Title of Invention


Abstract NFC is a technology that enhances the convenience of certian applications like visiting card exchange, mail synchronization, authentication etc.. The latency of the communication has to be minimal so that the user experience is good. So the data initiation and communication that follows have to be designed to have minimal idle time. Transferring a SYMM frame from the Initiator after the Link setup reduces the initial wait time to start transmitting application data. The throughput of the data communication is increased using the simple method of a more data indication in the Information frame. Using this one bit information., the Initiator can send SYMM requests to the Target in a more frequent manner. The above mentioned methods do not increase the complexity of the LLCP protocol; just a single bit is used to indicate if more data is present at the LLC layer of the NFC device that is sending the data. No additional control frames need to be exchanged. It does not break the existing version of the protocol. These methods can also be considered as optional vendor specific implementations, which can be agreed during configuration of the LLC link.
Full Text WE CLAIM
1. A method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, a bit in the LLC Information frame is set to '0' or T and is used as a more data bit indicator.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the More Data bit is set when a Target/Initiator device has more than one data frames to be transmitted to the Initiator/Target device.
3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein on reception of the Information frame, the receiving device checks if the more data bit is set and in case the bit is set and there are no other frames to be transmitted by this receiver, the device sends the SYMM frame immediately without waiting for an idle timer (SYMM timer) to expire.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, the Initiator starts the idle timer (SYMM timer) and waits for its expiry before sending the first SYMM frame to the target.
5. A method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, an initiator initiates communication with a target device by scheduling the transmission of SYMM frame immediately without waiting for idle timer to expire.
6. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein after the first response frame is heard from the Target, the initiator starts the SYMM timer for subsequent SYMM frame transmissions.
7. A system to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, a bit in the LLC Information frame is set to '0' or '1' and is used as a more data bit indicator.
8. A system to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, an Initiator initiates communication with a target device by scheduling the transmission of SYMM frame immediately without waiting for idle timer to expire.
9. A method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices as herein explained particularly with reference to the accompanying drawings.
10. A system to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices as herein explained particularly with reference to the accompanying drawings.

The present invention, in general, relates to the devices that implement the Near Field Communications protocol suite. In NFC, the devices can operate in two different modes: Active and Passive. In a pair of devices communicating using the NFCIP-1 protocol, one device functions as the Initiator and the other device as the Target. The idea presented here needs to be implemented in the LLC protocol of the Peer to Peer NFC Device. More particularly, the present invention relates to system and method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer- to- peer NFC devices.
Prior art search has been done to see that within the NFC protocol specifications there is no mechanism provided to expedite data transfer from Target to Initiator or vice versa.
In Near Field Communication (NFC) protocol stack, the communication can take place either in Active or Passive Mode. In NFCIP-1, devices can operate in Active or Passive mode. In Active mode a NFCIP-1 device has its own power source and can generate its own RF field for a frame transfer. However, when a NFCIP-1 device is in Passive communication mode it does not have a power source of its own. A communication is always started by the Initiator device. The Initiator sends a request message, the resulting RF field triggers the receiver circuit in the
Passive Target device and the Target device shall send back a response in load modulation scheme. In the NFCIP-1 protocol, the Target cannot initiate a command on its own, irrespective of whether it is an Active or Passive mode.
After Mode Switch Activities, a NFC Forum Device in the Poll Mode is called the Initiator and the NFC Forum Device in the Listen Mode is called the Target. At the Link Layer, the Initiator and Target follow the Peer To Peer mode of communication. In the peer-to-peer mode of operation, the two devices can have similar capabilities and the type of data communication is not dependent on the devices. LLCP assumes NFCIP-1 to be the MAC layer providing the physical transmission capability. During the link setup phase the Initiator and Target can exchange parameters specific to the Link that is to be used for communication. Once both the devices move to the data communication phase, at NFCIP-1 layer only the Initiator can initiate any type of frame transfer. The Target cannot independently initiate any message to the Initiator. This Request-Response type of communication is suited in legacy contact-less devices in which one of the devices will be a reader and the other device, typically a Tag, which has data to be sent to the reader. However, in P2P mode of NFC devices, both the connected devices are similar to each other and the type of application can be such that either one of them can initiate a communication.
In order to support the P2P communication, the LLCP specification has included a
Command frame called SYMM that is transmitted periodically by the Initiator when there is no other frame to be transmitted. If the Target does not have any frame to send it can send a SYMM frame as a response frame. The SYMM frame is a simple LLCP frame with only the DSAP, SSAP and Control fields. The application at the Target will independently queue data in the Transmit side of the Target. The Target can send the queued application data only when a I, SYMM frame or any other command is received from the Initiator for which I frames can be sent back. The SYMM frame facilitates the Target to send information (I) frames back to the Initiator.
In the current version of the LLCP, the Initiator maintains a timer with a suitable timeout value and on the expiry of the Timeout a SYMM frame is transmitted. In this mechanism, the unidirectional data transfer from the Target depends primarily on the frequency of SYMM frames communicated from the Initiator to the Target. This dependency on the reception of SYMM frames can be more pronounced when the application data traffic is such that data needs to be pushed only from the Target, for example transfer of a file from the Target to Initiator.
In the idea presented below two different methods are presented that can increase the throughput of the communication in P2P mode. Though NFC is not a high bandwidth wireless communication interface, as a convenience technology, the speed of communication should be maintained such that the user does not perceive unacceptable data traffic delays.
Accordingly the invention explains a method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein , a Poll/Final bit in the LLC Information frame is set to '0' or '1' and is used as a More Data bit indicator.
Accordingly the invention explains a method to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, an initiator initiates communication with a target device by scheduling the transmission of SYMM frame immediately without waiting for idle timer to expire.
Accordingly the invention explains a system to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein , a Poll/Final bit in the LLC Information frame is set to '0' or '1' and is used as a More Data bit indicator.
Accordingly the invention explains a system to improve symmetry in data transfer in LLC layer of peer to peer NFC devices wherein, an Initiator initiates communication with a target device by scheduling the transmission of SYMM frame immediately without waiting for idle timer to expire.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the ensuing detailed description of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 depicts communication between a pair of NFCIP-1 devices. The Initiator is functioning in Active mode and the Target in Passive mode. This is the typical mode of operation that is considered in the Peer To Peer mode of communication.
Figure 2a depicts the Frame format of an Information frame used in the Connection based communication.
Figure 2b depicts the frame format of an Unnumbered Information frame used in the Connectionless based communication.
Figure 3 depicts Structure of the Control field present in every LLCP frame
Figure 4 depicts Frame exchange at the LLCP layer and the use of More Bit Indicator. Unnumbered Information frames are transmitted by the Target. The Initiator does not have any application frames to send to the Target, so it transmits a SYMM frame.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
The invention presented below is with reference to the NFCIP-1 protocol and the LLCP draft specification that is prepared by the NFC Forum. The NFC devices can operate in three different link speeds: 106kbps, 212kbps, 424kbps. The NFC P2P devices work on an unbalanced lower layer, where the Initiator has to send requests and the Target will send back responses. Figure 1 gives a representation of NFCIP-1 communication. In this mode of operation, there are scenarios, where the throughput of data communication from the Target can be less than the throughput of data that is being sent by Initiator. In order to increase the throughput of the data communication between the two devices and specifically for the traffic that originates at the Target, two methods are suggested below.
Method 1: The structure of the Information and Unnumbered Information frame in the LLCP are depicted in Figure 2. In Figure 3 the bit fields of the Control field is presented. The bit 4 of the Control Field is left as an unused field in all frames. The method presented below uses this bit field to add more control in the
Information frame. Typically, any one of the unused bits in the Control Field can be used to indicate the More data information.
In the current LLCP specification, there is no way by which a device can inform the peer that it has several data frames to be communicated to the peer. If the Target has several data frames to be sent to the Initiator, for every frame it has to wait for a request frame from the Initiator. Initiator by default sends a SYMM frame after an idle timer runs out. This can greatly affect the throughput of the data path from Target to Initiator.
The update proposed here is to add an indication in the Information frames as to whether more data frames are present in the transmit queue of the sending device. The bit 4 in the LLC Information frame is currently not being used and left for future use. This method suggests the use of the bit 4 as the More Data indicator. In the LLC Information frame the More Data bit can be set when the LLC layer has one or more application level frames queued in it's transmit queue apart from the data that is currently being framed. On reception of l/UI frame, if LLCP sees that the More Data bit is set, and there are no other frames to be transmitted from this device, it will schedule to send the SYMM frame immediately without having to wait for the idle timer to expire. This method can increase the throughput of the link/connection since it avoids the link idle time waiting for the SYMM timeout to happen. This method can be used irrespective of whether device is an Initiator or Target. Figure 4, gives an illustration of a Type 1 connection where the Initiator sends the SYMM frame according to whether the
Target has the More Bit Indicator set to 1 or 0. The More Bit can be set in the l/UI frames sent from the Initiator also. The Target can use this as an indication to schedule the response or it can ignore the same.
A parameter called More Data Indication Support can be included in the initial parameter negotiation of the Link, using which devices can decide if the More Data Indicator bit can be used or not. This method can also be implemented as an optional feature.
Method 2: In the LLCP layer after the link is up, if the application is going to use Type 2 communication (Connection oriented) then the connect request and response frames are exchanged. In Type 1 communication, connection establishment is not required. In current specification, if at the Initiator there are no application frames that need to be sent to the Target, the initiator starts an idle timer and waits for its expiry before sending the first SYMM frame. The update proposed in this method is not to initiate a SYMM timer but the Initiator should schedule the transmission of a SYMM frame immediately. This can allow the Target to send its data frame, if it is already made available by the application. By this, the latency in the exchange of the initial application frames can be reduced. This is more suitable in applications where the Target has to send the first application frame (like application connect request) or it is only the Target that has data to send. The above method can be used by both Type 1 and Type 2 connections. After the first response frame is heard from the Target the Initiator can start the SYMM timer for subsequent SYMM frame transmissions.
It will also be obvious to those skilled in the art that other control methods and apparatuses can be derived from the combinations of the various methods and apparatuses of the present invention as taught by the description and the accompanying drawings and these shall also be considered within the scope of the present invention. Further, description of such combinations and variations is therefore omitted above. It should also be noted that the host for storing the applications include but not limited to a microchip, microprocessor, handheld communication device, computer, rendering device or a multi function device.
Although the present invention has been fully described in connection with the preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be noted that various changes and modifications are possible and are apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications are to be understood as included within the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims unless they depart there from.
LLCP- Logical Link Control Protocol I Frame- Information frame NFC- Near Field Communication P2P- Peer To Peer RFU - Reserved for Future Use SYMM - Symmetry Frame
Type 1 Connection- No connection setup procedure is required; the devices can send data after the link is up
Type 2 Connection- The Peer to Peer device have to exchange CONNECT request/response before data transfer
Standards/Drafts Referred:
NFCIP-1- Near Field Communication Interface Protocol - 1 (ECMA 340) LLCP version V0[1].2.3- A Draft specification in the NFC forum which is available to member companies only



Patent Number 269950
Indian Patent Application Number 897/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 47/2015
Publication Date 20-Nov-2015
Grant Date 19-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 27-Apr-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L9/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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