Title of Invention


Abstract A ceiling fan of the most commOnlY used type with outer permanent magnet multi pole ring type DC motor. Comprising of a) A centre shaft with the stator. b) An outer body fixed with permanent mag- nets. c) The blades fixed to the outer body directly. d) The stator has split pole with winding to induce magnetic field with a facility to change the polarity of this stator pole pieces.
Full Text Claims.
1. A ceiling fan of the most commonly used type with outer permanent magnet multi pole ring type DC motor.
Comprising of
a) A centre shaft with the stator.
b) An outer body fixed with permanent mag¬nets.
c) The blades fixed to the outer body directly.
d) The stator has split pole with winding to induce magnetic field with a facility to change the polarity of this stator pole pieces.
e) Instead of saperate mounting of the sen¬sors with induction ring for sensing, a single solid state sensor directly fixed to the stator - simplyfying the construction and use.
f) controller situated outside the body to suite
the mains operation and servicablility. The
controller detects the polarity of the PM with
the help of the sensor and change the filed of
inductive magnetic field.

g) The ceiling fan as envisaged can be easily fitted as a replacement of the old fan with no additional innovations.
The final performance of the conventional AC fan and the new AC fan with permanent magnet as operated - a typical comparative chart is given below:
In all case minimum is a funchtion of Requlatore/ Speed cntrol.
The simplest cost effective
convertion of the AC ceiling fan with due
-vimportant consideration of power saving, in
design of stator with a single solid state magnet sensor.
The control circute is efficiently up¬graded from the low voltage operation to the mains operation while changing to permanent magnet DC brushless design.
Solar Ceiling Fan
The DC operated/ solar pannel oper¬ated ceiling fan also adopts the basic energy efficient earlier design with corresponding changes in the inductive magnetic pole circute of DC operation and low voltage high cur rent controller accordingly.

An AC Ceiling fan with outer rotorwith perment magnets Brushless motor and for
solar application at Low Voltage DC
ABSTRACT passed. Atypical fan tested at minimum speed
r . 172 RPM consumes 30 watts and at Max

speed of 325 RPMconsumes 63 watts for
1) A normal mains operated (220V 50Hz/ normal AC mains.
60Hz) fan with 3 blades working on a perma-
4 ., A M- % Summary of the Invention
nent magnets out side rotor - and multipole ■•
inductive, split stator having same or more The objective of this invention is to
number of inductive poles equal to the provide an identical at the output delivering
magnets. A single solid state sensor directly the same amount of air with power
attached to the stator having a controller to consumption reduced to 50%. The motto of
convert the mains to DC and functionally one watt power saved is equal to one watt
switching of change of inductive poles generated.
corresponding to P.M. Magnets. with minimum changes from the
2) Similar construction of the ceiling fan present device the aim has been achieved,
different inductive magnetic circut and also L a) Conventional fan-table or ceiling
changed controller circut for 12/24 Vatts DC works on ^ induction Motor Principle,
forsolarpanelapplication. b) The new fan works as a permanent Magnet
New Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan Motor Principle.
n a) In the nQmal fon> the rot0f afld
1. The feild of invention stator are inductively coupled.
The present invention relates to a nor- b) ^ me new fan- me rotor and me stator is
mal ceiling fan with 3 blade, sweeps of 1200 Magnetically coupled,
mm or 1400 mm. Which works on normal Li short, the new fan uses about a
mains of 220V AC 50Hz, where outer rotor dozen of permanent Magnets, whereas the old
type construction is used. fan do not use any magnet.
2. Discription of the related Arts m. a) A normal fan has two sets of Coil
A typical consturction of a ceiling fan where 50 Hz-Power is directly fed to the unit
of the present state of Art is given in fig. 1. In and tne Phase difference is created by a
the stator made of steel laminates to make the condenser.
desired thickness has two sets of coils and b) The new fan, 50Hz. AC is converted to DC
the split pole structure varies from 24 to 32 and the operational frequency varies 40 Hz
and an out side rotor of laminates with spe- uPt0 70HZ.
cial shorts for inductive coupling. The rotor ry. a) In the old fan, no electronics is
is fitted inside the top and bottom cover required.
through which the centre shaft ofthe stator is b) In the new fan> since permanent

magnets are used, the requirement of The bottom and top covers has housings for
commutation is done electronically. bearings (4) to sut the central shaft of the
V. The usuage of permanent Magnets and stator(l). The stator (5) has limited split pole
the principle of Magnetic coupling and pieces equal to the no. of magnets which are
the electronic commutation with a single set optimised from twelve to fourteen,
of coil, in principle saves energy to the tune The sensor (9) is fixed to the stator assembly,
of 50% approximately. The controller card (3) is fixed out side the
The changes incorporated are: house'inside ** cancW of &■ The above
description is illustrative only changes may
1. The outer rotor ring which is .,. ,
, , . , , be made m detail in the matter of shape size
inductively coupled to the stator is changed
, , . , . .„, , and arrangements. This is also true in the case
with a newly designed ring with permanent °
magnets inside ofsensor can be galvomagnetic, solid state.
Since the controller deals with 220 V
2. The stator is newly designed. Instead .,_ , _ _ , , . ,
AC.converted to DC the devices used may be
of 24 - 32 split poles with two sets coil is , . ., ,,
,._,., , ,.*„..,, upgraded as new devices are available,
modified with only one set of 12 to 14 poles
with a single wound coil. Claims.
Additions. 1 • A ceiling fan of the most commonly
, . . ^ , used type with outer permanent magnet multi
1. Magnetic pole sensor is introduced.
pole ring type DC motor.
2. A controller electronically switching
the polarity change of the D.C. p g
„ . rj. . A. _x, ~ . a) A centre shaft with the stator.
Brief discnption of the Drawings.
1 r™-j- ^ IA/-.^ b) An outer body fixed with permanent mag-
1. The mside view of the regular AC fan. J r e>
2. The inside view of the PM - fan.
c) The blades fixed to the outer body directly.
3. Assembly -section- view of the new fan.
d) The stator has split pole with winding to
Details of Description. induce magnetic field with a facility to change
The brushless permanent Magnet DC the polarity of this stator pole pieces,
motor principle has been applied and e) Jnstead of saperate mounting of ^ sen-
incorporated in the new invention. SQrs ^ induction ring fof sensingj a single
Here the main out look was to solid state sensor directly fixed to the stator
optimally use all the available technologicall . simplyfying the construction and use.
advance to reduce power consumption to _ „ ,.,,,,
m , , , . , f) controller situated outside the body to suite
minimum. The embeded outer nng has been
■ .,.„,, ,,, , the mains operation and servicablility. The
tried of for the best results and the number
has been limited to 12(fig 3 - part 7). The controller detects the polarity of the PM with
rotor ring (8) with the magnets are fixed me helP of ** senSOr and change ^ filed of
between the top and bottom cover (10 & 11). inductive magnetic field.

g) The ceiling fan as envisaged can be easily fitted as a replacement of the old fan with no additional innovations.
The final performance of the conventional AC fan and the new AC fan with permanent magnet as operated - a typical comparative chart is given below:
In all case minimum is a funchtion of Requlatore/ Speed cntrol.
The simplest cost effective
convertion of the AC ceiling fan with due
^vimportant consideration of power saving, in
design of stator with a single solid state magnet sensor.
The control circute is efficiently up¬graded from the low voltage operation to the mains operation while changing to permanent magnet DC brushless design.
Solar Ceiling Fan
The DC operated/ solar pannel oper¬ated ceiling fan also adopts the basic energy efficient earlier design with corresponding changes in the inductive magnetic pole circute of DC operation and low voltage high cur¬ rent controller accordingly.



Patent Number 269874
Indian Patent Application Number 146/CHE/2009
PG Journal Number 47/2015
Publication Date 20-Nov-2015
Grant Date 13-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 22-Jan-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F21V
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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