Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a horizontal form fill and seal machine comprising a reel holder (1) secured with the frame of the machine for supporting a wrapping film reel (2) over the feeding end of the work table (2a), of the machine, guide rollers (la) provided over the work table to guide the movement of the wrapping film (2) to the tube forming folders pressure pull rollers (6) and heat rollers (7) provided for pulling and heating the fins of the tube, characterised in that is the rotary knives (8) with heating mechanism provided on the work table (2a) near the discharge end to cut and seal the packet, cross pusher (14) provided at the discharge end of said work table (2a) to push the packet onto a sealing table (11) provided with the pulse sealing and trimming mechanism (13) therewith.
Full Text This invention relates to a horizontal form fill and seal machine. In particular this invention relates to an improvement in or relating to a horizontal form fill and seal machine.
The horizontal form fill and seal machine is as such known in the art and is used for packing of the solid discrete products in the wrapping film like coated BOPP, laminates etc. which can be sealed by application of heat at a temperature below the melting point of the wrapping film. The known (HFFS) machine comprising a real holder secured with the frame of the wrapping machine over the feed end of the machine. The wrapper is drawn from the reel supported on the reel holder, and is guided over the roller and then is conveyed to the forming holders to form the wrapper into a tube having the cross section more than of the product to be wrapped. The product is pushed into the tube by conveyors provided over the wrapper/working table of the machine. The tube is pushed by pressure pull rollers which grip the tube from the fin at the bottom of the tube. The second set of pull roller is heated to form a seal on the fin. The product inside the tube is parted by rotary knives and thus forming a three side seal pouch. The wrap product is then discharged from the discharge table of the machine.
The main disadvantage associated with the known HFFS machine is that the product cannot be wrapped by the machine when the wrapper film is of plane polypropylene or low density polyethylene.
Therefore, the main object of this invention is to propose a machine which can seal the wrapping material like plane polypropylene or low density polyethylene as the sealing of such wrapping materials is done by pushing the film with each other and then cooling the same to form the seal
Another object of this invention is to propose a horizontal form fill and seal machine provided with the means to push the product onto a sealing table provided for sealing such material.
Still another object of this invention is to propose a HFFS machine having the means to seal the material like polypropylene and low density polyethylene.
According to this invention there is provided a horizontal form fill and seal machine comprising a reel holder secured with the frame of the machine for supporting a wrapping film over the feeding end of the work table of the machine, guide rollers provided over the work table to guide the movement of the wrapping film in the form of tube, pressure pull rollers are provided for pulling and heating the fins of the tube, characterised by the rotary knives with heating mechanism provided on the work table near the discharge end to cut and seal the packet, cross pusher mechanism has a double paddle pusher provided at the discharge end of said work table to push the packet onto a sealing table is provided with the pulse sealing mechanism and trimming mechanism therewith.
In accordance with this invention heated rotary knives means are provided in place of the rotary knives provided in place of the rotary knives provided in the conventional machine, for sealing as well as cutting of the wrapping material like polypropylene and low density polyethylene. Further pusher means are provided at the discharge end of the wrapping table to push the wrapped product onto a sealing table provided at the right angle to the wrapping table in the same horizontal plane.
A horizontal form fill and sealing machine according to a preferred embodiment is herein described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings wherein:-
Fig-1 shows the top plane view of a known wrapping machine.
Fig-2 shows the top plane view of the wrapping machine of the
present invention.
Fig-3 shows the plan view of the pusher means.
Fig-4 shows pusher means during non pushing operation.
Fig-5 shows sealing means.
Fig-6 shows heating jaws of the sealing means in the open
Fig-7 shows plan view of the cam operated limit switch and
Fig-8 shows trimming means.
Referring to the drawing and in particular referring to Fig-1, the horizontal form fill and sealing machine has a reel holder-1 for supporting a wrapping film-2 thereon. The reel holder-1 is secured with the frame of the machine over the feeding end of the work table 2(a). Guide rollers-1 (a) are provided to guide the movement of the wrapping film. Folders-3 are provided over the work table 2(a) for folding wrapper film in the form of a tube having the cross section area more than the area of the product-4 to be wrapped in. A conveyore-5 is provided at the work table 2(a) for pushing the product in the forward direction. A set of pressure pull rollers-6 are provided ever the work table 2(a) for pulling the wrapping material in the form of a tube by gripping the tube from the fin at the bottom of the tube.
A second set of pull rollers-7 are provided for heating the wrapping
material at the fin so as to form the: seal of the fin. The tube having the
product inside by the rotary knives-8 and the cut ends are sealed with
each other with the help of heater sealer-9. Thus the packet sealed from
the three sides is produced and which is being conveyed to the discharge
belt-10. These features of a horizontal form fill and seal machine are as
such known in the art and do not constitute the inventive features of the
present invention.

