Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to an apparatus on a carding machine for textile fibers, for example, cotton, or synthetic fibers, comprising revolving card flat bars equipped with clothing, in which a space is provided between the tips of the card flat clothings forming an adjustable angle with the cylinder clothing wherein the ends of the cards flat bars each slide with one part on a first curved slideway and with another part on a second curved slideway and the sliding-contact surfaces of the slideways - viewed circumferentially - are at different distances from one another. The sliding - contact surfaces (20a, 21a) of the slideways (20, 21) are arranged such that the distances (h1, h2) in the vertical direction between the sliding contact surfaces (20a, 21a) increase or decrease in respect of the cylinder clothing.
Full Text Apparatus on a carding machine for textile fibres,
for example, cotton, synthetic fibres or the like,
comprising revolving card flat bars equipped with
The invention relates to an apparatus on a
carding machine for textile fibres, for example,
cotton, synthetic fibres and the like, comprising
revolving card flat bars equipped with clothing,
in which a space is present between the tips of
the card flat clothings and the tips of the
cylinder clothing and the card flat clothings form
an adjustable angle with the cylinder clothing,
wherein the ends of the card flat bars each slide
with one part on a first curved slideway and with
another part on a second curved slideway and the
sliding-contact surfaces of the slideways - viewed
circumferentially - have different distances from
one another.
In a known apparatus (WO 00/05441), an
adjusting device for the local displacement of the
flexible second slideway is arranged centrally.
On operation thereof, the second slideway is moved
outwards or inwards in a radial direction with
respect to the cylinder. The adjusting device
includes a plurality of support members, which
extend from a central support member and support
the second curved slide such that the radial
support members extend or contract in response to
the position of the adjusting device. The
adjusting device can operate hydraulically or
pneumatically. The second guide means can be
arranged in the operating region of the cylinder
substantially parallel to the cylinder surface;
alternatively, its relative position may vary
around the working surface of the cylinder, in
order to change the angle of inclination of the
card flats as they traverse the working region of
the cylinder and hence to influence the quality of
carding obtained. It is not necessary to adjust
each card flat bar individually; all that is
required is a single adjustment of the position of
the guide means with respect to the carding
machine in order to set the angle of inclination
of all card flat bars in the flat driving chain.
The high structural complexity required for
displacing and adjusting the card flat bars is a
disadvantage. The known apparatus is costly in
terms of equipment. It is a further disadvantage
that the support members are only in point-contact
engagement with the second slideway. In
particular, it is inconvenient that the angles of
inclination of all the card flat bars at any one
time are adjustable. In this way, either all
angles of inclination can only be increased or all
anngles of inclination can only be decreased. This
uniform alignment of the card flat bars, or
rather, of the card flat bar clothings, leads to
increased damage to the fibres and to nep
formation. Finally, the clothings of the card
flat bars are subject to considerable wear during
The invention is therefore based on the
problem of producing an apparatus of the kind
described in the introduction, which avoids the
said disadvantages, which in particular is of
simple construction and is easy to assemble,
enables the carding intensity of the card flat
bars to be individually adjusted and allows wear
of the clothing on the card flat bars to be
That problem is solved by the characterising
features of claim 1.
The features according to the invention permit
the angle between the clothing surface of each
card flat bar and the cylinder clothing - the so-
called offset angle - to be individually selected.-
A special advantage comprises the fact that by
specific or individual alignment of the clothing
surfaces of the card flat bars in relation to one
another, the ratio of fibre damage to nep
formation is quite considerably improved. Added
to this is that the fact that the lasting
technological improvement is rendered possible in
a structurally especially simple way. The
arrangement of the slideways enables additional
devices for displacing the card flat bars and the
slideways to be omitted. The individual
adjustment of the angle of inclination is effected
automatically by virtue of the fact that the
sliding elements of the card flat bars slide on
two sliding-contact surfaces, the mutual spacings
which both increase and decrease. In accordance
with a further advantage, the individual
inclination of the carding surfaces considerably
reduces wear of the clothing on the card flat
bars .
Claims 2 to 40 relate to advantageous
developments of the invention.
