Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a device for driving a plasma display panel having a plurality of cells arranged in rows and columns, said device comprising row address means (11, 12, C1, D1, 17) for selectively addressing the display cell rows and creating, where required, in cooperation with means for selectively applying data voltages to the display columns, an electrical discharge inside the cell disposed at the intersection of the row and column selected during an address phase, and sustain means (13, 14, 15, 16) for sustaining the electrical discharges inside said cell during a sustain phase immediately following the address phase. According to the invention, the row address means (11, 12, C1, D1, 17) and/or the sustain means (13, 14, 15, 16) are capable of allowing a bi-directional current to flow in the display cells during the address and/or sustain phases. The capacitive and light-emission currents appearing during these phases can thus flow freely and do not create electromagnetic interference.
The present invention relates to a device for driving a plasma display panel having a plurality of cells arranged in rows and columns, said device comprising row address means for selectively addressing the display cell rows and creating, where required, in cooperation with means for selectively applying data voltages to the display columns, an electrical discharge inside the cell disposed at the intersection of the row and column selected during an address phase, and sustain means for sustaining the electrical discharges inside said cell during a sustain phase immediately following the address phase.
Currently, there exist various types of AC plasma display panel (hereafter referred to as POP): those that use only two intersecting electrodes to define a cell, such as is described in the French Patent FR 2 417 848, and those of the "coplanar sustain" type, known notably from the European Patent document EP-A-0 135 382, in which each cell is defined at the intersection of a pair of electrodes, known as "sustain electrodes", and one or more other electrodes, known as "column electrodes", used especially for cell addressing. The present invention will be described more particularly in relation to an AC POP of the coplanar sustain type without however implying any particular limitation to this type of display..
The operation and the structure of an AC POP with coplanar sustain is explained below with reference to Figure 1. The display 1 comprises column electrodes Xi to X4 which are orthogonal to pairs PI to P4 of sustain electrodes. Each intersection of a column electrode X1 to X4 with a pair of sustain electrodes PI to P4 defines a cell Ci to Cie which corresponds to an elementary point of the image, conventionally called pixel. In this non-limiting example in Figure 1, only 4 column electrodes Xi to X* and only 4 pairs of sustain electrodes PI to P4, which together form 4 rows RI to R4, are shown. However, the display, of course, generally comprises many more of these electrodes.
The column electrodes Xi to X4 are generally only used for addressing. They are each connected in a conventional manner to a column driver device 2.
The electrode pairs PI to P4 each comprise an electrode known as the address-sustain electrode Yasi to Yas4 and an electrode called the sustain-only electrode YI to Y4. The address-sustain electrodes Yasi to Yas4

perform an addressing function in cooperation with the column electrodes Xi to Xi, and they perform a sustaining function in cooperation with the sustain-only electrodes Y! to Y4. The sustain-only electrodes YI to Y4 are connected to each other and to a pulse generator 3 from which they all simultaneously receive periodic voltage pulses in order to perform sustain cycles.
The address-sustain electrodes Yasi to Yas4 are powered separately from a row driver device 4 from which they notably receive, during a sustain phase, periodic voltage pulses in synchronization with those applied to the sustain-only electrodes Y-I to Y4 but with a time delay relative to the latter, and, during an address phase, base pulses in synchronization with the signals applied to the column electrodes Xi to X4.
Synchronization between the various signals applied to the various electrodes is provided by a synchronization device 5 connected to the devices 2 and 4 and to the generator 3.
The operation for addressing a PDF pixel consists in simultaneously applying an address signal to the address-sustain electrode of this pixel and a data signal to its column electrode. A constant potential is also applied to the sustain-only electrodes. Each row is individually addressed by applying a negative pulse to the corresponding address-sustain electrode via a row driver circuit. The columns are addressed individually and simultaneously with the addressing of each row.
The voltage signals applied to the electrodes Yas, Y and X of the POP during the address phase and the sustain phase are shown in Figure 2. In this figure, the POP is considered to comprise n rows of cells. During the address phase, the cell rows of the POP are successively addressed by the application of a negative voltage pulse to the address-sustain electrodes Yas of the corresponding rows. A potential Vbw is applied to the address-sustain electrodes of the rows not addressed and a potential Vw, lower than Vbw (for example a zero or negative potential), is applied to the address-sustain electrodes of the addressed row. In the example in Figure 2, Vw=0. Depending on the data value to be addressed (0 or 1), a positive voltage pulse, with a value Vdata, is applied or not to the column electrodes X. This positive voltage pulse is synchronized with the negative voltage pulse applied to the address-sustain electrode. This creates an electric field within the cell situated at the intersection of the column electrode and the address-sustain electrode. Regarding the potential applied to the sustain-only electrodes Y, it is maintained at a value Vs during this phase.

During the sustain phase that follows, periodic pulses in phase opposition are applied to the sustain electrode pairs of the cells. The potential of the pulse high level is fixed at the value Vs, greater than Vbw, and that of the pulse low level is fixed at 0 volts.
A conventional row driver device 2 is described below with reference to Figure 3. This device comprises row driver circuits 11 each controlling the potential applied to the address-sustain electrodes Yas of a block of j rows of the POP. A control signal CTRL is used to control these driver circuits 11 and to selectively apply the potentials Vbw, Vw and Vs to the cell address-sustain electrodes. The driver circuits 11 are connected to 2 circuit lines, L1 and L2. A device, formed by a switch 11 connected in series with a diode D1 between a power supply terminal receiving the voltage Vbw and the line L1, is provided for applying the voltage Vbw to the line L1 when the switch 11 is closed. The diode D1 is oriented so as to allow a current to flow from the power supply terminal to the line L1. A second device, formed by a switch 12 connected in series with a diode D2 between a power supply terminal receiving the voltage Vw and the line 12, is provided for applying the voltage Vw to the line L2 when the switch 12 is closed. The diode D2 is oriented so as to allow a current to flow from the line L2 to the power supply terminal. A third device, formed by 2 switches, 13 and 14, and by a diode D3 connected in series between a terminal receiving the voltage Vs and ground is provided for applying voltage pulses to the line L1 during the sustain phase. The switch 13 and the diode D3 are connected between the power supply terminal for Vs and the line L1 and the switch 14 is connected between the line L1 and ground. Finally, a device 12 is inserted between the lines L1 and L2 in order to recover energy during the address and sustain phases.
The purpose of the diodes D1 and D3 is to prevent the current from flowing into the supply circuits for the voltages Vbw and Vs when a "priming" voltage, greater than the voltages VBw and Vs, is applied to the line L1 (not shown in the circuit diagram). The purpose of the priming voltage is to reset the POP cells prior to their address phase. Similarly, the diode D2 prevents the current from flowing into the supply source for the voltage Vw when the voltage on the line L2 is lower than Vw (for example, when the cells are erased after the priming phase).
A circuit diagram of the row driver circuits 11 is shown in Figure 4. This circuit diagram is well known to those skilled in the art and does not

require a detailed description. In summary, it comprises a shift register controlled by the signal CTRL. This register controls, for each row i of cells, switches ITi and ITi1 connected in series between input terminals connected to the lines L1 and L2. The row i is connected to the mid-point between the switches ITi and ITi1. In this figure, each switch consists of a transistor connected in parallel with a diode.
The operation of the driver device 2 in Figure 3 is well known to those skilled in the art. During the address phase, the switches 11 and 12 are closed in order to respectively apply the voltage Vbw and the voltage Vw to the lines L1 and L2. The row driver circuits 11 are controlled so as to sequentially select all the rows of the POP and, when a row is selected, to apply the voltage Vw to it and to apply the voltage Vbw to the other rows of the POP. The switches 13 and 14 are open during this phase.
During the sustain phase, the switches 11 and 12 are open. The switches 13 and 14 are alternately closed in order to generate a pulse signal on the line L1 of the device.
Although this driver device is routinely employed, it does however present a major drawback. At each change of potential of the signal applied to the address-sustain electrode Yas, for example at the moment when a POP row is selected, the diodes D1 and D2 prevent a capacitive current from flowing through the cell and creating overvoltages within the cell concerned. More precisely, these diodes prevent the capacitive current from freely flowing into the supply sources for the voltages Vbw and Vw. These overvoltages may then modify the behaviour of the cells, cause stresses in the components of the driver device and generate electromagnetic interference.
The invention proposes a driver device that does not present the aforementioned drawbacks.
A subject of the invention is a device for driving a plasma display panel having a plurality of cells arranged in rows and columns, the device comprising row address means for selectively addressing the display cell rows and creating, where required, in cooperation with means for selectively applying data voltages to the display columns, an electrical discharge inside the cell disposed at the intersection of the row and column selected during an address phase, and sustain means for sustaining the electrical discharges inside the cell during a sustain phase immediately following the

address phase. According to the invention, the row address means and/or sustain means are capable of allowing a bi-directional current to flow within the cells of the display during the address and/or sustain phases.
The current thus flows freely within the device without creating overvoltages or electromagnetic interference.
According to a first embodiment, the row address means comprise:
- at least one row driver circuit connected between first and
second connection lines and designed to apply, during the address phase,
the potential of one of said first and second connection lines to a first
electrode of the cells of a plurality of rows,
- a first switch for selectively applying an address voltage to the
second connection line during the address phase,
- a first diode connected in series with a second switch for
applying a second voltage to the first connection line during the address
phase, said diode being oriented so as to allow a current to flow in the
direction of the first connection line, and
- a capacitor for connecting the cathode of the first diode to the
second connection line.
In this embodiment, the sustain means comprise at least:
- third and fourth switches for selectively applying a high sustain
voltage and a low sustain voltage to said first connection line,
- fifth and sixth switches for selectively applying said high sustain
voltage and said low sustain voltage to a second electrode of the cells of the
plurality of rows selected by said row driver circuit, said third and sixth
switches on the one hand, and said fourth and fifth transistors on the other,
being controlled in an identical manner.
In a second embodiment, the cell rows are divided into a plurality of blocks of rows and separate row address means are then provided for each of the blocks of rows.
Another subject of the invention is a plasma display panel comprising the aforementioned driver device.

The invention will be better understood and further features and advantages will become apparent upon reading the following description, which refers to the appended drawings, among which:
- Figure 1, described above, is a block diagram of a plasma
display panel;
- Figure 2, described above, shows the signals applied to the
electrodes of the display cells in Figure 1;
- Figure 3, described above, shows the circuit diagram of a prior
art row driver device;
- Figure 4, described above, shows the circuit diagram of a
conventional row driver circuit of the driver device in Figure 3;
- Figure 5 shows the circuit diagram of a first row driver device
according to the invention;
- Figures 6 and 7 show the capacitive currents flowing in the
driver device in Figure 5 during the address phase of the POP cells;
- Figures 8 and 9 show the capacitive and light-emission currents
flowing in the driver device in Figure 5 during the sustain phase of the POP
- Figure 10 shows the circuit diagram of a second row driver
device according to the invention;
- Figure 11 shows the signals generated and applied to the
electrodes of the display cells by the driver device in Figure 10;
- Figures 12 and 13 show the capacitive currents flowing in the
driver device in Figure 10 during the address phase of the POP cells;
- Figures 14 and 15 show the capacitive and light-emission
currents flowing in the driver device in Figure 10 during the sustain phase of
the POP cells; and
- Figure 16 shows a variant of the driver device in Figure 10.
According to the invention, the row driver device 2 is designed to allow the capacitive current and light-emission current to flow in both directions within said device during the address and sustain phases of the POP cells. The capacitive current represents the current flowing between the non-coplanar electrodes, namely between the address-sustain electrodes Yas and the column electrodes X of the cells, during the address and sustain phases, and the light-emission current represents the current flowing

