Title of Invention


Abstract A compound, 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal.
Technical field
The present invention relates to the field of perfumery or flavor More particularly, it concerns a compound of formula.
(Formula Removed)
namely the 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal
The present invention concerns the use of said compound m the perfumery or m the flavor industry as well as the compositions or articles associated with said compound
Prior art
To the best of our knowledge, the 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal is a new compound
hi the pnor art it is possible to find only some structural analogues wherein only one alkyl group substitutes the carbon atom 4, m the cyclohexene nng Some of these analogues have been descnbed as being useful perfuming ingredients, such as the 3-(4-tert-butyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal (m EP 1054053) or the 3-(4-isopropenyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal (m JP 50094143)
However, to the best of our knowledge, none of the pnor art documents reports or suggests that compounds having two alkyl substituents, on the carbon atom 4, may possess useful organoleptic properties, and all the less to have properties similar to that of the present compound (I)
Description of the invention
Surpnsmgly, we have now established that 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal of formula
(Formula Removed)
possesses useful organoleptic properties, which have been found to be particularly useful and appreciated for the preparation of perfumes or flavors
The use of the compound (I) m the field of perftimery represents a particularly appreciated embodiment of the invention
The flavor of the invention's compoimd display citrus and aldehyde C9 type notes and has also a watermelon aspect
The fragrance of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal is charactenzed by adehydic, Farenal® (2,6,10-tnmethyl-9-undecenal, ongin Symnse ag, D), green and amsic notes as well as by a very nice floral-hnden-verbena tree tonahty Moreover, a bottom note reminding of the odor of Scentenal® (8(9)-methoxy-tncyclo[5 2 10 (2,6)]decane-3(4)-carbaldehyde, ongm Firmemch SA, Switzerland) also charactenzes the odor of compound (I) The fragrance of compound (I) is very appreciated for its linden and verbena tonality
As mentioned above, the invention concerns also the use of the invention's compound as perfuming or flavonng ingredients In other words it concerns a method to confer, enhance, improve or modify the odor or flavor properties of a perfuming or flavonng composition or of a perfumed or flavored article, which method compnses adding to said composition or article an effective amount of the compound of formula (I) By "use of the compoimd of formula (I)" it has to be understood here also the use of any composition containing compoimd (I) and which can be advantageously employed m perfumery or m flavors industry as active ingredients
Said compositions, which m fact can be advantageously employed as perfuming or flavonng ingredient, are also an object of the present invention
Therefore, another object of the present invention is a perfuming or flavonng composition compnsmg i) as perfuming or flavonng ingredient, the compound of formula (I),
ii) at least one mgredient selected from the group consisting of a perfumery earner and a perfumery base, or at least one mgredient selected from the group consisting of a flavor earner and a flavor base, and 111) optionally at least one perfumery or flavor adjuvant
By "perfumery or flavor earner" we mean here a matenal that is practically neutral from a perfumery or flavor point of view, i e that does not sigmficantly alter the organoleptic properties of perfuming or flavonng ingredients Said earner may be a liquid or a sohd
As liquid earner one may cite, as non-limitmg examples, an emulsifying system, 1 e a solvent and a surfactant system, or a solvent commonly used in perfumery or flavors A detailed descnption of the nature and type of solvents commonly used m perfumery or flavor cannot be exhaustive However, one can cite as non-hmitmg examples solvents such as dipropyleneglycol, diethyl phthalate, isopropyl mynstate, benzyl benzoate, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-!-ethanol or ethyl citrate, which are the most commonly used As non-limitmg examples of solvents commonly used m flavors, one can cite compounds such as propylene glycol, tnacetme, tnethyl cifrate, benzylic alcohol, ethanol, vegetal oils or terpenes
As solid earner one may cite, as non-limitmg examples, absorbing gums or polymers, or yet encapsulating matenals Examples of such matenals, for example, may compnse wall-forming and plasticizmg matenals, such as mono, di- or tnsacchandes, natural or modified starches, hydrocolloids, cellulose denvatives, polyvinyl acetates, polyvmylalcohols, protems or pectins, or yet the matenals cited m reference texts such as H Scherz, Hydrokolloids Stabilisatoren, Dickungs- und Gehermittel m Lebensmittel, Band 2 der Schnftenreihe Lebensmittelchemie, Lebensmittelquahtat, Behr's VerlagGmbH & Co, Hamburg, 1996
Generally speaking, by "perfumery or flavor base" we mean here a composition compnsmg at least one perfuming or flavonng co-ingredient
By "perfuming or flavonng co-ingredient" it is meant here a compound, which is of current use m perfuming or flavonng preparation or composition to impart a hedomc effect hi other words such a co-ingredient, to be considered as being a perfuming or flavonng one, must be recognized by a person skilled m the art as being able to impart or
modify m a positive or pleasant way the odor or taste of a composition, and not just as having an odor or taste
The nature and type of the perfummg or flavoring co-mgredients present m the base do not warrant a more detailed description here, which in any case would not be exhaustive, the skilled person being able to select them on the basis of its general knowledge and according to intended use or application and the desired organoleptic effect. In general terms, these perfuming or flavormg co-mgredients belong to chemical classes as vaned as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers, acetates, mtnles, terpene hydrocarbons, nitrogenous or sulphurous heterocyclic compounds and essential oils, and said perfuming co-mgredients can be of natural or synthetic ongm Many of these co-ingredients are m any case listed m reference texts such as the book by S Arctander, Perfume and Flavor Chemicals, 1969, Montclair, New Jersey, USA, or its more recent versions, or m other works of a similar nature, as well as in the abundant patent literature m the field of perfumery or flavor It is also understood that said co-mgredients may also be compounds known to release m a controlled manner vanous types of perfuming or flavonng compounds
For the compositions which compnse both a perfumery earner and a perfumery base, other suitable perfumery earner, than those previously specified, can be also ethanol, water/ethanol mixtures, limonene or other terpenes, isoparaffms such as those known under the trademark Isopar® (ongm Exxon Chemical) or glycol ethers and glycol ether esters such as those known under the trademark Dowanol (ongm Dow Chemical Company)
Generally speaking, by "perfumery or flavor adjuvant" we mean here an ingredient capable of imparting additional added benefit such as a color, a particular light resistance, chemical stability and etc A detailed descnption of the nature and type of adjuvant commonly used m perfiimmg or flavonng bases cannot be exhaustive, but it has to be mentioned that said ingredients are well known to a person skilled m the art
An invention's composition consisting of the compound of formula (I) and at least one perflimery or flavor earner represents a particular embodiment of the invention as well as a perfuming or flavonng composition compnsmg the compound of formula (I), at
least one perfumery or flavor earner, at least one perfumery or flavor base, and optionally at least one perfumery or flavor adjuvant
Its is also understood here that, unless otherwise indicated or descnbed, any mixture resulting directly from a chemical synthesis, e g without an adequate punfication, m which the compound of the invention would be involved as a starting, intermediate or end-product could not be considered as a perfuming or flavonng composition according to the invention
The perfuming or flavonng compositions according to the invention may be a simple mixture of the vanous co-mgredients and solvents, or be also m the form of a bi-phasic system such as an emulsion or microemulsion Alternatively, said perfuming compositions can be incorporated into a solid perfumery earner, as defined above In the case of flavonng bases, the latter may also be a simple mixture of flavonng ingredients or also m an encapsulated form as mentioned above Said encapsulation is well known to a person skilled m the art, and may be performed, for instance, using techniques such as spray-drymg, agglomeration or yet extrusion, or consists of a coating encapsulation, including coacervation and complex coacervation techniques
Furthermore, the invention's compound can also be advantageously used m all the fields of modem perfumery to positively impart or modify the odor of a consumer product into which said compound (I) is added Consequently, a perfumed article compnsmg i) as perfuming ingredient, at least one compound of formula (I) or an invention's
composition, and ii) a non-palatable consumer product base, is also an object of the present invention
For the sake of clanty, it has to be mentioned that, by "non-palatable consumer product base" we mean here a non-edible consumer product, i e which is not intended to be introduced m the mouth, and which is compatible with perfuming mgredients In other words, a perfumed article accordmg to the invention compnses the functional formulation, as well as optionally additional benefit agents, corresponding to a consumer product, e g a detergent or an air freshener, and an olfacttve effective amoimt of at least one mvention's compound
The nature and type of the constituents of the non-palatable consumer product do not warrant a more detailed descnption here, which m any case would not be exhaustive, the skilled person being able to select them on the basis of its general knowledge and according to the nature and the desired effect of said product
Examples of suitable non-palatable consumer products include solid or hquid detergents and fabnc softeners as well as all the other articles common m perfumery, namely perfumes, colognes or after-shave lotions, perfumed soaps, shower or bath salts, mousses, oils or gels, hygiene products or hair care products such as shampoos, body-care products, deodorants or antiperspirants, air fresheners and also cosmetic preparations As detergents there are intended applications such as detergent compositions or cleamng products for washing up or for cleamng various surfaces, e g intended for textile, dish or hard-surface treatment, whether they are intended for domestic or mdustnal use Other perfumed articles are fabnc refreshers, ironing waters, papers, wipes or bleaches
Some of the above-mentioned consumer product bases may represent an aggressive medium for the invention compound, so that it may be necessary to protect the latter from premature decomposition, for example by encapsulation
Moreover, 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal can be advantageously incorporated into a flavored article to positively impart, or modify, the taste of said article Consequently, a flavored article compnsmg i) as flavonng ingredient, the compound of formula (I), or an invention's composition,
and ii) a foodstuff base, IS also an object of the present invention
Suitable foodstuffs, e g foods or beverages, include teas, beverages, such as sodas or juice, or sweets or dairy products.
For the sake of clanty, it has to be mentioned that, by "foodstuff base" we mean here an edible product, e g a food or a beverage Therefore, a flavored article accordmg to the invention compnses the functional formulation, as well as optionally additional benefit agents, corresponding to a desired edible product, eg a beverage, and a flavor effective amount of at least an invention's compound
The nature and type of the constituents of the foodstuffs or beverages do not warrant a more detailed descnption here, which m any case would not be exhaustive, the skilled person being able to select them on the basis of its general knowledge and according to the nature of said product
The proportions m which 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal can be incorporated into the various aforementioned articles or compositions vary withm a wide range of values These values are dependent on the nature of the article to be perfumed or flavored and on the desired organoleptic effect as well as the nature of the co-mgredients m a given base when the compound according to the invention is mixed with perfuming or flavoring co-mgredients, solvents or additives commonly used m the art
For example, m the case of perfuming compositions, typical concentrations are m the order of 0 1 % to 30 % by weight, or even more, of the invention's compound based on the weight of the composition into which they are incorporated Concentrations lower than these, such as in the order of 0 01% to 10% by weight, can be used when these compounds are incorporated into perfumed articles, percentage being relative to the weight of the article
hi the case of flavoring compositions, typical concentrations are m the order of 0 1 ppm to 1000 ppm by weight, or even more, of the compound of the invention based on the weight of the consumer product into which they are incorporated Concentrations lower than these, such as m the order of 0 01 ppm to 200 ppm by weight, relative to the weight of the article, can be used when these compounds are incorporated into flavored articles
The invention will now be descnbed m further detail by way of the following examples, wherein the abbreviations have the usual meaning m the art, the temperatures are indicated m degrees centigrade (°C), the NMR spectral data were recorded m CDCI3 (if not stated otherwise) with 400 MHz machine for 1H and at 100 MHz for 13C, the chemical displacement 5 are indicated in ppm with respect to the TMS as standard, the coupling constants J are expressed m Hz
Example 1
Synthesis of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-1 -cyclohexen-1 -yl)propanal
a) Synthesis of 3-(4,4-Diinethyl-cyclohex-l-enyl)-propiomc acid butyl ester
In a 500ml three necked round bottom flask was charged 4,4-dimethyl-cyclohexanol (100g, 0 78mol) and heated up to 160°C, while adding over 4 hours tBuOOtBu (11 4g, 0 08mol) and ethylacrylate (39 2g, 0 39mol) 10 minutes after the end of the addition, the mixture was cooled to 50°C and lights were distilled off Then, 30% w/w aqueous NaOH (61g) and MTBE (200g) were added. Stimng was continued dunng the mght at 40°C and the aqueous phase was separated The aqueous phase was re-extracted four times with MTBE (200g) Afterwards, MTBE (200g) was added to the aqueous phase, and the pH adjusted to 1 with 50% w/w aqueous H2SO4 The organic phase was washed with water and concentrated to yield 49 4g of crude 8,8-dimethyl-1-oxa-spiro[4 5]decan-2-one (GC punty 96 3%)
The crude 8,8-dimethyl-l-oxa-spiro[4 5]decan-2-one (40 2g, 0 22mol) was introduced into a 250ml three necked round bottom flask together with butanol (23g) and concentrated H2SO4 (0 5g) Temperature was nsen to 140°C and dunng 8 hours fresh butanol (42 9g) was introduced, while collecting a mixture of butanol/water The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and toluene (66g) and water (66g) were added The organic phase was washed with NaHCOs and water to yield after concenfration 51 42g of the desired compound Flash distillation (68°-70°C, 0 2hPa) led to 35 Og of butylester (overall yield 47%, GC punty 96 0%) IR 2955m, 2872m, 1738s, 1460w, 1384w, 1364w, 1248w, 1164m, 1065w 1H-NMR 5 34 (br s, IH), 4 06 (t, J=6 5, 2H), 2 41 (t, J-7 3, 2H), 2 27 (t, J=7 7, 2H),
1 94 (br s, 2H), 1 76 (br s, 2H), 1 60 (qumt, J=7 1, 2H), 1 43-1 34 (m, 4H), 0 93
(t, J=7 3, 3H), 0 88 (s, 6H) 13C-NMR 173 7 (s), 134 6 (s), 120 7 (d), 64 2 (t), 39 2 (t), 35 6 (t), 33 1 (t), 32 7 (t),
30 7 (t), 28 5 (s), 28 1 (q), 26 0 (t), 19 2 (t), 13 7 (q) MS 238 (M+ 2), 164 (30), 122 (76), 109 (92), 81 (84), 41 (100)
b) Synthesis of 3-(4,4-Dimethyl-cyclohex-l-enyl)-propan-l-ol
3-(4,4-Dimethyl-cyclohex-l-enyl)-propiomc acid butyl ester (277 Og, 1 10mol,punty 95%)), toluene (140g) and diethylacetate zmc complex (13 85g, 5% w/w ester) were charged m a 2 1 reactor The pot temperature was nsen to 105°C and PMHS
(Polymethylhydroxysilane, 149 0g, 2 48mol) was introduced over the course of
3 hours Stimng was continued for 1 hour and then the pot temperature was decreased
to 40°C The reaction mixture was put m a dropping funnel and the 2 1 reactor charged
with 45% w/w aqueous KOH (403 g, 3 23mol) and methanol (64 0g) The pot
temperature was nsen to 60°C and the reaction mixture was introduced over
30 minutes Stimng was continued for 2 hours The aqueous phase was separated and
the orgamc phase washed with 5% w/w aqueous NaCl and twice with water After
concentration of the organic layer, the crude product was flash distilled (81°C, IhPa) to
give 164 8g of the desired alcohol (yield 85%, GC punty 96 2%)
IR 3331m, 2949s, 2909s, 2870s, 1737m, 1451w, 1363w, 1164w, 1061w
1H-NMR 5 35 (br s, IH), 3 63 (t, J=6 3, 2H), 2 03 (t, J=7 5, 2H), 1 94 (br s, 2H), 1 77
(br s, 2H), 1 68 (qumt, J=7 0, 2H), 1 62 (s, OH), 1 36 (t, J=6 3, 2H), 0 89 (s, 6H) 13C-NMR 135.8 (s), 120 4 (d), 62 9 (t), 39 3 (t), 35 7 (t), 33 9 (t), 30 6 (t), 28 5 (s),
28 2 (q), 26 0 (t) MS: 166 ( c) Synthesis of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal
PIPO (CAS RN 091993-31-6, 5 04g, 0 017mol), NaBr (0 60g, 0 006mol) and KHCO3 (6 40, 0 063mol) were charged m a 2 1 reactor together with water (60g), EtOAc (25 0g) and 3-(4,4-dimethyl-cyclohex-l-enyl)-propan-l-ol (100 0g, 0 573mol, purity 96 5%) The pot temperature was set to 25°C and 13% w/w aqueous NaOCl (426 8g, 0 745mol) was introduced over 2 hours Stimng was continued for 1 hour and then the aqueous phase separated Then 300g of a 2% w/w aqueous ascorbic acid was added, and the reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour The aqueous phase was separated and the orgamc phase washed with NaHCOs and then with water The orgamc phase thus obtained was concentrated and the crude product purified by a flash distillation (58°-60°C, IhPa) to yield 68 4g of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal (yield 66%, GC punty 92 3%)
IR 3428w, 2950s, 2909s, 2833s, 2715w, 1727s, 1435m, 1385w, 1364m, 1190w, 1057w, lOlOw, 893w, 810w
1H-NMR 9 76 (s, 1H), 5.34 (br s, 1H), 2 52 (td, J=7 5, J=l 7, 2H), 2 29 (t, J-7 3, 2H), 1 93 (br s, 2H), 1 77 (br s, 2H), 1 36 (t, J=6 3, 2H), 0 88 (s, 6H)
13C-NMR 202 8 (d), 134 3 (s), 121 0 (d), 42 0 (t), 39 2 (t), 35 6 (t), 29 8 (t), 28 4 (s), 28 1 (q), 26 2 (t)
Example 2
Preparation of a perfuming composition
A perfuming composition, having a verbena character, was prepared by admixing the following ingredients
Ingredient Parts by weight
Benzyl acetate 100
50%* Benjom Sumatra essential oil 80
Bergamot essential oil 150
Citral 50
Coumann 50
Geramol 350
l,3-Benzodioxole-5-carbaldehyde 50
Lemongrass 100
Muscenone 20
* in dipropyleneglycol
1) Methyl-cyclopentadecenone, origin Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
The addition of 50 parts by weight of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal to the above-descnbed perfuming composition imparted to the latter a natural floral aspect, increasing both the volume and the perceived diffusion of the fragrance Moreover, the citrus/citral notes of the composition were accentuated, rounded, and rendered much more agreeable
If a same amount of 3-(4-tert-butyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal had been added, instead of the mvention's compound, the perfuming composition would have acquired a much more pronoimced aldehydic, green floral notes
Example 3
Preparation of a perfuming composition
A perfuming composition, of the linden type, was prepared by admixing the following ingredients
Ingredient Parts by weight
Benzyl acetate 20
Dodecyl acetate 70
2-Phenyl-l-propanol 190
Amsic aldehyde 10
10%* Cummic Aldehyde 220
Cassis Base 345 B 1) 120
Cis-3-Henenol 5
10%* Delphone 2) 20
l,3-Benzodioxole-5-carbaldehyde 3) 20
Alpha lonone 20
Mayol®4) 240
l-(4-Methylphenyl)-l-ethanone 5
10%*Neobutenone®5) 10
10%* Methyl 2-nonynoate 60
10%* (2E,6Z)-2,6-Nonadienal 10
Phenylethyl Alcohol 20
Methyl salicylate 5
Terpmeol 20
Veloutone 6) 5
Violettyne MIP 7) 30
* in dipropyleneglycol
1) compoimded perfumery base, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
2) 2-pentyl-cyclopentanone, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
3) ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
4) cis-7-P-menthanol, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
5) l-(5,5-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)-4-penten-l-one, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
6) 2,2,5-tnmethyl-5-pentyl-l-cyclopentanone, ongm • Firmemch SA, Geneva,
7) l,3-undecadien-5-yne, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
The addition of 100 parts by weight of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal to the above-descnbed perfuming composition imparted to the latter an enhanced volume and perceived diffusion altogether with a natural floral aspect Moreover the green Imden-like freshness was greatly accentuated m a very clean manner
The addition of an equivalent amount of 3-(4-tert-butyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal to the above-descnbed composition would have imparted a more aldehydic, muguet direction
Example 4
Preparation of a perfuming composition
A perfuming composition for a powder detergent was prepared by admixing the following ingredients
Ingredient Parts by weight
Linalyl acetate 100
10%* amsaldehyde 40
Hexylcmnamic aldehyde 300
9-Undecenal 20
Methyl benzoate 10
Benzylacetone 230
l-Methoxy-2-methyl-3-phenylpropane1) 20
Cetalox®2) 10
10%* (2-Methoxyethyl)benzene 405
Verdyl acetate 200
Methyl 2-hydroxy-3-metliylbenzoate 10
Damascone alpha 1) 5
Diphenyloxide 10
Cinnamon Leaf essential Oil 50
Habanohde®3) 260
3-(l,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methylpropanal 100
10%* hidole 20
IsoE Super® 4) 120
Lmalool 200
Lorysia®5) 350
10%* l-(4-Methylphenyl)-l-ethanone 60
10%)* l-Methoxy-4-methylbenzene 50
Myroxide® 6) 5
10%* Rose oxide 20
Phenylethyl alcohol 600
Phenylhexanol 200
Romandobde®7) 400
(-)-(lS,4S,7S)-4,7,ll,ll-tetramethyl-tncyclo[5 4 0 0(1,3)]
undecan-5-one1) 50
7-Tert-butyl-2H,4H-l,5-benzodioxepin-3-one 10
Tncyclo[5.2 1 0(2,6)]dec-3/4-en-8-yl isobutyrate 100
Violettyne MIP 8) 50
(lS,2S,3S)-2,6,6-tnmethyl-bicyclo[3 1 l]heptane-3-spiro-
2'-cyclohexen-4'-one1) 100
Beta methylionone 160
Roseha Base 41014SA 1) 200
* in dipropyleneglycol
1) ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
2) 8,12-epoxy-13,14,15,16-tetranorlabdane, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
3) pentadecenolide, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
4) l-(octahydro-2,3,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphthalenyl)-l-ethanone, ongm . International Flavors & Fragrances, USA
5) 4-(l,l-dimethylethyl)-l-cyclohexyl acetate, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva,
6) 6,7-epoxy-3,7-dimethyl-l,3-octadiene, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
7) (lS,rR)-[l-(3',3'-dimethyl-r-cyclohexyl)ethoxycarbonyl]methyl propanoate, ongm
Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
8) l,3-undecadien-5-yne, ongm Firmemch SA, Geneva, Switzerland
The addition of 200 parts by weight of 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal to the above-descnbed perfuming composition imparted to the fragrance of the latter a significantly greater presence, perceived diffusion, and a very mterestmg Imden/verbena top note
If a same amoimt of 3-(4-tert-butyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal had been added, instead of the invention's compound, the perfuming composition would have acquired more strength However the green, aldehydic notes, typical of said compound, would have also greatly accentuate the jasmimc notes rather than the verbena notes.

We Claim:
1. A compound, 3-(4,4-dimethyl-l-cyclohexen-l-yl)propanal.
2. A method to confer, enhance, improve or modify the odor or flavor properties of a perfuming or flavoring composition or of a perfumed or flavored article, which method comprises adding to said composition or article an effective amount of the compound as claimed in claim 1.
3. A perfuming composition comprising:
i) as perfuming ingredient, the compound claimed in claim 1;
ii) at least one ingredient selected from the group consisting of a perfumery carrier and a perfumery base; and
iii) optionally at least one perfumery adjuvant.
4. The compound as claimed in claim 1 as and when used for the preparation of a perfumed or flavoured article.






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Patent Number 260347
Indian Patent Application Number 2031/DEL/2004
PG Journal Number 17/2014
Publication Date 25-Apr-2014
Grant Date 25-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 18-Oct-2004
Name of Patentee FIRMENICH SA
Applicant Address 1, ROUTE DES JEUNES, P.O. BOX 239, 1211 GENEVA 8, SWITZERLAND.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A23L 1/226
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PCT/IB03/05062 2003-11-06 PCT