Title of Invention


Abstract Disclosed is a system for renovating process wazter, especially during the production of paper. Said system comprises at least one process water renovation unit, at least one of which is provided with an anaerobic reactor spiked with anaerobic microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit. Also disclosed is a method for renovating process water, particularly during the production of paper, which er compasses at least one process water renovation step in which at least some of the process water continuously delivered to the process water renovation step is subjected to a purification step in an anaerobic reactor that is spiked with anaerobic microorganisms and to a deliming step.
Full Text System and method for the renovation of process water
The present invention relates to a system for the treatment of process
water, in particular for the treatment of process water in the manufacture
of paper, wherein the system includes at least one process water
treatment unit. The present invention furthermore relates to a method for
the treatment of process water, in particular for the treatment of process
water in the manufacture of paper.
A preparation of process water is in particular necessary in a number of
technical fields in cases where the process water is guided in the circuit in
the corresponding system to prevent an enrichment of the process water
with interfering substances. This also in particular applies to the process
water in the manufacture of paper, and indeed both in the manufacture of
paper from fresh fibers and in particular in the manufacture of paper from
recovered paper.
Over the past decades, paper has been increasingly obtained from
recovered paper to lower energy consumption in the manufacture of paper
and in particular to reduce consumption of natural resources. While
around 2.2 metric tons (tonnes) of wood are required for the manufacture
of a tonne of primary fiber paper, the wood requirements in paper
recycling can be dramatically lowered or reduced to zero in dependence on
the proportion of the secondary fibers originating from recovered paper
with respect to the total fiber amount in the recycled paper. In addition,
only half as much energy and only a third of the fresh water is required in
the production of recycled paper in comparison with the manufacture of

paper from primary fibers. The quality of recycled paper is today
nevertheless as high as that of primary fiber papers with respect to ink
hold-out, printing behavior, degree of whiteness and aging resistance.
In the manufacture of paper from recovered paper, the recovered paper is
first mixed with water and comminuted in a pulper or pulping engine
while stirring and mixing to dissolve the individual fiber composites.
Subsequently, a cleaning of the fibers takes place to remove non-fibrous
foreign bodies from the fibrous pulp before the fibers are optionally
whitened and are finally processed to paper on a paper making machine,
optionally after addition of a small proportion of primary fibers. A
corresponding system consequently includes an apparatus for the
treatment of recovered paper and a paper making machine, with the
recovered paper treatment apparatus comprising a recovered paper puling
unit, i.e. a pulper, in which process water is supplied to the recovered
paper for the pulping and comminution of the fibers, a sorting apparatus
for the removal of impurities and a deckering unit for the removal of
process water. It is also known to provide two or more recovered paper
treatment apparatus or stages, so-called loops, in the system to increase
the quality of the treated fibers from the recovered paper. Each loop of the
recovered paper treatment apparatus and the paper making machine in
this connection preferably include their own process water treatment unit,
with the individual process water treatment units being able to be
decoupled from one another by a deckering unit provided between the
individual loops.
To be able to guide the process water in every loop in the circuit and thus
to be able to minimize the fresh water addition, the process water has to
be cleaned to a required degree in the individual process water treatment
units. For this purpose, the process water treatment units usually include

a material recovery unit and/or a material removal unit in which fibers
contained in the process water are mechanically separated from the
process water to be led back in full or in part to the recovered paper
treatment apparatus. These material recovery units or material removal
units are usually designed as screening systems and/or as pressure relief
flotation (dissolved air flotation) systems.
A system for the manufacture of paper from recovered paper is known
from DE 40 42 224 Al which includes a recovered paper treatment
apparatus comprising a loop as well as a paper making machine. The
recovered paper treatment apparatus includes a pulper into which
recovered paper is introduced and is mixed with process water to repulp
the old paper, a sorting stage which is provided downstream of the pulper
and in which impurities are separated from the suspended pulp
manufactured in the pulper, a thickening unit to remove the process
water as much as possible from the suspended pulp, as well as a process
water treatment unit to clean the process water. The process water
treatment unit in turn substantially comprises a precleaning apparatus,
an anaerobic purifying stage, for example including a UASB reactor, as
well as an aerobic purifying stage. The process water purified in the
process water treatment unit can either be disposed of as waste water or,
in accordance with another embodiment, can be guided back into the
pulper as repulping water in part and into the paper making machine in
part, with in this case a part flow of white water from the paper making
machine being added to the process water guided through the process
water treatment unit of the recovered paper treatment apparatus.
The process water circuits of the paper making machine and of the
process water treatment unit are thus not completely decoupled from one
another in this system so that the quality of the process water in the

paper making machine and the quality of the process water in the
recovered paper treatment apparatus cannot be controlled efficiently and
independently of one another. A further disadvantage of the last-named
embodiment is that a high water hardness is adopted in the process water
due to the partial circuit guidance and this water hardness can disturb
the operation of the anaerobic UASB reactor. Microorganisms are namely
used in anaerobic reactors for whose function it is important that they
have a defined specific weight to be able to rise to the top in the reactor to
separate the biogas formed at a gas separator during the degradation of
the organic compounds from the process water due to the biogas which is
formed in this process and which adheres to the microorganism pellets.
After separation of the biogas, the specific weight may in particular not
become so large that the microorganism pellets drop to the bottom of the
reactor since they can otherwise no longer take part in the purification
process. Due to their structure and size, however, microorganisms act as
crystallization nuclei for lime deposits so that lime is deposited onto the
microorganism pellets at a specific water hardness and at corresponding
pH values, with these deposits resulting in an incalculable shift in the
specific weight of the pellets so that they can no longer take over their
function. The metabolic activity of the anaerobic microorganisms also
causes a shift in the lime/carbon dioxide balance due to the generation of
hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) among other things, which further promotes a
lime precipitation onto the microorganism pellets. In order to ensure the
function of the micropellets despite the lime precipitation thereon, the
recirculation amounts in the anaerobic reactor would have to be increased
to keep the pellets in suspension in the reactor despite their larger specific
weight. However, the recirculation amount is subject to limits by the
hydraulic capacity of the separators, on the one hand, and by the
necessity of keeping the flow in the reactor laminar, on the other hand.
Higher recirculation amounts moreover cause the escape of carbon dioxide

