Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising less than 90 weight percent beta-glucan, a payload molecule such as herein described, and a payload trapping molecule selected from the group consisting of a polymer, a polyelectrolyte, a detergent and a mixture thereof, wherein the payload molecule and the payload trapping molecule are soluble in the same solvent system such as herein described. The present invention also relates to an article of manufacture, a pharmaceutical composition comprising the particulate delivery system as described in the specification and a method of making a particulate delivery system.
Drug delivery systems are designed to provide a biocompatible reservoir of an active
agent for the controlled release of the active agent dependent either on time, or on local
conditions, such as pH. While macroscopic drug delivery systems such as transdermal patches,
implantable osmotic pumps and implantable subcutaneous depots (e.g., NORPLANT™) have
had some success, there has been continuing interest in microscopic drug delivery systems such
as microcapsules, microparticles and liposomes.
Microcapsules and microspheres are usually powders consisting of spherical particles 2
millimeters or less in diameter, usually 500 microns or less in diameter. If the particles are less
than 1 micron, they are often referred to as nanocapsules or nanosphercs. A description of
methods of making and using microspheres and microcapsules can be found, for example in U.S.
Pat. No. 5,407,609. Microcapsules and microspheres can be distinguished from each other by
whether the active agent is formed into a central core surrounded by an encapsulating structure,
such as a polymeric membrane, or whether the active agent is dispersed throughout the particle;
that is, the internal structure is a matrix of the agent and excipient, usually a polymeric excipient.
The release of the active agent from a microcapsule is often regulated by the biodegradation of
the matrix material, usually a biodegradable polymeric material such as either poly(DL-lactide)
(DL-PL) or poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (DL-PLG) as the polymeric excipient.
Liposomes can be considered microcapsules in which the active agent core is
encompassed by a lipid membrane instead of a polymeric membrane. Liposomes are artificial
lipid vesicles consisting of lipid layers, where the antigen may he encapsulated inside the
aqueous compartment of the liposome, or associated with the antigen on the surface via surface-
coupling techniques. Liposomes can be prepared easily and inexpensively on a large scale and
under conditions that are mild to entrapped antigens. They do not induce immune responses to
themselves, and are used in humans for parenterally administered drugs.
While the high surface area / volume ratio of microcapsules, microspheres and liposomes
favor the release of the active agent, their small size provides challenges in manufacturing. A
wide variety of methods to prepare microcapsules and microspheres are described in the
literature, e.g., U.S. Pat. No.5,407,609. Several of these methods make use of emulsions to make
microspheres, in particular to make microspheres less than 2 millimeters in diameter. To give a
general example of such processes, one can dissolve a polymer in a suitable organic solvent (the
polymer solvent), dissolve or disperse an agent in this polymer solution, disperse the resulting

polymer/agent mixture into an aqueous phase (the processing mediµm) to obtain an oil-in-water
emulsion with oil microdroplets dispersed in the processing medium, and remove the solvent
from the microdroplets to form microspheres. These processes can also be performed with water-
in-oil emulsions and with double emulsions. The use of emulsion-based processes that follow
this basic approach is described in several U.S. patents, such as U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,737,337,
3,891,570,4,384,975,4,389,330, and 4,652,441.
Alternatively, extracted yeast cell wall particles are readily available, biodegradable,
substantially spherical particles about 2-4 urn in diameter. Preparation of extracted yeast cell
wall particles is known in the art, and is described, for example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,992,540,
5,082,936, 5,028,703, 5,032,401, 5,322,841, 5,401,727, 5,504,079, 5,968,811, 6,444,448 B1,
6,476,003 B1, published U.S. applications 2003/0216346 A1, 2004/0014715 A1, and PCT
published application WO 02/12348 A2. A form of extracted yeast cell wall particles, referred to
as "whole glucan particles," have been suggested as delivery vehicles, but have been limited
either to release by simple diffusion of active ingredient from the particle or release of an agent
chemically crosslinked to the whole glucan particle by biodegradation of the particle matrix. See
U.S. Pat. Nos.5,032,401 and 5,607,677.
Extracted yeast cell wall particles, primarily due to their beta-glucan content, are targeted
to phagocytic cells, such as macrophages and cells of lymphoid tissue. The mucosal-associated
lymphoid tissue (MALT) comprises all lymphoid cells in epithelia and in the lamina propria
lying below the body's mucosal surfaces. The main sites of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues
are the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT), and the bronchial-associated lymphoid tissues
Another important component of the GI immune system is the M or microfold cell. M
cells are a specific cell type in the intestinal epithelium over lymphoid follicles that endocytose a
variety of protein and peptide antigens. Instead of digesting these proteins, M cells transport
them into the underlying tissue, where they are taken up by local dendritic cells and
M cells take up molecules and particles from the gut lumen by endocytosis or
phagocytosis. This material is then transported through the interior of the cell in vesicles to the
basal cell membrane, where it is released into the extracellular space. This process is known as
transcytosis. At their basal surface, the cell membrane of M cells is extensively folded around
underlying lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells, which take up the transported material

released from the M cells and process it for antigen presentation.
A study has shown that transcytosis of yeast particles (3.4 +/- 0.8 micron in diameter) by
M cells of the Peyer's patches takes less than 1 hour (Beier, R., & Gebert, A., Kinetics of particle
uptake in the domes of Peyer's patches, Am J Physiol. 1998 Jul;275(l Pt l):G130-7). Without
significant phagocytosis by intraepithelial macrophages, the yeast particles migrate down to and
across the basal lamina within 2.5-4 hours, where they quickly get phagocytosed and transported
out of the Peyer's patch domes. M cells found in human nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue (tonsils
and adenoids) have been shown to be involved in the sampling of viruses that cause respiratory
infections. Studies of an in vitro M cells model have shown uptake of fluorescently labeled
microspheres (Fluospheres, 0.2 µm ) and chitosan microparticles (0.2 µm) van der Lubben I.M.,
et al., Transport of chitosan microparticles for mucosal vaccine delivery in a human intestinal M-
cell model, J Drug Target, 2002 Sep;10(6):449-56. A lectin, Ulex europaeus agglutinin 1
(UEA1, specific for alpha-L-fucose residues) has been used to target either polystyrene
microspheres (0.5 µm) or polymerized liposomes to M cells (0.2 µm) (Clark, M.A., et al.,
Targeting polymerised liposome vaccine carriers to intestinal M cells, Vaccine. 2001 Oct
12;20(l-2):208-17). In vivo studies in mice have reported that poly-D,L-lactic acid (PDLLA)
microspheres or gelatin microspheres (GM) can be efficiently taken up by macrophages and M
cells. (Nakase, H., et al., Biodegradable microspheres targeting mucosal immune-regulating
cells: new approach for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, J Gastroenterol. 2003 Mar;38
Suppl 15:59-62).
However, it has been reported that uptake of synthetic particulate delivery vehicles
including poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles and liposomes is highly variable, and is
determined by the physical properties of both particles and M cells. Clark, M. A., et al.,
Exploiting M cells for drug and vaccine delivery, Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2001 Aug 23;50(1-2):81-
106. The same study reported that delivery may be enhanced by coating the particles or
liposomes with reagents including appropriate lectins, microbial adhesins and immunoglobulins
which selectively bind to M cell surfaces. See also, Florence, A.T., The oral absorption of micro-
and nanoparticulates: neither exceptional nor unusual, Pharm Res. 1997 Mar;14(3):259-66.
Pathogen pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognize common structural and
molecular motifs present on microbial surfaces and contribute to induction of innate immune
responses. Mannose receptors and beta-glucan receptors in part participate in the recognition of
fungal pathogens. The mannose receptor (MR), a carbohydrate-binding receptor expressed on

subsets of macrophages, is considered one such. PRR. Macrophages have receptors for both
mannose and mannose-6-phosphate that can bind to and internalize molecules displaying these
sugars. The molecules are internalized by endocytosis into a pre-lysosomal endosome. This
internalization has been used to enhance entry of oligonucleotides into macrophages using
bovine serum albumin modified with mannose-6-phosphate and linked to an
oligodeoxynucleotide by a disulfide bridge to a modified 3' end; see Bonfils, E., et al., Nucl.
Acids Res. 1992 20,4621-4629. see E. Bonfils, C. Mendes, A. C. Roche, M. Monsigny and P.
Midoux, Bioconj. Chem., 3,277-284 (1992). Macrophages also express beta-glucan receptors,
including CR3 (Ross, G.D., J.A. Cain, B.L. Myones, S.L. Newman, and P.J. Lachmann. 1987. .
Specificity of membrane complement receptor type three (CR3) for p-glucans. Complement
Inflamm. 4:61), dectin-1. (Brown, G.D. and S. Gordon. 2001. Immune recognition. Anew
receptor for p-glucans. Nature 413:36), and lactosylceramide (Zimmerman JW, Lindermuth J,
Fish PA, Palace GP, Stevenson TT, DeMong DE. A novel carbohydrate-glycosphinglipid
interaction between a beta-(l-3)-glucan immunomodulator, PGG-glucan, and lactosylceramide
of human leukocytes. J Biol Chem. 1998 Aug 21:273(34):22014-20.). The beta-glucan receptor,
CR3 is predominantly expressed on monocytes, neutrophils and NK cells, whereas dectin-1 is
predominantly expressed on the surface of cells of the macrophages. Lactosylceramide is found
at high levels in M cells. Microglia can also express a beta-glucan receptor (Muller, CD., et al.
Functional beta-glucan receptor expression by a microglial cell line, Res Immunol. 1994
There is evidence for additive effects on phagocytosis of binding to both mannose and
beta-glucan receptors. Giaimis et al. reported observations suggesting that phagocytosis of
unopsonized heat-killed yeast (S. cerevisiae) by murine macrophage-like cell lines as well as
murine peritoneal resident macrophages is mediated by both mannose and beta-glucan receptors.
To achieve maximal phagocytosis of unopsonized heat-killed yeast, coexpression of both
mannose and beta-glucan receptors is required (Giaimis, J., et al., Both mannose and beta-glucan
receptors are involved in phagocytosis of unopsonized, heat-killed Saccharomyces cerevisiae by
murine macrophages, J Leukoc Biol. 1993 Dec;54(6):564-71).

In a preferred embodiment, the present invention provides a particulate delivery system
comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan and a payload trapping molecule.
The particulate delivery system optionally, but typically, also includes a payload molecule,
wherein the payload molecule and the payload trapping molecule are soluble in the same solvent
system. In preferred embodiments, the solvent system comprises water. In other preferred
embodiments, the solvent system consists essentially of water. The particulate delivery system of
the present invention is useful for both in vivo and in vitro delivery of payload molecules to cells.
In particularly preferred embodiments, extracted yeast cell wall comprises less than 90
weight percent beta-glucan. In certain preferred embodiments, the extracted yeast cell wall
comprises more than 50 weight percent chitin. In other preferred embodiments, the extracted
yeast cell wall further comprises more than 30 weight percent mannan. In certain embodiments,
the extracted yeast cell wall includes more than 1 weight percent protein.
In preferred embodiments, the payload molecule is selected from the group consisting of
a polynucleotide, a peptide, a protein, a small organic active agent, a small inorganic active agent.
and a mixture thereof. In certain preferred embodiments, the payload molecule is a
polynucleotide selected from the group consisting of an oligonucleotide, an antisense construct, a
siRNA, an enzymatic RNA, a recombinant DNA construct, an expression vector, and a mixture
thereof. In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
is useful for in vivo or in vitro delivery of payload molecules such as amino acids, peptides and
proteins. The peptides can be signaling molecules such as hormones, neurotransmitters or
neuromodulators, and can be the active fragments of larger molecules, such as receptors,
enzymes or nucleic acid binding proteins. The proteins can be enzymes, structural proteins,
signaling proteins or nucleic acid binding proteins, such as transcription factors.
In other preferred embodiments, the payload molecule is a small organic active agent,
such as a therapeutic agent or a diagnostic agent. In particularly preferred embodiments, the
small organic active agent is a sequence-specific DNA binding oligomer, more preferably an
oligomer of heterocyclic polyamides that bind to the minor groove of double stranded DNA,
such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6.506,906 and in Dervan, P. Molecular Recognition of
DNA by Small Molecules, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2001) 9:2215-2235, both of
which are hereby incorporated by reference. In preferred embodiments, the oligomer has

monomeric subunits selected from the group consisting of N-methylimidazole carboxamide, N-
methylpyrrole carboxamide, beta-alanine and dimethylaminopripylamide.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
includes inorganic active agents, e.g., gastrointestinal therapeutic agents such as aluminum
hydroxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium carbonate and the like.
The choice of the payload trapping molecule can confer specific characteristics to the
particulate delivery system. In general, the preferred payload trapping molecule is biocompatible
and pharmaceutically acceptable. As noted above, the payload molecule and the payload
trapping molecule are soluble in the same solvent system. Suitable payload trapping molecules
include natural and synthetic polymers. In certain embodiments, the physical characteristics of
the payload trapping molecule, such as agarose or polyacrylamide, provide useful advantages
Suitable polymers include polysaccharides. In preferred embodiments, the polysaccharide
selected is from the group consisting of agarose, an alginate, a xanthan, a dextran, a chitosan, a
galactomannan gum, a derivative thereof and a mixture thereof. In certain preferred
embodiments, the polysaccharides have been derivatized to produce cationic or anionic
characteristics at physiological pH.
In other embodiments, the payload trapping molecule is a charged molecule at
physiological pH, such as a cationic polymer, an anionic polymer, a cationic detergent, an
anionic detergent and a mixture thereof. Preferred cationic polymers include chitosan, poly-L-
lysine and polyethylenimines (PEIs), including substantially linear polyethylenimines, such as
JetPEI, a commercially available linear polyethylenimine cationic polymer, transfection reagent
(Qbiogene, Inc., CA). Other cationic polymer transfection reagents are also suitable, preferably
CytoPure™, a proprietary, commercially available, water-soluble cationic polymer transfection
reagent (Qbiogene, Inc., CA). In other preferred embodiments, suitable anionic polymers
include alginates, dextrans and xanthans, including derivatized alginates, dextrans and xanthans.
In further preferred embodiments, the payload trapping molecule is a cationic detergent such as
hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide: In one preferred embodiment, a mixture of a cationic
detergent, such as hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide, and a cationic polymer, such as a
polyethylenimine, is used. In another preferred embodiment, a mixture of a cationic detergent,
such as hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide, and a cationic polymer, such as chitosan or PEI,
can be used.