The invention is explained below with
reference to exemplary embodiments illustrated in
the drawings, in which
Fig. 1 is a schematic side view of a carding
machine for the apparatus according to
the invention,
Fig. 2 shows card flat bars and a fragment
of the first slideway of a two-part
slideway and a flexible bend,
Fig. 3a shows schematically the adjustment of
the angle between the card flat clothings
and the cylinder clothing at the card
flat outlet or fibre inlet (offset
Fig. 3b shows schematically the adjustment of
the angle between the card flat clothings
and the cylinder clothing at the card
flat inlet or fibre outlet (counter-gap),
Figs 4a to 4c are perspective views of three
different constructions of the slide
Fig. 4d is a side view of the slide rails of
Figs 4a to 4c,
Fig. 4e is section A-A in accordance with
Fig. 4d,
Fig. 4f is section B-B in accordance with
Fig. 4d,
Fig. 4g is section C-C in accordance with
Fig. 4d,
Fig. 5a is a front view of an embodiment with
slide rails of different heights, in
which the sliding elements in the card
flat bar are arranged at the same height
and have different diameters in the end
Fig. 5b is a side view of the construction
corresponding to Fig. 5a, but without
flexible bends and carrier element,
Fig. 5c is a perspective view of the
construction according to Fig. 5b,
Fig. 6a is a front view of a further
embodiment with sliding-contact surfaces
of different heights, in which the
sliding elements in the card flat bar are
arranged at different heights and have
the same diameter in the end region,
Fig. 6b is a side view of the construction
corresponding to Fig. 6a, but without
flexible bends and card flat backs,
Fig. 6c is a perspective view of the
construction according to Fig. 6b,
Fig. 7a is a side view of a further embodiment
with slide rails of different heights, in
which the sliding elements in the card
flat bar are arranged at the same height
and have the same diameter in the end
region, and
Fig. 7b is a perspective view of the
construction corresponding to Fig. 7a.
Fig. 1 shows a carding machine, for example,
the Trutzschler high-performance card DK 903, with
feed roller 1, feed table 2, licker-ins 3a, 3b,
3c, cylinder 4, doffer 5, stripping roller 6,
squeezing rollers 7, 8, web-guide element 9, web
funnel 10, take-off rollers 11, 12, revolving card
flat assembly 13, with card flat bar guide rollers
13a, 13b and card flat bars 14, can 15 and can
coiler 16. The directions of rotation of the
rollers are shown by respective curved arrows.
The letter M denotes the midpoint (axis) of the
cylinder 4. The reference numeral 4 denotes the
clothing and 4b denotes the direction of rotation
of the cylinder 4. The letter C denotes the
direction of rotation in the carding setting and
the letter D the return transport direction of the
card flat assembly.
Referring to Fig. 2, on each side of the
carding machine, a flexible bend 17 having several
adjusting screws is secured by means of screws
laterally to the machine frame. The flexible bend
17 has a convex outer surfacel7a and a lower
surface 17b. Above the flexible bend 17, there is
a first slideway 20, for example, of anti-friction
plastics material, which has a convex outer
surface 20a and a concave inner surface 20b. The
second slideway 21 (see Figs 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b) is
not shown. The concave inner surface 20b lies on
the convex outer surface 17a. The card flat bars
14 have at both ends a respective card flat heel
part 14a, secured to which in the axial direction
are two steel pins 14b that slide on the convex
outer surface 20 of the slideway 20 in the
direction of arrow C. The card flat clothing 14d
is mounted on the lower surface of the carrier
element 14c. The reference number 23 denotes the
tip circle of the card flat clothings 14d. On its
circumference, the cylinder 4 has a cylinder
clothing 4a, for example, saw-tooth clothing. The
reference numeral 22 denotes the tip circle of the
cylinder clothing 4a. The distance between the tip
circle 23 and the tip circle 22 is denoted by the
letter a, and is, for example, 2/1000". The
distance between the convex outer surface 20a and
the tip circle 22 is denoted by the letter b. The
variable radius of the convex outer surface 20a is
denoted by r1 and the constant radius of the tip
circle 22 is denoted by r2. The radius r2
intersects the mid-point M (see Fig. 1) of the
cylinder 4. The reference numeral 14c denotes the
card flat back.
Figs 3a and 3b show (to an exaggerated degree
in the drawing) the changes in the angle a and b
respectively subtended between the card flat
clothings 18a, 18b, 18c and the tangent to the
cylinder clothing 4a. According to Fig. 3a, the
pins 14b1, 14b3 and 14b5 lie on the sliding contact
surface 21a of the first slideway 21 and the pins
14b2, 14b4 and 14b6 lie on the sliding contact
surface 20a on the second slideway 20. The
sliding contact surface 20a, partly visible in
side view, is drawn with a dash-dot line and the
visible sliding contact surface 21a is drawn with
a continuous line. The distance between the tip
circle 22 of the cylinder clothing 4a and the
sliding contact surface 20a is denoted by the
reference C1 and the distance to the sliding
contact surface 21a by the reference c2. The
distance c2 is larger than the distance C1. The
clothing 14d of the card flat bars 14I, 14II, 14III
forms a respective acute angle a with the tangent
to the cylinder clothing 4a, with the result that
the carding nip narrows in the direction of
rotation 4b of the cylinder 4. The distance
between the clothing 14d and the cylinder clothing
4a is denoted at the entry of the carding nip by
the letter d, and at the exit by the letter a, d
being greater than a. The angle of inclination a
is termed the so-called "offset angle". The slow-
running card flat barsl4I, 14II, 14III are located
in the region of the card flat guide roller 13a,
that is, in the region of the card flat exit or
fibre intake.
