Title of Invention


Abstract This invention is for a catalyst for conversion of hydrocarbons. The catalyst is a medium pore germanium zeolite, a germanium aluminophosphate (AIPO) or a germanium silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). At least one metal selected from Group 10 is deposited on the medium pore zeolite and, optionally on the germanium aluminophosphate (AIPO) or a germanium silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). The catalyst is prepared by synthesizing a medium pore zeolite, an aluminophosphate (AIPO) or a silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) with germanium incorporated into the framework and calcining the medium pore germanium zeolite, germanium aluminophosphate (AIPO) or germanium silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). At least one metal may be deposited on the germanium zeolite, germanium aluminophosphate (AIPO) or germanium silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO)...........
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970)
COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (See section 10, rule 13)
SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION, of P.O. Box 5101, 11422 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.

FIELD OF THE INVENTION: This invention relates to a catalyst
for hydrocarbon conversion, e.g., a catalyst for the
aromatization of alkanes, olefins and mixture thereof having
two to twelve carbon atoms per molecule. The catalyst is a
10 microporous silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or
silicoaluminophosphate on which a metal has been deposited.
Crystalline silicates, aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates
and silicoaluminophosphates are known catalysts for hydrocarbon
15 conversion and may contain other metals. An aluminosilicate
such as a zeolite may include not only aluminum and silicon
but other trivalent elements which replace aluminum and other
tetravalent elements which replace silicon. Also, other
elements may be deposited on the silicate, aluminosilicate,
20 aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate.
U.S. Patent no. 4,310,440 discloses crystalline
aluminophosphates having a framework structure with chemical
composition in mole ratios of 1 Al2O3:1. 0±0.2 P205 and being
microporous with uniform pores of nominal diameters from about
25 3 to about 10 angstroms.
U.S. Patent no. 4,440,871 discloses crystalline
microporous silicoaluminophosphates having pores which are

uniform and have nominal diameters of greater than about 3
angstroms with a chemical composition of mole fractions of
silicon, aluminum and phosphorus within the pentagonal
composition area defined by
5 Mole Fraction
x y z
A 0.0l 0.47 0.52
B 0.94 0.01 0.05
10 C 0.98 0.01 0.01
D 0.39 0.60 0.01
E 0.01 0.60 0.39
where x, y and z are the mole fractions of silicon, aluminum
15 and phosphorus and ACBDE are points defining a pentagonal area
of a ternary diagram as shown in Fig. 1 of U.S. Patent no.
20 This invention provides a catalyst containing silicon, aluminum, phosphorus, as needed to form a silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) with at least one other element selected from Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15
25 and the first series transition metals in a three dimensional interconnecting crystalline tetrahedral framework. The crystalline tetrahedral framework is synthesized from an aqueous gel containing, as needed, a silica source, an aluminum source, a phosphorus source, a source for the Group 4, Group 5,
30 Group 13, Group 14, Group 15 and the first series transition

metal element(s) and, optionally, an organic structure-directing agent. The reaction mixture is heated to form crystals and then cooled. The crystals are separated from the synthesis liquor and are washed, dried and calcined. At least 5 one metal selected from Group 6, Group 7, Group 8, Group 9 or Group 10 is deposited on the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate (hereinafter referred to as "deposited metal"). The catalyst may be used in a process for converting C2-C12 hydrocarbons into aromatics.
10 One example of the invention is a catalyst on which at least one Group 10 metal, such as platinum, is deposited on a medium pore zeolite having at least one element selected from Group 14 other than silicon, such as germanium, in the zeolite framework. This example includes a process for synthesizing a
15 medium pore zeolite catalyst by: a) preparing a medium pore zeolite containing at least one element selected from Group 14 other than silicon, such as germanium; b) depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10, such as platinum, on the medium pore zeolite; and c) calcining the medium pore zeolite
20 on which the Group 10 metal is deposited. This example of the invention also includes a process for the conversion of hydrocarbons of: a) contacting a hydrocarbon stream containing alkanes, olefins and mixtures thereof having 2 to 12 carbon atoms per molecule with at least one medium pore zeolite-based
25 catalyst wherein the zeolite contains germanium incorporated into the zeolite framework and wherein at least one metal

selected from Group 10, such as platinum, has been deposited on the medium pore zeolite; and b) recovering the product. Examples of medium pore zeolites are ZSM-11, ZSM-12 and ZSM-48. Another example of the invention is a catalyst of an 5 aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) with germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework and, optionally, with at least one metal selected from Group 10 deposited on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). This
10 example includes a process for synthesizing a zeolite by
preparing an aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate
(SAPO) with germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate
(A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework and calcining
the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO)
15 aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). Optionally, at least one metal selected from Group 10 is deposited on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO), and said calcining occurs after preparation of the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or
20 silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO), before depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) or after depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO). This example of the invention
25 also includes a process for the conversion of hydrocarbons of contacting a hydrocarbon stream containing alkanes, olefins and

mixtures thereof having 2 to 12 carbon atoms per molecule with at least one aluminophosphate (A1P0) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO)-based catalyst wherein the catalyst contains germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate (A1P0) or 5 silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework and, optionally, wherein at least one metal selected from Group 10 has been deposited on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (A1PO) or
10 silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO and recovering the product.
Another example of the invention is a medium pore zeolite having germanium incorporated into the zeolite framework. The zeolite may have a pore structure that is one dimensional, two dimensional or three dimensional. Examples of the medium pore
15 zeolite are ZSM-11, ZSM-12 or ZSM-48. This example includes a process for synthesizing a zeolite by preparing a medium pore zeolite containing germanium in the framework of the zeolite and calcining the zeolite.
A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings: 25 Figure 1 (A and B) is an XRD of Pt/Ge-ZSM-5
Figure 2 is a SEM of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 1)

Figure 3 is an XRD of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 1) Figure 4 is a SEM of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 2) Figure 5 is an XRD of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 2) Figure 6 is a SEM of Ge-ZSM-12 5 Figure 7 is an XRD of Ge-ZSM-12
Figure 8 is a graph of propane conversion, BTX selectivity and fuel gas selectivity for Pt/[Ge;Al]ZSM-11
Figure 9 is a graph of propane conversion, BTX selectivity and fuel gas selectivity for Pt/[Ge;Al]ZSM-48 10
Crystalline silicates, aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates
and silicoaluminophosphates have uniform pores through which
molecules can diffuse. Aluminosilicates include zeolites.
15 Examples of zeolites are MFI (ZSM-5) , BEA (Beta), MWW (MCM-22),
MOR (Mordenite), LTL (Zeolite L), MTT (ZSM-23), MTW (ZSM-12),
TON (ZSM-22), MEL (ZSM-11), LTA (Linde Type A), CHA
(chabazite), VFI (VPI-5), MSE (MCS-68), MOZ (ZSM-10), ZSM-48,
MAZ (Mazzite), MEI (ZSM-18), MFS (ZSM-57), NES (NU-87), OFF
20 (Offretite), STI (Stilbite), BOG (Boggsite), ERI (Erionite) ,
FAU (Faujasite), EUO (EU-1), FER (Ferrierite) and GME
(Gemelinite). Examples of medium pore zeolites are MFI, MEL,
MFS, NES, OFF, STI, BOG, ERI, FAU, EUO, FER and GME with pore
25 diameters in the range from 5 angstroms to 8 angstroms.
Zeolites, including medium pore zeolites, have pore structures