and thereby a further shift of the lime/carbon dioxide balance in the
direction of lime precipitation due to the arising of pressure gradients at
the suction and pressure side of the pump in the recirculation line.
It is therefore the object of the present invention to provide a system for
the treatment of process water as well as a corresponding method,
wherein the process water is purified efficiently, wherein in particular the
water hardness and the quality of the process water can be directly
controlled and which is also in particular suitable for the treatment of
process water having a high water hardness such as process water in a
system for the manufacture of paper from recovered paper. The treated
water should in particular be purified such that a disturbance of the
operation of an aerobic reactor due to lime precipitation phenomena can
be reliably avoided.
This object is satisfied in accordance with the invention by a system in
accordance with claim 1 and in particular by a system including at least
one process water treatment unit, with at least one of the process water
treatment units comprising an anaerobic reactor mixed with anaerobic
microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit.
Since the at least one of the process water treatment units includes an
anaerobic reactor mixed with anaerobic microorganisms, the impurities
contained in the process water, in particular the organic and biological
impurities, can be removed efficiently. Due to the purity thereby achieved,
the process water can be guided completely or at least almost completely
in the circuit without the impurities being enriched by the circuit
guidance. This allows a minimization of the fresh water requirements of
the system. Since the process water treatment unit includes a lime
elimination unit in addition to the anaerobic reactor, the water hardness

in the process water guided in the circuit can moreover be controlled such
that no lime depositions which disturb the microorganisms contained in
the anaerobic reactor arise in the anaerobic reactor, whereby the efficiency
of the anaerobic reactor is optimized. Overall, the system in accordance
with the invention thus makes possible an at least almost complete circuit
guidance of the process water and the efficient control of the quality of the
process water. A further advantage of the system in accordance with the
invention can be found in the fact that the anaerobically treated process
water is charged with anaerobic microorganisms which cannot survive, or
which cannot survive in an appreciable amount, in an aerobic
environment such as is present in the process stages and in the
containers of the water treatment, for example, so that a growth of
microorganisms on the corresponding system parts such as occurs in
systems having reactors including aerobic microorganisms can be reliably
The process water treatment system in accordance with the present
invention can generally be integrated in any system in which process
water is guided in the circuit. In particular in the manufacture of paper,
the process water is polluted with significant amounts of impurities so
that the system in accordance with the invention is in particular suitable
for the cleaning of process water arising in the manufacture of paper,
independently of whether it is process water of a system for the
manufacture of paper from fresh fibers or process water of a system for
the manufacture of paper from recovered paper.
In this case, the system in accordance with the invention includes, in
addition to at least one process water treatment unit, at least one material
preparation apparatus and/or at least one paper making machine, with at
least one of the process water treatments units comprising an anaerobic

reactor mixed with anaerobic microorganisms as well as a lime elimination
unit being associated with the at least one material preparation apparatus
and/or the least one paper making machine.
In particular when the system in accordance with the invention is a
system for the manufacture of paper from recovered paper, it preferably
has a recovered paper treatment apparatus as a material preparation
apparatus for the manufacture of fiber material from the recovered paper
and/or a paper making machine for the manufacture of paper from the
pulp, with the recovered paper apparatus having one or more stages and
at least one of these stages and/or the paper making machine including
their own process water treatment unit, with the at least one of the
process water treatment units including an anaerobic reactor mixed with
anaerobic microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit. In particular
when the paper making machine and every stage or every loop of the
recovered paper treatment apparatus include a process water treatment
unit comprising an anaerobic reactor as well as a lime elimination unit,
the process water quality, that is the amount of impurities contained in
the process water, can be controlled separately for each loop. An optimum
quality water management is thereby made possible in the manufacture of
paper from recovered paper.
To achieve an efficient use of the recovered paper used in the system as
well as of the fibers included therein, it is proposed in a further
development of the idea of the invention furthermore to provide a material
recovery unit and/or a material removal unit in the at least one process
treatment unit. Good results are in particular achieved when the material
recovery unit or the material removal unit is made as a combination of a
material recovery apparatus (e.g. an apparatus with a screen barrier) and
a microflotation apparatus (or pressure relief flotation apparatus) in series

as a cascade. In the first stage, which is preferably made as a spray
filtration, the useful fibers are recovered, whereas in the second stage,
namely the material removal, the fine materials are removed from the
process water.
In accordance with a further preferred embodiment, the at least one
process water treatment unit furthermore includes a filtration unit to
separate the solid particles contained in the process water. This filtration
unit is preferably arranged downstream of the lime elimination unit as
well as downstream of the anaerobic reactor.
The lime elimination unit can generally be arranged in the at least one
process water treatment unit upstream or downstream of the anaerobic
reactor. Since the mass freight, i.e. the concentration of solids in the
process water, is lower downstream of the anaerobic reactor than
upstream of the anaerobic reactor, the arrangement of the lime
elimination unit downstream of the anaerobic reactor is advantageous, in
particular with paper manufacturing systems with which graph papers are
manufactured. The arrangement of the lime elimination unit upstream of
the anaerobic reaction, in contrast, is in particular sensible with
corresponding systems when a high number of fibers are contained in the
process water and the fibers should be returned after the material
separation. In the preferred embodiment, in which the at least one process
water treatment unit includes a material recovery unit made as a
microflotation apparatus or as a pressure relief flotation apparatus and/or
a material removal unit, the lime elimination unit is also preferably
arranged treatment of the anaerobic reactor in the at least one process
water preparation unit since the lime elimination unit can then be
combined in one apparatus with the microflotation apparatus or pressure
relief flotation apparatus.

Particularly good results are in particular also achieved with respect to the
removal of impurities from the process water when the lime elimination
unit of the at least one process water treatment unit is a pressure relief
flotation apparatus. With pressure relief flotation, the process water to be
treated is preferably first set to a neutral or alkaline pH suitable for lime
formation by the addition of a pH setting agent, for example sodium lye,
said pH preferably being between 7 and 10, particularly preferably
between 7 and 9, and very particularly preferably between 7.5 and 8.5.
Optionally, precipitant and/or a flocculation aid can be mixed with the
water to promote lime formation. Subsequently, pressure gas, preferably
compressed air, is added to the mixture produced in this manner and this
mixture is pressurized before the pressurized mixture is expanded or
exposed to a reduced pressure in a pressure relief flotation reactor,
whereby the previously added pressure gas fizzes out of the water at least
very largely in the form of gas bubbles and flows upward. In this
connection, the gas bubbles take along the lime floes contained in the
water so that they are separated from the water.
To achieve an efficient lime separation, it is proposed in a further
development of the idea of the invention to configure the pressure relief
flotation apparatus such that the pressure difference between the
pressurization and the expansion amounts to at least 2 bar, preferably at
least 3 bar, particularly preferably at least 4 bar and very particularly
preferably at least 5 bar. The greater the aforesaid pressure difference, the
smaller the gas beads arising during the expansion so that an increased
lime separation is achieved due to the larger surface to volume ratio of the
gas bubbles.

The pressure relief flotation apparatus preferably includes a precipitation
device in which lime is precipitated from the process water by addition of a
substance selected from the group including pH setting agents,
precipitants, flocculation aids and any desired combinations thereof and a
lime separation device in which precipitated lime is separated from the
process water. For example, the precipitation device can include a pH
setting device as well as a supply line for precipitant and/o a flocculation
aid, whereas the lime separation device preferably comprises an admixture
unit for pressure gas, a gas solution reactor for the physical solution of
the pressure gas in the process water as well as a pressure relief flotation
Alternatively to the aforesaid embodiment, the lime elimination can also
take place after corresponding precipitation by means of centrifugal force,
for example using a centrifuge or using a cyclone.
To achieve a homogenous mixture of the process water with the substance
selected from the group including pH setting agent, precipitants,
flocculation aids and any desired combinations thereof in the aforesaid
embodiment, the system in accordance with the invention preferably has a
mixing unit for the homogeneous admixture of the aforesaid at least one
In the aforesaid embodiment, both the precipitation device and the lime
separation device can be arranged downstream of the anaerobic reactor. It
is, however, equally possible to provide the precipitation device and the
lime separation device in each case upstream of the anaerobic reactor or
to arrange the precipitation device downstream of the anaerobic reactor
and to provide the lime separation device upstream of the anaerobic
reactor, with in the last-named case a part flow line leading from the

anaerobic reactor into the precipitation device from where the process
water leaving the precipitation device is guided via a corresponding line
into the lime separation device and with a bypass line leading from the
anaerobic reactor past the precipitation device into the filtration unit. The
last named embodiment is in particular advantageous with systems for
the manufacture of tissue paper not containing any ash. In the two last-
named embodiments, in which at least the lime separation device is
arranged upstream of the anaerobic reactor, this lime separation device
preferably made as a pressure relief flotation apparatus can be integrated
in the material recovery unit preferably made as a microflotation
apparatus and/or in the material removal unit.
All types of anaerobic reactors known to the skilled person can be used as
the anaerobic reactor mixed with anaerobic microorganisms, for example
contact sludge reactors, UASB reactors, EGSB reactors, fixed bed reactors
and fluidized bed reactors, with good results in particular being achieved
with UASB reactors and ESGB reactors. A pre-acidification reactor can be
connected before the anaerobic reactor and the process water is subjected
to acidogenesis and/or hydrolysis in it before the supply into the
anaerobic reactor. Whereas polymers such as polysaccharides,
polypeptides and fats are degraded to their monomers such as sugar,
amino acids and fatty acids during enzymatic hydrolysis by exoenzymes
originating from microorganisms, these monomers are converted in the
acidogenesis into organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, hydrogen and carbon
dioxide by acidogenic microorganisms.
In accordance with the invention, the material preparation apparatus of
the system includes one or more stages, with good results in particular
being achieved with 1 to 3 material preparation stages, with the mutually
individual stages preferably being decoupled from one another by a

deckering stage. The material preparation apparatus particularly
preferably includes two mutually decoupled stages. In the case of a system
for the manufacture of paper from recovered paper, in which the material
preparation apparatus is designed as a recovered paper treatment
apparatus, the material preparation stage(s) is/are made as recovered
paper treatment stages.
Independently of the number of the stages of the material preparation
apparatus, provision is made in accordance with a further preferred
embodiment of the present invention that, in a system for the preparation
of paper, both at least one of the stages of the material preparation
apparatus and the paper making machine each include their own process
water treatment unit, with the individual process water treatment units
each having an anaerobic reactor as well as a lime elimination unit.
It is proposed in a further development of the idea of the invention that all
the stages of the material preparation apparatus and the paper making
machine each include their own process water treatment unit, with the
individual process water treatment units each having an anaerobic reactor
as well as a lime elimination unit. Since the paper making machine and
every stage or every loop of the material preparation apparatus include a
process water treatment unit comprising an anaerobic reactor as well as a
lime elimination unit, the process water quality, that is the amount of
impurities contained in the process water, can be controlled separately for
each loop. An optimum quality water management is thereby made
possible in the manufacture of paper.
The system in accordance with the invention furthermore preferably
includes a waste water purification apparatus via which some of the

process water guided in the circuit is purified and is drained out of the
system to replace this portion with fresh water.
In this connection, the waste water purification apparatus can include one
or more devices which are selected from the group including material
removal units, cooling units, biological waste water treatment units and
any desired combinations thereof.
In the aforesaid embodiment, a part flow line is preferably provided in the
system leading back from the waste water purification apparatus into the
material preparation apparatus and/or into the paper making machine.
A further subject of the present invention is a method for the treatment of
process water, in particular for the treatment of process water in the
manufacture of paper, comprising at least one process water treatment
step, with at least some of the process water continuously supplied to the
process water treatment step being subjected to a purifying step in an
anaerobic reactor mixed with anaerobic microorganisms as well as a
deliming step.
The process water continuously supplied to the process water treatment
step preferably comes from a material preparation apparatus, for example
from a recovered paper treatment apparatus and/or from a paper making
It is proposed in a further development of the idea of the invention to
subject the process water to a pressure relief flotation step in the deliming

In the aforesaid embodiment, the pressure difference between the
pressurization and the expansion in the pressure relief flotation step
preferably amounts to at least 2 bar, particularly preferably at least 3 bar,
very particularly preferably at least 4 bar and most preferably at least 5
The method in accordance with the invention is preferably carried out in
the previously described system in accordance with the invention.
The present invention will be described in the following purely by way of
example with reference to advantageous embodiments and to the enclosed
There are shown:
Fig. 1 a schematic view of a system for the manufacture of paper
from recovered paper in accordance with a first embodiment of
the present invention;
Fig. 2 a schematic view of a stage of a material preparation
apparatus in accordance with a second embodiment of the
present invention; and
Fig. 3 a schematic view of a stage of a material preparation
apparatus in accordance with a third embodiment of the
present invention.
The system shown in Fig. 1 includes a recovered paper treatment
apparatus 100 as well as a paper making machine 200 arranged
downstream thereof and connected to the recovered paper treatment

apparatus 100. In this connection, the recovered paper treatment
apparatus 100 includes two stages or loops 101a and 101b substantially
decoupled from one another and indicated by the chain dotted boxes in
Fig. 1.
The first stage 101a of the paper treatment apparatus 100 includes a raw
material inlet 102, a pulper or pulping engine 105, a sorting device 110a
as well as a deckering unit 115a which are arranged sequentially and are
each connected to one another. In the sense of the present invention, a
pulper or pulping engine 105 is not only understood as a device, as shown
schematicalry in Fig. 1, consisting of an apparatus part, but rather in
particular also as an apparatus combination which includes a plurality of
individual apparatus parts and which contains all the components or
units required for the pulping. The same also applies to the sorting device
110a , the deckering unit 115a and all the other components shown in
Fig. 1.
The pulping engine 105 and the sorting device 110a are each connected to
a reject treatment unit 118a via a line.
The first stage 101a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100
moreover includes a process water treatment unit 116a to which there is
supplied via corresponding lines from the reject treatment unit 118a, from
the sorting apparatus 110a as well as from the deckering unit 115a the
process water arising in these system parts. In this connection, the sorting
apparatus 110a can also include a series of sorting devices (not shown).
The process water treatment unit 116a consists of a material recovery unit
120a, an anaerobic reactor 125a mixed with anaerobic microorganisms, a
lime elimination unit 130a as well as a filtration unit 140a which are
arranged sequentially and are connected to one another. A return line

145a leads back from the filtration unit 140a to the pulping engine 105. In
addition to the material recovery unit 120a or instead of the material
recovery unit 120a, a material removal unit (not shown) can be provided
in the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100.
Unlike the first stage 101a, the second stage 101b of the recovered paper
treatment apparatus 100 includes a sorting apparatus 110b connected to
the deckering unit 115a, an oxidation unit or reduction unit 112 as well
as a deckering unit 115b which are arranged sequentially and are
connected to one another. In addition, the second stage 101b has a
process water treatment unit 116b which is made analog to the process
water treatment unit 116a of the first stage 101a, with the filtration unit
140b of the second stage 101b of the recovered paper treatment apparatus
100 being connected via a return line 145b to the sorting apparatus 110b
and via a part flow line 170a to the return line 145a of the first stage 101a
of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100 coming from the filtration
unit 140a. While the sorting apparatus 110b and the oxidation unit or
reduction unit 112 are connected via corresponding lines to a reject
treatment unit 118b, the deckering unit 115b is connected directly to the
material recovery unit 120b of the process water treatment unit 116b. In
addition, a line leads from the oxidation unit or reduction unit 112 to the
material recovery unit 120b.
The paper making machine 200 includes a centrifugal sorter 202, a fine
sorting apparatus 204, a paper making machine shaping part 206, a
paper making machine pressing part 208 as well as a drying part 210
which are arranged sequentially and are connected to one another. The
centrifugal sorter 202 and the fine sorting apparatus 204 are connected to
a reject treatment unit 212 and the paper making machine shaping part
206 and the paper making machine pressing party 208 are connected to a

In the operation of the system, recovered paper is continuously introduced
via the raw material inlet 102 into the pulping engine 105 of the first stage
101a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100 in that the
recovered paper is mixed with process water supplied via the return line
145a and is comminuted for the recovery of the fibers. Whereas the fibers
recovered in the pulping engine 105 are continuously moved into the
sorting apparatus 110a as a fiber suspension, the process water which
arises in the pulping engine 105 and can include residues of fibers is first
guided into the reject treatment unit 118a and from there, after separation
of the rejects, into the material recovery unit 120a of the process water
preparation unit 116a of the recovered paper apparatus 100. In the
sorting apparatus 110a, light or heavy non-belonging parts which are
larger than fibers, such as coarse impurities in the form of plastic foils
and plastic pieces are sorted from the fiber suspension, for example by
screen barriers and typically in multiple stages. In addition, a flotation can
also be carried out in the sorting apparatus for the purpose of the
elimination of pigments, ink and dye particles (de-inking). In addition, fine
materials and ash can be separated in the material wash. The fiber
suspension is thickened by the removal of process water in the deckering
unit 115a, which is arranged downstream of the sorting apparatus 110a
and which is preferably made as a deckering filter and/or as a screw
press, to move as a thickened fiber suspension from the deckering unit
115a into the sorting apparatus 110b of the second stage 101b of the
recovered paper treatment apparatus 100. A part flow of the process water
arising in the sorting apparatus 110a is guided into the reject treatment
unit 118a, whereas the other part flow of the process water rising in the
sorting apparatus 110a, together with the process water arising in the
deckering unit 115a of the first stage 101a, is guided directly via
corresponding lines into the material recovery unit 120a of the process

water treatment unit 116a of the first stage 101a of the recovered paper
treatment apparatus 100 in which pulp from the process water contained
therein is separated which is again supplied to the treatment process. The
material recovery unit 120a is preferably designed as a pressure relief
flotation apparatus.
Alternatively to this, a part flow of the process water removed from the
deckering unit 115a or the total process water removed from the deckering
unit 115a can be led back directly into the pulping engine 105, i.e. while
bypassing the process water treatment unit 116a. In particular in the
treatment of paper in which the process water has a low solid
concentration, such as in the manufacture of graph paper, the material
recovery unit 120a, 120b or the material removal unit 122, 220 can be
In the system shown in Fig. 1, the process water arising in the reject
treatment unit 118a is led into the material recovery unit 120a.
Alternatively to this, however, it is also possible to drain off the process
water arising in the reject treatment unit 118a as waste water from the
recovered paper treatment apparatus 101a and, for example, to guide it
via the waste water line 300 into the mechanical material removal unit
305 and subsequently through the cooling unit 310 and the biological
waste water cleaning unit 315.
Process water liberated of pulp is guided continuously from the material
recovery unit 120a into the anaerobic reactor 125a mixed with anaerobic
microorganisms in which chemical and biological impurities are degraded
by the effect of the anaerobic microorganisms in the process water. In this
connection, a cooling stage (not shown) and a pre-acidification reactor (not
shown), in which the process water is subjected to acidogenesis and/or

hydrolysis, can be connected before the anaerobic reactor 125a for the
purpose of setting the process water to an optimum temperature range.
The process water liberated in this manner from the chemical and
biological impurities is led from the anaerobic reactor 125a into the lime
elimination unit 130a which is disposed downstream and which is
preferably made as a pressure relief flotation apparatus. The carbonates
and hydrogen carbonates present in the process water are very largely
precipitated as lime and removed from the process water in this lime
elimination unit 130a. In addition, a so-called "flash oxidation" takes place
in the lime elimination unit 130a in which metabolic end products of the
microorganisms formed in the anaerobic reactor 125a are oxidized by the
supplied dissolved air or by air oversaturation, whereby an additional
oxidative degradation of the impurities and/or disturbing materials
contained in the process water takes place and an odor emission is largely
reduced. The lime precipitation takes place in this connection by shifting
the lime/carbon dioxide balance, said lime precipitation being achieved by
metering in suitable chemicals, in particular a pH setting agent by which
the pH of the process water is set to a neutral or alkaline value which
preferably amounts to between 7 and 10, particularly preferably between 7
and 9 and very particularly preferably between 7.5 and 8.5. In addition,
for this purpose, precipitant and/or flocculation aids can be added to the
process water to facilitate the precipitation of lime and the formation of
lime floes having a size suitable for effective separation. In addition,
pressure gas, for example compressed air, is introduced into the pressure
relief flotation apparatus and the mixture generated in this manner is
pressurized before this mixture is exposed to a reduced pressure. The
pressure gas thereby fizzes out of the mixture and flows upwardly in the
apparatus in the form of small bubbles, whereby solids, in particular the
formed lime floes, are taken along and are separated from the process
water. The purified process water delimed in this manner is supplied from

the lime elimination apparatus 130a to a filtration unit 140a which is
made, for example, as a sand filtration unit to remove the remaining
particular material from the process water. In addition, a desalination unit
(not shown) can be connected after the filtration unit 140a.
The process water purified and delimed in the process treatment unit
116a of the first stage 101a of the recovered paper preparation apparatus
100 is led back via the return line 145a into the pulper or pulping engine
The thickened fiber suspension drained off from the deckering unit 115a
of the first stage 101a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100
moves into the sorting stage 110b and from there into an oxidation unit or
reduction unit 112 before the fiber suspension is thickened in the
deckering unit 115a of the second stage 101b in order to remove as much
of the process water as possible from the fiber suspension. Analogously to
the first stage 101a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100, the
process water arising in the sorting apparatus 110b and a part flow of the
waste water arising in the oxidation unit or reduction unit 112 are guided
into the reject treatment unit 118b and the process water arising there is
led into the material recovery unit 120b. The other part flow of the process
water arising in the oxidation unit or reduction unit 112 as well as the
process water arising in the deckering unit 115a are led directly into the
material recovery unit 120b of the process water treatment unit 116b of
the second stage 101b of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100
and are purified and delimed in the process water treatment unit 116b.
The process water treated in this manner moves in the larger part from
the filtration unit 140b via the line 170 and the return line 145b back into
the sorting apparatus 110b, whereas any possible excess of process water
is guided back via the part flow line 170a to the first stage 101a of the

recovered paper treatment apparatus 100 and is led into the return line
145a leading into the pulping engine 105.
In the paper making machine 200, the thickened pulp suspension
supplied continuously from the deckering unit 115b is processed to paper
by means of the centrifugal sorter 202, in which portions with a higher or
lower specific weight than water is separated, the fine sorting apparatus
204, the paper making machine shaping part 206, the paper making
machine pressing part 208 and the drying part 210. Whereas the process
water arising in the system parts 202 and 204 is guided into the reject
treatment unit 212, the process water arising in the system parts 206 and
208 is led into the fiber recovery unit 214. Whereas the rejects are
deckered in the reject treatment unit 212, the process water originating
from the paper making machine shaping part 206 and the paper making
machine pressing part 208 undergoes preremoval of material in the fiber
recovery unit 214 and fibers are separated from it. Process water arising
in the reject treatment unit 212 and in the fiber recovery unit 214 is led
continuously into the process water treatment unit 216 of the paper
making machine 200 and there sequentially flows through the material
removal unit 220, the anaerobic reactor 225, the lime elimination unit 230
and the filtration unit 240 which work like the previously described
corresponding system parts of the process water treatment units 116a,
116b of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100. Alternatively to
this, the process water arising in the reject treatment unit 212 can be
drained out of the system as waste water and only the process water
arising in the fiber recovery unit 214 can be led continuously through the
process water treatment unit 216 of the paper making machine 200. The
purified and delimed process water removed from the filtration unit 240 is
largely led back into the centrifugal sorter 202 of the paper making
machine 200 via the return line 270 and the part flow line 270b, whereas

any possible excess of process water is led via the part flow line 270a into
the line 170 coming from the filtration unit 140b of the second stage 101b
of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100.
A completely closed process water circuit would admittedly generally be
possible, but would result in enrichments of disturbing materials in the
long term which would ultimately impair the efficiency of the system. A
relatively small portion of fresh water, relative to the amount of process
water guided in the circuit, is therefore supplied to the process, preferably
to the paper making machine 200, via the fresh water supply line 280. A
corresponding amount of process water is removed from the process via
the waste water line 300 and is further purified via the material removal
unit 305, the cooling unit 310 and the biological waste water purification
unit 315, which can also include a lime elimination unit and/or a
filtration unit, before this flow is drained into public waters 400 as waste
water. In addition, the waste water optionally drained, as mentioned
above, from the reject treatment units 118a, 118b, 212 can also be
removed from the process via the waste water line 300 and can be purified
via the material removal unit 305, the cooling unit 310 and the biological
waste water unit 315.
The arrangement of the lime elimination units 130a, 130b, 230 shown in
Fig. 1 is in particular preferred in the manufacture of graph papers
because the mass freight, i.e. the solid concentration in the process water,
is comparatively small.
In the embodiment shown in Fig. 1, it is a system for the manufacture of
paper from recovered paper. In this connection, the pulping engines 105,
sorting devices 110a, 110b, deckering units 115a, 115b, oxidation unit or
reduction unit 112, centrifugal sorter 202, fine sorting apparatus 204,

paper making machine shaping part 206 and paper making machine
pressing part 208 shown in Fig. 1 are only shown schematically and do
not reproduce the paper making system down to the last detail. For
example, one of the two sorting apparatus 110a, 110b or both of the
sorting apparatus 110a, 110b can also be made in multiple stages and
consequently include a sequence of sorting devices.
The system in accordance with the invention can equally be a system for
the manufacture of paper from fresh fibers or any desired other system in
which at least one process water treatment unit is provided, with at least
one of the process water treatment units having an anaerobic reactor
mixed with anaerobic microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit.
In the last-named case, the pulping engines 105, sorting devices 110a,
110b, deckering units 115a, 115b, oxidation unit or reduction unit 112,
centrifugal sorter 202, fine sorting apparatus 204, paper making machine
shaping part 206 and paper making machine pressing part 208 shown in
Fig. 1 have been replaced by corresponding other apparatus or apparatus
In Fig. 1, the system includes a two-stage pulp preparation. It is naturally
also possible to provide two or more parallel material preparation stages,
in particular for the manufacture of multilayer paper.
In Fig. 2, a schematic view of a stage 101a of a recovered paper
preparation apparatus having a process water treatment unit 116a in
accordance with a second embodiment of the present invention is shown
which can replace the corresponding process water treatment unit 116a of
the first stage 101 a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100 of the
system shown in Fig. 1. Alternatively to this, it is also possible to replace
all the process water treatment units 116a, 116b, 216 of the system

shown in Fig. 1 in each case by a process water treatment unit 116a
shown in Fig. 2.
The stage 101a shown in Fig. 2, in contrast to the process water treatment
unit 116a shown in Fig. 1, has, in addition to the material recovery unit
120a a material removal unit 122 which is arranged between the material
recovery unit 120a and the anaerobic reactor 125a. A return line 124
leads from the material recovery unit 120 into the pulping engine 105.
In a further difference to the embodiment shown in fig 1, the stage 101a
shown in Fig. 2 does not include any reject treatment unit 118a.
Alternatively to this, however, a reject treatment unit (not shown) can also
be provided in the embodiment shown in Fig. 2 to which the process water
arising in the pulping engine 105 and a part flow of the process water
arising in the sorting apparatus 110a are supplied via corresponding lines
and from which the process water removed in the reject treatment unit is
led into the material recovery unit 120a or is removed from the system as
waste water.
In addition, a precipitation device 135 is provided in the process water
treatment unit 116a downstream of the anaerobic reactor 125a and has
two supply lines 136, 137 via which pH setting agents such as sodium lye,
precipitants such as polyaluminum chloride and/or flocculation aids such
as polyacrylamide can be supplied. A bypass line 139 leads from the
anaerobic reactor 125a past the precipitation device 135 into the filtration
unit 140a and guides a part flow line 126 to the precipitation device 135.
A part flow return line 138 is provided from the precipitation device 135 to
the material removal unit 122.

