNA was significantly larger in both
treatment arm 2 and treatment arm 3 than in treatment
arm 1. In addition, treatment arms 2 and 3 exhibited
the larger mean increase in CNA from off-enzyme to
enzyme than treatment arm 1. While treatment arm 3
showed a consistent numeric advantage over treatment
arm 2, this difference was not statistically
Table 4: Mean Coefficient of
Nitrogen Absorption-Analysis of Variance
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total P-
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117) value*
N 39 41 36 116
Mean (SD) 60.6 58.8 56.8 58.8
(16.38) (17.88) (16.36) (16.84)
N 39 41 37 117

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total P-
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117) value*
Mean 61.6 71.3 74.6 69.1 0.0009
(SD) (15.46) (16.38) (13.51) (16.05)
Change from
Baseline to
N 39 41 36 116
Mean 1.1 12.5 17.5 10.2 0.0002
(SD) , (14.89) (18.37) (18.00) (18.33)
change from
Baseline to
N 39 41 36 116
Mean (SD) 9.0 37.6 40.6 29.0 0.0883
(48.83) (96.72) (45.04) (69.74)
*0verall p-value from analysis of variance
**0n treatment results (using Tukey's studentized range test for
pairwise comparisons) :
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 2, mlTT p-value = 0.0145.
Treatment Arm 2 vs Treatment Arm 3, mlTT p-value = 0.613 0.
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 3, mlTT p-value = 0.0009.
[0129] If baseline CNA is broken down to quintiles
from 0-100%, it is clear in Figure 2 that all treatment
groups had a greater increase over baseline if the
baseline CNA was 40% or less than if baseline CNA was
above 40%. Treatment arms 2 and 3 still appeared more
effective than treatment arm 1. Moreover, the lower
the baseline CNA, the greater the response to the
CFA and CNA Improvements
and the Correlation Between Them
[0130] The study reflected a significant increase in
mean CFA and in CNA from baseline to the treatment
period in the middle and higher dose treatment groups

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
among all three treatment populations. Moreover,
treatment arm 3 (the higher dose treatment group)
exhibited the largest mean increases in CFA and CNA
during this time period, although, the difference
between the middle and high dose was not statistically
significant. Even after controlling for baseline
values of CFA and CNA and gender, this treatment effect
on CFA and CNA remained statistically significant
(p=0.0003 and [0131] The correlation between the increases in CFA
and CFA were also statistically significant. Figures 3
and 4 illustrate the correlation between CFA and CNA in
the mITT patients treated with all dose compositions
according to the present invention at baseline level
and treatment level, respectively. Figure 5
illustrates the difference between the correlation
between the CFA and the CNA at treatment and baseline
levels in those patients.
Efficacy Evaluation - Change
from Baseline Analysis - Stool Sampling
[0132] The mean changes in the number of stools and
stool weights from baseline to the treatment periods
against the relevant treatment period endpoint value
are displayed separately for each study treatment group
in Table 5 and Table 6, respectively.
[0133] In all three treatment arms, there was a
decrease in number of stools from baseline to the
treatment period (p=0.0968, p=0.0975, and p=0.1807,
respectively). Treatment arm 3, in particular,
exhibited the largest mean decrease (-.2.6 in the mITT)
in number of stools from baseline to treatment
(p=0.0003). However, a between-groups comparison in

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
the change in the number of stools revealed no
statistically significant difference between the
treatment arms.
[0134] There was also a significant decrease in
weight of stools from baseline to treatment in the
middle and higher treatment groups of all three
treatment populations (p=0.0001). While treatment arm
3 of all three populations displayed the largest mean
decrease in stool weight from baseline to treatment
(p studentized range test revealed no statistically
significant differences between the middle and higher
treatment arms.
Table 5: Change in Number of
Stools from Baseline to Treatment
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total p-value*
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117)
N 39 41 37 117
Mean (SD) 7.7 8.2 8.8 8.3
(3.04) (3.49) (4.56) (3.73)
N 39 41 37 117
Mean (SD) 6.9 7.4 6.2 6.9
(3.06) (4.37) (3.01) (3.56)
Change from 0.0968
Baseline to
N 39 41 37 117
Mean {SD) -0.8 -0.9 -2.6 -1.4
(3.39) (4.52) (4.04) (4.07)
Paired 0.1393 0.2211 0.0003 0.0003

