Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT A SPHERICAL PUZZLE WITH ROTATABLE SEGMENTS This invention relates to a spherical puzzle being made up of plurality of segments, which align with each other on all its sides rotatably. The pieces are positioned in a predetermined pattern with respect to each other such that they are sequentially rotatable through any of the four spatial axes or circular pathway formed after assembly. Eight fulcrums or pivotable joints are formed from different directions consisting of two parallel circles from each of the above four axes. The fiilcrums of each circular path falls on the point of the imaginary spatial axes such that the diameter of the sphere is divided into three equi-dimensional parts. Design, colors, patterns are provided on the spherical body. The player will have to reconstitute the pattern or design from the jumbled up portion to the desired original pattern. (Fig 1 & 4)
Full Text

This invention relates to a spherical puzzle with sequentially movable rotatable segments.
Puzzles and games like chess, cross word puzzles, number games, word building games, Rubik's cube and simple games like snakes and ladders are intended to stimulate minds and logical thinking, increase positive thoughts and to create problem solving ability. Rubik's cube and cross word puzzles have caught the imagination of young and old alike. The latest addition and some sort of addiction is the Chinese number game su-do-ku.
Rubik's cube is a fascinating puzzle game played by millions around the world, which consists of a 3x3 cube comprising movable game elements or pieces that can be best described as smaller cubes. The surfaces of each of the small cubes or elements, which together form the entire cube, are colored or carry other symbols or designs and can be arranged in any predetermined logical order of sequence by simultaneously and sequentially rotating nine elements together to form the surface of the bigger cube. The aim of the game is for the player to group these colors together to form a predetermined color pattern or other designs as per the game rules. The patent granted to Emo Rubik (HU 170 062) was the first in this field. According to this patent, the puzzle game article comprised small elements, which are cubically shaped which could be turned along the spatial axis of the cube by means of connective elements arranged in the geometric center of the large cube. Subsequently more inventions and improvements were made and different shapes of the article were envisioned that incorporated the same or similar arrangement of the original Rubik's cube. US patent

nos. 4,378,116 and 5,184,822 disclose such puzzles, which are technical improvements in the internal connection of the cube.
It should be noted that the presently available Rubik's cube and the Rubik's sphere works on six fulcrums or six pivotable joints as they have only three axis of rotation which limits the possibilities of arrangement of the individual pieces.
This invention aims at a puzzle or game in the category of Rubik cube/sphere but where innumerable permutations and combinations are achieved due to the structure and mechanics behind the construction of the puzzle. The puzzle is to be played by a single person and the advantage is that the puzzle format can be varied depending on the age group of the player. To a certain extent this puzzle is a solution for loneliness and playing it increases the concentration of the player.
The invention relates to a spherical puzzle having rotatable segments, which comprise a plurality of movable segments of at least three different configurations, each segment being movably aligned to the adjacent segment to form a spherical body, which in the assembled position has at least eight fulcrums or pivotable joints. The presence of eight fulcrums is an improvement to the existing Rubik's cube/sphere, which, as described above, has only six fulcrums. The presence of eight fulcrums enables the sequential movement of the segments or group of segments in four different axes and thereby increases the complexity of the game. Stopping means, preferably snap fit arrangements, but not restricted to the same, are provided to arrest the rotation at predetermined positions. The outer surface of the spherical body has at least one predetermined design pattern or color combination. The puzzle according to

the existing art comprises only 3 axes as described in the background section of this specification, thereby making it easier for the player to imagine the position of a particular segment when it is rotated on its imaginary axis relative to its neighboring segments. However, since the present invention comprises 4 spatial axes, it becomes increasingly difficult for the player to imagine the relative position of a particular segment when it is rotated on its imaginary axis. This feature increases the complexity of the game and therefore becomes an advanced puzzle to develop mental strength and concentration.
According to a first embodiment, the spherical puzzle in accordance with the present invention comprises a plurality of mutually alignable and movable segments aligned on all its sides rotatably to form a spherical body, the outer surface of said spherical body bearing at least one design, pattern or color combination; said puzzle in its assembled position comprising at least eight circular paths with eight respective fulcrums, said eight circular paths being formed on at least four spatial axis, such that two parallel circular paths are formed on each axis, said spatial axis being placed equidistant from each other such that the center of each axis meets at the center of the sphere, the fulcrum of each circular path provided to fall on a point of the said spatial axis such that the diameter of the sphere is divided into three equi-dimensional parts.
In a particularly advantageous embodiment, the outer periphery of each segment of the spherical puzzle is rotatably dovetailed with the outer peripheries of the adjacent segments.
In a further particularly advantageous embodiment the spherical puzzle in accordance with this invention comprises fifteen individual segments each including at least nine triangular or leaf-shaped segments, three rhombus-shaped segments and three square-shaped segments, which act as a single unit, to be sequentially rotated along an axis of rotation.

In a further particularly advantageous embodiment the segments are made of durable plastic, wood and the like material, or as a virtual computer program.
In a further particularly advantageous embodiment all segments have curved edges to form part of the circular path when assembled and comprise grooves to allow respective adjacent pieces to slide through and interlock internally to each other and to stay in its required place thereby avoiding central locking means.
In a further particularly advantageous embodiment The spherical puzzle in accordance with this invention comprises at least forty-two visible segments of at least three different configurations, namely, two four-sided segments one smaller than the other, and a triangular or leaf-shaped segment, wherein the edges of the larger of the two four-sided segments being rhombus-shaped and the edges of the smaller of the two four-sided segments being square-shaped.
In a further particularly advantageous embodiment The spherical puzzle in accordance with this invention comprises at most six square-shaped segments, twelve rhombus-shaped segments and twenty-four triangular or leaf-shaped segments; the periphery of each segment being curvilinearly disposed to snuggly align with the corresponding curvilinear periphery of its adjacent segment.
In a further particularly advantageous embodiment stopping means such as snap-fits are provided for interlocking of the segments with each other and to arrest the rotations of the group of segments at pre-determined positions such that each rotation of a group of segments on any one of the circular path stops at one-third of the circumference of the respective circle.

Figure 1 shows the exploded view of all the segments that constitute the spherical puzzle.
Figure 2 shows the shape and configuration of the three different segments that constitute the spherical puzzle
Figure 3 discloses the details of the imaginary fulcrums that are present to divide the sphere into three equi-dimensional parts.
Figure 4 illustrates the assembled view of the spherical puzzle in accordance with this invention.
The spherical body of the puzzle is made of segments having three different shapes or configurations, namely, two four-sided segments, one smaller than the other, the larger one being shaped like a rhombus and the smaller one being shaped like a square and one triangular or leaf shaped configuration. There are six numbers of small square shaped segments; twenty-four numbers of triangular shaped segments and twelve large rhombus-shaped segments. Therefore, there are totally forty-two of these differently configured elements.
Fig. 1 of the drawings illustrates these segments. The segments marked 1-6 represent the small square shaped configuration, the segments marked 7 to 18 represent the large rhombus-shaped configuration and the segments marked 19 to 42 represent the triangular shaped configuration. The segments are convex on the outer

area and concave on the inner side as shown in Fig. 2 and may be made of any durable material such as plastics, wood and the like, or as a virtual computer program.
As shown in figure 2, a spring like arrangement (A) is provided to indicate the stopping positions. The cross section joint (B) provides least contact as well as to enable snap fitting.
Figure 3 discloses the four imaginary axis on which the fulcrum of each circular path falls. On each axis fulcrums of two parallel circular paths will fall on a point where the axis is divided into three parts. The assembled view of the spherical puzzle in accordance with this invention is illustrated in Figure 4. The puzzle in accordance with the present invention, in its assembled position, comprises at least eight circular paths with eight respective fulcrums. The eight circular paths are formed on at least four spatial axes, such that, two parallel circular paths are formed on each axis. The spatial axis are placed equidistant from each other such that the center of each axis meets at the center of the sphere and the fulcrum of each circular path provided to fall on a point of the said spatial axis such that the diameter of the sphere is divided into three equi-dimensional parts.
The curvilinear periphery of each segment is provided with smooth grooves to enable them to be rotated. Adjacent pieces are aligned by means of projections and corresponding grooves provided on predetermined pieces to enable sliding dovetail alignment. The pieces are positioned in a predetermined pattern with respect to each other such that they are sequentially rotatable through any of the four spatial axes or circular pathway formed after assembly. The eight fulcrums or pivotable joints are formed from different directions consisting of two parallel circles from each of the above four axes. The fulcrums of each circular path falls on the point of the imaginary spatial axes such that the diameter of the sphere is divided into three equi-dimensional parts L as shown in Fig. 3 of the drawings.

One of the major differences of the puzzle according to this invention is that each segment can be rotated away from the adjacent piece, thus enabling different permutations and combinations on the puzzle surface.
In order to commence the rotation of segments, all the circular paths must be in their proper position. Each segment of the puzzle will be held on all its sides as is evident from the drawings. This prevents segments from falling apart during rotation or operative part of the game. No central locking means are necessary which is an improvement over the existing art, since the individual elements are so designed to interlock among themselves internally to form the sphere. During rotation in a circular path, an assembly of fifteen pieces will act as a group of segments.
Stopper means such as snap fit arrangements are provided in logical positions to prevent movement of the one group of segments at a particular position in order to enable the movement of the remaining groups of segments. It should be noted that one movement of the group of segments covers one-third of the circumference of the circle.
As already stated, different color patterns, designs and also a continuous design may be formed on the spherical body. The main object of the player will be to rotate the segments from a jumbled position to the design or pattern printed on these segments. At least three different colors may be given to each of the parallel sections and the challenge will be to jumble and rearrange them in the original form. A leaflet showing the different possibilities and designs maybe provided along with the puzzle.

1. A spherical puzzle having rotatable segments comprising:
a plurality of mutually alignable and movable segments aligned on all its sides rotatably to form a spherical body, the outer surface of said spherical body bearing at least one design, pattern or color combination;
said puzzle in its assembled position comprising at least eight circular paths with eight respective fulcrums, said eight circular paths being formed on at least four spatial axis, such that two parallel circular paths are formed on each axis, said spatial axis being placed equidistant from each other such that the center of each axis meets at the center of the sphere, the fulcrum of each circular path provided to fall on a point of the said spatial axis such that the diameter of the sphere is divided into three equi-dimensional parts.
2. The puzzle as claimed in claim 1 wherein the outer periphery of each segment is rotatably dovetailed with the outer peripheries of the adjacent segments.
3. The spherical puzzle as claimed in claim 2 wherein fifteen individual segments, comprising at least nine triangular or leaf-shaped segments, three rhombus-shaped segments and three square-shaped segments, act as a single unit, to be sequentially rotated along an axis of rotation.
4. The puzzle as claimed in claim 1 wherein the segments are made of durable plastic, wood and the like material, or as a virtual computer program.
5. The spherical puzzle as claimed in claim 1 wherein all segments have curved edges to form part of the circular path when assembled and comprise grooves to allow respective adjacent pieces to slide through and interlock internally to each other and to stay in its required place thereby avoiding central locking means.

6. The spherical puzzle as claimed in claim 1 wherein it comprises at least forty-
two visible segments of at least three different configurations, namely, two four-sided
segments one smaller than the other, and a triangular or leaf-shaped segment, wherein
the edges of the larger of the two four-sided segments being rhombus-shaped and the
edges of the smaller of the two four-sided segments being square-shaped.
7. The spherical puzzle as claimed in claim 1 wherein it comprises at most six
square-shaped segments, twelve rhombus-shaped segments and twenty-four triangular
or leaf-shaped segments; the periphery of each segment being curvilinearly disposed
to snuggly align with the corresponding curvilinear periphery of its adjacent segment.
8. The spherical puzzle as claimed in claim 5 wherein stopping means such as
snap-fits are provided for interlocking of the segments with each other and to arrest
the rotations of the group of segments at pre-determined positions such that each
rotation of a group of segments on any one of the circular path stops at one-third of
the circumference of the respective circle.


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Patent Number 262937
Indian Patent Application Number 372/CHENP/2009
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 24-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 20-Jan-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A63F9/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/IN06/00314
PCT International Filing date 2006-08-30
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA