Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a process for preparing an alkoxylation catalyst comprising: reacting (I) a catalyst precursor selected from the group consisting of: (1) Catalyst A formed by reacting a reaction medium comprising an ethoxylated alcohol mixture comprising compounds having the general formula: R1-0-(C2H40)PH I wherein R1 is an organic radical containing from 1 to 30 carbon atoms, and p is an integer of from 1 to 30, an alkaline earth metal compound selected from the group consisting of calcium-containing compounds, strontium-containing compounds and mixtures thereof which is at least partially dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol mixture, an inorganic acid, and a metal alkoxide of a Lewis acidic metal, said reaction medium being optionally heated to a temperature and for a time sufficient to effect at least a partial exchange reaction between the alkoxide groups of said metal alkoxide, and the hydroxyl groups of said ethoxylated alcohol; and (2) Catalyst B formed by reacting an ethoxylated alcohol mixture comprising compounds having the Formula I, an alkaline earth metal compound selected from the group consisting of calcium-containing compounds, strontium- containing Compounds and mixtures thereof which is at least partially dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol mixture, and a carboxylic acid having from 4 to 15 carbon atoms, the mol ratio of alkaline earth metal compound to said carboxylic acid being from about 15:1 to 1:1 to produce an alkaline earth metal containing composition having titratable alkalinity, said alkaline earth metal containing composition being obtained under conditions to prevent loss of water, and adding an amount of an inorganic acid to neutralize at least 25% of said titratable alkalinity under conditions to prevent loss of water to produce a partially neutralized compound; with (II) propylene oxide under conditions to propoxylate at least a portion of said ethoxylated alcohol.
Full Text

The present invention relates to the preparation of an alkoxylation catalyst
and to a process of alkoxylation using the thus prepared catalyst.
Alkoxylated esters and compounds containing active hydrogen atoms
such as alcohols, find utility in a wide variety of products, e.g., surfactants.
Generally, an alkoxylation reaction involving a compound having an active
hydrogen is conducted by the condensation of an alkylene oxide using a suitable
catalyst. Because of the nature of the reaction, a mixture of product species is
obtained having a rather wide range of molecular weights.
U.S. Patent Nos. 4,775,653; 4,835,321; 4,754,075; 4,820,673; 5,220,077;
and 5,627,121, all of which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes,
disclose the use of a calcium-based catalyst in the alkoxylation of various
compounds such as alcohols and carboxylated compounds, e.g., esters.

According to a preferred aspect of the present invention, an alkoxylation
catalyst of improved activity is produced. Additionally, catalysts prepared
according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention exhibit greater
stability vis-a-vis settling of slurried catalyst particles. Further, alkoxylation
catalysts according to preferred embodiments of the present invention, block
unwanted growth of ethyoxlated alcohols in the catalyst which results in reduced
formation of high molecular weight ethylene oxide adducts in the resulting
products produced using the catalysts, and thereby reduces visual haze.
In accordance with a particularly preferred embodiment of the present
invention, an alkoxylation catalyst is prepared by reacting a catalyst precursor
comprising an ethoxylated alcohol and a dispersed alkaline earth metal
compound, with propylene oxide under conditions to propoxylate at least a
portion of the ethoxylated alcohol.
In another preferred aspect of the present invention there is provided a
process for alkoxylating compounds having active hydrogen atoms, e.g., alcohols
and carboxylated compound, e.g., esters, using a catalyst prepared in
accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

The catalysts of the present invention are based on the unexpected
finding that by subjecting certain prior art alkoxylation catalysts to propoxylation
conditions, surprising results with respect to catalyst activity and stability as well
as an improvement in the appearance of products produced using the catalyst,
are achieved. The prior art catalysts which are treated according to the process
of the present invention to produce the alkoxylation catalysts of the present
invention are referred to herein as "catalyst precursors."
Preparation of Catalyst A
One of the catalyst precursors, referred to herein as Catalyst A, is
disclosed in U.S. Patents 4,775,653 ('653 Patent) and 5,220,077 ('077 Patent).
As disclosed, in the '653 and '077 Patents, Catalyst A is prepared by admixing
and reacting an ethoxylated alcohol mixture containing an ethoxylated alcohol
having the general formula:
R1-0-(C2H40)pH I
wherein R1 is an organic radical containing from about 1 to about 30 carbon
atoms and p is an integer of from 1-30, an alkaline earth metal-containing
compound which is at least partially dispersible in the ethoxylated alcohol
mixture, an inorganic acid, and a metal alkoxide selected from compounds
having the formulas