*0verall p-value from analysis of variance.
**Paired t-test.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Note: Change from baseline results (using Tukey's studentized
range test for pairwise comparisons) :
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 2, mITT, p-values = 0.5502.
Treatment Arm 2 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT, p-values = 0.4842.
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT, p-values = 0.2040.
Table 6: Change in Stool Weight (grams)
from Baseline to Treatment
Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm 3 Total P"
(N=39) (N=41) (N=37) (N=117) value*
N 38 41 36 115
Mean (SD) 1234.0 1251.8 1396.8 1291.3
(529.46) (474.14) (613.79) (539.16)
N 38 41 37 116
Mean (SD) 1174.1 937.3 869.2 993.2
(565.34) (539.91) (448.92) (533.10)
Change from 0.0001
Baseline to
N 38 41 36 115
Mean (SD) -59.9 -314.5 -514.2 -292.9
(399.46) (455.89) (428.37) (463.44)
Paired 0.3612 t-test**
*0verall p-value from analysis of variance.
**Paired t-test.
Note: Change from baseline results (using Tukey's studentized
range test for pairwise comparisons) :
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 2, mITT, p-value= 0.8842.
Treatment Arm 2 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT, p-value = 0.2415.
Treatment Arm 1 vs Treatment Arm 3, mITT, p-value = 0.1971.
Efficacy Evaluation - Starch Digestion and Carbohydrate
Absorption as Measured by Blood Glucose Response
[0135] In the Starch Challenge Test, subjects who
had fasted overnight for at least 8 hours ingested a
standard test meal comprising 100 grams of white flour
bread (50 g carbohydrate) during the inpatient Baseline

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Period and the inpatient Treatment period. Subjects
were to rest for 3 0 minutes before the Start Challenge
Test began and activity was to have been limited during
the evaluation. Blood glucose levels were measured
with a glucometer (Accucheck, Bayer) . A measurement
was taken immediately before the test meal. TheraCLEC
was administered approximately half-way through bread
meal. Serial glucometer measures were taken over a 4-
hour period. Calculated values include maximum glucose
change from fasting level and On - Off enzyme maximum
glucose change (T17 - Tl) . Subjects with diabetes
mellitus did not have the Starch Challenge Test
performed if the fasting glucose measurement was less
than 75 mg/dL.
[0136] Blood glucose response was measured by the
following variables in the mITT population:
Glucose Change from Time 0: The change in glucose at
each of the time points from Time 0.
Maximum glucose response: The maximum glucose value
post Time 0.
Maximum change in glucose response: Defined as the
maximum response minus the glucose value at Time 0.
Time to peak glucose response (Tmax) : Defined as the
hours from Time 0 to the maximum glucose change.
[0137] Descriptive statistics are presented for each
of these variables by treatment group for the
1. Off TheraCLEC™
2. On TheraCLEC™
3. On TheraCLEC minus Off TheraCLEC