While not being held to a single hypothesis, it is believed that, in addition to facilitating
the retention of the payload by the yeast cell wall particles, a preferred payload trapping molecule
serves to encourage the release of the payload molecule from the endosome of a phagocytic cell
by acting as a detergent, by helping to swell the endosome osmotically, or by other effects.
In other preferred embodiments, the present invention provides methods of using the
particulate delivery system. In certain preferred embodiments, the invention provides methods
of delivering a payload molecule to a cell comprising the steps of providing a extracted yeast cell
wall comprising beta-glucan, the yeast cell wall defining an internal space; contacting the
extracted yeast cell wall with a payload molecule wherein the payload molecule becomes at least
partially enclosed within the internal space; contacting the extracted yeast cell wall with a
payload trapping molecule wherein the payload trapping molecule at least partially confines the
payload molecule within the extracted yeast cell wall to form a particulate delivery system; and
contacting a cell with the particulate delivery system. Preferably the method further includes the
step of internalizing the particulate delivery system by the cell.
In other preferred embodiments, the invention provides methods of making a particulate
delivery system comprising the steps of providing a extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-
glucan, the yeast cell wall defining an internal space; contacting the extracted yeast cell wall with
a payload molecule wherein the payload molecule becomes associated with the extracted yeast
cell wall; contacting the extracted yeast cell wall with a payload trapping molecule wherein the
payload trapping molecule stabilizes the association of the payload molecule with the extracted
yeast cell wall to form a particulate delivery system. In preferred embodiments, the method also
includes the steps of washing and drying the particulate delivery system.
In other preferred embodiments, the present invention provides methods of exposing an
individual to an antigen comprising the step of contacting a phagocytic
cell of the individual with a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall
comprising beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule and payload molecule, wherein the payload
molecule is a polynucleotide comprising a control element operatively linked to an open reading
frame encoding a peptide that can be controllably expressed in the cells of the individual.
Preferably the encoded peptide is an antigenic peptide. In further preferred embodiments, the
present invention provides methods of exposing an individual to an antigen comprising the step
of contacting a phagocytic

cell of the individual with a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall
comprising beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule and payload molecule, wherein the payload
molecule is a antigenic molecule. A preferred antigenic molecule is a toxoid.
In preferred embodiments, the contacted cells are macrophages, but may also include any
cell capable of yeast particle phagocytosis, including M cells of the Peyer's patches, monocytes,
neutrophils, dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, Kupffer cells, alveolar phagocytes, peritoneal
macrophages, milk macrophages, microglia, eosinophils, granulocytes, mesengial phagocytes,
synovial A cells and other phagocytes. In preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system
is administered orally and absorbed via M cells of the Peyer's patches in the gut.
In preferred embodiments the polynucleotide is a recombinant DNA construct comprising
a control element operatively linked to an open reading frame encoding a protein, e.g. an
expression vector. The protein can be a structural protein, a protein having enzymatic activity, a
membrane protein a DNA binding protein or a signaling protein. In certain preferred
embodiments, the protein is an antigenic protein.
In certain preferred embodiments, the method further includes the step of the cell
expressing the protein. The expressed protein can be retained intracellularly by the cell,
incorporated in a membranous structure, such as the plasma membrane, or be secreted by the
In other embodiments, more than one type of polynucleotide is enclosed within the
particulate delivery system. In preferred embodiments, the polynucleotides provide the ability to
express multiple gene products under control. In certain embodiments, at least one expressible
gene product is a membrane protein, preferably a membrane receptor, most preferably a
membrane-bound receptor for a signaling molecule. In some embodiments, at least one
expressible gene product is a soluble protein, preferably a secreted protein, most preferably a
signaling protein or peptide.
In other embodiments, the present invention provides a method of delivering a drug to a
macrophage cell including the steps of providing a substantially spherical extracted yeast cell
wall comprising beta-glucan, the yeast cell wall defining an internal space; contacting the
extracted yeast cell wall with a drug wherein the drug is at least partially enclosed within the
internal space; contacting the extracted yeast cell wall with a trapping molecule wherein the
trapping molecule is at least partially enclosed within the internal space to form a particulate
drug delivery system; and contacting a macrophage cell with the particulate drug delivery

system. Preferably, the method also includes the step of internalizing the particulate drug
delivery system by the macrophage. In preferred embodiments, the method also includes the step
of transporting the particulate drug delivery system by the macrophage. In particularly preferred
embodiments, the macrophage delivers the particulate drug delivery system to a macrophage-
attracting site, such as a site of infection, inflammatory reaction, hypoxia or hyperplasia. In
certain preferred embodiments, the macrophage delivers the particulate drug delivery system to a
tumor. In particularly preferred embodiments, the method includes the step of releasing the drug
from the particulate drug delivery system, more preferably further including the step of releasing
the drug into the extracellular space. In certain embodiments, the step of releasing the drug
includes the steps of expressing a recombinant protein and secreting the protein into the
extracellular space.
The present invention provides a method of immunizing an individual against a
pathogen. The method comprises the step of contacting cells of said individual with a particulate
delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload
trapping molecule and a nucleic acid composition, thereby administering to the cells a nucleic
acid molecule that comprises a nucleotide sequence that encodes a peptide which comprises at
least an epitope identical to, or substantially similar to an epitope displayed on said pathogen as
antigen, and said nucleotide sequence is operatively linked to regulatory sequences, wherein the
nucleic acid molecule is capable of being expressed in the cells of the individual.
In another preferred embodiment, the present invention provides a method of producing immunity to a toxoid comprising the steps of providing a particulate delivery system comprising
an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule and a toxoid,
contacting a phagocytic cell with the particulate delivery system and inducing phagocytosis of
the particulate delivery system. The phagocytic cell can be one or more of macrophages, M cells
of the Peyer's patches, monocytes, neutrophils, dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, Kupffer cells,
alveolar phagocytes, peritoneal macrophages, milk macrophages, microglia, eosinophils,
granulocytes, mesengial phagocytes, and synovial A cells.
The present invention provides methods of immunizing an individual against a
hyperproliferative disease or an autoimmune disease. The methods comprise the step of
contacting cells of said individual with a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted
yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule which includes a nucleic
acid composition, thereby administering to the cells a nucleic acid molecule that comprises a

nucleotide sequence that encodes a peptide which comprises at least an epitope identical to, or
substantially similar to an epitope displayed on a hyperproliferative disease-associated protein or
an autoimmune disease-associated protein, respectively, and is operatively linked to regulatory
sequences, wherein the nucleic acid molecule is capable of being expressed in the cells of the
The present invention also provides methods of treating an individual suffering from an
autoimmune disease comprising the steps of contacting cells said individual with a particulate
delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload
trapping molecule which includes a nucleic acid composition, thereby administering to the cells
a nucleic acid molecule that comprises a nucleotide sequence that restores the activity of an
absent, defective or inhibited gene, or that encodes a protein that produces a therapeutic effect in
the individual, and is operatively linked to regulatory sequences; the nucleic acid molecule being
capable of being expressed in said cells.
In further embodiments, the present invention provides a method of immunizing an
individual against a hyperproliferative disease comprising the step of contacting cells of said
individual with a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising
beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule and a payload molecule that is a polynucleotide
comprising a control sequence operatively linked to an open reading frame encoding a peptide
that comprises an epitope identical to, or substantially similar to, an epitope displayed on a
hyperproliferative disease-associated protein, wherein encoded peptide is capable of being
expressed in the cells of the individual. In other embodiments, the present invention provides a
method of treating an individual suffering from a genetic disease comprising the step of
contacting cells of said individual with a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted
yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload trapping molecule and a payload molecule that
is a polynucleotide thereby administering to the cells a polynucleotide that comprises a
nucleotide sequence that restores the activity of an absent, defective or inhibited gene.
Preferably, the polynucleotide comprises a regulatory sequence operatively linked to an open
reading frame encoding a protein that produces a therapeutic effect in the individual, the protein
being capable of being expressed in said cells.
The present invention also relates to methods of treating an individual suffering from an
autoimmune disease comprising the steps of contacting cells said individual with a particulate
delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, a payload

trapping molecule which includes a nucleic acid composition, thereby administering to the cells
a nucleic acid molecule that comprises a nucleotide sequence that restores the function of an
absent, defective or inhibited gene, or that encodes a protein that produces a therapeutic effect in
the individual, and is operatively linked to regulatory sequences; the nucleic acid molecule being
capable of being expressed in said cells.
Accordingly the present invention provides compositions and methods which
prophylactically and/or therapeutically immunize an individual against a pathogen or abnormal,
disease-related cell. The genetic material encodes a peptide or protein that shares at least an
epitope with an immunogenic protein found on the pathogen or cells to be targeted. The genetic
material is expressed by the individual's cells and serves as an immunogenic target against which
an immune response is elicited. The resulting immune response is broad based: in addition to a
humoral immune response, both arms of the cellular immune response are elicited. The methods
of the present invention are useful for conferring prophylactic and therapeutic immunity. Thus, a
method of immunizing includes both methods of protecting an individual from pathogen
challenge, or occurrence or proliferation of specific cells, as well as methods of treating an
individual suffering from pathogen infection, hyperproliferative disease or autoimmune disease.
Thus, the present invention is useful to elicit broad immune responses against a target protein,
i.e. proteins specifically associated with pathogens or the individual's own "abnormal" cells.
The present invention is also useful in combating hyperproliferative diseases and
disorders such as cancer, by eliciting an immune response against a target protein that is
specifically associated with the hyperproliferative cells. The present invention is further useful in
combating autoimmune diseases and disorders by eliciting an immune response against a target
protein that is specifically associated with cells involved in the autoimmune condition.
The present invention also provides pharmaceutical kits that comprise a container
comprising a payload molecule selected from the group consisting of a nucleic acid composition,
protein composition, small organic molecule and mixtures thereof, and a container comprising a
yeast cell wall particle and a trapping molecule. Optionally, there is included in such kits
excipients, carriers, preservatives and vehicles of the type described above with respect to
pharmaceutical compositions. The term pharmaceutical kit is also intended to include multiple
inoculants used in the methods of the present invention. Such kits include separate containers
comprising different inoculants and transfer moieties. The pharmaceutical kits in accordance

with the present invention are also contemplated to include a set of inoculants used in the
treatment and immunizing methods and/or therapeutic methods, as described above.
The compositions and methods of the present invention are useful in the fields of both
human and veterinary medicine. Accordingly, the present invention relates to genetic
immunization and therapeutic treatment of mammals, birds and fish. The methods of the present
invention can be particularly useful for genetic immunization and therapeutic treatment of
mammalian species including human, bovine, ovine, porcine, equine, canine and feline species.
The foregoing and other features and advantages of the particulate drug delivery system
and methods will be apparent from the following more particular description of preferred
embodiments of the system and method as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like
reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views.
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram 100 of a transverse section of a yeast cell wall, showing, .
from outside to inside, an outer fibrillar layer 110, an outer mannoprotein layer 120, a beta
glucan layer 130, a beta glucan - chitin layer 140, an inner mannoprotein layer 150, the plasma
membrane 160 and the cytoplasm 170.
Figure 2 A is a diagram of the structure of a yeast cell wall particle; Figure 2B is a
reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence photomicrograph showing
staining of the mannan component of the yeast cell wall particles by concanavalin-A-FITC (con-
A-fluorescein isothiocyanate, Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) showing substantially completely
stained yeast cell wall particles 210; Figure 2C is a diagram of the structure of a YGMP beta
glucan-mannan particle, Figure 2D is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color
fluorescence photomicrograph showing patchy con-A-FITC staining of a YGMP beta glucan-
mannan particle 220; Figure 2E is a diagram of the structure of a YGP beta glucan particle and
Figure 2F is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence micrograph
showing the absence of con-A-FITC staining.
Figure 3 A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color light
photomicrograph of cells exposed to YGP particles loaded with fluorescent labeled pIRES
plasmid with PEI as the cationic trapping polymer and CTAB as a cationic detergent, indicating
a cell 310 and Figure 3B is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence

photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing bright staining representing fluorescent YGP
particles internalized by the same cell 310 indicated in Figure 3B.
Figure 4A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 410; exposed to fluorescent labeled YGP
particles, Figure 4B is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 420, exposed to YGP particles containing pIRES
DNA, a cationic trapping polymer polyethylerumine (PEI) and cationic detergent
hexadecyltrunethylammoniumbromide (also known as celyltrimethylanrmonium bromide or
CTAB) expressing GFP and Figure 4C is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a
color fluorescence photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 430, exposed to YGP
particles containing pIRES DNA, a cationic trapping polymer chitosan and cationic detergent

CTAB expressing GFP.
Figure 5A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color combined light and
fluorescence photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 510, exposed to fluorescent labeled
YGP particles; Figure 5B is a graphic representation of the results of a fluorescence activated
cell sorting (FACS) study showing a major peak 520 representing the distribution of signals from
cells that have internalized fluorescent labeled YGP particles and a minor peak 530 representing
the distribution of signals from cells without fluorescent labeled YGP particles; Figure 5C is a
reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color light photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an
indicated cell 540, exposed to YGP particles containing fluorescent labeled DNA, a cationic
trapping polymer PEI and cationic detergent CTAB; Figure 5D is a reversed contrast (negative)
grayscale image of a color fluorescence photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing the
same indicated cell 540, Figure 5E is a graphic representation of the results of a FACS study
showing a major peak 610 representing the distribution of signals from cells that have
internalized YGP particles with fluorescent DNA payload and a shoulder 620 representing the
distribution of signals from cells without YGP particles; Figure 5F is a reversed contrast
(negative) grayscale image of a color light photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 710,
incubated with YGP particles containing fluorescent antisense RNA payload; Figure 5G is a
reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence photomicrograph of the
same field of cells showing the same indicated cell 710; Figure 5H is a reversed contrast
(negative) grayscale image of a color light micrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 810,
incubated with YGP particles containing fluorescent labeled siRNA, PEI and CTAB and Figure

51 is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence photomicrograph of
the same field of cells showing the same indicated cell 810 containing internalized YGP particles
with fluorescent RNAi payload.
The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will be
apparent from the following more particular description of preferred embodiments of the
invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to
the same parts throughout the different views. The drawings are not necessarily to scale,
emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention.

In preferred embodiments, the invention provides a particulate delivery system
comprising an extracted yeast cell wall particle and at least one payload trapping molecule.
Preferably, the yeast cell wall particle is a 2-4 micrometer yeast cell wall ghost.
Payload Trapping Molecules
The payload trapping molecule is preferably a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. The
payload and trapping molecule are both soluble in the solvent system; the solvent system must be
absorbed through the yeast cell particle carbohydrate matrix allowing the absorption of the
payload and trapping polymer. The payload and trapping molecule are preferably water
soluble. In preferred embodiments, the trapping molecule is biodegradable.
The mechanism of action of the trapping reaction with a given payload dictates the choice
of payload trapping molecule. For electrostatic interactions a charged payload trapping molecule
of opposite charge of the payload is required. For physical entrapment, the payload trapping
molecule suitably participates in the formation of a matrix that reduces the diffusion of a
payload. In other embodiments, the payload trapping molecule contributes a hydrophobic
binding property that contributes to the retention of the payload. In further embodiments, the
payload trapping molecule selectively binds to the payload, providing an affinity interaction that
contributes to the retention of the payload.
In general, polyelectrolytes can be suitable payload trapping molecules. Several suitable
polyelectrolytes are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,133,229. The polyelectrolyte may be a cationic
or anionic polyelectrolyte. Amphoteric polyelectrolytes may also be employed. The cationic
polyelectrolyte is preferably a polymer with cationic groups distributed along the molecular
chain. The cationic groups, which in certain embodiments may include quaternary ammonium-
derived moieties, may be disposed in side groups pendant from the chain or may be incorporated
in it. Examples of cationic polyelectrolytes include: copolymers of vinyl pyrollidone and
quaternary methyl methacrylate e.g., GAFQUAT®. series (755N, 734, HS-100) obtained from
ISP; substituted polyacrylamides; polyethyleneimine, polypropyleneimine and substituted
derivatives; polyamine homopolymers (GOLCHEM® CL118); polyamine co-polymers (e.g.,
condensates of epichlorohydrin and mono or dimethylamine); polydiallyl dimethyl ammonium
chloride (polyDADMAC); substituted dextrans; modified guar gum (substituted with
hydroxypropytrimonium chloride); substituted proteins (e.g., quaternary groups substituted on

soya protein and hydrolysed collagen); polyamino acids (e.g., polylysine); low molecular weight
polyamino compounds (e.g., spermine and spermidine). Natural or artificial polymers may be
employed. Cationic polyelectrolytes with MW 150 to 5,000,000, preferably 5000 to 500,000,
more preferably 5000 to 100,000 may be employed. An amount of 0.01 to 10% is preferred,
more preferably 0.1 to 2% w/v, especially 0.05 to 5%.
The anionic polyelectrolyteis preferably a polymer with anionic groups distributed along
the molecular chain. The anionic groups, which may include carboxylate, sulfonate, sulphate or
other negatively charged ionisable groupings, may be disposed upon groups pendant from the
chain or bonded directly to the polymer backbone. Natural or artificial polymers may be
Examples of anionic polyelectrolytes include: a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and
maleic anhydride, a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic acid, (Gantrez AN-series and S-
series, respectively, International Specialty Products, Wayne, NJ); alginic acid and salts;
carboxymethyl celluloses and salts; substituted polyacrylamides (eg substituted with carboxylic
acid groups); polyacrylic acids and salts; polystyrene sulfonic acids and salts; dextran sulphates;
substituted saccharides e.g., sucrose octosulfate; heparin. Anionic polyelectrolytes with MW of
150 to 5,000,000 may be used, preferably 5000 to 500,000, more preferably 5000 to 100,000. An
amount of 0.01% to 10% is preferred especially 0.05 to 5% more especially 0.1 to 2% w/v.
Biological polymers, such as polysaccharides, are preferred trapping polymers.
Preferably, the polymers are processed to an average molecular weight to less than 100,000
Daltons. The polymers are preferably derivatized to provide cationic or anionic characteristics.
Suitable polysaccharides include chitosan (deacetylated chitin), alginates, dextrans, such as2-
(diethylamino) ethyl ether dextran (DEAE-dextran) and dextran sulphate, xanthans, locust bean
gums and guar gums.
Two general classes of cationic molecules are suitable for use as trapping molecules with
negatively charged payloads such as polynucleotides: cationic polymers and cationic lipids.
A wide variety of cationic polymers have been shown to mediate in vitro transfection,
ranging from proteins [such as histones (Fritz, J. D., et al, (1996) Hum. Gene Ther. 7,1395-
1404) and high mobility group (HMG) proteins (Mistry, A. R... et al. d997) BioTechniques 22.
718-729)1 and polypeptides [such as polylysine (Wu, G. Y. & Wu, C. H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem.
262,4429-4432, Wagner, E., et al., (1991) Bioconjugate Chem. 2,226-231,, short synthetic .
peptides (Gottschalk, S.,et al., (1996) Gene Ther. 3,448-457; Wadhwa, M. S., et al., (1997)

Bioconjugate Chem. 8, 81-88), and helical amphiphilic peptides (Legendre, J. Y., et al., (1997)
Bioconjugate Chem. 8, 57-63; Wyman, T. B., et al., (1997) Biochemistry 36, 3008-3017)] to
synthetic polymers [such as polyethyleneimine (Boussif, O., et al., (1996) Gene Ther. 3,1074-
1080), cationic dendrimers (Tang, M. X., et al., (1996) Bioconjugate Chem. 7,703-714;
Haensler, J. et al., (1993) Bioconjugate Chem. 4,372-379), and glucaramide polymers
(Goldman, C. K., et al., (1997) Nat. Biotech. 15,462-466)]. Other suitable cationic polymers
include N-substituted glycine oligomers (peptoids) (Murphy, J.E., et al, A combinatorial
approach to the discovery of efficient cationic peptoid reagents for gene delivery, Proc Natl
Acad Sci. USA, 1998 95 (4)1517-1522), poly(2-methyl-acrylic acid 2-[(2-dimethylamino)-
ethyl)-methyl-amino] -ethyl ester), abbreviated as pDAMA, and poly(2-dimethylamino ethyl)-
methacrylate (pDMAEMA) (Funhoff, A.M., et al., 2004 Biomacromolecules, 5, 32-39).
Cationic lipids are also known in the art to be suitable for transfection. Feigner, P.LI, et
al., Lipofection: a highly efficient, lipid-mediated DNA-transfection procedure.Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA. 1987 84(21):7413-7. Suitable cationic lipids include N-[l-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-
N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (DOTMA), [N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl- N,N'-bis(2-
hydroxyethyl)-2,3-di(oleoyloxy)-1,4-butanediammonium iodide] (Promega Madison, WI, USA),
dioctadecylamidoglycyl spermine (Promega Madison, WI, USA), N-[l-(2,3-Dioleoyloxy)]-
N,N,N-trimethylammonium propane methylsulfate (DOTAP), N-[l-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-
N,N,N-trimethylammomum chloride, l,2-dimyristyloxypropyl-3-drmethyl-hydroxy ethyl
ammonium bromide (DMRIE), dimyristoleoyl phosphonomethyl trimethyl ammonium
(DMPTA) ( see Floch et al. 1997. Cationic phosphonolipids as non-viral vectors for DNA
transfection in hematopoietic cell lines and CD34+ cells. Blood Cells, Molec.& Diseases 23: 69-
87), l,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoemanolamine-N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl),
ammonium salt (Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. Alabaster, AL, US), l,2-dioleoyl-3-
trimethylammonium-propane chloride (Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. Alabaster, AL, US), 1,2-
dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoemanolarnine (Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. Alabaster, AL, US) and
Polyamines suitable as cationic trapping molecules are described in U.S. Pat. Nos.
6,379,965 and 6,372,499.

Payload Molecules
The particulate delivery system of the present invention is useful for in vivo or in vitro
delivery of payload molecules including, but limited to, polynucleotides such as
oligonucleotides, antisense constructs, siRNA, enzymatic RNA, and recombinant DNA
constructs, including expression vectors.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
is useful for in vivo or in vitro delivery of payload molecules such as amino acids, peptides and
proteins. By "protein" is meant a sequence of amino acids for which the chain length is
sufficient to produce the higher levels of tertiary and/or quaternary structure. This is to
distinguish from "peptides" or other small molecular weight drugs that do not have such
structure. Typically, the protein herein will have a molecular weight of at least about 15-20 kD,
preferably at least about 20 kD.
Examples of proteins encompassed within the definition herein include mammalian
proteins, such as, e.g., growth hormone (GH), including human growth hormone, bovine growth
hormone, and other members of the GH supergene family; growth hormone releasing factor;
parathyroid hormone; thyroid stimulating hormone; lipoproteins; alpha-1-antitrypsin; insulin A-
chain; insulin B-chain; proinsulin; follicle stimulating hormone; calcitonin; luteinizing hormone;
glucagon; clotting factors such as factor VHEC, factor IX tissue factor, and von Willebrands
factor; anti-clotting factors such as Protein C; atrial natriuretic factor; lung surfactant; a
plasminogen activator, such as urokinase or tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA);
bombazine; thrombin; alpha tumor necrosis factor, beta tumor necrosis factor; enkephalinase;
RANTES (regulated on activation normally T-cell expressed and secreted); human macrophage
inflammatory protein (MIP-1-alpha); serum albumin such as human serum albumin; mullerian-
inhibiting substance; relaxin A-chain; relaxin B-chain; prorelaxin; mouse gonadotropin-
associated peptide; DNase; inhibin; activin; vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF);
receptors for hormones or growth factors; an integrin; protein A or D; rheumatoid factors; a
neurotrophic factor such as bone-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3, -4, -5, or -
6 (NT-3, NT-4, NT-5, or NT-6), or a nerve growth factor such as NGF-beta; platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF); fibroblast growth factor such as aFGF and bFGF; epidermal growth
factor (EGF); transforming growth factor (TGF) such as TGF-alpha and TGF-beta, including
TGF-betal, TGF-beta2, TGF-beta3, TGF-beta4, or TGF-beta5; insulin-like growth factor-I and -
II (IGF-I and IGF-H); des(l-3)-IGF-I (brain IGF-D; insulin-like growth factor binding proteins;

CD proteins such as CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19 and CD20; osteoinductive factors; immunotoxins; a
bone morphogenetic protein (BMP); T-cell receptors; surface membrane proteins; decay
accelerating factor (DAF); a viral antigen such as, for example, a portion of the AIDS envelope;
transport proteins; homing receptors; addressins; regulatory proteins; immunoadhesins;
antibodies; and biologically active fragments or variants of any of the above-listed polypeptides.
The members of the GH supergene family include growth hormone, prolactin, placental
lactogen, erythropoietin, thrombopoietin, interleukin-2, interleukin-3, interleukin-4, interleukin-
5, interleukin-6, interleukin-7, interleukin-9, interleukin-10, interleukin-11, interleukin-12 (p35
subunit), interleukin-13, interleukin-15, oncostatin M, ciliary neurotrophic factor, leukemia
inhibitory factor, alpha interferon, beta interferon, gamma interferon, omega interferon, tau
interferon, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating
factor, macrophage colony stimulating factor, cardiotrophin-1 and other proteins identified and
classified as members of the family.
The protein payload molecule is preferably essentially pure and desirably essentially
homogeneous (i.e. free from contaminating proteins etc). "Essentially pure" protein means a
composition comprising at least about 90% by weight of the protein, based on total weight of the
composition, preferably at least about 95% by weight. "Essentially homogeneous" protein means
a composition comprising at least about 99% by weight of protein, based on total weight of the
composition. Proteins may be derived from naturally occurring sources or produced by
recombinant technology. Proteins include protein variants produced by amino acid substitutions
or by directed protein evolution (Kurtzman, A.L., et al., Advances in directed protein evolution
by recursive genetic recombination: applications to therapeutic proteins, Curr Opin Biotechnol.
2001 12(4): 361-70) as well as derivatives, such as PEGylated proteins.
In certain embodiments, the protein is an antibody. The antibody may bind to any of the
above-mentioned molecules, for example. Exemplary molecular targets for antibodies
encompassed by the present invention include CD proteins such as CD3, CD4, CD8, CD 19,
CD20 and CD34; members of the HER receptor family such as the EGF receptor, HER2, HER3
or HER4 receptor; cell adhesion molecules such as LFA-1, Mol, p150,95, VLA-4, ICAM-1,
VCAM and alphav/beta3 integrin including either alpha or beta subunits thereof (e.g. anti-
CD11a, anti-CD18 or anti-CD11b antibodies); growth factors such as VEGF; IgE; blood group
antigens; flk2/flt3 receptor; obesity (OB) receptor; protein C, etc.

In addition to peptides, polypeptides and polynucleotides, the particulate delivery system
of the present invention is suitable for the delivery of smaller molecules, preferably for the
delivery of pharmaceutically active agent, more preferably therapeutic small molecules. Suitable
small molecule payloads for the delivery system of the present invention include contraceptive
agents such as diethyl stilbestrol, 17-beta-estradiol, estrone, ethinyl estradiol, mestranol, and the
like; progestins such as norethindrone, norgestryl, ethynodiol diacetate, lynestrenol,
medroxyprogesterone acetate, dimethisterone, megestrol acetate, chlormadinone acetate,
norgestimate, norethisterone, ethisterone, melengestrol, norethynodrel and the like; and
spermicidal compounds such as nonylphenoxypolyoxyethylene glycol, benzethonium chloride,
chlorindanol and the like. Preferably, for such steroidal payloads, a mixture of trapping
molecules is used, comprising a sufficient amount of a detergent to solubilize the payload and a
polymer to retain the payload within the yeast cell wall particle.
Other active agents that can be incorporated in the delivery system of the present
invention include gastrointestinal therapeutic agents such as aluminum hydroxide, calcium
carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium carbonate and the like; non-steroidal antifertility
agents; parasympathomimetic agents; psychotherapeutic agents; major tranquilizers such as
chloropromazine HC1, clozapine, mesoridazine, metiapine, reserpine, thioridazine and the like;
minor tranquilizers such as chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, meprobamate, temazepam and the like;
rhinological decongestants; sedative-hypnotics such as codeine, phenobarbital, sodium
pentobarbital, sodium secobarbital and the like; other steroids such as testosterone and
testosterone propionate; sulfonamides; sympathomimetic agents; vaccines; vitamins and
nutrients such as the essential amino acids, essential fats and the like; antimalarials such as 4-
aminoquinolines, 8-aminoquinolines, pyrimethamine and the like; anti-migraine agents such as
mazindol, phentermine and the like; anti-Parkinson agents such as L-dopa; anti-spasmodics such
as atropine, methscopolamine bromide and the like; antispasmodics and anticholinergic agents
such as bile therapy, digestants, enzymes and the like; antitussives such as dextromethorphan,
noscapine and the like; bronchodilators; cardiovascular agents such as anti-hypertensive
compounds, Rauwolfia alkaloids, coronary vasodilators, nitroglycerin, organic nitrates,
pentaerythritotetranitrate and the like; electrolyte replacements such as potassium chloride;
ergotalkaloids such as ergotamine with and without caffeine, hydrogenated ergot alkaloids,
dihydroergocristine methanesulfate, dihydroergocornine methanesulfonate, dihydroergokroyptine
methanesulfate and combinations thereof; alkaloids such as atropine sulfate, Belladonna,

hyoscine hydrobromide and the like; analgesics; narcotics such as codeine, dihydrocodienone,
meperidine, morphine and the like; non-narcotics such as salicylates, aspirin, acetaminophen, d-
propoxyphene and the like.
In preferred embodiments, the system of the present invention is used to deliver
antibiotics such as the cephalosporins, chloramphenical, gentamicin, kanamycin A, kanamycin
B, the penicillins, ampicillin, streptomycin A, antimycin A, chloropamtheniol, metronidazole,
oxytetracycline penicillin G, the tetracyclines, and the like. Iu preferred embodiments, the ability
of the body's macrophages to inactivate pathogens is enhanced by the delivery of antibiotics,
such as tetracycline, to the macrophages.
In other preferred embodiments, the present invention provides a system to deliver anti-
cancer agents; anti-convulsants such as mephenytoin, phenobarbital, trimethadione; anti-emetics
such as thiethylperazine; antihistamines such as cMorophinazine, dimenhydrinate,
diphenhydramine, perphenazine, tripelennamine and the like; anti-inflammatory agents such as
hormonal agents, hydrocortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, non-hormonal agents, allopurinol,
aspirin, indomethacin, phenylbutazone and the like; prostaglandins; cytotoxic drugs such as
thiotepa, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, melphalan, nitrogen mustard, methotrexate and the
In preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention is
useful in providing oral delivery of vaccines. In preferred embodiments, the system is used to
deliver antigens, such as antigens of such microorganisms as Neisseria gonorrhea,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Herpes virus (humonis, types 1 and 2), Candida albicans, Candida
tropicalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Haemophilus vaginalis, Group B Streptococcus sp.,
Microplasma hominis, Hemophilus ducreyi, Granuloma inguinale, Lymphopathia venereum,
Treponema pallidum, Brucella abortus. Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis, Brucella canis,
Campylobacter fetus, Campylobacter fetus intestinalis, Leptospira pomona, Listeria
monocytogenes, Brucella ovis, equine herpes virus 1, equine arteritis virus, IBR-IBP virus, BVD-
MB virus, Chlamydia psittaci, Trichomonas foetus, Toxoplasma gondii, Escherichia coli,
Actinobacillus equuli, Salmonella abortus ovis, Salmonella abortus equi, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Corynebacterium equi, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Actinobaccilus seminis,
Mycoplasma bovigenitalium, Aspergillus fumigatus, Absidia ramosa, Trypanosoma equiperdum,

Babesia caballi, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum and the like. In other embodiments,
the system can be used to deliver neutralizing antibodies that counteract the above
In other embodiments, the system can be used to deliver enzymes such as ribonuclease,
neuraniidinase, trypsin, glycogen phosphorylase, sperm lactic dehydrogenase, sperm
hyaluronidase, adenossinetriphosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase esterase,
amino peptidase, trypsin chymotrypsin, amylase, muramidase, acrosomal proteinase, diesterase,
glutamic acid dehydrogenase, succinic acid dehydrogenase, beta-glycophosphatase, lipase, ATP-
ase alpha-peptate gamma-glutamylotranspeptidase, sterol-3-beta-ol-dehydrogenase, DPN-di-
In preferred embodiments, the system can deliver antigens of bioterrorism critical
biological agents, including Category A agents such as variola major (smallpox), Bacillus
anthracis (anthrax), Yersinia pestis (plague), Clostridium botulinum toxin (botulism),
Francisella tularensis (tularaemia), filoviruses (Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Marburg hemorrhagic
fever), arenaviruses (Lassa (Lassa fever),Junin (Argentine hemorrhagic fever) and related
viruses); Category B agents such as Coxiella burnetii (Q fever), Brucella species (brucellosis),
Burkholderia mallei (glanders), alphaviruses (Venezuelan encephalomyelitis, eastern & western
equine encephalomyelitis), ricin toxin from Ricinus communis (castor beans), epsilon toxin of
Clostridium perfringens; Staphylococcus enterotoxin B, Salmonella species, Shigella
dysenteriae, Escherichia coli strain 0157:H7, Vibrio cholerae, Cryptosporidium parvum; and
Category C agents such as nipah virus, hantaviruses, tickborne hemorrhagic fever viruses,
tickborne encephalitis viruses, yellow fever, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
hi preferred embodiments, the system can be used to deliver inactivated antigenic toxins,
such as anatoxin antigens, including toxoids (inactivated but antigenic toxins), and toxoid
conjugates. In preferred embodiments, the toxoid is an inactivated microbial toxin. In other
embodiments, the toxoid is an inactivated plant toxin. In further embodiments, the toxoid is an
inactivated animal toxin. In certain embodiments, the system can be used to deliver toxoids such
as pertussis toxoid, Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxoid, tetanus toxoid, Haemophilus
influenzae type b-tetanus toxoid conjugate, Clostridium botulinum D toxoid, Clostridium
botulinum E toxoid, toxoid produced from Toxin A of Clostridium difficile, Vibrio cholerae
toxoid, Clostridium perfringens Types C and D toxoid, Clostridium chauvoei toxoid,
Clostridium novyi (Type B) toxoid, Clostridium septicum toxoid, recombinant HTV tat DIB

toxoid, Staphylococcus toxoid, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Apx I toxoid,, Actinobacillus
pleuropneumoniae Apx II toxoid,, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Apx HI toxoid,
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae outer membrane protein (OMP) toxoid, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa elastase toxoid, snake venom toxoid, ricin toxoid, Mannheimia haemolytica toxoid,
Pasteurella multocida toxoid, Salmonella typhimurium toxoid, Pasteurella multocida toxoid,
and Bordetella bronchiseptica toxoid.
Techniques of making a toxoid from a corresponding toxin, e.g. chemical treatment with
formaldehyde or aluminum salts or gamma irradiation, are known in the art. Recombinant
methods of converting a toxin to a toxoid are also known (Fromen-Romano, C, et al.,
Transformation of a non-enzymatic toxin into a toxoid by genetic engineering, Protein
Engineering vol. 10 no. 10 pp. 1213-1220,1997). In preferred embodiments, the system of the
present invention can be used to deliver a recombinant toxoid. In other preferred embodiments,
the system of the present invention can be used to deliver an expression vector encoding a
recombinant toxoid.
In order to produce a genetic vaccine to protect against pathogen infection, genetic
material which encodes immunogenic proteins against which a protective immune response can
be mounted, must be included in the nucleic acid composition. Whether the pathogen infects
intracellularly, for which the present invention is particularly useful, or extracellularly, it is
unlikely that all pathogen antigens will elicit a protective response. Because DNA and RNA are
both relatively small and can be produced relatively easily, the present invention provides the
additional advantage of allowing for vaccination with multiple pathogen antigens. The nucleic
acid composition used in the genetic vaccine can include genetic material that encodes many
pathogen antigens. For example, several viral genes may be included in a single construct,
thereby providing multiple targets. In addition, multiple inoculants which can be delivered to
different cells in an individual can be prepared to collectively include, in some cases, a complete
or, more preferably, an incomplete, e.g., nearly complete set of genes in the vaccine. For
example, a complete set of viral genes may be administered using two constructs which each
contain a different half of the genome which are administered at different sites. Thus, an immune
response may be invoked against each antigen without the risk of an infectious virus being
assembled. This allows for the introduction of more than a single antigen target and can
eliminate the requirement that protective antigens be identified.

