Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation.The formulation is based on plant materials and non-lethal chemical compounds. The main utility of the formulation is to protect the food materials stored in gunny or jute sacs when treated/sprayed to prevent or reduce the rodent (rats & mice) attack. A novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation comprises: Pongamia oil ranging from 20-50 weight %, Citronella oil 1-3 weight %, Methyl anthranilate 12-14 weight %. Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 38-65 weight %.
Full Text 'The present invention relates to a novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid
formulation, more particularly based on plant materials and non-lethal chemical
The main utility of the formulation is to protect the food materials stored in
gunny or jute sacs when treated/sprayed to prevent or reduce the rodent (rate &
mice) attack.
Rodents frequently damage various types of packaged materials, sacked
grains and stored materials when they seek food, shelter and nesting. To help
conserve food, reduce cost and maintain or raise sanitation standards proper
protective measures must be available. However, methods now available and
widely used include the use of poisons and traps. Although use of repellents
would be more appropriate in most of the situations for preventing damage to
stored materials, packed foods, storage structures, newly sown seeds etc., due
to non-availability of repellents (specially in our country - currently no rodent
repellents are available) which are effective, economical and safe, other methods
of controlling these rodent pests are followed.
So far, the work carried on rodent repellency is based on the use of
chemical compounds to a large extent. The information also indicates that though
compounds viz. cycloheximide (actidione) and tributylin acetate are most
effective in repelling rodents, could not be used in the field due to their toxicity
and high cost (Welch, 1954; Anthony and Tigner, 1967). The other chemicals
reported to be effective being Thiram (Tetra methyl thiurum disulphide), Ziram
(Zinc dimethyl dithiocarbamate), Besser and Welch 1959; Welch and Duggan
1952). Philips Petroleum Company reported (Anon 1969) the effectiveness of R-
55 (tertiary-Butylsulfenyl dimethyldithiocarbamate or Rotran) an organic repellent
against rats and mice, but the work of Krishnakumari and Jackson (1973)
showed that testing of the same compound did not yield absolute protection,
though it was effective against Rattus norvegicus (wild) and mice, it was not
effective against laboratory rats and roof rats (R. rattus). Majumder et al (1964)
reported that malathion carried in high viscosity oil is an effective rodent repellent
against roof rats but currently, controversial opinions regarding its efficacy being
voiced due to reports of resistance/tolerance problems.
The only report available regarding the use of natural materials of
botanical origin is by Marsh et al (1990), wherein corn stalks, yucca leaves, dried
rushes, bamboo, juniper etc. were wrapped or tied around trunks of young trees
to protect them from bark gnawing mammals like meadow voles and rabbits.
However, Bottrell in US Patent No. 1,871,949 reported the use of peppermint oil
to repell rodents. Cross in US Patent No. 2,159,550 reported that extracts from
the wood and fruits of Areca catechu plant have repellent properties. Yet, neither
of these materials have had any commercial success.
The main objective of the present invention is to provide a novel
synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation, which obviates the above
Another object of the present invention is to provide protection to materials
stored in sacs, bags or cartons from rodent attack and also to other materials like
wires and cables.Yet in another object of the present invention is to evolve methods to repel the rodents (without harming them in a humane way) to reduce the damages.
Still in another object of the present invention is to provide a liquid rodent repellent formulation based on plant materials which is nontoxic, safe and effective repellent against the target rodent pest - Rattus rattus (roof rat) and also to other rats and mice, because they co-exist in most of the habitats.
Another object of the present invention is to provide an eco friendly repellent formulation.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation comprising:
Pongamia oil ranging from 20-50 weight %,
Citronella oil 1-3 weight %,
Methyl anthranilate 12-14 weight %.
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 38-65 weight %.
In an embodiment of the present invention, the formulation further may comprise of:
Pongamia oil ranging from 45-50 weight %, Citronella oil 1.5-2.5 weight %, Methyl anthranilate 12-13 weight %. Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 38-40 weight %.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the formulation further may comprise of: Pongamia oil ranging from 20-22 weight %.

Citronella oil 2-3 weight%,
Methyl anthranilate 13-14 weight%,
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 62-64 weight%.
Only a few non-lethal chemicals are available for rodent control although
they would be desirable in situations where lethal control poses health or
aesthetic risks. Those substances that are available are either indiscriminately
offensive such as Capsaicin (Meehan, 1988) or unpredictable in performance
such as Denatonium benzoate which varies inter and intraspecifically
(Beauchamp, Mason, 1991). The formulation has a synergism in respect of
physical property i.e. the colour of formulation prepared in dark brown in colour.
The individual ingredient do not have rat repellent property as such whereas the
formulation shows a good rats repellent property.
The following examples are given by way of illustration of the present
Example 1
The rodent repellent formulation composition includes the following
ingredients in two formulations:
Formulation I
Pongamia oil (brown colour)-50 ml, 47.2 parts by weight
Citronella oil (yellow colour) - 01 ml, 1.9 parts by weight
Methyl anthranilate (pale yellow) -15 ml, 12.5 parts by weight
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene (pale yellow)- 44 ml, 38.4 parts by weight.
Formulation II
Pongamia oil (brown colour)- 20 ml_, 21.5 parts by weight
Citronella oil (yellow colour) - 01 ml, 2.1 parts by weight
Methyl anthranilate (pale yellow) -10 ml, 13.7 parts by weight
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene (pale yellow) - 69 ml, 62.7 parts by weight.
Take pongamia oil and to this add citronella oil, methyl anthranilate and
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene and stir well. The concentrate appears
brown golden in colour and this is further diluted to 1:5, 1:10 or 1:20 using
aqueous base (water) and emulsifier (Tween-20, Tween-80 or liquid detergent,
10-12 drops per 100 ml of the formulation) preferably before it is used for
application. Also it can be used as concentrate when it is brushed or painted
directly for structures or materials (non-food) to be protected by rodent attack.
Example 2
The test method used to evaluate the formulation is as follows:
Barrier test using adult albino or laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus)
weighing 150-220 gm for males and 120-160 gm for females kept individually in
cages and trained to gnaw through paper barriers were treated with test
compounds separately and the formulation to obtain food. For each
ingredient/compound tested 4-8 rats were used. The effectiveness was assessed
by comparing the damage/gnawings and also the intensity of gnawing to the
treated and untreated barriers. The results obtained showed the effectiveness of
formulation as indicated by nil damage to treated barriers when compared to
Example 3
Similar tests against laboratory mice (Mus musculus) using cloth barriers,
also showed the efficacy of the formulation in reducing the damage.
Example 4
Roof rats (Rattus rattus) in groups of 20 (10 M + 10 F) maintained in rat
pens (special facility available in the institute to study the behavioural response
under semi natural conditions) were used. Barrier tests using the specially
designed metal containers having the facility to keep the food inside while both
the sides are covered with treated jute/cloth. The results obtained showed that no
damage occurred to treated once at least for a period of 1 to 2 weeks.
It is claimed that the rodent repellent formulation which comprises of
pongamia oil, citronella oil, methylanthranilate carried in solvent like viz.,
turpentine/deordourised kerosene provides repellency against rats and mice for a
period of at least 7-15 days.
The main advantages of the present invention are:
1. Use of pongamia oil as a rodent repellent has been reported/explored for the
first time.
2. The property of formulation to repel rats is for roof rats (Rattus rattus) a major
rodent pest of our country.
3. The property of formulation to repel is also for another rat (Rattus norvegicus),
4. The property of formulation is also applicable to laboratory mice (Mus

We Claim:
1. A novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation comprising:
Pongamia oil ranging from 20-50 weight %,
Citronella oil 1-3 weight %,
Methyl anthranilate 12-14 weight %.
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 38-65 weight %.
2. A novel synergistic formulation as claimed in claim 1, wherein the formulation comprises:
Pongamia oil ranging from 45-50 weight %,
Citronella oil 1.5-2.5 weight %,
Methyl anthranilate 12-13 weight %.
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 38-40 weight %.
3. A novel synergistic formulation as claimed in claims 1& 2, wherein the formulation comprises:
Pongamia oil ranging from 20-22 weight %,
Citronella oil 2-3 weight %,
Methyl anthranilate 13-14 weight %.
Turpentine or deodourised kerosene 62-64 weight %.
4. A novel synergistic rodent repellent liquid formulation substantially as herein described with reference to examples.









338-del-2002-description (complete)-13-05-2008.pdf

338-del-2002-description (complete).pdf






Patent Number 225145
Indian Patent Application Number 338/DEL/2002
PG Journal Number 46/2008
Publication Date 14-Nov-2008
Grant Date 03-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 27-Mar-2002
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N 65/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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