Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a composition for treating crude-oils characterized in that it comprises a phenolic oil in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, phenolic oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature range from 170°Cto 190"C; an absorption oil in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, absorption oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature ranging from 250°C to 270''C; a polymerization oil in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, polymerization oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature ranging from 320° to 350°C, and up to 100%(v/v) a mixture of chemical additives, said mixture containing either an acidic substance or a surfactant, or a gas generator or a solvent, or any combination thereof, the density of the composition ranging between 1.10 to 1.12 g/cm3. The invention also relates to a process for treating crude oils.
Full Text This invention refers to compositions for simulating the extraction of crude oils, especially paraffin heavy crude oils, de-clogging the route and the abutting deposits of the oil well by changing the rheology of the deposit and solubilization of the aggregates comprising paraffin resins on the oil well circulation route, using a chemical vector similar to the podrugs in the medicaments industry.
There are known compositions intended to de-clog the extraction pipes that are mainly represented by three categories:
-water detergents emulsions
- solvents obtained by all refining
- solutions obtained by coke distillation. It is already known that crude oil has a broad composition (from easily volatile fraction, solvents, benzenes up to paraffines and asphaltenes also known under the generic name of "Godeville wax").
During the well functioning, there are generated local pressure changes and sections with temperature variations suficient to form, on the circulation pipes (column and tubing), local depots and final obturations capable to stop or render more difficult the liquid phase circulation within crude oil.
In time, an increase in thickness of the crude oil is also produced in the deposit, in the abutting area, around the oil-well and that come in the long run from the extraction of the fluid phase; the layer thickness being of from 10-15 cm to 1-2 m and said layer being made of paraffin foirmation clogs diminishing the liquid phase afflux to the oil-well peump. There are already known processes and methods, that lead to the diminishing of these effects by using some chemical solvents solutions or watery detergents solutions which allow the fluidization of the area abutting the oil well and facilitate the liquid phase flow.
The chemical which use organic solvents present the disadvantage that, having a density of 0.6 to 0.8 g/cm3, they lead to the fact that being set free from the oil-well perforations in the abutting area, they rise to the higher part, therefore in the un-perofrated area of the oil well, and they do not act in the active area, as they are released from the well perforations in the deposit abutting area.
Watery detergents solutions act by flowing out, downward the deposit, said solutions having a density of 1 gr/cm3 (higher than the crude oil's density), yet the new created interfaces are not covered by a blister and paraffins are just as much active as others, so they reunite the paraffin clogs, after the watery detergent solution passes by.
On the other hand the water that was let in maintains itself neutral and this is not to be found within the extractions as useful fractions meanwhile the coal oil, that was
proposed as chemical vector in order to form the solutions, can be processed in refineries and, that way, it enriches the distillates with valuable cyclic fractions.
Thus, due to the fused-cycle breaking of the coal oil, there may be obtained ecological gasoline of high octane number, directly from refining, unless the percentage of oil that the crude oil enters the refinery is adjusted.
The technical problem solved by the present invention is that of realizing a new composition for stimulating the oil extraction comprising fractions from the distillation of solvent-enriched coal oils, detergents, acids (or acidic substances) or alkali, gas-generating ammonium salts, all of them having a superior effect in stimulating the extraction and improving the flowing reology.
This invention has a special ecological component, meaning that it proposes an excellent method for processing and extracting of some very strong pollutants such as naphthalene, anthracene and, also, other creosols, by introducing them into the oil deposits and by converting them into useful compounds by "in situ" reactions.
Any draining (degrading) technological process of such pollutants on the Earth (soil) surface is more polluting than the introduction into the oil deposit, without other material or energetic consumption.
The selected oil comprises a combination of distillation fractions for coke coal-oils according to this invention and, it must have a density ranging from 1.15 to 1.17gr/cmc density in order to represent a perfect vector for the already formed chemical solutions. It means that there can be selected fractions of creosote oil or of the impregnation oils, as well as of the polymerization oil, such that their mixture fulfill the chemical vector condition.
The base composition representing a chemical vector, is formed by three fractions resulted from the coke coal oil distillation, just the way they were defined by STAS 3261/87 and charaterized by the boiling point the typical weight and main chemical composition, already being known that by industrial distillation there are obtained mixtures such as:
- fraction 1 - coimprising the so-called (technical name)"phenolic oil" ; having a distillation range from 170-190° C and a density of from 1.15-1.2 g/cm3 and mainly containing, creosol, naphthalene and anthracene with various chemical radicals attached thereto.
- Fraction - 2 comprising the so-called (technical name) "absorption oil" (according to STAS 3362); having a distillation range from 250-270° C, a density from 1.19 to 1. 22g/cm3 and also containing phenanthene, fluorene, carbosols, fluoranthene.
Fraction - 3 known under the technical denomination of "polymerization oil"; having a distillation range of from 320 to 350°C, a density of from 1.20 to 1. 23 g/cm3 and being chemically constituted of pyrenes, acenaphthenes and crysenes.
The composition comprising 30% v/v fraction 1 solution of phenolic oil, in admixture with 30% v/v fraction 2 solution of absorbtion oil and 30% v/v fraction 3 technically denominated polymerization oil, forms the base solution, called chemical vector, to be completed with 10% supplement formed of substances (classes of substances) brought from outside the distillation process, called the vector charge.
The main chemical composition, so it was called as "chemical vector", contains numerous substances which can be characterized as very intense pollutants and according to the invention, it results from the tar distillates and has the generic name of "mineral coal oil". The chemical composition of the mineral coal oil is broad and it depends on the processed coal's quality and on the technology employed by the producing chemical coking plant. By taking over the chemical analyses from more mineral coal oil batches and ignoring the compounds which have a under 2% weight, we can learn that the following ones are really important.
Gas Analysis:

(Table Removed)
Each fraction has an important role in the physical and chemical behavior of the chemical vector, given the crude oil and the paraffin formations comprised by said crude oil.
- phenolic oil has an important role in penetrating the paraffin formations, being also an adequate solvent and having a higher density than water has;
- absorption oil creates inert areas that are incompatible (from the chemical point of view) with the paraffin formations, such that they do not stick together anymore as it is the case of solvents. In crude oil, these are maintaining active areas between paraffin formations (paraffin clogs) areas that reunite said formation increasing the paraffin clog.
- the gas-generating substances, such as the ammonium salts (sulfates and carbonates), are able to decompose below 70°C, thus, creating gases which will radically change the flow rheology of crude oil.
- detergents and tension active substances which (2% of the volume or 20% of the total chemical charge ) will stabilize the new reological routes and will improve the flow of the paraffin formations, by separating them from the inorganic phases.
The treatment composition formed by the chemical vector (an admixture by volume of the three oils, at a 1 : 1 : 1 ratio), chemically charged with a 10% supplement oil either acidic substances or solvents, or detergents or gas generating substances or any combination thereof must finally have a density of 1.10 up to 1.12g/cm3.
According to this invention, the treatment process consists in that the composition is introduced, under pressure, into othe blocked extraction pipes or into the deposit whose flowing flux significantly dropped to the pressure of 70-80 bars (limit pressure resistance for the pipes/column/tubing) and, in case the un-blocking cannot be performed, it is maintained under pressure for 4 to 8 hours and, the treatment is thereafter re-started, unless a significant decrease in tension is registered denoting an un-blocking of the circuit.
According to the invention, the composition and the process have the following advantages:
-use of a solutioin passing for a useful material during the refining process;
- high efficiency due to its chemical vector character which was constituted when the mixture was formed;
- the solution is accessible and its use also presents the aspect of environmental preserving as the oil is not used at land surface, where can produce serious pollution effects;
- the reduction of the intervention rhythm at the oil-well due to the solution prolonged time of action;
- there is no need for special equipment for carrying out the treatments;
-it has no undesired secondary effects (metallic corrosion or a emulsifying of the valuable constituents in the crude oil);
-from the oil solution used at injection in refineries there are obtained gasoline of high octane number and semiacicular coke.
There is further provided an embodiment example of the composition and of the process according the invention:
Example No. 1:
The composition for the treatment process used for in-layer technological injection as well as the one that is used for broaching the column system is represented by the following volume percentages:
- 30% v/v phenolic oil from the first fraction
- 30% v/v absorption oil
-30% v/v polymerized oil -
2% v/v ammonium carbonate
5% v/v ethoxilated noniphenol with 5 to 9 ethoxy groups
3% v/v phenol
In case of oil wells having a week liquid aflux, as there is a blocking due to the paraffin depots at the perforation level or on the column tubes there will be carried out an unblocking treatment process using the above mentioned solution, at a ratio of a 5m3 solution/perforated meter or, in case of blocking the pipes, at the maximum pressure limited by the tubing material of 70-90 bars, until the route is un-blocked. If a substantially improved circulation is not noticed after 5 - 8; hours, the solution is taken out by purging into the hub and the treatment is re-started, until the effective unblocking of the well is achieved.
Using laboratory analysis, another range of coal oils can be chosen, from their distillation with the proviso that their specific density is greater than 1.08, and the formed vector charges with reagents (solvents, detergents, etc), given the proposed aim and the characteristics of the deposit submitted to treatment.

We claim:
1. A composition for treating crude-oils characterized in that it comprises a phenolic oil
in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, phenolic oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature range from 1700°C to 190°C; an absorption oil in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, absorption oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature ranging from 250°C to 270°C; a polymerization oil in an amount of 20%(v/v) to 30%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, polymerization oil which is a distillation fraction having a distillation temperature ranging from 320° to 350'°C, and up to 100%(v/v) a mixture of chemical additives, said mixture containing one or more of an acidic substance, a surfactant, a gas generator or a solvent, the density of the composition ranging between 1.10 to 1.12 g/cm'.
2. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein volumetric ratio of the phenolic oil,
absorption oil and polymerization oil being preferably of 1:1:1.
3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the phenolic oil comprises cresols,
napthalenes and anthracenes with various chemical radicals attached thereto and has a density ranging from 1.15 to 1.20 g/cm3; the absorption oil contains phenanthrene, fluorene, carbosols and floranthrene and has a density ranging from 1.19 to 1.22 g/cm3 and the polymerization oil contains pyrene, acenaphthenes and crysenes, and has a density ranging from 1.20 to 1.23 g/cm3

4. The composition as claimed in claim 1, wherein the mixture of chemical additives
preferably consists of 25%(w/w) surfactant, preferably nonylphenol ethoxylated with 5 to 9 ethoxy groups; 10%(w/w) gas generating substance, preferably consisting of ammonium salts selected from ammonium sulphates or carbonates which are decomposed at a temperature less than 70°C causing the generation of gases; 15%(w/w) an acidic substance, preferably phenol and upto 100%(w/w) a solvent.
5. The composition as claimed in claims 1 and 4, wherein it comprises phenolic oil in an
amount of 30%(v/v) absorption oil in an amount of 30%(v/v), polymerization oil in an amount of 30%(v/v) and a chemical additive mixture in an amount of 10%(v/v) based on the total composition volume, said mixture comprising 10% (w/w) ammonium carbonate, 25%(w/w) nonylphenol ethoxylated with 5 to 9 ethoxy groups, 15%(w/w) phenol and up to 100% a solvent, based on the total mixture weight.
6. A process for treating crude-oil in order to stimulate extraction, wherein a
composition as claimed in claim 1 is injected under a pressure preferably having a
value of 70 to 90 bar through a tubing or through a production casing for crude-oil
exploitation through a well which penetrates and opens a productive crude oil-field,
followed by ceasing the fluid extraction through the tubing for 4 to 8 hours, and
thereafter the well is started up.

7. The process as claimed in claim 6, wherein in the tubing or in the production casing,
there is injected an amount of the composition as claimed in claim 1 ensuring a
distribution preferably of 5m3 of solution/meter of perforated tubing portion.
8. A process for treating crude-oil in order to stimulate extraction, carried out in another
variant, wherein a composition as claimed in claim f is injected through a line for conveying the crude-oil extracted through a well, in case of blocking the flow there through, the injection being carried out with a maximum pressure value which is limited by the pressure the tubing withstands, and the pressure value is maintained within the line for 4 to 8 hours.
9. The process for treating the crude-oils as claimed in claim 6 or 8, wherein in the
situation in which after 4 to 8 hours the crude-oil circulation is not restored to the
normal parameters, the composition injected into the tubing or in the line is
extracted and then, the composition as claimed in claim 1 is injected again.














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Patent Number 233095
Indian Patent Application Number 6038/DELNP/2005
PG Journal Number 13/2009
Publication Date 27-Mar-2009
Grant Date 26-Mar-2009
Date of Filing 23-Dec-2005
Name of Patentee SLEMCU, NICOLAE,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E21B 37/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/RO2004/000008
PCT International Filing date 2004-04-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 a2003 00519 2003-06-13 Romania