In operation of the stage 101a shown in Fig. 2, the process water
continuously arising in the pulping engine 105, in the sorting apparatus
110a and in the deckering unit 115a is led into the material recovery unit
120a and from there into the material removal unit 122. Whereas coarser
fibers are retained in the material recovery unit 120a and are led back into
the pulping engine 105 via the return line 124, the process water arising
in the material recovery unit 120a is led into the material removal unit
122 in which fine organic and/or inorganic particular material is
separated from the process water. The process water is led continuously
from the material removal unit 122 into the anaerobic reactor 125a. A
main flow of at least 50% of the process water leaving the anaerobic
reactor 125a is guided back via the bypass line 139 into the filtration unit
140a and from there via the return line 145a into the pulping engine 105.
The other part flow of less than 50% of the process water leaving the
anaerobic reactor 125a is led via the part flow line 126 into the lime
precipitation device 135 to which pH setting agent as well as precipitant
and/or flocculation aid are moreover supplied via the supply lines 136,
137 to precipitate lime in the process water. The part flow of the process
water leaving the lime precipitation device 135 is guided back via the part
flow return line 138 into the material removal unit 122 designed as a
microflotation unit in which the precipitated lime is separated from the
process water.
This embodiment is in particular suitable for the manufacture of tissue
paper from recovered paper.
Even though the embodiment show in Fig. 2 was described with reference
to a recovered paper treatment system, the process water treatment unit
116a shown in Fig. 2 can naturally also be provided in a system for the

manufacture of paper from fresh fibers or in any other desired system in
which at least one process water treatment unit is provided.
In Fig. 3, a schematic view of a stage 101a of a recovered paper treatment
apparatus having a process water treatment unit 116a in accordance with
a third embodiment of the present invention is shown which can replace
the corresponding process water treatment unit 116a of the first stage
101a of the recovered paper treatment apparatus 100 of the system shown
in Fig. 1. Alternatively to this, it is also possible to replace all the process
water treatment units 116a, 116b, 216 of the system shown in Fig. 1 in
each case by a process water treatment unit 116a shown in Fig. 3.
In the process water treatment unit 116a shown in Fig. 3, a precipitation
device 135 is provided upstream of the material recovery unit 120a and
has two supply lines 136, 137 via which pH setting agents such as sodium
lye, precipitants, such as polyaluminum chloride, and/or flocculation
aids, such as poly aery lamide, can be supplied to the precipitation device
135. Alternatively to this, a reject treatment unit (not shown) described
with respect to the embodiment shown in Fig. 1 can also be provided in
this embodiment.
In the operation of this process water treatment unit 116a, the process
water arising in the pulping engine 105, in the sorting apparatus 110a
and in the deckering unit 115a is led continuously into the precipitation
device 135 in which the carbonates and hydrogen carbonates contained in
the process water are precipitated as lime from the process water by the
setting of corresponding precipitation conditions by the addition of pH
setting agent, precipitant and/or flocculation aid. The mixture created in
this manner is led into the material recovery unit 120a designed as a
pressure relief flotation apparatus in which the fibers contained in the

process water and the lime flocs contained in the process water are
separated. The material recovery unit 120a consequently simultaneously
works as a lime separation unit.
After the separation of the lime and of the fibers, the process water runs
through the anaerobic reactor 125a and the filtration unit 140a before the
process water is guided back via the return line 145a into the material
recovery unit 120a, 120b and/or the material removal unit (not shown).
Advantageously with respect to the system shown in Fig. 1, the lime
elimination unit is thus combined with the pulping engine 105 in the
process water treatment unit 116a shown in Fig. 3.

Reference numeral list
100 material/ recovered paper treatment apparatus
101a first stage of the material/recovered paper treatment
101b second stage of the material/recovered paper treatment
102 raw material inlet
105 pulper/pulping engine
110a, 110b sorting apparatus
112 oxidation unit/ reduction unit
115a, 115b) deckering unit
116a, 116b process water treatment unit of the material/recovered
paper treatment apparatus
118a, 118b reject treatment unit
120a, 120b material recovery unit
122 material removal unit
124 return line
125a, 125b anaerobic reactor
126 part flow line
130a, 130b lime elimination unit
135 lime precipitation unit
136 supply line for pH setting agent
137 supply line for precipitant/ flocculation aid
138 part flow return line
139 bypass line
140a, 140b filtration unit
145a, 145b return line

170 line
170a part flow line
200 paper making machine
202 centrifugal sorter
204 fine sorting apparatus
206 paper making machine shaping part
208 paper making machine pressing part
210 drying part
212 reject treatment unit
214 fiber recovery unit
216 process water treatment unit of the paper making
220 material removal unit
225 anaerobic reactor
230 lime elimination unit
240 filtration unit
270 return line
270a, 270b part flow line
280 fresh water supply line
300 waste water line
305 mechanical material removal unit
310 cooling unit
315 biological waste water purification unit
400 public waters

1. A method for the treatment of process water guided in a circuit, in
particular for the treatment of process water in the manufacture of
paper, comprising at least one process water treatment step,
characterized in that
at least some of the process water continuously supplied to the
process water treatment step is subjected to a purification step in
an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) mixed with anaerobic
microorganisms as well as to a deliming step, with the process water
being subjected to a pressure relief flotation (dissolved air flotation)
step in the deliming step.
2. A method in accordance with claim 1, characterized in that the
process water continuously supplied to the process water treatment
step comes from a material preparation apparatus (100) and/or
from a paper making machine (200).
3. A method in accordance with claim 2, characterized in that the
process water continuously supplied to the process water treatment
step comes from at least one stage of a recovered paper treatment
apparatus (100) and/or from a paper making machine (200).
4. A method in accordance with claim 1, characterized in that the
pressure difference between the pressurizing and the expansion in
the pressure relief flotation step amounts to at least 2 bar,

preferably at least 3 bar, particularly preferably at least 4 bar and
very particularly preferably at least 5 bar.
5. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 1 to 4,
characterized in that it is carried out in a system comprising at least
one process water treatment unit (116a, 116b, 216), with at least
one of the process water preparation units (116a, 116b, 216) having
an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) mixed with anaerobic
microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit (130a, 13, 230).
6. A method in accordance with claim 5, characterized in that the
system includes at least one material preparation apparatus (100)
and/or at least one paper making machine (200), with at least one
of the process water treatment units (116a, 116b, 216) comprising
an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) mixed with anaerobic
microorganisms and a lime elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230) being
associated with the at least one material preparation apparatus
(100) and/or the at least one paper making machine (200).
7. A method in accordance with claim 5 or claim 6, characterized in
that the system comprises a recovered paper treatment apparatus
(100) as the material preparation apparatus (100) for the
manufacture of pulp from the recovered paper and/or a paper
making machine (200) for the manufacture of paper from the pulp,
with the recovered paper treatment apparatus (100) having one or
more stages (101a, 101b) and at least one of these stages (101a,
101b) and/or the paper making machine (200) including their own
process water treatment unit (116a, 116b, 216), with the at least
one of the process water treatment units (116a, 116b, 216)
comprising an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) mixed with

anaerobic microorganisms as well as a lime elimination unit (130a,
13b, 230).
8. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 7,
characterized in that the at least one process water treatment unit
(116a, 116b, 216) furthermore comprises a material recovery unit
(120a, 120b, 220) and/or a material removal unit (122).
9. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 8,
characterized in that the at least one process water treatment unit
(116a, 116b, 216) furthermore comprises a filtration unit (140a,
140b, 240) which is arranged downstream of the lime elimination
unit (130a, 130b, 230) as well as downstream of the anaerobic
reactor (125a, 125b, 225).
10. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 9,
characterized in that the lime elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230) is
arranged upstream of the anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) in the
at least one process water treatment unit (116a, 116b, 216) of the
11. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 9,
characterized in that the lime elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230) is
arranged downstream of the anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) in
the at least one process water treatment unit (116a, 116b, 216) of
the system.
12. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 11,
characterized in that the lime elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230) of
the system is a pressure relief flotation apparatus.

13. A method in accordance with claim 12, characterized in that the
pressure relief flotation apparatus is configured such that the
pressure difference between the pressurization and the expansion
amounts to at least 2 bar, preferably at least 3 bar, particularly
preferably at least 4 bar and very particularly preferably at least 5
14. A method in accordance with claim 12 or claim 13, characterized in
that the pressure relief flotation apparatus includes a precipitation
device (135) in which lime is precipitated from the process water by
addition of a substance selected from the group including pH setting
agents, precipitants, flocculation aids and any desired combination
thereof and a lime separation device in which precipitated lime is
separated from the process water.
15. A method in accordance with claim 14, characterized in that the
system comprises a mixing unit for the homogeneous mixing of a
substance selected from the group including pH setting agents,
precipitants, flocculation aids and any desired combination hereof
into the process water.
16. A method in accordance with claim 14 or claim 15, characterized in
that the precipitation device (135) and the lime separation device are
each arranged downstream or are each arranged upstream of the
anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225).
17. A method in accordance with claim 14 or claim 15, characterized in
that the precipitation unit (135) is arranged downstream of the
anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) and the lime separation device

is arranged upstream of the anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225),
with a part flow line (126) leading from the anaerobic reactor (125a,
15b, 225) into the precipitation device (135) from which the process
water leaving the precipitation device (135) is guided via a line (138)
into the lime separation device and with a bypass line (139) leading
from the anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) past the precipitation
device (135) into the filtration unit (140a).
18. A method in accordance with claim 17, characterized in that the
lime separation device is simultaneously designed as a material
recovery unit (120a, 120b, 220) and/or as a material removal unit
19. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 18,
characterized in that the material preparation unit (100) comprises
1 to 3 stages (101a, 101b) and particularly preferably two stages
(101a, 101b) which are mutually decoupled from one another by a
deckering stage (115a).
20. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 19,
characterized in that at least one of the stages (101a, 101b) of the
material preparation apparatus (100) and the paper making
machine (200) each include their own process water treatment unit
(116a, 116b, 216), with the process water treatment units (116a,
116b, 216) each having an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) as
well as a lime elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230).
21. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 20,
characterized in that all of the stages (101a, 101b) of the material
preparation apparatus (100) and the paper making machine (200)

each include their own process water treatment unit (116a, 116b,
216), with the process water treatment units (116a, 116b, 216) each
having an anaerobic reactor (125a, 125b, 225) as well as a lime
elimination unit (130a, 130b, 230).
22. A method in accordance with any one of the claims 5 to 21,
characterized in that the system comprises a waste water
purification apparatus via which some of the process water is
purified and is drained out of the system.
23. A method in accordance with claim 22, characterized in that a part
flow line leads back from the waste water purification apparatus
into the material preparation apparatus (100) and/or into the paper
making machine (200).
24. A method in accordance with claim 22 or claim 23, characterized in
that the waste water apparatus comprises one or more devices
which are selected from the group including material removal units
(305), cooling units (310), biological waste water treatment units
(315) and any desired combinations thereof.

Disclosed is a system for renovating process wazter,
especially during the production of paper. Said system
comprises at least one process water renovation unit,
at least one of which is provided with an anaerobic reactor
spiked with anaerobic microorganisms as well as
a lime elimination unit. Also disclosed is a method for renovating
process water, particularly during the production of paper, which er
compasses at least one process water renovation step in which
at least some of the process water continuously delivered to the process
water renovation step is subjected to a purification step in an
anaerobic reactor that is spiked with anaerobic
microorganisms and to a deliming step.




02410-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

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02410-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

02410-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

02410-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf


2410-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

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2410-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.3.pdf

2410-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.4.pdf

2410-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf






Patent Number 260400
Indian Patent Application Number 2410/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 18/2014
Publication Date 02-May-2014
Grant Date 29-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 16-Jun-2008
Applicant Address LEVELINGSTR. 18, 81673 MUNCHEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C02F 3/28
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/012355
PCT International Filing date 2006-12-20
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005061302.0 2005-12-21 Germany