Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ELECTROCHEMICALLY WHITENING TEETH Electrochemically whitening teeth. Method: applying a metal salt solution to teeth, applying an oxidizing agent to the teeth, and transmitting electrical current to the teeth so as to activate and reduce the oxidizing agent for effecting whitening of the teeth. Device: an applicator (100) for applying a substance to the teeth, applicator (100) having a first end (112) and a second end (114), with a first electrode (118), preferably, positively charged, attached to first end (112) and a second electrode (122), preferably, negatively charged, attached to second end (114), configured to transmit electrical current through applicator (100), and an oxidizing agent for placement within applicator (100), wherein the oxidizing agent undergoes activation and reduction upon transmission of the electrical current there through. Oxidizing agent is any of: whitening solution, whitening gel, solution or gel of or including any of: hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, or sodium perborate.
Full Text

The present invention relates to electrochemically whitening teeth, and more particularly, to a method and device for electrochemically whitening teeth. The present invention is based on applying an oxidizing agent to teeth, combined with transmitting a saf., low level electrical current directly to the teeth, for a short period of time, for effecting the teeth whitening (via electrochemical activation and redox reactions). Implementation of the present invention provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent. The present invention is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a denta) health office, or by a subject itself outside of a dental health office, and is commercially applicable.
Whitenine teeth (teeth whitenins)
In the context of the field and art of the present invention, 'whitening teeth' (or teeth whitening) generally refers to application of any number of chemical {e.g., oxidation, reduction) or/and physical (e.g., mechanical, thermal, irradiation, electrical) processes, procedures, techniques, or treatments, performed singly or in combination, which results in reluming, or/and providing, white color to teeth (i.e., to a single tooth, or to two or more teeth).
There exists a plethora of prior art teachings of a wide variety of different chemical or/and physical processes, procedures, techniques, or treatments, performed singly or in combination, for whitening teeth, where each prior art teaching features different particular advantages and disadvantages.
For example, PR 2 873 297 relates to a device for whitening teeth using electro-optical and chemical means, comprising an active product activated by light or by heat. HP 1 457 200 relates to a dental bleaching method employing a titanium oxide based agent together with a compound producing hydrogen peroxide, and irradiating them.
Use of hydrogen peroxide, or/and other relatively strong oxidizing agents, at appropriate concentrations and conditions of oral application or treatment, for whitening teeth, are most

commonly taught about and practiced. For example, EP 1 525 857 relates to a device for cleaning teeth which electrolylically generates oxidation species in situ. During such 'chemical oxidation' type teeth whitening techniques, teeth are exposed to the oxidizing agent(s), whereby the oxidizing agent(s) is/are reduced, and in turn, oxidize, and possibly also chemically degrade, various substances (mostly composed of organic matter) which discolor teeth. However, applications of such techniques for whitening teeth are typically accompanied by inadvertent or unpreventable, and undesirable, exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent(s), or/and to the means used for applying, delivering, or dispensing, the oxidizing agent(s) to the teeth. Additionally, applications of such techniques for whitening teeth usually require implementation by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a denta! health office, and are usually not implementable by a subject itself outside of a dental health office.
In spite of the vast amounts of prior art teachings of using oxidizing agents in techniques for whitening teeth, there remains an on-going need for improving existing techniques, and identifying new techniques, which improve control of applying, delivering, or dispensing, of teeth whitening oxidizing agents to teeth, and which involve minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agents, as well as to the means used for applying, delivering, or dispensing, the oxidizing agents to the teeth.
There is thus a widely recognized need for, and it would be highly advantageous to have, a method and device for electrochemical ly whitening teeth, which are devoid of the above stated, and of various other, limitations and disadvantages. There is also need for such an invention whose implementation provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent. Moreover, there is need for such an invention which is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, which is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a dental health office, or by a subject itself outside of a dental health office, and which is commercially applicable. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

The present invention relates to electrochemically whitening teeth, and more particularly, to a method and device for electrochemically whitening teeth. The present invention is based on applying an oxidizing agent to teeth, combined with transmitting a safe, low level electrical current directly to the teeth, for a short period of time, for effecting the teeth whitening (via eiectrochemical activation and redox reactions). Implemenlation of the present invention provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-orai cavity components, e.g., gum and dssue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent. The present invention is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a dental health office, or by a subject itself outside of a dental health office, and is commercially applicable.
According to one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for electrochemically whitening teeth, the method comprising: applying a metal salt solution to the teeth, applying an oxidizing agent to the teeth exposed to the metal salt solution, and transmitting electrical current to the teeth so as to activate and reduce the oxidizing agent for effecting the whitening of the teeth.
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a device for electrochemically whitening teeth, the device comprising: an applicator suitable for applying a substance to the teeth, the applicator having a first end and a second end, a first electrode attached to the first end of the applicator, a second electrode attached to the second end of the applicator, wherein the first electrode and the second electrode are configured to transmit electrical current through the applicator, and an oxidizing agent suitable for placement within the applicator, wherein the oxidizing agent is configured to undergo activation and reduction upon transmission of the electrical current through the oxidizing agent.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the metal sah solution is selected from the group consisting of silver nitrate solution, palladium hydroxide solution, palladium chloride solution, titanium chloride solution, and copper chloride solution.

According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, applying the metal sah solution precedes applying the oxidizing agent and transmitting electrical current.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, there is rinsing of the teeth with distilled water following applying the metal salt solution.
According to farther characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, applying the metal salt solution is done using a pre-treatment tray, the pre-trealment tray designed to prevent leakage of the metal salt solution into a mouth.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, applying the oxidizing agent includes applying a teeth whitening agent.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the teeth whitening agent includes hydrogen peroxide.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of a whitening solution, a whitening gel, a solution of or including carbamide peroxide, a gel of or including carbamide peroxide, a solution of or including sodium perborate, and a gel of or including sodium perborate.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmitting electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 0.000 volt and about 12 volts, and more preferably, in a range of between about 3 volts and about 9 volts.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmitting electrical current is done for the electrical current in a range of between about 0.001 milliamp (mA) and about 30 milliamps (mA).
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmitting electrical current is done for the electrical current in a range of between about 5 milliamp (mA) and about 15 milliamps (mA).
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmitting electrical current is done by a rechargeable battery, or alternatively, by a disposable battery embedded into a device for applying the oxidizing agent.

According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the applicator is a dental tray.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the applicator is a toothbrush.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the oxidizable agent is a teeth whitening agent.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the teeth whitening agent includes hydrogen peroxide.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the first end is a back curved wall and the first electrode is positively charged.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the first electrode is a flat metal strip.
According to further characteristics in preferted embodiments of the invention described below, the device further comprises spacers on the first electrode to separate the first electrode from the teeth.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the spacers are comprised of a biocompatible plastic material.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the second end is a front wall and the second electrode is negatively charged.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the second electrode further comprises a spring mechanism.
According to further characteristics in preferted embodiments of the invention described below, the front wall includes at least three negatively charged electrodes, and wherein each of the three electrodes is configured to contact at least part of a single tooth at a contact area on the part.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the contact area Is minimized.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the dental tray further comprises a sealing lip.

According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the device further comprises a power supply, being an external power source, or alternatively, a rechargeable battery, or alternatively, a disposable battery embedded within the applicator.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmission of the electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 0.001 volt and about 12 volts.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmission of the electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 3 volts and about 9 volts.
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmission of the electrical current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 0.00l milliamp (mA) and about 30 milliamps (mA).
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, transmission of the electrical current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 5 milliamp (mA) and about 15 milliamps (mA).
According to further characteristics in preferred embodiments of the invention described below, the applicator includes an upper portion comprising a sealing lip having a zig-zag shape or contour.
Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. Although methods and materials similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the practice or testing of the present invention, suitable methods and materials are described below. In case of conflict, the patent specification, including definitions, will control. In addition, the materials, methods, and examples are illustrative only and not intended to be limiting.
The invention is herein described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings. With specific reference now to the drawings in detail, it is stressed that the particulars shown are by way of example and for purposes of illustrative discussion of the preferred embodiments of the present invention only, and are presented in

the cause of providing what is believed to be the most useful and readily understood description of the principles and conceptual aspects of the invention. In this regard, no attempt is made to show structural details of the invention in more detail than is necessary for a fundamental understanding of the invention, the description taken with the drawings making apparent to those skilled in the art how the several forms of the invention may be embodied in practice.
In the drawings;
Fig. 1 is an isometric view of a device for electrochemically whitening teeth, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention;
Figs. 2a and 2b are cross-sectional illustrations of the electrochemical teeth whitening device of Fig. ], in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention;
Figs. 3a and 3b are diagrammatic and cross-sectional views of a device for eleclrochemically whitening teeth, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the present invention;
Figs, 4a and 4b are diagrammatic and cross-sectional views of an electrochemical teeth whitening device, in accordance with yet another preferred embodiment of the present invention;
Fig. 5 is a view of an electrochemical toothbrush for electrochemically whitening teeth, in accordance with another preferred embodiment of the present invention;
Figs. 6 and 7 are schematic diagrams illustrating perspective views of another exemplary preferred embodiment of an electrochemical device for electrochemically whitening teeth, showing the replaceable / rechargeable power supply in a connected or closed configuration (Fig. 6), and in a disconnected or open configuration (Fig. 7), in accordance with the present invention; and
Fig. 8 is a schematic diagram illustrating the electrochemical teeth whitening device shown in Figs. 6 and 7, particularly showing the sealing lip with a 'zig-zag' shape or contour.
The present invention relates to electrochemically whitening teeth, and more particularly, to a method and device for electrochemically whitening teeth. The present

