Abstract | A circular knitting machine, particularly of the medium-diameter type, with improved needle actuation, which comprises a footing that supports a needle cylinder (2) rotationally actuatable with respect to the footing about its own axis (2a), which is orientated substantially vertically; multiple axial slots (3) formed on the outer lateral surface of the needle cylinder (2), each slot (3) accommodating a needle (4); a sub-needle (7) arranged below each needle (4) in a corresponding axial slot (3) and connected bilaterally to the corresponding needle (4) in its motion along the corresponding axial slot (3) and having, along its extension, a heel (7a) orientated radially with respect to the needle cylinder (2), the sub-needle being oscillatable on a radial plane of the needle cylinder (2) in order to pass from, an active position, in which it is extracted radially with its heel (7a) from the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to engage paths formed by sub-needle actuation cams (8), which are arranged around the needle cylinder (2) and are suitable to produce or allow a movement of the sub-needle (7) along the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) in order to actuate the overlying needle (4), to an inactive position, in which it is embedded with its heel (7a) in the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to avoid engaging the sub-needle actuation cams; and a sub-needle actuation (10), which act on the sub-needle (7) for its transition from the active position to the inactive po- sition and vice versa, |
Full Text | CIRCULAR KNITTING MACHINE, PARTICULARITY OF THE MEDIUM-DIAMETER TYPE, WITH IMPROVED NEEDLE AC TUATION Tec hnicai Field The present invention relates to a circular knitting machine, particularly of the medium-diameter type, with improved needle actuation. Background Art The field of circular knitting machine has always felt the need to red ace as much as possible the height of the needle cylinder so as to reduce its inertia, in order to be able to increase its rotation rate and therefore inc :ease correspondingly the productivity of these machines. However, this need clashes with an equally important need, which is vejsatility, i.e., the possibility to produce on a same machine various kinds of knitting process, the execution of whic;h often entails increasing even CO] isiderably the complexity of the needle actuation system, increasing the sp; ce occupation entailed by the installation of several accessories around the needle cylinder, which inevitably force an increase in the height of the ne^ :dle cylinder, which in practice constitutes the only dimensional variable thi t allows design freedom. , Furthermore, in circular knitting machines there has always been the ned to improve the quality level of the manufactured articles. In recent ye irs, this need, has increased, also because continuous improvements have allowed these machines to produce items that increasingly approximate firished items,- reducing and in some times eliminating the use of su )sequent processes. Furtheraiore, in needle actuation systems of machines of this type it ha; been noted that in any kind of knitting process the heel of the needles &b /ays engages the lowering cams, i.e., the cams that lower the needle into thi; needle cylinder after engaging the yam at a drop or feed of the machine, ev in when the corresponding needle is excluded from knitting at a drop. , 2 ^. 'his engagement with the lowering cams produces unwanted movements of tie needle, and if the needle is holding previously formed knitting these r lovements can alter or even break the stitches, inevitably penalizing the c uality of the product. I >isclosure of the Invention The aim of the present invention is to solve the problems noted above by providing a circular knitting machine, particularly of the medium- d iameter type, with a particularly simple needle actuation system that allows t() contain the axial dimensions of the needle cylinder without penalizing the r; nge of possible types of knitting. Within this aim, an object of the mvehtion is to provide a machine tl at can operate at high rotation rates of the needle cylinder and can tl erefore achieve high production levels. Another object of the invention is to provide a machine that thanks to a containment of the total weight of the needle cylinder and to the needle ai ;tuation system can operate without problems even in the case of medium- ai id large-diameter machines, with reversals of the direction of rotation of tl e needle cylinder, allowing types of knitting that have never been pi rformed up to now on these machines, such as for example the provision o: three-dimensional shapes without necessarily having to vary the tightness o: the knitting or introducing in preset regions portions of additional courses O; knitting that require unsightly trimming that is negative for the fit of the p] oduct. This aim and these and other objects that will become better apparent h( reinafter are achieved by a circular knitting machine, which comprises a footing that supports a needle cylinder that can be rotationally actuated with re ;pect to said footing about its own axis., which is orientated substantially V€ rtically; a plurality of axial slots being formed on the outer lateral surface ol the needle cylinder, each slot accormnodating a needle; means for acuating the needles being provided and interacting with said needles durii ,g the rotation of the needle cylinder about its own axis in order to actu Lte the needles along the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder so fiat the needles form knitting \vith at least one yam dispensed to the neec les at at least one drop or feed of the machine, characterized in that said neec le actuation means comprise, for each needle, a sub-needle arranged in the corresponding axial slot of the needle cyhnder below the corresponding neeule; said sub-needle being