wherein R2, R3, R4, and R5 are each a hydrocarbon radical containing from about
1 to about 30, preferably from about 8 to about 14, carbon atoms. In the process
of preparing Catalyst A, the alkaline earth metal compound and the ethoxylated
alcohol mixture are mixed prior to addition of the metal alkoxide, the mixture
being heated to a temperature and for a time sufficient to effect at least a partial
exchange reaction between the alkoxide groups of the metal alkoxide and the
hydroxyl groups of the ethoxylated alcohol.
The ethoxylated alcohols used can be prepared by methods well known in
the art for preparing ethylene oxide adducts of alcohols. The ethoxylated alcohol
mixture used in preparing Catalyst A typically contains free alcohol, the amount
and type of which will vary depending upon the source of the ethoxylated
alcohol. Generally speaking, the ethoxylated alcohol mixture will contain from
about 1 % to about 60% by weight free alcohol.
The alkaline earth metal compound used is one which is at least partially
dispersible in the ethoxylated alcohol. As used herein, the term "dispersible"
refers to a compound which solublizes or otherwise interacts with the ethoxylated
alcohol in such a manner that it becomes a new species of alkaline earth metal
compound. It is to be understood, however, that inasmuch as the mechanism is
not completely understood, the term "dispersible" or "soluble" is not intended to
be limited to the formation of a truly dissolved alkaline earth metal species as

would be commonly understood in the case of ordinary solublization. While
compounds such as calcium and strontium hydride, calcium and strontium
acetate, calcium and strontium oxalate, etc. may be used, it is preferred that the
alkaline earth metal compound be calcium or strontium oxide, calcium or
strontium hydroxide, calcium or strontium hydride or a mixture thereof.
The inorganic acids useful include the acids themselves as well as "acid
salts". Thus, non-limiting examples of inorganic acids include sulphuric acid,
hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid,
ammonium biflouride, ammonium sulfate, etc. Particularly preferred are the oxy
acids, such as sulphuric acid.
In preparing Catalyst A relative amounts of the various components can
vary widely. For example, the mol ratio of the alkaline earth metal compound to
the metal alkoxide can vary from about 1:1 to about 10:1, based on alkaline
earth metal compound and metal of the alkoxide, respectively. The mol ratio of
the inorganic acid to the metal alkoxide can vary from about 0.25:1 to about 4:1,
based on the ratio of the acid equivalent e.g. acid hydrogens, in the inorganic
acid to the metal of the alkoxide, respectively. It is generally preferred that the
combined concentration of the alkaline earth metal compound, the inorganic acid
and the metal alkoxide be present in an amount of from about 1 to about 10% by
weight, the ethoxylated alcohol and diluents such as free alcohol being present
in an amount of from about 90-99% by weight. As noted, depending on the
source and type of the ethoxylated alcohol, free alcohol content can range from
about 1 % by weight to about 60% by weight.

Generally speaking, the order of addition of the various components of
Catalyst A is immaterial with the exception that the alkaline earth metal
compound must be added prior to addition of the metal alkoxide. Thus, although
it is common practice to admix the ethoxylated alcohol, the alkaline earth metal
compound and the inorganic acid, followed by the addition of the metal alkoxide,
the process can also be carried out by reversing the order of addition of the
metal alkoxide and the inorganic acid.
In addition to the above components Catalyst A can contain, with
advantage, organic acids. Suitable organic acids are those carboxyiic acids
which have greater miscibility in hydrocarbon solvents than in water. Such
carboxyiic acids, which may generally be considered fatty acids, have a carbon
chain length versus acid functionality which provides their greater miscibility or
solubility in hydrocarbons. Non-limiting examples of fatty acids include those
natural or synthetic mono-functional carboxyiic acids wherein the carbon chain
length is greater than about 5 carbon atoms, generally from about 5 to about 15
carbon atoms. Specific examples of such suitable acids include hexanoic,
octanoic, nonanoic, 2-ethyl hexanoic, neodecanoic, isooctanoic, stearic,
napthanoic, and mixtures or isomers of such acids. While it is preferred that the
acids, if used, be saturated, they may optionally contain other functional groups
such as hydroxyl groups, amine groups, etc. which do not interfere with the
process. It has been found that the use of the fatty acids leads to a better
dispersion of the alkaline earth metal compound and that the active catalyst
suspension is more stable in terms of the solids remaining dispersed.

In preparing Gatalyst A, a typical ethoxylated alcohol is admixed with a
suitable alkaline earth metal containing compound such as calcium oxide and
the mixture stirred for a suitable period of time until at least some of the calcium
compound disperses or solublizes in the ethoxylated alcohol. Generally, this is accomplished by stirring, or other means of agitation to achieve intimate and
thorough contact, at a temperature of generally from about 25°C to about 150°C
(usually below the boiling point of the ethoxylated alcohol) for a sufficient period
of time. The dispersion time can vary from about 0.5 hours to about 20 hours.
Longer times can be used if desired. Once the dispersion has been formed, as
evidenced, e.g., by the presence of titratible alkalinity, the inorganic acid is then
slowly or incrementally added. The metal, e.g., aluminum alkoxide is then added
and stirring of the mixture continued and the mixture heated to a temperature
and for a sufficient period of time to effect at least a partial exchange reaction
between the alkoxide groups of the metal alkoxide and the hydroxyl group of the
ethoxylated alcohol.
The precise temperature to which Catalyst A is heated will, of course,
depend upon the nature of the components employed. However, as noted
above, the heating is usually carried out at a temperature and for a period of time
sufficient to effect at least a partial exchange reaction between the alkoxide
groups of the metal alkoxide and the hydroxyl group of the ethoxylated alcohol.
This point can generally be determined by the evolution of alcohol which distills
out of the mixture. It is preferred that the heating be carried on until the mixture
has reached a substantially constant boiling point. The desired activation

teWHQistyreBtsib6aitrf.....for a given pressure, approximate the boiling point of a
substantial fraction of the free alcohols derived from the R2, R3.and R4 group of
the metal alkoxide. At this point, maximum exchange has likely occurred
between the alkoxide groups of the metal alkoxide and the hydroxyl group of the
ethoxylated alcohol. It will be recognized that when the metal alkoxide utilized is
one where R2, R3, R4 and R5 are long chain, e.g. 10 to 14 carbon atoms and
longer, the alcohols produced in the exchange reaction are high boiling.
Accordingly, very little if any distillation of alcohol occurs without the application
of extremely high temperatures which can cause unwanted side reactions! In
such cases, the heating can be carried out to a temperature of about 190°-
300°C and more preferably from about 230°-260°C Lower temperatures may be
employed when the process is conducted under reduced pressure, e.g. at a
pressure of about 150-300 Torr, temperature in the range of about 160°C to
about 210°C are suitable. The desired temperature range can be determined by
sampling the dispersion as it is being heated at various times during the heating
cycle and subjecting the samples to an ethoxylation reaction. When the desired
degree of activity is achieved in the ethoxylation reaction, heating can be
discontinued. Generally, however, the time of heating can vary from about 0.1
hour to about 5 hours, generally in the range of from about 0.2 hour to about 1

^KapaptiQniiofe ©atafest B
As detailed in U.S. Patent 5,627,121, another catalyst precursor referred
to herein as Catalyst B is formed by reacting an ethoxylated alcohol mixture, a
alkaline earth metal compound that is at least partially dispersible in the
ethoxylated alcohol mixture and a carboxylic acid. The ethoxylated alcohols
useful in forming Catalyst B are the same as those defined by Formula 1.
The ethoxylated alcohol mixture used can be prepared by methods well
known in the art for preparing alkylene oxide adducts of alcohols. Alternately, the
alkylene oxide adducts can be prepared according to the process of the present
invention. The ethoxylated alcohol mixture used in preparing Catalyst B typically
contains free alcohol, the amount and type of which will vary depending upon the
source of the ethoxylated alcohol. Generally speaking, the ethoxylated alcohol
mixture will contain from about 1 % to about 60% by weight free alcohol.
The alkaline earth metal compounds used in preparing Catalyst B are as
described above with respect to Catalyst A.
The carboxylic acids used in preparing Catalyst B are as described above
with respect to Catalyst A.
The inorganic acids that are useful in preparing Catalyst B are those as
described above with respect to Catalyst A.
The relative amounts of the various components can vary widely, and in
general, are defined above with respect to Catalyst A.
In forming Catalyst B, the ethoxylated alcohol mixture, the alkaline earth
metal compound, the carboxylic acid, and the neutralizing acid are reacted or

combined'winder.conditions that prevent any significant loss of water that is either
initially present or formed during the reaction. Preventing loss of water is typically
accomplished by conducting the reaction at a low enough temperature, e.g.,
room temperature, to prevent loss of water. Alternately, if the reaction is
conducted at elevated temperatures, super-atmospheric pressure can be used to
prevent loss of water. Preferably, the reaction is conducted at elevated
temperatures under reflux to prevent loss of water.
In a preferred method of forming Catalyst B, the alkaline earth metal
compound, e.g., calcium hydroxide, and the ethoxylated alcohol mixture are
charged into a suitable stirred vessel equipped with a reflux condenser, following
which the carboxylic acid is added. Generally, the three components are mixed
at room temperature, although higher temperatures can be used. This reaction
mixture is then heated generally to a temperature of from about 30° to 45°C for
a period of time sufficient to solubilize the calcium-containing compound.
Generally speaking, the reaction mixture is reacted for a period of from about 0.5
to about 2 hours. Following solubilization of the calcium compound, a mineral
acid, e.g., sulfuric acid, is introduced into the reaction mixture in an amount
sufficient to neutralize at least 25% of the titratable alkalinity present in the
reaction mixture. The reaction mixture can optionally be sparged with an inert
gas such as nitrogen.
As noted above, to prepare the catalysts of the present invention, a
suitable catalyst precursor, e.g., Catalyst A or Catalyst B, described above, is
reacted with propylene oxide under propoxylation conditions to effect at least

©EQCiQxviatioQ: ■ofeia.ibteast a portion of the ethoxylated alcohols present in the
catalyst precursor. The formula of ethoxylated alcohols present in either of the
catalyst precursors is given by Formula i above. Following propoxylation
according to the process of the present invention, there is produced an
ethoxylated/propoxylated alcohol having the formula
R1-0-(C2H40)p-(C3H60)tH IV
wherein t is from 1 to .15, preferably from 1 to 10, more preferably from 1 to 7.
Particularly preferred ethoxylated/propoxylated species coming within Formula IV
which are useful in the present invention are those wherein R1 contains from 8 to
14 carbon atoms, p is from 2 to 6 and t is from 1 to 3, most preferably from 1 to
1.5. It will be understood that, as in the case of all alkoxylated species of
alcohols, there is a distribution of the alkoxy groups, the numbers above referring
to the average number of ethoxy/propoxy groups present in the alkoxylated
In general the catalysts of the present invention are prepared by reacting
one of the catalyst precursors with the desired amount of propylene oxide in a
standard alkoxylation reactor. Generally the propoxylation reaction is conducted
at a temperature from 95 to 200 °C and from 15 to 75 psig propylene oxide
To more illustrate the present invention, the following non-limiting
examples are presented. In the following example, the following procedure was
employed to prepare the catalyst, e.g., Catalyst A or Catalyst B:

Example 1
85 gram portions of catalyst precursors were separately subjected to
propylene oxide addition in the standard alkoxylation reactor at a temperature of
120 to 150 °C and a pressure of 40 to 50 psig propylene oxide (PPO) so as to
result in the addition of 1.0 to 1.5 mols of propylene oxide. The thus prepared
catalysts were compared with Catalyst A and Catalyst B, i.e., the catalyst
precursor, to determine activity. The catalyst samples were tested for activity on
the basis of time to effect addition of a given amount of ethylene oxide to an
ALFOL® 12 alcohol, a alcohol marketed by Sasol North America, Inc. In ali
cases, the amount of catalyst employed was 0.1 wt. %.
Table 1 below shows the results using the various catalyst in preparing an
ethoxylated C12 alcohol containing 7 mols of ethylene oxide. In Table 1, in all
cases, the catalysts according to the present invention contained 1 mol of
propylene oxide as indicated by Catalyst A + 1 PPO,. Catalyst B + 1 PPO, etc.

|Iabte::2ibelaw«stiows results for the addition of two mols of ethylene oxide
xo tne C12 alcohol.

As can be seen from the data in Table 1 and Table 2, the addition of
propylene oxide to either Catalyst A or Catalyst B results in improved activity of
the respective catalyst.
Example 2
This Example demonstrates the effect of adding different levels of
propylene oxide to the catalyst precursors in terms of catalyst stability, i.e., the
ability of the catalyst to remain as a generally homogeneous' dispersion over a
period of time. The procedure of Example 1 was followed with respect to the
propoxylation of Catalyst B. Samples of propoxylated Catalyst B containing 0.5,
1.0 and 1.5 mols of PPO, respectively, were prepared and compared with
unpropoxylated Catalyst B. In general, after periods of 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3.5
weeks, all of the propoxylated samples exhibited greater stability, i.e., remained
better dispersed than the non-propoxylated Catalyst B. This dispersion
improvement was not noticed with respect to similarly propoxylated samples of
Catalyst A.

The procedure of Example 1 was followed with respect to determining the
effect of propoxylation of the catalyst precursors vis-a-vis ethoxylation activity
with the exception that the alcohol employed was Safol™ 23, an essentially linear
C12-13 binary alcohol marketed by Sasol North America, Inc. In all cases, 7
mols of ethylene oxide were added to the alcohol. The results comparing
Catalyst B and a catalyst according to the present invention are shown in Table 3

As can be seen from Tables 3 and 4 in the case of the propoxylated
Catalyst B (Table 3) at low levels of propoxylation (0.5 mols) the activity of the
catalyst was enhanced. However, as the amount of propylene oxide addition
increased, catalyst activity decreases as compared to the unmodified
(unpropoxylated) catalyst precursor.

.W;itb' -ResReQilQ Table 4, it can be seen that increasing amounts of
propoxylation increase the activity of the propoxylated modified Catalyst A,
amounts of propylene oxide addition of greater than about 1 mol rendering the
resulting catalyst more active.
Example 3
The procedure of Example 1 was followed in terms of preparing 7 mol
ethoxylates of the Safol™ 23 alcohol. Both in the case of propoxylated Catalyst
A and B, it was found that from 1.0' to 1.5 mols of propylene oxide added
resulted in less residual catalyst haze. It was also noted with respect to Catalyst
A propoxylated at the 0.5 mol level that there appeared to be an increase in haze
of the ethoxylated product.
As can be seen from the above results, the process of the present
invention provides alkoxylation catalysts that, as compared to prior art
aikoxylation catalysts, exhibit greater activity, are more stable, and produce a
product with less haze. As the data above demonstrates, depending upon the
catalyst precursor and the desired results, e.g., catalyst activity versus haze in
the end product, the amount of propylene oxide added to the catalyst precursor
is tailored.
Modifications of the compositions, procedures and conditions disclosed
herein that will still embody the concept of the improvements described should
readily suggest themselves to those skilled in the art, and are intended to be

■encOTioassed with to fee spirit of the invention presently disclosed herein as well
as the scope of the appended claims.

1. A process for preparing an alkoxylation catalyst comprising:
reacting (I) a catalyst precursor selected from the group consisting of:
(1) Catalyst A formed by reacting a reaction medium comprising an
ethoxylated alcohol mixture comprising compounds having the general
R1-0-(C2H40)PH I
wherein R1 is an organic radical containing from 1 to 30 carbon atoms,
and p is an integer of from 1 to 30, an alkaline earth metal compound
selected from the group consisting of calcium-containing compounds,
strontium-containing compounds and mixtures thereof which is at least
partially dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol mixture, an inorganic
acid, and a metal alkoxide of a Lewis acidic metal, said reaction medium
being optionally heated to a temperature and for a time sufficient to
effect at least a partial exchange reaction between the alkoxide groups of
said metal alkoxide, and the hydroxyl groups of said ethoxylated alcohol;
(2) Catalyst B formed by reacting an ethoxylated alcohol mixture
comprising compounds having the Formula I, an alkaline earth metal
compound selected from the group consisting of calcium-containing
compounds, strontium-containing compounds and mixtures thereof
which is at least partially dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol mixture,
and a carboxylic acid having from 4 to 15 carbon atoms, the mol ratio of
alkaline earth metal compound to said carboxylic acid being from 15:1 to
1:1 to produce an alkaline earth metal containing composition having
titratable alkalinity, said alkaline earth metal containing

composition being obtained under conditions to prevent loss of water,
and adding an amount of an inorganic acid to neutralize at least 25% of
said titratable alkalinity under conditions to prevent loss of water to
produce a partially neutralized compound;
with (II) propylene oxide under conditions to propoxylate at least a
portion of said ethoxylated alcohol.
2. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the mol ratio of propylene
oxide to ethoxylated alcohol is from 0.1:1 to 15:1.
3. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein R1 is from 8 to 14 and p is
from 2 to 10.
4. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said calcium-containing
compound is selected from the group consisting of calcium oxide,
calcium hydroxide, calcium hydride and mixtures thereof.
5. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said strontium-containing
compound is selected from the group consisting of strontium oxide,
strontium hydroxide, strontium hydride and mixtures thereof.
6. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said metal alkoxide is
selected from compounds having the formulas:


and mixtures thereof wherein R2 R3 R4 and R5 is each a hydrocarbon
radical containing from 1 to 30 carbon atoms.
7. The process as claimed in Claim 6, wherein R2 R3 R4 and R5 contains
from 8 to 14 carbon atoms.
8. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said reaction between said
catalyst precursor and said propylene oxide is conducted at a
temperature of from 95 to 200°C.
9. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said inorganic acid is
sulphuric acid.

10. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the mol ratio of said
alkaline earth metal compound to said metal alkoxide is from 0.25:1 to
4:1, calculated as acidic hydrogen and aluminum, respectively.
11. The process as claimed in Claim 1, including adding to said reaction
medium a carboxylic acid having from 4 to 15 carbon atoms.
12. The process as claimed in Claim 1, including removing water from
said reaction medium prior to addition of said metal alkoxide.

13. The process as claimed in Claim 1, including heating the partially
neutralized composition at a temperature of from 90° to 130°C under
reflux conditions.
14. The process as claimed in Claim 13, wherein said heating is
conducted for a period of 1 to 5 hours.
15. The process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein said inorganic acid is
selected from the group consisting of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid,
hydrochloric acid and mixtures thereof.


This invention relates to a process for preparing an alkoxylation
catalyst comprising: reacting (I) a catalyst precursor selected from the
group consisting of:
(1) Catalyst A formed by reacting a reaction medium comprising an
ethoxylated alcohol mixture comprising compounds having the general
R1-0-(C2H40)PH I
wherein R1 is an organic radical containing from 1 to 30 carbon
atoms, and p is an integer of from 1 to 30, an alkaline earth metal
compound selected from the group consisting of calcium-containing
compounds, strontium-containing compounds and mixtures thereof
which is at least partially dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol
mixture, an inorganic acid, and a metal alkoxide of a Lewis acidic
metal, said reaction medium being optionally heated to a temperature
and for a time sufficient to effect at least a partial exchange reaction
between the alkoxide groups of said metal alkoxide, and the hydroxyl
groups of said ethoxylated alcohol; and (2) Catalyst B formed by
reacting an ethoxylated alcohol mixture comprising compounds
having the Formula I, an alkaline earth metal compound selected from
the group consisting of calcium-containing compounds, strontium-
containing Compounds and mixtures thereof which is at least partially
dispersible in said ethoxylated alcohol mixture, and a carboxylic acid
having from 4 to 15 carbon atoms, the mol ratio of alkaline earth
metal compound to said carboxylic acid being from about 15:1 to 1:1
to produce an alkaline earth metal containing composition having
titratable alkalinity, said alkaline earth metal containing composition
being obtained under conditions to prevent loss of water, and adding

an amount of an inorganic acid to neutralize at least 25% of said
titratable alkalinity under conditions to prevent loss of water to
produce a partially neutralized compound; with (II) propylene oxide
under conditions to propoxylate at least a portion of said ethoxylated




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912-KOLNP-2008-(04-12-2013)-PETITION UNDER SECTION 8(1).pdf


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912-kolnp-2008-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf

912-KOLNP-2008-FORM 1 1.1.pdf

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912-kolnp-2008-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


Patent Number 262787
Indian Patent Application Number 912/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 12-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 29-Feb-2008
Applicant Address 900 THREADNEEDLE SUITE 100, HOUSTON, TX
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 31/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/031625
PCT International Filing date 2006-08-11
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/217,779 2005-09-01 U.S.A.