Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT j The various embodiments of the present invention provide a single touch record key device I and a method to change the currently displayed configuration into a desired display configuration. A single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS and in the IR , remote controller is pressed to generate a key input data to change the display configuration " projected on the monitor of the PMS into a desired display configuration. A microcontroller " processes the input key data to generate a control signal to identify the currently projected "! display configuration and to change projected display configuration into a desired configuration. The display configuration is changed successively in a round robin fashion i until the desired display configuration is projected by pressing the hot key successively.
Full Text

[0001] The present invention generally relates to Patient Monitoring System and more particularly relates to a single touch key used for switching the display format in medical devices like Patient Monitoring System such as EGG Device, Blood Pressure monitoring system etc.
[0002] Generally the various physiological parameters of an individual are measured using monitors known as, "vita! sign parameter bed side monitor" or " vital sign monitoring systems", to measure heart rate level, blood pressure, artery pressure etc. The one of the important vital signs measured by the healthcare providers is electrocardiography (EGG), impedance cardio vasography, and non-invasive cardiac output. The monitored parameters are displayed at a central nursing station to enable medical personnel like doctors, nursing assistants, medical attendants to monitor patients under critical conditions or under intensive care to take immediate remedial care during emergency conditions.
[0003] The Patient monitoring system (PMS) has different screens to provide an efficient and convenient way to display the real-time patient related data as well as the trend data of different patients. The Patient monitoring systems (PMS) has different display formats to provide an efficient and convenient way to display the real-time patient related data corresponding to different patients.

[0004] The primary function of the CNS is to enable the constant monitoring of all the patients connected to the CNS. The CNS is provided with two display windows. The vital parameters such as ECG, heart rate etc., of all the patients under observation are displayed individually in one display window through several split screens. All the measured physiological parameters of a specific selected patient are displayed in the display window. Though some of the patients may be under more critical condition than the rest of the other patients in an intensive care unit, equal care and attention must be given to all the patients under intensive care at all times. The monitored parameters are displayed in graphical trend as well as in tabular trend.
[0005] The Graphical Trend represents the measured physiological parameters acquired from the monitors installed at the bed side of the patient in a graphical format. The physiological parameters collected from the monitors in the past 24 hours are displayed at the CNS in a graphical pattern. The displayed data is made available to the user in different resolutions through 4 zoom modes. It is vital that the user should relate the stored and displayed data with specific alarm conditions to identify or diagnose the cause for the variation in the measured data in the past 24 hours.
[0006] The Tabular Trend on the other hand lists the same physiological parameter measured in the past 24 hours in the form of digital parameter values. At a given alarm condition, the digital parameter values are displayed in red color. It is important that the user or medical personnel should study and compare the parameter under alarm condition with respect to other measured parameter values at the same instant. Based on the comparison of the parameter under alarm limit with the other measured parameters, the user/ medical personnel estimates the overall condition of the patient at a given instance to

handle an abnormal health condition and to suggest the fiature treatment methods. Thus the facility for viewing all the parameters related to a particular alarm condition at once will help the medical practitioner to estimate the critical health condition of the patient and the treatment method required to mitigate such an emergency condition of the patient under intensive care unit (ICU).
[0007] The Patient monitoring systems (PMS) has different display formats to provide an efficient and convenient way to display the real-time patient related data corresponding to different patients. At present a user has to navigate several keys to display a desired screen format. The normal sequence of operations executed at present for selecting one format using an optical encoder (OE) is as follows. When the user wants to display a desired or specified screen format, the user has to Scroll to and Select DISPLAY option in the main menu using an Optical Encoder (OE). Then a Display format menu pops up. The user has to select required format, among the different options available on the exhibited display format menu. Based on the selection of a specified / desired screen format, another menu pops up with options to edit or display the desired / specified screen display format. The user selects a desired DISPLAY option in the menu for viewing the required configuration / saved configuration.
[0008] When a user or medical personnel wants to acquire and view a desired screen data, the user/ a medical personnel has to navigate several keys or to execute several series of operations to get the desired screen data. This is time consuming and will not serve the purpose during emergency situation and in need.