connected bilaterally to the coiTesponding neei [le in its m.otion along the corresponding axial slot and having, along its extf nsion, a heel that is orientated radially with respect to the needle cyli ider; said sub-needle being able to oscillate on a radial plane of the nee lie cylinder in order to pass from an active position, in which it is ext: acted radially with its heel from the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder so as to engage paths formed by sub-needle actuation cams, wh ch are arranged around the needle cylinder and are suitable to produce or all( 'W a movement of said sub-needle along the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder, to an inactive position, in which it is embedded with its he( 1 in the corresponding axial slot of the needle C3dinder so as to avoid en; paging said sub-needle actuation cams; actuation means being provided wl ich act on said sub-needle for its transition from said active position to sai d inactive position and vice versa. Br ,ef description of the drawings Further characteristics and advantages of the invention will become better apparent from the description of a prefen"ed but not exclusive er ibodiment of the machine according to the invention, illustrated by way of n( n-limiting example in the accompanying drawings, wherein: Figure 1 is a schematic flat projection view of a portion of the cam bi »x of the m.achine according to the invention, in a first operating condition; Figure 2 is a schematic flat projection view of a portion of the cam b )x of the machine according to the invention in a second operating c )ndition; Figure 3 is a sciiematic flat projection view of a portion of the cam b )X of the machine according to the invention in a third operating condition; Figure 4 is a schematic flat projection view of a portion of the cam box of the machine according to the invention in a fourth operating c( 'Udition; Figure 5 is a schematic axial sectional view of the needle cylinder of th 2 machine according to the invention, with a sub-needle in the inactive p( sition; Figure 6 is a schematic axial sectional view of the needle cylinder of th ; machine according to the invention, illustrating the transition of the sub- ne edle firom the inactive position to the active position; Figure 7 is a schematic axial sectional view of the needle cylinder of th ^ machine according to the invention, with the sub-needle in the active pc sition; Figure 8 is a schematic axial sectional view of the needle cylinder of thi; machine according to the invention, with the sub-needle in the active pc 3ition during the lifting of the overlying needle. W lys to carrying out the Invention With reference to the figures, the circular laiitting machine according to he invention, generally designated by the reference numeral 1 and shown on y partially and schematically, comprises;, like known types of machine, a fo( 'ting, which is not illustrated for the sake of simplicity and supports a ne idle cylinder 2, which can rotate, with respect to the footing, about its ov n axis 2a, which is orientated substantially vertically. Multiple axial slots 3 i re formed on the outer lateral surface of the needle cylinder 2 and each sic; accommodates a needle 4. The mEichine comprises means for actuating the needles 4, which are de: cribed in greater detail hereinafter and interact with the needles 4 during the rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about its own axis 2a in order to actuate the needles 4 along the corresponding axial slot 3 so that the needles 4 form 1 nitting with at least one yam, which is dispensed to tlie needles 4 at at least c ne feed or drop 5, which is an-anged laterally to the axis 2a and at which £ ppropriately provided yam fingers 6 are positioned. According to the invention, the needle actuation means comprise, for e ach needle 4, a sub-needle 7, which is arranged below the con'esponding r eedle 4 in the same axial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2. The sub-needle 7 i; connected bilaterally, in its motion along the corresponding axial slot 3, i e., parallel to the axis 2a of the needle cjdinder 2, to the overlying needle 4, aid has, along its longitudinal extension, a heel 7a, which is orientated r idially with respect to the needle cylinder 2. The bilateral connection between the needle 4 and the sub-needle 7 is achieved by virtue of a particular geometric coupling between the upper end of the sub-needle 7 aid the lower end of the needle 4. This coupling, in addition to providing s lid bilateral connection, allows the sub-needle 7 to oscillate on a radial p ane of the needle cylinder 2 in order to pass from an active position, in V hich it is extracted radially with its heel 7a from the corresponding axial s ot 3 of the needle cylinder 2, to an inactive position, in which it is e nbedded with its heel 7a in the corresponding axial slot 3. Sub-needle actuation cams, generally designated by the reference n imeral 8, face and lie around the outer lateral surface of the needle c Tinder 2, at a level that corresponds to the level of the heels 7a of the sub- n jedles 7, are rigidly coupled to the footing of the machine as regards rotaiy n otion about the axis 2a, and define paths that are engaged by the heels 7a o^the sub-needles 7 when they are in the active position and vice versa are n )t engaged by the heels 7a of the sub-needles 7 that are in the inactive p )sition. The paths defined by the actuation cams 8 of the sub-needles 7 are s] taped so as to force or allow the sub-needles 7, the heels 7a of which e: igage said paths, an upward or downward motion along the corresponding a :ial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2 as a consequence of tlie rotation of the n ;edle cylinder 2 about the axis 2a with respect to said cams 8. The needle 4 also has, along its longitudinal extension, a heel 4a that ies radially with respect to the needle cylinder 2 and