Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a steam generator (1) comprising a heating gas channel (6), which can be traversed in an approximately horizontal heating gas direction and in which at least one continuous heating surface (8) is located, configured from a number of approximately vertical evaporator tubes (14), connected in parallel to allow the passage of a flow medium (W.D.). The aim of the invention is to provide a method for starting a generator, which guarantees a high degree of operational safety, even for a steam generator with a particularly simple construction (1). According to the invention, to achieve this, at least several evaporator tubes (14) are partially filled to a predeterminable desired level with unevaporated flow medium (W), prior to the impingement of the heating gas channel (6) by a heating gas.
Full Text Method for starting a steam generator comprising a heating gas
channel that can be traversed in an approximately horizontal heating
gas direction and steam generator
The invention relates to a method for starting a steam generator
with a heating gas channel that can be traversed in an almost
horizontal heating gas direction, in which at least one continuous
heating surface is located, configured from a number of
approximately vertical evaporator tubes, connected in parallel to
allow the passage of a flow medium. It also refers to a steam
generator of this kind.
In a gas and steam turbine system, the heat contained in the
expanded operating medium or heating gas from the gas turbine is
used to generate steam for the steam turbine. The heat transfer
takes place in a waste-heat steam generator downstream of the gas
turbine, in which usually a number of heating surfaces are arranged
for water preheating, steam generation and steam superheating. The
heating surfaces are connected to the water-steam circuit of the
steam turbine. The water-steam circuit normally contains several,
e.g. three, pressure stages, each having an evaporator heating
Several alternative design concepts are possible for the steam
generator connected downstream of the heating gas end of the gas
turbine as a waste-heat steam generator, i.e. as a once-through
steam generator or as a circulating-steam generator. With a once-
through steam generator, the heating of the steam generating tubes
provided as evaporator tubes causes evaporation of the flow medium
in the steam generator tubes in a single passage. In contrast to
this, with a natural- or forced-circulation steam generate the
circulated water is only partially evaporated during one passage
through the evaporator tubes. The water not evaporated is re-
supplied to the same evaporator tubes for further evaporation after
removal of the generated steam.
A once-through steam generator is, in contrast to a natural- or
forced-circulation steam generator, not subject to pressure
limitation and therefore live steam pressures far above the critical
pressure of water of (PKri ˜ 221 bar) where there are still only
slight differences in density between the liquid-similar and steam-
similar medium, are possible. A high live steam pressure favors a
high thermal efficiency and therefore low CO2 emissions in a power
station heated by fossil fuel. In addition, a once-through steam
generator is of simpler construction than a circulating-steam
generator and therefore can be manufactured at particularly low
cost. The use of a steam generator designed on the once-through
principle as a waste heat steam generator of a gas and steam turbine
system is therefore particularly suitable for achieving a high
overall efficiency of the gas and steam turbine system combined with
simple construction.
Particular advantages with regard to the cost of manufacture and
also the necessary maintenance work is offered by a waste-heat steam
generator of horizontal design where the heating medium or heating
gas, in particular the waste gas from the gas turbine, is passed
through the steam generator in an almost horizontal direction of
flow. A horizontal steam generator of this kind is known from EP 0
944 801 Bl. Because of its design as a once-through steam generator,
the overflowing of water from the evaporator tubes forming the
continuous heating surface into the downstream superheater must be
prevented during operation. However, this can cause problems,
particularly when starting the steam generator.
When the steam generator is started, a water discharge, as it is
called, can occur. This arises when the flow medium in the
evaporator tubes initially evaporates due to the heating of the
evaporator tubes and this, for example, takes place in the middle of
the particular evaporator tube. This causes the quantity of water
downstream (also known as water plugs) to be expelled from the
particular evaporator tube. To reliably make sure that unevaporated
flow medium from the evaporator tubes cannot reach the superheater
connected after the tubes, the known steam generator, such as
normally also a once-through steam generator of vertical design, is
provided with a water-steam separator or precipitator connected
between the evaporator tubes forming the continuous heating surface
and the superheater. Surplus water is drawn off from this and either
returned to the evaporator by a circulating pump or discharged. A
water-steam separating system of this kind is, however,
comparatively expensive with regard to both design and maintenance.
