Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract: The invention relates to an electrolysis device for the purification of acid waters, comprising a cathode, an anode and an ion exchange membrane, the membrane being arranged be¬tween the cathode and the anode and held at least continuously in the peripheral area, the upper and lower peripheral areas of the electrolysis device being provided with a large number of feed inlets and discharge outlets connected to the cathode and/or the anode compartment so that a plug flow forms in the cathode and in the anode compartment which, in an ideal version, is characterized by a laminar profile. Drawing to be published with the abstract: Fig. 1
Full Text

Device for the electrochemical purification of water
[0001 ] The invention relates to an electrctrysis device for the purification of acid waters, comphsing a cathode, an anode and an ion exchange membrane, the membrane being arranged between the cathode and the anode and held at least continuously in the periph¬eral area, the upper and lower peripheral areas of the electrolysis device being provided with a large number of feed inlets and disdiarge outlets connected to the cathode and/or the anode compartment so that a piug flow forms in the cathode and in the anode compart¬ment which, in an ideal version, is characterized by a laminar profile.
[0002] The clarification of sulphuric waters from residual open-cast mining sites is presently performed primarily by flooding with extraneous, if necessary, conditioned water owing to the large water volumes required. This procejss is, however, greatly restricted by the water supplies available, the effort expended for the transfer and the base capacity to be buffered. A clarification of residual open-cast mining sites by liming is, in most cases, inefficient owing to the high stoichiometric excess of basic substances.
[0003] DE 19624023 B1 discloses aprocess for the purification of acid waters in which the water purification process is carried oul wfttiout admixing any additives to the water to be purified. In contrast to the standard neutralization, the purification effect is not achieved by adding alkaline solution to the water with high pH-value but by separating protons by the electrochemical separation in the cathodic partial reaction of the electrolysis process as shown in the below gross reaction equations:

[0005] The reaction (3), however, contributes only little to the cathodic wafer purification. The use of an ion exchange membrane between the anode and the cathode compartment of the electrolysis cell additionally effetts that for raising the pH-value and for the hydroly¬sis and precipitation of aluminium and heavy metal ions involved - the salt content of the waters is also considerably reducecL To this end, the cathodic water purification process is

coupled with an anodic synthesis process. If there are sulphate ions, the following reactions may take place on the anode side:
(4} 2H2O —> 4H* + Os + 4e-
(5) 2S0/- —> SEOB^" + 2e-
[0006] In a reaction according to equation (4) the forming protons are saturated by the sul¬phate ions migrating into the anode compartment, where sulphuric acid is first formed and concentrated. In the second case, sulphate ions are oxidized to give peroxodisuiphate and enriched in the anode compartment. In subsequent processes it is possible to recover these products. Similarly, it is also possible to utilize the hydrogen fonned in the cathode reaction as a product,
[0007] GB 2057507 A or DE 36 14 005 A1 describe electrolysis devices which are gener¬ally suited for the before-mentioned processes. Electrolysis cells as known for industrial use in chlor-alkali electrolysis plants are described in DE 196 41 125, DE 197 40 637 or DE 19641 125. Among other components such cells are made up by a cathode and an an¬ode compartment housing the cathode and the anode, resp. The ion exchange membrane is located between tf>e electrodes, and the interior of each compartment is subdivided by the electrode into an electrode chamber and an electrode back chamber. The electrode chamber Is bounded by the membrane and the electrode and the electrode back chamber by the electrode and the respective rear cell wall. Each cell has a feed inlet and a discharge outlet.
[0008] A disadvantage involved in these theoretically known processes and the known de¬vices is that very high voltages must be applied to the known electrolysis devices in order to purify fluids the ion concentration of which is very low as compared to conventional elec¬trolysis processes, as for example the chlor-alkali electrolysis, and their conductivity there¬fore very poor,
[0009] The objective of the present invention, therefore, is to disclose a device which is suitable for fluids of low ion concentrations and characterized by low energy consumption in the specified operational mode.
[0010] The said objecJive is achieved in accordance with the invention by disclosing an electrolysis device for the purification of water comprising a cathode, an anode and an ion exchange membrane, the ion exchange membrane being arranged between the cathode and the anode, and held at least continuously in the peripheral area. The upper and the

lower section of the pehpheral areas of the electrolysis device are provided with a large nurrrber of feed inlets and discharge outlets to ensure the passage of fluid through the cath¬ode and/or the anode compartment,
[0011] It was found that an extensively laminar flow profile with a relatively narrow retention time spectrum, which may be described by a plug flow, forms in the device according to the present invention. Operation of this device yielded excellent degradation results in line with a low electric power consumption. For generating a stable laminar flow at low power con¬sumption, the maximum electrode distance from the ion exchange membrane is 5 mm and the minimum 1.5 mm.
[0012] An advantageous embodiment involves that the electrolysis device is designed as an assembly of individual cells. Such an individual cell essentially consists of two compart¬ments, the outermost rim of the compartments being provided as circumferential flange, followed by a cell rim subsequent to a circumferential edge, which borders the rear wall of the cell. The electrodes are attached on the inside to the respective cell rear wall by means of webs and opposite the webs, i.e. on the electrode side facing the membrane, spacers are arranged for fixing the membrane and conducting the power. In such a way, the electrode as well as the anode and the cathode compartment are subdivided into several parallel sub-compartments,
[0013] In the specified operational mode a large number of such individual cells are sus-
penifed one after the other in plane-parallel position in a supporting structure and braced
with leach other, power passing through one after the other in vertical direction to the mem-
brarte and electrode surfaces. I
[OOlk] In an advantageous manner, the feed inlets and discharge outlets are arranged be-
hindithe electrode when seen from the membrane and at least one feed inlet and one dis-
charge outlet is assigned to each sub-compartment. A further improvement is that the space
betvreen the rear wall of the cell and the electrode, i.e. the electrode back chamber, is filled
with inert material to more than 90 % so that, in the specified operation mode, the water -
except for slight peripheral flows - is routed into the space between the electrode and the
membrane. In an ideal version, the electrode back chamber is packed completely.
[0015] To improve the flow configuration for the feed and discharge of fluids, the inert mate¬rial in the area of the feed inlets and discharge outlets is shaped In such a way or is pro¬vided with an adequate aperture to allow that one or several channels is/are formed in par¬allel with the upper and lower cell wall. The fluid will then flow through the gap produced

between the edge of the respective electrode and the rim of the cell. In an ideal version, this gap between the upper and the lower edge of the electrode and the rim of the cell is of a minimum width of 0.5 mm and a inaxir um width of 5 mm.
[0016] Since the volumetric flow in the cathode compartment is very high, the cathode is additionally provided with apertures, bores or the like at the upper and the lower edge. The water flowing into the cathode back chamber can thus be routed in a suitable manner into the cathode compartment without any need to increase the pressure in the feed line.
[0017] In an ideal version, the anode of the device according to the present invention is constructed of expanded metal mesh and the cathode as a plane mefal sheet. The packing elements filling the electrode back chamber are advantageously bevelled along the vertical edges for dehydrating the electrode back chamber and avoiding corrosion.
[0018] The invention also relates to an electrolysis device for the purification of water, which is constructed as a filter press and consists of a large number of individual cells lined up one after the other. Each of these individual cells has an anode and a cathode compart¬ment as well as a diaphragm or ion exchange membrane arranged in between. Each indi¬vidual cell is separated from the neighbouring cell by bipolar cell walls. The anode and cathode compartments can be filled with mats which are permeable to fluids and elastic and serve to fix the ion exchange membrane.
[0019] An advantageous embodiment involves that spacers are arranged on the electrode side facing the membrane which serve to fix the membrane and conduct the power, by which the electrode and the space between the electrode and membrane are subdivided into several sub-compartments, each sub-compartment being provided with at least one feed inlet and one discharge outlet.
[0020] The device can be improved by designing the sealing material which is arranged above and below the space behween membrane and electrode in such a way that the nu¬merous feed inlets and discharge outlets run through this sealing material and, in an ideal version, can be fastened to it by means of bolts.
[0021 ] Figs. 1 to 3 illustrate advantageous embodiments of the device according to the pre¬sent invention. Fig. 1 shows the electrolysis cell 1 in plan view. The circumferential cell flange 2 is provided with regulariy spaced bolt penetrations 3, The upper cell edge 4, which is not shown in Fig. 1, is provided with a large number of feed inlets 5. The lower cell edge 6, which is also not shown, is provided with an identical number of discharge outlets 7,

[0022] The whole electrolysis cell 1 is subdivided into sub-compartments 8, each sub-compartment 8 being provided with a feed inlet 5 and a discharge outlet 7, The sectional view according to Fig. 2 shows the feed inlet area of the electrolysis cell 1 in a vertical sec¬tional view along line A. Cathode compartment 9 has a cathode chamber 12 between cath¬ode 10 and ion exchange membrane 11. Inserted into the cathode back chamber 13 is a plastic packing element 14 which is cut at an angle towards feed Inlet 5 so that a channel 15 of triangular section is produced below the cell edge 6. The closure of cathode back chaTi-ber 13 leads to a complete diversion of the fluid in the cells via edge gap 16 and aper¬tures 17 in cathode 10 in the area of channel 15 into cathode space 12. The rear wail of the cell additionally shows contact strip 20 which connects neighbouhng eiectrolysis cells 1 in a way to ensure electric conductivity,
[0023] The configuration of the anode compartment 18 and the integral components is es¬sentially the same. Not provided are additional apertures 17 in anode 19 near edge gap 16, as the volumetric flows are smaller than on the cathode side.
[0024] Fig. 3 shows a sectional view along line B of Fig. 1. Depicted are packing ele¬ments 14 which are inserted in the back chambers of the electrodes, every packing ele¬ment 14 filling in exactly one sub-compartment 8 and sub-compartments 8 being formed by webs 21 which support the electrodes and are connected to the rear wall of the respective cell compartment. In cathode chamber 12 and anode chamber 22 spacers 23 are arranged in the area of webs 21, which locally flx the ion exchange membrane 11.

[0025] Key to reference numbers
1 Electrolysis cell
2 Cell flange
3 Bolt penetrations
4 Upper cell edge
5 Feed inlet
6 Lower cell edge
7 Discharge outlet
8 Sub-compartment
9 Cathode compartment
10 Cathode
11 Ion exchange membrane
12 Cathode chamber
13 Cathode back chamber
14 Packing elements
15 Channel
16 Edge gap
17 Apertures
18 Anode compartment
19 Anode
20 Contact strip
21 Web
22 Anode chamber
23 Spacer

Patent claims
1. Electrolysis device for the purification of water, comprising a cathode, an anode and
an ion exchange membrane which is arranged between the cathode and the anode
and held at least continuously in the peripheral area,
characterised in that
the upper and lower peripheral areas of the electrolysis device are provided with a
large number of feed inlets and discharge outlets.
2. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to ciaim 1,
characterised in that
the electrolysis device is designed as an assembly of individual cells essentially consisting of two compartments, the outermost rim of tlie compartments being pro¬vided as circumferential flange, followed by a cell rim subsequent to a circumferen¬tial edge which borders the rear wall of the cell, the electrodes being attached on the inside to the respective cell rear wall by means of webs and opposite the webs, i.e-on the electrode side facing the membrane, spacers are arranged for fixing the membrane and conducting the power, the electrode as well as the anode and cath¬ode chambers obtained between the respective electrode and the membrane being subdivided into several parallel sub-compartments.
3. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claim 2,
characterised in that
the feed inlets and discharge outlets are arranged behind the electrode as seen from the membrane and at least one feed inlet and one discharge outlet is assigned to each sub-compartment.
4. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claim 2 or 3,
characterised in that
the space between the rear wall of the cell and the electrode is filled with inert mate¬rial to more than 90 % so that, in the specified operation mode, the water, except for slight peripheral flows. Is routed into the space between the electrode and the mem¬brane.
5. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claim 3 or 4,
characterised in that
the inert material in the area of the feed inlets and discharge outlets is shaped in

such a way or is provided with an adequate aperture to allow that one or several channels is/are formed in parallel with the cell wall.
6. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claims 1 to 5,
characterised in that
the distance between the upper and the lower edge of the electrode and the rim of the eel! is of a minimum width of 0.5 mm and of a maximum width of 5 mm.
7. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claims 1 to 6,
characterised in that
(he cathode is provided with openings, apertures or the fike at the upper and the lower edge opposite to the feed inlets and discharge outlets.
8. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claims 1 to 7,
characterised in that
the anode is constructed of expanded metal mesh and the cathode as a plane metal sheet.
9. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claims 4 to 7,
characterised in that
the packing elements are bevelled along the vertical edges for dehydrating the elec¬trode back chamber.
10. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claim 1,
characterised in that
the electrolysis device is constructed as a filter press and consists of a large number of individual cells line up one after the other, each of these individual cells having an anode and a cathode compartment as well as a diaphragm or ion exchange mem¬brane arranged in between and being separated from the neighbouring cell by bipo¬lar cell walls.
11. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to claim 10,
characterised in that
spacers are arranged on the electrode side facing the membrane which serve to fix the membrane and conduct the power by which the electrode and the space be¬tween the electrode and membrane are subdivided into several sub-compartments, each sub-compartment being provided with at least one feed inlet and one discharge outlet.

12, Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to any of the claims 10
to 11, characterised in that
the sealing material which is arranged above end below the space between mem¬brane and electrode is designed in such a way that the feed inlets and discharge outlets run through this sealing material and, in an ideal version, can be fastened to it by means of bolts.
13. Electrolysis device for the purification of water according to any of the claims 10 to
11, characterised in that
the perpendicular electrode distance to the ion exchange membrane ranges be¬tween 5 mm and 1.5 mm.



Patent Number 269781
Indian Patent Application Number 6905/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 45/2015
Publication Date 06-Nov-2015
Grant Date 05-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 16-Dec-2008
Name of Patentee UHDE GmbH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C02F1/461
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP07/04345
PCT International Filing date 2007-05-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102006028168.3 2006-06-16 Germany