can engage paths lefined by needle actuation cams, generally designated by the reference I Lumeral 9 and rigidly coupled to the footing of the machine as regards ] otary motion about the axis 2a. Said paths are shaped so as to force or ; How the needles 4, the heels 4a of which engage said paths, an upward or (-OAvnv/ard motion along the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle (ylinder 2 as a consequence of the rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about tie axis 2a with respect to the cams 9. The means for actuating the needles 4 furthermore comprise sub- r eedle actuation means that act on command on the sub-needle 7 in order to j: roduce its transition from the inactive position to the active position or vice \ersa. Said means for actuating the sub-needle 7 comprise, for each sub- r eedle 7, an actuation element 10, which is arranged in each one of the axial s ots 3 below the sub-needle 7 and can move on command along the axial s ot 3, i.e., parallel to the axis 2a of the needle cylinder 2, in order to interact V ith the lower end of the sub-needle 7 and produce its transition or retention h. the inactive position or in the active position. The actuation element 10 comprises a selector 11, which is provided, a ong its longitudinal extension, with at least one heel 11a, lib that is e: [tended radially with respect to the needle cylinder 2. In the illustrated e-; nbodiment, the selector 11 is provided with two heels, respectively a lower h ;el 11a and an upper heel lib, which are mutually spaced along the k ngitudinal extension of the selector 11. The selector 11 can oscillate on a radial plane with respect to the ni edle cylinder 2 in order to pass froiri an active position, in which it p] otrudes radially with its lower heel 11a from the corresponding axial slot 3. to an inactive position, in which it is embedded with its lower heel 11 a in th 3 corresponding axial slot 3. The upper heel lib is constantly extracted from the con"esponding axitlslotS. Selector actuation cams, generally designated by the reference nui leral 12, are arranged so as to face and lie around the needle cylinder 2 at L level that corresponds to the level of the selectors 11, and are rigidly coi pled to the footing of the machine as regards rotaiy motion about the axj 3 2a. The selector actuation cams 12 define paths that can be engaged by the upper heel lib and by the lower heel 11a when it is in the active po ition. These paths are shaped so as to force or allow the selectors 11, the he ;ls 11a, lib of which engage said paths, an upward or downward motion al( ng the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2 as a CO isequence of the rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about the axis 2a with re: pect to the cams 12. The upper heel lib, which is constantly extracted from the cc rresponding axial slot 3, is used mainly to actuate the lowering of the se .ector 11 by means of a part of the selector actuation cams 12. The selectors 11 have, in a per se known manner, along their Icagitudinal extension, one or more selection tabs He, on which selection devices 43a, 43b, 43c, 43d that face the outer lateral surface of the needle c; iinder 2 act on command in order to produce the transition of tiie C' )rresponding selector 11 from the active position to the inactive position. Transition of the selectors 11 from the inactive position to the active p Dsition can be achieved in a manner similar to what occurs for oscillating s electors in Icnown types of machine, for example by virtue of extraction cmis 13, which are arranged proximate to the lower end of the needle c ylinder 2 and act on the lower end of the selectors 11. The selection c evices, as well as the ex.traction cams 13, are arranged upstream of each ( rop 5 of the machine along the direction of rotation of the needle cylinder 2 i bout its own axis 2a with respect to the cam box. The lower end of the sub-needle 7 is conveniently shaped CO nplementarily with respect to the upper end of the actuation element 10, so that a movement of the actuation element 10 along the corresponding ax al slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2 produces the transition of the sub-needle 7 i :om the inactive position to the active position or vice versa. Conveniently, the lower end of the sub-needle 7 has a forked shape, in which a first prong 14a protrudes downward with respect to the second pn ng 14b. The first prong 14a is furthermore closer to the bottom, i.e., to the wa.l directed toward the axis 2a, of the coiTesponding axial slot 3, than the sec ond prong 14b. The first prong 14a can be engaged by an upper portion of he actuation element 10 in order to move or stably retain the sub-needle 7 h I its inactive position, while the second prong 14b can be engaged by the up] ler portion of the actuation element 10 in order to move or stably retain the sub-needle 7 in the active position. Fuithermore, the upper portion of the actuation element 10 can be ins ;rted between the two prongs 14a, 14b of the lower end of the sub-needle for the very purpose of reinforcing the retention of the sub-needle 7 in the act ve position. Conveniently, the actuation element 10 comprises, in addition to the sel( ctor 11, a pusher 15, which is acconmiodated so that it can slide within the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle; cylinder 2 between the selector 11 Old the sub-needle 7. In practice, the upper portion of the actuation element 10 that engages the lower end of the sub-needle 7 is constituted by the upper portion of the pusier 15. The pusher 15 has, along its longitudinal extension, a heel 15a that pro rudes from the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2 and can engage paths formed by pusher actuation cams, generally designated by the reference numeral 16, which are rigidly coupled to the footing of the mac hine as regards rotation about the axis 2a. The paths