The object of the invention is therefore to provide a method for
starting a steam generator of the type stated above, that also
guarantees a high degree of operating safety combined with a
particularly simple construction. Furthermore, a steam generator
particular suitable for the performance of the method is also to be
With regard to the method, this object is achieved according to the
invention in that at least several of the evaporator tubes forming
the continuous heating surface are partially filled to a
predeterminable desired level with unevaporated flow medium before
heating gas is applied to the heating gas channel.
The invention is based on the consideration that to maintain a high
operational safety when the steam generator is starting, the entry
of unevaporated flow medium into the superheater connected after the
evaporator tubes must be safely prevented. For a particularly simple
construction, however, this should be ensured without the water-
steam separating device normally provided with once-through steam
generators. To achieve this, with a steam generator of horizontal
construction where an outlet connector connected to the outlet end
of the evaporator tubes forming the continuous heating surface is
directly connected to an inlet distributor of the superheater, only
partial filling of the evaporator tubes with unevaporated flow
medium should take place before starting. The amount, and therefore
the desired level, for this initial filling prior to the impingement
of the heating gas channel by a heating gas should be chosen so that
on the one hand the water discharge due to the initial steam
formation is avoided and on the other hand inadequate cooling of the
evaporator tubes during starting is precluded.
The desired level is appropriate chosen so that at the beginning of
the starting operation the supply of the evaporator tubes with flow
medium can be omitted. Thus, during the starting process, i.e. after
the heating gas channel has been impinged by the heating gas,
evaporation of the flow medium already present in the evaporator
tubes first takes place. In this process the unevaporated flow
medium, within the particular evaporator tube downstream of the
particular location of the start of evaporation, is shifted by the
forming steam bubble into the zone of the particular evaporator tube
that previously was unfilled. There, this amount of the unevaporated
flow medium can evaporate or, if sufficiently low mass flow
densities are maintained in the evaporator tubes, again drops into
the lower space of the particular evaporator tube. By choosing a
suitable desired level, the part area of the particular evaporator
tube located in the upper area of the particular evaporator tube,
initially not filled with flow medium and serving as a compensating
space for the column underneath as a flow medium, can thus be
designed to be large enough to securely prevent the outflow of
unevaporated flow medium from the particular evaporator tube, even
at the start of evaporation.
During the partial filling of the particular evaporator tubes before
the initial impingement of the heating channel by heating gas, the
actual level of the particular evaporator tubes is advantageously
matched to the predeterminable desired level. To do this, the actual
full level is advantageously determined by measuring the pressure
difference between the lower tube inlet and upper tube outlet of the
particular evaporator tube, with the value obtained in this way
being appropriately used as a basis for the supply of the particular
evaporator tube with unevaporated flow mediu ..
Depending on the operating state of the steam generator and its
previous history, different time characteristics of the heating of
the steam generator during its starting phase can be provided. To
guarantee a particularly reliable maintenance of the boundary
conditions even when the pattern of the starting phase varies that
both reliably precludes the outflow of unevaporated flow medium from
the evaporator tubes and in each case guarantees adequate cooling of
all evaporator tubes, the desired level for the initial filling of
the evaporator tubes is advantageously determined on the basis of
the design heating characteristics on starting. The characteristics
of the heating on starting are determined appropriately using
characteristic values for the boiler geometry and/or time
characteristics of the heat supply by the heating gas. For this
purpose, characteristics of heating on starting matched to a number
of parameter combinations of this kind can be stored in a database
assigned to the steam generator, with it being possible in
particular to take account of the heating cycles preceding the
current heating cycle.