In accordance with the present invention there is also provided a method of conferring a
broad based protective immune response against hyperproliferating cells that are characteristic of
hyperproliferative diseases, as well as a method of treating individuals suffering from
hyperproliferative diseases. As used herein, the term "hyperproliferative diseases" is meant to
refer to those diseases and disorders characterized by hyperproliferation of cells. Examples of
hyperproliferative diseases include all forms of cancer and psoriasis.
It has been discovered that introduction of a nucleic acid composition that includes a
nucleotide sequence which encodes an immunogenic "hyperproliferating cell-associated protein
into the cells of an individual, results in the production of those proteins in the vaccinated cells
of an individual. As used herein, the term "hyperproliferative-associated protein" is meant to
refer to proteins that are associated with a hyperproliferative disease. To immunize against
hyperproliferative diseases, a nucleic acid composition that includes a nucleotide sequence which
encodes a protein that is associated with a hyperproliferative disease is administered to an
In order for the hyperproliferative-associated protein to be an effective immunogenic
target, it must be a protein that is produced exclusively or at higher levels in hyperproliferative
cells as compared to normal cells. Target antigens include such proteins, fragments thereof and
peptides which comprise at least an epitope found on such proteins. In some cases, a
hyperproliferative-associated protein is the product of a mutation of a gene that encodes a
protein. The mutated gene encodes a protein which is nearly identical to the normal protein
except it has a slightly different amino acid sequence which results in a different epitope not
found on the normal protein. Such target proteins include those which are proteins encoded by
oncogenes such as myb, myc, fyn, and the translocation genes bcr/abl, ras, src, P53, neu, trk and
EGRF. In addition to oncogene products as target antigens, target proteins for anti-cancer
treatments and, protective regimens include variable regions of antibodies made by B cell
lymphomas, and variable regions of T cell receptors of T cell lymphomas which, in some
embodiments, are also used as target antigens for autoimmune diseases. Other tumor-associated
proteins can be used as target proteins, such as proteins which are found at higher levels in tumor
cells, including the protein recognized by monoclonal antibody 17-1A and folate binding
While the present invention may be used to immunize an individual against one or more
of several forms of cancer, the present invention is particularly useful to prophylactically

immunize an individual who is predisposed to develop a particular cancer or who has had cancer
and is therefore susceptible to a relapse. Developments in genetics and biotechnology, as well as
epidemiology, allow for the determination of probability and risk assessment for the
development of cancer in an individual. Using genetic screening and/or family health histories, it
is possible to predict the probability that a particular individual has for developing any one of
several types of cancer.
Similarly, those individuals who have already developed cancer and who have been
treated to remove the cancer, or are otherwise in remission, are particularly susceptible to relapse
and reoccurrence. As part of a treatment regimen, such individuals can be immunized against the
cancer that they have been diagnosed as having had in order to combat such a recurrence. Thus,
once it is known that individuals have had a type of cancer and are at risk of a relapse, they can
be immunized in order to prepare their immune systems to combat any future appearance of the
The present invention also provides a method of treating individuals suffering from
hyperproliferative diseases. In such methods, the introduction of peptide, protein, carbohydrate
or nucleic acid compositions and combinations thereof serves as an immunotherapeutic,
directing and promoting the immune system of the individual to combat hyperproliferative cells
that produce the target protein.
The present invention provides a method of treating individuals suffering from
autoimmune diseases and disorders by conferring a broad based protective immune response
against targets that are associated with autoimmunity, including cell receptors and cells which
produce "self-directed antibodies.
T cell mediated autoimmune diseases include Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple
sclerosis (MS), Sjogren's syndrome, sarcoidosis, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM),
autoimmune thyroiditis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, polymyositis,
dermatomyositis, psoriasis, vasculitis, Wegener's granulomatosis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative
colitis. Each of these diseases is characterized by T cell receptors that bind to endogenous
antigens and initiate the inflammatory cascade associated with autoimmune diseases.
Vaccination against the variable region of the T cells would elicit an immune response including
CTLs to eliminate those T cells.
In RA, several specific variable regions of T cell receptors (TCRs) which are involved in
the disease have been characterized. These TCRs include Vβ-3, Vβ-14, Vβ-17 and Vα-17. Thus,

vaccination with a composition composed of peptide, protein, carbohydrate or nucleic acid
compositions and combinations thereof that delivers or encodes at least one of these proteins will
elicit an immune response that will target T cells involved in RA. See: Howell, M. D., et al.,
1991 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:10921-10925; Paliard, X., et al., 1991 Science 253:325-329;
Williams, W. V., et al.., 1992 J. Clin. Invest. 90:326-333; each of which is incorporated herein
by reference.
In MS, several specific variable regions of TCRs which are involved in the disease have
been characterized. These TCRs include Vβ-7 and Vα-10. Thus, vaccination with a composition
composed of peptide, protein, carbohydrate or nucleic acid compositions and combinations
thereof that delivers or encodes at least one of these proteins will elicit an immune response that
will target T cells involved in MS. See: Wucherpfennig, K. W., et al., 1990 Science 248:1016-
1019; Oksenberg, J. R., et al., 1990 Nature 345:344-346; each of which is incorporated herein by
In scleroderma, several specific variable regions of TCRs which are involved in the
disease have been characterized. These TCRs include Vβ-6, Vβ-8, Vβ-14 and Vα-16, Vα-3C,
Vα-7, Vα-14, Vα-15, Vα-16, Vα-28 and Vα-12. Thus, vaccination with a composition composed
of peptide, protein, carbohydrate or nucleic acid compositions and combinations thereof that
delivers or encodes for at least one of these proteins will elicit an immune response that will
target T cells involved in scleroderma.
In order to treat patients suffering from a T cell mediated autoimmune disease,
particularly those for which the variable region of the TCR has yet to be characterized, a synovial
biopsy can be performed. Samples of the T cells present can be taken and the variable region of
those TCRs identified using standard techniques. Vaccines can be prepared using this
B cell mediated autoimmune diseases include Lupus (SLE), Grave's disease, myasthenia
gravis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, asthma,
cryoglobulinemia, primary biliary sclerosis and pernicious anemia. Each of these diseases is
characterized by antibodies which bind to endogenous antigens and initiate the inflammatory
cascade associated with autoimmune diseases. Vaccination against the variable region of such
antibodies would elicit an immune response including CTLs to eliminate those B cells that
produce the antibody.

In order to treat patients suffering from a B cell mediated autoimmune disease, the
variable region of the antibodies involved in the autoimmune activity must be identified. A
biopsy can be performed and samples of the antibodies present at a site of inflammation can be
taken. The variable region of those antibodies can be identified using standard techniques.
Vaccines can be prepared using this information.
In the case of SLE, one antigen is believed to be DNA. Thus, in patients to be immunized
against SLE, their sera can be screened for anti-DNA antibodies and a vaccine can be prepared
which includes nucleic acid compositions that encode the variable region of such anti-DNA
antibodies found in the sera.
Common structural features among the variable regions of both TCRs and antibodies are
well known. The DNA sequence encoding a particular TCR or antibody can generally be found
following well known methods such as those described in Kabat, et al. 1987 Sequence of
Proteins of Immunological Interest U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda
Md., which is incorporated herein by reference. In addition, a general method for cloning
functional variable regions from antibodies can be found in Chaudhary, V. K., et al., 1990 Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:1066, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Gene Therapy
In preferred embodiments, the present invention provides compositions and methods for
the treatment of genetic disorders or conditions having a genetic component. In further preferred
embodiments, the present invention provides compositions useful for the manufacture of
pharmaceutical products for the treatment of genetic disorders or conditions having a genetic
The Human Genome Project has increased our knowledge of the genetic basis of disease.
See, generally, http://www.ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human Genome/medicine/assist, shtml.
Both environmental and genetic factors have roles in the development of any disease. A
genetic disorder is a disease caused by abnormalities in an individual's genetic material
(genome). There are four different types of genetic disorders: (1) single-gene, (2) multifactorial,
(3) chromosomal, and (4) mitochondrial.
(1) Single-gene (also called Mendelian or monogenic) - This type is caused by changes or
mutations that occur in the DNA sequence of one gene. Genes code for proteins, the molecules
that carry out most of the work, perform most life functions, and even make up the majority of

cellular structures. When a gene is mutated so that its protein product can no longer carry out its
normal function, a disorder can result. There are more than 6,000 known single-gene disorders,
which occur in about 1 out of every 200 births. Some examples are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell
anemia, Marfan syndrome, Huntington's disease, and hereditary hemochromatosis.
(2) Multifactorial (also called complex or polygenic) - This type is caused by a
combination of environmental factors and mutations in multiple genes. For example, different
genes that influence breast cancer susceptibility have been found on chromosomes 6,11,13,14,
15,17, and 22. Its more complicated nature makes it much more difficult to analyze than single-
gene or chromosomal disorders. Some of the most common chronic disorders are multifactorial
disorders. Examples include heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis,
diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Multifactorial inheritance also is associated with heritable traits
such as fingerprint patterns, height, eye color, and skin color.
(3) Chromosomal - Chromosomes, distinct structures made up of DNA and protein, are
located in the nucleus of each cell. Because chromosomes are carriers of genetic material, such
abnormalities in chromosome structure as missing or extra copies or gross breaks and rejoinings
(translocations), can result in disease. Some types of major chromosomal abnormalities can be
detected by microscopic examination. Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is a common disorder that
occurs when a person has three copies of chromosome 21.
(4) Mitochondrial - This relatively rare type of genetic disorder is caused by mutations in
the nonchromosomal DNA of mitochondria: Mitochondria are small round or rod-like organelles
that are involved in cellular respiration and found in the cytoplasm of plant and animal cells.
Each mitochondrion may contain 5 to 10 circular pieces of DNA.
In preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention is used
to administer at least one polynucleotide comprising a compensating gene. In other preferred
embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention is used to administer at
least one polynucleotide encoding a gene product of a missing gene, wherein the expression of
the gene product is useful in the treatment of the genetic disorder or the genetic component of a
condition. In preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
including the desired payload molecule is useful for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical product
for the treatment of genetic disorder or the genetic component of a condition. Such
pharmaceutical products are suitably administered orally, rectally, parenterally, (for example,
intravenously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously) intracisternally, intravaginally,

intraperitoneally, intravesically, locally (for example, powders, ointments or drops), or as a
buccal or nasal spray. The pharmaceutical products are preferably administered orally, buccally,
and parenterally, more preferably orally. Particles loaded with different payloads, e.g. a
polynucleotide, a polynucleotide expression vector or a small molecule therapeutic can be mixed
in the appropriate proportions and administered together, e.g., in a capsule, for combination
In aspects of the present invention that relate to gene therapy, the nucleic acid
compositions contain either compensating genes or genes that encode therapeutic proteins.
Examples of compensating genes include a gene that encodes dystrophin or a functional
fragment, a gene to compensate for the defective gene in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, a
gene to compensate for the defective gene in patients suffering from ADA, and a gene encoding
Factor VIII. Examples of genes encoding therapeutic proteins include genes which encodes
erythropoietin, interferon, LDL receptor, GM-CSF, IL-2, IL-4 and TNF. Additionally, nucleic
acid compositions which encode single chain antibody components which specifically bind to
toxic substances can be administered. In some preferred embodiments, the dystrophin gene is
provided as part of a mini-gene and used to treat individuals suffering from muscular dystrophy.
In some preferred embodiments, a mini-gene which contains coding sequence for a partial
dystrophin protein is provided. Dystrophin abnormalities are responsible for both the milder
Becker's Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) and the severe Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). In
BMD dystrophin is made, but it is abnormal in either size and/or amount. The patient is mild to
moderately weak. In DMD no protein is made and the patient is wheelchair-bound by age 13 and
usually dies by age 20. In some patients, particularly those suffering from BMD, partial
dystrophin protein produced by expression of a mini-gene delivered according to the present
invention can provide improved muscle function.
In preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of genetic disorders and conditions
believed to have a genetic component, such as Aarskog-Scott syndrome, Aase syndrome,
achondroplasia, acrodysostosis, addiction, adreno-leukodystrophy, albinism, ablepharon-
macrostomia syndrome, alagille syndrome, alkaptonuria, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, Alport's
syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, androgen
insensitivity syndrome, Angelman syndrome, ataxia, ataxia telangiectasia, atherosclerosis,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, baldness, Batten disease, Beckwith-

Wiedemann syndrome, Best disease, bipolar disorder, brachydacryly, breast cancer, Burkitt
lymphoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Crohn's disease, cleft lip,
Cockayne syndrome, Coffin Lowry Syndrome, colon cancer, congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH), Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, Costello Syndrome, Cowden Syndrome,
Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia, Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), cystic
fibrosis, deafness, depression, diabetes, diastropbic dysplasia, DiGeorge Syndrome, Down's
Syndrome, dyslexia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Dubowitz Syndrome, ectodermal dysplasia,
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos, Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), epilepsy, essential
tremor, familial hypercholesterolemia, familial Mediterranean fever, Fragile X Syndrome,
Friedreich's ataxia, Gaucher disease, glaucoma, glucose galactose malabsorption,
glutaricaciduria, gyrate atrophy, Goldberg Shprintzen Syndrome (velocardiofacial syndrome),
Gorlin Syndrome, Hailey-Hailey Disease, hemihypertrophy, hemochromatosis, hemophilia,
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN), hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer
(HNPCC), Huntington's disease, immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM, juvenile onset diabetes,
Klinefelter's Syndrome, Kabuki Syndrome, Leigh's Disease (or Syndrome), Long QT Syndrome,
lung cancer, malignant melanoma, manic depression, Marfan Syndrome, Menkes syndrome,
miscarriage, mucopolysaccharide disease, multiple endocrine neoplasia, multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy, myotrophic lateral sclerosis, myotonic dystrophy, neurofibromatosis,
Niemann-Pick disease, Noonan Syndrome, obesity, ovarian cancer, p53 tumor suppressor,
pancreatic cancer, Parkinson disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, Pendred syndrome,
peroneal muscular atrophy, phenylketonuria (PKU), polycystic kidney disease, Prader-Willi
Syndrome, primary biliary cirrhosis, prostate cancer, REAR Syndrome, Refsum disease, retinitis
pigmentosa, retinoblastoma, Rett Syndrome, SanfUippo Syndrome, schizophrenia, severe
combined immunodeficiency, sickle cell anemia, spina bifida, spinal muscular atrophy,
spinocerebellar atrophy, SRY: sex determination, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Tangier
disease, Tay-Sachs disease, thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome, Townes-Brocks
Syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turner syndrome, Usher syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome,
Waardenburg syndrome, Weaver syndrome, Werner syndrome, Williams syndrome, Wilson's
Disease, xeroderma pigmentosum and Zellweger syndrome.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of genetic disorders and conditions
believed to have a genetic component that are manifested as metabolic disorders, such as protein-

related disorders, including Sickle-Cell Anemia and beta-Thalassemias, alpha-Thalassemias,
Marfan's Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Type I, Ehlers-Danlos Type n, Ehlers-Danlos Type HI,
Ehlers-Danlos Type IV autosomal dominant, Ehlers-Danlos Type IV autosomal recessive,
Ehlers-Danlos Type TV-D, Ehlers-Danlos Type V, Ehlers-Danlos Type VI, Ehlers-Danlos Type
VQ autosomal dominant, Ehlers-Danlos Type VQ autosomal recessive, Ehlers-Danlos Type VIE.
Ehlers-Danlos with Platelet Dysfunction, Cutis Laxa, Cutis Laxa recessive Type I, Occipital
Horn Syndrome Cutis Laxa, X-linked, Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I, Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Type I-C, Osteogenesis Imperfecta Silent Type ME, Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type IV,
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Neonatal Lethal form, and Osteogenesis Imperfecta progressively
In further preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of genetic disorders of the clotting system,
such as afibrinogenemia, complete loss of fibrinogen, Factor I; dysfibrinogenemia dysfunctional
fibrinogen, Factor I; Factor II disorders; tissue factor deficiency; Factor V deficiency, labile
Factor deficiency, Factor VTI deficiency, Factor VHI deficiency (Hemophilia A), Factor DC
deficiency (Hemophilia B), Factor X deficiency, Factor XI deficiency, Rosenthal Syndrome,
Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent (PTA) deficiency, Factor XII deficiency, Hageman factor
deficiency, Factor XDI deficiency, Factor V & VEI Combined deficiency, Factor VIE & DC
combined deficiency, Factor DC & XI Combined deficiency, Protein C deficiency, Protein S
deficiency, thrombophilia, antithrombin DI deficiency, giant platelet syndrome, platelet
glycoprotein lb deficiency, von Willebrand disease, Fletcher Factor deficiency and prekallikrein
In further preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of glycogen storage disorders, such as
Type 0, Type I (von Gierke's disease), Type lb, Type Ic, Type II (Pompe disease), Type Hb
(Danon disease), Type HI (Cori disease or Forbes disease), Type IV (Andersen disease), Type V
(McArdle disease), Type VI (Hers disease), Type VII (Tarui disease), Type VTH, Type DC, and
Type XI (Fanconi-Bickel syndrome).
In yet further preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present
invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of defects in fructose, galactose
and glycerol metabolism, such as hereditary fructose intolerance, aldolase B deficiency;

fructosuria, hepatic fructokinase deficiency; classic galactosemia, galactose epimerase
deficiency; galactokinase deficiency; hyperglycerolemia and glycerol kinase deficiency.
In yet further preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present
invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of defects in cholesterol and
lipoprotein metabolism, such as apolipoprotein(a) - Lp(a), hyperlipoproteinemia Type I;
hyperlipoproteinemia Type lb; apolipoprotein C-II deficiency; hyperlipoproteinemia Type Ic,
chylomicronemia; familial hypercholesterolemia, Type II hyperlipoproteinemia;
hyperlipoproteinemia Type II, familial hyperbetalipoproteinemia; hyperlipoproteinemia Type HI,
apolipoprotein E deficiency; hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV; hyperlipoproteinemia Type V;
familial LCAT deficiency; Wolman disease; lipoprotein lipase deficiency; familial
hypertriglyceridemia; hyperlipidemia Type V; hyperlipidemia Type VI; familial ligand-
defective apo-B; familial hyperalphalipoproteinemia; hypobetalipoproteinemia, apolipoprotein
B-100 deficiency, abetalipoproteinemia, Kornzweig syndrome; and Tangier Disease, familial
high-density lipoprotein deficiency.
In yet further preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present
invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of mucopolysaccharide and
glycolipid disorders, such as Type IH mucopolysaccharidosis (Hurler syndrome), Type IS
mucopolysaccharidosis (Scheie syndrome), Type IH/S mucopolysaccharidosis (Hurler/ Scheie
syndrome), Type II mucopolysaccharidosis (Hunter's syndrome), Type lH
mucopolysaccharidoses (Sanfilippo Type A, Sanfilippo Type B, Sanfilippo Type C, Sanfilippo
Type D), Type IV mucopolysaccharidosis (Morquio's Type A, Morquio's Type B), Type VI
mucopolysaccharidosis (Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome) and Type VH mucopolysaccharidosis (Sly
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of disorders of glycosphingolipid
metabolism, such as GM1 gangliosidoses, including generalized GM1 Type D, juvenile form;
generalized GM1 Type HI, adult form; GM2 gangliosidosis, Sandhoff-Jatzkewitz disease; GM3
gangliosidoses, Tay-Sachs disease, Tay-Sachs AB variant, Gaucher disease, Niemann-Pick
Disease, Types A, B, CI, C2 and D, Schindler disease, Fabry disease, lactosylceramidosis,
Farber disease, Krabbe disease, multiple sulfatase deficiency, Austin disease, metachromic
leukodystrophy, and sulfatide lipodosis.

la other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of oligosaccharidoses such as fucosidosis,
mucolipodosis VI, sialolipidosis, alpha-mannosidosis, beta-mannosidosis, sialidoses Types I and
II, galactosialidosis, Goldberg syndrome and aspartylglucosaminuria.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of disorders of lysosomal enzyme transport
such as mucolipidosis I, sialidosis; mucolipodosis n, I-cell disease; and mucolipodosis HI,
pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of defects in amino acid and organic acid
metabolism such as phenylketonuria; Type I tyrosinemia, tyrosinosis; Type II tyrosinemia,
Richner-Hanhart syndrome; Type III tyrosinemia; alcaptonuria; homocystinuria; histidinemia;
maple syrup urine disease (MSUD); MSUD Type lb, MSUD type II; methylmalonic aciduria;
non-ketonic hyperglycinemia Type I (NKHI) and hyperlysinemia.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of urea cycle defects such as
hyperammonemias; carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS-I)( deficiency; ornithine
transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency; N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency; argininosuccinic
aciduria, argininosuccinate lyase deficiency; hyperargininemia, arginase deficiency;
citrullinemia, argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency and ornithine aminotransferase deficiency.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention provides
compositions and methods for the treatment of defects in amino acid transport such as cystinuria
Type I; cystinuria Type HI; Hartnup disease and hyperammonemia-hyperormthinemia-
homocitrullmuria (HHH) syndrome. In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery
system of the present invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of
porphyrias and bilirubinemias such as congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP); erythropoietic
protoporphyria (EPP); ALA dehydratase deficiency porphyria (ADP); acute intermittent
porphyria (AIP); hereditary coproporphyria (HCP); variegate porphyria (VP); porphyria cutanea
tarda (PCT); hepatoerythropoietic porphyria (HEP); Gilbert Syndrome; Crigler-Najjar Syndrome,
Types I and I; Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of errors in fatty acid metabolism such as

very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (VLCAD); long-chain acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD); medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
(MCAD); short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCAD; carnitine translocase
deficiency; carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) deficiency and carnitine palmitoylransferase
II (CPT II) deficiency. In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the
present invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of defects in nucleotide
metabolism such as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease
(SCID), due to adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency; gout; renal litbiasis, due to adenine
phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency; xanthinuria, due to xanthine oxidase deficiency;
orotic aciduria,Types I & I and ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency.
In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention
provides compositions and methods for the treatment of disorders in metal metabolism and
transport such as Wilson disease, Menkes disease, occipital horn syndrome and
hemochromatosis. In other preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present
invention provides compositions and methods for the treatment of disorders in peroxisomes such
as Zellweger syndrome, X-linked adreoleukodystrophy, neonatal adrenoleukodystophy (NALD),
rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) and infantile Refsum's disease (IRD). In other
preferred embodiments, the particulate delivery system of the present invention provides
compositions and methods for the treatment of disorders associated with defective DNA repair
such as ataxia telangiectasia (AT), xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome, Bloom
syndrome and Fanconi anemia.
Routes of Adrninistration
Routes of administration include but are not limited to oral; buccal, sublingual,
pulmonary, transdermal, transmucosal, as well as subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intravenous, and
intramuscular injection. Preferred routes of administration are oral; buccal, sublingual,
pulmonary and transmucosal.
The particulate delivery system of the present invention is administered to a patient in a
therapeutically effective amount. The particulate delivery system can be administered alone or as
part of a pharmaceutically acceptable composition. In addition, a compound or composition can
be administered all at once, as for example, by a bolus injection, multiple times, such as by a
series of tablets, or delivered substantially uniformly over a period of time, as for example, using

a controlled release formulation. It is also noted that the dose of the compound can be varied
over time. The particulate delivery system can be administered using an immediate release
formulation, a controlled release formulation, or combinations thereof. The term "controlled
release" includes sustained release, delayed release, and combinations thereof.
A pharmaceutical composition of the invention can be prepared, packaged, or sold in
bulk, as a single unit dose, or as a plurality of single unit doses. As used herein, a "unit dose" is
discrete amount of the pharmaceutical composition comprising a predetermined amount of the
active ingredient. The amount of the active ingredient is generally equal to the dosage of the
active ingredient that would be administered to a patient or a convenient fraction of such a
dosage such as, for example, one-half or one-third of such a dosage.
The relative amounts of the active ingredient, the pharmaceutically acceptable carrier,
and any additional ingredients in a pharmaceutical composition of the invention will vary,
depending upon the identity, size, and condition of the human treated and further depending
upon the route by which the composition is to be administered. By way of example, the
composition can comprise between 0.1% and 100% (w/w) active ingredient. A unit dose of a
pharmaceutical composition of the invention will generally comprise from about 100 milligrams
to about 2 grams of the active ingredient, and preferably comprises from about 200 milligrams to
about 1.0 gram of the active ingredient.
In addition, a particulate delivery system of the present invention can be administered
alone, in combination with a particulate delivery system with a different payload, or with other
pharmaceutically active compounds. The other pharmaceutically active compounds can be
selected to treat the same condition as the particulate delivery system or a different condition.
If the patient is to receive or is receiving multiple pharmaceutically active compounds,
the compounds can be administered simultaneously or sequentially in any order. For example, in
the case of tablets, the active compounds may be found in one tablet or in separate tablets, which
can be administered at once or sequentially in any order. In addition, it should be recognized that
the compositions can be different forms. For example, one or more compounds may be delivered
via a tablet, while another is administered via injection or orally as a syrup.
Another aspect of the invention relates to a kit comprising a pharmaceutical composition
of the invention and instructional material. Instructional material includes a publication, a
recording, a diagram, or any other medium of expression which is used to communicate the
usefulness of the pharmaceutical composition of the invention for one of the purposes set forth

herein in a human. The instructional material can also, for example, describe an appropriate dose
of the pharmaceutical composition of the invention. The instructional material of the kit of the
invention can, for example, be affixed to a container which contains a pharmaceutical
composition of the invention or be shipped together with a container which contains the
pharmaceutical composition. Alternatively, the instructional material can be shipped separately
from the container with the intention that the instructional material and the pharmaceutical
composition be used cooperatively by the recipient.
The invention also includes a kit comprising a pharmaceutical composition of the
invention and a delivery device for delivering the composition to a human. By way of example,
the delivery device can be a squeezable spray bottle, a metered-dose spray bottle, an aerosol
spray device, an atomizer, a dry powder delivery device, a self-propelling solvent/powder-
dispensing device, a syringe, a needle, a tampon, or a dosage- measuring container. The kit can
further comprise an instructional material as described herein.
For example, a kit may comprise two separate pharmaceutical compositions comprising
respectively a first composition comprising a particulate delivery system and a pharmaceutically
acceptable carrier; and composition comprising second pharmaceutically active compound and a
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The kit also comprises a container for the separate
compositions, such as a divided bottle or a divided foil packet. Additional examples of
containers include syringes, boxes, bags, and the like. Typically, a kit comprises directions for
the administration of the separate components. The kit form is particularly advantageous when
the separate components are preferably administered in different dosage forms (e.g., oral and
parenteral), are administered at different dosage intervals, or when titration of the individual
components of the combination is desired by the prescribing physician.
An example of a kit is a blister pack. Blister packs are well known in the packaging
industry and are being widely used for the packaging of pharmaceutical unit dosage forms
(tablets, capsules, and the like). Blister packs generally consist of a sheet of relatively stiff
material covered with a foil of a preferably transparent plastic material. During the packaging
process recesses are formed in the plastic foil. The recesses have the size and shape of the tablets
or capsules to be packed. Next, the tablets or capsules are placed in the recesses and a sheet of
relatively stiff material is sealed against the plastic foil at the face of the foil which is opposite
from the direction in which the recesses were formed. As a result, the tablets or capsules are
sealed in the recesses between the plastic foil and the sheet. Preferably the strength of the sheet is

such that the tablets or capsules can be removed from the blister pack by manually applying
pressure on the recesses whereby an opening is formed in the sheet at the place of the recess. The
tablet or capsule can then be removed via said opening.
It may be desirable to provide a memory aid on the kit, e.g., in the form of numbers next
to the tablets or capsules whereby the numbers correspond with the days of the regimen that the
tablets or capsules so specified should be ingested. Another example of such a memory aid is a
calendar printed on the card, e.g., as follows "First Week, Monday, Tuesday,... etc.... Second
Week, Monday, Tuesday," etc. Other variations of memory aids will be readily apparent. A
"daily dose" can be a single tablet or capsule or several pills or capsules to be taken on a given
day. Also, a daily dose of a particulate delivery system composition can consist of one tablet or
capsule, while a daily dose of the second compound can consist of several tablets or capsules and
vice versa. The memory aid should reflect this and assist in correct administration.
In another embodiment of the present invention, a dispenser designed to dispense the
daily doses one at a time in the order of their intended use is provided. Preferably, the dispenser
is equipped with a memory aid, so as to further facilitate compliance with the dosage regimen.
An example of such a memory aid is a mechanical counter, which indicates the number of daily
doses that have been dispensed. Another example of such a memory aid is a battery-powered
micro-chip memory coupled with a liquid crystal readout, or audible reminder signal which, for
example, reads out the date that the last daily dose has been taken and/or reminds one when the
next dose is to be taken.
A particulate delivery system composition, optionally comprising other pharmaceuticaUy
active compounds, can be administered to a patient either orally, rectally, parenterally, (for
example, intravenously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously) intracisternally, intravaginally,
intraperitoneally, intravesically, locally (for example, powders, ointments or drops), or as a
buccal or nasal spray.
Parenteral administration of a pharmaceutical composition includes any route of
administration characterized by physical breaching of a tissue of a human and administration of
the pharmaceutical composition through the breach in the tissue. Parenteral administration thus
includes administration of a pharmaceutical composition by injection of the composition, by
application of the composition through a surgical incision, by application of the composition
through a tissue-penetrating non-surgical wound, and the like. In particular, parenteral

administration includes subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intravenous, intraarterial, intramuscular,
or intrastemal injection and intravenous, intraarterial, or kidney dialytic infusion techniques.
Compositions suitable for parenteral injection comprise the active ingredient combined
with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier such as physiologically acceptable sterile aqueous or
nonaqueous solutions, dispersions, suspensions, or emulsions, or may comprise sterile powders
for reconstitution into sterile injectable solutions or dispersions. Examples of suitable aqueous
and nonaqueous carriers, diluents, solvents, or vehicles include water, isotonic saline, ethanol,
polyols (propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, glycerol, and the like), suitable mixtures thereof,
triglycerides, including vegetable oils such as olive oil, or injectable organic esters such as ethyl
oleate. Proper fluidity can be maintained, for example, by the use of a coating such as lecithin, by
the maintenance of the required particle size in the case of dispersions, and/or by the use of
surfactants. Such formulations can be prepared, packaged, or sold in a form suitable for bolus
administration or for continuous aclniinistration. Injectable formulations can be prepared,
packaged, or sold in unit dosage form, such as in ampules, in multi-dose containers containing a
preservative, or in single-use devices for auto-injection or injection by a medical practitioner.
Formulations for parenteral administration include suspensions, solutions, emulsions in
oily or aqueous vehicles, pastes, and implantable sustained-release or biodegradable
formulations. Such formulations can further comprise one or more additional ingredients
including suspending, stabilizing, or dispersing agents. In one embodiment of a formulation for
parenteral administration, the active ingredient is provided in dry (i.e. powder or granular) form
for reconstitution with a suitable vehicle (e.g. sterile pyrogen-free water) prior to parenteral
administration of the reconstituted composition. The pharmaceutical compositions can be
prepared, packaged, or sold in the form of a sterile injectable aqueous or oily suspension or
solution. This suspension or solution can be formulated according to the known art, and can
comprise, in addition to the active ingredient, additional ingredients such as the dispersing
agents, wetting agents, or suspending agents described herein. Such sterile injectable
formulations can be prepared using a non-toxic parenterally-acceptable diluent or solvent, such
as water or 1,3-butanediol, for example. Other acceptable diluents and solvents include Ringer's
solution, isotonic sodium chloride solution, and fixed oils such as synthetic mono- or di-
glycerides. Other parentally-administrable formulations which are useful include those which
comprise the active ingredient in microcrystalline form, in a liposomal preparation, or as a
component of a biodegradable polymer system. Compositions for sustained release or

implantation can comprise pharmaceuticaUy acceptable polymeric or hydrophobic materials such
as an emulsion, an ion exchange resin, a sparingly soluble polymer, or a sparingly soluble salt.
These compositions may also contain adjuvants such as preserving, wetting, emulsifying,
and/or dispersing agents. Prevention of microorganism contamination of the compositions can be
accomplished by the addition of various antibacterial and antifungal agents, for example,
parabens, chlorobutandl, phenol, sorbic acid, and the like. It may also be desirable to include
isotonic agents, for example, sugars, sodium chloride, and the like. Prolonged absorption of
injectable pharmaceutical compositions can be brought about by the use of agents capable of
delaying absorption, for example, aluminum monostearate and/or gelatin.
Dosage forms can include solid or injectable implants or depots. In preferred
embodiments, the implant comprises an aliquot of the particulate delivery system and a
biodegradable polymer. Iu preferred embodiments, a suitable biodegradable polymer can be
selected from the group consisting of a polyaspartate, polyglutamate, poly(L-lactide), a poly(D,L-
lactide), a poly(lactide-co-glycolide), a poly(e-caprolactone), a polyanhydride, a poly(beta-
hydroxy butyrate), a poly(ortho ester) and a polyphosphazene.
Solid dosage forms for oral administration include capsules, tablets, powders, and
granules. In such solid dosage forms, the particulate delivery system is optionally admixed with
at least one inert customary excipient (or carrier) such as sodium citrate or dicalcium phosphate
or (a) fillers or extenders, as for example, starches, lactose, sucrose, mannitol, or silicic acid; (b)
binders, as for example, carboxymethylcellulose, alginates, gelatin, polyvinylpyrroUdone,
sucrose, or acacia; (c) humectants, as for example, glycerol; (d) disintegrating agents, as for
example, agar-agar, calcium carbonate, potato or tapioca starch, alginic acid, certain complex
silicates, or sodium carbonate; (e) solution retarders, as for example, paraffin; (f) absorption
accelerators, as for example, quaternary ammonium compounds; (g) wetting agents, as for
example, cetyl alcohol or glycerol monostearate; (h) adsorbents, as for example, kaolin or
bentonite; and/or (i) lubricants, as for example, talc, calcium stearate, magnesium stearate, solid
polyethylene glycols, sodium lauryl sulfate, or mixtures thereof. In the case of capsules and
tablets, the dosage forms may also comprise buffering agents.
A tablet comprising the particulate delivery system can, for example, be made by
compressing or molding the active ingredient, optionally with one or more additional
ingredients. Compressed tablets can be prepared by compressing, in a suitable device, the active
ingredient in a free-flowing form such as a powder or granular preparation, optionally mixed

with one or more of a binder, a lubricant, an excipient, a surface active agent, and a dispersing
agent. Molded tablets can be made by molding, in a suitable device, a mixture of the active
ingredient, a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, and at least sufficient liquid to moisten the
mixture. Pharmaceutically acceptable excipients used in the manufacture of tablets include inert
diluents, granulating and disintegrating agents, binding agents, and lubricating agents. Known
dispersing agents include potato starch and sodium starch glycolate. Known surface active agents
include sodium lauryl sulfate. Known diluents include calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate,
lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium phosphate, calcium hydrogen phosphate, and sodium
phosphate. Known granulating and disintegrating agents include corn starch and alginic acid.
Known binding agents include gelatin, acacia, pre-gelatinized maize starch,
polyvinylpyrrolidone, and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Known lubricating agents include
magnesium stearate, stearic acid, silica, and talc.
Tablets can be non-coated or they can be coated using known methods to achieve delayed
disintegration in the gastrointestinal tract of a human, thereby providing sustained release and
absorption of the particulate delivery system, e.g. in the region of the Peyer's patches in the small
intestine. By way of example, a material such as glyceryl monostearate or glyceryl distearate can
be used to coat tablets. Further by way of example, tablets can be coated using methods
described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,256,108; 4,160,452; and 4,265,874 to form osmotically-controlled
release tablets. Tablets can further comprise a sweetening agent, a flavoring agent, a coloring
agent, a preservative, or some combination of these in order to provide pharmaceutically elegant
and palatable preparation.
Solid dosage forms such as tablets, dragees, capsules, and granules can be prepared with
coatings or shells, such as enteric coatings and others well known in the art. They may also
contain opacifying agents, and can also be of such composition that tiiey release the particulate
delivery system in a delayed manner. Examples of embedding compositions that can be used are
polymeric substances and waxes. The active compounds can also be in micro-encapsulated form,
if appropriate, with one or more of the above-mentioned excipients.
Solid compositions of a similar type may also be used as fillers in soft or hard filled
gelatin capsules using such excipients as lactose or milk sugar, as well as high molecular weight
polyethylene glycols, and the like. Hard capsules comprising the particulate delivery system can
be made using a physiologically degradable composition, such as gelatin. Such hard capsules
comprise the particulate delivery system, and can further comprise additional ingredients

including, for example, an inert solid diluent such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, or
kaolin. Soft gelatin capsules comprising the particulate delivery system can be made using a
physiologically degradable composition, such as gelatin. Such soft capsules comprise the
particulate delivery system, which can be mixed with water or an oil medium such as peanut oil,
liquid paraffin, or olive oil.
Oral compositions can be made, using known technology, which specifically release
oraUy-administered agents in the small or large intestines of a human patient. For example,
formulations for delivery to the gastrointestinal system, including the colon, include enteric
coated systems, based, e.g., on methacrylate copolymers such as poly(methacrylic acid, methyl
methacrylate), which are only soluble at pH 6 and above, so that the polymer only begins to
dissolve on entry into the small intestine. The site where such polymer formulations disintegrate
is dependent on the rate of intestinal transit and the amount of polymer present. For example, a
relatively thick polymer coating is used for delivery to the proximal colon (Hardy et al., 1987
Aliment. Pharmacol. Therap. 1:273-280). Polymers capable of providing site-specific colonic
delivery can also be used, wherein the polymer relies on the bacterial flora of the large bowel to
provide enzymatic degradation of the polymer coat and hence release of the drug. For example,
azopolymers (U.S. Pat. No. 4,663,308), glycosides (Friend et al., 1984, J. Med. Chem. 27:261-
268) and a variety of naturally available and modified polysaccharides (see PCT application
PCT/GB89/00581) can be used in such formulations.
Pulsed release technology such as that described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,777,049 can also be
used to administer the particulate delivery system to a specific location within the
gastrointestinal tract. Such systems permit delivery at a predetermined time and can be used to
deliver the particulate delivery system, optionally together with other additives that my alter the
local microenvironment to promote stability and uptake, directly without relying on external
conditions other than the presence of water to provide in vivo release.
Liquid dosage forms for oral administration include pharmaceutically acceptable
emulsions, solutions, suspensions, syrups, and elixirs. In addition to the active compounds, the
liquid dosage form may contain inert diluents commonly used in the art, such as water or other
solvents, isotonic saline, solubilizing agents and emulsifiers, as for example, ethyl alcohol,
isopropyl alcohol, ethyl carbonate, ethyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, propylene
glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, dimethylformamide, oils, in particular, almond oil, arachis oil,
coconut oil, cottonseed oil, groundnut oil, corn germ oil, olive oil, castor oil, sesame seed oil,

MIGLYOL™, glycerol, fractionated vegetable oils, mineral oils such as liquid paraffin,
tefrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, polyethylene glycols, fatty acid esters of sorbitan, or mixtures of these
substances, and the like. Besides such inert diluents, the composition can also include adjuvants,
such as wetting agents, emulsifying and suspending agents, demulcents, preservatives, buffers,
salts, sweetening, flavoring, coloring and perfuming agents. Suspensions, in addition to the
active compound, may contain suspending agents, as for example, ethoxylated isostearyl
alcohols, polyoxyethylene sorbitol or sorbitan esters, microcrystalline cellulose, hydrogenated
edible fats, sodium alginate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, gum tragacanth, gum acacia, agar-agar, and
cellulose derivatives such as sodium carboxymethylcellulose, methylcellulose,
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, aluminum metahydroxide, bentonite, or mixtures of these
substances, and the like. Liquid formulations of a pharmaceutical composition of the invention
that are suitable for oral administration can be prepared, packaged, and sold either in liquid form
or in the form of a dry product intended for reconstitution with water or another suitable vehicle
prior to use.
Known dispersing or wetting agents include naturally-occurring phosphatides such as
lecithin, condensation products of an alkylene oxide with a fatty acid, with a long chain aliphatic
alcohol, with a partial ester derived from a fatty acid and a hexitol, or with a partial ester derived
from a fatty acid and a hexitol anhydride (e.g. polyoxyethylene stearate,
heptadecaethyleneoxycetanol, polyoxyethylene sorbitol monooleate, and polyoxyethylene
sorbitan monooleate, respectively). Known emulsifying agents include lecithin and acacia.
Known preservatives include methyl, ethyl, or n-propyl-para-hydroxybenzoates, ascorbic acid,
and sorbic acid. Known sweetening agents include, for example, glycerol, propylene glycol,
sorbitol, sucrose, and saccharin. Known thickening agents for oily suspensions include, for
example, beeswax, hard paraffin, and cetyl alcohol.
In other embodiments, the pharmaceutical composition can be prepared as a
nutraceutical, i.e., in the form of, or added to, a food (e.g., a processed item intended for direct
.consumption) or a foodstuff (e.g., an edible ingredient intended for incorporation into a food
prior to ingestion). Examples of suitable foods include candies such as lollipops, baked goods
such as crackers, breads, cookies, and snack cakes, whole, pureed, or mashed fruits and
vegetables, beverages, and processed meat products. Examples of suitable foodstuffs include
milled grains and sugars, spices and other seasonings, and syrups. The particulate delivery

systems described herein are preferably not exposed to high cooking temperatures for extended
periods of time, in order to minimize degradation of the compounds.
Compositions for rectal or vaginal administration can be prepared by mixing a particulate
delivery system with suitable non-irritating excipients or carriers such as cocoa butter,
polyethylene glycol or a suppository wax, which are solid at ordinary room temperature, but
liquid at body temperature, and therefore, melt in the rectum or vaginal cavity and release the
particulate delivery system. Such a composition can be in the form of, for example, a
suppository, a retention enema preparation, and a solution for rectal or colonic irrigation.
Suppository formulations can further comprise various additional ingredients including
antioxidants and preservatives. Retention enema preparations or solutions for rectal or colonic
irrigation can be made by combining the active ingredient with a pharmaceutically acceptable
liquid carrier. As is known in the art, enema preparations can be administered using, and can be
packaged within, a delivery device adapted to the rectal anatomy of a human. Enema
preparations can further comprise various additional ingredients including antioxidants and
A pharmaceutical composition of the invention can be prepared, packaged, or sold in a
formulation suitable for pulmonary adrrunistration via the buccal cavity. Such compositions are
conveniently in the form of dry powders for administration using a device comprising a dry
powder reservoir to which a stream of propellant can be directed to disperse the powder or using
a self-propelling solvent/powder-dispensing container such as a device comprising the
particulate delivery system suspended in a low-boiling propellant in a sealed container. Dry
powder compositions may include a solid fine powder diluent such as sugar and are conveniently
provided in a unit dose form. Low boiling propellants generally include liquid propellants having
a boiling point below 65 degrees F. at atmospheric pressure. Generally the propellant can
constitute 50 to 99.9% (w/w) of the composition, and the active ingredient can constitute 0.1 to
20% (w/w) of the composition. The propellant can further comprise additional ingredients such
as a liquid non-ionic or solid anionic surfactant or a solid diluent (preferably having a particle
size of the same order as particles comprising the particulate delivery system).
Pharmaceutical compositions of the invention formulated for pulmonary delivery can also
provide the active ingredient in the form of droplets of a suspension. Such formulations can be
prepared, packaged, or sold as aqueous or dilute alcoholic suspensions, optionally sterile,
comprising the particulate delivery system, and can conveniently be administered using any

nebulization or atomization device. Such formulations can further comprise one or more
additional ingredients including a flavoring agent such as saccharin sodium, a volatile oil, a
buffering agent, a surface active agent, or a preservative such as methylhydroxybenzoate.
The formulations described herein as being useful for pulmonary delivery are also useful
for intranasal delivery of a pharmaceutical composition of the invention. Another formulation
suitable for intranasal adrninistration is a coarse powder comprising the particulate delivery
system. Such a formulation is administered in the manner in which snuff is taken i.e. by rapid
inhalation through the nasal passage from a container of the powder held close to the nares.
A pharmaceutical composition of the invention can be prepared, packaged, or sold in a
formulation suitable for buccal adrninistration. Such formulations can, for example, be in the
form of tablets or lozenges made using conventional methods, and can, for example, comprise
0.1 to 20% (w/w) particulate delivery system, the balance comprising an orally dissolvable or
degradable composition and, optionally, one or more of the additional ingredients described
herein. Alternately, formulations suitable for buccal adrninistration can comprise a powder or an
aerosolized or atomized solution or suspension comprising the particulate delivery system.
As used herein, the term "antibody" (Ab) or "monoclonal antibody" (Mab) is meant to
include intact molecules as well as antibody fragments (such as, for example, Fab and F(ab')2
fragments) which are capable of specifically binding to protein. Fab and F(ab')2 fragments lack
the Fc fragment of intact antibody, clear more rapidly from the circulation, and may have less
non-specific tissue binding than an intact antibody. Thus, these fragments are preferred, as well
as the products of a Fab or other immunoglobulin expression library. Moreover, antibodies of
the present invention include chimeric, single chain, and humanized antibodies.
Antibodies can be prepared using any number of techniques known in the art. Suitable
techniques are discussed briefly below. The antibody may be polyclonal or monoclonal.
Polyclonal antibodies can have significant advantages for initial development, including rapidity
of production and specificity for multiple epitopes, ensuring strong immunofluorescent staining
and antigen capture. Monoclonal antibodies are adaptable to large-scale production; preferred
embodiments include at least one monoclonal antibody specific for an epitope of the target
antigen. Because polyclonal preparations cannot be readily reproduced for large-scale
production, another embodiment uses a cocktail of at least four monoclonal antibodies.

A single chain Fv ("scFv" or "sFv") polypeptide is a covalently linked VH :VL
heterodimer which may be expressed from a nucleic acid including VH - and VL -encoding
sequences either joined directly or joined by a peptide-encoding linker. Huston, et al. Proe. Nat.
Acad. Sci. USA, 85: 5879-5883 (1988). A number of structures for converting the naturally
aggregated, but chemically separated, light and heavy polypeptide chains from an antibody V
region into a scFv molecule which folds into a three dimensional structure substantially similar
to the structure of an antigen-binding site. See, e.g. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,512,097,5,091,513 and
5,132,405 and 4,956,778.
In one class of embodiments, recombinant design methods can be used to develop
suitable chemical structures (linkers) for converting two naturally associated, but chemically
separate, heavy and light polypeptide chains from an antibody variable region into a sFv
molecule which folds into a three-dimensional structure that is substantially similar to native
antibody structure. Design criteria include determination of the appropriate length to span the
distance between the C-terminal of one chain and the N-terminal of the other, wherein the linker
is generally formed from small hydrophilic amino acid residues that do not tend to coil or form
secondary structures. Such methods have been described in the art. See, e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos.
5,091,513 and 5,132,405 to Huston et al.; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,946,778 to Ladner et al.
In this regard, the first general step of linker design involves identification of plausible
sites to be linked. Appropriate linkage sites on each of the VH and VL polypeptide domains
include those which result in the minimum loss of residues from the polypeptide domains, and
which necessitate a linker comprising a minimum number of residues consistent with the need
for molecule stability. A pair of sites defines a "gap" to be linked. Linkers connecting the C-
terminus of one domain to the N-terminus of the next generally comprise hydrophilic amino
acids which assume an unstructured configuration in physiological solutions and preferably are
free of residues having large side groups which might interfere with proper folding of the VH and
VL chains. Thus, suitable linkers under the invention generally comprise polypeptide chains of
alternating sets of glycine and serine residues, and may include glutamic acid and lysine residues
inserted to enhance solubility. Nucleotide sequences encoding such linker moieties can be readily
provided using various oligonucleotide synthesis techniques known in the art.
Alternatively, a humanized antibody fragment may comprise the antigen binding site of a
murine monoclonal antibody and a variable region fragment (lacking the antigen binding site)
derived from a human antibody. Procedures for the production of chimeric and further

engineered monoclonal antibodies include those described in Riechmann et al. (Nature 332 :
323,1988), Liu et al. (PNAS 84 : 3439,1987), Larrick et al. (Bio Technology 7: 934,1989), and
Winter and Harris (TIPS 14 :139, May, 1993).
One method for producing a human antibody comprises immunizing a nonhuman animal,
such as a transgenic mouse, with a target antigen, whereby antibodies directed against the target
antigen are generated in said animal. Procedures have been developed for generating human
antibodies in non-human animals. The antibodies may be partially human, or preferably
completely human. Non-human animals (such as transgenic mice) into which genetic material
encoding one or more human immunoglobulin chains has been introduced may be employed.
Such transgenic mice may be genetically altered in a variety of ways. The genetic manipulation
may result in human immunoglobulin polypeptide chains replacing endogenous immunoglobulin
chains in at least some (preferably virtually all) antibodies produced by the animal upon
immunization. Antibodies produced by immunizing transgenic animals with a target antigen are
provided herein.
Mice in which one or more endogenous immunoglobulin genes are inactivated by various
means have been prepared. Human immunoglobulin genes have been introduced into the mice to
replace the inactivated mouse genes. Antibodies produced in the animals incorporate human
immunoglobulin polypeptide chains encoded by the human genetic material introduced into the
animal. Examples of techniques for production and use of such transgenic animals are described
in U. S.Patents 5,814,318, 5,569,825, and 5,545,806, which are incorporated by reference
Monoclonal antibodies may be produced by conventional procedures, e. g., by
immortalizing spleen cells harvested from the transgenic animal after completion of the
immunization schedule. The spleen cells may be fused with myeloma cells to produce
hybridomas, by conventional procedures.
A method for producing a hybridoma cell line comprises immunizing such a transgenic
animal with a immunogen comprising at least seven contiguous amino acid residues of a target
antigen; harvesting spleen cells from the immunized animal; fusing the harvested spleen cells to
a myeloma cell line, thereby generating hybridoma cells; and identifying a hybridoma cell line
that produces a monoclonal antibody that binds a target antigen. Such hybridoma cell lines, and
monoclonal antibodies produced therefrom, are encompassed by the present invention.

Monoclonal antibodies secreted by the hybridoma cell line are purified by conventional
In another embodiment, antibody fragments are produced by selection from a nonimmune
phage display antibody repertoire against one set of antigens in the presence of a competing set
of antigens (Stausbol-Gron, B., et al., De novo identification of cell-type specific antibody-
antigen pairs by phage display subtraction. Isolation of a human single chain antibody fragment
against human keratin 14. Eur J Biochem 2001 May; 268(10):3099-107). This approach can be
used to produce phage antibodies directed against target antigens. The protocol in general is
based on that described by Stausbol-Gron, B., et al., 2001. Briefly, a nonimmunized
semisynthetic phage display antibody repertoire is used. The repertoire is a single chain Fv
(scFv) phagemid repertoire constructed by recloning the heavy and light chain regions from the
lox library (Griffiths, A.D., et al. (1994) Isolation of high affinity human antibodies directly from
large synthetic repertoires. EMBO J. 13,3245-3260.). Escherichia coli TGI (supE hsdD5 A(/ac-
proAB) thi F'{traD36proAB+ lacP /acZAM15]) is an amber suppressor strain (supE) and is
used for propagation of phage particles. E. coli HB2151 (ara L{lac-proAB) thi F{proAB+ lacP
/aeZAM15]) is a nonsuppressor strain and is used for expression of soluble scFv. In another
embodiment, a human single-chain Fv (scFv) library can be amplified and rescued, as described
(Gao, at al., Making chemistry selectable by linking it to infectivity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
Vol. 94, pp. 11777-11782, October 1997). The library is panned against target antigens
suspended in PBS (10 mMphosphate, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4) and the positive scFv-phage are
selected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
In other preferred embodiments, an antibody is supplied by providing an expression
vector encoding a recombinant antibody, preferably a single chain Fv antibody.
Example 1
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram 100 of a transverse section of a yeast cell wall, showing,
from outside to inside, an outer fibrillar layer 110, an outer mannoprotein layer 120, a beta
glucan layer 1.30, a beta glucan layer - chitin layer 140, an inner mannoprotein layer 150, the
plasma membrane 160 and the cytoplasm 170.
Preparation of WGP Particles
Whole Glucan Particles (WGP, Lot W0282) were previously obtained from Alpha-Beta
Technology. In general, whole glucan particles are prepared from yeast cells by the extraction

and purification of the alkali-insoluble glucan fraction from the yeast cell walls. The yeast cells
are treated with an aqueous hydroxide solution without disrupting the yeast cell walls, which
digests the protein and intracellular portion of the cell, leaving the glucan wall component devoid
of significant protein contamination, and having substantially the unaltered cell wall structure of
p\l-6) and P(l-3) linked glucans. Yeast cells (S. cerevisae strain R4) were grown to midlog
phase in minimal media under fed batch fermentation conditions. Cells (~90 g dry cell weight/L)
were harvested by batch centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The cells were then washed
once in distilled water and then resuspended in 1 liter of 1M NaOH and heated to 90 degrees
Celsius. The cell suspension was stirred vigorously for 1 hour at this temperature. The insoluble
material, containing the cell walls, was recovered by centrifuging at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes.
This material was then suspended in 1 liter, 1M NaOH and heated again to 90 degrees Celsius.
The suspension was stirred vigorously for 1 hour at this temperature. The suspension was then
allowed to cool to room temperature and the extraction was continued for a further 16 hours. The
insoluble residue was recovered by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. This material was
finally extracted in 1 liter, water brought to pH 4.5 with HC1, at 75 degrees Celsius for 1 hour.
The insoluble residue was recovered by centrifugation and washed three times with 200
milliliters water, four times with 200 milliliters isopropanol and twice with 200 milliliters
acetone. The resulting slurry was placed in glass trays and dried at 55 degrees Celsius under
reduced pressure to produce 7.7 g of a fine white powder.
A more detailed description of whole glucan particles and a process of preparing them
can be found in U.S. Pats. Nos. 4,810,646; 4,992,540; 5,028,703; 5,607,677 and 5,741,495, the
teachings of which are incorporated herein by reference. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,028,703
discloses that yeast WGP particles can be produced from yeast cells in fermentation culture. The
cells were harvested by batch centrifugation at 8000 rpm for 20 minutes in a Sorval RC2-B
centrifuge. The cells were then washed twice in distilled water in order to prepare them for the
extraction of the whole glucan. The first step involved resuspending the cell mass in 1 liter 4%
w/v NaOH and heating to 100 degrees Celsius. The cell suspension was stirred vigorously for 1
hour at this temperature. The insoluble material containing the cell walls was recovered by
centrifuging at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes. This material was then suspended in 2 liters, 3% w/v
NaOH and heated to 75 degrees Celsius. The suspension was stirred vigorously for 3 hours at
this temperature. The suspension was then allowed to cool to room temperature and the
extraction was continued for a further 16 hours. The insoluble residue was recovered by

centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes. This material was finally extracted in 2 liters, 3% w/v
NaOH brought to pH 4.5 with HC1, at 75 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. The insoluble residue was
recovered by centrifugation and washed three times with 200 milliliters water, once with 200
milliliters dehydrated ethanol and twice with 200 milliliters dehydrated ethyl ether. The resulting
slurry was placed on petri plates and dried.
Preparation of YGMP Particles
S. cerevisiae (100 g Fleishmans Bakers yeast) was suspended in 1 liter 1M NaOH and
heated to 55 degrees Celsius. The cell suspension was mixed for 1 hour at this temperature. The
insoluble material containing the cell walls was recovered by centrifuging at 2000 rpm for 10
minutes. This material was then suspended in 1 liter of water and brought to pH 4-5 with HC1,
and incubated at 55 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. The insoluble residue was recovered by
centrifugation and washed once with 1000 milliliters water, four times with 200 milliliters
dehydrated isopropanol and twice with 200 milliliters acetone. The resulting slurry was placed in
a glass tray and dried at room temperature to produce 12.4 g of a fine, slightly off-white, powder.
Preparation of YGMP Particles
S. cerevisiae (75 g SAF-Mannan) was suspended in 1 liter water and adjusted to pH 12-
12.5 with 1M NaOH and heated to 55 degrees Celsius. The cell suspension was mixed for 1 hour
at this temperature. The insoluble material containing the cell walls was recovered by
centrifuging at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. This material was then suspended in 1 liter of water and
brought to pH 4-5 with HC1, and incubated at 55 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. The insoluble
residue was recovered by centrifugation and washed once with 1000 milliliters water, four times
with 200 milliliters dehydrated isopropanol and twice with 200 milliliters acetone. The resulting
slurry was placed in a glass tray and dried at room temperature to produce 15.6 g of a fine
slightly off-white powder.
Preparation of YCP Particles
Yeast cells (Rhodotorula sp.) derived from cultures obtained from the American Type
Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA) were aerobically grown to stationary phase in YPD
at 30 degrees Celsius. Rhodotorula sp. cultures available from ATCC include Nos. 886,917,
9336,18101,20254,20837 and 28983. Cells (1L) were harvested by batch centrifugation at

2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The cells were then washed once in distilled water and then
resuspended in water brought to pH 4.5 with HC1, at 75 degrees Celsius for 1 hour. The
insoluble material containing the cell walls was recovered by centrifuging at 2000 rpm for 10
minutes. This material was then suspended in 1 liter, 1M NaOH and heated to 90 degrees Celsius
for 1 hour. The suspension was then allowed to cool to room temperature and the extraction was
continued for a further 16 hours. The insoluble residue was recovered by centrifugation at 2000
rpm for 15 minutes and washed twice with 1000 milliliters water, four times with 200 milliliters
isopropanol and twice with 200 milliliters acetone. The resulting slurry was placed in glass trays
and dried at room temperature to produce 2.7 g of a fine light brown powder.
Figure 2A is a diagram of the structure of a-yeast cell wall particle; Figure 2B is a
fluorescence photomicrograph showing concanavalin-A-FITC (con-A-fiuorescein isothiocyanate,
Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO) staining of the mannan component of the yeast cell wall
particles; Figure 2C is a diagram of the structure of a YGMP beta glucan-mannan particle, Figure
2D is a fluorescence photomicrograph showing punctuate con-A-FITC staining of a YGMP beta
glucan-mannan particle; Figure 2E is a diagram of the structure of a YGP beta glucan particle
and Figure 2F is a fluorescence micrograph showing the absence of con-A-FITC staining of a
YGP beta glucan particle.
Concanavalin-A is a lectin that binds selectively to mannose. Concanavalin-A-FITC
binding was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy in order to observe the amount and
distribution pattern of mannan on the surface of various yeast cell wall preparations.
Suspensions of Baker's yeast (Fleishmans Bakers yeast), YGMP and YGP in PBS + ImM
MgCl2 +lmM CaCl2 were prepared at a density of 1 x 108 particles/ml. Con-A-FITC stock was
1 mg/ml concanavalin-A-FITC in PBS + ImM MgCl2 +lmM CaCl2. Labeling mixtures were
prepared in microcentrifuge tubes consisting of:
100 ul PBS + ImM MgCl2 +lmM CaCl2
2.5 ul yeast cell wall particle suspension
2.5 ul con-A-FITC stock solution.
The microcentrifuge tubes containing the labeling mixtures were incubated in the dark at
room temperature for one hour. Yeast cell wall particles were collected by centrifugation (10,000
rpm for 10 minutes) followed by washing the pellet with 100 ul PBS three times. The washed
yeast cell wall particles were resuspended in 100 ul PBS and transferred to a 96 well plate for

examination with a fluorescence microscope. Photographs of exemplary fields are shown in
Figures 2B, 2D and 2F.
Table 1 summarizes the results of analyses of the chemical composition of WGP
particles, YGP particles, YGMP particles and YCP particles that were prepared as described
above. Note that YGP particles and YGMP particles have lower beta-glucan and higher protein
compared to the prior art WGP particles. YGMP particles have a substantially higher mannan
content compared to the other particle types. YCP particles have a substantially higher chitin +
chitosan content compared to the other particle types.

Example 2 Hydrodynamic Volume of Yeast Cell Wall Particles
The hydrodynamic volume of yeast cell wall particles was determined as a measure of the
payload capacity of the particles. A1 g aliquot of yeast cell wall particles was weighed in a tared
15 ml centrifuge tube to determine the weight of the dry particles. Water (12.5 ml) was added to
the tube, and the tube was vortexed to mix the suspension of yeast cell wall particles. The
particles were allowed to swell and absorb water for 30 minutes. The particle suspension was
centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The water was removed, the tube was weighed, and the
weight of water absorbed was calculated. The hydrodynamic volume was calculated as the ratio
of the weight of the water absorbed to the weight of the dry particles. Table 2 presents the
results for two preparations of the prior art WGP and the YGP and YGMP of the present

The lower hydrodynamic volume of WGP Prep 2 may be due to an increased number of
fragmented particles in this preparation. With respect to the other particles, the "purer" YGP had
a higher hydrodynamic volume than the YGMP.
In general, the payload volume was limited to quantitative absorption of the payload by the yeast cell wall particles. By this rule, payload would be loaded per mg YGP particles and YGMP particles.
Example 3 Oral Bioavailability of YGP and YGMP
Fluorescently labeled yeast glucan particles (YGP-F) and fluorescently labeled yeast
glucan-mannan particles (YGMP-F) were prepared for an uptake study. Starting materials were:
5 ml YGP (5 mg/ml in 0.1M borate buffer, pH 8), 5 ml YGMP (5 mg/ml in 0.1M borate buffer,
pH8), dichlorotriazinyl aminofluorescein (DTAF), 20 mg/ml in DMSO, freshly prepared and
0.1M borate buffer, pH 8.

Labeling reactions were carried out at a 25 mg scale. Aliquots of 25 mg particles were
suspended in 5 ml 0.1M borate buffer, pH 8 and sonicated to reduce clumps of particles to single
particles. The particles were centrifuged and resuspended in 5 ml 0.1M borate buffer, pH 8.
DTAF (0.5 ml 20 mg/ml) was added to the resuspended particles and incubated 2 days at 37
degrees Celsius. At the end of the incubation, 5 ml 1 M Tris buffer, pH 8.3, was added and the
mixture was incubated 30 minutes to quench DTAF. The incubated particles were centrifuged
and washed in PBS until the supernatants were no longer fluorescent. The washed particles were
resuspended in PBS at 5 mg/ml. The number of particles in a 1:100 dilution of an aliquot was
counted. Results: intensely fluorescent yeast cell wall particles were produced, at concentrations
of 1.8 x 109 particles per ml YGP-F and 2.1 x 109 particles per ml YGMP-F.
The influence of the surface carbohydrate composition on the oral bioavailability of yeast
glucan particles was studied to determine if the phagocytic particle uptake of a payload could be
targeted via the mannose receptor as well as by the CR3/dectin-l beta glucan receptors. The
ability to target either or both receptors can expand the target population of cells beyond macrophages and dendritic cells.
The treatment groups are summarized in Table 3, below. Starting materials included:
FtTC-labeled yeast glucan particles (YGP-F), FITC-labeled yeast glucan-mannan particles
(YGMP-F), a group of seven C57Black mice and a group of seven C57/B16 mice. Doses of
YGP-F (1 mg/ml) and YGMP-F (3.7 mg/ml) were prepared to deliver equivalent number of
particles in 0.1 ml PBS and administered by oral gavage to one mouse from each group daily for
five days. The same dose was administered by subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml to one mouse
from each group daily for five days. On day four the cages were changed and fresh bedding was
provided. Fecal pellets were collected on day 5 from each group into 15 ml conical tubes and
frozen for processing later. The fecal pellets were processed by adding 5 ml water and holding at
4 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. The hydrated fecal pellets were homogenized using a Polytron
homogenizer. Dilutions of homogenized feces were placed in a 96-well microtiter plate and
microscopically examined under fluorescent and transmitted white light conditions for the
presence of fluorescent particles. Aliquots having fluorescent particles were further diluted and
the number of fluorescent particles/ml was counted with a hematocytometer.
Mice were sacrificed on day 7, and the spleen was removed from each animal and placed
into separate tubes containing PBS on ice. The spleens were macerated with scissors and
pressed through 70 micron screens to produce single cell suspensions. Aliquots of the single cell

suspensions were retained and fixed in 1% formalin in PBS for quantifying the fraction of cells
labeled with fluorescent particles using FACS. Cell suspensions are stained using a
phycoerythrin (PE) labeled-antibody against macrophage marker, preferably murine Emr-1
(F4/80), which stains splenic red pulp macrophages, Kupffer cells, microglia and Langerhans
Cell suspensions were plated at a density of 107 cells per 60mm petri dish in DMEM
containing 10% fetal calf serum (JRH Scientific), penicillin-streptomycin and glutamine (Gibco)
and incubated for 24 hours at 37 degrees Celsius under 5% C02 to allow for attachment. After
the incubation, any unattached lymphocytes were washed away. The attached splenic
macrophage cells were typsinized, fixed and scored for the fraction of adherent cells having
fluorescent particles using a fluorescence microscope.
The administration of the fluorescent particles was well tolerated. Analysis of adherent
splenic macrophages demonstrated the presence of fluorescent yeast cell wall particles in all
fluorescent particle treated animals. These results demonstrate that both YGP-F and YGMP-F
are orally bioavailable and can be systemically distributed by macrophages. The analysis of
feces demonstrated the presence of fluorescent particles, indicating that oral absorption was
incomplete at the dosage levels used. C57/B16 mice were able to absorb YGP-F and YGMP-F
administered orally. The number of fluorescent particles in feces was quantified as an estimate
of uptake efficiency.