defined by the ictuation cams 16 of the pushers are shaped so as to force or allow the Dushers 15, the heels 15a of which engage said paths, an upward or iownward motion along the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2 as a consequence of the rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about he axis 2a with respect to the cams 16. The upper portion of each pusher 15 has, in a region that is spaced iov/nward from the upper end of said pusher 15, a first region 17, which bi-ms an inclined plane with respect to the longitudinal extension of the 'on-esponding axial slot 3 and can engage a con'esponding region 18 that "onus an inclined plane and is provided at the lower end of the first prong 4a of the fork of the sub-needle 7, in order to achieve the transition of the ub-needle 7 from the active position to the inactive position as a ' consequence of the downward movement of the pusher 15 along the The upper portion of each pusher 15 furthennore has, at its upper end, ;. second region 19, which fonns an inclined plane with respect to the ' ongitudinal extension of the corresponding axial slot 3 and can engage a ( orresponding region 20, which forms an inclined plane and is provided at lh,e lower end of the second prong 14b of the fork of the sub-needle 7, in (-rder to achieve the transition of the sub--needle 7 from the inactive position 1o the active position as a consequence of the upward movement of the ] 'Usher 15 along the corresponding axial slot 3 of the needle cylinder 2. At the fork of the lower end of the sub-needles 7, the axial slots 3 1 ave, on their bottom, a recessed region 25 for containing said fork and for c Uowing the oscillation of the sub-needle 7. Optionally, the upper part of 5 aid recessed region 25 ma}^ be shallower than the remaining part, so as to i 31111 a supjDOrt for the forked region at least in the condition of maximum 1 fting of the sub-needle 7 that retains it stably in the active position. The paths defined by the selector actuation cams 12 have, ahead of t ach drop 5 along the direction of rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about the axis Za with respect to the cam box, a first rising portion 21 and a second risin g portion 22, in which the peak is higher than the pealc of the first rising port on 21 in order to produce lifting respectively up to a tuck-stitch lifting leve 1 and to a drop-stitch lifting level for the overlying needle 4. The rising por ions 21 and 22 are designed to be engaged by the lower heel 1 la of the sell ctors 11 in the active position. Aliead of each drop or feed 5 of the machine along the direction of roi ation of the needle cylinder 2 about its own axis 2a with respect to the ca n box, four selection devices are provided: two of said devices are lo :ated between the first rising portion 21 and the second rising portion 22. Preferably, the knitting forming cams, also known as lowering cams, i. 2., the cams that produce the descent of the needles after engaging the yam £; a drop, in the machine according to the invention, are part of the actuation ( ams 8 of the sub-needles 7. The lowering cams can be movable on command, in a per se known nanner, parallel to the axis 2a in order to vary the tightness of the knitting. Preferably, the machine according to the invention has four drops or feeds 5, which are mutually angularly spaced around the axis 2a of the needle cylinder 2. In the machine according to the invention, the needle actuation means 4 allow to simplify the cam box and the accessory elements that are usually arranged around the needle cylinder and at the same time allow to perfonn substantially all the knitting processes currently possible in knitting machines, obtaining qualitatively superior results, as well as knitting processes that currently cannot be obtained on circular knitting machines having a medium diameter or more specifically having a diameter substantially comprised between 7 and 24 inches. Without altering the fact that the machine according to the invention, with its particular needle actuation means, may be provided with any diameter and as a machine in which the needle cylinder can be actuated with a rotary motion in a single direction of rotation without thereby abandoning the scope of the protection of the present invention, tiie particular means for the actuation of tlie needles of the machine according to the invention allow to contain the height and therefore the inertia of the needle cylinder, allowing its rotary actuation about its axis 2a in both directions of rotation. Said means for the actuation of the needles 4, in view of the way in which they are structured, can be used to alloAv the needles 4 to form knitting in both directions of rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about its own axis 2a at at least one drop 5. The embodiment of the machine according to the invention shown in :he accompanying drawings indeed refers to a machine with a needle cylinder 2 which, depending on the knitting requirements, can be actuated /vith a continuous motion in one direction of rotation or in the opposite lirection or with an alternating motion (or oscillating motion) about its own ixis 2a. In this embodiment, at at least one; drop and preferably at each drop, here are two mutually opposite lowering cams 23. and 24 for lowering the : leedles after the yam has been engaged at the drop being considered; said I ams are designed to be used respecti vety in the rotaiy motion of the needle ( ylinder 2 in one direction or in the opposite direction. It is possible to use, for the actuation of the needle c^dinder 2 with a ] Dtary motion about its own axis 2a, an electric motor of a known type that L Hows to reverse the rotation of its output shaft, or said rotary motion I jversal can be achieved by virtue of a tnmsmission interposed between the I lotor and the needle cylinder 2. The needle cylinder 2 can be proA'ided, in a per se Imown