In the starting phase of the starting process, i.e. in a time span
immediately after the start of impingement of the heating gas
channel with heating gas, operation of the steam generator is
provided without further impingement of the evaporator tubes by flow
medium or feed water. However, it is appropriate for the supply of
feed water or unevaporated flow medium to the evaporator tubes to
take place after the onset of steam formation in the evaporator
tubes, so that after steam formation has occurred an adequate
cooling of the particular evaporator tube is ensured in each case.
The onset of steam formation in this case is advantageously .etected
by a pressure rise in the water-steam circuit. To enable the
evaporator tubes to be supplied with feed water to meet demand in a
particularly reliable manner, a measured value characteristic of the
pressure of the flow medium is thus advantageously monitored after
the start of impingement of the heating gas channel by heating gas,
whereby if this measured value then exceeds a predetermined limit, a
continuous impingement of the evaporator tubes by feed water takes
After the start of supply of the feed water to the evaporator tubes,
the feed water supply to the evaporator tubes is controlled so that
an outflow of unevaporated flow medium from the evaporator tubes is
securely avoided. To do this, the supply of feed water to the
evaporator tubes is advantageously controlled in such a way that
superheated steam emerges from the upper tube outlet of that or
every evaporator tube. To guarantee that no evaporated flow medium
can reach the downstream superheater, the provision at the outlet of
the evaporator tubes of steam that is comparatively only weakly
superheated is sufficient.
To guarantee a particularly high operating stability of the steam
generator, the mass flow density of the flow medium being fed to the
evaporator tubes is set in such a way that an evaporator tube heated
more than a different evaporator tube with the same continuous
heating surface has a higher throughput of flow medium than the
other evaporator tube. The continuous heating surface of the steam
generator thus, with regard to the flow characteristics of a natural
circulation evaporator heater (natural circulation characteristics),
has, if different heating patterns of individual evaporator tubes
occur, a stabilizing behavior that leads to a matching of the outlet
temperature, without the need of an external influence even with
differently heated evaporator tubes connected in parallel at the
flow medium end. To guarantee this characteristic, an impingement of
the evaporator tubes by a comparatively low mass flow density is
This object is achieved with regard to the steam generator in that a
common differential pressure measuring device is allocated to a
distributor connected to the inlet of the evaporator tubes and to an
outlet collector connected to the outlet of the evaporator tubes.
The differential pressure measuring device enables the level in the
evaporator tubes to be monitored in a particularly satisfactory
manner, so that a characteristic value for this can be used as a
suitable guide value for the supply of the evaporator tubes.
The particular advantages of the invention are that just by a
partial filling of the evaporator tubes with the unevaporated flow
medium before an initial impingement of the heating gas channel by
heating gas a starting process with high operating safety is
guaranteed, thus, particularly with adequate cooling of the
evaporator tubes, the admittance of unevaporated flow medium to the
superheater downstream of the evaporator is securely avoided,
therefore enabling a particularly simple construction of the steam
generator. In this case the comparatively expensive water-steam
separating system can be completely done away with whilst
maintaining the high operating safety standard, without the need to
use particularly robust or high-quality raw materials in the
construction in its place. A particularly secure and stable
operating behavior is thus especially achievable in that the
evaporator tubes are impinged at comparatively low mass flow
density, so that unevaporated flow medium in the evaporator tubes
also remains in the particular evaporator tube even at the onset of
steam formation in the particular evaporator tube and is finally
also evaporated there.
An example of the embodiment of the invention is further explained
with the aid of a drawing. The drawing is a simplified
representation showing a longitudinal section of a steam generator
of horizontal construction.
The steam generator 1 in accordance with the illustration is
connected to the outlet gas end of a gas turbine (not illustrated in
more detail) as a waste-heat steam generator. The steam generator 1
has a surrounding wall 2 that forms an almost horizontal heating gas
channel 6 for the exhaust gas from the gas turbine, that can be
traversed in the heating gas direction x shown by the arrow 4. The
heating gas channel 6 contains a number of evaporator heating
surfaces designed according to the continuous principle, also
designated a continuous heating surface 8, 10. The exemplary
embodiment shows two continuous heating surfaces 8, 10, but also
just one or a greater number of continuous heating surfaces can be
The continuous heating surfaces 8, 10 of the steam generator 1 each
consist of a number of parallel evaporator tubes 14 or 15 in the
form of a tube bundle to allow the passage of a flow medium W. The
evaporator tubes 14, 15 are in this case each aligned almost
vertically, with a number of evaporator tubes 14 or 15 being
arranged side-by-side viewed in the heating gas direction x. In each
case, only one of the evaporator tubes 14 or 15 arranged side-by-
side in this way is visible.
A common distributor 16 is connected before the evaporator tubes 14
of the first continuous heating surface 8 at the flow medium end and
a common outlet collector 18 is connected to the outlet end. The
outlet of the outlet collector 18 of the first continuous heating
surface 8 is connected via a drop pipe system 20 to a distributor 22
allocated to the second continuous heating surface 10. The outlet of
the second continuous heating surface 10 is connected to an outlet
collector 24.
The evaporator system formed by the continuous heating surfaces 8,
10 can be impinged by the flow medium W that is evaporated by a
single passage through the evaporator system and is drawn off from
the outlet of the evaporator system as steam D and fed to a
superheater surface 26 connected to the outlet collector 24 of the
second continuous heating surface 10. The pipe system formed by the
continuous heating surfaces 8, 10 and the superheater surface 26
connected after them is connected to the water-steam circuit of a
gas turbine (not illustrated in more detail). In addition, a number
of other heating surfaces 28, in each case schematically indicated,
are connected to the water-steam circuit of the gas turbine. The
heating surfaces 28 can, for example, be medium-pressure
evaporators, low-pressure evaporators and/or preheaters.
The evaporator system formed by the continuous surfaces 8, 10 is
designed in such a way as to be suitable for a supply of the
evaporator tubes 14, 15 at a comparatively low mass flow density,
with the evaporator tubes 14, 15 having a natural circulation
characteristic. With this natural circulation characteristic, an
evaporator tube 14 or 15 heated more than a different evaporator
tube 14 or 15 with the same continuous heating surface 8 or 10 has
a higher throughput of flow medium W than the other evaporator tube
14 or 15.
The illustrated steam generator 1 is of comparably simple
construction. In this case, the main difference is that the second
continuous heating surface 10 is connected directly to the
superheating surface 26 connected after it, omitting a comparatively
expensive water-steam separating system or precipitation system, so
that the outlet collector 24 of the second continuous heating
surface 10 is directly connected via an overflow line, and without
other components connected in between, to a distributor of the
superheating surface 26. However, to also maintain a comparatively
high operating safety with this comparatively simple design in all
operating states, the steam generator 1 is operated within these
boundary conditions when starting. In this case, the steam generator
1 is particularly operated on starting in such a way that on the one
hand there is sufficient cooling of the evaporator tubes 14, 15
forming the continuous heating surfaces 8, 10 and also of the steam
generator tubes forming the superheating surface 26. On the other
hand, the steam generator 1 is also operated in such a way on
startup that also without a water-steam separating system connected
between the second continuous heating surface 10 and the
superheating surface 26, the supply of unevaporated flow medium W to
the superheating surface 26 is securely avoided.
To guarantee this, the evaporator tubes 14 forming the first
continuous heating surface 8 are filled to a predeterminable desired
level, shown by the dotted line 30 in the illustration, with
unevaporated flow medium W, before the initial impingement of the
heating gas channel 6 with heating gas from the upstream gas
turbine. The filling of the evaporator tubes 14 with unevaporated
flow medium W before the commencement of heating in this case takes
place through the feed water line and the distributor 16 that are
present in any case. In this way, the actual level achieved in the
evaporator tubes 14 is determined by measuring the pressure
difference between the lower distributor 16 and the upper outlet
collector 18. For this purpose, a common differential pressure
measuring device 32 is allocated to the distribution 16 and outlet
collector 18. Using the actual level in each evaporator tube 14,
determined in this way, further filling with unevaporated flow
medium W is controlled so that the predetermined desired level is
obtained within a predetermined tolerance band.
