Title of Invention


Abstract Start-up control of internal combustion engines and a method of generating electric power, comprising: providing an amount of fuel to start an internal combustion engine as a function of engine temperature, the engine including a number of combustion chambers and corresponding reciprocating pistons; determining initial operation of the engine as a function of rotational engine speed in response to said providing; controlling engine acceleration from the initial operation to reach a target engine speed at a target time; and driving an electric power generator with the engine.
The present invention relates to internal combustion engines, and more
particularly, but not exclusively, is directed to techniques to control start-up of a
diesel-fueled, intermittent combustion type of engine driving an electrical power
The ease with which an engine may be started frequently depends on a
number of factors. By way of nonlimiting example, temperature is one such factor,
with warm engines typically requiring less fuel to start than cold engines.
Depending on the particular parameters involved, the amount of fuel used to start
an engine can vary, which can impact the rate at which the engine accelerates to a
target rotational engine speed. The amount of time it takes to reach this target
engine speed from the initiation of engine start and/or the character of the attendant
acceleration profile is often of particular interest in electrical power generation
applications. Correspondingly, the fuel usage profile is frequently of interest —
especially in the case of diesel-fueled engines for which the level of smoke
generated upon start-up can vary significantly with fueling. Existing schemes
typically attempt to reach a.desired speed in a manner that does not adequately
account for initial fueling fluctuation, often involves many different parameters,
may significantly overshoot the target speed, and can result in excessive smoke
production. Thus, there is a need for further contributions to this technology.
One embodiment of the present invention is a unique internal combustion
engine system. Other embodiments include unique methods, systems, apparatus,
and devices to regulate engine operation.
A further embodiment includes providing fuel to start an internal
combustion engine, determining the engine has started, controlling acceleration of
the engine in response to this determination to reach a target engine speed, and
driving an electric power generator with the engine at least while operating at the
target engine speed. In one form, the engine includes a number of combustion
chambers and corresponding reciprocating pistons, and the amount of fuel to start
the engine is provided as a function of engine temperature. Alternatively or
additionally, the initial start-up of the engine can be determined as a function of
rotational engine speed and/or a speed governor may be utilized once the target
engine speed is reached.
Another embodiment of the present invention includes a system,
comprising: an internal combustion engine with a number of fuel injectors each
operable to fuel a corresponding one of a number of combustion chambers, and a
controller operatively coupled to the injectors to provide a desired amount of fuel
to start the engine, detect initial engine start-up, and regulate engine acceleration
from the initial engine start-up to a target engine speed. In one form, the engine
operates as a prime mover for an electric power generator. Alternatively or
additionally, an engine temperature sensor and engine rotation sensor can be
included, with the engine temperature being utilized to determine the desired
amount of fuel for starting the engine and the engine rotation sensor being utilized
to determine when the engine has initially started and to regulate engine
acceleration. The engine rotation sensor may further be utilized to provide speed
governing of the engine once the target engine speed is reached.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, an internal combustion
engine includes a crank-shaft and a number of fuel injectors each operable to fuel a
corresponding one of a number of combustion chambers. This embodiment further
includes an electrical power generator, means for sensing engine temperature,
means for sensing rotational engine speed, means for providing an amount of fuel
to start the engine as a function of engine temperature, means for determining
initial self-sustained operation of the engine as a function of the rotational engine
speed, means for controlling engine acceleration from the initial operation to reach
a target engine speed at a target time, and means for driving the electric power
generator with the engine system.
Accordingly, it is one object of the present invention to provide a unique
internal combustion engine system.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a unique method,
system, apparatus, or device to regulate engine operation.
Further embodiments, forms, features, objects, advantages, benefits, and
aspects of the present invention shall become apparent from the detailed
description and drawings provided herewith.
Fig. 1 is a schematic view of a first embodiment of an electric power
generation system.
Fig. 2 is a flowchart of a routine for start-up of the engine shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 is a graph of engine fueling versus rotational engine speed
corresponding to the routine of Fig. 2.
