Title of Invention


Abstract Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System is for use to simplify and effective electrical power distribution system by eliminating hazards of connection / disconnection by fastners and eliminate undue sparking due to loose connection etc. The system comprises an injection moulded casing having (n+1) number of slots. Where 'n' is the number of outgoing connections and 1 for incoming connection. Each slot holds a pressure plate having two slots. The bottom one for holding one end of the spring and the top one for holding the cable for connection. Cable is connected by lifting the upper slot of pressure plate by a puller then inserting the cable inside the slot and release the spring to get proper grip. At the top of the casing throughout its length there are two housings, one on each side of the pressure plate, placed two conductors as bus bars. The incoming and outgoing cables are connected to the system into the proper slots by lifting the pressure plates.
The invention describes spring loaded Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System.
The system is for use to simplify and more effective electrical distribution by eliminating the present hazards of connection and disconnection through fasteners and to eliminate undue sparking due to loose connection etc.
The system typically comprises of an injection moulded casing from an electrically non-conductive thermoplastic having (n+1) number of slots where 'n' is the number of outgoing connection/circuit depending on the requirement and 1 stands for the incoming circuit.
Each slot is a housing to hold a metallic pressure plate having two holes/slots. The top hole/slot is used for lifting the pressure plate and the bottom hole/slot is for holding one end of a spring and the incoming or outgoing cable under constant spring tension.
The incoming and outgoing cable are connected very easily by simply lifting the upper hole/slot of the pressure plate by means of a puller and then inserting the cable inside the other hole/slot and then release the spring tension to hold the cable with firm grip. The other end of the
spring together are kept in such engaged position by a wire passing through the holes at the bottom of the casing.
On the top portion of both sides of the casing, throughout the length there is continuous housing, on which two pieces of electrically conductive metal are placed, one on both sides of the slot, which comprises two elongated Bus Bars. The multi connection distribution system is assembled by inserting cables both incoming and outgoing into the bottom hole/slot of the pressure plate. The Bus Bar is securely retained on the housing formed at two locations. When the Bus Bar is installed in the housing, with the releasing of the spring tension, is to secure the cables at two contacts in order to make stable electrical connection with the circuit components when they are inserted into their receptacles.
At the bottom of the casing, there are two holes at each end for fixing the casing on the insulated moulded box.
Incoming and outgoing cables were connected by means of nuts and bolts. The bolt was inserted through a hole in a flat section of the Bus Bar and through an eyelet terminal at the end of the cable. Then the nut was threaded over the bolt and tightened to urge the eyelet terminal into contact with the Bus Bar with force for electrical connection there
between bus bar and terminal. A typical Bus Bar has been shown at Figure -7.
There are many problems with the nut and bolt connection of the type described above: -
a) If either the nut or the bolt has stripped or otherwise defective
threads, the resulting connection may be poor.
b) The relatively small surface area of contact between the terminal
and the Bus Bar may not dissipate effectively, leading to
undesirable heating at contact surface.
c) Threading the nut onto the bolt requires a tool to be used for
tighten the nut to the correct degree, thus adding to time and cost
involved in the assembly work.
d) Fixing of cable to the Bus Bar by nuts and bolts, after long time the
nut & bolt get jammed, thus replacement, repair and extension
process is cumbersome and time consuming.
e) As the incoming and outgoing connections are by nuts & bolts, it
creates flash in the system incase of slight loose in the fixing
The invention relates to Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System is simple in construction. It does not
require any fasteners to fix. The system is easy to install/dismantle/extension and reduction of circuits.
The invention is of Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System. The system consists of a moulded casing made of electrically non-conductive thermo plastic material having multi number of slots. Number of slots depends on the number of outgoing connections based on the requirement.
Each slot is a housing to hold a metallic pressure plate having two holes/slots. The top hole/slot is used for lifting the pressure plate and the bottom hole/slot is for holding one end of a spring and the incoming or outgoing cable under constant spring tension.
The incoming and outgoing cable are connected very easily by simply lifting the upper hole/slot of the pressure plate by means of a puller and then inserting the cable inside the other hole/slot and then release the spring tension to hold the cable with firm grip. The other end of the spring together are kept in such engaged position by a wire passing through the holes at the bottom of the casing.
On the top portion of both sides of the casing, throughout the length there is continuous housing, on which two pieces of electrically conductive metal are placed, one on both sides of the slot, which comprises two elongated Bus Bars. The multi connection distribution
system is assembled by inserting cables both incoming and outgoing into the bottom hole/slot of the pressure plate. The Bus Bar is securely retained on the housing formed at two locations. When the Bus Bar is installed in the housing, with the releasing of the spring tension, is to secure the cables at two contacts in order to make stable electrical connection with the circuit components when they are inserted into their receptacles.