On completion of the initial filling of the evaporator tubes 14 with
unevaporated flow medium w, further supply of the flow medium W to
the evaporator tubes 14 is halted. In this condition, the beginning
of the actual starting process for the steam generator 1 takes
place, with, in particular, the impingement of the heating gas
channel 6 with heating gas from the upstream gas turbine taking
place. Due to the heating of the evaporator tubes 14 that has now
begun, the unevaporated flow medium W in the evaporator tubes begins
to evaporate. A local evaporation then takes place in each of the
evaporator tubes 14 after a certain time period, with the still
unevaporated flow medium W downstream or above the actual location
of the start of evaporation being shifted to the upper zone of the
particular evaporator tube 14 initially not filled with flow medium
W. There, an evaporation of this part of the flow medium W takes
place, or this part of the flow medium W drops back into its lower
area due to the comparatively low design mass flow density in the
evaporator tubes 14.
Any unevaporated flow medium W still remaining is passed through the
drop pipe system 20 into the next downstream second continuous
heating surface 10 and there it is completely evaporated. The second
continuous heating surface 10 thus takes the still remaining water
discharge from the first continuous heating surface 8 in each case.
Because the evaporator tubes 14 are only partly filled before the
start of the actual starting process, no, or practically no,
unevaporated flow medium W enters the outlet collector 24 connected
after the second continuous heating surface 10 or the superheater
surface 26 connected after the outlet collector.
The exemplary embodiment thus provides for only partial filling of
the evaporator tubes 14 forming the first continuous heating surface
8; the second continuous heating surface 10 initially remains
unfilled. Additionally, in an alternative form of embodiment,
evaporator tubes 15 forming the second continuous heating surface 10
can also be partially filled using a similar method.
A determination of whether steam production has already started in
the evaporator tubes 14 and evaporator flow medium or steam 0 has
entered the outlet collector 24 is determined by measuring the
pressure of the flow medium W or steam D, particularly at the outlet
collector 24 or the outlet of the superheating surface 26. A
measured value characteristic of the pressure of the evaporated flow
medium or steam D in the outlet collector 24 or at the outlet of the
superheating surface is detected and monitored by means of a
suitable arranged pressure sensor. This enables the start of steam
production to be inferred on the basis of an increase in pressure,
which can reach several bars per minute when steam begins to form.
After the onset of steam formation in the evaporator tubes 14 has
been detected in this way, the operating supply of feed water or
unevaporated flow medium W to the distributor 16 allocated to the
continuous heating surface 8 takes place. During the further
starting process, i.e. particularly until a steady-state operating
condition is reached, the supply of feed water or unevaporated flow
medium W to the evaporator tubes 14 is controlled in such a way that
superheated steam D, i.e. steam D without a wet component, emerges
at the upper tube outlet 34 of the evaporator tubes 14.
Moreover, the mass flow density of the flow medium W being supplied
to the evaporator tubes 14 is set so that an evaporator tube 14
heated more than a different evaporator tube 14 has a higher
throughput of flow medium W than the other evaporator tube 14. This
ensures that the continuous heating surface 8 has a self stabilizing
behavior in the manner of the flow characteristics of a natural-
circulation evaporator heating surface even if different heating of
individual evaporator tubes 14 occurs.
The performance, shown here, of the starting process of the steam
generator 1 ensures adequate cooling for the evaporator tubes 14, 15
at all times and also that no unevaporated flow medium W enters the
superheating surface 26 connected after the second continuous
heating surface 10 at any time. Compliance with these boundary
conditions in this case is to be particularly ensured by the choice
of the desired level for the evaporator tubes 14 before beginning
the actual starting process. The desired level for the evaporator
tube 14 is predetermined so that precisely these boundary conditions
are complied with as a basis for the design starting process. To do
this, the desired level is preset for steam generator 1 depending on
the design heating characteristics on starting. The heating
characteristics on starting in this case are determined from
characteristic values for the boiler geometry and material and/or
the type of fuel. In particular, it can be provided in this case
that a number of possible starting heating characteristics suitable
for the steam generator 1 in question are stored in a memory module
as a type of database, from which a characteristic matched to the
actual situation can be selected using operating data and used as a
basis for specifying the desired level.
