Title of Invention


Abstract An improved system to produce low ash clean coal and superclean coal from high ash coals, comprising: at least a feed-preparation zone, an extraction zone, a solvent recovery zone, a precipitation zone, and an organic water separation zone, the feed-preparation zone (C) enabling mixing of specific quanti ties of coal (A), and solvent (B) to produce a coal slurry; the extraction zone allows extraction of the coal-solvent mixture through maintaining the temperature and pressure inside the reactor at prepderemined level, and allowing a varying residence time of the coal slurry corresponding to the process parameters, a filter unit (D) for filtrating the extracted coal-solvent mixture; a flash-unit (F) for receiving the filtrate from the filter unit (D) and allowing a recovery of the solvent (B) in the flash-unit (F), a sudden-pressure-drop in the flash-unit allowing a boiling off the solvent (B) thereby making it possible to recover a substantial portion of the solvent (B); and a storage means to receive the residue (E) fromthe filter unit (D) for storing,
The invention relates to an improved system to produce low ash clean coal from
high ash coals for metallurgical applications. The invention further relates to a
process to produce low ash clean coal with economic yield including producing of
superclean coal from high ash coal.
The known process operation involves chemical beneficiation of coal by
dissolving organic matter of coal in various organic solvents. As coal constitutes a
heterogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic components, a step of solvolysis
of the coal varies corresponding to its constituents, maturity, and structural
characteristics. Main advantages of the solvolysis process are i) ease of recovery
of the solvent in the main process stream, ii) a higher solvolytic efficiency of the
recovered solvents as compared to that of fresh solvent, Hi) 95-98% recovery of
the solvent, iv) improved coking properties of clean coal, and v) availability of
industrial organic solvents. However, the operating cost of this process is high
because of high cost of solvents and energy requirements in the process.
Organo-refining or, solvent-refining, or, solvent extraction of coal is a well-
established technology. Abundant literature is available on the subject. However,
the primary objective in most of those cases is to provide a process to produce
an ultra clean coal or a super clean coal with ash content less than 0,2%. The
ahs content of this parent coal ( Run of Mine) is 25%. Exploratory study revealed
that it is possible to extract 50% of the parent coal through this process of
extraction of coal under reflux conditions at atmospheric pressure. The coa)
contains almost 4% ash.
The yield and the ash content of the super clean coal as obtainable is satisfactory
according to the study reports. However, in an industrial set up to implement
the studied process, the main concerning factor apart from yield is the ultimate
economic viability of the process. As the process consumes a significant amount
of heat for extraction, recovery of solvent is possible only after consumption of a
large amount of heat, the combined effect of two heat consumption, leads the
process towards uneconomic. Now if the said two heat consumptions are
arranged on priority basis, then heat consumption for extraction is to be
considered first. This is because the extraction is solely dependent upon the
extraction temperature. This is the reason that this process is often called as
thermal extraction process. So only the heat required for solvent recovery is left
behind for minimization. Effective or optimized process of solvent recovery could
be the only option to establish the process-feasibility.
It is therefore an object of the invention to propose an improved process to
produce low ash clean coal from high-ash coal, maintaining the process
Another object of the invention is to propose an improved process to produce
low ash clean coal from high-ash coal, which minimizes the heat-requirement for
solvent recovery.
A further object of the invention is to propose an improved process to produce
low ash clean coal from high-ash coal, which enables higher extraction from the
parent coal.
A still further object of the invention is to propose a system to produce low-ash
clean coal from high-ash coal.
Figure - 1 - schematically shows a system for industrially implementing the
improved process according to the invention.
The system of the invention has five different zone namely, (i) feed preparation
zone (ii) extraction zone (iii) solvent recovery zone (iv) Precipitation zone (v)
Organic water separation zone.
Coal and solvent including co-solvent are mixed thoroughly in a coal-feed
preparation zone. Coal slurry is then pumped into a reactor. In the reactor a
temperature around 250° to 350°C is maintained by circulating hot thermic fluid.
A high pressure is maintained by inducing a pressure about 3 to 4 atm. inside
the a reactor. The high pressure elevates the boiling point of the solvent.
Residence time in the reactor may vary form 1 h to 1.5 h which depends on the
techno economics of the process and its specific requirement. Extracted coal-
solvent mixture is then passed through a filter unit and the filtrate is then passed
to a flash unit. In the flash unit, due to the sudden pressure drop in pressure, at
least 70% of the solvent gets boiled off as the temperature of the solvent is in
the reactor is much higher than the atmospheric boiling point of the solvent.
Thus, a recovery of 70% of the solvent without introducing any external heat
source can be achieved, as the reactor is maintained at a high pressure and
temperature for flashing. The residue from the filter unit is taken off and stored
for latter use. The filtrate contains little but coal extracts which is fed to the
water in a precipitating tank. In the precipitating tank, the coal gets precipitated
as water acts as an anti solvent. This slurry becomes filtered by another rotary
drum filter and the super clean coal is collected as residue. The fi\trate contains
water and organic mixture which is fed to a distillation unit and water and
organic mixtures is separated. This way 50% yield of clean coal having less than
4% ash is produced.
As the solvent of use are organic and are flammable in nature, it may catch fire
in contact with oxygen at high temperature. Therefore, there a is provision for
Nitrogen flashing in the reactor and the Rotary drum filter unit.
Figure - 1 shows the inventive system. In the system, coal (A), and solvent (B)
are mixed thoroughly in a feed - preparation zone of a reactor (C) to produce a
coal slurry. The coal slurry is then extracted in the reactor (C). In the extraction
unit (C), the temperature is raised (about 250 °C) to facilitate the extraction at a
high pressure. The range of temperature and pressure variation is (250 °C to
300 °C) and ( 3 atm. to 10 atm.). At the high pressure boiling of the liquid gets
shifted to higher zone. Due to the thermal impact, the coal structure is relaxed
and the process of extraction is enhanced. After extraction, the total slurry is
then fed to a centrifuge filter (D), which is capable of withstanding high pressure
and temperature. After filtration, the extract is then allowed to be flushed in a
flush chamber (F) where due to sudden release of pressure, the solvent vapor
comes out. As the extract remains much above than its boiling point (202 °C), at
least 70% of the solvent is flushed out. The solvent vapor is then cooled and
collected in a vessel (G) and sent for recycling. This way evaporation of the
solvent is eliminated and a large amount of energy is saved.
The main advantages of the invention achieved
1. Generally solvent recovery is done by an evaporator which is normally
used instead of a flush chamber (F). But according to the invention, the
extraction temperature and pressure is used for recovery of atteast 70%
solvent which could have been otherwise achieved by a costly evaporator.
The invention thus eliminates the requirement of a costly equipment, and
also helps to avoid an energy intensive operative. The flush chamber is a
simple vessel which gives same amount of solvent without adding extra
heat into the system.
Main novelty of the process
Elimination of an evaporator from the process operation by a flash chamber
including maintaining a reactor Temperature and Pressure, according to the
invention allows atleast 70% of the solvent be recovered.
1. An improved system to produce low ash clean coal and superclean coal
from high ash coals, comprising :
- at least a feed-preparation zone, an extraction zone, a solvent recovery
zone, a precipitation zone, and an organic water separation zone, the
feed-preparation zone (C) enabling mixing of specific quantities of coal
(A), and solvent (B) to produce a coal slurry;
- the extraction zone allows extraction of the coal-solvent mixture through
maintaining the temperature and pressure inside the reactor at
prepderemined level, and allowing a varying residence time of the coal-
slurry corresponding to the process parameters,
- a filter unit (D) for filtrating the extracted coal-solvent mixture;
- a flash-unit (F) for receiving the filtrate from the filter unit (D) and
allowing a recovery of the solvent (B) in the flash - unit (F), a sudden-
pressure-drop in the flash-unit allowing a boiling off of the solvent (B)
thereby making it possible to recover a substantial portion of the solvent
(B); and
- a storage means to receive the residue (E) from the filter unit (D) for
2. The system as claimed in claim 1, further comprising:
- a precipitating tank (H) having water therein for precipitating the further
coal-extracts received as the filtrate;
- a second filter unit for filtering the slurry received from the precipitating
tank (H) which allows collection of super clean coal as a residue (I); and
- a distillation unit (J) which receives water and organic mixture from the
second filter unit for separation of water and the organic mixture.
3. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the reactor (C) is maintained
at a temperature between 250 °C to 350 °C, and wherein a pressure
between 3 atm to 4 atm is induced and maintained inside the reactor (C).
4. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the coal slurry is subjected to a
residence time inside the reactor (C) between 1 hour to 1.5 hours.
5. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the flash unit (F) enables
recovery of at least 70% of the solvent due to sudden pressure drop
leading to vaporization of the solvent which after cooling off is collected in
a vessel (G).
6. A process to produce low ash clean and superdean coa! from high ash
coals in a system as claimed in claim 1, the process comprising the steps
of: -
- providing coal (A), solvent (B), and co-solvent at predetermined quantity
corresponding to the technical capacities of the system;
- mixing the coal (A), solvent (B), and the co-solvent in the reactor (C) of
the system to produce coal slurry;
- pumping-in the produced coal slurry in the feed-zone of the reactor (C);
- inducing a pressure and temperature so as to maintain the reactor (C) at
a specified temperature and pressure and allowing a prefixed residence
time of the coal slurry;
- extracting the coal-solvent mixture and passing the mixture to a filter unit
- passing the filtrate from the filter unit (D) to a flash-unit (F) which enables
to generate a sudden pressure-drop of the extracted mixture inside the
flash unit (F);
- recovering a substantial quantity of the solvent (B) which gets vaporized,
and collecting the solvent in a vessel (G) after cooling off the vapor; and
- storing the residue (E) from the filter unit (F).
7. The process as claimed in claim 6, further comprising:
- feeding the filtrate containing still-remaining coal extracts into a
precipitating tank (H) having water therein;
- passing the coal slurry from the tank (H) to a rotary drum filter for
- collecting super clean coal as a residue (I) from the rotary drum filter; and
- separating the filtrate in a distillation unit (J) so as to separate water and
the organic mixture containing the filtrate.
8. An improved system to produce low ash clean coal and superdean coal
from high ash coals, as substantially described and illustrated herein with
reference to the accompanying drawings.
9. A process to produce low ash clean and superdean coat from high ash
coals as substantially described and illustrated herein with reference to
the accompanying drawings.

An improved system to produce low ash clean coal and superclean coal from high ash coals, comprising: at least a feed-preparation zone, an extraction zone, a solvent recovery zone, a precipitation zone, and an organic water separation zone, the feed-preparation zone (C) enabling mixing of specific quanti
ties of coal (A), and solvent (B) to produce a coal slurry; the extraction zone allows extraction of the coal-solvent mixture through maintaining the temperature and pressure inside the reactor at prepderemined level, and allowing a varying residence time of the coal slurry corresponding to the process parameters,
a filter unit (D) for filtrating the extracted coal-solvent mixture; a flash-unit (F) for receiving the filtrate from the filter unit
(D) and allowing a recovery of the solvent (B) in the flash-unit (F), a sudden-pressure-drop in the flash-unit allowing a boiling off
the solvent (B) thereby making it possible to recover a substantial portion of the solvent (B); and a storage means to receive the residue (E) fromthe filter unit (D) for storing,










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Patent Number 262936
Indian Patent Application Number 1194/KOL/2009
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 24-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 23-Sep-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10L9/10
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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