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
4. On TheraCLEC™: Off TheraCLEC™ Ratio (R)
[0138] These descriptive statistics are presented
both for all subjects and for subjects without diabetes
only. A subject was considered having cystic fibrosis
related diabetes if they had either a medical history
of known diabetes, were on insulin or diabetes related
oral medication or if they had a fasting glucose
measurement > 126 mg/dL or a postprandial glucose > 200
[0139] In Table 7, the 25 subjects with cystic
fibrosis related diabetes mellitus have been removed
from the analysis to reduce the variability from both
high baseline glucose as well as decreases in glucose
following the "Starch Challenge Test" as a result of
morning insulin injections. TCT5 appears to have
significantly (p = 0.0053) less number of subjects with
increases in maximum glucose on-off enzyme > 10 mg/dL
than TCT25. In addition, the results in Table 7
suggest that the middle range of amylase in Treatment
Arm 2 is equally as effective as the highest dose in
Treatment Arm 3.
Table 7: Starch Challenge Test in Non-Diabetic
Patients with Cystic Fibrosis -- looking at
maximum glucose change on-off enzyme treatment
Maximum Treatment Treatment Treatment
Glucose A On- Arm 1: Arm 2: Arm 3:
Off Enzyme TCT5 TCT25 TCT100
>10 mg/dl . 4 16 11
>2 0 mg/dl 3 8 8
*Fishers's Exact (Overall):p = 0138
TCT5 vs. TCT25, p = 0.0053
TCT5 vs. TCT100, p = 0.0644

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
TCT25 vs. TCT100, p = 0.4357
[0140] Overall/ this study demonstrated that
subjects treated with compositions according to this
invention achieved increased starch digestion and
carbohydrate absorption, as measured by blood glucose
response, with those subjects in the higher dose
treatment group requiring less time to do so.
Example 3 - The Phase 1 Study
[0141] prior to the phase 2 study , composition
according to this invention were also assessed for
their safety and preliminary efficacy in a Phase 1
trial in cystic fibrosis patients suffering from
pancreatic insufficiency.
[0142] An open label, dose-ranging study was carried
out to determine the acute safety, tolerability and
clinical activity of TheraCLEC™ in 23 cystic fibrosis
patients afflicted with pancreatic insufficiency.
Subjects took either 100, 500, 1,000, 2,500 or 5,000
lipase units/kg/meal of TCT for three days. Clinical
and laboratory safety parameters and adverse events
were monitored.
[0143] There were no serious adverse events or
deaths in the Phase 1 study. Most adverse events were
mild, although gastrointestinal complaints were common.
TheraCLEC™ increased the coefficient of fat absorption
and the coefficient of nitrogen absorption in all
groups except those receiving 100 lipase units/kg/meal.
For all subjects at the other dosing levels, the mean
CFA increase = 2 0.6 ± 23.5, mean CNA increase = 19.7 ±
12.2% and mean stool weight decreased = 425 ± 422

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
[0144] TheraCLEC™ was well-tolerated in this short-
term exposure study at doses up to 5,000 lipase
units/kg/meal. Preliminary efficacy data demonstrated
a beneficial effect on fat and nitrogen absorption.
Advantageously, these effects were seen with a dosage
of 500 lipase units/kg/meal and there appeared to be no
need to increase the dose beyond that level to achieve
these results. These data supported a larger
randomized Phase 2 trial.
[0145] An open label, multicenter, dose-ranging
study was carried out, with a primary aim to determine
the acute safety and tolerability of five dose levels
of TheraCLEC™, in pancreatic-insufficient subjects with
cystic fibrosis. Secondary aims were to determine the
effect of TheraCLEC™ on oral fat and nitrbgen
absorption, gastrointestinal symptoms, and the number
and weight of stools. TheraCLEC™ had fixed proportions
of lipase, amylase and protease. Dosing cohorts were
based on lipase dose per kg per meal, as shown in
Table 8.
Table 8: Dosing cohorts
Active trsp uriits/kg/meal
Component Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 Cohort 4 Cohort; 5
Lipase 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 100
Protease 500 1,000 2,500 5,000 100
Amylase 75 150 375 750 15
Provided as capsules with the following enzymes in
fixed proportions: lipase 20,000 USP units + protease

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
20,000 USP units + amylase 3,000 USP units per
[0146] Subjects with cystic fibrosis followed at one
of eleven CF Foundation-accredited centers were
recruited for this study. All individuals signed a
consent form approved by the local Institutional Review
Board, and in the case of pediatric patients, assent
was also given. Subjects were included if they were
>13 to >45 years of age, had a diagnosis of cycstic
fibroais based upon standard criteria [B.J. Rosenstein
et al., "The Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis: A Consensus
Statement", J. Pediatr., 132, pp. 589-595 (1998)], were
pancreatic insufficiency based on fecal elastase mg/gm measured at outpatient screening using the ScheBo
monoclonal ELISA assay {BioTech USA) and had a
coefficient of fat absorption £80% measured at
inpatient screening, had forced expiratory volume in
one second (FEVi) >30% predicted, had a Body Mass Index
> 10th percentile, and were clinically stable with no
evidence of acute upper or lower respiratory tract
infection. Subjects were excluded if they were
pregnant or breastfeeding, had an episode of distal
intestinal obstruction syndrome requiring intervention
in the emergency room or hospital in the previous six
months, were taking medications that alter gastric pH
(e.g. histamine-2 receptor antagonists, proton pump
inhibitors or antacids) in the previous week and were
unable to discontinue these medications during the
study, had a history of fibrosing colonopathy, allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, or liver disease
defined by the following criteria: twice-normal alanine
aminotransferase (AST), aspartate aminotransferase
(ALT), or alkaline phosphatase; history of variceal

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
bleed; evidence of cirrhosis or significant liver
disease on liver biopsy; liver transplant; subject has
taken ursodeoxycholic acid in the year prior. Subjects
unable to discontinue enteral tube feedings during the
inpatient portions of the study protocol, those with
known food additive hypersensitivity, or those who had
participated in any other investigational study of a
drug, biologic, or device not currently approved in the
prior month were also excluded.
[0147] If subjects met criteria at the initial
screening visit, they were admitted to a clinical
research center. The subject's prescribed enzyme
therapy was discontinued, an indicator dye marker (FD &
C Blue #2 500 mg) was given orally, and the subject was
placed on a special diet consisting of 100 grams of fat
and a minimum of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of
body weight per day divided in three meals and two
snacks. Actual fat and protein intake were recorded
based on the amount of food consumed. After 72 hours
on the special diet, the diet was discontinued and a
second indicator marker was given. Patients resumed
their normal enzyme therapy at this time. Stool
collection for fecal fat and nitrogen assessments began
after the first stool in which the blue marker was
seen,, and wa.s completed when the second marker was
passed, with that stool included in the collection.
CFA was calculated, and if it was £80%, the subject was
eligible for the treatment phase of the study.
[0148] Subjects were again admitted to a clinical
research center and routine pancreatic enzyme
supplementation was discontinued. The dye marker and
special diet were provided, and subjects took the study
medication with each of three meals and two snacks for

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
the following 72 hours, with doses per cohort as
previously described. Subjects were instructed to take
the study medication before each meal. After 72 hours,
the special diet was discontinued and a second
indicator marker was given. Patients resumed their
normal enzyme therapy at this time. The procedure for
stool collection was the same as described above. A
follow-up phone call was made within three days of
discharge from the clinical research center and a
follow-up visit occurred three to seven days post-
[0149] Safety monitoring included the incidence of
adverse events, as determined by open ended questioning
of study subjects during outpatient visits and
inpatient care and during the scheduled phone call,
frequency of abnormal laboratory tests including
routine hematologic, serum chemistry, and coagulation
profiles, urinalysis, urinary uric acid excretion, and
stool heme and white blood cell assay. Also monitored
was the frequency of gastrointestinal symptoms as
measured by a GI-specific modified Cystic Fibrosis
Questionnaire (CFQ) [A. Quittner et al., "CFQ Cystic
Fibrosis Questionnaire, a Health Related Quality of
Life Measure", English Version 1.0. (2000)] .
[0150] The CF Foundation's Therapeutics Development
Network Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB)
provided oversight for this trial. The DSMB monitored
safety data of escalating dose cohorts throughout the
trial and formal evaluation of safety was required
before subjects could be enrolled in the 5,000 lipase
units/kg/meal cohort, since this exceeds current dosing
recommendations. The DSMB was also charged with

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
stopping the trial at any time for concerns of subject
2. The Phase 1 Composition
[0151] The three enzymatic components of TheraCLEC™,
lipase, protease, and amylase, were manufactured
independently. The lipase was derived via fermentation
from the bacterium Burkholderia cepacia (formerly known
as Pseudomonas cepacia) , and was then processed to form
lipase crystals which were subsequently crosslinked,
creating an enzyme form stable to acid and proteases
without enteric coating (referred to as TheraCLEC™-
lipase). Each batch was specifically cultured for
microbiological contamination with Burkholderia cepacia
and must be negative for Burkholderia cepacia for
release of the batch for clinical use. The protease
component was derived from Aspergillus melleus; the
amylase component was derived from fermentation of
Aspergillus oryzae. Similarly, these products
underwent through multiple purification steps after
which they were cultured for total mold and yeast.
[0152] The three enzyme components comprising
TheraCLEC™ were formulated as a powder-containing
capsule. Preclinical efficacy studies demonstrated
that lipase and protease were efficacious at the dose
of >500 lipase unit/kg/meal and >1000 protease
unit/kg/meal in the pancreatic insufficient dog model.
In vitro analysis of the Aspergrillus-derived amylase in
TheraCLEC™ was performed using both USP and FCC (Food
Chemical Codex) methodology (which is equivalent to the
USP methodology used for testing drugs). Fungal
amylase has a different pH profile than porcine-derived
amylase. Fungal amylase is twenty times more active at

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
pH 4.8 than porcine amylase. Thus, a dose of amylase
twenty times lower than would be found relative to
lipase in a standard pancrelipase capsule was chosen
for TheraCLEC™.
3. Analysis of Data in The Phase 1 Study
[0153] The coefficient of fat absorption was
calculated as follows:
(grams of fat consumed - grams of fat excreted) x 100
grams of fat consumed
[0154] The same equation using the number of grams
of nitrogen was used to calculate the coefficient of
nitrogen absorption (CNA).
[0155] We planned to summarize demographic and
prognostic characteristics including age, gender, race,
genotype, pulmonary function, and spot fecal elastase
by dosing cohort and overall. The sample size for this
Phase 1 study was estimated to be 2 0 subjects, 4
subjects per dosing cohort. The study was not powered
for formal statistical testing. We planned to group
adverse events using a standard classification system.
The frequency of abnormal laboratory values was
tabulated by study period, time point, and dose cohort.
4. Results of the Phase 1 Study
[0156] Twenty-three subjects (14 M) were enrolled at
11 cystic fibrosis Centers. The mean age of subjects
was 23.5 + 7.8 (SD)(range= 15.2-44.5 years) (Table 9).
One additional subject each was enrolled in cohorts 1,3
and 5 as a result of several centers recruiting
subjects simultaneously.
Table 9. Study Demographics

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802

[0157] TheraCLEC™ was well-tolerated at all dose
levels. No serious adverse events or deaths were
documented and there were no patient withdrawals during
the study. During the pre-treatment period off enzyme
therapy the most commonly affected body system was
gastrointestinal, with 14 subjects reporting a total
of 23 pretreatment adverse events. The most common
pretreatment gastrointestinal adverse events were
abdominal discomfort (4 subjects reporting 5 events),

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
upper abdominal pain (4 subjects reporting 4 events) ,
and flatulence (4 subjects reporting 4 events). The
second most commonly affected body system was the
respiratory system, with 5 subjects reporting 8
pretreatment adverse events. The most common
pretreatment respiratory adverse event was cough (4
subjects reporting 4 events).
[0158] Treatment-emergent adverse events beginning
after day 2 occurred in 18 (78.3%) of the 23 subjects.
There were no statistically significant differences
among the cohorts in the incidence of treatment-
emergent adverse events (p = 0.6196). There were 11
(47.8%) subjects with related adverse events (defined
as events classified by the Investigator as possibly or
probably related to study medication).
[0159] Six subjects experienced increases in alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate
aminotransferase (AST) during the study. Four subjects
had elevated enzyme levels that began following study
drug treatment. One subject (Cohort 1) had a high ALT
level at the end of study visit and one subject
(Cohort 5) had elevated AST at the follow-up assessment
on the follow-up visit.
6. Efficacy
[0160] As summarized in Table 10 and Figures 6 and
7, the preliminary clinical activity data in Cohorts 1-
4 demonstrate that treatment with TheraCLEC™ increased
CFA and CNA when compared to the period off all
pancreatic enzyme supplementation. For all subjects in
Cohorts 1-4, the mean increase in CFA was 20.6 ± 23.5%
and mean CNA increased 19.7 ± 12.2%. Stool weight was
also decreased following treatment with TheraCLEC™ for

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
these cohorts with an average decrease of 425 + 422
grams. CFA and CNA were minimally increased over the
off enzyme levels at the lowest TheraCLEC™ dose level
(Cohort 5:100 USP units lipase/kg/meal, 100 USP units
i protease/kg/meal, and 15 USP units amylase/kg/meal).
Table 10: Clinical Activity of TheraCLEC™:
Change from Screening Period to Treatment Period
Change from Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Total
Baseline 1 (N=5) 2 (N=4) 3 (N=5) 4 (11=4) 5 (N=5) (N=23)
CFA1 Mean (SD) 22 .7% 17.7% 18.9% 17.2% 1.2% 15.4%
(19.4) (25.9) (11.9) (42.3) (20.3) (23.8)
CNA2 Mean (SD) 20.3% 14.4% 15.8% 20.6% 0.1% 14.0%
(14.2) (18.0) (5.7) (16.5) (4.1) (13.7)
Number of -1.2 -0.8 -2.6 -2.8 0.2 -1.4
Stools Mean (1.5) (1-7) (1.7) (2.6) (3.3) (2.4)
Stool Weight -311.4 -308.8 -613.2 -836.0 -116.8 -425.5
Mean weight (371.7) (367.5) (423.3) (284.7) (373.2) (422.2)
(gm) of
stools (SD)
SD = standard deviation
1Coefficient of fat absorption = 100 * (number of grams
of fat consumed - number of grams of fat obtained) /
(number of grams of fat consumed).
Coefficient of nitrogen absorption - 100 * (number of
grams of nitrogen consumed - number of grams of
nitrogen obtained) / (number of grams of nitrogen
Results of the Phase 1 Study
[0161] TheraCLEC™ appeared to be safe and well-
tolerated in this three-day exposure study. There was

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
no dose-relation in treatment-emergent adverse events.
Gastrointestinal complaints were frequent during this
study, whether subjects were on usual care, off
enzymes, or on TheraCLEC™, although they occurred with
lowest frequency during the outpatient period when
subjects were on usual care. During the inpatient
portions of the study, subjects were queried about GI
complaints on a regular basis,, and the study was
unblinded, thus creating bias. Elevations of liver
enzymes and the presence of both heme and white blood
cells in stool were no more common when subjects were
on TheraCLEC™ than when they were off enzymes or on
usual care.
[0162] There was improved absorption of fat and
nitrogen on TheraCLEC™ compared to baseline,
demonstrating efficacy of the lipase and protease
components of TheraCLEC™. There did not appear to be a
dose-response curve at doses above 500 lipase
units/kg/meal. Although there was a trend towards
lower fecal weight with increasing doses, the range was
large. Values for CFA in this study appear to be lower
than those in the published literature. Possible
explanations include selection bias, diet, complete
collections and timing of enzymes.
[0163] All subjects in this study had severe
pancreatic insufficiency, as determined by screening
fecal elastase and corroborated by CFA off enzymes.
Other studies have included pancreatic sufficient
patients, which will shift mean CFA's higher [R.C.
Stern et al,, "A Comparison of the Efficacy and
Tolerance of Pancrelipase and Placebo in the Treatment
of Steatorrhea in Cystic Fibrosis Patients with
Clinical Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency",

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
Am J. Gasteroenterol., pp. 1932-1938 (2000); M.P
Francisco et al., "Ranitidine and Omeprazole as
Adjuvant Therapy to Pancrealipase to Improve Fat
Absorption in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis",
J. Pediatr. Gastrenterol. Nutr., 35, pp. 79-83 (2002)].
[0164] In this study, subjects took in at least 100
grams of fat per day. CFA's reported in the literature
that were carried out based on the patient's routine
diet likely were based on a lower fat intake, since
many ambulatory patients take in less than 100 grams of
fat per day [P. Durie et al., "Uses and Abuses of
Enzyme Therapy in Cystic Fibrosis", J. Royal Soc. Med.,
91, suppl. 34, pp. 2-3 (1998); D.A. Kawchak et al.,
"Longitudinal, Prospective Analysis of Dietary Intake
in Children with Cystic Fibrosis", J. Pediatr., 129,
pp. 119-129 (1996)]. A lower fat load may be more
easily handled by the residual, compensatory lingual
lipase seen in patients with cystic fibrosis [B.
Fredrikzon et al., "Lingual Lipase: an Important Lipase
in the Digestion of Dietary Lipids in Cystic
Fibrosis?", Pediatr. Res., 14, pp. 1387-1390 (1980)].
[0165] A blue food dye was used to mark the stool
collection. Anecdotally, clinical research center
nurses have reported that carmine red or charcoal
markers can be difficult to identify in stool, FD&C
Blue # 2 at a dose of 500 mg orally is easily visible
when passed in stool and clearly demarcates the start
and end of the stool collection. A shortened
collection of stool will result in less fat in the
total stool collection, leading to a falsely high CFA.
Previous studies may have had falsely higher CFAs
because of difficulty in identifying the start and end
of the collection. Since collecting stool is odious,

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
there is a human tendency to end the collection as soon
as possible.
[0166] Although the foregoing invention has been
described in some detail by way of illustration and
example for purposes of clarity and understanding, it
will be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in
the art in light of the teachings of this invention
that certain changes and modifications may be made
thereto without departing from the spirit or scope of
the disclosure herein, including the appended claims.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
We claims:
1. A composition comprising lipase,
protease and amylase, wherein the ratio of lipase,
protease and amylase in said composition is about
1:1:0.15 USP units.
2. The composition according to claim 1,
wherein the lipase is in the form of crosslinked lipase
3. The composition according to claim 2,
wherein the lipase crystals are crosslinked with a
multifunctional crosslinker.
4. The composition according to claim 3,
wherein the multifunctional crosslinker is bis
(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate.
5. The composition according to claim 1,
wherein the protease is in the form of protease
6. The composition according to claim 1,
wherein the amylase is in the form of amorphous
7. The composition according to claim 1,
wherein the lipase is a microbial lipase, the protease
is a microbial protease and the amylase is a microbial
8. The composition according to claim 7,
wherein the microbial lipase is a bacterial lipase.

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
9. The composition according to claim 8,
wherein the bacterial lipase is a Pseudomonas lipase.
10. The composition according to claim 8,
wherein the bacterial lipase is a Burkholderia lipase.
11. The composition according to claim 7,
wherein the microbial protease is a fungal protease.
12. The composition according to claim 11,
wherein the fungal protease is an Aspergillus protease.
13. The composition according to claim 12,
wherein the Aspergillus protease is Aspergillus melleus
14. The composition according to claim 7,
wherein the microbial amylase is a fungal amylase.
15. The composition according to claim 14,
wherein the fungal amylase is an Aspergillus amylase.
16. The composition according to claim 15,
wherein the Aspergillus amylase is Aspergillus oryzae
17. The composition according to claim 7,
wherein the lipase is selected from the group
consisting of crosslinked Pseudomonas lipase crystals
and crosslinked Burkholderia lipase crystals, wherein
said crystals are crosslinked with bis
(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate.
18. The composition according to claim 7,
wherein the lipase is in the form of crosslinked lipase
crystals selected from the group consisting of

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
crosslinked Pseudomonas lipase crystals and crosslinked
Burkholderia lipase crystals, the protease is in the
form of Aspergillus melleus protease crystals and the
amylase is in the form of amorphous Aspergillus oryzae
19. The composition according to claim 1,
further comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable
20. The composition according to claim 1,
wherein the composition is in an oral dosage form
selected from the group consisting of tablets,
capsules, tablets, slurries, sachets, suspensions and
21. A method for treating malabsorption in a
mammal comprising the step of administering to said
mammal a therapeutically effective amount of a
composition according to claim 1.
22. A method for treating pancreatic
insufficiency in a mammal comprising the step of
administering to said mammal a therapeutically
effective amount of composition according to claim 1.
23. A method for increasing the coefficient
of fat absorption and the coefficient of nitrogen
absorption in a mammal comprising the step of
administering to said mammal a therapeutically
effective amount of composition according to claim 1.
24. The method according to claim 23,
wherein the coefficient of fat absorption and the

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
coefficient of nitrogen absorption are increased in
said mammal by the same amount.
25. A method for increasing carbohydrate
absorption in a mammal comprising the step of
administering to said mammal a therapeutically
effective amount of composition according to claim 1.
26. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22, 23 and 25, wherein the mammal suffers
from cystic fibrosis.
27. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22, 23 and 25, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition provides to said
mammal about 25,000 USP units of lipase, about 25,000
USP units of protease and about 3,750 USP units of
28. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22, 23 and 25, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition provides to said
mammal about 100,000 USP units of lipase, about 100,000
USP units of protease and about 15,000 USP units of
29. The method according to claim 27 or 2 8,
wherein the composition is administered to said mammal
with each meal or snack.
30. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22 and 23, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition increases the
coefficient of fat absorption in said mammal by an
amount between about 30% and about 35% over baseline

WO 2006/044529 PCT/US2005/036802
coefficient of fat absorption in said mammal when said
baseline is less than or equal to 40%.
31. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22 and 23, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition increases the .
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in said mammal by an
amount between about 3 0% and about 35% over baseline
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in said mammal when
said baseline is less than or equal to 40%.
32. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22 and 23, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition increases the
coefficient of fat absorption in said mammal by an
amount between about 10% and about 25% over baseline
coefficient of fat absorption in said mammal when said
baseline is greater than 40% but less than 85%.
33. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22 and 23, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition increases the
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in said mammal by an
amount between about 10% and about 25% over baseline
coefficient of nitrogen absorption in said mammal when
said baseline is greater than 40% but less than 85%.
34. The method according to any one of
claims 21, 22 and 25, wherein the therapeutically
effective amount of said composition increases
carbohydrate absorption in said mammal by an amount
equal to or greater than about 10% over the baseline
carbohydrate absorption in said mammal,

The present invention relates to compositions for the treatment of conditions, including pancreatic insufficiency.
The compositions of the present invention comprise lipase, protease and amylase in a particular ratio that provides beneficial results
in patients, such as those afflicted with pancreatic insufficiency. This invention also relates to methods using such compositions for
the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency.



Patent Number 269745
Indian Patent Application Number 1520/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 04-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 27-Apr-2007
Applicant Address 625, PUTNAM AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, MA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 38/54
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/036802
PCT International Filing date 2005-10-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/618,764 2004-10-14 U.S.A.