Referring to Fig. 3b, the pins 14b8, 14b10,
14b12 lie on the sliding contact surface 20a of the
second slideway 20 and the pins 14b7, 14b9 and 14b11
lie on the sliding contact surface 21a on the
first slideway 21. The sliding contact surface
21a, visible in side view, is drawn with a
continuous line and the partly visible sliding
contact surface 20a is drawn with a dot-dash line.
The distance between the tip circle 22 of the
cylinder clothing 4a and the sliding contact
surface 21a is denoted by the reference c3 and the
distance to the sliding contact surface 20a by the
reference c4. The distance c4 is larger than the
distance c3. The clothing 14d of the card flat bars
14IV, 14V, 14VI subtends a respective acute angle b
with the tangent to the cylinder clothing 4a, with
the result that the carding nip opens out in the
direction of rotation 4b of the high-speed
cylinder 4. The distance between the clothing 14d
and the cylinder clothing 4a is denoted at the
entry of the carding nip by the letter a, and at
the exit by the letter e, e being greater than a.
The angle of inclination b is termed the so-
called counter-offset angle. The slow-running
card flat bars 14IV, 14V, 14V are located in the
region of the card flat guide roller 13b, that is,
in the region of the card flat entry or fibre
outlet. Figs 3a and 3b serve to illustraite the
adjustment of the offset angle and counter-offset
angle. The pins 14b which are of identical
diameters in Figs 3a and 3b, can in practice also
be of the form corresponding to Figs 5a to 5c.
The angles a and b can be, for example, about
1°. The distance a at the narrowest point of the
carding nip is for all card flat bars 14I to 14VI
preferably the same or almost the same and can be,
for example 3/1000".
Fig. 4a shows two curved slideways 20 and 21,
which consist, for example, of anti-friction
plastics material and are flexible. The slideways
20, 21 are manufactured in one piece from a
plastics material block, for example, by material-
removing milling or similar processes. The
slideways 20, 21 are formed without an
intermediate space between them. Fig. 4b shows a
one-piece construction similar to that of Fig. 4a,
but in which between the slideways 20, 21 there is
an intermediate space in the form of a
longitudinal groove open at one side. The one-
piece constructions shown in Fig 4a and Fig 4b are
displaceable as a whole on the flexible bend 17 or
on a carrier element 24 in the circumferential
direction of the cylinder 4. Referring to Fig.
4c, the slideways 20 and 21 are arranged on the
carrier element 24 and are individually
longitudinally slidable in the direction of the
curved arrows D, E and F, G respectively. The
slideways 20 and 21 can also be arranged
separately (in a manner not shown) side by side on
the flexible bend 17 so as to be displaceable in
direction D, E and F, G. The slideways 20, 21 can
be arranged with or without an intermediate space
between them so as to be displaceable.
As shown in a perspective view in Fig 4a to 4b
and in side view in Fig. 4d, the sliding-contact
surfaces 20a, 21a of the slideways 20, 21 are
arranged so that they form an intersection point
where they cross one another. As shown in Fig.
4e, in the region of the outlet of the card
flat bar 14I, a distance h1 is present between the
height h3 of the sliding surface 21a and the height
h4 of the sliding surface 20a. As shown in Fig.
4g, in the region of the inlet of the card flat
bar 14VI, a distance h2 is present between the
height h5 of the sliding surface 20a and the height
h6 of the sliding surface 21a. At the point at
which the sliding-contact surfaces 20a, 21a shown
in Fig. 4d intersect, Fig 4f shows that there is
no distance in the vertical direction between the
sliding contact surfaces 20a, 21a. In this way,
the sliding-contact surfaces 20a, 21a of slideways
20, 21 are arranged relative to one another such
that the distances h1 and h2 in the vertical
direction between the sliding-contact surfaces
20a, 21a both increase and decrease. The
distances h1 and h2 of the sliding-contact surfaces
20a, 21a of the slideways 20, 21 do not become
strictly uniformly either smaller or larger with
respect to one another.