At the bottom of the casing, there are two holes at each end for fixing the casing on the insulated moulded box.
The objective of the invention is to provide a reliable, secure connection between power supply cable and power distribution system.
The other objective of this invention is to provide a quick and simple assembly process of connection between power supply and distribution system.
In case of three phase connection, identification of phases are done distinctly on placing coloured caps (Red, Yellow & Blue) on the top of the pressure plates or change in colour of the casing or colour tag.
The invention thus eliminates all hazards of connection of the cables by nuts & bolts, thus eliminate scope of any loose connection vis-a-vis spark if any. The invention also eliminates any scope of jamming of nuts
& bolts thus replacement, repair, extension, deletion of circuits become trouble free. To include or detach any connection, simply lift the pressure plate by a pusher and either bring out the cable in case of detach or put the cable inside in case of inclusion of line.
The invented design concept is shown in the accompanying illustrative
design/drawing to show the invention:-
Figure - 1 Electrically non-conductive thermo-plastic moulded casing.
Figure - 2 Metallic Pressure Plate
Figure - 3 Conductor - Bus Bar
Figure - 4 Spring
Figure - 5 Spring holding Rod
Figure - 6 Position with & without connection
Figure - 7 Prior art
As shown in the accompanying drawings, the invented Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System consists of a moulded casing (Fig - 1) having (n+1) slots, where 'n' is the number of outgoing connections/circuits depending upon the requirement of the consumer and 1 is for incoming connection/circuit.
Each slot of the casing is a housing to hole a metallic pressure plate (Fig - 2) whose pressure is governed by a spring (Fig - 4) placed at the bottom of the pressure plate. The upper hole/slot of the pressure plate is for holding the cable for connection. For connecting or disconnecting cable, simply the pressure plate is lifted above by means of a pusher and then cable is inserted at the hole/slot of the pressure plate, and then the spring tension is released to get firm grip on the Bus Bar leaving no scope of looseness vis-a-vis any spark. The fixing of cable is thus easy, does not need any fastener.
The other end of the spring is kept in such engaged position by a Stainless Steel Wire (Figure-5) passing through the holes at the bottom portion of the casing.
On the upper portion of the casing, on both sides of the pressure plate there exist two housings, one on each side to accommodate two conductors which basically act as Bus Bar (Figure-3). These conductors are energized by the incoming conductor connected at the first slot. The outgoing connections are taken from the successive slots of the casing.
The complete casing assembly is installed inside an electrically non-conductive thermo-plastic moulded box to provide protection from Dust, Rain, and other objects. Number of such casings - One, Two, Three, Four or more can be accommodated as per the requirement of the customer.
The invented spring loaded constant pressure Distribution System as described is very simple and easy to connect or disconnect as there is no use of nuts & bolts/screws with this system of connection, the grip on the cable is firm with spring tension, thus eliminate any spark etc. Replacement, repair and extension is easy, less time consuming.
The illustration shown in the attached drawings is only representative to show the invention. There could be numerous version of this invention in shape or size and configuration depending upon the specific use of the user.
Therefore, many apparently different embodiments of the present invention could be made without departing from scope and spirit thereof. It is intended that the description of the invention stated herein be interpreted as being illustrative only and not limiting in any manner whatsoever.
The salient features of the system are: -
Basic construction of Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution system is very simple as explained above and shown in the drawing. The use of this system does not require any fastener for connecting cable. Installation, expansion, reduction of
circuits, maintenance and repair is easy. Cross-section, shape and size of cable can be altered easily according to load. Spring load is adjusted in length, dia to suit any particular requirement. Extension of number of connections can easily be done as per requirement.
In case of multiphase connection, the phase can be easily identified by putting different coloured caps on the top of pressure plates or making the casing in different colours.
The invented system thus is suitable for Single Phase as well as Multi phase distribution system.
The objective of this invention is to provide a reliable and secure electrical connection between incoming power supply and power distribution.
Also this invention is to provide a Power Distribution System that may be connected with a power supply terminal by a quick and simple assembly process.
These objectives are achieved by Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection Distribution System having a casing made of electrically non-conductive thermo-plastic material, having multi
number slots depending on the number of outgoing connections. In each slot there is a metallic pressure plate for holding cable by means of a spring placed at the bottom of the pressure plate. All the springs in the casing are kept in such engaged position by a stainless steel wire passing through the holes at the bottom portion of the casing. On the upper portion of the cable, on both sides of the pressure plate there exist two housings, one on each side to accommodate two conductors which basically act as Bus Bars. These conductors are energized by the incoming conductor connected at the first slot. The outgoing connections are taken from the successive slots of the casing thus holding direct contact with both incoming and outgoing cables.
The assembled casing is placed inside a electrically non-conductive thermo-plastic moulded box to provide protection from dust, rain and other objects. Number of outgoing terminals will depend on the requirement of the customer.

1. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi-Connection
Distribution System for providing electrical connection between
the incoming supply and number of outgoing circuit components
comprising: -
a) Casing for housing the circuit components; (1)
b) Bus Bar (3) mounted on both the sides of the upper part of
the casing, having double contact connection with the
c) At least one slot formed in the casing at 90° to the position of
the Bus Bar for receiving contact of the cable terminal with
the bus bar so as to engage the first end of the cable terminal.
d) Pressure plate (2) having two holes/slots, the bottom one for
holding one end of the spring (4) and the top one for holding
incoming/outgoing cable for firm contact under constant
spring tension;
e) Wire (5) passing through the holes at the bottom of the
casing to engage the lower portion of the springs together.

2. A spring loaded constant pressure multi connection distribution
system as claimed in claim 1 - wherein the number of slots in the
casing can be increased as per the number of conductor to be used.
3. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi-Connection
Distribution System as claimed in claim 1 wherein a spring (4) is
placed within the slot of the casing (1) for keeping the terminal

contact portion in firm contact with the Bus Bar connection portion.
4. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection
Distribution System according to claim 3 wherein the spring
device comprises a clamp which keeps the terminal and bus bar
connection portion together.
5. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection
Distribution System as claimed in claim 4 wherein the spring
device comprises a rigid wire (5) fixed at the base of the casing for
flexibly fixing the pressure plate at the desired pressure on the bus
bar connection portion.
6. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection
Distribution System as claimed in claim 1 wherein the moulded
casing is fixed on an insulated box by means of screws fixed at the
two ends at the bottom of the casing.
7. A Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi Connection
Distribution System as claimed in any of the preceding claims for
use in Tamper Proof distribution boxes etc.






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Patent Number 208722
Indian Patent Application Number 853/DEL/2005
PG Journal Number 35/2007
Publication Date 31-Aug-2007
Grant Date 07-Aug-2007
Date of Filing 04-Apr-2005
Name of Patentee DHARAM PAL GUPTA,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01 R 11/12
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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