Fig. 4 is a graph illustrating engine start-up acceleration and smoke
generation for the routine of Fig. 2 compared to another arrangement.
Fig. 5 is a graph of engine fueling versus time of a further embodiment of a
routine for start-up of the engine as shown in Fig. 1.
For the purposes of promoting an understanding of the principles of the
invention, reference will now be made to the embodiments illustrated in the
drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. It will
nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is
thereby intended. Any alterations and further modifications in the described
embodiments, and any further applications of the principles of the invention as
described herein are contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art
to which the invention relates.
Fig. 1 depicts eJectric power generation system 20 of one embodiment of
the present invention. System 20 includes electric power generator 22. Preferably,
generator 22 is of a conventional electromagnetic type which converts the input
mechanical energy from rotation of shaft 24 into a generally sinusoidal Alternating
Current (A.C.) electric output on generator bus Gl. Generator bus Gl is input to
power routing switch 25. Similarly, utility power bus Ul is input to switch 25.
Switch 25 is configured to select between buses Gl and Ul as a source of power
for bus LD1. Bus LD1 is operatively coupled to load 26 to supply electric power
thereto. Generator 22 may be configured for single phase or multiphase operation,
as appropriate for load 26. Also, an electric power output other than a sinusoidal
waveform or A.C. type may be utilized as would occur to those skilled in the art.
System 20 also includes engine 30. Engine 30 is a prime mover for
generator 22. Engine 30 is of a reciprocating piston variety. Shaft 24 of generator
22 is coupled to engine 30 by shaft coupling 28. Shaft coupling 28 may include a
gear box, clutch, or other mechanical arrangement to suitably couple crankshaft 34
of engine 30 to shaft 24 of generator 22. In one embodiment, coupling 28 includes
a clutch to selectively couple and decouple shafts 24 and 34. Additionally,
coupling 28 may include intermeshing gears to change the rotational speed of shaft
24 relative to shaft 34 and may also include a number of selectable gears to change
the gear ratio. In still other embodiments, shaft 34 and shaft 24 may be directly
coupled to provide a one-to-one turning ratio.
In addition to crankshaft 34, engine 30 includes a number of cylinders Cl-
C6 each having a corresponding reciprocating piston P1-P6 that is rotatably
coupled to crankshaft 34 by a connecting rod in a conventional manner. Each pair
of cylinders C1-C6 and pistons P1-P6 in turn corresponds to one of a respective
number of combustion chambers 35 of engine 30. Engine 30 also includes fuel
injectors 11-16 each shown in fluid communication with one of chambers 35.
System 20 further includes engine starting device (S.D.) 36 coupled to
engine 30. Starting device 36 may be of a conventional starter motor powered by a
battery. In other embodiments, starting device 36 can be of a different type or may
be absent, with engine start-up assistance being provided in a different manner.
System 20 also includes fueling subsystem 40. Subsystem 40 includes fuel
source 42 operatively coupled to fueling conduit 44. Fueling conduit 44 is in fluid
communication with fuel rail 46. Fuel injectors 11-16 receive fuel from fuel rail 46
to selectively inject fuel into each cylinder C1-C6. Fueling with injectors 11-16
may be by port injection, direct injection, or using such other injection techniques
as would occur to those skilled in the art. Preferably, fuel injectors 11-16 are of a
conventional electromagnetic variety responsive to an input electronic signal IS1-
IS6 (collectively designated signals IS). Engine 30 is of the multicycle type with
intermittent combustion in each cylinder C1-C6 intermittently contributing power
in accordance with a timed sequence of fueling and ignition operations. Engine 30
is of a conventional four-stroke, reciprocating piston variety. However, in lieu of a
reciprocating piston-based engine, a rotor-based engine may be utilized in an
alternative embodiment of the present invention. Also, in other embodiments, an
engine with a different number of operating cycles, such as a two-cycle sequence,
may be utilized. Engine 30 is configured to operate with a diesel fuel supplied
from fuel source 42 that is injected with injectors 11-16, and is of the Compression
Ignition (CI) variety. As such, it may include glow plugs (not shown) to control
combustion temperature. Alternatively, engine 30 could be configured for other
fuel types used such as gasoline, alcohol, a gaseous fuel (a "gaseous fuel" refers to
a fuel which is in the gaseous state when contained at standard temperature and
pressure), a different fuel as would occur to those skilled in the art, or a
combination of these; and correspondingly be of a different ignition type, such as a
Spark Ignition (SI) variety.
Air is supplied to cylinders C1-C6 via air intake path 50. Air intake path
50 includes throttle valve 52 positioned therealong to control air flow through
conduit 54 to intake manifold 56. Air from intake manifold 56 is mixed with fuel
from injectors 11-16 to selectively provide a combustible charge in each of
cylinders C1-C6. Engine 30 also includes exhaust pathway 60. Exhaust from
engine 30 exits along pathway 60 through conduit 64. A controllable wastegate
valve 62 is included to selectively vent exhaust gases through wastegate outlet 66.
The intake air pathway 50 and exhaust pathway 60 include components of
turbocharger 70. Turbocharger 70 includes compressor 72 which draws air
through inlet 74 into conduit 54 of pathway 50. The intake air pressurized by
compressor 72 is cooled by aftercooler 58 before passing through throttle valve 52.
Throttle valve 52 and aftercooler 58 may be of conventional variety commonly
used in internal combustion engines. Compressor 72 is driven by turbine 78 via
coupling 76. Coupling 76 may include a rotatable shaft, pulley and belt
arrangement, intermeshing gears, or such other arrangement to drive compressor
72 with turbine 78 as would occur to those skilled in the art. In still other
embodiments, multistage compressors, multistage turbines, variable geometry
turbines and/or compressors, or a combination of these are envisioned. In yet
another embodiment, turbocharger 70 is absent.
Turbine 78 is driven by exhaust gasses passing through conduit 64 along
exhaust pathway 60. To control the pressure and flow rate through pathways 60
and 50, wastegate valve 62 may be selectively opened in response to a control
signal WG. By reducing the flow of exhaust gasses to turbine 78, the rotation of
both compressor 72 and turbine 78 typically decreases. As a result, the pressure of
air supplied along pathway 50 also decreases. Also, the rotation of turbine 78
varies with temperature of the exhaust gases driving it.
System 20 further includes controller 90. Preferably, controller 90 is of a
programmable microprocessor variety known to those skilled in the art. Controller
90 is operatively coupled to throttle valve 52 and wastegate 62 supplying
corresponding adjustment signals TLT, WG; respectively, as required. Controller
90 is also coupled to rotation sensor 91 which is configured to supply signal R
indicative of rotation of shaft 34. Preferably, signal R provides conventional crank
angle information about engine 30 which may be utilized for timing operation of
engine 30. Rotational engine speed, designated as signal n, is determined from
signal R in a conventional manner. In one embodiment, signal R corresponds to a
pulse train, the frequency of which is directly proportional to the rotational speed
of engine 30. Signal n may then be provided by monitoring the pulse train
frequency. U.S. Patent Nos. 5,165,271 to Stepper et al.; 5,460,134 to Ott et al.; and
5,469,823 to Ott et al. are representative of an arrangement suitable for providing
signals R and n. Controller 90 is further coupled to starting device 36 to regulate
operation thereof.
Controller 90 is also coupled to temperature sensor 92 to provide engine
temperature as signal ET. Controller 90 is operatively coupled to pressure sensor
93 to provide intake manifold pressure signal IMP. Controller 90 is also
operatively coupled to torque sensor 94. Sensor 94 is associated with a flywheel
along shaft 34 to determine brake torque or "shaft torque" of engine 30 which is
designated as signal Tb. Controller 90 is operatively coupled to an exhaust gas
oxygen sensor 95 to monitor oxygen content of the exhaust stream exiling conduit
84. Signal EGO corresponds to the detected oxygen level in the exhaust stream.
Controller 90 is also configured to generate a signal READY which is provided to
an indicator 96 to indicate that engine 30 is ready to accept block loading from
generator 22. Signal READY is sent to switch 25 to control operation thereof.