Referring to Figs 5a to 5c, the card flat head
consist of two sliding elements 14bI, 14bII, one
end region of which is secured in apertures of the
card flat heel part 14a (compare DE-A- 43 05 148).
The sliding element 14b11 is a cylindrical pin of
stainless steel having a diameter of, for example,
6 mm; it projects beyond the end face of the card
flat bar 14VI by distance g. The other sliding
element 14b1 consists of a cylindrical pin 14.2
having a diameter of, for example, 6 mm, at the
free end of which a circular disc 14.1 of
stainless steel having a diameter of, for example,
18 mm, is mounted and projects beyond the end face
of the
card flat bar 14VI by distance f. In place of the
disc 14.1, the pin 14.2 can be angled, that is,
bent towards the sliding contact surface 21a.
Distance f is larger than distance g. An elongate,
flexible, curved carrier element 24 is arranged on
the flexible bend 17, and can be displaced
parallel to the flexible bend 17 and can be of
wedge-form construction. On the upper side of
the carrier element 24, the two curved slideways
20 and 21 of, for example, anti-friction plastics
material, are arranged in a secure manner side by
side. In operation, the sliding element 14bII
slides on the sliding-contact surface 20a (see
Figs 4a to 4c) of the slideway 20 and the disc
14.1 of the sliding element 14bI slides on the
sliding-contact surface 21a (see Figs 4a to 4c) of
the slideway 21.
Because the diameter d1 of the disc 14.1 is
larger than the diameter d2 of the pin 14bII and
the distance f is larger than the distance g, at
the card flat entry the sliding element 14bI
extends over the sliding-contact surface 20a to
engage with the sliding-contact surface 21a
arranged lower down. At the same time, the
shorter sliding element 14bII engages with the
sliding-contact surface 20a arranged higher up.
In this way, the opening carding nip of angle b is
formed. As the card flat bar 14IV slides in
direction C, at the card flat exit the sliding
element 14bII, having slid beyond the intersection
point of the two sliding-contact surfaces 20a,
21a, engages with the now lower sliding-contact
surface 20a and the disc 14.1 engages with the
higher sliding-contact surface 21a. By angling
the cardings bars, the closing carding nip of
angle a is formed at the card flat exit.
Referring to Figs 6a to 6c, a further
construction with sliding-contact surfaces 20a,
21a of different height is provided, in which the
sliding elements 14b in the card flat bar 14 are
arranged at different heights and in their end
regions have the same diameter. The two sliding
elements 14b on each card flat bar 14 are
advantageously pins of stainless steel having a
diameter of 6 mm. The intersection point between
the sliding-contact surfaces 20a, 21a has been
displaced asymmetrically towards the card flat
According to Figs 7a, 7b, yet a further
construction has sliding-contact surfaces 20a, 21a
of different height, in which the sliding elements
14b in the card flat bar are arranged at the same
height and in, their end region are of the same
diameter. The sliding elements 14b of this
embodiment can also consist of stainless steel and
have a diameter of 6 mm. In this construction,
however, the intersection point between the two
sliding-contact surfaces 20a, 21a is arranged
asymmetrically towards the card flat exit.
1. Apparatus on a carding machine for textile fibers, for example, cotton, or
synthetic fibers, comprising revolving card flat bars equipped with
clothing, in which a space is provided between the tips of the card flat
clothings forming an adjustable angle with the cylinder clothing wherein
the ends of the cards flat bars each slide with one part on a first curved
slideway and with another part on a second curved slideway and the
sliding-contact surfaces of the slideways - viewed circumferentially - are
at different distances from one another, characterized in that the sliding -
contact surfaces (20a, 21a) of the slideways (20, 21) are arranged such
that the distances (h1, h2) in the vertical direction between the sliding
contact surfaces (20a, 21a) increase or decrease in respect of the cylinder
2. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the distances of the sliding-
contact surfaces of the slideways do not become consistently or
correspondingly smaller or larger with respect to one another.
3. Apparatus as claimed in claims 1 or 2, wherein the slideways are arranged
side by side on each side of the carding.
4. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the second
slideway is integrated in the first slideway.
5. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the slideways
are of one - piece construction.
6. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the slideways
are arranged separately side by side.
7. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein two sliding
elements are provided on each card flat bar end, and wherein the sliding
elements are of different cross-section and/or diameter.
8. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 7, wherein a cylindrical
element or, a disc is arranged in the end region of a respective sliding
element, which has a larger diameter than the respective other sliding
9. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 8, wherein at least one
slideway is flexible.
10. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 9, wherein at least one
slideway - in relation to the cylinder - is constructed to be displaceable in
the circumferential direction.
11. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 10, wherein at least one
slideway is of wedge-form construction.
12. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 11, wherein the card flat
bars are arranged so as to rotate about an axis of rotation parallel to the
cylinder axis.
13. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 12, wherein the axis cf
rotation is arranged in the middle of each card flat bar.
14. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 13, wherein the angle
between the carding surface of at least one card flat bar and a respective
tangent to the clothing of the cylinder is adjustable.
15. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 14, wherein the angle
between the carding surface of at least one card flat bar and a respective
radius of the cylinder is individually adjustable.
16. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 15, wherein viewed in the
direction of rotation of the cylinder - at the fibre inlet at least one carding
nip closes (offset).
17. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 16, wherein viewed in the
direction of rotation of the cylinder - at the fibre outlet at least one
carding nip opens (counter-offset angle).
18. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 17, wherein between fiber
inlet and fibre outlet at least one angle amounts to 0°.
19. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 18, wherein the card flat
bar automatically assumes different offset angle positions as it traverses
the working region from card flat inlet to card flat exit.
20. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 19, wherein the different
sliding elements, for example slide pins, of each card flat bar run on two
sliding-contact surfaces (slide rails) of different heights relative to one
21.Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims l'to 20, wherein the different
diameters of the sliding region of the sliding elements cause an offset
angle of the card flat bar during a traverse thereof.
22.Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 21, wherein the sliding
elements, for example, slide pins, are fixed at the same height to the card
flat bar.
23.Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 22, wherein the sliding
elements, for example, slide pins, are not fixed at the same height to the
card flat bar.
24. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 23, wherein the height
gradient between the two slide rails has an arbitrary contour (sliding-
contact surface)
25. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 24, wherein at least one
slide rail is exchangeable for another slide rail having a different contour
(sliding - contact surface).
26. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 25, wherein the two slide
rails are each separately displaceable relative to one another on one side
of the cylinder.
27. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 26, wherein displacement
of the slide rails is effected by a driven displacement device, for example,
by a drive motor.
28. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 27, wherein displacement
of the slide rails is effected during continuous operation.
29. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 28, wherein as the card
flat bars are being guided over the working region a different offset angle
is set independently of location.
30. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 29, wherein two slide rail
tracks are present apd each sliding element, for example, card flat bar
guide pin, moves on its own slide rail guide track.
31.Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 30, wherein a slide rail
with two different slide tracks is provided on each side of the cylinder.
32. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 31, wherein the change in
the offset angle is caused by an offset in height of the slide tracks relative
to one another.
33. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 32, wherein the offset in
height over the path of the revolving card flat assembly Is independent of
34. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 33, wherein the offset in
height over the path of the revolving card flat assembly is freely
35. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 34, wherein the offset in
height over the path of the revolving card flat assembly has offset angles
in continuity, for example, of a sharp-edges nature.
36.Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 35, wherein the slide
tracks over the path of the revolving card flat assembly, that is to say, the
height offset, are unvarying.
37. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 36, wherein the slide
tracks over the path of the revolving card flat assembly, that is to say, the
offset, are produced by material-removing machining.
38. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 37, wherein viewed in the
lateral direction - the sliding - contact surfaces (20a, 21a) cross one
39. Apparatus as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 38, wherein viewed in the
lateral direction - at the intersection point of the sliding - contact surfaces
(20a, 21a) there is no distance in the vertical direction between the sliding
contact surfaces (20a, 21a).
The invention relates to an apparatus on a carding machine for textile fibers, for
example, cotton, or synthetic fibers, comprising revolving card flat bars equipped
with clothing, in which a space is provided between the tips of the card flat
clothings forming an adjustable angle with the cylinder clothing wherein the ends
of the cards flat bars each slide with one part on a first curved slideway and with
another part on a second curved slideway and the sliding-contact surfaces of the
slideways - viewed circumferentially - are at different distances from one
another. The sliding - contact surfaces (20a, 21a) of the slideways (20, 21) are
arranged such that the distances (h1, h2) in the vertical direction between the
sliding contact surfaces (20a, 21a) increase or decrease in respect of the cylinder




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187-kol-2004-granted-examination report.pdf

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187-kol-2004-granted-priority document.pdf

187-kol-2004-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


187-kol-2004-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 224145
Indian Patent Application Number 187/KOL/2004
PG Journal Number 40/2008
Publication Date 03-Oct-2008
Grant Date 01-Oct-2008
Date of Filing 20-Apr-2004
Name of Patentee TRUTZACHLER GMBH & CO.KG.
Applicant Address DUVENSTRASSE 82-92, D-41199 MONCHENGLADBACH,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number DOIG15/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10318966.1 2003-04-26 Malaysia