Title of Invention


Abstract A steel strip having a metal coating on one surface of the strip is disclosed. The strip is characterised in that the coating includes aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that contains magnesium and the coating has small size spangles.
The present invention relates to steel strip that has a corrosion-resistant metal coating that is formed on the strip by hot-dip coating the strip in a molten bath of coating metal.
The present invention relates particularly but not exclusively to metal coated steel strip that can be cold formed (e.g. by roll forming) into an end-use product, such as roofing products.
The present invention relates more particularly but not exclusively to metal coated steel strip of the type described in the preceding paragraph that has a corrosion-resistant metal coating with small spangles, i.e. a coating with an average spangle size of the order of less than 0.5mm.
The present invention relates more particularly but not exclusively to metal coated steel strip of the type described above that has a corrosion-resistant metal coating with small spangles and includes an aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that contains magnesium.
The term "aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy" is understood herein to mean alloys comprising the following ranges in % by weight of the elements aluminium, zinc and silicon:
Aluminium: 45-60 Zinc: 37-46 Silicon: 1.2-2.3
Aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy coated steel strip products are sold by the applicant, by way of example,
under the registered trade mark Zincalume.
The term "aluminium-zinc-silicon" alloy is also understood herein to mean alloys that may or may not contain other elements, such as, by way of example, any one or more of iron, vanadium, and chromium.
In the conventional hot-dip metal coating method, steel strip generally passes through one or more heat treatment furnaces and thereafter into and through a bath of molten coating metal, such as aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy, held in a coating pot.
The heat treatment furnaces may be arranged so that the strip travels horizontally through the furnaces.
The heat treatment furnaces may also be arranged so that the strip travels vertically through the furnaces and passes around a series of upper and lower guide rollers.
The coating metal is usually maintained molten in the coating pot by the use of heating inductors.
The strip usually exits the heat treatment furnaces via an outlet end section in the form of an elongated furnace exit chute or snout that dips into the bath.
Within the bath the strip passes around one or more sink rolls and is taken upwardly out of the bath and is coated with the coating metal as it passes through the bath.
After leaving the coating bath the metal coated strip passes through a coating thickness control station, such as a gas knife or gas wiping station, at which its
coated surfaces are subjected to jets of wiping gas to control the thickness of the coating.
The metal coated strip then passes through a cooling section and is subjected to forced cooling.
The cooled metal coated strip may thereafter be optionally conditioned by passing the coated strip successively through a skin pass rolling section (also known as a temper rolling section) and a tension levelling section. The conditioned strip is coiled at a coiling station.
In general terms, the present invention is concerned with providing metal coated steel strip that is an improved product when compared with currently available products from the viewpoint of the combination of properties of corrosion resistance and ductility of the coating.
In more specific terms, the present invention is concerned with providing metal coated steel strip that is an improved product when compared with currently available products from the viewpoint of the combination of properties of corrosion resistance, ductility, and surface defects of the coating.
The term "surface defects" is understood herein to mean defects on the surface of a coating that are described by the applicant as "rough coating" and "pinhole - uncoated" defects.
Typically, a "rough coating" defect is a region that has a substantial variation in coating over a 1mm length of strip, with the thickness varying between 10 micron thick and 40 micron thick.
Typically, a "pinhole - uncoated" defect is a very small region ( The applicant believes that oxides on the surface of a molten bath are one major cause of the above-described surface defects. The surface oxides are solid oxides that are formed from metals in the molten bath as a result of reactions between molten bath metal and water vapour in the snout above the molten bath. The applicant believes that surface oxides are taken up by strip as the strip passes through the oxide layer as it enters the molten bath.
In general terms, the present invention provides a steel strip having a metal coating on at least one surface of the strip, which is characterised in that the coating includes aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that contains magnesium and the coating has small spangles.
The magnesium addition to the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy improves the corrosion resistance of the coating and the small spangle size improves the ductility of the coating and compensates for an adverse effect of magnesium on ductility of the coating.
The term "small spangles" is understood herein to mean metal coated strip that has spangles that are less than 0.5mm, preferably less than 0.2mm, measured using the average intercept distance method as described in Australian Standard AS1733.
Preferably the magnesium concentration is less than 8% by weight.
Preferably the magnesium concentration is less than 3% by weight.
Preferably the magnesium concentration is at least 0.5% by weight.
Preferably the magnesium concentration is between 1 and 5% by weight.
More preferably the magnesium concentration is between 1 and 2.5% by weight.
The aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy may contain other elements.
Preferably the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains strontium and/or calcium.
The strontium and/or calcium addition to the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy substantially reduces the number of the above-described surface defects and compensates for the increased number of the surface defects caused by magnesium.
The strontium and the calcium may be added separately or in combination.
The strontium and/or the calcium may be added in any suitable amounts.
Preferably the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium is at least 2ppm.
Preferably the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium is less than 0.2 wt.%.
More preferably the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium
to is less than ISOppm.
Typically the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium is less than lOOppm.
More preferably the concentration of (i)
strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium is no more than SOppm.
In a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains strontium and no calcium, preferably the concentration of strontium is in the range of 2-4ppm.
More preferably the strontium concentration is 3ppm.
In a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains calcium and no strontium, preferably the alloy includes calcium in the range of 4-8ppm.
More preferably the calcium concentration is 6ppm.
In a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains strontium and calcium, preferably the concentration of strontium and calcium is at least 4ppm.
Preferably the concentration of strontium and calcium is in the range of 2-12ppm.
Preferably the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy is a titanium boride-modified aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy such as described in International application PCT/USOO/23164
(WO 01/27343) in the name of Bethlehem Steel Corporation. The disclosure in the specification of the International application is incorporated herein by cross-reference. The International application discloses that titanium boride minimises the spangle size of aluminium-zinc-silicon alloys.
Preferably the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy does not contain vanadium and/or chromium as deliberate alloy elements - as opposed to being present in trace amounts for example due to contamination in the molten bath.
The present invention also provides a method of forming a metal coating on a steel strip which includes the steps of: successively passing the steel strip through a heat treatment furnace and a bath of molten aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy which includes magnesium as described above, and:
(a) heat treating the steel strip in the heat
treatment furnace; and
(b) hot-dip coating the strip in the molten bath
and forming a coating of the alloy with small spangles on
the steel strip.
Preferably the method includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium in the molten bath to be at least 2ppm.
Preferably the method includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be less than 0.2 wt.%.
More preferably the method includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or
(iii) strontium and calcium to be less than ISOppm.
Typically, the method includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be less than lOOppm.
Preferably the method includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be no more than SOppm.
The concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium in the molten bath may be controlled by any suitable means.
One option, which is preferred by the applicant, is to specify a minimum concentration(s) of strontium and/or calcium in the aluminium that is supplied to form the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy for the molten bath.
Another, although not the only other, option is to periodically dose the molten bath with amounts of strontium and/or calcium that are required to maintain the concentration(s) at a required concentration.
Small spangles may be formed by any suitable method steps, such as by adding titanium boride particles (which term includes powders) to the molten bath as described in International application PCT/USOO/23164 (WO 01/27343) in the name of Bethlehem Steel Corporation.
Preferably the heat treatment furnace has an elongated furnace exit chute or snout that extends into the bath.
According to the present invention there is also provided cold formed products made from the above-described metal coated steel strip.
The present invention was made during the course of research work carried out by the applicant and is described further by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings of which:
Figures la, Figure Ib, and 2 are plots of edge undercutting versus magnesium concentration in aluminium-zinc-silicon alloys tested under different conditions;
Figure 3 is a plot of coating ductility (measured by a crack sensitivity rating) versus coating thickness for coatings of aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy containing different concentrations of magnesium;
Figure 4 is a plot of coating ductility (measured by a crack sensitivity rating) versus coating thickness for coatings of aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy containing the same concentration of magnesium and different spangle sizes; and
Figure 5 is a schematic drawing of one embodiment of a continuous production line for producing steel strip coated with aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy in accordance with the method of the present invention.
The results of the experimental work presented in Figures 1 to 4 and described in more detail below indicate that:
(a) the addition of magnesium to an aluminium-
zinc-silicon alloy improves the corrosion resistance of a
coating of the alloy on a steel strip (Figures 1 and 2);
(b) the addition of magnesium to an aluminium-
zinc-silicon alloy reduces the ductility of a coating of
the alloy on a steel strip (Figure 3); and
(c) forming a coating of an aluminium-zinc-silicon-magnesium alloy with a small spangle size as opposed to a normal spangle size improves the ductility of the coating (Figure 4).
(a) Impact of magnesium on corrosion resistance
The corrosion resistance of coatings on steel strip test panels with different concentrations of magnesium in the coating compositions was assessed in (a) outdoor exposure tests and (b) salt spray tests.
The outdoor exposure tests were carried out on a series of panels of steel strip that were coated on the surfaces of the strip with Zincalume (55 wt% Al) containing 0 wt%, 0.5 wt%, 1.0 wt%, and 2.0 wt% Mg. A top surface of each of the metal coated panels was subjected to chromate pre-treatment and then painted firstly with a primer and then with a polyester top coat.
The outdoor exposure tests were carried out by positioning the panels at test sites of the applicant at Bellambi Point, New South Wales, Australia. The Bellambi Point site is rated as a severe marine environment. One set of panels was positioned to expose the painted surfaces to the rain, etc. Hence, the painted surfaces were washed with rainwater. A second set of panels was positioned in sheltered locations at the site so that the painted surfaces were not exposed directly to rain and, therefore, were not washed with rainwater. At the conclusion of the test periods of 83 months for the set of washed panels and 52 months for the unwashed panels, the panels were inspected visually and measurements were made to determine the edge undercutting of the paint layers caused by corrosion creep from the metal coated edges of the panels.
The results of the outdoor exposure tests are summarised in Figures 1(a) and 1(b). The Figures show that corrosion resistance of metal coated steel strip, as assessed by edge undercutting of paint surfaces, decreased with increasing magnesium concentration in the metal coating composition.
The salt spray tests were carried out on a series of panels of steel strip that were coated on the surfaces of the strip with Zincalume (55 wt% Al) containing 0 wt%, 1.0 wt%, and 2.0 wt% Mg. A top surface of each of the metal coated panels was subjected to chromate pre-treatment and then painted firstly with a primer and then with a polyester or a fluorocarbon top coat.
The salt spray tests were carried out in a standard laboratory accelerated corrosion test using salt spray in accordance with ASTM B117. The panels were tested for a period of 1250 hours. At the conclusion of the test period the panels were inspected visually and measurements were made to determine the edge undercutting of the paint layers caused by corrosion creep from the metal coated edges of the panels.
The results of the outdoor exposure tests are summarised in Figure 2. The plot defined by the diamond data points relates to panels coated with a polyester top coat. The plot defined by the square data points relates to panels coated with a fluorocarbon top coat. The Figure shows that corrosion resistance of metal coated steel strip, as assessed by edge undercutting of paint surfaces, decreased with increasing magnesium concentration in the metal coating composition.
(b) Impact of magnesium on coating ductility
pieces coated with a series of different coating compositions at different coating thicknesses was assessed using a standard method developed by the applicant.
The method comprised performing a 2T bend test on each test piece and then rating the coating crack severity on the bend using a set of rating standards, from Rating 0 (minimal cracking) to Rating 10 (most severe cracking), under an optical microscope with 15x magnification. Coating crack severity rating is described, by way of example, in Willis, D. J. and Zhou, Z. F., Factors Influencing the Ductility of 55%Al-Zn Coatings, Galvatech 1995, pp455-462.
The crack severity rating of coatings is a measure of the ductilities of the coatings, with higher ratings indicating lower coating ductilities.
The compositions of the trial coatings for this work and the work on assessing the impact of spangle size on coating ductility discussed in the next section of the specification are set out in Table 1 below.
Table 1

(Table 1 Removed)
As is noted above, Zincalume is a registered
trade mark of the applicant that is used in connection with aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy coated steel strip products.
The compositions in the columns under the heading "Composition" in Table I were determined by wet chemical analysis using the Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP) technique. The details in the Sample Description column in the Table represent the target pot composition for each respective trial coating.
The results of the ductility tests for the
Zincalume control coating (0 wt.% Mg) and Zincalume alloys with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 wt.% Mg are summarised in Figure 3.
It is evident from Figure 3 that the ductility of the coating decreased with increasing Mg concentration in the Zincalume coating.
(c) Impact of spangle size on ductility
The impact of spangle size on ductility was assessed using test pieces coated with a series of different coating compositions at different coating thicknesses.
Specifically, with reference to Table 1 above, the test pieces were coated with (a) the Zincalume control and having a "normal" size spangle, (b) Zincalume with 2 wt.% Mg having a "normal" size spangle, and (c) Zincalume with 2 wt.% Mg and TiB and having a "small" spangle size.
The ductility of the test pieces was assessed using the same test method described above.
The results of the ductility tests are summarised
in Figure 4.
It is evident from Figure 4 that forming the coating of Zincalume with 2 wt.% Mg with a "small" spangle size improved the ductility of the coating when compared to the ductility of the coating of the same composition but a "normal" spangle size.
Figure 5 is a schematic drawing of one embodiment of a continuous production line for producing steel strip coated with aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy in accordance with the method of the present invention.
With reference to Figure 5, in use, coils of cold rolled steel strip are uncoiled at an uncoiling station 1 and successive uncoiled lengths of strip are welded end to end by a welder 2 and form a continuous length of strip.
The strip is then passed successively through an accumulator 3, a strip cleaning section 4 and a furnace assembly 5. The furnace assembly 5 includes a preheater, a preheat reducing furnace, and a reducing furnace.
The strip is heat treated in the furnace assembly 5 by careful control of process variables including:(i) the temperature profile in the furnaces, (ii) the reducing gas concentration in the furnaces, (iii) the gas flow rate through the furnaces, and (iv) strip residence time in the furnaces (ie line speed).
The process variables in the furnace assembly 5 are controlled so that there is removal of iron oxide residues from the surface of the strip and removal of residual oils and iron fines from the surface of the strip.
The heat treated strip is then passed via an
outlet snout downwardly into and through a bath containing a molten alloy held in a coating pot 6 and is coated with the alloy.
The alloy is an aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that contains:
(a) less than 8 wt.% magnesium to contribute to
corrosion resistance of the coating,
(b) titanium borides to minimise spangle size of
the coating, and
(c) less than 0.2 wt.% strontium and calcium to
minimise the number of the above-described surface
Preferably the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy does not contain vanadium and/or chromium.
The aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy is maintained molten in the coating pot by use of heating inductors (not shown).
Within the bath the strip passes around a sink roll and is taken upwardly out of the bath. Both surfaces of the strip are coated with the alloy in the bath as it passes through the bath.
The coating that forms on the strip in the molten bath is in the form of the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that contains magnesium and strontium and/or calcium.
The coating has a comparatively small number of the above-described surface defects due to the strontium and calcium.
The coating has small spangles due to the titanium boride.
After leaving the molten bath 6 the coated strip passes vertically through a gas wiping station (not shown) at which its coated surfaces are subjected to jets of wiping gas to control the thickness of the coating.
The coated strip is then passed through a cooling section 7 and subjected to forced cooling.
The cooled, coated strip, is then passed through a rolling section 8 that conditions the surface of the coated strip.
The coated strip is thereafter coiled at a coiling station 10.
Many modifications may be made to the preferred embodiment described above without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention.
In particular, it is noted that the experimental work presented above is only a selection of the experimental work on the present invention carried out by the applicant. By way of particular example, the applicant has carried out experimental work on aluminium-zinc-silicon alloys containing concentrations of magnesium higher than 2 wt.% reported herein and up to 8 wt.% magnesium and the results on the work re consistent with the reported results herein.

We claim:
1. A steel strip having a metal coating on at least
one surface of the strip, which is characterised in that
the coating includes aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy that
contains magnesium and the coating has small spangles, as
defined herein.
2. The strip defined in claim 1 wherein the
magnesium concentration is less than 8% by weight.
3. The strip defined in claim 1 or claim 2 wherein
the magnesium concentration is less than 3% by weight.
4. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the magnesium concentration is at least
0.5% by weight.
5. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the magnesium concentration is between 1
and 5% by weight.
6. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the magnesium concentrations is between 1
and 2.5% by weight.
7. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains
strontium and/or calcium.
8. The strip defined in claim 7 wherein the
concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium or (iii)
strontium and calcium is at least 2ppm.
9. The strip defined in any claim 7 or claim 8
wherein the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium
or (iii) strontium and calcium is less than 0.2 wt.%.
10. The strip defined in any one of claims 7 to 9
wherein the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii) calcium
or (iii) strontium and calcium is no more than SOppm.
11. The strip defined in any one of claims 7 to 10
wherein, in a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-
silicon alloy contains strontium and no calcium, the
concentration of strontium is in the range of 2-4ppm.
12. The strip defined in any one of claims 7 to 10
wherein, in a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-
silicon alloy contains calcium and no strontium, the alloy
includes calcium in the range of 4-8ppm.
13. The strip defined in any one of claims 7 to 10
wherein, in a situation in which the aluminium-zinc-
silicon alloy contains strontium and calcium, the
concentration of strontium and calcium is at least 4ppm.
14. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy is a
titanium boride-modified aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy.
15. The strip defined in any one of the preceding
claims wherein the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy does not
contain vanadium and/or chromium as deliberate alloy
elements - as opposed to being present in trace amounts
for example due to contamination in the molten bath.
16. A method of forming a metal coating on a steel
strip which includes the steps of: successively passing
the steel strip through a heat treatment furnace and a
bath of molten aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy which includes
magnesium as defined in any one of the preceding claims,
(a) heat treating the steel strip in the heat
treatment furnace; and
(b) hot-dip coating the strip in the molten bath
and forming a coating of the alloy with small spangles, as
defined herein, on the steel strip.

17. The method defined in claim 16 includes
controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii)
calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium in the molten bath
to be at least 2ppm.
18. The method defined in claim 16 or claim 17
includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or
(ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be less
than 0.2 wt.%.
19. The method defined in any one of claims 16 to 18
includes the concentration of (i) strontium or (ii)
calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be less than
20. The method defined in any one of claims 16 to 19
includes controlling the concentration of (i) strontium or
(ii) calcium or (iii) strontium and calcium to be no more
than SOppm.
21. The method defined in any one of claims 16 to 20
includes specifying a minimum concentration(s) of
strontium and/or calcium in the aluminium that is supplied
to form the aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy for the molten
22. The method defined in any one of claims 16 to 20
includes periodically dosing the molten bath with amounts
of strontium and/or calcium that are required to maintain
the concentration(s) at a required concentration.
23. The method defined in any one of claims 16 to 22
includes forming the coating with small spangles on the
steel strip by adding titanium boride particles (which
term includes powders) to the molten bath so that the
molten aluminium-zinc-silicon alloy contains titanium
24. Cold formed products made from the metal coated
steel strip defined in any one of claims 1-15.
25. A steel strip having a metal coating
substantially such as herein described by way of foregoing
examples and accompanying drawings.






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Patent Number 263497
Indian Patent Application Number 7996/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 44/2014
Publication Date 31-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 16-Oct-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C23C 2/12
PCT International Application Number PCT/AU2006/000446
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2005901670 2005-04-05 Australia