that are one dimensional (1D) , two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D). MTW and ZSM-48 are examples of zeolites with a 1D pore structure. MEL is an example of a zeolite with a 2D pore structure. MFI and BEA are examples of zeolites with a 3D 5 pore structure.
Crystalline silicates, aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates and silicoaluminophosphates have structures of TO4 tetrahedra, which form a three dimensional network by sharing oxygen atoms where T represents tetravalent elements, such as silicon,
10 trivalent elements, such as aluminum, and pentavalent elements, such as phosphorus. "Zeolite" in the present application includes aluminosilicates with open three-dimensional framework structures (without regard to the dimensional pore structure discussed above) composed of corner-sharing TO4 tetrahedra,
15 where T is Al or Si, but also includes tetravalent, trivalent and divalent T atoms which are able to isoelectronically replace Si and Al in the framework, e.g., germanium(4+), titanium (4+), boron (3+), gallium (3+), iron (3+), zinc (2+) and beryllium (2 + ) . "Zeolite" is primarily a description of
20 structure, not composition.
Silicates, aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates and silicoaluminophosphates generally crystallize from an aqueous solution. The typical technique for synthesizing silicates, aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates or silicoaluminophosphates
25 comprises converting an aqueous gel of a silica source, an aluminum source and a phosphorus source, as needed, to crystals

by a hydrothermal process, employing a dissolution/recrystallization mechanism. The reaction medium may also contain an organic structure-directing agent which is incorporated in the microporous space of the crystalline 5 network during crystallization, thus controlling the construction of the network and assisting to stabilize the structure through the interactions with the silicon, aluminum or phosphorus components. The solids content of the gel ranges from about 5% to about 25%. In one embodiment of the invention
10 the solids content ranges from about 10% to about 20%.
The aqueous gel contains, in addition to the silica source, the aluminum source, the phosphorus source, as needed, and the optional organic structure-directing agent, a source of at least one other element from Group 4, Group 5, Group 13,
15 Group 14, Group 15 or the first series transition metals to be incorporated into the framework of the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate.
Examples of the silica source are silicon oxide or silica (SiO2) which is available in various forms, such as silica sol,
20 commercially available as Ludox AS-40™, precipitated silica, commercially available as Ultrasil VN3SP ™ and fumed silica, commercially available as Aerosil 200™.
Examples of the aluminum source are sodium aluminate, aluminum nitrate, aluminum sulfate, aluminum hydroxide and
25 pseudobohemite.

Examples of the phosphorus source are orthophosphoric acid, triethylphosphate and sodium metaphosphate.
Examples of the source of Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15 and the first series transition metals are 5 oxides, chlorides, sulfates, alkoxides, fluorides, nitrates and oxalates.
Examples of the structure-directing agent are organic amine and quaternary ammonium compounds and salts and cations .thereof, such as tetra n-propyl ammonium hydroxide, tetra n-
10 propyl ammonium bromide and tetra n-propyl ammonium chloride,
tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide, hexamethyleneimine, 1,4-
di(1'4'-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane)butane hydroxide,
morpholine, cyclohexylamine and diethylethanolamine, N,N'-diisopropyl imidazolium cation, tetrabutylammonium compounds,
15 di-n-propylamine (DPA), tripropylamine, triethylamine (TEA),
triethanolamine, piperidine, 2-methylpyridine, N,N-
dimethylbenzylamine, N, N-diethylethanolamine,
dicyclohexylamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine, choline cation,
N,N'-dimethylpiperazine, 1, 4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2)octane,
20 N',N',N,N-tetramethyl-(1,6)hexanediamine, N-
methyldiethanolamine, N-methyl-ethanolamine, N-methyl piperidine, 3-methyl-piperidine, N-methylcyclohexylamine, 3-methylpyridine, 4-methyl-pyridine, quinuclidine, N,N'-dimethyl-1,4-diazabicyclo(2,2,2) octane ion; di-n-butylamine,
25 neopentylamine, di-n-pentylamine, isopropylamine, t-butyl-amine, ethylenediamine, pyrrolidine, 2-imidazolidone, a N-

benzyl-1, 4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane cation, a l-[l-(4-chlorophenyl)-cyclopropylmethyl]-1-ethyl-pyrrolidinium or 1-ethyl-1-(1-phenyl-cyclopropylmethyl)-pyrrolidium cation and mixture thereof. Specific examples of structure directing 5 agents are tetraethyl ammonium bromide; 1, 8-diaminooctane; 1, 6- hexanediamine; tetramethylammonium chloride; tetraethylammonium bromide; tetrabutylammonium bromide. Other specific examples of structure directing agents are tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (or bromide) for . Ge-ZSM-5;
10 tetrabutyloammonium bromide for ZSM-11 and Ge-ZSM-11; tetraethylammonium hydroxide for ZSM-12, Ge-ZSM-12, Al-Beta and Ge-Al-Beta and 1, 6 - Hexanediamine for ZSM-48 and Ge-ZSM-48.
The reaction may also utilize an acid as a reagent. The
15 acid may be a Bronsted acid or a Lewis acid. Examples without limitation of an acid useful in the present invention are sulfuric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, oxalic acid or formic acid. One example of the pH of the reaction mixture for
20 zeolites is from about 9 to about 13. Another example of the pH of the reaction mixture for zeolites is from about 9.5 to about 12.5. Other examples of the pH of the reaction mixture are about 9.2 for Ge-ZSM-5; 11.2 to 12.6 for Ge-ZSM-11; 12.4 for Ge-ZSM-12 and 13.8 for Ge-Al-Beta. One example of the pH
25 of the reaction mixture for aluminophosphate (A1P0) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) is about 3 to about 9. Another

example of the pH of the reaction mixture for aluminophosphate (A1PO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) is about 4 to about 8.
The reaction mixture may sit statically or may be stirred about 600 rpm for one to seven days and heated to a temperature 5 of about 100°C to about 200°C to form crystals. In one embodiment of the invention the temperature range was from about 135°C to about 180°C. The reaction mixture is cooled to room temperature in a range form 15 to 60 minutes at a rate of from about 3°C to 10 °C per minute. The crystals are separated
10 from the synthesis liquor. The liquid portion of the synthesis liquor may be removed by filtration, evaporation, spray drying or any other means for removing water from the crystals. The crystals are washed with water and then dried and calcined.
The silicates are essentially aluminum-free but may
15 contain aluminum and other impurities up to 500 ppm.
The aluminosilicates may have a silicon to aluminum atomic ratio (Si:Al) greater than 2:1. In one embodiment of the present invention, the silicon to aluminum atomic ratio is in the range from 15:1 to 200:1. In another embodiment of the
20 present invention, the silicon to aluminum atomic ratio is in the range from 18:1 to 100:1.
The aluminophosphates may have an aluminum to phosphorus atomic ratio (A1:P) in the range from about 0.8:1 to about 1.2:1 as disclosed in U.S. Patent no. 4,310,440, hereby
25 incorporated by reference.

The silicoaluminophosphates may have a silicon to aluminum to phosphorus atomic ratio represented by (SxAlyPz)O2 where "x", "y" and "z" represent the mole fractions of silicon, aluminum and phosphorus respectively, present as tetrahedral oxides, 5 said mole fractions being such that they are within the pentagonal compositional area defined by points ABCD and E of a ternary diagram with values represented in the table below:
Mole Fraction

X y z
A 0.01 0.47 0.52
B 0.94 0.01 0.05
C 0.98 0.01 0.01
D 0.39 0.60 0.01
E 0.01 0.60 0.39
as disclosed in U.S. Patent no. 4,440,871, hereby incorporated
by reference.
20 The amount of Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group
15 and the first series transition metals present in the
crystalline framework is in the range from 0.1 wt.% to 25 wt.%.
In one embodiment of the present invention, this range is from
0.1 wt. % to 10 wt. %. In another embodiment of the present
25 invention, this range is from 0.1 wt.% to 5 wt.%.
The silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate has average pore size in the range from 2 angstroms to 20 angstroms, i.e., microporous.
At least one metal selected from Group 6, Group 7, Group 30 8, Group 9 or Group 10 is deposited on the silicate,

aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate ("deposited metal") . The metal is deposited not only on the surface of the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate but also in the pores and channels which 5 occur in the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate. The metal is deposited on the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate by any known method of depositing a metal on a silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or
10 silicoaluminophosphate. Typical methods of depositing a metal on a silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate are ion exchange and impregnation. In one embodiment of the present invention, the metal is present in the range from 0.05% to 3% by weight. In another embodiment
15 of the present invention, the metal is present in the range from 0.1% to 2% by weight. In another embodiment of the present invention, the metal is present in the range from 0.2 to 1.5% by weight.
However, for silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate
20 or silicoaluminophosphate-based catalysts on which metals have been deposited, the process temperatures and catalyst regeneration temperatures cause the metal to "sinter", i.e., agglomeration of the metal particles resulting in an increase of metal particle size on the surface of the zeolite and a
25 decrease of metal surface area, causing a loss of catalyst performance, specifically catalyst performance, e.g., activity

and/or selectivity.
Without the present invention and its claims being limited by theory, it is believed that certain elements in the framework and certain metals deposited on the silicate, 5 aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate associate to resist sintering of the deposited metal. U.S. Patent no. 6,784,333 discloses and claims an aluminum-silicon-germanium zeolite on which platinum has been deposited for use in a process for the aromatization of hydrocarbons. The-
10 presence of germanium in the framework of the zeolite and the
presence of platinum deposited on the zeolite apparently
results in higher selectivity for benzene, toluene and xylenes
(BTX) which remains essentially constant over a significant
time on stream. Without the invention of U. S. Patent no.
15 6,784,333 and its claims being limited by theory, it may be that the germanium in the framework and the platinum deposited on the zeolite associate such that the platinum remains dispersed and sintering is reduced. The association of certain elements in the framework and certain deposited metals may be
20 present for zeolites other than ZSM-5 as disclosed in U. S. Patent no. 6,784,333. Other zeolites may be synthesized with germanium in the framework and platinum deposited on the zeolite to form Pt/Ge-zeolite catalysts.
Besides germanium, there may be other elements in the
25 crystalline framework which associate with platinum or other deposited metals. Elements in the crystalline framework may be

selected from Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15 and the first series transition metals of the Periodic Table of Elements. Specific examples of these elements are germanium, boron, gallium, indium, tin, titanium, zirconium, vanadium, 5 chromium, iron, niobium and phosphorus. One or more elements may be in the crystalline framework.
Besides platinum, there may be other deposited metals which associate with germanium or other elements in the crystalline framework. Deposited metals may be selected from
10 Group 6, Group 7, Group 8, Group 9 and Group 10 of the Periodic Table of Elements. Specific examples of the deposited metal are platinum, molybdenum, rhenium, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium and iridium. One or more metals, such as bimetallics, e.g., Pt/Sn, Pt/Ge, Pt/Pb or metal/ metal oxide
15 combinations, e.g. Pt/Ge02, may be deposited.
The crystalline framework of which these elements from Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15 and the first series transition metals are part and on which metals selected from Group 6, Group 7, Group 8, Group 9 and Group 10 are
20 deposited need not be limited to a zeolite but may be any microporous silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate.
Before or after deposition of the metal, the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate may
25 be bound by oxides or phosphates of magnesium, aluminum, titanium, zirconium, thorium, silicon, boron or mixtures

thereof. The process steps of binding and depositing metal can occur in any order. Binding may occur before or after metal deposition.
The catalyst may be calcined at different stages in the 5 synthesis. The silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate may be calcined to remove the organic structure-directing agent. This calcination is at a temperature of about 300°C to about 1000°C or about 300°C to about 750°C for a time sufficient to remove essentially all of any
10 structure-directing agent, e.g., one to six hours or about four hours. One example of calcination is at 550°C for ten hours. Calcination may occur after binding. This calcination is at a temperature in the range of from about 300°C to about 1000°C for a time in the range of from about one hour to about 24
15 hours. Calcination may also occur after metal deposition to fix the metal. This calcination should not exceed a temperature of 500°C and may be at a temperature of about 200°C to about 500°C for a time in the range of from about 0.5 hour to about 24 hours. These calcinations need not be separate but
20 may be combined to accomplish more than one purpose. When the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate is calcined, it may be bound or unbound and it may have metal deposited on it or not.
The catalyst, bound or unbound, will have porosity in
25 addition to the uniform porosity of the silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate.

For an unbound catalyst, the average pore size of the catalyst can vary for bound and unbound catalyst and is in the range from 2 angstroms to 100 angstroms. In one embodiment of the present invention, the average pore size is in the range from 5 5 angstroms to 50 angstroms. In another embodiment of the present invention, the average pore size is in the microporous range from 5 angstroms to 20 angstroms. For a bound catalyst, the average pore size of the catalyst may vary from 5 angstroms up to 100 microns.
10 Some catalysts used for hydrocarbon conversion are susceptible to sulfur poisoning. However, for some catalysts used for hydrocarbon conversion, modest amounts of sulfur, such as about 0 to 200 ppm in the feed, are acceptable and sometimes preferred. The catalyst may also be pretreated with sulfur. A
15 standard sulfurization method that is well known in the art consists in heating in the presence of a sulfur compound, such as hydrogen sulfide, or a mixture of a sulfur compound and an inert gas, such as hydrogen or nitrogen, to a temperature of
between 150 and 800°C. Non-limiting examples of sulfur compounds
20 are H2S, an organosulfide compound, such as dimethyl disulfide
or DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) , or CnH2n+2S or CnH2n+2S2, where n =
1-20. In one embodiment of the present invention, the
temperature is between 250 and 600°C.
The catalyst may contain a reaction product, such as a 25 sulfide of the deposited metal, that is formed by contacting

the catalyst with sulfur or a sulfur compound. In one embodiment of the present invention, the amount of sulfur on the catalyst is in the range of from 10 ppm to 0.1 wt.%.
The catalyst may also contain elements other than sulfur,
5 such as tin, germanium or lead. These elements would be present in the range of from 1:1 to 1:100 as a ratio of the deposited metal to tin, germanium or lead. These elements may be added to the catalyst by wet impregnation, chemical vapor deposition or other methods known in the art.
0 The silicate, aluminosilicate, aluminophosphate or silicoaluminophosphate-based catalyst which contains at least one element selected from Group 4, Group 5, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15 and the first series transition metals isomorphously incorporated into the zeolite framework and at least one metal
5 selected from Group 6, Group 7, Group 8, Group 9 and Group 10 deposited on the zeolite can be used in a process for conversion of hydrocarbon streams containing C2-C12 alkanes, olefins or mixtures thereof, which may be straight, branched, cyclic or mixtures thereof, into aromatics.
0 The zeolite may be base-exchanged with an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal, such as cesium, potassium, sodium, rubidium, barium, calcium, magnesium and mixtures thereof, to reduce acidity and form a non-acidic zeolite. A non-acidic zeolite has substantially all of its cationic sites of
5 exchange, e.g., those typically associated with aluminum, occupied by nonhydrogen cationic species, e.g., alkali or

alkaline earth metals. These cationic sites are often responsible for cracking of hydrocarbons into undesired products. A zeolite may be non-acidic by exchange with a base or, for meaning and purposes of the present invention, by 5 having a low aluminum content, i.e., having aluminum content of no more than 0.4wt%. The base-exchange may occur before or after the noble metal is deposited. Such a base-exchanged catalyst may be used to convert C6-C12 alkanes, such as might be obtained from natural gas condensate, light naphtha, raffinate
10 from aromatics extraction and other refinery or chemical processes, to aromatics, such as benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene and xylenes. Base-exchange may take place during synthesis of the zeolite with an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal being added as a component of the reaction mixture or may
15 take place with a crystalline zeolite before or after deposition of the noble metal. The zeolite is base-exchanged to the extent that most or all of the cations associated with aluminum are alkali metal or alkaline earth metal. An example of a monovalent base:aluminum molar ratio in the zeolite after
20 base exchange is at least about 0.9. For a divalent or
trivalent base, the molar ratio would be half (0.45) or a third
(0.3) as that for a monovalent base, respectively, and for
mixtures of monovalent, divalent and trivalent bases, the above
molar ratios would be apportioned by their respective content
25 in the mixture.

Examples of hydrocarbon conversion processes for which this catalyst can be used are:
(A) The catalytic cracking of a naphtha feed to produce light olefins. Typical reaction conditions include from about 500°C 5 to about 750°C, pressures of subatmospheric or atmospheric, generally ranging up to about 10 atmospheres (gauge) and catalyst residence time (volume of the catalyst/feed rate) from about 10 milliseconds to about 10 seconds. (B) The catalytic cracking of high molecular weight
10 hydrocarbons to lower weight hydrocarbons. Typical reaction conditions for catalytic cracking include temperatures of from about 400°C to about 700°C, pressures of from about 0.1 atmosphere (bar) to about 30 atmospheres, and weight hourly space velocities of from about 0.1 to about 100 hr-1.
15 (C) The transalkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of polyalkylaromatic hydrocarbons. Typical reaction conditions include a temperature of from about 200°C to about 500°C, a pressure of from about atmospheric to about 200 atmospheres, a weight hourly space velocity of from about 1 to
20 about 100 hr-1 and an aromatic hydrocarbon/polyalkylaromatic hydrocarbon mole ratio of from about 1/1 to about 16/1. (D) The isomerization of aromatic (e.g., xylene) feedstock components. Typical reaction conditions for such include a temperature of from about 230°C to about 510°C, a pressure of
25 from about 0.5 atmospheres to about 50 atmospheres, a weight hourly space velocity of from about 0.1 to about 200 hr"1 and a

hydrogen/hydrocarbon mole ratio of from about 0 to about 100.
(E) The dewaxing of hydrocarbons by selectively removing
straight chain paraffins. The reaction conditions are
dependent in large measure on the feed used and upon the
5 desired pour point. Typical reaction conditions include a temperature between about 200°C and 450°C, a pressure up to 3,000 psig and a liquid hourly space velocity from 0.1 to 20 hr"1.
(F) The alkylation of aromatic-hydrocarbons, e.g., benzene and
0 alkylbenzenes, in the presence■of an alkylating agent, e.g.,
olefins, formaldehyde, alkyl halides and alcohols having 1 to about 20 carbon atoms. Typical reaction conditions include a temperature of from about 100°C to about 500°C, a pressure of from about atmospheric to about 200 atmospheres, a weight 5 hourly space velocity of from about 1 hr"1 to about 100 hr"1 and an aromatic hydrocarbon/alkylating agent mole ratio of from about 1/11 to about 20/1.
(G) The alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g., benzene,
with long chain olefins, e.g., C14 olefin. Typical reaction
0 conditions include a temperature of from about 50°C to about 200°C, a pressure of from about atmospheric to about 200 atmospheres, a weight hourly space velocity of from about 2 hr" 1 to about 2000 hr"1 and an aromatic hydrocarbon/olefin mole ratio of from about 1/1 to about 20/1. The resulting products
5 from the reaction are long chain alkyl aromatics which when subsequently sulfonated have particular application as

WO 2008/153758


synthetic detergents.
(H) The alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons with light olefins to provide short chain alkyl aromatic compounds, e.g., the alkylation of benzene with propylene to provide cumene.
5 Typical reaction conditions include a temperature of from about 10°C to about 200°C, a pressure of from about 1 to about 30 atmospheres, and an aromatic hydrocarbon weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of from 1 hr-1 to about 50 hr"1. (I) The hydrocracking of heavy petroleum feedstocks, cyclic
0 stocks, and other hydrocrack charge stocks. The zeolite-bound high silica zeolite will contain an effective amount of at least one hydrogenation component of the type employed in hydrocracking catalysts. (J) The alkylation of a reformate containing substantial
5 quantities of benzene and toluene with fuel gas containing short chain olefins (e.g., ethylene and propylene) to produce mono- and dialkylates. Preferred reaction conditions include temperatures from about 100°C to about 250°C, a pressure of from about 100 to about 800 psig, a WHSV -olefin from about
0 0.4 hr"1 to about 0.8 hr"1, a WHSV -reformate of from about 1 hr"1 to about 2 hr"1 and, optionally, a gas recycle from about 1.5 to 2.5 vol/vol fuel gas feed.
(K) The alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons, e.g., benzene, toluene, xylene, and naphthalene, with long chain olefins,
5 e.g., C14 olefin, to produce alkylated aromatic lube base stocks. Typical reaction conditions include temperatures from

about 100°C to about 400°C and pressures from about 50 to 450 psig.
(L) The alkylation of phenols with olefins or equivalent alcohols to provide long chain alkyl phenols. Typical reaction
5 conditions include temperatures from about 100°C to about 250°C, pressures from about 1 to 300 psig and total WHSV of from about 2 hr-1 to about 10 hr-1.
(M) The conversion of light paraffins to olefins and/or aromatics. Typical reaction conditions include temperatures
0 from about 425°C to about 760°C and pressures from about 10 to about 2000 psig.
(N) The conversion of light olefins to gasoline, distillate and lube range hydrocarbons. Typical reaction conditions include temperatures of from about 175°C to about 500°C and a
5 pressure of from about 10 to about 2000 psig.
(0) Two-stage hydrocracking for upgrading hydrocarbon streams having initial boiling points above about 200°C to premium distillate and gasoline boiling range products or as feed to further fuels or chemicals processing steps. The first stage
0 can be the zeolite-bound high silica zeolite comprising one or more catalytically active substances, e.g., a Group 8 metal, and the effluent from the first stage would be reacted in a second stage using a second zeolite, e.g., zeolite Beta, comprising one or more catalytically active substances, e.g.,
5 a Group 8 metal, as the catalyst. Typical reaction conditions include temperatures from about 315°C to about 455°C, a

pressure from about 400 to about 2500 psig, hydrogen circulation of from about 1000 to about 10,000 SCF/bbl and a liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) of from about 0.1 to 10 hr-1. 5 (P) A combination hydrocracking/dewaxing process in the presence of the zeolite-bound high silica zeolite comprising a hydrogenation component and a zeolite such as zeolite Beta. Typical reaction conditions include temperatures from about 350°C to about 400°C, pressures from about 1400 to about 1500
10 psig, LHSV from about 0.4 to about 0.6 hr-1 and a hydrogen circulation from about 3000 to about 5000 SCF/bbl. (Q) The reaction of alcohols with olefins to provide mixed ethers, e.g., the reaction of methanol with isobutene and/or isopentene to provide methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) and/or t-
15 amyl methyl ether (TAME). Typical conversion conditions include temperatures from about 20°C to about 200°C, pressures from 2 to about 200 atm, WHSV (gram-olefin per hour-gram-zeolite) from about 0.1 hr"1 to about 200 hr"1 and an alcohol to olefin molar feed ratio from about 0.1/1 to about 5/1.
20 (R) The disproportionation of aromatics, e.g. the disproportionation of toluene to make benzene and xylenes. Typical reaction conditions include a temperature of from about 200°C to about 760°C, a pressure of from about atmospheric to about 60 atmosphere (bar) , and a WHSV of from
25 about 0.1 hr"1 to about 30 hr"1.
(S) The conversion of naphtha (e.g., C6-C10) and similar

mixtures to highly aromatic mixtures. Thus, normal and slightly branched chained hydrocarbons, preferably having a boiling range above about 40°C, and less than about 200°C, can be converted to products having a substantially higher octane 5 aromatics content by contacting the hydrocarbon feed with the zeolite at a temperature in the range of from about 400°C to 600°C, preferably 480°C to 550°C at pressures ranging from atmospheric to 40 bar, and liquid hourly space velocities (LHSV) ranging from 0.1 to 15 hr-1.
10 (T) The adsorption of alkyl aromatic compounds for the purpose of separating various isomers of the compounds.
(U) The conversion of oxygenates, e.g., alcohols, such as methanol, or ethers, such as dimethylether, or mixtures thereof to hydrocarbons including olefins and aromatics with
15 reaction conditions including a temperature of from about 275°C to about 600°C, a pressure of from about 0.5 atmosphere to about 50 atmospheres and a liquid hourly space velocity of from about 0.1 to about 100. (V) The oligomerization of straight and branched chain olefins
20 having from about 2 to about 5 carbon atoms. The oligomers which are the products of the process are medium to heavy olefins which are useful for both fuels, i.e., gasoline or a gasoline blending stock, and chemicals. The oligomerization process is generally carried out by contacting the olefin
25 feedstock in a gaseous state with a zeolite-bound high silica zeolite at a temperature in the range of from about 250°C to

about 800°C, a LHSV of from about 0.2 to about 50 and a hydrocarbon partial pressure of from about 0.1 to about 50 atmospheres. Temperatures below about 250°C may be used to oligomerize the feedstock when the feedstock is in the liquid
5 phase when contacting the zeolite-bound high silica zeolite catalyst. Thus, when the olefin feedstock contacts the catalyst in the liquid phase, temperatures of from about 10°C to about 250°C can be used. (W) The conversion of C2 unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethylene
0 and/or acetylene) to aliphatic C6-12 aldehydes and converting said aldehydes to the corresponding C6-12 alcohols, acids, or esters.
(X) The desulfurization of FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) feed streams. The desulfurization process is generally carried out
5 at a temperature ranging from 100°C to about 600°C, preferably from about 200°C to about 500°C, and more preferably from about 260°C to about 400°C, at a pressure ranging from 0 to about 2000 psig, preferably from about 60 to about 1000 psig, and more preferably from about 60 to about 500 psig, at a LHSV
0 ranging from 1 to 10 h-1. The hydrocarbon mixtures which can be desulfurized according to the process of the present invention contain more than 150 ppm of sulfur, e.g., hydrocarbon mixtures with a sulfur content higher than 1000 ppm, even higher than 10000 ppm.
5 The invention having been generally described, the following examples are given as particular embodiments of the

invention and to demonstrate the practice and advantages
thereof. It is understood that the examples are given by way
of illustration and are not intended to limit the specification
or the claims to follow in any manner. 5
Example 1
Synthesis of Ge-ZSM-5
Chemicals used:
Ludox AS-40 colloidal silica Si02; 40 wt. % suspension in 10. water; Aldrich;
Sodium hydroxide NaOH, 50 wt. % solution in water; Sigma-
Germanium dioxide GeO2; Germanium Corporation of America GTAH
68002; 15 Sodium aluminate NaA1O2 (23.6 wt. % A12O3; 19.4 wt. % Na2O; 57.0
wt. % H2O); Southern Ionics;
Tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (CH3CH2CH2) 4N0H, 40 wt. % solution
in water; SACHEM;
Acetic acid CH3CO2H, 99.7%; Aldrich. 20
Solution 1.
15.84 grams of sodium hydroxide solution were mixed with
131.25 grams of D.I. water. 7.11 grams of GeO2 were dissolved
in the solution with stirring.

Solution 2.
3.84 grams of sodium aluminate were mixed with 153.9 grams of
D.I. water.
5 Solution 1 was poured into 150 grams of Ludox AS-40 with vigorous gel stirring for 10 minutes. Then Solution 2 was introduced and gel was stirred for 15 minutes. Tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (105.42 grams) was added to the mixture and gel was stirred for about one hour. 23.32 grams
10 of acetic acid was added to the gel with continuous stirring. pH of gel after ten minutes of stirring was 9.25. Crystallization was made in 1L stainless steel autoclave at 160°C with stirring (300 rpm) for 36 hours. Zeolite was filtered and washed with D.I. water. Zeolite was dried at 90°C
5 overnight and was calcined at 550°C for 10 hours in oven forced with air.
XRF analysis results are: 0.244 wt. % Na; 41.04 wt. % Si; 0.73 wt. % Al; 5.67% Ge. XRD analysis confirmed formation of ZSM-5 structure.
15 grams of laboratory prepared GeZSM-5 was washed with 350 ml of aqueous CsN03 (0.5M) then filtered. The filtrate was then rewashed 3 more times with 0. 5M CsN03 and rinsed with
5 distilled H20 on the final filtering. The zeolite powder was then calcined for 3 hours at 280°C in air.

Incipient wetness impregnation was carried out by adding drop wise a solution of 0.0408 g Pt(NH2)4(N03)2 dissolved in .8150 g of deionized water to 1.99 grams of the Cs-exchanged GeZSM-5. The material was dried for 1 hour in a 110°C drying
5 oven then calcined in air at 280°C for 3 hours.
Elemental analysis gave 41.0 wt% Si, 0.71 wt% Al, 5.27 wt% Cs, 4.13 wt% Ge and 0.96 wt% Pt.
XRD analysis confirmed formation of ZSM-5 structure (Figure 1, A and B)
0 The catalyst powder was pressed and sized to 2.0-40 mesh. 0.25 cm3 (0.123 g) of the sized catalyst was mixed with 1.75 ml of inert quartz chips and was pretreated at 460°C for 1 hour in flowing H2. Catalytic testing was then started.
Catalyst particles, mixed with inert quartz chips, were
5 loaded into a 1/4' OD plug flow reactor. n-hexane was vaporized into a stream of flowing hydrogen at a temperature of approximately 150°C. This gas mixture was passed through the reactor at a LHSV of 8.6 hr-1, the reactor being maintained at a temperature of 515°C by an external heating jacket. The
0 reaction products were analyzed by gas chromatography. Products ranging in size from methane to dimethylnaphthalene were observed. A variety of C6 isomerization products were observed, including isohexanes (e.g., 2-methylpentane) and olefins (e.g. 1-hexene.) For the purposes of calculating
5 conversion and selectivity, these C6 products were considered to be unreacted. The selectivities reported are calculated as

the sum of benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene produced divided by the total amount of all benzene, C1-C5, and C7+ materials recovered. These selectivities are presented on a molar C6 basis.

catalyst X1o S1o
Pt/CsGeZSM-5 24 88
Performance of ZSM-5 catalysts for n-hexane
0 T = 515°C, LHSV = 8.6 hr-1, H2/n-hexane feed ratio = 0.75.
Conversion and aromatics selectivity measured after 10 hours on stream.
Example 2 5 Synthesis of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 1)
Chemicals used:
Sodium aluminate (Al203-23.6%; Na20-19.4 %; H20-57%); Southern
Sodium hydroxide, >98%, Aldrich; 0 Tetrabutylammonium bromide, 98%; Sigma-Aldrich;
Ludox HS-30; colloidal silica, 30% suspension in water; Sigma-Aldrich;
Germanium (IV) oxide Ge02, Germanium Corporation of America
GTAH 68002. 5 1.7 grams of sodium aluminate and 2.817 grams of sodium
hydroxide were dissolved in 136.0 grams of D.I. water. 28.16
grams of tetrabutylammonium bromide were added and dissolved

in the solution. 2.8452 grams of germanium oxide were dissolved in the solution. Colloidal silica Ludox HS-30 (80 grams) was introduced into solution with stirring for about 15 minutes. pH of gel was 12.61. Crystallization was made in
5 300ml stainless steel autoclave at 150°C for 144 hours with stirring (200 rpm).
Material was filtered and washed with D.I water. Material was dried overnight at 90°C, sieved 40 mesh size and calcined at 550°C for 10 hours in a furnace with forced air flow.
0 XRF analysis data for sample: 42.50 wt. % Si; 0.99 wt. % Al; 1.177 wt. % Na; 2.81 wt. % Ge.
A SEM of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 1) is shown in Figure 2. XRD analysis confirmed formation of ZSM-ll structure by comparison with published pattern for ZSM-ll in references
5 such as "Collection of Simulated XRD Powder Patterns for Zeolites", 5th edition, M.M.J. Treacy & J. B. Higgins, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2007). See Figure 3.
Synthesis of 1%Pt/CsGeZSM-ll 0
4 grams of laboratory prepared GeZSM-11 (morphology 1)
was washed with 200 ml of agueous CsN03 (0.5M) then filtered.
The filtrate was then rewashed 3 more times with 0.5M CsN03
and rinsed with distilled H20 on the final filtering. The
5 zeolite powder was then calcined for 3 hours at 280°C in air.
Incipient wetness impregnation was carried out by adding
drop wise a solution of 0.0396 g Pt(NH2)4(N03)2 dissolved in

1.962 g of deionized water to 1.962 grams of the Cs-exchanged ZSM-11. The material was dried for 1 hour in a 110°C drying oven then calcined in air at 280°C for 3 hours. Elemental analysis is shown below. 5 The catalyst powder was pressed and sized to 20-40 mesh. 0.25 cm3 (0.124 g) of the sized catalyst was mixed with 1.75 ml of inert quartz chips and was pretreated at 460°C for 1 hour in flowing H2. Catalytic testing was then started.
Example 3
Synthesis of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 2)
Chemicals used: 5 Aluminum sulfate hydrate A12(S04)3 . x H20, 99.998%; Aldrich;
Potassium hydroxide,>90%; Sigma-Aldrich;
1, 8-Diaminooctane, 98%; Aldrich;
Ludox HS-30; colloidal silica, 30% suspension in water; Sigma-
Aldrich; 0 Germanium (IV) oxide, Germanium Corporation of America GTAH
Sulfuric acid, 95-98%; Sigma-Aldrich.
7.2 grams of aluminum sulfate hydrate was dissolved in
5 544 grams of D.I. water. Potassium hydroxide (16 grams) was
dissolved in the solution. 6.83 grams of germanium oxide were
dissolved in the same solution. 64 grams of 1, 8-

diaminooctane were added into solution and dissolved with stirring. Colloidal silica Ludox HS-30 (192 grams) was introduced gradually into solution with stirring. White gel was formed. Gel was stirred for about 1 hour. Then 10 ml of
5 sulfuric acid were added gradually with vigorous solution stirring. pH of gel was about 11.
Crystallization was made in 1L stainless steel autoclave at 160°C for 120 hours with stirring (200 rpm) . Material was filtered and washed with D.I water. Material was dried
0 overnight at 90°C, sieved to 40 mesh size and calcined at 550°C for 10 hours in the furnace with forced air flow. XRF analysis data for sample: 40.80 wt. % Si; 1.12 wt. % Al; 1.0 6 wt. % K; 5.52 wt. % Ge. A SEM of Ge-ZSM-11 (morphology 2) is shown in Figure 4.
5 XRD analysis confirmed formation of ZSM-11 structure by comparison with published pattern for ZSM-11 in references such as "Collection of Simulated XRD Powder Patterns for Zeolites", 5th edition, M.M.J. Treacy & J. B. Higgins, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2007). See Figure 5.
0 Synthesis of l%Pt/CsGeZSM-ll
3 grams of laboratory prepared GeZSM-11 (morphology 2) was washed with 150 ml of aqueous CsN03 (0.5M) then filtered. The filtrate was then rewashed 3 more times with 0.5M CsN03
5 and rinsed with distilled H20 on the final filtering. The zeolite powder was then calcined for 3 hours at 280°C in air.
Incipient wetness impregnation was carried out by adding

drop wise a solution of 0.0398 g Pt(NH2)4(N03)2 dissolved in l.00g of deionized water to 2.002 grams of the Cs-exchanged ZSM-11. The material was dried for 1 hour in a 110°C drying oven then calcined in air at 280°C for 3 hours. Elemental
5 analysis is shown below.
The catalyst powder was pressed and sized to 20-40 mesh. 0.25 cm3 (0.129 g) of the sized catalyst was mixed with 1.75 ml of inert quartz chips and was pretreated at 460°C for 1 hour in flowing H2. Catalytic testing was then started.
Elemental analyses for Pt/CsGeZSM-11 catalysts as tested

catalyst Si Al Ge Cs Na Pt
Pt/CsGeZSM-11 morphology 1 41.63% 0.96% 0.90% 8.68% 0.07% 0.98%
Pt/CsGeZSM-11 morphology 2 42.14% 1.06% 0.82% 8.74% 0.0% 0.97%
Catalyst particles, mixed with inert quartz chips, were loaded into a 1/4" OD plug flow reactor. n-hexane was vaporized into a stream of flowing hydrogen at a temperature of approximately 150°C. This gas mixture was passed through the 0 reactor at a LHSV of 8.6 hr_1, the reactor being maintained at a temperature of 515°C by an external heating jacket. The reaction products were analyzed by gas chromatography. Products ranging in size from methane to dimethylnaphthalene

were observed. A variety of C6 isomerization products were observed, including isohexanes (e.g., 2-methylpentane) and olefins (e.g. 1-hexene.) For the purposes of calculating conversion and selectivity, these C6 products were considered 5 to be unreacted. The selectivities reported are calculated as the sum of benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene produced divided by the total amount of all benzene, C1-C5, and C7+ materials recovered. These selectivities are presented on a molar C6 basis.

catalyst comments added X1o S1o
Pt/CsGeZSM-11 Pt/CsGeZSM-11 morphology 0.90% Ge morphology 0.82& Ge 11 89 16 89
Performance of ZSM-11 catalysts for n-hexane
15 T = 515°C, LHSV = 8.6 hr-1, H2/n-hexane feed ratio = 0.75.
Conversion and aromatics selectivity measured after 10 hours on stream.
Example 4
Synthesis of Ge-ZSM-12 Chemicals used: 25 Sodium hydroxide NaOH, 50% solution in water, Aldrich;
Sodium aluminate NaAl02 (23.6 wt. % A12O3; 19.4 wt. % Na2O; 57.0
wt. % H2O); Southern Ionics;
Germanium dioxide GeO2; Germanium Corporation of America GTAH

Tetraethylammonium hydroxide (CH2CH2)4NOH; 35% w/w aq. soln.;
Ludox HS-30 Si02 colloidal silica (30 wt. %); Sigma-Aldrich.
2.0042 grams of sodium hydroxide, 1.6808 grams of sodium aluminate and 26.29 grams of tetraethylammonium hydroxide were mixed in 25.00 grams of D.I. water. 3.0648 grams of germanium dioxide were dissolved in this solution.
100 grams of silica source Ludox HS-30 were added to solution gradually with stirring. Stirring continued for one hour. Viscous gel was formed.
Crystallization was done at 160°C for about 6 days in Teflon lined 300 ml reactor in static regime. After crystallization pH=12.01. Material was filtered and washed with D.I. water. Material was dried at 90°C, sieved 40 mesh size, and calcined at 600°C for 10 hours. A SEM of Ge-ZSM-12 is shown in Figure 6.
XRF analysis results are: 0.793 wt. % Na; 43.97 wt. % Si; 0.69 wt. % Al; 3.28 wt. % Ge.
XRD analysis confirmed formation of ZSM-12 structure (Figure 7) .

3.22 grams of laboratory prepared GeZSM-12 (361-032) was
washed with 150 ml of aqueous CsN03 (0.5M) then filtered. The
filtrate was then rewashed 3 more times with 0.5M CsN03 and
5 rinsed with distilled H20 on the final filtering. The zeolite
powder was then calcined for 3 hours at 280°C in air.
Incipient wetness impregnation was carried out by adding drop wise a solution of 0.0410 g Pt (NH2)4(N03)2 dissolved in
0 1.04 g of deionized water to 2.012 grams of the Cs-exchanged GeZSM-12. The material was dried for 1 hour in a 110°C drying oven then calcined in air at 280°C for 3 hours. Elemental analysis gave 42.95 wt % Si, 5.83 wt % Cs, 0.70 wt % Al, 1.60 wt % Ge, and 0.80 wt% Pt.
5 The catalyst powder was pressed and sized to 20-40 mesh. 0.25 cm3 (0.127 g) of the sized catalyst was mixed with 1.75 ml of inert quartz chips and was pretreated at 460°C for 1 hour in flowing H2. Catalytic testing was then started.
0 Catalyst particles, mixed with inert quartz chips, were loaded into a 1/4" OD plug flow reactor. n-hexane was vaporized into a stream of flowing hydrogen at a temperature of approximately 150°C. This gas mixture was passed through the reactor at a LHSV of 8.6 hr-1, the reactor being maintained at
5 a temperature of 515°C by an external heating jacket. The reaction products were analyzed by gas chromatography.

Products ranging in size from methane to dimethylnaphthalene were observed. A variety of C6 isomerization products were observed, including isohexanes (e.g., 2-methylpentane) and olefins (e.g. 1-hexene.) For the purposes of calculating
5 conversion and selectivity, these C6 products were considered to be unreacted. The selectivities reported are calculated as the sum of benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene produced divided by the total amount of all benzene, C1-C5, and C7+ materials recovered. These selectivities are
0 presented on a molar C6 basis.

Catalyst X1o S1o
Pt/CsGeZSM-12 16 87
Performance of ZSM-5 catalysts for n-hexane
5 aromatization.
T = 515°C, LHSV =8.6 hr-1, H2/n-hexane feed ratio = 0.75. Conversion and aromatics selectivity measured after 10 hours on stream.
Example 5
Chemicals used: 5 Aluminum sulfate hydrate A12(SO4)3 ■ x H2O, 99.998%; Aldrich;
Potassium hydroxide KOH; >90%; Sigma-Aldrich;
1, 8-Diaminooctane NH2 (CH2) 8NH2, 98%; Aldrich;
Ludox HS-30 colloidal silica, 30% suspension in water; Sigma-

Germanium (1V) oxide GeO2, Germanium Corporation of America
GTAH 68002;
Sulfuric acid H2SO4; 95-98%; Sigma-Aldrich.
7.2 grams of aluminum sulfate hydrate was dissolved in 544 grams of D.I. water. Potassium hydroxide (16 grams) was dissolved in the solution. 6.83 grams of germanium oxide were dissolved in the same solution. 64 grams of 1, 8-
0 diaminooctane were added into solution and dissolved with stirring. Colloidal silica Ludox HS-30 (192 grams) was introduced gradually into solution with stirring. Gel was formed and stirred for about 1 hour. Then 10 ml of sulfuric acid were added gradually with vigorous solution stirring. pH
5 of gel was about 11.
Crystallization was made in 1L stainless steel autoclave at 160°C for 120 hours with stirring (200 rpm) . Material was filtered and washed with D.I water. Material was dried overnight at 90°C, sieved to 40 mesh size and calcined at 550°C
0 for 10 hours in the furnace with forced air flow.
XRF analysis data for sample: 0.518 wt. % Na; 40.80 wt. % Si; 1.12 wt. % Al; 1.06 wt. % K; 5.52 wt. % Ge.
Ge-ZSM-11 zeolite was bound with silica at 50/50 wt. Bound zeolite was dried at 90°C and calcined at 550°C for 6
5 hours. Material was crushed and sieved to 20/40 mesh size. Then ion-exchange with ammonium was made by sample treatment

with 0.5M NH4N03 at 60°C in three steps. Sample was rinsed with D.I. water, dried at 90°C and calcined at 550°C for 6 hours.
Platinum was introduced into catalyst by ion-exchange with 0.005M (NH2)4Pt (N03)2 at 60°C. After rinsing with D.I. 5 water catalyst was dried at 60°C overnight and calcined in air at 300°C for 5.5 hours.
XRF analysis results are: 0.045 wt. % Na; 45.77 wt. % Si; 0.53 wt. % Al; 0.8 9 wt. % Ge; 0.36 wt. % Pt; K was not detected.
0 Example 6
Chemicals used:
Sodium hydroxide NaOH, 50% solution in water; Sigma-Aldrich;
Hi-Sil®233 Si02, hydrated amorphous silica; PPG Industries, 15 Inc.;
1, 6-Diaminohexane H2N (CH2) 6NH2; 98 + %, Alfa-Aesar;
Ethanol CH3CH2OH; 94-96%; Alfa-Aesar;
Germanium (IV) oxide GeO2, Germanium Corporation of America
GTAH 68002. 20
4.5597 grams of sodium hydroxide solution was added to 40
grams of D.I. water. Germanium oxide (2.2846 g) was introduced
and dissolved. 363.86 grams of D.I. water was added to
solution. 38.5 grams of silica source Hi-Sil®233 was introduced 25 with stirring. Mixture was stirred for about 10 minutes. Then
1, 6- diaminohexane (28 grams) was added to mixture and

WO 2008/153758


stirring was continuous overnight. 9.1 grams of ethanol was
added with stirring. pH of mixture was 11.74.
Crystallization was done at 160°C for 4 days in 1L
stainless steel autoclave with stirring (300 rpm.). 5 Material was filtered and washed with D.I water. Material
was dried overnight at 90°C, sieved to 40 mesh size and
calcined at 600°C for 10 hours in the furnace with forced air
XRF analysis data for sample: 0.428 wt. % Na; 45.38 wt. % Si; 10 0.30 wt. % Al; 1.01 wt. % Ge.
Ge-ZSM-48 zeolite was bound with silica at 50/50 wt.
Bound zeolite was dried at 90°C and calcined at 550°C for 6
hours. Material was crushed and sieved to 20/40 mesh size.
Then ion-exchange with ammonium was made by sample treatment 15 with 0.5M NH4NO3 at 60°C in three steps. Sample was rinsed with
D.I. water, dried at 90°C and calcined at 550°C for 6 hours.
Platinum was introduced into catalyst by ion-exchange
with 0.005M (NH2) 4Pt (N03)2 at 60°C. After rinsing with D.I.
water catalyst was dried at 60°C overnight and calcined in air 20 at 300°C for 5.5 hours.
XRF analysis results are: 0.055 wt. % Na; 46.43 wt. % Si; 0.17
wt. % Al; 0.19 wt. % Ge; 0.12 wt. % Pt.
All catalysts were tested in a stainless steel tube at
25 500°C using 34 cc/min propane at 22 psig total pressure. The
products were analyzed by on-line sampling to a gas

WO 2008/153758


chromatograph where all hydrocarbon components with carbon numbers between 1 and 10 were quantitatively determined. Results for yield [fraction of BTX (benzene, toluene, xylenes) in product] and conversion (portion of propane converted) are 5 shown in the graphs below.
Numerous modifications and variations of the present
invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is
to be understood that, within the scope of the appended claims,
the invention may be practiced other than as specifically
10 described.

1. A zeolite comprising:
a medium pore zeolite having germanium incorporated into the zeolite
2. The zeolite of Claim 2 wherein the zeolite has a one, two or three dimensional pore structure.
3. The zeolite of any of Claims 1 to 3 wherein the medium pore zeolite is MFI, MEL, LTL, BEA, MOR, MWW, MTT, MTW, TON, MSE, MOZ, ZSM-48, MAZ, MEI, MFS, NES, OFF, STI, BOG, ERI, FAU, EUO, FER or GME.
4. A process for synthesizing the zeolite according to any of claims 1 to 3, comprising:

a) preparing a medium pore zeolite containing germanium in the framework of the zeolite;
b) calcining the zeolite.
5. A catalyst for conversion of hydrocarbons comprising:
a) the medium pore zeolite according to any of claims 1 to 3, having germanium incorporated into the zeolite framework and
b) at least one metal selected from Group 10 deposited on the medium pore zeolite.

6. The catalyst of Claim 5 wherein the metal deposited on the medium pore zeolite is platinum.
7. The catalyst of any of Claims 5 or 6 wherein the zeolite is non-acidic.
8. A process for synthesizing a medium pore zeolite catalyst, comprising:

a) preparing a medium pore zeolite containing germanium in the framework of the zeolite, according to any of claims 1 to 4;
b) depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the medium pore zeolite; and
c) calcining the medium pore zeolite during preparation of the zeolite or before or after depositing the Group 10 metal is deposited.

9. The process of Claim 8 wherein the zeolite is base-exchanged with an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal to make the zeolite non-acidic.
10. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons comprising:

a) contacting a hydrocarbon stream containing alkanes, olefins or mixtures thereof having 2 to 12 carbon atoms per molecule with at least one medium pore zeolite-based catalyst according to any of claims 5 to 7, wherein the zeolite contains germanium incorporated into the zeolite framework and wherein at least one metal selected from Group 10 has been deposited on the medium pore zeolite; and
b) recovering the product.
11. The process of Claim 10 wherein the alkanes or the olefins are straight, branched, cyclic
or mixtures thereof.
12. A catalyst for conversion of hydrocarbons comprising:

an aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) with germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework.
13. The catalyst of Claim 12 wherein at least one metal selected from Group 10 deposited on the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO).
14. A process for synthesizing the catalyst according to any of claims 12 or 13 comprising:

a) preparing an aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) with germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework; and
b) calcining the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO).

15. The process of Claim 14 additionally comprising depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO); and said calcining occurring after preparation of the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO), before depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) or after depositing at least one metal selected from Group 10 on the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO).
16. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons comprising:

a) contacting a hydrocarbon stream containing alkanes, olefins or mixtures thereof having 2 to 12 carbon atoms per molecule with at least one aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO)-based catalyst according to any of claims 12 or 13 wherein the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) contains germanium incorporated into the aluminophosphate (AIPO) or silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) framework; and
b) recovering the product.



Patent Number 269836
Indian Patent Application Number 2297/MUMNP/2009
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 10-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 10-Dec-2009
Applicant Address P.O. Box 5101 11422 Riyadh Saudi Arabia
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
2 KHANMAMEDOVA ALLA SABIC Technology Center 1600 Industrial Blvd. Sugar Land Texas 77478 United States of America
3 FARMER DUSTIN SABIC Technology Center 1600 Industrial Blvd. Sugar Land Texas 77478 United States of America
4 MITCHELL SCOTT SABIC Technology Center 1600 Industrial Blvd. Sugar Land Texas 77478 United States of America
5 VARTULI JIM SABIC Technology Center 1600 Industrial Blvd. Sugar Land Texas 77478 United States of America
PCT International Classification Number B01J 29/04
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2008/006630
PCT International Filing date 2008-05-23
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/931,610 2007-05-24 U.S.A.
2 12/125,868 2008-05-22 U.S.A.