Fig. 2 is a flow chart of start-up routine 120 for system 20 that is executed
in accordance with programming or other logic of controller 90. Start-up routine
120 begins with conditional 122 which tests whether or not to initiate engine start-
up. If so, routine 120 proceeds to operation 124. In operation 124, an initial
fueling amount to be provided to the engine is determined based on engine
temperature. In the case of engine 30, this fueling amount can be determined in
accordance with temperature detected with engine temperature sensor 92. A
schedule, table, and/or mathematical function can be used by controller 90 to
determine initial start-up fueling for engine 30, and generate corresponding fueling
signals for injectors 11-16. Likewise, controller 90 can activate starting device 36
to crank engine 30 during supply of the initial fuel amount, as part of operation
124. Typically, when the engine is relatively warm, a minimal amount of fuel is
needed and the engine fires quickly with little or no fuel accumulation. On the
other hand, in the case of a relatively cold engine, excess fuel sometimes
accumulates in the combustion chambers before the engine fires. As this excess
fuel bums, there can be a sudden increase in engine acceleration.
Once cranking of the engine with this initial amount of fuel begins, routine
120 proceeds to a series of conditionals 130 and 132 to determine if the engine has
attained an initial operating state. This operating state can be reflective of initial
self-sustained operation -- such that assistance by starting device 36 is no longer
needed. Conditional 130 tests if the engine speed n is greater than threshold nCAL
(n > nCAL). If the test of conditional 130 is affirmative, routine continues with
operation 134. If the test of conditional 130 is negative, routine 120 continues
with conditional 132, which tests if the rotational engine acceleration n'is grcjiler
than threshold nXDAL (n' > nCAL). If the test of conditional 132 is also negative,
operation 128 is next encountered in which the amount of fuel supplied to the
engine is increased by a predetermined increment up to a maximum value. With
this ramped-up amount, the test of conditional 130 is again performed which, if
negative, results in performing the test of conditional 132. If both conditional 130
and 132 remain negative again, operation 128 is again encountered to provide a
further increment in the fueling. In this manner as long as the tests of both
conditionals 130 and 132 are negative, operation 128 is repeated, gradually
increasing the amount of fuel supplied to the engine up to a predefined limit. In
contrast, if the test of either of conditionals 130 or 132 is affirmative, routine 120
continues with operation 134 and cranking assistance with starting device 36 is no
longer needed.
Conditionals 130 and 132, and operation 128 cooperate to detect if the
initial operating state of the engine has been attained. The engine speed n for
conditional 130 can be determined with rotation sensor 91, and engine acceleration
n' for conditional 132 can be determined from engine speed n. Comparisons to
thresholds nCAL and n'CAL can be performed with logic of controller 90. In one
embodiment, thresholds nCAL and n'CAL are calibration parameters stored in
memory accessed by controller 90. The incremental fueling can be determined by
controller logic by accessing a schedule, table, corresponding mathematical
function, or the like; and implemented by sending appropriate fueling signals to the
fuel injectors.
Referring additionally to Fig. 3, conditionals and operations 124-132
correspond to an initial fueling mode 320 of engine 30. As routine proceeds from
conditional 130 or 132 to operation 134, initial fueling mode 320 is exited and an
acceleration control mode 330 is initiated. Both modes 320 and 330 are shown in
Fig. 3 under crank control 335.