between the coplanar electrodes of the cells during the sustain phase of the latter.
A first embodiment of the driver device according to the invention is proposed in Figure 5. References identical to those used in Figure 3 have been used for the elements providing the same functions.
The elements 11, D1, 13, D3 and 14 are connected in the same manner as in Figure 3 to the line L1. The switch 12 is connected directly to the line L2, without diode D2. The energy recovery device is not inserted between the lines L1 and L2 but between the line L1 and a line L3 connected to the electrodes Y of the POP cells. The switches 15 and 16 connected in series between the supply terminal for the voltage Vs and ground are provided in order to generate a voltage pulse on the line L3 during the sustain phase of the POP cells. Although these two switches 15 and 16 do not appear in Figure 3, the use of such switches in order to apply a voltage pulse to the electrodes Y of the cells is standard.
For the implementation of the invention, the device is completed by a capacitor C1 inserted between the cathode of the diode D1 and the line L2, which guarantees that a correct supply voltage is maintained, without overvoltage, across the terminals L1 and L2 of the driver circuits 11. A switch 17, which is open during the address phase of the cells and closed during the sustain phase, is also inserted between the lines L1 and L2. Lastly, the diodes D5, D6, D7 and D8 are respectively connected in parallel with the switches 15,16,13 and 14.
The capacitive and/or light-emission currents flowing through this driver device during the address phase and the sustain phase are shown in Figures 6 to 9. A simplified column driver circuit is shown in these figures in order to illustrate the total path followed by the currents. The circuit diagram of the row driver circuit 11 is simplified for the same reason. The POP cells are represented in Figures 6 and 7 by their non-coplanar capacitance, denoted Cdata, (corresponding to the total capacitance of the POP between the non-coplanar electrodes Yas and X), and in Figures 8 and 9 by the capacitance Cdata and their coplanar capacitance, denoted Cpap (corresponding to the total capacitance between the coplanar electrodes Yas and Y).
In Figure 6, the capacitive current, denoted i1, represents the current flowing through the cells of the selected row, and the capacitive current, denoted i2, represents the current flowing through the cells of the other rows

of the POP. These two currents are present during the falling edge (from Vbw to Vw) of the voltage applied to the electrodes Yas of the cells of the selected row. As shown in the figure, the current i1 flows through the column driver circuit, the cells of the addressed row, the row driver circuit 11 and the switch 12 in order to reach the supply source of the voltage Vw. As regards the current i2, this flows through the column driver circuit, the cells of the other rows, the row driver circuit 11, the switch 11, the capacitor C1 and the switch 12 in order to reach the supply source of the voltage Vw.
During the rising edge of the voltage signal (from Vw to Vbw) on the electrodes Yas of the cells of the selected row, the current i1 does not exist and the current i2 flows in the opposite direction, as shown in Figure 7. The currents flowing through the driver device during the cell sustain phase are shown in Figures 8 and 9.
The currents flowing through the device during the rising edge on the electrode Y of the POP cells (corresponding to the falling edge on the electrode Yas) are shown in Figure 8. A current denoted i3 originating from the source of the voltage Vs flows through the switch 15, the row driver circuit 11 and the switch 14 in order to reach ground. A current i4 originating in the column driver also flows through the row driver circuit 11 and the switch 14 in order to reach ground.
During the falling edge on the cell electrode Y (corresponding to the rising edge on the electrode Yas), the currents i3 and i4 flow in the opposite direction, as shown in Figure 9. The current paths are somewhat modified with respect to those shown in Figure 8. The current i3 notably flows through the row driver circuit via another diode and flows through the switch 17.
According to these figures, it can be seen that the currents can flow in both directions through the driver device during the address and sustain phases. The voltage levels are thus attained more rapidly and the level of interference, in particular electromagnetic, is reduced.
Furthermore, it is known from the Fujitsu document EP 1 172 788 that addressing the POP cell rows in blocks improves the temperature behaviour of the operation of the driver device. The rows of the POP are, for example, divided into 2 blocks, B1 and B2, each of these blocks of rows being controlled by a plurality of row driver circuits 11. This particular method of addressing uses the application of the voltage Vw to a row of cells to be selected belonging, for example, to the block B1 and a voltage Vbw1, equal

to the previously defined voltage Vbw, to the other rows of the block B1 whereas a voltage Vbw2, higher than Vbw1, is applied to the rows of the block B2.
The device of the invention can be adapted to implement this addressing mode. One embodiment is proposed in Figure 10. In this example, the block B1 comprises the first n/2 rows of the POP and the block B2 comprises the following n/2 rows. In this device, specific address means are provided for each of the blocks. The elements 11, D1, C1 and 12, configured as in Figure 5, are used for addressing the rows of the block B1. The lines L1 and L2 are dedicated to the block B1. The line L1 is connected to the rest of the driver device, namely to a line L4, via a switch 110. This line L4 is then connected to the mid-point of the switches 13 and 14 via the switch 110. Elements 11', D11, C11 and 12', identical to the elements 11, D1, C1 and 12, configured in the same way and providing the same functions, are used to address the rows of the block B2. Lines L11 and L21, identical to the lines L1 and L2, are allocated to the block B2. The line L11 is connected to the line L4 via a switch 110'.
For the cell sustain, a switch having the same function as the switch 17 in Figure 5 is provided for each of the blocks. The switches are respectively denoted 17 and 17' in the blocks B1 and B2.
In order to reduce the complexity and cost of the device, the voltage Vbw2 is preferably taken to be equal to Vs as shown in Figure 10. For this purpose, a switch 18 connected in parallel with the diode D3 is used to connect, via the diode D7, the terminal receiving the voltage Vs to the line L4 during the address phase of the POP cells.
The switches 17 and 110 are open during the address phase of the rows of the block B1 and closed during the other phases, namely the address phase of the rows of the block B2, the sustain phase of the entirety of the POP cells and the cell reset phase (not described here) preceding the address phase. Similarly, the switches 17' and 110' are open during the address phase of the rows of the block B2 and closed during the other phases, namely the address phase of the rows of the block B1 and the reset and sustain phases of the entirety of the POP cells.
Figure 11 illustrates the signals applied to the electrodes of the display cells during the address and sustain phases of the POP cells with such a driver device. This figure is to be compared with Figure 2. Only the signals applied to the electrodes Yas change relative to those in Figure 2.

During the address phase of the rows of the block B1, each row is selectively addressed by the application of the voltage Vw to the corresponding electrode Yas. The rows of the block B1 not selected receive the voltage Vbw1 and the rows of the block B2 receive the voltage Vbw2.
During the address phase of the rows of the block B2, the addressed row of the block B2 receives the voltage Vw and the other rows of the block B2 receive the voltage Vbwl The rows of the block B1 receive the voltage Vbw2.
Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the capacitive currents flowing through the device in Figure 10 during the address phase of a row of the block B1. In particular, Figure 12 shows the currents flowing in the device during the falling edge (from Vbw to Vw) of the voltage applied to the electrodes Yas of the cells of the row selected in the block B1. Figure 13 shows the currents flowing in the device during the rising edge (from Vw to Vbw) of the voltage applied to the selected row in the block B1.
In Figure 12, the current i5 denotes the capacitive current flowing through the cells of the selected row of the block B1, the current i6 denotes the capacitive current flowing through the cells of the other rows of the block B1 and the current i7 denotes the capacitive current flowing through the cells of the block B2.
In Figure 13, the currents i5, i6 and i7 flow through the device in the opposite direction.
The currents flowing through the driver device in Figure 10 during the cell sustain phase are shown in Figures 14 and 15. Figure 14 shows the currents flowing through the device during the rising edge of the sustain signal on the cell electrode Yas and Figure 15 shows the currents flowing through the device during the rising edge of the sustain signal on the cell electrode Y.
A variant embodiment, which reduces the cost of manufacture of the driver device, is proposed in Figure 16. The switches 110 and 110' are replaced by diodes D10 and D10' and the switches 17 and 17' are connected between, on the one hand, the line L4, and on the other, the lines L2 and L2', respectively. The diodes D10 and D101 are oriented so as to not allow a current to flow in the direction of the connection line L1. This device operates in the same fashion as that in Figure 10.

1. Device for driving a plasma display panel having a plurality of
cells arranged in rows and columns, said device comprising row address
means for selectively addressing the display cell rows and creating, where
required, in cooperation with means for selectively applying data voltages to
the display columns, an electrical discharge inside the cell disposed at the
intersection of the row and column selected during an address phase, and
sustain means for sustaining the electrical discharges inside said cell during
a sustain phase immediately following the address phase,
characterized in that said row address means and/or sustain means are capable of allowing a bi-directional current to flow within the cells of the display during said address and/or sustain phases.
2. Device according to Claim 1, characterized in that the row
address means comprise:
- at least one row driver circuit (11) connected between first and
second connection lines (L1, L2) and designed to apply, during the address
phase, the potential of one of said first and second connection lines to a first
electrode (Yas) of the cells of a plurality of rows,
- a first switch (12) for selectively applying an address voltage (Vw)
to the second connection line (L2) during the address phase,
- a first diode (D1) connected in series with a second switch (11)
for applying a second voltage (Vbw) to the first connection line (L1) during
the address phase, said diode being oriented so as to allow a current to flow
in the direction of the first connection line (L1),
- a capacitor (C1) for connecting the cathode of the first diode
(D1) to the second connection line (L2).
3. Device according to Claim 2, characterized in that the sustain
means comprise:
- third and fourth switches (13, 14) for selectively applying a high
sustain voltage (Vs) and a low sustain voltage to said first connection line
- fifth and sixth switches (15, 16) for selectively applying said high
sustain voltage (Vs) and said low sustain voltage to a second electrode (Y) of
the cells, said third and sixth switches (13, 16) on the one hand, and said

fourth and fifth transistors (14, 15) on the other, being controlled in an identical manner.
4. Device according to Claim 3, characterized in that the sustain
means additionally comprise:
- a second diode (D3) connected in series with said third switch
(13) and oriented so as to allow a current to flow into the first connection line
- third and fourth diodes (D7, D8) connected in parallel with the
third and fourth switches (13, 14), respectively, and
- fifth and sixth diodes (D5, D6) connected in parallel with the fifth
and sixth switches (15,16), respectively.

5. Device according to one of Claims 2 to 4, characterized in that
the sustain means additionally comprise a fifth switch (17) inserted between
the first and second connection lines, which switch is open during the
address phase and closed during the sustain phase.
6. Device according to Claim 1, characterized in that, the cell rows
being divided into a plurality of blocks of rows (B1, B2), separate row
address means are provided for each of the blocks of rows.
7. Device according to Claim 6, characterized in that the row
address means for each block of rows (B1, B2) comprises:

- at least one row driver circuit (11) for each of the blocks of rows
connected between the first and second connection lines (L1, L2; L11, L21)
and designed to apply, during an address phase specific to said block of
rows, the potential of one of said first and second connection lines to a first
electrode (Yas) of the cells of a plurality of rows of the block,
- a first switch (12; 12') for selectively applying an address voltage
(Vw) to the second connection line (L2; L2') during the address phase,
- a first diode (D1; D1') connected in series with a second switch
(11; 11') for applying a second voltage (Vbw1) to the first connection line (L1;
L1') during the address phase, said diode being oriented so as to allow a
current to flow in the direction of the first connection line (L1, L1'),
- a capacitor (C1; C1') for connecting the cathode of the first diode
(D1; D1') to the second connection line (L2; L21),

- a switching means (110; 110') for isolating said first connection
line (L1; L1') from the sustain means of said driver device during the row
address phase of the relevant block, and
- a third switch (18) for applying a third voltage (Vbw2) higher than
said second voltage (Vbw1) to said first connection line (L1; L11) during the
address phases specific to the other blocks.

8. Device according to Claim 7, characterized in that said third
switch (18) is common to the address means of the blocks of rows.
9. Device according to Claim 8, characterized in that the switching
means is a switch (110; 110') connected between the sustain means of the
device and said first connection line (L1; L11), which switch is open during the
row address phase of the relevant block.

10. Device according to one of Claims 7 to 9, characterized in that
said third voltage (Vbw2) is equal to said high sustain voltage (Vs).
11. Device according to any one of Claims 7 to 10, characterized
in that the sustain means comprise:

- third and fourth switches (13, 14) for selectively applying a high
sustain voltage (Vs) and a low sustain voltage to said first connection line
(L1; L11) of the blocks when the switching means of said blocks is in the on
- fifth and sixth switches (15, 16) for selectively applying said high
sustain voltage (Vs) and said low sustain voltage to a second electrode (Y) of
the cells of the plurality of rows selected by said row driver circuit (1,1), said
third and sixth switches (13, 16) on the one hand, and said fourth and fifth
transistors (14, 15) on the other, being controlled in an identical manner.
12. Device according to Claim 11, characterized in that the sustain
means additionally comprise:
- a second diode (D3) connected in series with said third switch
(13) and oriented so as to allow a current to flow into the first connection line
(L1; L11) of the blocks when the switching means of said blocks is in the on
state, and

- third and fourth diodes (D7, D8) connected in parallel with the
third and fourth switches (13,14), respectively, and
- fifth and sixth diodes (D5, D6) connected in parallel with the fifth
and sixth switches (15,16), respectively.

13. Device according to one of Claims 8 to 12, characterized in
that said third switch (18) is connected in parallel with said second diode
14. Device according to one of Claims 11 to 13, characterized in
that the sustain means additionally comprise a fifth switch (17; 17') inserted
between the first and second connection lines of each block, which switch is
open during the row address phase of the relevant block and closed during
the sustain phase.
15. Device according to Claim 14, characterized in that the
switching means for isolating the first connection line (L1; L1') from the
sustain means of said driver device during the row address phase of the
relevant block is a diode (D10; D10') connected between the sustain means
of the device and said first connection line (L1; L11), which diode is oriented
so as not to allow a current to flow in the direction of the first connection line
(L1) and in that the fifth switch (17,17') is inserted between the sustain means
of the device and said second connection line (L2.L21).
16. Plasma display panel characterized in that it comprises a
driver device according to one of Claims 1 to 15.









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Patent Number 260348
Indian Patent Application Number 1293/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 17/2014
Publication Date 25-Apr-2014
Grant Date 25-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 09-Mar-2006
Name of Patentee THOMSON PLASMA
Applicant Address 46, Quai alphonse Le Gallo, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 JEAN-RAPHAEL BEZAL 3 Avenue du Vercors, F-38240 Meylan, France.
2 GERARD RILLY 1240 route de Tolvon, F-38960 Saint Etienne Crossey, France.
3 PHILIPPE ZORZAN 30 rue Felix Eschangon, F-38000 Grenoble France.
PCT International Classification Number G09G 3/28
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2004/010083
PCT International Filing date 2004-09-09
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 03/11479 2003-10-01 France