Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT The instant invention relates to geometric construction device in particularly relates to geometric construction device to enable visually challenged individuals to construct geometric objects accurately and in a manner that can be equally understood by able individuals. Figure 2
The instant invention relates to geometric construction device (100), in particularly relates to geometric construction device for visually impaired.
The demand of non-textual ability of documentation is quite in high school and technical education. It is quiet difficult for visually challenged individuals to construct geometric objects accurately and in a manner that can be equally understood by able individuals. Though there exist tools which facilitate to visually impaired to construct geometric applications. But most products do not address the minimal user requirements they are mostly technology demonstrators. Cost of the available solutions is high. The same device is not suitable for creating as well as reading the graphics as it happens; thus they are non intuitive. More technically accessible solutions are basically translators; they make ordinary graphic prints tactile perceptible. Geometric forms are template based; hence only limited number of size and forms are available.
Thus, identification of appropriate technology to ensure functionality with robustness, portability and affordability in developing the geometric construction device for visually impaired plays a crucial role.
Textual methods like the Braille are inherently accurate. Graphics like sketches are not inherently accurate. Architecture and engineering drawings require accurate geometric constructions, basics of which start in high school geometry and graph plotting.
To be useful in India and similar nations where the incidence of the target user is high and they typically live with unfavourable economic conditions, the device has to be easily affordable to own, use and maintain.
Higher education is not specialized in terms of instruction or evaluation for the visually impaired; the device should be compatible with the existing system of education and easily adaptable by the visually impaired.

In higher education a geometry box is a necessary personal accessory every day. In technical education, a drawing board and a drafter serve the same role. Easy access to the device can be ensured through its portability.
Therefore it is very important to develop a device which meets the aforementioned requirements and limitations in developing geometric applications such as line, circle, angle and other related activities.
The primary object of the present invention is to enable visually challenged individuals to
construct geometric objects accurately and in a manner that can be equally understood by
able individuals.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide the device that has to be easily
affordable to own, use and maintain.
Still another object of the present invention is to develop the device that should be
compatible with the existing system of education and easily adaptable by the visually
Still another object of the present invention is to make the device portable so that easy
access to the device can be ensured.
Accordingly, the present invention provides a geometric construction device (100) for visually impaired, said device comprises drawing board (1), a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined locations hinged at proximal edge of the board (1), and a magnetic latch (6) equipped undemeath of the scale (2); or mechanical latches (8) equipped at the ends of the scale; drawing medium (3) is mounted on the board (1) and is covered with a layer of rubber; and scriber (4) and magnifiers (5) being adopted to create impression and fraction measurements respectively on the medium (3), also provides for A method of operating a geometric construction device, said method comprising steps of mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1); pressing preformed shape of scriber (4) on the medium (3) to create local deformation; moving the pressed scriber (4) to obtain local fold with the locally deformed medium (3); and riding the moved scriber

(4) over the fold to produce series of protrusion trail and also provides for a method of assembling geometric construction device, said device comprises acts of; mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1) and pressing the medium (3) to fix with magnetic latch (6) or mechanical latch (8) fixing a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined locations at proximal edge of the board (1); and fixing a magnifier (5) to the scale (2) and positioning predetermined geometrical instruments over the board (1) to obtain geometric construction device.
The features described in this disclosure are set forth with particularity in the appended claims. These features and attendant advantages will become apparent from consideration of the following detailed description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. One or more embodiments are now described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein like reference numerals represent like elements and in which:
Figure 1 diagrammatically illustrates construction of straight line. Figure 2 shows geometric construction device with geometric instruments. Figure 3 diagrammatically illustrates operating of geometrical construction device. Figure 4 shows linear and angular tactile magnifiers.
The primary embodiment of the present invention is a geometric construction device (100) for visually impaired, said device comprises drawing board (1), a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined locations hinged at proximal edge of the board (1), and a magnetic latch (6) equipped underneath of the scale (2); or mechanical latches (8) equipped at the ends of the scale (2); drawing medium (3) is mounted on the board (1) and is covered with a layer of rubber; and scriber (4) and magnifiers (5) being adopted to create impression and fraction measurements respectively on the medium (3).
In yet another embodiment of the present invention the drawing board (1) is configured by laminating a wooden board with sheet of rubber.

In still another embodiment of the present invention the portion of the board (1) below the scale (2) is bare wood and said portion has predetermined number of protruding pins at suitable location.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the scale (2) has raised linear markings at each centimeter with enhanced markings at each fifth and tenth centimeter.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the scale (2) has a hole at each centimeter-marking.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the drawing medium (3) is a Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheet.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the scriber (4) is cylindrical in form and edge of the cylindrical end is oriented perpendicular to direction of movement of the scriber (4).
In still another embodiment of the present invention the magnifier (5) comprise stack of ten strips of predetermined thickness preferably 1mm and successive strips differing in predetermined length preferably by 5mm.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the strips are mounted on a pin attached to a base of the magnifier (5) to allow each strip to rotate by predetermined angle preferably 90 degree.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the strip in the magnifier (5) is flipped on the scale (2) to mark a point at every millimeter.
In still another embodiment of the present invention a method of marking a point using the device comprises acts of fixing a drawing pin at a predetermined x-value on the hinged scale (2); sliding horizontal edge of moving scale (7) on the hinged scale (2) till it stops at marker pin; locating y-coordinate on the vertical edge of the moving scale (7)

using the magnifier (5); and removing the x-marker and positioning it at the identified location on the vertical edge to mark a point.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the moving scale (7) is either a set-square or a tri-square.
In still another embodiment of the present invention a method of constructing an angle using the device comprises acts of marking plurality of points on reference line wherein one at desired vertex of the angle and other anywhere on the reference line; locating notch in protractor at the first marker pin by trial and thereafter aligning straight edge of the protractor along the reference line by rotating the protractor about the notch pin till it stops at other marker; placing another marker at the desired angular location obtained by counting ten degree ridges and strips on the magnifier (5); and removing the protractor and constructing a line through vertex marker and the new marker to construct the marker.
Another important embodiment of the present invention is a method of operating a geometric construction device, said method comprising acts of mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1); pressing preformed shape of scriber (4) on the medium (3) to create local deformation; moving the pressed scriber (4) to obtain local fold with the locally deformed medium (3); and riding the moved scriber (4) over the fold to produce series of protrusion trail.
Another important embodiment of the present invention is a method of assembling geometric construction device, said device comprises acts of mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1) and pressing the medium (3) to fix with magnetic latch (6) or mechanical latch (8); fixing a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined locations at proximal edge of the board (1); and fixing a magnifier (5) to the scale (2) and positioning predetermined geometrical instruments over the board (1) to obtain geometric construction device.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the drawing medium (3) is an LDPE sheet of predetermined thickness and the sheet is laid on the board (1) and on the region

under the scale (2) before flipping the scale (2) and pressing it to fix it with the magnetic latch (6). or mechanical latch (8).
In still another embodiment of the present invention the pair of locator pins under the tactile magnifier (5) is fixed with a pair of holes on the scale (2).
In still another embodiment of the present invention the geometrical instruments are selected from a group comprising compass, protractor, board pins, clips and other related instruments.
In still another embodiment of the present invention the protractor has raised line angle locators at every 10 degree locations and preformed notch at the middle of the straight edge of the protractor.
The device as diagrammatically illustrated in figure 1 includes a drawing board (1), drawing media and drawing instruments.
The board (1) is made of laminating a normal wooden board with a sheet of hard rubber. At the proximal edge of the device there is a scale (2) hinged at the edge. The portion of the board (1) below the scale (2) is bare wood. This portion has two protruding pins on the right side and a single protruding pin on the left side. These are locator pins. The underside of the scale (2) is also equipped with a magnetic latch (6) and mechanical latches (8) equipped at the ends of the scale (2). Both the latches (6 and 8) are not shown in figure. The magnetic latch (6) automatically creates a set of tactile impressions on the sheet (3) for identification of the orientation of the page removed from the device. These impressions can later be used as calibration marks for accurately placing the paper on another board (1) of same specification. The scale (2) has holes at matching locations to fit the locator pins when the scale (2) is flipped at the hinge.
The scale (2) has raised linear markings at each centimeter with enhanced markings at each fifth and tenth centimeter. At each centimeter-marking there is also a hole; the pair of locator pins under the tactile magnifier (5) is fixed with a pair of holes on the scale (2).

A strip in the magnifier (5) is flipped on the scale (2) to mark a point at every millimeter. This gives the x-coordinate of a point on the board (1).
The drawing medium is an LDPE sheet (3) of required thickness. This sheet (3) is laid on the board (1) and on the region under the scale (2) before flipping the scale (2) and pressing it to fix it with the magnetic latch (6). This action produces marks on the sheet (3) at the locations of the locator pins. These marks are tactually perceptible and are made for identification of the front side of the sheet (3) and for positioning it properly on the at a later time. The other edges of the sheet (3) are secured with the board (1) using conventional drawing clips.
The scriber (4) is for creating impression on the sheet (3). The scriber (4) is not pointed. It is cylindrical in form and is hard metallic. The edge of the cylindrical end is oriented perpendicularly to the direction of movement of the scriber (4) when it is used in the normal way of using a pencil.
The sheet (3) is made of LDPE and is mounted on the board (1) covered with a thin layer of hard rubber. Thus the sheet (3) maintains its flat shape when pressed with any soft object such as hand.
When the properly designed scriber (4) is pressed on the sheet (3), due to the rubber below it, it gets depressed locally (without getting cut). But when the scriber (4) starts moving, it drags the depressed portion of the sheet (3) with itself. This creates a small local fold with the locally deformed LDPE sheet (3). When the scriber (4) moves further, it goes past the fold. The residual plastic deformation on the locally stressed and expanded region projects out of the surface as a minute protrusion. As the scriber (4) moves over the sheet (3) a series of such protrusions are generated in its trail which are tactually perceptible. The above description is diagrammatically illustrated in figure 3.
Proper thickness of the sheet (3) is important; if it is too thin, it would cut destroying the integrity; if it is too thick, depressing force of writing may not be sufficient to bring about enough plastic deformation to produce the protrusion trail for tactile perception by the visually impaired. Similar protrusions are also produced when local deformation and

stress produced by the scriber (4) causes a series of small tears in the trail. Actual mechanics of the generation of tangible protrusion trail may vary.
As described above, the sheet (3) and scribe design combination produces positive impression through micro-serration when the scriber (4) moves on the sheet (3) placed over a hard rubber base. Design of the scribe is simple and the sheet (3) is low-cost and easily available.
The scriber (4) can also be used for creating free-hand sketches on the special sheet (3). The simple design and down-to-earth technology has the potential of manufacturability without specialization; together with the use of easily available materials, the device will be inexpensive and portable.
There are many possible methods of marking a point on the board (1). The y-coordinate of a point can be identified by using a set-square or a tri-square (moving scale (7)). In either case, first a drawing pin is fixed at the desired x-value on the hinged scale (2). The horizontal edge of the moving scale (7) is slid on the hinged scale (2) till it stops at the marker pin. The y-coordinate is located on the vertical edge of the moving scale (7) using the tactile magnifier (5) as before. Holding the moving scale (7) in position the x-marker is removed and positioned at the location identified on the vertical edge which gives a marker at (x, y).
The stylus or scriber (4) consists of a pencil like object with the scribing end right cylindrical and not pointed. When two markers are placed on the board (1), a straight line between them is constructed by placing a straight edge against them (as shown in the figure 1) and moving the scriber (4), while applying pressure downwards, using the straight as the guide and the marking pins as the delimiters.
The protractor is similar to conventional protractor adopted for the usage by the visually impaired. It has raised line angle locators at every lO"^ degree locations. These markers are raised enough to work as a receptacle for the tactile angular magnifier (5) which enables marking of every degree on the protractor. There is a small notch at the middle of the straight edge of the protractor.

The compass is similar to the divider in a conventional geometry kit. The pointed ends may be modified to better result but is not essential.
The paragraph above describes the method of constructing a straight line between two given points. All geometric constructions involve drawing this and arcs and angles. Drawing an angle is drawing a line with respect to another line. This is done by first marking two points on the reference line: one at the desired vertex of the angle and the other anywhere on the reference line but not fiirther than the radius of the protractor. The notch in the protractor is located at the first marker pin by trial and then the straight edge of the protractor is easily aligned along the reference line by rotating it carefully about the notch-pin till it stops at the other marker. A third marker is placed at the desired angular location obtained by counting the 10° ridges and the strips on the magnifier (5). Then the protractor is removed and a line is constructed through the vertex marker and the new marker. This construction gives a desired angle.
Construction of circle involves, first setting the distance between two legs of the compass to the radius of the circle. This is done by first marking two points at desired distance as in the case of straight line. Then the tips of the two legs of the compass are positioned at the locations of the markers by tactual trial. The same or better result can be obtained by using the two pointed legs of the compass (divider) themselves as markers. The screw in the compass prevents inadvertent change of the gap. The one leg of the compass is then placed (pricked) at the desired center location and the other tip is used for tracing the circle or arc.
Intersection points between circles and lines can be identified by tactually tracing the relevant curves with the fingers of the two hands. Placing marker pins or compass legs at these points, advanced construction procedures such as drawing lines or circles through intersection points. Bisection of angles, dividing a line into equal segments, construction of perpendicular bisector of a line segment etc. requires the canonical drawings through intersection points.

Now referring to figure 4, the tactile magnifier (5) is basically an indirect method of measuring a distance. It includes a stack of 10 strips of 1mm thick, successive strips differing in length by 5 mm. The strips are mounted on a pin attached to a base which allows each strip to rotate by 90°. The base itself can be attached using the two pegs under it to the main scale (2) which has holes of matching sizes. Successive positions of the magnifier (5) on the main scale (2) shifts it my 10mm and flipping a strip on the magnifier (5) gives the combination a least count of 1mm. Although the average two-point tactile sensitivity of fingertip is over 2mm, identifying a strip using the 5mm length difference, the magnifier (5) enables the visually impaired to mark a point on the edge of the scale (2) at 1mm resolution. On similar principle, a magnifier (5) for \° angular resolution has been developed.

' We claim:
1. A geometric construction device (100) for visually impaired, said device comprises
i. drawing board (1) a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined
locations hinged at proximal edge of the board (1), and a magnetic latch (6) equipped underneath of the scale (2) or mechanical latches equipped at the ends of the scale (2);
ii. drawing medium (3) is mounted on the board (1) and is covered with a layer of rubber; and
iii. scriber (4) and magnifiers (5) being adopted to create impression and fraction measurements respectively on the medium (3).
2. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the drawing board (1) is configured by laminating a wooden board with sheet of rubber.
3. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the portion of the board (1) below the scale (2) is bare wood and said portion has predetermined number of protruding pins at suitable location.
4. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the scale (2) has raised linear markings at each centimeter with enhanced markings at each fifth and tenth centimeter.
5. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the scale (2) has a hole at each centimeter-marking.
6. The device as claimed in claims 1, wherein the drawing medium (3) is a Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheet.
7. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the scriber (4) is cylindrical in form and edge of the cylindrical end is oriented perpendicular to direction of movement of the scriber (4).

8. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the magnifier (5) comprise stack often strips of predetermined thickness preferably 1mm and successive strips differing in predetermined length preferably by 5mm.
9. The device as claimed in claim 8, wherein the strips are mounted on a pin attached to a base of the magnifier (5) to allow each strip to rotate by predetermined angle preferably 90 degree.
10. The device as claimed in claims 1 and 8, wherein the strip in the magnifier (5) is flipped on the scale (2) to mark a point at every millimeter.
11. A method of marking a point using the device as claimed in claim 1 comprises acts of
i. fixing a drawing pin at a predetermined x-value on the hinged scale (2);
ii. sliding horizontal edge of moving scale (7) on the hinged scale (2) till it
stops at marker pin; iii. locating y-coordinate on the vertical edge of the moving scale (7) using the
magnifier (5); and iv. removing the x-marker and positioning it at the identified location on the
vertical edge to mark a point.
12. The method as claimed in claim 11, wherein the moving scale (7) is either a set-square or a tri-square.
13. A method of constructing an angle using the device as claimed in claim 1 comprises acts of
i. marking plurality of points on reference line wherein one at desired vertex
of the angle and other anywhere on the reference line; ii. locating notch in protractor at the first marker pin by trial and thereafter
aligning straight edge of the protractor along the reference line by rotating
the protractor about the notch pin till it stops at other marker; iii. placing another marker at the desired angular location obtained by counting
ten degree ridges and strips on the magnifier (5); and

iv. removing the protractor and constructing a line through vertex marker and the new marker to construct the marker.
14. A method of operating a geometric construction device, said method comprising steps
i. mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1);
ii. pressing preformed shape of scriber (4) on the medium (3) to create local
deformation; iii. moving the pressed scriber (4) to obtain local fold with the locally deformed
medium (3); and iv. riding the moved scriber (4) over the fold to produce series of protrusion
15. A method of assembling geometric construction device, said device comprises acts
i. mounting a drawing medium (3) onto a drawing board (1) and pressing the
medium (3) to fix with magnetic latch (6) or mechanical latch ii. fixing a scale (2) having plurality of holes at predetermined locations at
proximal edge of the board (1); and iii. fixing a magnifier (5) to the scale (2) and positioning predetermined
geometrical instruments over the board (1) to obtain geometric construction
16. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein the drawing medium (3) is an LDPE sheet of predetermined thickness and the sheet is laid on the board (1) and on the region under the scale (2) before flipping the scale (2) and pressing it to fix it with the magnetic latch (6). or mechanical latch (8).
17. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein the pair of locator pins under the tactile magnifier (5) is fixed with a pair of holes on the scale (2).

18. The method as claimed in claim 15, wherein the geometrical instruments are selected
from a group comprising compass, protractor, board pins, clips and other related
19. The method as claimed in claim 18, wherein the protractor has raised line angle
locators at every 10* degree locations and preformed notch at the middle of the
straight edge of the protractor.
20. A geometric construction device, a method of operating a geometric construction
device and a method of assembling a geometric construction device is substantially as
herein above described with reference to the accompanying drawings.


2557-CHE-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 19-07-2012.pdf

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2557-CHE-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 23-09-2010.pdf

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2557-che-2008 abstract.pdf

2557-che-2008 claims.pdf

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2557-che-2008 description (complete).pdf

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Clear Version of Specification.pdf

Complete Specification.pdf


Form 13-Amendment in Specification.pdf

Marked up version of claims.pdf

Reply to FER.pdf

Patent Number 262786
Indian Patent Application Number 2557/CHE/2008
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 12-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 20-Oct-2008
Applicant Address BANGALORE - 560 012
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B43L9/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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