invention is based on applying an oxidizing agent to teeth, combined with transmitting a safe low level electrical current directly to the teeth, for a short period of time, for effecting the teeth whitening (via electrochemical activation and redox reactions). Implementation of the present invention provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent. The present invention is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a dental health office, or by a subject itself outside of a dental health office, and is commercially applicable.
A main aspect of the present invention is provision of a method for electrochemically whitening teeth, including the following main procedures, and, components and functionalities thereof: applying a metal salt solution to the teeth, applying an oxidizing agent to the teeth, and transmitting electrical current to the teeth so as to activate and reduce the oxidizing agent for effecting the whitening of the teeth.
Another main aspect of the present invention is provision of a device for electrochemically whhening teeth, including the following main components and functionalities thereof: an applicator suitable for applying a substance to the teeth, the applicator having a first end and a second end, a first electrode attached to the first end of the applicator, a second electrode attached to the second end of the applicator, wherein the first electrode and the second electrode are configured to transmit electrical current through the applicator, and an oxidizing agent suitable for placement within the applicator, wherein the oxidizing agent is configured to undergo activation and reduction upon transmission of the electrical current through the oxidizing agent, thereby effecting the whitening of the teeth.
The present invention includes several aspects, and special technical features, of novelty and inventiveness over prior art teachings of whitening teeth.
A main aspect of the present invention is that structure and function, and subsequently, operation, of the electrochemical teeth whitening device, and implementation of the electrochemical teeth whitening method, are self-contained and localized with respect to the tooth or teeth being electrochemically whitened. Namely, the electrochemical circuit formed and activated during operation of the electrochemical teeth

whitening device, for whitening teeth, does not require, or involve, any non-intra-oral cavity body part, for electrochemically applying, delivering, or dispensing, of teeth whitening oxidizing agents to the treated tooth or teeth.
Implementation of the present invention provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth intra-oral cavity- components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agent.
!n addition to the preceding aspects of novelty and inventiveness, the present invention is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider in a dental health office, or by oneself outside of a dental health office.
It is to be understood that the present invention is not limited in its application to the details of the order or sequence, and number, of procedures, steps, and sub-steps, of operation or implementation of the method, or to the details of type, composition, construction, arrangement, order, and number, of the assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, utilities, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, of the device, set forth in the following illustrative description, accompanying drawings, and examples, unless otherwise specifically staled herein. Accordingly, the present invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or carried out in various ways. Although procedures, steps, sub-steps, and system units, system sub-units, devices, assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, utilities, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, which are equivalent or similar to those illustratively described herein can be used for practicing or testing the present invention, suitable procedures, steps, sub-steps, and system units, system sub-units, devices, assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, utilities, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, are illustratively described and exemplified herein.
It is also to be understood that all technical and scientific words, terms, or/and phrases, used herein throughout the present disclosure have either the identical or similar meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this

invention belongs, unless otherwise specifically defined or staled herein. Phraseology,

terminology, and, notation, employed herein throughout the present disclosure are for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. Additionally, as used herein, the tenn 'about' refers to ± 10 % of the associated value. Moreover, all technical and scientific words, terms, or/and phrases, introduced, defined, described, or/and exemplified, in the above Background section, are equally or similarly applicable in the illustrative description of the preferred embodiments, examples, and appended claims, of the present invention.
Procedures, steps, sub-steps, and, equipment and materials, assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment utilties, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, as well as operation and implementation, of exemplary preferred embodiments, alternative preferred embodiments, specific configurations, and, additional and optional aspects, characteristics, or features, thereof, of electrochemically whitening teeth, according to the present invention, are better understood with reference to the following illustrative description and accompanying drawings. Throughout the following illustrative description and accompanying drawings, same reference numbers, refer to same assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, udlities, chemical reagents, accessories, and materials.
In the following illustrative description of the method and device of the present invention, included are main or principal procedures, steps, and sub-steps, and, main or principal assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, utilities, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, needed for sufficiently understanding proper 'enabling' utilization and implementation of the disclosed invention. Accordingly, description of various possible preliminary, intermediate, minor, or/and optional, procedures, steps, or/anci sub-steps, or/and, system units, system sub-units, devices, assemblies, sub-assemblies, mechanisms, structures, components, elements, and configurations, and, peripheral equipment, utilities, accessories, chemical reagents, and materials, of secondary importance with respect to enabling implementadon of the invention, which are readily known by one of ordinary skill in the art, or/and which are available in the prior art and technical literature relating to the field of the present invention, are at most only briefly indicated herein.

The present invention relates to a method and device for electrochemically whitening teeth.
Electrochemistn.' theory, principles, and practices thereof, and, related and associated applications and subjects thereof, are well known and taught about in the prior art. and currently practiced in a wide variety of numerous different fields and areas of technology. For the purpose of establishing the scope, meaning, and fietd(s) or area(s) of application, of the present invention, herein following are provided selected definitions and exemplary usages of terminology which are relevant to, and used for, disclosing the present invention. Electrochemistry - oxidation, reduction, and ionization, reactions
The term 'electrochemistry' is generally defined as the science that deals with the use of electrical energy to bring about a chemical reaction or with the generation of electrical energy by means of chemical action. Moreover, if a chemical reaction is caused by an external voltage, or if a voltage is caused by a chemical reaction, then, the chemical reaction is an electrochemical reaction.
In general, electrochemistrj' deals with oxidation, reduction, and ionization, types of chemical reactions. In general, an oxidation reaction is a chemical reaction which is based on the loss of an electron by a chemical species (atom, molecule, radical, or ion). In general, a reduction reaction is a chemical reaction which is based on the gain of an electron by a chemical species {atom, molecule, radical, or ion). A paired or complementary set of an oxidation reaction and a reduction reaction is commonly referred to as a 'redox' reaction. In general, ionization refers to the process of converting a chemical species (atom, molecule, radical) into an ion, and also refers to the state of a chemical species (atom, molecule, radical) being ionized, where an ion is an atom, a group of atoms, or a molecule, having a net (positive or negative) electrical charge. In general, an 'ionizable substance' refers to a substance which either is, or includes, a chemical species (atom, molecule, radical), that can be ionized, such that there is a change in the net electrical charge of the chemical species which is ionized.
In general, an 'oxidizing agent', also known as an oxidizer or as an oxidant, refers to a chemical compound that readily gives up (atomic or/and molecular) oxygen. An oxidizing agent also refers to a substance that gains (receives) electrons in a redox chemical reaction, whereby the oxidizing agent becomes reduced.

