Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a power or communications cable comprising an outer sheath layer made of a polyethylene composition comprising a base resin which comprises (A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and (B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, wherein fraction (A) has a lower molecular weight than fraction (B), and the base resin has a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of more than 14.
Full Text Outer Sheath Layer for Power or Communication Cable
The present invention concerns a power or communication cable
comprising an outer sheath layer made of a polyethylene composition
which comprises a base resin comprising two ethylene homo- or copolymer
fractions. Furthermore, the present invention relates to the use of such a
composition for the production of the outer sheath layer of a cable.
Cables, such as power or communication cables, usually comprise an inner
core which comprises a conducting element, such as a metal wire or a glass
fibre, and one or more outer layers for shielding and protecting purposes.
The outermost of these layers having mainly protective purpose is usually
referred to as outer sheath or outer jacket.
It is known to produce outermost protective sheath layers from polymer
compositions comprising mainly polyolefms, in particular polyethylenes.
The diverse application fields for the various kinds of cables make it
necessary that the outer jacket meets a number of requirements which at
least partly are contradictory to each other.
Among important properties of a cable jacket and a material used for
production of a cable jacket are good processability, including good
extrusion properties at a broad processing temperature window, and good
mechanical properties, such as good resistance to environmental stress
cracking ESCR, high mechanical strength, high surface finish and low
shrinkage of the final cable jacket.
It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide a cable jacket
made from a polyethylene composition having simultaneously the above-

mentioned properties, with a high flexibility combined with all above
mentioned properties. In particular, the composition used for the jacket
should show an improved processability so that a high production rate can
be achieved, while yielding a cable jacket with good surface properties.
The present invention is based on the finding that such a jacket can be
provided if a polyethylene composition is used for its production which has
a very broad molecular weight distribution of higher than 14.
The present invention thus provides a power or communications cable
comprising an outer sheath layer made of a polyethylene composition
comprising a base resin which comprises
(A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and
(B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction,
wherein fraction (A) has a lower molecular weight than fraction (B), and
the base resin has a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of more than 14.
The outermost sheath layer of the cable of the invention can be processed
more easily as compared to prior art materials while retaining at the same
time good mechanical properties, in particular good surface appearance.
The term "molecular weight" as used herein denotes the weight average
molecular weight Mw. The melt flow rate MFR of a polymer may serve as a
measure for the weight average molecular weight.
The term "base resin" means the entirety of polymeric components in the
polyethylene composition used for the outer sheath layer of the cable
according to the invention, usually making up at least 90 wt% of the total

Usuaily, a polyethylene composition comprising at least two polyethylene
fractions, which have been produced under different polymerisation
conditions resulting in different (weight average) molecular weights for the
fractions, is referred to as "multimodal". The prefix "multi" relates to the
number of different polymer fractions the composition is consisting of.
Thus, for example, a composition consisting of two fractions only is called
The form of the molecular weight distribution curve, i.e. the appearance of
the graph of the polymer weight fraction as function of its molecular
weight, of such a multimodal polyethylene will show two or more maxima
or at least be distinctly broadened in comparison with the curves for the
individual fractions.
For example, if a polymer is produced in a sequential multistage process,
utilising reactors coupled in series and using different conditions in each
reactor, or when a polymer is produced in a process comprising a single
stage in which two or more different catalysts are used, the polymer
fractions produced in the different reactors, or by the different catalysts,
respectively, will each have their own molecular weight distribution and
weight average molecular weight. When the molecular weight distribution
curve of such a polymer is recorded, the individual curves from these
fractions are superimposed into the molecular weight distribution curve for
the total resulting polymer product, usually yielding a curve with two or
more distinct maxima.
In a preferred embodiment, the base resin has a molecular weight
distribution Mw/Mn of 23 or more, more preferably 25 or more, even more
preferably 30 or more.

The base resin preferably has a MFR2 of 0.05 to 5 g/lOmin, more
preferably of 0.1 to 4 g/10min, still more preferably of 0.2 to 3.5 g/lOmin
and most preferably of 0.5 to 1.5 g/lOmin.
Furthermore, the base resin preferably has a MFR2i of 50 to 150 g/lOmin,
more preferably of 70 to 130 g/lOmin. In a preferred embodiment, the base
resin has a MFR2i of at least 90 g/10 min.
The density of the base resin preferably is 0.915 to 0.960 g/cm3, more
preferably is 0.918 to 0.950 g/cm3, still more preferably is 0.918 to 0.935
g/cm , and most preferably is 0.918 to 0.928 g/cm .
The base resin preferably has a flow rate ratio FRR of 50 to 150, more
preferably of 80 to 130.
Fraction (A) of the base resin preferably has a MFR2 of 50 to 5000
g/lOmin, more preferably of 100 to 1000 g/lOmin, and most preferably of
Further, fraction (A) preferably has a density of 0.930 to 0.975 g/cmJ,more
preferably of 0.935 to 0.955 g/cm3.
Still further, fraction (A) preferably is an ethylene copolymer with at least
one further alpha-olefm.
Preferably, the alpha-olefm comonomer of fraction (B) is having from 3 to
20 carbon atoms, more preferably 4 to 10 carbon atoms, and most
preferably is selected from 1-butene, 1-hexene, 4-methyl-l-pentene, 1-
octene and 1-decadene.

Further preferred, the weight average molecular weight of fraction (A) is
from 5,000 g/mol to 100,000 g/mol, more preferably is from 7,000 to
90,000 g/mol, and most preferably is from 10,000 to 80,000 g/mol.
Fraction (B) of the base resin preferably has a MFR2 of 0.01 to 1 g/lOmin,
more preferably of 0.05 to 0.3 g/lOmin.
Further, fraction (B) preferably has a density of 0.880 to 0.930 g/cm , more
preferably has a density of 0.890 to 0.920 g/cm3.
Still further, fraction (B) preferably is a copolymer of ethylene with at least
one further alpha-olefin.
Preferably, the alpha-olefin comonomer of fraction (B) is having from 3 to
12 carbon atoms, more preferably 4 to 8 carbon atoms, and most preferably
is selected from 1-butene, 1-hexene, 4-methyl-l-pentene and 1-octene.
In a particularly preferred embodiment, the base resin further comprises
(C) a third ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction
in an amount of up to 20 wt% of the total base resin with a MFR2 of 0.1
g/lOmin or lower.
Preferably, the amount of fraction (C) is up to 15 wt%, , more preferred up
to 10 wt% of the total base resin. In a preferred embodiment, fraction (C) is
present in the base resin in an amount of 1 wt% to 5 wt%.
Further, preferably fraction (C) is present in the base resin in an amount of
at least 2 wt%, more preferably of at least 3 wt%.
Preferably, fraction (C) has aMFR2i of less than 1 g/10 min.
Fraction (C) preferably is an ethylene homopolymer.

Fraction (C) is preferably made in a previous step from (A) and (B) and
fraction (C) has a higher MW than fraction (B).
The weight ratio of fractions (A):(B) in the base resin preferably is 30:70 to
70:30, more preferably 40:60 to 60:40, even more preferably 45:55 to
The base resin preferably has a density of lower than 960 kg/m3.
The weight average molecular weight of the base resin preferably is from
100,000 g/mol to 2,000,000 g/mol.
In a preferred embodiment, the base resin consists of fraction (A), (B) and
In addition to the base resin, usual additives for utilization with
polyolefins, such as pigments (for example carbon black), stabilizers
(antioxidant agents), antacids and/or anti-UVs, antistatic agents and
utilization agents (such as processing aid agents) may be present in the
polyethylene composition. The additives can be added as a polyolefin
masterbatch. Preferably, the amount of these additives is 10 wt% or below,
further preferred 8 wt% or below, of the total composition.
The polyethylene composition of the cable according to the invention
preferably has a shear thinning index SHI(2.7/2io) of at least 5, more
preferably at least 10, still more preferably at least 20 and most preferably
at least 40.
Furthermore, the polyethylene composition preferably has a shear thinning
index SHI(2.7/2io) of 300 or less, more preferably 290 or less, still more
preferably 220 or less and most preferably 200 or less.

The SHI is the ratio of the viscosity of the polyethylene composition at
different shear stresses. In the present invention, the shear stresses at 2.7
kPa and 210 kPa are used for calculating the SHI2.7/210 which may serve as a
measure of the broadness of the molecular weight distribution.
Furthermore, the polyethylene composition preferably has a viscosity at a
shear stress of 2.7 kPa r)(2.7) of 10,000 to 500,000 Pas, more preferably of
50,000 to 400,000 Pas, and most preferably of 75,000 to 350,000 Pas.
The base resin of the polymer composition used for making the outermost
sheath layer of the cable of the invention may be produced by any process
known in the art.
It is preferred, however, that the base resin is a so-called in-situ blend of its
constituents. By "in-situ blend", a multimodal polymer is meant which
fractions are produced either simultaneously in one reaction stage (e.g. by
using two or more different catalysts), and/or are produced in a multistage
process. A multistage process is defined to be a polymerisation process in
which a polymer comprising two or more fractions is produced by
producing each or at least two polymer fraction(s) in a separate reaction
stage, usually with different reaction conditions in each stage, in the
presence of the reaction product of the previous stage which comprises a
polymerisation catalyst. The polymer can be recirculated to any stage or
Where herein preferred features of fractions (A) and/or (B) of the
composition of the present invention are given, these values are generally
valid for the cases in which they can be directly measured on the respective
fraction, e.g. when the fraction is separately produced or produced in the
first stage of a multistage process.

However, the base resin may also be and preferably is produced in a
multistage process wherein e.g. fractions (A) and (B) are produced in
subsequent stages. In such a case, the properties of the fractions produced
in the second and third step (or further steps) of the multistage process can
either be inferred from polymers, which are separately produced in a single
stage by applying identical polymerisation conditions (e.g. identical
temperature, partial pressures of the reactants/diluents, suspension medium,
reaction time) with regard to the stage of the multistage process in which
the fraction is produced, and by using a catalyst on which no previously
produced polymer is present. Alternatively, the properties of the fractions
produced in a higher stage of the multistage process may also be calculated,
e.g. in accordance with B. Hagstrom, Conference on Polymer Processing
(The Polymer Processing Society), Extended Abstracts and Final
Programme, Gothenburg, August 19 to 21, 1997, 4:13.
Thus, although not directly measurable on the multistage process products,
the properties of the fractions produced in higher stages of such a
multistage process can be determined by applying either or both of the
above methods. The skilled person will be able to select the appropriate
The base resin of the cable according to the invention preferably is
produced so that at least one of fractions (A) and (B), preferably (B), is
produced in a gas-phase reaction,
Further preferred, one of the fractions (A) and (B) of the polyethylene
composition, preferably fraction (A), is produced in a slurry reaction,
preferably in a loop reactor, and one of the fractions (A) and (B),
preferably fraction (B), is produced in a gas-phase reaction.

It is furthermore preferred that fraction (A) and (B) of the polyethylene
composition are produced in different stages of a multistage process.
Preferably, the multistage process comprises at least one gas phase stage in
which, preferably, fraction (B) is produced.
Further preferred, fraction (B) is produced in a subsequent stage in the
presence of fraction (A) which has been produced in a previous stage.
It is previously known to produce multimodal, in particular bimodal, olefin
polymers, such as multimodal polyethylene, in a multistage process
comprising two or more reactors connected in series. As an example of this
prior art, mention may be made of EP 517 868, which is hereby
incorporated by way of reference in its entirety, including all its preferred
embodiments as described therein, as a preferred multistage process for the
production of the polyethylene composition of the cable according to the
Preferably, the main polymerisation stages of the multistage process are
such as described in EP 517 868, i.e. the production of fractions (A) and
(B) is carried out as a combination of slurry polymerisation for fraction
(A)/gas-phase polymerisation for fraction (B). The slurry polymerisation is
preferably performed in a so-called loop reactor. Further preferred, the
slurry polymerisation stage precedes the gas phase stage.
In a preferred embodiment, fraction (C) is also produced in the multistage
process in which fractions (A) and (B) are produced. Preferably, fraction
(C) is produced in a so-called prepolymerisation step, preceding the
production of further fractions of the base resin. As mentioned, the
prepolymer is preferably an ethylene homopolymer (HDPE).

Preferably, in the prepolymerisation step, all of the catalyst is charged into
a loop reactor and the prepolymerisation is performed as a slurry
polymerisation. Such a prepolymerisation leads to less fine particles being
produced in the following reactors and to a more homogeneous product
being obtained in the end.
In the production of the base resin, Ziegler-Natta (ZN) or metallocene
catalysts are preferably used, more preferably Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
The catalyst may be supported, e.g. with conventional supports including
silica, Al-containing supports and magnesium dichloride based supports.
Preferably the catalyst is a ZN catalyst, more preferably the catalyst is non-
silica supported ZN catalyst, and most preferably MgCl2-based ZN catalyst.
The Ziegler-Natta catalyst further preferably comprises a group 4 (group
numbering according to new IUPAC system) metal compound, preferably
titanium, magnesium dichloride and aluminium.
The catalyst may be commercially available or be produced in accordance
or analogously to the literature. For the preparation of the preferable
catalyst usable in the invention reference is made to WO2004055068 and
WO2004055069 of Borealis and EP 0 810 235. The content of these
documents in its entirety is incorporated herein by reference, in particular
concerning the general and all preferred embodiments of the catalysts
described therein as well as the methods for the production of the catalysts.
Preferably, the polymerisation conditions in the preferred multistage
method are so chosen that, owing to a high content of chain-transfer agent
(hydrogen gas), the comparatively low-molecular polymer is produced in a
stage preceding the stage in which the high-molecular polymer is produced.
The order of these stages may, however, be reversed.

In the preferred embodiment of the polymerisation of fraction (A) in a loop
reactor followed by production of fraction (B) in a gas-phase reactor, the
polymerisation temperature in the loop reactor preferably is 85 to 115 °C,
more preferably is 90 to 105°C, and most preferably is 92 to 100°C, and the
temperature in the gas-phase reactor preferably is 70 to 105 °C, more
preferably is 75 to 100°C, and most preferably is 82 to 97°C.
A chain-transfer agent, preferably hydrogen, is added as required to the
reactors, and preferably 200 to 800 moles of H2/kmoles of ethylene are
added to the reactor, when the LMW fraction is produced in this reactor,
and 0 to 50 moles of Hi/kmoles of ethylene are added to the gas phase
reactor when this reactor is producing the HMW fraction.
If a prepolymerisation step is used in which fraction (C) is produced it is
preferred that no hydrogen at all is introduced into the reactor during this
step. We need to open up for allowing small addition of hydrogen.
The composition for the outer sheath layer of the cable of the invention
preferably is produced in a process comprising a compounding step,
wherein the composition of the base resin, i.e. the blend, which is typically
obtained as a base resin powder from the reactor, is extruded in an extruder
and then pelletised to polymer pellets in a manner known in the art.
Optionally, additives or other polymer components can be added to the
composition during the compounding step in the amount as described
above. Preferably, the composition of the invention obtained from the
reactor is compounded in the extruder together with additives in a manner
known in the art.

The extruder may be e.g. any conventionally used extruder. As an example
of an extruder for the present compounding step may be those as supplied
by Japan steel works, Kobe steel or Farrel-Pomini, e.g. JSW 460P.
The cables of the invention in addition to the outermost sheath layer
comprise at least one or more power or information conducting elements.
The cable comprising the outer sheath layer may be produced...
As indicated in the foregoing, the cable sheathing composition can be used
for producing outer sheath layers for cables, including power cables as well
as communication cables. Amongst power cables, mention may be made of
high-voltage cables, medium voltage cables, and low voltage cables.
Amongst communication cables, mention may be made of pair cables,
coaxial cables and optical cables.
Measuring methods
a) Molecular weight/molecular weight distribution
The weight average molecular weight Mw and the molecular weight
distribution (MWD = Mw/Mn wherein Mn is the number average molecular
weight and Mw is the weight average molecular weight) is measured by a
method based on ISO 16014-4:2003. A waters 150CV plus instrument was
used with column 3 x HT&E styragel from Waters (divinylbenzene) and
trichlorobenzene (TCB) as solvent at 140 °C. The column set was
calibrated using universal calibration with narrow MWD PS standards (the
Mark Howings constant K: 9.54* 10"5 and a: 0.725 for PS, and K: 3.92* 10"4

and a: 0.725 for PE). The ratio of Mw and Mn is a measure of the broadness
of the distribution, since each is influenced by the opposite end of the
b) Density
Density is measured according to ISO 1872, Annex A.
c) Melt Flow Rate/Flow Rate Ratio
The melt flow rate (MFR) is determined according to ISO 1133 and is
indicated in g/10 min. The MFR is an indication of the flowability, and
hence the processability, of the polymer. The higher the melt flow rate, the
lower the viscosity of the polymer. The MFR is determined at 190°C and
may be determined at different loadings such as 2.16 kg (MFR2), 5 kg
The quantity FRR (flow rate ratio) is an indication of molecular weight
distribution and denotes the ratio of flow rates at different loadings. Thus,
FRR21/2 denotes the value of MFR21/MFR2.
d) Rheological parameters
Rheological parameters such as Shear Thinning Index SHI and Viscosity
are determined by using a rheometer, preferably a Rheometrics Phisica
MCR 300 Rheometer. The definition and measurement conditions are
described in detail on page 8 line 29 to page 11, line 25 of WO 00/22040.
e) Environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR)

ESCR was evaluated according to CTL: ISO 6259, with a notch applied
according to ASTM F1473, using CTL with different constant stress of 2, 3 and 4
MPa. A 10% Igepal solution was used as medium.
f) Cable samples for the evaluation are extruded as follows.

Conductor 3.0 mm Solid Al conductor
Wall thickess 1.0 mm
Temperature, die +210°C
Distance between die and waterbath 35cm
Temperature, water bath +23°C
Line velocity 75m/min
Die type Semi-tube
Nipple 3.65mm
Die 5,9mm
Screw design Elise
g) Shrinkage
The shrinkage in percent is measured after 24h in constant temperature (+23°C)
as well as after 24h at a temperature of+100°C . Cable samples measuring
approximately 40cm are measured. Conveniently, the samples is so marked that
the measurement after the conditioning can be carried out at the same point on
the cable sample.
Should the sample be found to shrink during measurement, marks of about 40cm

first have to be made. Then the length is cut and remeasured. Double samples are
taken of each cable that is to be analysed. The samples are placed in the room
with constant temperature for 24h, whereupon they are measured, and shrinkage
value in percent are calculated. All the samples are then placed on a talcum bed
at 100°C for 24h. The samples are measured, and the total shrinkage in percent is
calculated on the basis of the initial length.
h) Filler absorption
Filler absorption was measured according to BTM22511 on plaques, quenched in
cool water.
i) Mechanical properties
Elongation at break and tensile strength at break were measured according to
22542/ISO 527-2/1 A,B, either on plaques or on cables having a jacket of 1 mm
in thickness applied on a 3 mm in diameter aluminium conductor.
j) Heat deformation
This was tested according to EN 60811-3-1:1995. This was tested on cables 3mm
core and 1mm jacketing layer extruded directly on the conductor. This property
is directly proportional to the density. In this test we have used cool waterbath
during extrusion, therefore reproducing the worst case. When the molten plastics
meet cold water the density is lower than if the crystallization takes place during
slow cooling, see table for results. The indention at 115°C after 4h is recorded
and reported as how many % the egg is pentrating the sample thisckness.

_ 1 - 1\J -
Tested Compositions
Examples 1-5
Two comparative polyethylene compositions (CompEx9 and CompEx 10) and
three comparative polyethylene compositions have been prepared (CompEx 1-3).
All compositions are bimodal. Further information about each composition is
given below:
Table 1: Properties of CompEx 9, 10 and CompEx 1-2
CompEx 9 CompEx.
10 CompEx 1 CompEx 2
Density (kg/cm3) 921.8 924.4 923 923
MFR2(g/10min) 0.87 0.81 0.4 0.2
MFR21(g/10min) 87 96 40 22
FRR21/2 100 118 100 110
Temperature (°C) 85 85
Pressure (bar) 60 60
H2/C2 ratio
(mol/kmol) 282 275 330- 350
C4/C2 ratio
(mol/kmol) 147 142 670 630
MFR2(g/10min) 520 520 300 300
Density (kg/cm3) 952 951 951 945
Split 50 54 43 42
Temperature (°C) 80 80
Pressure (bar) 20 20
H2/C2 ratio
(mol/kmol) 8 8 10 3
C4/C2 ratio
(mol/kmol) 747 695 650 600
MFR2 (g/10 min) 0,85 0,7-1
Density (kg/cmj) 892 893 901 907
Split 50 46 57 58

As additives, 2400 ppm Irganox B225 and 1500 ppm calcium stearate have been
used. The catalyst used in CompEx 9, 10 and CompEx 1-2 is a Ziegler-Natta type
catalyst which corresponds to the one used in EP 6887794, Example 3.
Table 2: Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of CompEx 9, 10

CompEx 9 CompEx 10
Mw 149000 139000
Mn 9040 8070
Mz 845000 796000
MWD 16.5 17.3
In CompEx 9, 10, the melt flow rate MFR2i.6kg/i90°c is significantly higher than in
the comparative examples. Furthermore, as indicated by FRR21/2 and MWD
values, the inventive examples have a broad molecular weight distribution.
CompEx 3 is a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) including 15 wt% low
density polyethylene to improve processability. Properties of the blend are given
in Table 3:
Table 3: Properties of CompEx 3

Comp.Ex. 3
Density (g/cm3) 0.920
MFR2 (g/10 min) 0.8
MFR21(g/10min) 79
FRR2i/2 65

In the following, relevant processing properties and mechanical properties of
these compositions will be provided and discussed.
As already discussed above, the processability of a jacketing material includes
several parameters e.g. surface finish, output, melt pressure, and extruder motor
power. It is important that the processing window is wide since there are many
different applications for a jacketing material.
To evaluate the processability, the compositions were extruded at a cable line,
lmm thick jacket were applied on a 3mm in diameter aluminum conductor. To
stress the material in terms of shrinkage performance the temperature setting was
not optimal. The conductor was not preheated, the melt temperature was 210°C
and the cooling bath temperature was 23°C. The line speed was 75m/min.
Surface finish
Surface finish was evaluated by visual and hands on inspection.
Previous experience is that the lower the MFR the better is the surface finish.
However, all cables produced showed a very smooth surface which is quite
surprising considering the high MFR21 values chosen for CompEx 9,10.
Output and melt pressure
In Table 4, data from the cable line extrusion test are shown.

Table 4: Cable line extrusion test

Ex 9 Comp
Ex 10 Comp
Ex 2 Comp
Exl Comp
Ex 3
Filter pressure (Bar) 243 235 332 300 255
RPM 61 61 65 59 58
Extruder power (amps) 55 55 67 65 62
The results of Table 4 clearly indicate that the compositions can be extruded at
lower pressure and extruder power.
The effect of MFR2i.6k^i9o°c on extruder pressure is also shown in Fig. 1. Due to
the lower MFR21, CompEx 1-2 need a much higher extruder pressure to have the
same output. By blending LDPE and LLDPE (i.e. CompEx 3), it is possible to
have an extruder pressure comparable the one of CompEx 9, 10. However,
adding LDPE adversely affects mechanical properties, heat deformation and
shrinkage behaviour, as will be shown below.
Environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR)
The environmental stress cracking was evaluated using CTL with different
constant stress. A 10% igepal solution was used as medium. The results are
shown in table 5.

Table 5: ESCR results

CompEx 9 CompEx 10 CompEx 1 CompEx 2 CompEx 3
(h) >3500 >3500 >35O0 >3500 55.25
(h) >3500 >3500 >3500 >3500 30,35
ESCR bell
test (FOh) >200O >2000 >2000 >2000
Mechanical properties
Elongation at break and tensile strength are summarized in Table 6. The results
demonstrate that the inventive examples have good mechanical properties. In
other words, processability has been improved while keeping mechanical
properties on a high level.
Table 6: Data about mechanical properties

9 CompEx
10 CompEx
2 CompEx
1 CompEx
Elongation at break (%) 711 703 661 804 829
Tensile strength at break
(MPa) 26.1 25.8 30.5 31.8 22.0

-21 -
Shrinkage values are listed in Table 7.
Table 7: Shrinkage behaviour

9 CompEx
10 CompEx
2 CompEx
1 CompEx
Shrinkage 24h23°C(%) 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.24
Shrinkage 24h 100°C
(%) 0.08 0.13 0.19 0.18 0.92
The data of Table 7 indicate that the compositions show low shrinkage. In
particular, it is evident that the improvement in processability of CompEx 3 (e.g.
low extrusion pressure) adversely affects shrinkage behaviour.
Compatibility with filling compounds
The main application for LD and LLD jackets is in telecommunication cables. In
many telecables, copper or fiber optical, filling compounds are used to protect
them from water intrusion. A petroleum jelly based, Insojell 3332 , is commonly
used in copper cables. This filling compound is normally the filling compound
that gives the highest absorption.
Two tests are performed, weight increase and the influence on the mechanical
Dumbbells 2 mm thick from pressed plaques were put in Insojell 3332 for 7 days.
The samples were put on aluminum rods to enable free access for the petroleum
jelly from all sides. The ageing was done at 60°C. For the results see table 9.

Table 9: Influence of petroleum jelly

9 CompEx
10 CompEx
2 CompEx
1 CompEx
Weight increase (%) 14.5 12.2 10.5 9.0 7.9
Tensile strength at break
(MPa) 20.7 21.4 25.4 25.7 16.4
Change in tensile
strength (%) -8.0 5 -23.3 -20.5 -11.4
Elongation at break (%) 717 778 639 736 756
Change in elongation
(%) -19.2 -14.8 -22.0 -13.9 -10.7
Examples 6-13
In these examples, three polyethylene compositions according to the present
invention (Ex 3-5) and five reference materials (CompEx 4-8) have been
The inventive examples were prepared in a sequential multistage process
including a prepolymerization step, followed by polymerization in a loop reactor
and subsequently in a gas phase reactor. Thus, the final composition included
three polymer fractions.
As a catalyst for the examples 3-5, a commercial Lynx 200™ catalyst as
manufactured and supplied by Engelhard Corporation has been used

Just like the inventive examples, CompEx 4-5 have been prepared in a sequential
multistage process. However, in contrast to Ex 3-5, no prepolymerization step
was included. Thus, CompEx 4-5 are bimodal.
CompEx 4 is based on CompEx 1. However, low density polyethylene was
CompEx 5 corresponds to CompEx 1.
CompEx 6-7 are both based on linear low density polyethylene to which low
density polyethylene has been added to improve processability.
CompEx 8 has been prepared in a two-step process, the first step being carried
out in a loop reactor, followed by a gas phase polymerization step.
Further information about these compositions is provided in Table 10.




MWD - 31,6 32,0 32,3
density kg/cum 926,3 928,3 926,8
ash content ppm 210 230 280
irganox B225 ppm 2640 2650 2690
irganox B561 ppm
irganox 1076 ppm
168/XR ppm
carbon black wt-%
Cast ppm 1580 1580 1590
CaZnst ppm
Znst ppm
Yl/3mm - -8,0 -8,3
Gel.2- n/sqm
Gel.4- n/sqm
Gel.7- n/sqm
WS dispersion -
CB disperion -
Table 11: Properties of reference materials
CompEx 4 CompEx
5 CompEx 6 CompEx 7 CompEx 8
Density (kg/cm) 925 923 931 920 921.5
MFR2(g/10min) 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.7
MFR21(g/10min) 40 79 79 46
FRR21/2 100 65 65 68
Temperature 85
Pressure 57
H2/C2 ratio 330 202
C4/C2 ratio 670 609
MFR2(g/10min) 300 290
Density (kg/cm3) 951 950
Split 43 43,5
Temperature 80
Pressure 20
H2/C2 ratio 10 4,4
C4/C2 ratio 650 619
MFR2 (g/10 min) 0.7
Density (kg/cm'3) 901 897
Split 57 56,5

Comparative example 4 is the same as comparative example 5 but with
15%LDPE compounded.
In Table 12, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of Ex 3-5 and
CompEx 5 and 8 are summarized. From Table 12, it is evident that the presence
of a third fraction in the inventive compositions significantly broadens the
molecular weight distribution, if compared to the reference materials.

Table 12: Mol ecular weight and molecular weight distribution
Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 CompEx
8 CompEx
Mw 136000 143000 136000 143000 185000
Mn 4330 4480 4220 10100 15000
Mz 808000 940000 901000 612000
MWD 31.6 32 32.3 14.2 12.3
In Table 13, the shear thinning index SHI(2.7/210) of Ex 3-5 and CompEx 8 is
Table 13: Shear thinning index

Product SHI(2.7/210)
Ex 3 65
Ex 4 60
Ex 5 58
CompEx 4 41
CompEx 5 35
CompEx 6 50
CompEx 8 25
As shown in Table 13, the inventive compositions have high shear thinning
index, significantly exceeding the value of the reference material. As already
discussed above, high SHI values indicate a broad molecular weieht distribution.

The compositions have been subjected to tests for processability and mechanical
properties. The results are shown and discussed below.
Surface finish
Surface finish was evaluated by visual and hands on inspection. Two different
phenomena were observed, first the surface finish as such but also the shape of
the insulation. At higher line speed a wave shape occurred at some of the
materials. The former are due to the melt strength and the second is more due to
extruder pumping and could possibly be corrected by increased melt temperature.
However it indicates a more narrow processing window. Previous experience is
that the lower the MFR the better is the surface finish. Although the inventive
compositions have much higher MFR, they provide excellent results at these line
Table 14: Evaluation of surface properties
speed X
W Ex.5
A2047 CompEx
8 CompEx
6 CompEx
5 CompEx
Surface 15 3 3 4 4 3 3 4
smoothness 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
0-4 (4 is 70 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
best) 140 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Waviness 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1-4 (4 is 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
best) 70 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
140 4 4 4 3 3 2 2
Over all =/+ =/+ +/+ +/= =/- +/-
compared to
CompEx 6

Melt pressure
Just like CompEx 9, 10, the inventive examples 3-5 have low melt pressure at a
specific line speed. With CompEx 6-7 (i.e. blends of LLDPE and LDPE), a low
melt tension can be obtained as well. However, as will be shown below, in these
materials low-melt tension adversely affects tensile strength, heat deformation
and shrinkage behaviour.
In CompEx 4, 5 and 8, melt tension is significantly higher.
Melt tension as a function of line speed is shown in Fig. 2.
Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties are summarized in Tables 15 and 16.
Table 15: Mechanical properties measured on plaques

Plaques Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 CompEx 8 CompEx 4 CompEx 5 CompEx 6
at break
(%) 904 907 937 837 808 824.9 810
strength at
(MPa) 26.3 28.7 28.5 33.1 31.7 32.5 19.5
The data of Table 15 show that the inventive examples have good mechanical
properties. In particular, when comparing Ex 3-5 with CompEx 6 it is evident

that only the inventive examples have an improved balance between
processability (e.g. low melt pressure) and mechanical properties.
Table 16: Mechanical properties measured on cables

Cables Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 CompEx 8 CompEx 4 CompEx 5 CompEx 6
at break
(%) 597 631 620 576 500 551 527
strength at
(MPa) 17.1 17.6 17.3 18.8 17.9 17 17.6
24 h shrinkage was measured at 23°c and 100°C. The results are summarized in
Table 17. The inventive examples show good shrinkage performance.
Table 17: Shrinkage behaviour

Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 CompEx
4 CompEx
5 . CompEx
6 CompEx
(%) 0.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
24h 100°C
(%) 0.34 0.08 0.15 0.45 0.07 0.4 0.01

Compatibility with filling compounds
Two compatibility tests were performed: weight increase and the influence on the
mechanical properties.
Dumbbells 2 mm thick from pressed plaques were put in Insojell 3332 for 7 days.
The samples were put on aluminum rods to enable free access for the petroleum
jelly from all sides. The ageing was done at 70°C. The results are shown in Table

Table 18: Results from compatibility tests CompEx 8 CompEx 4 CompEx 5 CompEx 6
absorption Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5

Change in
Elongation at
break (%) -5.6 -2.9 -3.7 -12.2 -9 -8.8 -0.8
Stress at break
Absorption -11.4 -10.3 -17.5 -19.0 -15.6 -13.6 -9.1
weight increase
(%) 5.61 5.48 5.84 8.24 7.14 7.26 6.79
The materials prepared in a sequential multistage process (i.e. Ex 3-5 and
CompEx 4, 5 and 8) have a more pronounced change in mechanical properties
than the blend of LLDPE/LDPE. With regard to absorption weight increase, the
inventive examples have the lowest values. Thus, considering both effects (i.e.
change in mechanical properties as well as change in weight), the inventive
materials offer the best compromise.
Heat deformation values are provided in Table 19.

Table 19: Heat deformation

Ex 3 Ex 4 Ex 5 Comp 8 Comp 4 Comp 5 Comp 6
4hatll5°(%) 14.9 13.1 10.6 10.9 15.4 14.6 65
Crystallization temperature
In Table 20, crystallization temperatures of Ex 3-5 and CompEx 5 are listed.
Table 20: Crystallization temperature

Exl Ex 2 Ex 3 CompEx 5
temperature (°C) 112.7 112.9 113.3 111.6
The increase in crystallization temperature is beneficial for processing, e.g. for
film applications, since the high molecular weight fraction (iii) acts as a nucleator
increasing the crystallization. This is advantageous for the cooling properties
after processing the article.

1. A power or communications cable comprising an outer sheath layer
made of a polyethylene composition comprising a base resin which
(A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction,
(B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and
(C) a third ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction in an amount of
up to 20 wt% of the total base resin,
wherein fraction (A) has a lower molecular weight than fraction (B), and
the base resin has a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of more than 14,
and fraction (C) has a MFR2 of 0.1 g/10 min or lower.
2. Cable according to claim 1 wherein the base resin has a molecular
weight distribution Mw/Mn of 23 or more.
3. Cable according to claim 1 or 2 wherein the base resin has a MFR2i
of at least 90g/10min.
4. Cable according to one of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a MFR2 of 0.05 to 5 g/lOmin.
5. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a MFR2 of 0.5 to 1.2 g/lOmin.
6. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a density of 0.915 to 0.960 g/cm3.
7. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a density of 0.918 to 0.928 g/cm3.

-34 -
8. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a flow rate ratio FRR of 50 to 150.
9. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin has a flow rate ratio FRR of 80 to 130.
10. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (A)
has a MFR2 of 50 to 5000 g/lOmin.
11. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (A)
has a density of 0.930 to 0.975 g/cm3.
12. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (A)
is an ethylene copolymer with at least one further alpha-olefin.
13. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (B)
has a MFR2 of 0.01 to 1 g/lOmin.
14. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (B)
has a density of 0.880 to 0.930 g/cm3.
15. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (B)
is a copolymer of ethylene with at least one further alpha-olefin.
16. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (C)
is present in the base resin in an amount of 1 wt% to 5 wt%.
17. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein fraction (C)
has a MFR2i of less than lg/10 min.
18. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the weight
ratio of fractions (A):(B) in the base resin is 40:60 to 60:40.

-35 -
19. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the
composition has a SHI(2.7/2io) of 5 to 300.
20. Cable according to any of the preceding claims wherein the base
resin is an in-situ blend.
21. Use of a polyethylene composition comprising a base resin which

(A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and
(B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction,
wherein fraction (A) has a lower molecular weight than fraction (B), and
the base resin has a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of more than 14
for the production of an outer sheath layer of a power or communication

The present invention relates to a power or communications cable comprising an outer sheath layer made of a polyethylene composition
comprising a base resin which comprises
(A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and
(B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction,
wherein fraction (A) has a lower molecular weight than fraction (B), and the base resin has a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of more than 14.




04553-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

04553-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


04553-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

04553-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

04553-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf


04553-kolnp-2007-international exm report.pdf

04553-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf


04553-kolnp-2007-pct priority document notification.pdf

04553-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf





4553-KOLNP-2007-(30-04-2012)AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf

4553-KOLNP-2007-(30-04-2012)DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf







4553-KOLNP-2007-(30-04-2012)PA-CERTIFIED COPIES.pdf




4553-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf

4553-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3-1.1.pdf


Patent Number 263498
Indian Patent Application Number 4553/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 44/2014
Publication Date 31-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 26-Nov-2007
Applicant Address P.O. BOX 330, FIN-06101, PORVOO
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01B 3/44
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/006267
PCT International Filing date 2006-06-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 05014217.3 2005-06-30 EUROPEAN UNION