Title of Invention


Abstract A carton for containing a plurality of articles, such as yoghurt pots, the carton including a plurality of main panels (428, 416, 429, 430) for forming the carton top, side and bottom walls. The carton further comprises a shaped panel (418) formed from at least one (416) of the carton walls. The shaped panel (418) is defined in part by a first aperture (420) struck from the one carton wall (416) and in part by an end edge (426) of the one carton wall.
Full Text Background of the Invention
The present invention relates to a carton for containing a plurality of articles and in
particular to a carton which is provided with a shaped panel to increase the
advertising effect of the carton.
It is known to provide carton having apertures shaped to accommodate the articles
they are intended to contain, GB 2346602 to Grimes and GB 1481559 to Von Nell
and Jaekel are examples of this.
Cartons for packaging multiple articles, such as beverage or food containers are often
formed from high-grade paperboard and have graphic printable surfaces, which are
necessary for providing cartons with advertising printed on the carton. When using
cartons constructed from a minimum amount of material the surface area available
for printing such graphics may be reduced. Similarly, if low-grade paperboard
material is used to construct a carton, the outer surfaces of the carton may not be
printable with graphic or the quality may be poor. It is therefore desirable to provide
a carton having other means of incorporating advertising and marketing material.
Summary of the Invention
According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a carton for
containing a plurality of articles, such as yoghurt pots, the carton comprising a
plurality of main panels for forming the carton top, side and bottom walls, the carton
further comprising a shaped panel struck from at least one of said carton walls, the
shaped panel being defined in part by a first aperture struck from the one carton wall
and in part by an end edge of the one carton wall wherein the shaped panel provides
means for enhancing the visual impact of the carton upon an observer.
Preferably, the first aperture is struck entirely from a side wall of the carton and is
defined in part by a substantially vertical straight edge extending between the top
wall and the bottom wall, which substantially vertical straight edge provides a frame
of reference against which a user can discern the shaped panel.
Preferably, the end edge of the one carton wall is contoured to define a first edge of
the shaped panel.

Preferably, first aperture is defined in part by a contoured edge which defines a
second edge of the shaped panel.
Preferably, the shaped panel is shaped similarly to an outline of an article to be
contained within the carton to emulate a feature of that article on said one carton
Preferably, the shaped panel contains/displays a graphical representation of an object
and at least part of an outline of the object is defined by one or both of the first
aperture and the cut line.
Preferably, the first aperture and said end edge are spaced from each other and do not
intersect such that the shaped panel remains integral with said one wall.
Preferably, the shaped panel is shaped to enhance the visual impact upon the
observer of a message to be displayed upon the carton.
Preferably, the message to be displayed may be indicative of a quality of the contents
of the carton said quality for example being a health benefit provided by the contents.
Preferably, the shaped panel is shaped to enhance a trademark or trade name
displayed upon the carton.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Five exemplary embodiments of the invention will now be described, by way of
example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which;
Figure 1 shows a side panel of a carton which is provided with a shaped panel
according to a first embodiment of the invention;
Figure 2 shows a side panel of a carton which is provided with a shaped panel
according to a second embodiment of the invention;
Figure 3 shows a side panel of a carton which is provided with a shaped panel
according to a third embodiment of the invention;

Figure 4 shows a side panel of a carton which is provided with a shaped panel
according to a fourth embodiment of the invention;
Figure 5 shows a side panel of a carton which is provided with a shaped panel
according to a fourth embodiment of the invention;
Figure 6 shows a perspective view of the carton of Figure 5 loaded with articles;
Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
A first embodiment of the present invention is illustrated Figure 1. Figure 1
illustrates a panel 10 which may form a main panel of a carton, such as a side panel
of a wraparound carton. Figure 6 illustrates a wraparound carton 450 comprising the
main panel 10 of the fifth embodiment shown in Figure 5, the main panel 10 forms
the side panel of the wraparound carton 450. The main panel 10 is vertically elongate
as viewed in Figure. 1 and is formed of paperboard or other foldable sheet material
such as a plastic sheet or the like. In the embodiments shown in figures 1-6 the main
panel 10 is designed to form part of a carton 450 for packaging articles such as pots
of foodstuff (e.g., yoghurt; pudding; processed fruits, vegetables or meet; etc.),
beverage containers (e.g., cans, bottles, bricks, cups, glasses, etc.), wrapped or
packaged dried leaves (e.g., tea bags, cigars, cigarettes, etc.), wrapped candies or the
Figure 6 shows a carton 450 containing sixteen articles C which are arranged in two
tiers each tier comprising a 2x4 array of 8 yoghurt pots. It is however envisaged that
other articles and/or different numbers of articles in different arrangements may be
contained within the carton 450 and that the blank may therefore be sized
accordingly. Furthermore, the wraparound carton 450 is shown by way of example
only to illustrate the type of carton in which the main panels 10, 110, 210, 310, 410
of the illustrated embodiments may be incorporated.
The main panel 10 will now be described in detail with specific reference to Figure
1. The other embodiments of the present invention, illustrated in Figures 2-6, each
contain similar features to those of the first embodiment. Such features are depicted
by similar reference numerals in the figures, but for ease of understanding the

reference numerals in subsequent embodiments have been raised by a factor of 100,
200, 300 or 400.
Main panel 10 may form a complete carton wall or may only form part of a
composite carton wall, when incorporated in a set up carton (such as that shown in
Figure 6). Main panel 10 comprises an upper edge 28 and a lower edge 30. It is
envisaged that in setup carton the upper and lower edges 28, 30 may be defined by a
hinged connection between the main panel 10 and a top wall and a bottom wall of the
carton respectively such that the main panel 10 provides a side wall of the carton.
This is illustrated in Figure 6 where main panel 410, shown in Figure 5, forms a side
wall of a wraparound carton 450 and the main panel 410 is hingedly connected
between a top wall 428 and a bottom wall 430. The other side wall 429 of the carton
450 hingedly connected between the top and bottom walls 428, 430. As a result, the
walls 410, 428, 429, 430 form the carton 450 of a tubular structure.
Returning to the main panel 10 of Figure 1, a shaped panel 18 is formed from the
main panel 10, the remainder of which panel is denoted as a graphic portion 16. In
Figure 1, it can be seen that the shaped panel 18 is formed from the main panel 10,
and the outline of the shaped panel 18 is defined in part by an aperture 20 and in part
by an end edge 26 of the main panel 10. The other opposed end edge of the main
panel 10 is designated by reference numeral "27". The graphic portion of the main
panel 10 is defined between the aperture 20 and the other end edge 27 of the main
panel 10. The first aperture 20 comprises a substantially vertical straight edge 22
which extends along a notional line between the top side edge 28 of the graphic
portion 16 and the bottom side edge 30. This vertical straight edge 22 serves to
define a frame of reference against which an observer can distinguish the shape of
the shaped panel 18.
The first aperture 20 is also defined by a first contoured edge 24, which edge 24 also
defines an edge of the shaped panel 18. In this embodiment the shaped panel 18 has
an outline shape which represents a cartoon character's head, such as a monkey or
dinosaur. The shaped panel 18 is further defined by a second contoured edge
provided by the end edge 26, which edge 26 is also shaped to depict a portion of the

character's head. The shaped panel 18 remains integral with the graphic portion 16 by
the spacing and separation between the cut edge 26 and the aperture 20.
It can be seen by referring to Figures 1 -6 that the shaped panel is formed solely from
one panel forming part of the carton. In the embodiments shown this is the side wall,
however in alternative embodiments this may be the top, bottom or end panel.
Turning now to Figure 2, 4, 5 and 6 it can be seen that the end edge 126, 326, 426
and the aperture 120, 320, 420 both extend substantially between the top and the
bottom walls of a setup carton.
In Figure 3 it can be appreciated that the contoured edge 244 defines an edge of a
second aperture 240 struck form the main panel 210.
Figure 4 shows that the end edge 326 and the aperture 320 in combination define a
shaped panel shaped to represent a downwardly pointing arrow. The shaped panel 18
is formed having a symmetrical shape.
It will further be appreciated that removal of portion of the main panel 10 to define
the shaped panel 18 has the effect of exposing to view at least part of the contents of
the carton 450. The location of the aperture and the contoured end edges may be
selected so as to expose a specific portion of the carton contents so as to cooperate
with the message enhancing quality of the shaped panel 18.
The shaped panel 18 forms a shaped panel which may serve to enhance the visual
impact of the carton upon a potential purchaser. The shaped panel may highlight or
enhance or otherwise represent a message which it is desired to be conveyed to the
purchaser. For example the message may be that the contents of the package have
some health benefit such as weight control, cholesterol reduction, immune system
enhancement or intestinal health benefit. Such a message may be printed on or
otherwise carried by one or more of the articles to be packaged in the carton of the
invention or by the graphic portion or other portion (including the top, bottom and
side walls) of the carton of the invention. Alternatively the shaped panel may be
shaped to enhance a trademark, trade name or a cartoon image to be printed or
otherwise displayed on one or more of the articles or on the graphic portion or other
portion of the carton.

It will be appreciated that any of the embodiments shown in Figures 1-5 may form
part of a carton as shown in Figure 6. Turning to the construction of the carton 450
from a blank (not shown), a series of sequential folding and gluing operations are
required, which preferably can be performed in a straight line machine, so that the
carton 450 and/or blank are not required to be rotated or inverted to complete the
construction. The folding process is not limited to that described below and can be
altered according to particular manufacturing requirements. It is envisaged that the
carton 450 will be formed around a group of articles C. However in cartons other
than the wraparound carton 450 shown in Figure 6 the carton may be formed into a
tubular structure prior to loading of the articles C.
In other embodiments of the invention it is envisaged that other articles may be
contained within the carton and that the invention is not limited to a carton, or a
blank for forming a carton, for containing yoghurt pots arranged in two tiers or 2x4
arrays. Accordingly alterations may be made to accommodate other articles.
It can be appreciated that various changes may be made without departing from the
scope of the present invention, for example, the size and shape of the panels may be
adjusted to accommodate articles of differing size or shape. The shaped panel may be
shaped according to a variety of user requirements. Other variations may also be
made within the scope of the invention.
It will be recognised that as used herein, directional references such as "top",
"bottom", "front", "back", "end", "side", "inner", "outer", "upper" and "lower" do not
limit the respective panels to such orientation, but merely serve to distinguish these
panels from one another. Any reference to hinged connection should not be
construed as necessarily referring to a single fold line only; indeed it is envisaged
that hinged connection can be formed from one or more of the following, a score
line, a frangible line or a fold line without departing from the scope of the invention.

WE Claim
1. A carton for containing a plurality of articles, such as pots of foodstuff, the
carton comprising a plurality of main panels for forming the carton top, side and bottom
walls, the carton further comprising a shaped panel formed from one of said carton walls
having first and second opposed end edges, the shaped panel being disposed between said
first end edge of said one carton wall and a first aperture struck at least in part from said
one carton wall, said shaped panel being defined in part by said first end edge and in part by
said first aperture, both said first end edge and said first aperture are contoured such that the
shape of said shaped panel represents visual information associated with said articles.
2. A carton according to claim 1 wherein said articles carries printed
information associated with said articles, and said visual information represented by the
shape of said shaped panel includes at least a part of said printed information.
3. A carton according to claim 1 wherein one or more of said main panels
carry printed information associated with said articles, and said visual information
represented by the shape of said shaped panel includes at least a part of said printed
4. A carton according to claim 1 wherein said first aperture is defined in part
by a substantially straight edge and in part by a contoured edge for defining said shaped
panel, said contoured edge of said first aperture being positioned across said first aperture
from said straight edge.
5. A carton according to claim 4 wherein said one carton wall comprises a
graphic portion defined between said straight edge of said first aperture and said second end
edge of said one carton wall.
6. A carton according to claim 5 wherein said graphic portion carries printed
information associated with said articles, and said first end edge and said contoured edge
are configured such that said visual information represented by said shaped panel includes
at least a part of said printed information.

7. A carton according to claim 4 wherein said second end edge of said one
carton wall is substantially straight, and said straight edge of said first aperture is disposed
substantially parallel to said second end edge,
8. A carton according to claim 4 wherein said main panels include a pair of
opposed carton walls hingedly connected respectively to opposed side edges of said one
carton wall, and said straight edge of said first aperture is disposed substantially
perpendicularly to said side edges of said one carton wall.
9. A carton according to claim 4 wherein said first aperture is struck solely
from said one carton wall such that said shaped panel is continuous with said graphic
portion through part of said one carton wall.
10. A carton according to claim 4 wherein said first aperture extends entirely
across said one carton wall such that said contoured edge of said first aperture extends
between opposed side edges of said one carton wall extending between said first and
second end edges of said one carton wall.
11. A carton according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the shaped
panel is shaped similarly to an outline of one of said articles.
12. A carton according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the shape of
said shaped panel represents an object.
13. A carton according to any one of the preceding claims wherein the first
aperture and said first end edge.
14. A blank for forming the carton according to any one of the preceding

A carton for containing a plurality of articles, such as yoghurt pots, the carton
including a plurality of main panels (428, 416, 429, 430) for forming the carton top, side
and bottom walls. The carton further comprises a shaped panel (418) formed from at least
one (416) of the carton walls. The shaped panel (418) is defined in part by a first aperture
(420) struck from the one carton wall (416) and in part by an end edge (426) of the one
carton wall.




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4236-KOLNP-2007-(22-03-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf


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4236-KOLNP-2007-(22-03-2013)-PETITION UNDERULR 137.pdf


4236-KOLNP-2007-FORM 1-1.1.pdf

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4236-KOLNP-2007-FORM 5-1.1.pdf



Patent Number 261174
Indian Patent Application Number 4236/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 24/2014
Publication Date 13-Jun-2014
Grant Date 09-Jun-2014
Date of Filing 05-Nov-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65D 71/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/015335
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0508024.7 2005-04-21 U.K.