As previously slated hereinabove, in the context of the field and art of the present invention, 'whitening teeth' (or teeth whitening) generally refers to application of any number of chemical (e.g., oxidation, reduction) or/and physical (e.g., mechanical, thermal, irradiation, electrical) processes, procedures, techniques, or treatments, performed singly or in combination, which resuhs in returning, or/and providing, white color to teeth (i.e., to a single tooth, or to two or more teeth).
Reference is now made to Fig. 1, which is an isometric view of a device 41, herein, also referred to as electrochemical teeth whitening device 41, which is suitable for electrochemical redox reactions which take place during application of an oxidizing agent to teeth, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Device 41 includes a treatment tray is designed to hold an oxidizing agent, for example, either being, or including, a form of hydrogen peroxide, such as a solution form of hydrogen peroxide, for immersion of teeth therein. In a non-limiting manner, some additional examples of an oxidizing agent are seiected from the group consisting of a whitening solution, a whitening gel, a solution of or including carbamide peroxide, a gel of or including carbamide peroxide, a solution of or including sodium perborate, and a gel of or including sodium perborate.
Device 41 is of a shape similar to typical dental trays, including a back curved wall 43 and a front curved wall 45 joined together at end sections 47. Space or well 55 is configured in between back curved wall 43 and front curved wall 45, and serves for holding or containing a substance, particularly, an oxidizing agent (such as hydrogen peroxide solution or gel, or similar type of oxidizing solution or gel) which is to be applied to the teeth. Back curved wall 43 includes an electrode 49 which is positively charged. Positively charged electrode 49 is comprised of a thin, flexible metal strip attached to an inner portion of back curved wall 43. In a preferred embodiment, positively charged electrode 49 is comprised of stainless steel. In alternative embodiments, electrode 49 is comprised of any inert, electricity conducting, material, such as, platinum, gold, or any other suitable electricity conducting metal, or metal platted with a metal plating. Spacers 51 are positioned along electrode 49, and are designed to preclude contact between electrode 49 and teeth positioned within device 41, while providing contact between the oxidizing agent, such as hydrogen peroxide solution, within device 41 and electrode 49. Spacers 51 are comprised of insulating materials, such as plastics.

Front curved wall 45 includes contact electrodes 53, which are negatively charged electrodes, and are designed to be placed in direct contact with at least a part of the front of teeth within device 41. Negatively charged contact electrodes 53 are attached to front curved wall 45 by a spring-like mechanism, ensuring contact between contact electrodes 53 and at least part of the front of the teeth. Preferably, at least three contact electrodes 53 are used, each one designed to contact at least part of the front of a different tooth. The contact area between contact electrodes 53 and the teeth is minimized. In a preferred embodiment, device 41 fiirther includes a sealing lip 57.
In alternative embodiments, device 41 is comprised of heatable plastics, which can be formed on the teeth and gums during placement. An adhesive or a repelling substance such as Vaseline^'^ may also be used to fiirther ensure sealing.
Reference \s now made to Figs. 2a and 2b, which are cross sectional iliustrations of device 41 along lines A-A and B-B, respectively, illustrated in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 2a, spacers 51 may contact the back of the teeth, while (negatively charged) contact electrodes 53 are designed to contact at least part of the front of the teeth. As shown in Fig. 2b, spacers 51 are fixed, and contact electrodes 53 are attached to front curved wall 45 by a spring-like mechanism, for providing spring-like nature and behavior to contact electrodes 53. In the exemplary embodiment shown in Fig. 2b, the spring-like nature and behavior are accomplished by placing contact electrode 53 at an angle, for example, of about 45 degrees. Alternatively, actual springs may used for providing spring-like nature and behavior to contact electrodes 53. In a preferred embodiment, three contact electrodes 53 contact three different teeth. The contact area of contact electrodes 53 is minimal, so as to transmit electrical current to the teeth, while avoiding occurrence of the compethive reaction of water electrolysis (i.e., electrolytic degradation of water).
As shown in Figs. 1, 2a, and 2b, electrochemical teeth whitening device 41 includes a sealing lip 57 having an even shape or contour. In another exemplary preferred embodiment of the electrochemical teeth whitening device 41 of the present invention, sealing lip 57 features a 'zig-zag' shape or contour, for example, as illustrated in Fig. 8, being a schematic diagram illustrating the elecfrochemical teeth whitening device 100 shown in Figs. 6 and 7, particularly showing the sealing lip 108 with a 'zig-zag' shape or contour.

Reference is now made to Figs. 3a and 3b, which are an illustration and a cross-sectional view, respectively, of an apparatus 40, for whitening teeth, in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention. Apparatus 40 includes a set of trays 42, including an upper tray 42a and a lower tray 42b, each of which has wells 44 for holding an oxidizing agent, for example, either being, or including, a form of hydrogen peroxide, such as a solution form of hydrogen peroxide, for immersion of teeth therein.
As shown in Fig. 3a, trays 42 have plugs and electrodes 46 positioned therein, which are connected via conducting wires 48 to a power supply 50. Electrodes are comprised of inert, electricity conducting, material, such as stainless steel, platinum, gold, or any other suitable electricity conducting metal. In a preferred embodiment, trays 42 are comprised of a non-conducting material, such as a biocompatible plastic material. It should be noted that any biocompatible plastic materia! which does not react with an oxidizing agent, for example, a form of hydrogen peroxide, such as hydrogen peroxide solution, for whitening teeth, may be used as material of construction of trays 42a and 42b.
Trays 42, and wells 44, are sized in accordance with standard sized dental trays. In one embodiment, the upper and the lower trays 42 are connected to each other via a folding bridge 52, which allows both trays 42 to be placed on the teeth simultaneously by folding the trays back in the area of folding bridge 52. An electrical connector 54 connects electrodes 48 to power source 50, via a plug 56, or via any other suitable means. Plug 56 is designed to fit into power source 50. Furthermore, upper and lower trays 42 are connectable to one another via a socket 58 and a socket connector 59. Socket S8 is located on an outer rim of one of trays 42, for example, tray 42b, as shown in Fig. 3a, such that when trays 42 are folded at folding bridge 52, socket connector 59, located on an outer rim of the other tray, for example, tray 42a, as shown in Fig. 3a, connects the two trays 42 and completes the electrochemical circuit. Ih another embodiment, the trays 42 are not connected to each other.
In one embodiment, as shown in Fig. 3a, device 40 is connected to a regular power supply, with a standard AC/DC transformer. In another embodiment, rechargeable batteries (1 - 12 volt) are used. In yet another embodiment, shown in Figs. 4a and 4b, a disposable battery 60 is embedded in device 40, allowing it to be more easily transportable.
It should be readily apparent, that in all of the herein illustratively described embodiments of the present invenrion, the electrochemical circuit runs through

electrochemical teeth whitening device 41, or 40, and not through any non-intra-oral cavity body part of the user, in this way, oxidizing activity by the oxidizing agent can be increased, thus, enhancing oxidizing agent uptake by the teeth, for whitening teeth. Additionall;, in alternative embodiments of the present invention, different sized electrochemical teeth whitening devices 41, or 40, are provided for different sized individuals.
Reference is now made to FIG. 5, which is an illustration of an electrochemical teeth whitening toothbrush 70, in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention. Toothbrush 70 includes a handle 72 having a battery 74 placed therein, and a head portion 75 at an opposite end thereof Head portion 75 includes a bristle portion 76 on a lower end thereof, and further has two electrodes 78 - a positively charged electrode 78a on an upper end, and a negatively charged electrode 78b in an area of the bristles. An electrochemical circuit is completed, and electrical current is transmitted, through positively charged electrode 78a, at least part of the tooth which is in contact with bristle portion 76, and negatively charged electrode 78b. Toothbrush 70 can be used with an oxidizing agent, for example, either being, or including, a form of hydrogen peroxide, such as a gel or paste form of hydrogen peroxide, for brushing of teeth therein, for whitening teeth. The electrochemical circuit, and transmitted electrical current, of toothbrush 70 does not run through a non-intra-oral cavity body part of a user.
Figs. 6 and 7 are schematic diagrams illustrating perspective views of another exemplary preferred embodiment of an electrochemical teeth whitening device 100, for electrochemically whitening teeth, showing the replaceable / rechargeable power supply in a connected or closed configuration (Fig. 6), and in a disconnected or open configuration (Fig. 7), in accordance with the present invention.
In Figs. 6 and 7, electrochemical teeth whitening device 100 is usable for electrochemical redox reactions involving an oxidizing agent for whitening teeth, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Device 100 includes a tray designed to hold an oxidizing agent, for example, either being, or including, a form of hydrogen peroxide, such as a solution form of hydrogen peroxide, for immersion of teeth therein, when the present invention is implemented for whitening teeth.
In electrochemical teeth whitening device 100, treatment tray 102 has an upper portion 104 and a lower portion 106. As shown in Figs. 6 and 7, upper portion 104

preferably includes a sealing lip 108, being similar to sealing lip 57 of electrochemical teeth whitening device 41 previously described hereinabove with reference to Figs. I, 2a, and 2b. Sealing lip 108 is designed to contact the gums, thus, sealing tray 102 onto the gums and substantially preventing leaking out of solution or gel compositions used during the electrochemical whitening of the teeth. As shown in Figs. 6 and 7. sealing lip 57 has an even shape or contour. In another exemplary preferred embodiment of electrochemical teeth whitening device 100, sealing lip 108 features a 'zig-zag' shape or contour, for example, as illustrated in Fig. 8.
In electrochemical teeth whitening device 100, lower portion 106 includes a space 110, within which the teeth are appropriately positioned for performing the electrochemical teeth whitening procedure. In one embodiment of the present invention, tray 102 is comprised of a plastic material. Alternatively, an adhesive material which is biocompatible {such as, for example, beeswax) may be added to sealing lip 108 to ensure sealing of tray 102 onto the gums.
Electrochemical teeth whitening device 100 is of a shape similar to typical dental trays, including aback curved wall 112 and a front curved wall 114 joined together at end sections 116. Back curved wall 112 includes an electrode 118 which is positively charged. Positively charged electrode 118 is comprised of a thin, flexible metal strip attached to an inner portion of back curved wall 112. In a preferred embodiment, electrode 118 is comprised of stainless steel. In alternative embodiments, electrode 118 is comprised of any inert, electricity conducting, material, such as, platinum, gold, or any other suitable electricity conducting metal, or metal platted with a metal plating. Spacers 120 are positioned along electrode 118, and are designed to preclude contact between electrode 118 and teeth positioned within device 100, while providing contact between the oxidizing agent, such as hydrogen peroxide solution, within device 100 and electrode 118. Spacers 120 are comprised of insulating materials, such as plastics.
Front curved wall 114 includes contact electrodes 122, which are negatively charged, and are designed to be placed in direct contact with the front of teeth within device 100. Negatively charged contact electrodes 122 are attached to front curved wall 114 by a spring-like mechanism, ensuring contact between contact electrodes 122 at least part of and the front of the teeth. Preferably, at least three contact electrodes 122 are used, each one designed to contact at least part of the front of a different tooth. The contact area

between contact electrodes 122 and the teeth is minimized. In alternative embodiments, device 100 is comprised of heatable plastics, which can be formed on the teeth and gums during piacement. An adhesive or a repelling substance such as Vaseline^'^ may also be used to further ensure sealing of treatment tray 102 onto the gums.
In an exemplary preferred embodiment, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, electrochemical teeth whitening device JOO includes a mobile current supply unit 124b containing a disposable or rechargeable battery operative in a range of between about 0.001 volt and about 12 volts. Mobile current supply unit 124b is operatively (physically and electrically) connectable, via connector assembly 124a, to device 100. Preferably, connector assembly 124a is connected or attached to the central portion of front curved wall 114. Mobile current supply unit 124b is physically and electrically connectable, for example, via a female configured electrical contact assembly 126 (Fig. 7), to a male configured electrical contact or lead assembly (not shown) included as part of connector assembly 124a. Preferably, mobile cuirent supply unit 124b includes a light window or indicator light, for example, as shown by the inserted section located at the outer end of mobile current supply unit 124b, for indicating a condition of'power on', i.e., when mobile current supply unit 124b actively supplies current to electrochemical teeth whitening device 100, thereby indicating that electrochemical teeth whitening device 100 is in an 'on' mode for electrochemically whitening the teeth.
As stated hereinabove, the method for electrochemically whitening teeth includes the following main procedures, and, components and functionalities thereof; applying a metal salt solution to the teeth, applying an oxidizing agent to the teeth, and transmitting electrical current to the teeth so as to activate and reduce the oxidizing agent for effecting the whitening of the teeth.
Accordingly, the method of electrochemically whitening teeth, in accordance with the electrochemical teeth whitening apparatus described hereinabove is as follows, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. Initially, as a pre-treatment procedure, teeth are thoroughly cleaned, either by professional cleaning or using a regular toothbrush. Next, teeth are rinsed with distilled water.
Then, a metal catalyst solution, which functions as an activating solution, is prepared by dissolving different amounts of metal, or metal salt, solutions, such as of silver, copper, titanium, or palladium, in an amount of distilled water such that the

concentration of the metal is in a range of between about 0.01 % and about 3 % by weight. In alternative exemplary preferred embodiments, the metal, or metal salt, solution can include silver nitrate, palladium hydroxide, palladium chloride, or copper chloride, salts, or any other suitable activator. In one specific example. 100 mg of silver nitrate is dissolved in to ml distilled water. In yet another specific example, 50 mg of copper chloride is dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water.
A pre-treatment tray, such as pre-treatment tray 30 shown in Fig. 3 and described in PCT International Publication No. WO 2005/062710, entitled: "Ion Exchange Dental Device And Method", assigned to the same applicant of the present invention, is placed on the teeth, preferably, in such a way that all of the teeth are in contact with an absorbent material, for example, a sponge. A sealing lip of the pre-treatment tray is placed in contact with the gums to seal the pre-treatment tray and prevent leaking of solution into the mouth. A pre-measured amount of the metal catalyst (activating) solution is then introduced into the pre-treatment tray by injection or any other filling procedure, such that fijll contact between the teeth and the solution is obtained, for a time period of approximately 1 minute. Alternatively, a known amount of metal catalyst (activating) solution is placed into the pre-treatment tray prior to placing the tray in the mouth. After pre-treatment, the pre-treatment tray is removed from the mouth, taking care to avoid spilling of the activating solution into the mouth. The teeth are then rinsed with distilled water again.
After pre-treatment of the teeth, whitening treatment is commenced. An oxidizing agent, for example, a tooth whitening agent, such as a commercial tooth whitening gel or solution, including hydrogen peroxide, or any other suitable oxidizing agent (e.g., ion, free radical donor) is placed in the tray of any one of the above illustratively described embodiments of the electrochemical teeth whitening device, and then the tray is placed on die teeth in such a manner that all of the teeth are in contact with the oxidizing agent (whitening agent).In a non-limiting manner, additional examples of an oxidizing agent are selected from the group consisting of a whitening solution, a whitening gel, a solution of or including carbamide peroxide, a gel of or including carbamide peroxide, a solution of or including sodium perborate, and a gel of or including sodium perborate. Any number of these exemplary oxidizing agents may be used for implementing the present invention.
The electrochemical circuit of the electrochemical dental treatment device is then activated, via a power supply, using a voltage in a range of between about 0.001 volt and

about 12 volts. In a preferred embodiment, the voltage is in a range of between about 3 volts and about 9 voits. The eiectrochsmical circuit remains open for a predetermined period of time, for example, in a range of bet^veen about 3 minutes and about 20 minutes. Preferably, the electrical current passing through the electrochemical circuit does not exceed about 30 milliamps (mA). Preferably, transmitting electrical current to the teeth so as to activate and reduce the oxidizing agent for effecting the whitening of the teeth, is done for the electrical current in a range of between about 0.001 milliamp (mA) and about 30 milliamps (mA), and more preferably, in a range of between about 5 milliamp (mA) and about 15 milliamps (mA). Preferably, transmitting the electrical current is done by using a rechargeable battery, or alternatively, by using a disposable battery embedded into the electrochemical teeth whitening device which is used for applying the oxidizing agent.
Additional objects, advantages, and novel features of the present invention will become apparent to one ordinarily skilled in the art upon examination of the following example, which is not intended to be limiting. Additionally, each of the various embodiments and aspects of the present invention as delineated hereinabove and as claimed in the claims section below finds experimental support in the following example.
Reference is now made to the following example, which together with the above description, illustrate the invention in a non-limiting fashion.
Electrochemically Whitening Teeth This is an example of implementing the hereinabove illustratively described invention of electrochemically whitening teeth.
Fresh extracted human teeth were washed with tooth paste for decontamination prior to use. The teeth were divided into three groups, i.e.. Groups A, B, and C. Each

group of teeth was immersed in 19% (weight/weight) hydrogen peroxide gel for 15 minutes as follows;
cleaning with tooth paste.
rinse with deionized water.
tooth color determination.
with or without pretreatment (see groups).
deionized water.
15 minutes treatment with 19 % (weight/weight) hydrogen peroxide gel.
rinse with deionized water.
tooth color determination
Group A Control (n = 7 samples): without pretreatment. Teeth immersed for 15 minutes in 19 % hydrogen peroxide gel. no electrical current.
Group B (n = 7 samples): with pretreatment, with electrical current. Teeth immersed for 15 minutes in 19 % hydrogen peroxide.
Group C (n = 7 samples): no pretreatment, with electrical current. Teeth immersed for 15 minutes in 19 % hydrogen peroxide.
• Pretreatment = immersion of the tooth in a metal salt solution for 30 - 60 seconds.
• Hydrogen per-oxide = hydrogen per oxide Chemically Pure grade, 35% (from Finkelman Ltd,).
A = delta or change in tooth color, corresponding to tooth color after the treatment - tooth color before the treatment.
Tooth color was determined using value-orientated tooth shade guide tabs (Vita, Zahnfabrik, Germany). The shade tabs were arranged in a sequence suggested by the manufacturer and each shade tab was assigned a numerical value range from 1 to 16 (Bl, Al, B2, . . ., etc. ). For determining tooth color, the tooth specimens were placed on a black background.

Teeth from Group B exhibited the largest average change, i.e., 6.4, in tooth color following application of the teeth whitening procedure. Teeth from (control) Groups A and C exhibited significantly lower average changes, i.e., 2.4, and 1.9, respectively, in tooth color, under the respective indicated experimental control conditions.

The present invention, as illustratively described and exemplified hereinabove, has several beneficial and advantageous aspects, characteristics, and features, which are based on or/and a consequence of, the above illustratively described main aspects of novelty and inventiveness.
Implementation of the present invention provides excellent control of safely applying, delivering, or dispensing, of a teeth whitening oxidizing agent to teeth, and involves minimal exposure of non-tooth imra-oral cavity components, e.g., gum and tissue exterior surfaces, to the oxidizing agents.
The present invention is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, and is simple, safe, and inexpensive, to implement either by a dental health provider alongside a subject to be treated in a dental health office, or by a subject itself outside of a dental health office, and is commercially applicable.
Accordingly, based upon the above indicated aspects of novelty and inventiveness, and, beneficial and advantageous aspects, characteristics, and features, the present invention successfully addresses and overcomes shortcomings and limitations, and widens the scope, of presently known techniques fOr treating whitening teeth.
It is appreciated that certain aspects and characteristics of the invention, which are, for clarity, described in the context of separate embodiments, may also be provided in combination in a single embodiment. Conversely, various aspects and characteristics of the invention, which are, for brevity, described in the context of a single embodiment, may also be provided separately or in any suitable sub-combination.
While the invention has been described in conjunction with specific embodiments and examples thereof it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variations will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications and variations that fall within the scope of the appended claims.

1. A method for electrochemically whitening teeth, the method comprising:
i) applying a transition metal salt solution to the teeth;
ii) applying an oxidizing agent to the teeth exposed to said metal salt solution; and
iii) transmining electrical current to said oxidizing agent so as to activate and reduce it;
wherein the exposure of non-tooth intra-oral tissues to said activating solution and to said oxidizing agent is limited, and wherein said electrical current is applied only to oral cavity.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said metal salt solution is selected from the group consisting of silver nitrate solution, palladium hydroxide solution, palladium chloride solution, titanium chloride solution, and copper chloride solution,
3. The method of claim 1, further comprising rinsing the teeth with distilled water following said applying said metal salt solution.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein said applying a metal salt solution is done using a pre-treatment tray, preventing leakage of said metal salt solution into mouth.
5. The method of claim 1, wherein said oxidizing agent is applied by means of a dental tray provided with a sealing lip, limiting leakage of said agent into mouth.
6. The method of claim 5, wherein said dental tray for applying said oxidizing agent is also used as a pre-treatment tray according to claim 4 for applying said metal solution.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein said applying said oxidizing agent includes applying a teeth whitening agent.
8. The method of claim 1, wherein said oxidizing agent includes hydrogen peroxide.

9. The method of claim 1, wherein said oxidizing agent is selected from the group
consisting of a whitening solution, a whitening gel, a solution comprising carbamide peroxide, a gel comprising carbamide peroxide, a solution comprising sodium perborate, and a gel comprising sodium perborate.
10. The method of claim 1, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 0.001 volt and about 12 volts.
11. The method of claim 1, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 3 volts and about 9 volts.
12. The method of claim 1, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 0.001 milliampers (mA) and about 30 milliampers (mA).
13. The method of claim 1, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 5 mA and about 15 (mA.
14. The method of claim 1, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done by a rechargeable battery.
15. The method of claim I, wherein said transmitting electrical current is done by a disposable battery embedded into a device for applying said oxidizing agent.
16. A device for electrochemically whitening teeth according to the method of claim 1, the device comprising:
an applicator suitable for applying a) an activating substance, and/or b) an oxidizing substance to the teeth, said applicator having the shape of a dental tray, having a first end and a second end;
a first electrode attached to said first end of said applicator;

a second electrode attached to said second end of said applicator, wherein said first electrode and said second electrode are configured to transmit electrical current through said applicator; and
a sealing lip for limiting the exposure of non-tooth intra-oral tissues to said activating and/or oxidizing agent, wherein said oxidizing agent undergoes activation and reduction upon transmission of said electrical current through it, thereby effecting the whitening of the teeth.
17. The device of claim 16, wherein said oxidizing agent is a teeth whitening agent.
18. The device of claim 16, wherein said oxidizing agent includes hydrogen peroxide.
19. The device of claim 16, wherein said oxidizing agent is selected from the group consisting of a whitening solution, a whitening gel, a solution comprising carbamide peroxide, a gel comprising carbamide peroxide, a solution comprising sodium perborate, and a gel comprising sodium perborate.
20. The device of claim 16, wherein said first end is aback curved wall.
21. The device of claim 16, wherein said first electrode is a flat metal strip.
22. The device of claim 16, wherein said second end is a front wall.
23. The device of claim 16, wherein said second electrode further comprises a spring mechanism.
24. The device of claim 16, further comprising a power supply.
25. The device of claim 24, wherein said power supply is an external power source.
26. The device of claim 24, wherein said power supply is a rechargeable battery,

27. The device of claim 24, wherein said power supply is a disposable battery
embedded within said applicator.
28. The device of claim 16, wherein said transmission of said electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 0,001 volt and about 12 volts.
29. The device of claim !6, wherein said transmission of said electrical current is done at a voltage in a range of between about 3 volts and about 9 volts.
30. The device of claim 16, wherein said transmission of said elsctricat current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 0,001 milliamp (mA) and about 30 milliamps (mA).
31 The device of claim 16, wherein said transmission of said electrical current is done for said electrical current in a range of between about 5 milliamp (mA) and about 15 milliamps (mA).
32. The device of claim 16, wherein said sealing lip has a zig-zag shape or contour.


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7166-CHENP-2008 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 30-01-2014.pdf

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Patent Number 261173
Indian Patent Application Number 7166/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 24/2014
Publication Date 13-Jun-2014
Grant Date 09-Jun-2014
Date of Filing 26-Dec-2008
Applicant Address P.O. BOX 43, INDUSTRY ZONE, 20692 YOKNEAM ILIT,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K8/22
PCT International Application Number PCT/IL07/00811
PCT International Filing date 2007-07-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/476,787 2006-06-29 U.S.A.