1. A method for starting a steam generator (1), comprising :
trasversing a heating gas channel (6) with a heating gas in an
approximately horizontal heating gas direction;
locating at least one continuous heating surface (8), configured from a
number of approximately vertical evaporator tubes (14) connected in
parallel to allow the passage of a flow medium (W, D);
characterized in that
partially filling at least several evaporator tubes (14) to a predeterminable
desired level with an unevaporated flow medium (W), and
impinging the heating gas channel (6) by the heating gas, wherein during a
supply of the" evaporator tubes (14) with the flow medium (W, D), a
particular mass flow density is set so that an evaporator tube (14) heated
more than a different evaporator tube (14) of the same continuous heating
surface (8) has a higher throughput of flow medium (W) than the different
evaporator tube (14).
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the level of the unevaporated
flow medium in the particular evaporator tubes (4) is determined by a
differential pressure measurement between the lower tube inlet (32) and
upper tube outlet (34).
3. The method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the desired level is specified
relative to design starting heating characteristics.
The method as claimed in claim 3, wherein the starting heating
characteristics are determined on the basis of characteristic values for the
boiler geometry and/or the time characteristics of the heat supply by the
heating gas.
The method as claimed in claim 4, wherein a measured value
characteristic of a pressure of the flow medium (W, D) is measured when
the heating gas channel (6) is impinged by heating gas, whereby if the
measured value exceeds a predeterminable limit, a continuous
impingement of the evaporator tubes (14) by unevaporated flow medium
(W) takes place.
The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the supply flow medium (W) to
the evaporator tubes (14) takes place after the onset of steam formation in
the evaporator tubes (14).
The method as claimed in claim 6, wherein the supply of flow medium (W)
to the evaporator tubes (14) is controlled in such a way that superheated
steam emerges at the upper tube outlet of the one or every evaporator tube
Steam generator (1) which is started by the method as claimed in
preceding claims and comprising one heating gas channel (6), which can
be traversed in an approximately horizontal heating gas direction in which
at least one continuous heating surface (8) is located, configured from a
number of approximately vertical evaporator tubes (14) connected in
parallel to allow the passage of a flow medium (W, D), with a common
differential pressure measuring device (32) being allocated to a distributor
(16) connected before the evaporator tubes (14) and to an outlet collector
(18) connected after the evaporator tubes (14).
The invention relates to a steam generator (1) comprising a heating gas
channel (6), which can be traversed in an approximately horizontal
heating gas direction and in which at least one continuous heating
surface (8) is located, configured from a number of approximately vertical
evaporator tubes (14), connected in parallel to allow the passage of a flow
medium (W.D.). The aim of the invention is to provide a method for
starting a generator, which guarantees a high degree of operational
safety, even for a steam generator with a particularly simple construction
(1). According to the invention, to achieve this, at least several evaporator
tubes (14) are partially filled to a predeterminable desired level with
unevaporated flow medium (W), prior to the impingement of the heating
gas channel (6) by a heating gas.







190-kolnp-2004-granted-description (complete).pdf


190-kolnp-2004-granted-examination report.pdf

190-kolnp-2004-granted-form 1.pdf

190-kolnp-2004-granted-form 18.pdf

190-kolnp-2004-granted-form 2.pdf

190-kolnp-2004-granted-form 3.pdf

190-kolnp-2004-granted-form 5.pdf



190-kolnp-2004-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


190-kolnp-2004-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf


Patent Number 224146
Indian Patent Application Number 190/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 40/2008
Publication Date 03-Oct-2008
Grant Date 01-Oct-2008
Date of Filing 12-Feb-2004
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F22B 35/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP02/09312
PCT International Filing date 2002-08-20
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 01121027 2001-08-31 EPO