In operation 134 of mode 330, engine acceleration is determined with a
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control based on the current engine speed n
and available time to reach a target rotational engine speed TS. In other words,
engine acceleration n' determined from engine speed n becomes a closed-loop
feedback variable for PID compensation, where the target acceleration necessary to
reach a target rotational engine speed TS is calculated based on a target time
interval TT. Target time interval TT typically begins with engine start-up
initiation. Operation 134 of mode 330 is initiated at time tl, which represents the
varying time interval during which the initial fueling mode 320 of routine 120 was
performed. From the initiation of operation 134, the available performance time
PT to reach target rotational engine speed TS is also variable, being the target time
interval TT less tl (PT=TT-tl). Accordingly, a target acceleration from time tl to
provide TS by time TT could be the engine speed difference obtained by
subtracting the engine speed when mode 330 begins (ES) from TS divided by PT
Conditional 136 of routine 120 represents the corresponding comparison to
determine if the target engine rotational speed TS has been reached. If the test of
conditional 136 is negative, routine 120 returns to continue operation 134. If the
test of conditional 136 is positive, routine 120 continues with operation 138 in
which a third mode corresponding to an engine speed governor control mode 340
is initiated. The PID control of operation 134 and corresponding comparison of
conditional 136 can be implemented in part or in total with logic executed by
controller 90. Typically, controller 90 is configured to activate switch 25 such that
it begins to transmit power from generator 22 once the target speed TS is reached
with the engine being subject to engine speed governor control mode 340. This
speed governing can also be executed with logic of controller 90.
Referring specifically to Fig. 3, the irregular polygon-shaped region 325
represents the typical operating ranges of fueling and engine speed for one
embodiment. It should be further understood that fueling percentage Fl is the
initial fueling percentage used by operation 124 of routine 120. If this percentage
ramps up through execution of operation 128, it is incrementally increased towards
the fueling percentage limit F2 shown in Fig. 3. F2 serves as the maximum fuel
amount during the operation of initial fueling mode 320. As further shown in Fig.
3, nCAL corresponds to the value used in the test of conditional 130 and TS
corresponds to the target speed tested with conditional 136. Between the values of
nCAL and TS is the range in which the acceleration control mode 330 operates. It
should be appreciated that initial fueling mode 320 and acceleration control mode
330 are both components of a crank control 335 which corresponds to conditionals
and operations 122-136 of routine 120. Speed governor control mode 340 operates
once the target speed TS is reached as presented in the graph of Fig. 3.
Fig. 4 is a comparative graph of speed and smoke opacity curves.
Specifically, nl and S01 correspond to a speed versus time curve and a smoke
opacity versus time curve for a standard type of diesel engine start-up. In contrast,
n2 and S02 correspond to a speed versus time curve and a smoke opacity versus
time curve for an engine operated in accordance with routine 120. Notably, curve
n2 reaches a steady state target time of about five seconds with less variation,
ringing, and overshoot than speed curve n 1. Likewise, the degree of smoke
indicated by smoke opacity curve S02 is substantially less than that of smoke
opacity curve SOI.
Controller 90 may be comprised of digital circuitry, analog circuitry, or
both. Also, controller 90 may be programmable, a dedicated state machine, or a
hybrid combination of programmable and dedicated hardware. Controller 90 can
be an electronic circuit comprised of one or more components that are assembled
as a common unit. Alternatively, for a multiple component embodiment, one or
more of these components may be distributed throughout the relevant system. In
one embodiment, controller 90 includes an integrated processing unit operatively
coupled to one or more solid-state memory devices that contains programming to
be executed by the processing unit in accordance with the principals of the present
invention. The memory may be either volatile or nonvolatile and may additionally
or alternatively be of the magnetic, optical, or such other variety as would occur to
one skilled in the art. Besides the memory and processing unit, controller 90 can
include any control clocks, interfaces, signal conditioners, filters, Analog-to-
Digitai (A/D) converters, Digital-to-Analog (D/A) converters, communication
ports, or other types of operators as would occur to those skilled in the art to
implement the principles of the present invention. In a further form, an integrated
circuit processing unit of controller 90 may be provided with corresponding
memory and any associated circuitry as part of a control panel coupled to engine
30. For this form, the panel can include a key-switch for operator
activation/deactivation of system 20. Alternatively or additionally, this panel can
include one or more hardwired and/or wireless connections to one or more remote
control devices to start, stop, or adjust engine parameters such as target engine
speed. Sensors of the present invention may provide a signal in either a digital or
analog format compatible with associated equipment. Correspondingly, equipment
coupled to each sensor is configured to condition and convert sensor signals to the
appropriate format, as required.
As further described in connection with Figs. 3 and 4, routine 120 of Fig. 2
provides a procedure to reach a target rotational engine speed within a target time
range via mode 330 even though initial fueling may vary considerably during
mode 320. Moreover, the level of smoke generated is typically reduced through
this procedure compared to a generalized procedure that ramps to a target
rotational engine speed through an open-loop process without control over
acceleration, with fewer parameters to tune and less risk of overshoot. Unlike
other arrangements, mode 330 utilizes all the available time to reach the target
speed. Accordingly, in the case of a quick-start, the relatively greater amount of
time to reach rated speed can be used to strive for smoke reduction — such as by
reducing acceleration. Alternatively, when a greater amount of time is used during
mode 320, a greater acceleration is used during mode 330, at the possible sacrifice
of greater smoke production, to assure target speed within the target time.
Naturally, in other embodiments, smoke level, target speed, and/or target time to
reach target speed can be prioritized differently; and/or one or more may not be of
Fig. 5 is a graph of engine fueling versus time depicting a further
embodiment of an initial fueling mode 420 that can be implemented instead of
mode 320 during execution of routine 120. For mode 420, engine fueling begins at
an initial fueling percentage Fl. At time Tl, a transition from Fl to F2 is initiated
to transfer from an initial fueling state to an acceleration control state in
accordance with the indicated envelope. At time T2, this transition is complete,
and mode 420 terminates with an initial fueling exit envelope corresponding to the
duration from time T2 to T3.
In other embodiments, engine 30, controller 90, and routine 120 (or
corresponding variations thereof) can be used to drive a device different than
generator 22. For example, a pump or other machine where a generally constant
rotational speed of a driving member is desired. In another example, off-road
vehicles, such as earth-moving equipment, may be configured to utilize routine
120. Other forms of the present invention can include an engine that uses
carburction fueling with or without injection fueling. Alternatively or additionally,
a non-diesel fuel could be used and/or a different ignition type, such as the SI
As used herein, it should be appreciated that: variable, criterion,
characteristic, quantity, amount, value, constant, flag, data, record, threshold, limit,
input, output, matrix, command, and look-up table, each generally correspond to
one or more signals within processing equipment of the present invention. It is
contemplated that various functional blocks, operators, operations, stages,
conditionals, procedures, thresholds, and processes described in connection with
the present invention could be altered, rearranged, substituted, deleted, duplicated,
combined, or added as would occur to those skilled in the art without departing
from the spirit of the present invention.
All publications, patent, and patent applications cited in this specification
are herein incorporated by reference as if each individual publication, patent, or
patent application were specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated
by reference and set forth in its entirety herein, including, but not limited to, U.S.
Patent Numbers 6,408,625 Bl to Woon; 5,949,146 to Vandenberghe; 5,904,131 to
O'Neill; and 5,713,340 to Vandenberghe. Any theory of operation or finding
described herein is merely intended to provide a better understanding of the present
invention and should not be construed to limit the scope of the present invention as
defined by the claims that follow to any stated theory or finding. While the
invention has been illustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing
description, the same is to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in
character, it being understood that only the preferred embodiment has been shown
and described and that all changes, modifications, and equivalents that come within
the scope of the invention as defined by the following claims are desired to be
1. Start-up control of internal combustion engines and a method of
generating electric power, comprising:
providing an amount of fuel to start an internal combustion engine as a
function of engine temperature, the engine including a number of combustion
chambers and corresponding reciprocating pistons;
determining initial operation of the engine as a function of rotational
engine speed in response to said providing;
controlling engine acceleration from the initial operation to reach a target
engine speed at a target time; and
driving an electric power generator with the engine.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, which includes governing speed of the
engine after reaching the target engine speed.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the fuel is of a diesel type.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said controlling includes
calculating the engine acceleration from engine rotational speed and a time
period determined relative to the initial operation of the engine.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein said controlling includes
regulating fuel supplied to the engine to provide the engine acceleration
calculated to provide the target speed at the target time.
6. The method as claimed in claim 6, wherein said regulating includes
reducing the fuel if the amount of fuel provided to start the engine exceeds a
desired quantity.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said determining includes
detecting performance of the engine at or above at least one of an engine speed
threshold and an engine acceleration threshold.
8. An electric power generation system, comprising:
an electric power generator;
an internal combustion engine including a crankshaft rotatably coupled to
the generator and a number of fuel injectors each operable to fuel a
corresponding one of a number of combustion chambers of the engine;
an engine temperature sensor;
an engine rotation sensor; and
a controller operatively coupled to the injectors, the engine temperature
sensor, and the engine rotation sensor, the controller being operable to: control
the injector to provide a desired amount of fuel to start the engine as a function
of engine temperature determined with the engine temperature sensor,
determine an initial engine operating state as a function of rotational engine
speed determined with the engine rotation sensor, regulate engine acceleration
from the initial engine operating state to reach a target engine speed in a target
time by adjusting fueling with the injectors, and regulate engine speed after
reaching the target speed to drive the electric power generator.
9. The system as claimed in claim 8, further comprising an engine device
operable to crank the engine to provide a self-sustained operation at the initial
operating state.
10. The system as claimed in claim 8, further comprising a turbocharger
coupled to the engine.
11. The system as claimed in claim 8, wherein the controller is included in a
panel with an operator control.
12. A system comprising:
an internal combustion engine including a crankshaft and a number of fuel
injectors each operable to fuel a corresponding one of a number of combustion
chambers of the engine during a respective fueling period.
an electric power generator;
means for sensing engine temperature;
means for sensing rotational engine speed;
means for providing an amount of fuel to start the engine as a function of
the engine temperature;
means for determining an operating state of the engine as a function of
the rotational engine speed;
means for controlling engine acceleration from the operating state to reach
a target engine speed in a target time; and
means for driving the electric power generator with the engine, the engine
being the prime mover for the electric power generator.
13. A method comprising:
providing an amount of fuel to start an internal combustion engine as
a function of engine temperature, the engine including a number of
combination chambers and corresponding reciprocating pistons;
cranking the engine during said providing the amount of fuel to
start the engine;
determining a start-up operating state of the engine resulting from
said cranking;
controlling engine acceleration from the operating state to reach a
target rotational engine speed at a target time; and
driving an electric power generator with the engine.
14. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said determining includes
sensing rotation of the engine to provide a rotational speed and comparing the
rotational speed of the engine to a threshold.
15. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said determining includes
sensing rotation of the engine, calculating an acceleration of the engine based
on said sensing, and comparing the acceleration of the engine to a threshold.
16. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said controlling includes
reducing fuel provided to the engine before the target speed is reached to
reduce smoke output by the engine.
17. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said cranking is performed
with a starting device in the form of a starting motor.
18. The method as claimed in claim 13, wherein said providing includes
fueling the engine with a number of fuel injectors.
Start-up control of internal combustion engines and a method of generating
electric power, comprising: providing an amount of fuel to start an internal
combustion engine as a function of engine temperature, the engine including a
number of combustion chambers and corresponding reciprocating pistons;
determining initial operation of the engine as a function of rotational engine
speed in response to said providing; controlling engine acceleration from the
initial operation to reach a target engine speed at a target time; and driving an
electric power generator with the engine.








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174-KOLNP-2005FORM 27.PDF

Patent Number 225438
Indian Patent Application Number 174/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 46/2008
Publication Date 14-Nov-2008
Grant Date 12-Nov-2008
Date of Filing 11-Feb-2005
Name of Patentee CUMMINS INC
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F02D 31/00, 41/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2003/021046
PCT International Filing date 2003-07-03
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/395,649 2002-07-12 U.S.A.