[0009] The currently available patient monitoring systems or medical devices do not have provision for displaying a desired screen format using a single touch operation or a one touch key.
[0010] Hence there is a need to develop a hot key or single touch key that may be provided in the panel of patient monitoring system or in an Infrared remote controller to acquire a desired or specified screen format quickly.
[0011] The primary object of the present invention is to develop a single touch display format change key for a medical device such as patient monitoring system to acquire a desired screen format or saved configuration quickly and easily.
[0012] Another object of the invention is to develop and provide a single touch display format change key in an infrared (IR) remote controller to acquire a desired display screen format or saved configuration easily.
[0013] Yet another object of the present invention is to develop a method to display a desired display screen format or saved screen configuration easily and quickly.
[0014] These and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become readily apparent from the foilowing detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.

[0015] The abovementioned shortcomings, disadvantages and problems are addressed herein and which will be understood by reading and studying the following specification. [0016] The various embodiments of the present invention provide a single touch display format change device and method for changing the display screen format into the desired configuration easily, efficiently and quickly.
[0017] The present invention provides a single touch hot key for changing the display screen format or for obtaining a saved screen configuration in a medical device such as patient monitoring system easily and quickly.
[0018] According to one embodiment of the invention the single touch hotkey for changing the display screen format is provided on the panel of the patient monitoring system.
[0019] According to another embodiment of the present invention the single touch hot key is provided on an IR remote controller to change the display screen format in the patient monitoring system.
[0020] According to one embodiment of the present invention, the single touch display format change key provided is pressed first. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a display driver to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the

single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0021] According to one embodiment of the present invention, the single touch display format change key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed first. Then an optical encoder generates an input key data, when the single touch display format change key is pressed. The input key data generated in the optical encoder is forwarded to a read buffer for storage. The stored key data is forwarded to a microcontroller through an address bus, a data bus and UART. The microcontroller scans the read buffer at periodic intervals to retrieve the stored key data. The microcontroller processes the retrieved key data using an application software by the microcontroller to generate a control signal. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key and the received input key data. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a display driver through the generated control signal to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0022] The single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote 23 controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved configuration in the patient monitoring system. When the Display Format Change Key on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.

[0023] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input from the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software. The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.
[0024] The single touch display format change key is especially used, when the user needs to view only specific parameters for monitoring, which are already saved as a preferred configuration. Thus a single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar panel hot key, which replicates the same ftinctionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration.
[0025] According to one embodiment of the present invention, a method for acquiring a desired display configuration or saved configuration or a desired display format is provided.

The single touch display format change key or the hot key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed to generate an input key command. The generated key command is stored in the read buffer and passed to a micro controller through a data bus, an address bus and UART. The microcontroller activates a display driver to identify the display configuration that is currently displayed on the monitor of the PMS, when a stored key data is received from the read buffer. The stored key data is processed by the microcontroller to output a command to select the next stored display configuration and to display the selected display configuration on the monitor in the PMS in a round robin manner. The single touch hot key is pressed successively to project the desired display configuration on the monitor in the PMS. [0025] Similarly the single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved configuration in the patient monitoring system. When the Display Format Change Key on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.
[0026] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input from the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software. The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of-the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for

displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.
[0027] Thus the various embodiments of the present invention provides a method and a single touch hot key for acquiring the desired display format or desired saved configuration quickly and easily. A single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar panel hot key, which replicates the same functionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration.
[0028] The single touch hot display format change key is provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller and pressed successively to display the real-time patient related data conveniently quickly and easily in a desired display format. The hot key is pressed successively to changes the display formats sequentially in a round robin manner to obtain a desired display configuration from the saved display configurations. One press initiates one change of format. Thus the single touch hot key device enables the user to view the specified monitoring in a desired display format to diagnose a critical condition of the patient in the ICU to suggest a suitable and appropriate medical care to the patient quickly, easily and efficiently.

[0029] These and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become readily apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
[0030] The other objects, features and advantages will occur to those skilled in the art from the following description of the preferred embodiment and the accompanying drawings in which:
[0031] FIG. 1 illustrates a functional block diagram of a Patient Monitoring System provided with a single touch hot display format change key according to one embodiment of the present invention.
[0032] FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic block diagram explaining the sequence of operations executed to change the display format during the activation of the single touch key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present invention.
[0033] FIG. 3A & 3B illustrate a flow chart explaining the operation for changing the display format using a single touch hot key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present invention.
[0034] FIG. 4 illustrates a flow chart explaining the operation for changing the display configuration using a single touch hot key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present invention.

[0035] Although specific features of the present invention are shown in some drawings and not in others. This is done for convenience only as each feature may be combined with any or all of the other features in accordance with the present invention.
[0036] In the following detailed description, reference is made to the accompanying drawings that form a part hereof, and in which the specific embodiments that may be practiced is shown by way of illustration. These embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the embodiments and it is to be understood that the logical, mechanical and other changes may be made without departing from the scope of the embodiments. The following detailed description is therefore not to be taken in a limiting sense.
[0037] The various embodiments of the present invention provide a single touch display format change device and method for changing the display screen format into the desired configuration easily, efficiently and quickly. The present invention provides a single touch hot key for changing the display screen format or for obtaining a saved screen configuration in a medical device such as patient monitoring system easily and quickly.
[0038] According to one embodiment of the invention the single touch hot key for changing the display screen format is provided on the panel of the patient monitoring system.

[0039] According to another embodiment of the present invention the single touch hot key is provided on an IR remote controller to change the display screen format in the patient monitoring system.
[0040] According to one embodiment of the present invention, the single touch display format change key provided is pressed first. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a display driver to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0041] According to one embodiment of the present invention, the single touch display format change key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed first. Then an optical encoder generates an input key data, when the single touch display format change key is pressed. The input key data generated in the optical encoder is forwarded to a read buffer for storage. The stored key data is forwarded to a microcontroller through an address bus, a data bus and UART. The microcontroller scans the read buffer at periodic intervals to retrieve the stored key data.
[0042] The microcontroller processes the retrieved key data using an application software by the microcontroller to generate a control signal. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key and the received input key data. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a display driver through the generated control signal

to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0043] The single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved configuration in the patient monitoring.system. When the Display Format Change Key on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.
[0044] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input from the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software.
[0045] The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.

[0046] The single touch display format change key is especially used, when the user needs to view only specific parameters for monitoring, which are already saved as a preferred configuration. Thus a single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar panel hot key, which replicates the same functionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration.
[0047] According to one embodiment of the present invention, a method for acquiring a desired display configuration or saved configuration or a desired display format is provided. The single touch display format change key or the hot key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed to generate an input key command. The generated key command is stored in the read buffer and passed to a micro controller through a data bus, an address bus and UART. The microcontroller activates a display driver to identify the display configuration that is currently displayed on the monitor of the PMS, when a stored key data is received from the read buffer. The stored key data is processed by the microcontroller to output a command to select the next stored display configuration and to display the selected display configuration on the monitor in the PMS in a round robin manner. The single touch hot key is pressed successively to project the desired display configuration on the monitor in the PMS.
[0048] Similarly the single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved

configuration in the patient monitoring system. When the Display Format Change Key on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.
[0049] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input from the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software. The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.
[0050] The FIG. I indicates a fianctional block diagram of a Patient Monitoring System provided with a single touch hot display format change key. According to one embodiment of the present invention the single touch display format change key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed first. Then an optical encoder generates an input key data, when the single touch display format change key is pressed. The input key data generated in the optical encoder is forwarded to a read buffer for storage. The stored key data is forwarded

to a microcontroller through an address bus, a data bus and UART. The microcontroller scans the read buffer at periodic intervals to retrieve the stored key data.
[0051] The microcontroller processes the retrieved key data using an application software by the microcontroller to generate a control signal. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key and the received input key data. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a display driver through the generated control signal to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0052] Similarly the single touch hot key provided in the IR remote controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved configuration in the patient monitoring system. When the Display Format Change Key on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.
[0053] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input from the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software.

[0054] The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.
[0055] The single touch display format change key is especially used, when the user needs to view only specific parameters for monitoring, which are already saved as a preferred configuration. Thus a single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar panel hot key, which replicates the same fianctionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration.
[0056] FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic block diagram explaining the sequence of operations executed to change the display format during the activation of the single touch key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present invention. The single touch display format change key or the hot key provided in the panel of the PMS is pressed to generate an input key command. The generated key command is stored in the read buffer and passed to a micro controller through a data bus, an address bus and UART. The microcontroller activates a display driver to identify the display configuration that is currently displayed on

the monitor of the PMS, when a stored key data is received from the read buffer. The stored key data is processed by the microcontroller to output a command to select the next stored display configuration and to display the selected display configuration on the monitor In the PMS in a round robin manner. The single touch hot key is pressed successively to project the desired display configuration on the monitor in the PMS.
[0057] Similarly the single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller is pressed to display a desired display screen format or a saved configuration in the patient monitoring system. When the Display Format Change Key on the IR remote controller is pressed to change a display format, the scan code is sent through Infrared (IR) rays. On the other end, an IR Receiver provided on the PMS receives and decodes the received code. The decoded code is used to navigate through to the next saved configuration.
[0058] The IR remote decoding algorithm is implemented in the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). The IR detector is interfaced with the CPLD. Whenever the key input fi"om the IR remote controller is detected, the CPLD generates an interrupt to the microprocessor. The microprocessor reads the data from CPLD through the data bus and queues it, to be read by the application software. The Application software reads this queue at preset regular interval of time through the keyboard driver. The microprocessor identifies the current display format as well as the next display format so that the details of the next display format is retrieved and forwarded to the thin film transistor (TFT) display driver for displaying the next saved configuration or next saved display screen format. Thus the single touch display format change key is pressed successively to obtain a desired display format or saved display configuration in a round robin fashion.

[0059] FIG. 3A & 3B illustrate a flow chart explaining the operation for changing the display format using a single touch hot key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present
invention. The single touch hot key provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller is pressed to project a desired display configuration on the monitor of the PMS. The input key data generated based on the activation of the singlet touch hot key for changing the display configuration is output to a micro controller through a key decoder or infrared decoder and a key board driver. The micro controller processes the received key input data to generate a command signal. The generated command signal is output to a display driver to identify the display configuration that is currently displayed on the monitor of the PMS and to identify the next display configuration from the stored display configuration data. The desired display configuration is selected from the stored display configurations and displayed on the monitor of the PMS by successively pressing the single touch hot key until the desired display configuration is displayed on the monitor. When the desired configuration is selected a display command is output to the display driver such as a thin film transistor display driver from the controller to display the desired configuration on the display device like TFT display device provided in the PMS.
[0060] FIG. 4 illustrates a flow chart explaining the operation for changing the display configuration using a single touch hot key in the PMS according to one embodiment of the present invention. According to one embodiment of the present invention, the single touch display format change key provided is pressed first. The microcontroller identifies the current display configuration on the monitor of the Patient Monitoring System based on the activation the display format change key. Then the microcontroller outputs a command to a

display driver to display the next available saved configuration in the monitor. Thus the single touch hot key is pressed successively to display the available saved display configurations in a round robin manner.
[0061] Thus the various embodiments of the present invention provides a method and a single touch hot key for acquiring the desired display format or desired saved configuration quickly and easily. A single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar panel hot key, which replicates the same functionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration. The single touch hot display format change key is provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller and pressed successively to display the real-time patient related data conveniently quickly and easily in a desired display format. The hot key is pressed successively to changes the display formats sequentially in a round robin manner to obtain a desired display configuration from the saved display configurations. One press initiates one change of format. Thus the single touch hot key device enables the user to view the specified monitoring in a desired display format to diagnose a critical condition of the patient in the ICU to suggest a suitable and appropriate medical care to the patient quickly, easily and efficiently.

[0062] Thus the various embodiments of the present invention simplifies the display format change process. A single touch hot key is provided in the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to select and acquire a desired display configuration or desired display format quickly and easily.
A single key press operation is performed on the panel of the PMS or on the IR remote controller to enable the user to directly view the preset saved configuration. It avoids the need for the different keyboard entries which are otherwise required to go to the display configuration menu and to select the required format. The Patient Monitor System (PMS) has also a similar pane! hot key, which replicates the same functionality. The user however has the option to traverse through the menus on the TFT display and select respective display configuration.
[0063] The single touch hot display format change key is provided in the panel of the PMS or in the IR remote controller and pressed successively to display the real-time patient related data conveniently quickly and easily in a desired display format. The hot key is pressed successively to changes the display formats sequentially in a round robin manner to obtain a desired display configuration fi-om the saved display configurations. One press initiates one change of format. Thus the single touch hot key device enables the user to view the specified monitoring in a desired display format to diagnose a critical condition of the patient in the ICU to suggest a suitable and appropriate medical care to the patient quickly, easily and efficiently.

[0064] Although the invention is described with various specific embodiments, it will be obvious for a person skilled in the art to practice the invention with modifications. However, all such modifications are deemed to be within the scope of the claims.
[0065] It is also to be understood that the following claims are intended to cover all of the generic and specific features of the present invention described herein and ail the statements of the scope of the invention which as a matter of language might be said to fall there between.

1. A single touch hot key device for changing display configuration in patient
monitoring system (PMS), the device comprising:
A single touch hot key to output configuration change data upon activation; and
A microcontroller to receive said configuration change data to change the currently displayed configuration in the PMS to desired display configuration.
2. The key device according to claim I, wherein the microcontroller receives and processes the display configuration change data to output a command to identify the currently displayed configuration on the display monitor in the PMS.
3. The key device according to claim I, wherein the microcontroller generates a command to change the currently displayed configuration on the monitor of the PMS into the desired display configuration, after identifying the currently displayed configuration, when the single touch hot key is pressed.
4. The key device according claim!, wherein the single touch hot key is pressed successively until the desired display configuration is projected on the monitor of the PMS.

5. The key device according to claim 1, wherein the micro controller output a command to change the display configuration projected on the monitor in a round robin manner, when the single touch hot key is pressed.
6. The key device according to claiml, wherein the microcontroller outputs the command to a display driver in the PMS to identify the currently displayed configuration and to change the display configuration into the desired display configuration.
7. The key device according to claim 2, wherein the display monitor in the PMS is a thin film transistor display device.
8. The display configuration changing method in the monitor of the PMS using a single touch hot key, the method comprising:
Activating the single touch hot key to generate a display change command data;
Forwarding the display change command data to a micro controller for processing;
Processing the received display change command data at the microcontroller to generate a control signal to identify the currently displayed configuration and to change the identified display configuration into a desired display configuration.

9. The method according to claim 8, wherein the display configuration change data generated with respect to the pressing operation of the single touch hot key, is
processed by the micro controller to output a command to identify the currently displayed configuration on the display monitor in the PMS.
10. The method according to claim 8, wherein the command is generated by the microcontroller to change the currently displayed configuration on the monitor of the PMS into the desired display configuration, after identifying the currently displayed configuration, when the single touch hot key is pressed.
11. The method according claim 8, wherein the single touch hot key is pressed successively until the desired display configuration is projected on the monitor of the PMS.
12. The method according to claim 8, wherein the micro controller outputs a command" to change the display configuration projected on the monitor in a round robin manner, when the single touch hot key is pressed.
13. The method according to claim 8, wherein the microcontroller outputs the command to a display driver in the PMS to identify the currently displayed configuration and to change the display configuration into the desired display configuration.

14. The method according to claim 8, wherein the display monitor in the PMS is a thin
film transistor display device.
15. The method according to claim 8, wherein the display configuration projected on
the monitor of the PMS is changed continuously in a round robin manner until the
desired display configuration is projected on the monitor of the PMS, when the
single touch hot key is pressed successively.



Patent Number 269851
Indian Patent Application Number 1670/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 11-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 31-Jul-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G03B 21/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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