Specifically according to this invention and as shown in fig-2 the rotary knives-8 are provided with heating means. A product pusher mechanism/means shown in fig-3 is provided at the discharge end of the work table 2(a) for pushing the product-4 onto a sealing table-11 having the sealing mechanism-12 provided for sealing the pouch from the cut ends. Trimming means as (13) shown in fig-8 are provided on the sealing table-11 for cutting the excess sealing ends of the packet.
Reference is now made to fig-3 the cross pusher mechanism comprises a double paddle pusher-14 for pushing the product onto the sealing table-11. A pair of parallel links-15 are secured pivotally at the opposite end to the paddle end of the pusher-14. A cross link-16 adapted to be actuated by a cam lever-17 is pivotally secured on a shaft-18 at the center thereof. The ends of the cross link-16 are secured pivotally with the other ends of the parallel link-15, such that to actuate the parallel links-15 upon actuation of the cam lever-17. Further a link-19 is connected with the parallel link-15 to connect the parallel links-15 to the cam lever-20 adapted to be rotated by the motive means of the machine. The cam lever-17 tilts the cross link-16 on which parallel links-15 are mounted. This gives a D type movement to the paddle pusher. This movement enable product to reach the product towards the sealing mechanism-12.
Reference is now made to pulse sealing mechanism shown in fig-5. The sealing means has an upper jaw-21 and lower jaw-22 which are provided on the shafts-23 & 24 respectively. A lever-25 secured with the shaft-24 at one end is pivotally connected to a cam lever-26 through a flexible link-27 and is provided for actuating upper jaw-21. Cam lever-26 is driven by a cam-28 mounted on a shaft-29 which is driven at the same speed as of the wrapping machine by the motive means of the wrapping machine. Bottom jaw-22 is driven in the counter direction by means of a gear 30 which is driven by a gear-31 mounted on the shaft-24. A heating wire (32) is provided with upper jaw-21 at the sealing end thereof such that the current to the wire-32 is supplied through cam operated Limit Switch-33 (shown in fig-7). Operating part of the cam-28 is adjusted to get the optimum heating cycle. The upper jaw-21 is also provided with the cooling means (not shown) for cooling the wire-32 while the upper jaw-21 & lower jaw-22 are still pressing against each other. A heat resistant pad-34 is provided with the lower jaw-22. The packet-4 is pushed into the sealing jaws 21 & 22 when the jaws are in opening position as shown in fig-6.
Reference is now made to fig-8. The trimming means used for cutting the excess width of the end seals of the packet comprises an upper scissors blade-34A and lower blade-35 mounted on a bracket 36.
The upper scissors blade-34A is pivoted on the upper end of the bracket-36 at the pivot-37. The upper blade-34A is connected to an eccentric cam-38 through the links-39 and 40 and thus the blade-34A is actuated by the cam-38. The blade-34A can also be actuated by the pneumatic arrangements.
Pulse sealing mechanism and trimming mechanism is provided on either sides of the sealing table so as to seal and trim both the ends of the packet simultaneously.

1. A horizontal form fill and seal machine comprising a reel holder (1)
secured with the frame of the machine for supporting a wrapping film
(2) over the feeding end of the work table (2a) of the machine, guide
rollers provided over the work table to guide the movement of the
wrapping film (2) in the form of tube, pressure pull rollers (6 and 7)
are provided for pulling and heating the fins of the tube, characterised
by the rotary knives (8) with heating mechanism provided on the work
table (2a) near the discharge end to cut and seal the packet, cross
pusher mechanism has a double paddle pusher (14) provided at the
discharge end of said work table (2a) to push the packet onto a
sealing table (11) is provided with the pulse sealing mechanism and
trimming mechanism therewith.
2. A seal machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said double paddle
pusher (14) is connected pivotally to the parallel links (15) at the other
end thereof, a cross link (16) is provided between the other ends of
said parallel links, a cam lever (17) pivotally connected at the centre of
said cross link (16) is provided for actuating said paddle pusher (14).
3. A seal machine as claimed in claim 2 wherein the ends of the cross
link (16) are secured pivotally with the other end of parallel tinks-15
such that to actuate the parallel link upon actuation of cam-lever (17).
4. A seal machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein said pulse sealing mechanism has an upper jaw (21) and lower jaw (22) pivotally secured with the respective shafts (23 & 24) at the non sealing ends, the upper jaw (21) is connected to a cam lever (25) secured with shaft 24 pivotally at one end to lever (26) through a flexible link (27) to be actuated upward and downward direction.
5. A seal machine in claim 1 wherein said trimming mechanism has an
upper scissors blade (34A) and a lower scissors blade (35) mounted on
a bracket (36), the upper scissor blade (34A) mounted at the upper
end of the bracket (36) and actuated by an actuating cam (38)
connected therewith pivotally through the links (39 and 40).
6. A horizontal form fill and seal machine as herein described
substantially and illustrated.






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Patent Number 208721
Indian Patent Application Number 2659/DEL/1997
PG Journal Number 35/2007
Publication Date 31-Aug-2007
Grant Date 07-Aug-2007
Date of Filing 18-Sep-1997
Name of Patentee RAJESH KHOSLA
Applicant Address 644, SECTOR 16-D, CHANDIGARH-160015.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65B 9/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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