mamier, \ dth means for controlling its angular position about the axis 2a, such as for e -iample devices such as encoders or the like, so as to allow to control the p Dsition of the various needles 4 about the axis 2a during the rotation of the c /linder 2. The machine is preferably provided with an actuation and control clement of the programmable electronic type, which supervises the (>peration of the various elements of the machine so as to be able to perforai ] nitting according to preset programs. The means for actuating the needles 4, described earlier, can be used 13 actuate the needles 4 so that they form knitting in both directions of the r Dtation of the needle cylinder 2 about its own axis 2a at all the drops 5. Figures 1 to 4, described in greater detail hereinafter, illustrate in a f at projection view a portion of the cam box of the machine. The illustrated p ortion, relates to a little more than one drop 5, and preferably this c jnfiguration of the cams is repeated as regards the other drops of the n achine. In practice, in a machine equipped with needles and needle actuation n eans according to the invention and meant to be used to form knitting in b )th directions of rotation of the needle cylinder 2 about its own axis 2a, the airangement and configuration of the needle actuation cams 9, of the sub- ni :edle actuation cams 8, of the pusher actuation cams 16 and of the selector a( tuation cams 12 is preferably symmetrical with respect to a radial plane of tfc 2 needle cylinder that passes through a drop or feed. A similar syrmnetry al 50 occurs in. the arrangement of the selection devices 43 a, 43b, 43 c, 43 d. The machine is completed with the elements that are usually present in circular knitting machines of this type, such as for example sinlcers, fabric te isioning devices, various control systems, etcetera. Optionally, the machine can be equipped with needles 4, sub-needles 7 . tnd pushers 15 that have mutually different heel lengths. Merely by way of example. Figures 1 to 4 illustrate four different op ^rating conditions of a needle of the machine according to the invention. Tl e direction of rotation of the needle cylinder 2 in the various figures is indicated by the aiTOW 30. The portions. Qf the paths of the heels of the va ious elements in the active position have been shown by means of solid I: ars, while the portions of the paths of the heels of the various elements in t le inactive position have been shown by means of broken lines. The needle -, the sub-needle 7, the pusher 15 and the selector 11 have been shown, 1 iterally with respect to the cam box portion, turned through 90° in a merely t xemplitying position, since the position of these elements can vary J ccording to the imparted actuation, as described below. Figure 1 illustrates the condition in v/hich the needle is excluded from 1 nitting at a drop or feed 5 of the machine. To achieve this condition, the selector 11 of the needle 4 being considered is retained in the inactive jiosition by way of the selection devices. In this manner, the pusher 15, ; head of the drop being considered, is first lowered together with the sub- ] leedle 7 and then returned to the lowermost position, causing the transition (if the sub-needle 7 to the inactive position. In this manner, the ( orresponding needle 4 passes with its head below the lowering plane of the ; inkers of the machine. It should be noted that in this operating condition the heel 7a of the ub-needle 7 does not engage the lowering cams 23, 24, thus avoiding even mall movements of the needle excluded from knitting, which occur in mown t3'pes of machine and cause accidental breakage of the fabric when he needles that are excluded from knitting at the feed being considered ;arry knitting formed at other feeds of the machine. Figure 2 illustrates the actuation of a needle 4 for fonning a drop jtitch. In this case, the selector 11 of the needle 4 being considered is •etained or moved into the active position by means of the selection devices >o that its lower heel 11a engages both the rising portion 21 and the rising 3ortion 22 of the path defined by the cams 12. In this maimer, the pusher 15, after being lifted by tlie upward motion of the selector 11 engaged with the first rising portion 21 and.assj^sted by a cam 31 of the actuation cams 16 of said pusher 15, is lowered by a cam 32 that again belongs to the cams 16 md causes the momentary transition of the sub-needle 7 into the inactive position in order to allow it to move beyond the lowering cam 23 without engaging it. The additional lifting produced b}' the engagement of the )usher 15 with the cam 33, which again belongs to the actuation cams 16 of he pusher 15, and of the selector 11 with the rising portion 22, produces the ifting of the needle 4 up to the point where the previously formed loop of aiitting is dropped onto the stem of the needle 4 before the needle 4 takes he yam dispensed at the drop being considered and begins a new descent. Figure 3 illustrates the actuation of a needle to form a tuck stitch. In this case, the selector 11, by virtue of the selection devices, is engaged only with the rising portion 21. In this manner, the pusher 15 \ lehaves as in Figure 2, except that at the drop. 5 it does not receive the : urther upward motion that would be produced by the engagement of the : elector 11 with the cam 22. For this reason, the needle 4 is raised to a lesser ( xtent, and the loop of knitting is not dropped onto the stem of the needle 4 1 'cfore taking a new yam at the drop or feed being considered, but remains i 1 the hook of the needle 4, which fonns a new loop of loiitting. Figure 4 illustrates the actuation of a needle to form a floated stitch. In this case, the actuation of the various elements is similar to the one (escribed with reference to Figure 2, except that a movable cam 35 is i iserted so as to act between the pusher actuation cams 16, causing a greater lifting of the needle 4 before it reaches the drop 5. Said greater lifting of the 1 eedle 4 has the effect of causing the transfer of the previously formed loop (f knitting onto the stem of the needle 4 below the latch. In this condition, t le needle 4 can then be actuated, by way of the selection device 43 d, so as t D reach a drop-stitch level, or can be retained at a tuck-stitch level. These t vo IqvgIs of lifting of the needle 4 can be used to make the needle engage c ifferent yams dispensed at the drop 5, for example in order to make it e ngage two yams when performing drop-stitch lifting and a single yam \ ^hen perfomiing tuck-stitch lifting. Figure 4 illustrates the lifting of the needle 4 to the drop-stitch level. It should be noted that in the machine according to the invention, the leedle actuation means, constituted by the sub-needles, pushers and electors, and the airangement and distribution of the functions of the Lctuation cams of these elements allow to have as many as four selection )oints, two for each direction of rotation of the needle cylinder about its . )wn axis, at each feed of the machine, with selection devices that can be : dTanged at the same vertical elevation. Furthermore, the set of needle actuation means allows to contain I onsiderably the height of the needle cylinder and therefore to contain the inertia of the needle cylinder, allowing its actuation with an alternating ] otary motion, even at relatively high speeds, about its own axis. The possibility to rotationally actuate the needle cylinder in both (directions of rotation and in particular the possibility to actuate the needle (ylinder with an alternating rotary motion about its own axis allows to ] iroduce without problems three-dimensional shapes on the tubular articles 1 lat can produced with the machine, and to produce reinforced regions -^ /ithout vaiying the tightness of the knitting and without having to produce ]ortions of courses of knitting to be trimmed. In alternating motion, for producing contoured pouches, it is possible t D perforai knitting with progressive increases and decreases of the active I eedles simply by using the needle selection possibilities offered by the 1 lachine with adequate programming of the operation of the selection ( evices. In addition to these possibilities, the machine according to the i ivention is capable of producing intarsia knitting, plated fabrics, Jacquard 1 nitting on three technical tracks, striped fabrics, tuck-stitch knitting and i l.oated-stitch knitting. In practice it has been found that the machine according to the i ivention fully achieves the intended aim, since the particular needle adaation system allows to simplify the cam box, to contain the vertical sp; ,ce occupation of the needle cylinder, to perform the knitting processes the t can be performed by currently conim:ercially available machines and aho knitting processes that currently cannot be obtained in medium- di; meter circular,machines. In particular, the needle actuation system of the machine according to thi invention is suitable to be used to perform needle cylinder actuation in bc;h directions of rotation, allowing to produce, even on medium- and lai ge- diameter machines, articles that have three-dimensional shapes wi thout necessarily resorting to variations in the tightness of the knitting an d without requiring the execution of additional portions of courses with yam trimming. The niachine according to the invention also allows to pe rfonn intarsia knitting, i.e., knitting with colored designs without floated y£ ms on the reverse side. The machine according to the invention is therefore capable of producing items of clothing of superior quality with respect to what can be ac hieved with circular knitting machines of a conventional type. The machine thus conceived is suscejptible of numerous modifications at d variations, all of which are within the scope of the appended claims; moreover, all the details may be replaced with other technically equivalent elements. In practice, the materials used may be any according to requirements ai id to the state of the art. The disclosures in Italian Patent Apphcation No. MI2003A000899 from V hich this application claims priority are incoiporated herein by reference. CLAIMS 1. A circular knitting machine, comprising a footing that supports a neecle cylinder (2) that can be rotationally actuated, with respect to said foot ng about its own axis (2a.), which is orientated substantially vertically; a pi irality of axial slots (3) being formed on the outer lateral surface of the nee(ie cylinder (2), each slot (3) accommodating a needle (4); means (7,8,9,10) for actuating the needles (4) being provided and interacting with saic needles (4) during the rotation of the needle cylinder (2) about its own axis (2a) in order to actuate the needles (4) along the coiTesponding axial slot (3). of the needle cylinder (2) so that the needles (4) form laiitting with at 1 ;ast one yam dispensed to the needles (4) at at least one drop or feed (5) of 1 le machine, characterized in that said needle actuation means comprise, for sach needle, a sub-needle (7) arranged in the coiTesponding axial slot (3) of he needle cylinder (2) below the corresponding needle (4); said sub- net die (7) being connected bilaterally to the corresponding needle (4) in its mcdon along the corresponding axial slot (3) and having, along its exi snsion, a heel (7a) that is orientated radially with respect to the needle cy inder (2); said sub-needle (7) being able to oscillate on a rtidial plane of th( needle cylinder (2) in order to pass from an active position, in which the su )-needle (7) is extracted radially with its heel (7a) from the corresponding ax ai slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to engage paths fomied by sub- ne 5dle actuation cams (8), which are arranged around the needle cylinder (21 and are suitable to produce or allow a movement of said sub-needle (7) al )ng the coiTesponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2), to an inictive position, in which it is embedded with its heel (7a) in the c( iTesponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to avoid ei .gaging said sub-needle actuation cams (8): sub-needle actuation means (' 0) being provided which act on said sub-needle (7) for its transition from s; id active position to said inactive position and vice versa. 2. The machine according to claim 1, characterized in that said needle 1 as, along its extension, a heeJ that protrudes radially with respect to the I eedle cylinder and can engage paths foimed by needle actuation cams that c re arranged around the needle cylinder and ai-e suitable to produce or allow r iovement of the needle along the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder. 3. The machine according to claim 1, characterized in that said means f )r actuating the sub-needle comprise an actuation element Ihiat is an-anged i] each one of said axial slots below the corresponding sub-needle and can n ove on command along the corresponding axial slot in order to interact V, ith the lower end of the sub-needle and produce the transition and n tention of said sub-needle in said active position or in said inactive pi (sition. 4. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ci aracterized in that said actuation element comprises an oscillating se lector, which is provided, along its extension, with at least one heel that protrudes radially.with respect to the needle cylinder, said selector being at le to oscillate on a radial plane with respect to the needle cylinder in order to pass from an active position, in which it protrudes radially with its heel fn m the needle cylinder so as to engage paths defined by selector actuation ca ns arranged around the needle cylinder and suitable to produce or allow a m( vement of the selector along the coiresponding axial slot of the needle cy inder, to an inactive position, in which it is embedded with its heel in the CO responding axial slot of the needle cylinder so as to avoid engaging said sel 3ctor actuation cams, and vice versa, at least one selection device that act 5 on command on said selector for its transition or retention in said active po; ition or in said inactive position being provided for each one of said drc ps or feeds. 5. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, chc racterized in that said needle cylinder can be actuated with a rotary mo ion about its own axis in both directions of rotation, and in that said ne tdle actuation means are suitable to allow the needles to foiin knitting in be th dirQctions of rotation of the needle cylinder about its own axis, at at le ist one drop or feed of the machine. 6. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, cl Laracterized in that said needle cylinder can be actuated v/ith an alternating rtary motion about its own axis. 7. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, c aaracterized in that for each one of said drops or feeds four selection c evices are provided, two for each direction of rotation of the needle (ylinder about its own axis, said devices acting on command on said elector for its transition or retention in said active position or in said nactive position. 8. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the lower end of said sub-needle is shaped complementarily to the upper end of said actuation element in order to move said sub-needle fi'om said inactive position to said active position or vice versa as a consequence of an axial movement of said actuation element along the coiTesponding axial slot of the needle cylinder. 9. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that the lower end of said sub-needle is forked, with a first prong that protmdes downward with respect to the second prong; said first prong lying closer to the bottom of the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder than said second prong; said first prong being engageable by an upper portion of said actuation element to move or stably retain said sub- needle in its inactive position, and said second prong being engageable by said upper portion of said actuation element to move or stably retain said sub-needle in the active position. 10. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, characterized in that said upper portion of said actuation element can be inserted, in the motion of said actuation element along the coiTesponding axial slot of the needle cylinder, betweesn the two prongs of the fork of the ower end of said sub-needle. 11. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, :haracterized in that said upper portion of said actuation element has, in a egion that is spaced from the upper end of said upper portion, a first region ' hat forms an inclined plane with respect to the longitudinal extension of the (oiresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder and can engage a (on-esponding region that forms an inclined plane and is provided at the 1 Dwer end of said first prong of the fork of the sub-needle for the transition cf said sub-needle from said active position to said inactive position as a c onsequence of the downward movement of said actuation element along f le corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder. 12. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, c laracterized in that the upper portion of said actuation element has, at its u )per end, a second region that forais an inclined plane with respect to the 1( ngitudinal extension of the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder ai A can engage a corresponding region that forms an inclined plane and is pi ovided at the lower end of said second prong of the fork of the sub-needle fc r the transition of said sub-needle from said inactive position to said ac tive position as a consequence of the upward movement of said actuation el ;ment along the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder. 13. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ch aracterized in that said actuation element comprises, in addition to said se ector, a pusher that is accommodated so that it can slide in the CO responding axial slot of the needle cylinder between said selector and sa: d sub-needle, said upper portion of the actuation element that can engage th( lower end of said sub-needle being constituted by the upper portion of sai 1 pusher. 14. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ch; racteiized in that said pusher has, along its extension, a heel that p otrudes from the corresponding axial slot of the needle cylinder and can e] -gage paths that are defined by pusher actuation cams arranged around the oi iter lateral surface of the needle cylinder and are shaped so as to produce a m Dtion of said pushers along the corresponding axial slots of the needle c) linder. 15. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, cl: aracterized in that said sub-needle actuation cams comprise lov/ering ca TLS to produce the downward movement of the needles after engaging the ya Ti at each one of said drops or feeds. 16. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ch iracterized in that the paths defined by said selector actuation cams have, ah ;ad of each drop or feed, a first rising portion and a second rising portion wl ose peak is higher than the peak of said first rising portion for the upward mc vement of the needles respectively to a tuck-stitch lifting level and to a dr( p-sfitch lifting level for the overlying needle, at least one selection de^ ice being interposed between said first rising portion and said second risi ug portion. 17. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, chc racterized in that two selection devices are an'anged sequentially bet veen said first rising portion and said second rising portion of the sel din ction of rotation of the needle cylinder about its own axis. 18. The machine according to one or more of the preceding clauns, cha -acterized in that the bottom of each axial slot of the needle cylinder has a p' )rtion that can be engaged by said sub-needle at least in its fiilly lifted con lition in order to retain said sub-needle in its active position. 19. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, cha: acterized in that said selection devices are arranged at a same height. 20. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, cha] acterized in that it comprises four drops or feeds, which are angularly mui ually spaced around the axis of the needle cylinder. 21. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ch£ racterized in tha.t said needle actuation means are suitable to allow the nee dies to form knitting in both directions of rotation of the needle cylinder ab( ut its own axis at each one of the drops or feeds. 22. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ch: .racterized in that said needle actuation cams, said sub-needle actuation cams, said pusher actuation cams and said selector actuation cams have CO ifigurations and arrangements that are symmetrical with respect to a ra 23. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, ct aracterized in that said selection devices are an-anged symmetrically with re ^pect to a radial plane of the needle cylinder that passes through a drop or fe3d. 24. The machine according to one or more of the preceding claims, c] taracterized in that said needle cylinder has a diameter that is substantially c )mprised between 7 and 24 inches. A circular knitting machine, particularly of the medium-diameter type, with improved needle actuation, which comprises a footing that supports a needle cylinder (2) rotationally actuatable with respect to the footing about its own axis (2a), which is orientated substantially vertically; multiple axial slots (3) formed on the outer lateral surface of the needle cylinder (2), each slot (3) accommodating a needle (4); a sub-needle (7) arranged below each needle (4) in a corresponding axial slot (3) and connected bilaterally to the corresponding needle (4) in its motion along the corresponding axial slot (3) and having, along its extension, a heel (7a) orientated radially with respect to the needle cylinder (2), the sub-needle being oscillatable on a radial plane of the needle cylinder (2) in order to pass from, an active position, in which it is extracted radially with its heel (7a) from the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to engage paths formed by sub-needle actuation cams (8), which are arranged around the needle cylinder (2) and are suitable to produce or allow a movement of the sub-needle (7) along the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) in order to actuate the overlying needle (4), to an inactive position, in which it is embedded with its heel (7a) in the corresponding axial slot (3) of the needle cylinder (2) so as to avoid engaging the sub-needle actuation cams; and a sub-needle actuation (10), which act on the sub-needle (7) for its transition from the active position to the inactive po- sition and vice versa, |
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Patent Number | 251839 | ||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 2046/KOLNP/2005 | ||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 15/2012 | ||||||||||||
Publication Date | 13-Apr-2012 | ||||||||||||
Grant Date | 11-Apr-2012 | ||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 19-Oct-2005 | ||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | SANTONI S.P.A. | ||||||||||||
Applicant Address | VIA C. FENZI, 14, I-25135 BRESCIA | ||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | D04B 15/68 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | PCT/EP 2004/004476 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | 2004-04-28 | ||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: