Title of Invention


Abstract A drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, is apt to perform all the wet and dry treating phases required in the various manufacturing processes, and, particularly, the phases in which high aggressive chemicals, such as peroxides or similar, are used; the above is obtiained thanks to the structure in polymeric material of the drum whose internal cylindrical surface provides area where the means of connection with the external structure in metallic material, the doors, and any other element subject to corrosion, are covered through polymeric material, and also thanks to the use of innovative heat exhangers. Constructive improvements also concern the actuators of the doors and of the drive transmission system of the drum.
Full Text FORM 2
THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 (39 of 1970)
[See section 10, Rule 13]

The present invention concerns a drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar.
In particular, but not exclusively, the invention concerns a drum with
constructive improvements apt to allow treatments using high aggressive
In the processes for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, take place, as known,
phases in which high aggressive chemicals are used. In the case of leathers, for
instance, the liming and tanning phases require a more and more intensive use
of said chemicals, such as peroxides and heavy acids; these chemicals, in
particular, are made available by the chemical industry in ways and with
features more and more effective and suitable to the specific purpose, but, at
the same time, more and more "destructive" and hard to handle.
The drums in which the aforesaid processes take place are subjected to rapid
deterioration in the zones where they are unsheltered against the attacks of the
acids, both if they are wood drum and if they are the more present-day drums
in polymeric material, or even, and more rightly, if they are steel drums.
As regards the wood drums or the drums in polymeric material, we have in fact
to consider that there are, inside the area in which the chemical reactions take

place, components which are easily vulnerable to the attack of the acid substances as they are made of metallic material such as, for instance, the inner part of the rotation hollow shafts intended to let go through the recirculation liquids, the heat exchangers, the frame of the access and inspection doors, the wind valves, the end parts of the bolts connecting the external metallic chassis to the body of the drum, said chassis being needed to grant the adequate mechanical hardiness to the structure of the drum.
Further problems concern the aforesaid heat exchangers. These ones, in fact, generally are metallic exchangers placed close to the internal surface of the drum, so causing a reduction of the useful volume and increased discomfort in the maintenance and cleaning operations of the same.
Finally, further problems concern the actuators used to drive the load doors and to transmit the motion to the drum. As regards the first ones, we have to notice that their present arrangement, near the door or directly on it, and their size cause obstacle and possible damages of the same actuators, during the loading and unloading phases to and from the drum. Furthermore, they can get in contact with chemicals when these ones are ejected through the door of the drum. Finally, it is appropriate to optimize the drive transmission system of the drum in the cases in which, as happens in the dry milling drums, it is composed, in an exceedingly simple and unpretentious way, by a belt directly clinging on a portion of the cylindrical surface of the drum.
Main aim of the present invention is to propose a drum including constructive improvements apt to allow both wet and dry treating processes and, in particular, treating processes using high aggressive chemicals.

Further aim of the invention is to propose a drum with constructive improvements apt, in particular, to solve maintenance problems relating to the heat exchangers of the drum of present conception.
Another aim of the invention is to propose a drum including constructive improvements apt to optimize the actuator drive systems relating to the rotation of the drum and to the movement of the door for loading leathers, fabrics or similar.
The above aims are achieved with a drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, whose structure is made in polymeric material and whose internal surface provides coverings, in polymeric material, of the means connecting said structure with its external supporting chassis, of the internal surfaces of the rotation hollow shafts of the drum, of the frame of the load and inspection door, of the wind valves, and of any further metallic component. A heat exchanger placed on a portion of the lateral surface of the drum, comprises an interstice obtained between said surface and a sheet in polymeric material stuck on the surface itself.
Said drum comprises driving means of the rotation motion transmission belts of the drum, said driving means wrapping a perimetric portion of the cylindrical surface of the drum..
The drum of the invention also comprises the actuators driving the door for loading and unloading the leathers, or similar products, said actuators being arranged in specific housings made inside the blades internally displaced on the cylindrical surface of the drum. The output shafts of said actuators are provided with pinions and they pass through the surface of the drum coming out close to

two opposite sides of the door whose gear ways gear with said pinions and
slide along guides joined to the surface of the drum.
The advantages deriving from the drum including constructive improvements
as above outlined are clear most of all according to the opportunity to perform,
in a completely safe way. manufacturing processes using high aggressive
It is also possible to perform, with the drum of the invention, both wet and dry
treating processes, thanks to the waterproof and thermal insulation brought by
the body in polymeric material of the drum.
Even the arrangement of the door's actuators inside specific protection cavities
contributes to perform in a safe way treating phases with aggressive chemicals
and, moreover, it make easier the loading and unloading of the various products
into and from the drum.
It looks also evident, in the proposed settlement, the optimization of the
rotation motion transmission system of the drum.
However, for a better understanding of the above-mentioned advantages and
the characteristics of the present invention, this will be now described, by way
of embodiment examples, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in
- figure 1 shows a schematic longitudinal section view of a drum according to the present invention;
- figures 2 and 3 show schematic view, in detail, of two specific components of the drum of fig. 1;

- figures from 4 to 7 show further view in detail referring to constructive details of the drum of the invention;
- figures from 8 to 11 show partial section views referring, in particular, to the door and its actuators of the drum of the invention.
Referring to fig.l, it is indicated as a whole with 10 a drum for treatments of leathers, fabrics or similar. It is put in rotation around two hollow shafts, 11, 12. through which the recirculation of air and liquid substances take place during the various treating phases. The shafts 11, 12, are pivoting supported, according to a known art. by a specific structure not shown in figure for simplicity of representation.
The rotation motion is transmitted to the drum 10 by transmission belts, 13, driven by an electric motor, 14, advantageously joined to the same structure supporting the drum. Said belts 13 operate between a pulley, 15, integral to the output shaft of the motor 14, and a profiled wrapper, 16, in polymeric material, joined by welding to a perimetric portion of the cylindrical surface, 18, of the drum, 10, said cylindrical surface being also made, as the bottom surfaces, 19, 20, in polymeric material. The pegs, 21, and the blades, 22, too, which can be found in the following figures, are made in polymeric material, and in particular, said material is antistatic polypropylene apt to avoid the raising of electrostatic charge during dry-treating phases, such as dry milling. On the side of the drum opposite with respect to the one where the profiled wrapper, 16, works as a guide for the transmission belt, 13, we find, in this embodiment of the invention, a heat exchanger. 23. Exactly, this one is composed of a sheet, 24, in polymeric material, having a defined width and,

preferably, surrounding the whole drum's circumference. It is joined by welding to the body of the drum and it is internally shaped, as we can see in fig. 2, in order to produce a winding interstice, between the cylindrical surface 18 and the same sheet 24. The interstice is such that a heating or cooling liquid can flow in it, liquid which is inserted through a entry fitting 25 and ejected through an exit fitting, 26, said fittings being placed, in this embodiment, at diametrically opposite positions of the drum and being also connected to a hydraulic header placed on the rotation axis of the drum, according to a known art.
Obviously, as a function of the products to treat and of other work parameters, both the length and the width of the profiled sheet 24 may vary, and the number of said sheet as well, so that may vary, as a consequence, the area of the lateral surface of the drum which the sheet surrounds and which then become the useful surface for the heat exchange..
Referring again to fig.l, are indicated with 29 and 30 two sunburst-shaped metallic frames integral, according to a known art, to the bottom surfaces 19, 20, through bolts, 31, suitably arranged. The heads of the bolts, 31, appear in the internal volume of the drum, so they are, according to the invention, opportunely covered and protected by coverings, 32, in polymeric material, as shown in detail in fig.4.
Even the internal surfaces of the hollow shafts 11, 12 are covered by cylindrical bushings, 33, in polymeric material, as shown in the view in detail of fig.5; proper rings, 34, 35, in polymeric material as well, complete the covering in correspondence to the end holes, in and out the drum , of said hollow shafts.

As regards the pegs, 21, we can notice in fig.6 that apposite sealing rings, 36, of the o-ring type, are inserted between the body of the peg and the surface of the structure strengthening element, 27, internally joined on the cylindrical surface 18, so that the metallic stick. 37 of said peg and the nut 38 are protected.
Finally, in fig.7 is shown in detail a further kind of covering relating, in particular, to the connection means, 39, joining the body in polymeric material of the door, 40, to its metallic frame, 47. This frame comprises gear ways, 41, 41', laterally fastened in order to gear with the actuators apt to assure the opening and closing translation movements of the door 40.
As we can see in figs. 8 and 9, the door is driven by two actuators, 42, 42', placed at two opposite sides of the door itself. Said actuators are internally arranged in the drum, near the cylindrical surface, 18, in specific housings, 43, 43', made inside a blade, 44, conveniently profiled.
At the output shafts of said actuators are spliced pinions 45, 45', which pass through the cylindrical surface 18 and gear with the gear ways 41, 41', of the door 40. Said gear ways slide along their guides 46, 46', made integral with the cylindrical surface, 18, of the drum through proper bolts, 50. The heads of said bolt 50 are covered with polymeric material too. A pneumatic seal, 48, is joined to the hatchway, 49, of the door 40, to grant the restraining of the substances which are in the drum. A covering in polymeric material, 51, is provided to protect the surface of the hatchway looking towards the inner volume of the drum.

The way of working of the drum do not need specific description, in fact, it
takes place according to the techniques of the sector carried out to perform the
various treating processes.
Anyway, it is appropriate to point out that is considerably increased the operating adaptableness with respect to the traditional drums; it is therefore possible to perform, without using special arrangements, processes which are normally very detrimental for the materials, and it is also possible to change the kind of process more rapidly and in an easier way, both if they are wet and dry
treating phases, at low and at high temperature.
In fact, the use of the innovative heat exchanger, above described, allow to
easily size its power and effectiveness, as a function of the application which
the drum is intended to.
Obviously, it could be placed in different positions with respect with the one
shown in the above described embodiment.
Other changes and modifications could certainly be made to the drum of the
The heat exchanger itself, for instance, in addiction to affect more or less extended portions of the lateral surface, could be internally placed in the surface itself; in fact, in that case, it would keep safe, with respect to the present solutions, advantages concerning the greater adaptableness and ease of maintenance and cleaning.
Other changes could obviously interest the connection means used to bind
the body of the drum to its external chassis, or even to bind, in the door 40, the
various components to the relating structure.

The drum could of course be internally provided with air diffusers as normally
used in the dry-treating phases.
The polymeric material which the drum is made of could obviously differ from
the specific antistatic polypropylene advantageously used in dry milling
These and other modifications may be carried out to the drum as above
described, always within the limits of protection defined by the appended

1- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, including constructive improvements apt, in particular, to perform processes using high aggressive chemicals, characterized by the fact that the structure (18, 19, 20) of said drum is made in polymeric material and it comprises, in its internal surface, coverings in polymeric materials of the connection means (31) of said structure to its external supporting chassis (29, 30), coverings of the hatchway (49) of the load and inspection door (40), coverings of the internal surfaces of the rotation hollow shafts (11, 12) of the drum, and coverings of any further metallic components inside the drum.
2- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar according to the previous claim characterized by the fact of comprising at least one heat exchanger (23) placed in correspondence to at least one portion of the lateral surface of the drum, said exchangers including interstices, for the circulation of the thermal conditioning fluid, obtained between said surface and one or more sheets in polymeric material (24) stuck on the surface itself.
3- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar according to claim 2 characterized in that said exchanger (23) comprises at least one sheet in polymeric material (24) externally wrapping a perimetric portion of the cylindrical surface (18) of said drum.
4- Drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, according to claim 2 characterized in that said exchanger (23) comprises at least one sheet in

polymeric material (24) internally clung to the lateral surface (18, 19. 20) of said drum.
5- Drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, according to one of the previous claims characterized in that it comprises driving means (16) in polymeric material of at least one transmission belt (13) for transmitting the rotation motion to the drum, said driving means being externally joined by welding to the cylindrical surface (18) of the drum, in correspondence to a perimetric portion of said surface..
6- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, including constructive improvements apt, in particular, to perform processes using high aggressive chemicals, characterized by the fact of comprising actuators (42, 42;) driving the door (40) for loading and unloading the leathers, or similar products, said actuators being arranged in specific housings (43, 43') made inside the blade (44) internally displaced in the cylindrical surface (18) of the drum.
7- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, according to claim 6 characterized in that the output shafts of said actuators provide pinions (45, 45') and that said shafts pass through the cylindrical surface (18) of the drum coming out close to two opposite sides of the door (40) whose gear ways (41, 41') gear with said pinions and slide along guides (46, 46') joined to said surface (18) of the drum.
8- Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, according to claim 6
or 7 characterized in that the structure (18, 19, 20) of said drum is made
of polymeric material.

9- Drum according to one of the previous claims characterized in that the structure (18, 19, 20) of said drum is made of antistatic polymeric material, and in particular antistatic polypropylene.
10-Drum (10) for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, including constructive improvements apt, in particular, to perform processes using high aggressive chemicals, substantially as described and illustrated in the herewith enclosed drawings, and for the specified purposes.
Dated this 1st day of April, 2005.

A drum for treating leathers, fabrics or similar, is apt to perform all the wet and dry treating phases required in the various manufacturing processes, and, particularly, the phases in which high aggressive chemicals, such as peroxides or similar, are used; the above is obtained thanks to the structure in polymeric material of the drum whose internal cylindrical surface provides areas where the means of connection with the external structure in metallic material, the doors, and any other element subject to corrosion, are covered through polymeric material, and also thanks to the use of innovative heat exchangers. Constructive improvements also concern the actuators of the doors and of the drive transmission system of the drum.



Patent Number 269827
Indian Patent Application Number 408/MUM/2005
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 09-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 01-Apr-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C14C15/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
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