Example 4: Preparation of Chitosan Loaded YGP Particles
YGP particles were prepared with a cationic trapping polymer, chitosan. 1 % w/v
chitosan solutions were prepared in 0.1M acetic acid using either High Molecular Weight
(HMW) chitosan (~ 70,000 Mw, Sigma Chemical St. Louis, Mo) or Low Molecular Weight
(HMW) chitosan (~ 10,000 Mw, Sigma Chemical St. Louis, Mo). Both 1% w/v HMW and
LMW chitosan solutions were prepared in 0.1M acetic acid. Four ml HMW or LMW chitosan
solution was added to 2 g YGP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube and mixed until a smooth paste
was formed. The mixture was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature to allow the liquid to be
absorbed. NaOH (40 ml, 0.1M) was added to each tube, which was vortexed immediately to
precipitate the chitosan inside the YGP. The YGP:chitosan suspension was passed through an
18 gauge needle to produce a fine suspension of YGPxhitosan particles. The YGPxhitosan
particles were collected by centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes) followed by washing the
pellet with deionized water until the pH of the supernatant was 7-8. The YGPxhitosan particles
were then washed four times with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with
two pellet volumes of acetone. The YGP:chitosan particles were then dried at room temperature
in a hood. The procedure yielded 1.2 g YGP:LMW chitosan particles and 1.4 g YGP:HMW
chitosan particles.
Example 5: Preparation of CytoPure™ Loaded YGP Particles
YGP particles were prepared with a biodegradable cationic trapping polymer,
CytoPure™, a proprietary, commercially available, water-soluble cationic polymer transfection
reagent (Qbiogene, Inc., CA). Twenty ul CytoPure™ was diluted in 0.5 ml deionized water and
added to 0.5 g YGP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube and mixed until a smooth paste was
formed. The mixture was incubated for 15 minutes at 4 degrees Celsius to allow the liquid to be
absorbed. Twenty-five ml ethanol was added to each tube, which was vortexed immediately to
precipitate the CytoPure™ inside the YGP. The YGP:CytoPure™ suspension was sonicated to
produce a fine suspension of YGP:CytoPure™ particles. The YGP:CytoPure™ particles were
collected by centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes) followed by washing the pellet four times
with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with two pellet volumes of
acetone. The YGP:CytoPure™ particles were then dried at room temperature in a hood. The
procedure yielded 0.45 g YGP:CytoPure™ particles.

Example 6: Preparation of Polyethylenimine Loaded YGP Particles
YGP particles were prepared with polyethylenimine (PE1) as a cationic trapping polymer.
A 0.5 ml aliquot of a 2% w/v PEI (~ 50,000 Mw, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) solution
in water was added to 0.5 g YGP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube and mixed until a smooth
paste was formed. The mixture was incubated for one hour at room temperature to allow the
liquid to be absorbed. Twenty-five ml ethanol was added to each tube, which was vortexed
immediately to precipitate the PEI inside the YGP. The YGP:PEI suspension was passed
through an 18 gauge needle to produce a fine suspension of YGP:PEI particles. The YGP:PEI
particles were collected by centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes) followed by washing the
peilet four times with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with two pellet
volumes of acetone. The YGP .PEI particles were then dried at room temperature in a hood. The
procedure yielded 0.48 g YGP:PEI particles.
Example 7: Preparation of Alginate Loaded YGP Particles
YGP particles were prepared with alginate (F200 or F200L, Multi-Kem Corp.,
Ridgefield, NJ) as an anionic trapping polymer. A 2 ml aliquot of a 1% w/v alginate solution in
water was added to 1 g YGP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube and mixed to form a smooth
paste. The mixture was incubated for one hour at room temperature to allow the liquid to be
absorbed. The mixture was diluted with 40 ml of a 1% w/v calcium chloride aqueous solution.
The YGP:alginate suspension was passed through an 18 gauge needle to produce a fine
suspension of YGP:alginate particles. The YGP:alginate particles were collected by
centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes. The YGP:alginate particles were washed four times
with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with two pellet volumes of
acetone. The YGP:alginate particles were then dried at room temperature in a hood. The
procedure yielded 0.95 g YGP:F200 alginate particles and 0.86 g YGP-.F200L alginate particles.
Example 8: Preparation of Poly-L-lysine Loaded YGP and YGMP Particles
YGP and YGMP particles were prepared with Poly-L-lysine (PLL) as a trapping polymer.
A 4 ml aliquot of a 1% w/v PLL (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) solution in water was
added to 1 g YGP or YGMP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube. The mixture was incubated for
30 minutes at 55 degrees Celsius to allow the liquid to be absorbed. Ten ml ethanol was added to
each tube, which was homogenized (Polytron homogenizer) to produce a fine suspension of

YGP:PLL or YGMP.-PLL particles. The YGP.-PLL or YGMPrPLL particles were collected by
centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes. The YGP:PLL or YGMP:PLL were washed four times
with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with two pellet volumes of
acetone. The YGP:PLL or YGMP:PLL particles were then dried at room temperature in a hood.
The procedure yielded 1.3 g YGPrPLL particles and 1.1 g YGMPrPLL particles. Microscopic
evaluation showed no free PLL aggregates, only YGP:PLL or YGMP:PLL particles.
Example 9: Preparation of Xanthan Loaded YGP and YGMP Particles
YGP and YGMP particles were prepared with xanthan as an anionic trapping polymer. A
4 ml aliquot of a 1% w/v xanthan solution in water was heated to 55 degrees Celsius to reduce
viscosity and added to 1 g YGP or YGMP in a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube. The mixture was
incubated for 30 minutes at 55 degrees Celsius. Ten ml ethanol was added to each tube, which
was homogenized (Polytron homogenizer) to produce a fine suspension of YGP:xanthan or
YGMP:xanthan particles. The YGPrxanthan or YGMP:xanthan particles were collected by
centrifugation (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes). The YGP:xanthan or YGMP:xanthan particles were
washed four times with two pellet volumes of isopropanol and then washed twice with two pellet
volumes of acetone. The YGP:xanthan or YGMPrxanthan particles were then dried at room
temperature in a hood. The procedure yielded 1.2 g YGPrxanthan particles and 1.1 g
YGMP:xanthan particles. Microscopic evaluation showed no free xanthan aggregates, only
YGP:xanthan or YGMPrxanthan particles.
Example 10: Evaluation of Ability of YGPrChitosan and YGP:Alginate To Bind Charged Dyes
YGP:Chitosan and YGP:Alginate particles were prepared as described in Examples 7 &
9 above. 0.1% w/v aqueous solutions of trypan blue (Benzamine blue; CI 23850), an anionic dye
and xylene cyanol (acid blue, a cationic dye) were prepared. A 50 ul aliquot of a 0.1% w/v
aqueous dye solution was added to 10 mg YGP, YGP:Chitosan or YGP:Alginate in
microcentrifuge tubes and the mixture was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature. The
pellets were washed with deionized water until the supernatant solutions were no longer colored.
The color of the pellet was evaluated; the results are presented in Table 4, below.

Electrostatic interactions between insoluble trapping polymers inside YGP were capable
of binding to oppositely charged low molecular weight model dye payloads.
Example 11: Use of YGP: Agarose to Trap Molecules by Physical Entrapment
YGP:Agarose was prepared to evaluate physical entrapment as a means to trap a payload
in YGP. A 2% w/v solution of agarose (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) was prepared in
TE, and cooled to 50 degrees Celsius. A1 mg/ml stock solution of salmon sperm DNA in TE
was diluted to 0.5 mg/ml DNA in TE or in 1% agarose at 50 degrees Celsius. A 500 mg aliquot
of YGP was mixed with 500 ul of DNA in TE or 500 ul of DNA in agarose at 50 degrees Celsius
and the mixture was incubated 1 hour at 50 degrees Celsius. The mixture was then cooled for 1
hour in a refrigerator to sohdify the agarose. After 1 hour, 10 mis of TE was added and the
mixture was incubated overnight in refrigerator. The mixture was then centrifuged, and DNA in
the supernatant was measured by absorption at 260 nm. About >80% of the applied DNA was
retained by YGP:Agarose compared to indicate that agarose effectively traps DNA inside YGP by physical entrapment.
Example 12: Use of YGP:Polyacrylamide to Trap Molecules by Physical Entrapment
YGP:Polyacrylamide was prepared to evaluate physical entrapment as a means to trap a
payload in YGP. A lmg/ml stock solution of salmon sperm DNA in TE was diluted to 0.5
mg/ml DNA in TE or in 30% polyacrylamide/bis (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO).
TEMED (N.N^N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine) was added to each DNA mixture (1 ul
TEMED to 5 mis of DNA solution), and a 2 ml aliquot of each solution was added to 1 g YGP.
The result was mixed to form a uniform suspension and incubated 3 hours at room temperature.
After the 3 hour incubation, 10 ml of TE was added and the mixture was incubated overnight in
a refrigerator. The mixture was then centrifuged, and DNA in the supernatant was measured by
absorption at 260 nm. About >95% of the applied DNA was retained by YGP:Polyacrylamide

compared to an effective trapping polymer to use to trap DNA inside YGP by physical entrapment.
Example 13: Loading YGP With A Small Molecule, Tetracycline
The antibiotic tetracycline (tet) was loaded into YGP using the relative insolubility of the
tetracycline-calcium salt. Yeast cell wall particles used were YGP, YGP:F200 alginate and YGP:
F200L alginate prepared as described above. Stock solutions were 1 M CaCb and 100 mg/ml
tetracycline HC1 (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO). The loading mixtures were set up as
summarized in Table 5, below.

The mixtures were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature and then deionized
water or 1 M CaCh was added as indicated. After 60 minutes at room temperature, the mixtures
were sonicated and were incubated for at least an additional 30 minutes at room temperature.
The mixtures were then centrifuged (2,000 rpm for 10 minutes) and the presence of tetracycline
was indicated by the yellow color of the pellet and that of the initial supernatant. The amount of
tetracycline loading into the yeast cell wall particles was calculated from the loss of absorption at
355 nm, the peak of the tetracycline absorption spectrum. A dilution of 4 ul of the 100 mg/ml
tetracycline HC1 stock solution in 200 ul deionized water had an absorbance at 355 nm of 0.538
compared to a deionized water blank. Release of tetracycline from the loaded yeast cell wall
particles into PBS or 0.1M HC1 was also measured spectrophotometrically.
The results are summarized in Table 5, above. In general, while YGP:F200 alginate and
YGP:F200L alginate pellets were yellow after washing, YGP pellets were not yellow, indicating

little, if any, tetracycline loading either as the hydrochloride or the calcium salt in the absence of
a trapping polymer. In contrast, tetracycline was effectively loaded and trapped in YGP:F200
alginate and YGP:F200L alginate formulations, with about 25-30% of the applied tetracycline
load absorbed as the calcium alginate salt. Trapped tetracycline was released from YGP:F200
alginate and YGP:F200L alginate into 0.1M HC1. The trapped tetracycline was partially retained
in YGP:F200 alginate and YGP:F200L alginate in PBS for 1 hour at 37 degrees Celsius, about
26.5 - 51.6% of 0.1M HC1 extractable.
In summary, tetracycline was readily trapped as a calcium alginate salt complex in a
YGP-alginate-calcium composition, but was not effectively loaded and retained within YGP
alone. The tetracycline trapped as a calcium alginate complex in YGP:F200 alginate and
YGP:F200L alginate was slowly released in PBS at 37 degrees- Celsius and substantially
released under acid conditions.
Example 14: Efficacy of Tet and YGP:Tet In Increasing in vitro Microbiocidal Killing of J774 .
YGP: alginate - tet was prepared as described in Example 13, above. The numbers of
particles of YGP and YGP: alginate - tet per ml in the stock solutions were 9 x 107/mland6x
108/ml, respectively.

One ml of murine macrophages, J774 (5 x 105/ml) was combined with YGP, YGP:
alginate - tet or tetracycline of various concentration as summarized in Table 6, above.
The J774 cells were cultured overnight in medium (DMEM containing 10% fetal calf
serum without antibiotics or glutamine). The cultures were incubated with medium alone,
tetracycline diluted in medium or particles diluted in medium for 1 hour with rotation at 37
degrees Celsius to permit phagocytosis of the particles. The microbial killing assay was set up in
96 well plates. The cultures were diluted in medium and incubated overnight to allow for
metabolism and release of tet from phagocytosed YGP: alginate - tet particles. Bacterial
challenge was added as indicated in Table 6 and the cultures were incubated 2 hours at 37
degrees Celsius in a CO2 incubator to permit S. aureus phagocytosis and killing by the J774
murine macrophages. After this incubation, 200 ul LB Broth (Luria-Bertani Broth: 1.0%
tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 1.0% NaCl) was added to each culture to lyze the macrophages.
Cultures were incubated at 37 degrees Celsius in an incubator to permit outgrowth of surviving
S. aureus. Growth was monitored by change in pH as indicated by phenol red. The effects of

YGP, YGP: alginate - tet or tetracycline were compared. The results are provided in the two
right-most columns of Table 6.
About 7.5 x 106 YGP: alginate - tet particles produced an effect on macrophages roughly
equivalent to about 2.5 ug/ml tetracycline HC1. The macrophages alone were relatively less
effective than macrophages treated with tetracycline in either mode, and about as effective as
macrophages treated with empty YGP alone. Macrophages in combination with free tetracycline
in solution were not much more effective than tetracycline alone. Macrophages treated with
YGP: alginate - tet particles showed significant synergy. In general, the results demonstrate that
phagosome delivery of tetracycline into J774 macrophage cells enhances the killing capacity of
J774 macrophage cells for S. aureus.
Example 15: Loading of Protein into YGP
The utility of the delivery system of the present invention for the retention, transport and
delivery of therapeutic peptides or proteins, vaccine antigens or other peptides or proteins was
evaluated using the mixed proteins of fetal calf serum. Yeast cell wall particles used were YGP,
YGP-PEI and YGP-chitosan prepared as described above. Stock solutions were 45 ng/ul fetal
calf serum (FCS) (Fetal Bovine Serum, JRH Biosciences, Lenexa, KS), 0.2% PEI (Sigma
Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) in TE, 0.05 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 (P buffer) and 0.05 M
phosphate buffer, pH 7.2,1 M NaCl (P + salt buffer).
Four ul of FCS were added to 1 mg of YGP, YGP-P or YGP-CN in microcentrifuge
tubes as indicated in Table 7 and the resulting mixture was incubated 60 minutes at room
temperature to allow the liquid to be absorbed by the particles. After the incubation, 200 ul
phosphate buffer or 200 ul PEI was as indicated in Table 7 and the resulting mixture was
incubated 60 minutes at room temperature. After the incubation, 0.5 ml phosphate buffer was^
added, and after a further 5 minute incubation, the tubes were sonicated to produce single
particles. The particles were pelleted by centrifuging at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes and the
supernatants were removed to fresh tubes. 0.5 ml 0.05M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 + 1M
NaCl was added to the pellets, and after a further 5 minute incubation, the tubes were centrifuged
at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes and the high salt elution supernatants were removed to fresh tubes.
The protein content of the supernatants was measured by absorbance at 280 nm.

The protein loading results are shown in Table 8. YGP particles without a trapping
molecule trapped only 5% of the presented protein. YGP particles that were loaded first with
FCS protein and then exposed to PEI retained 47% of the protein load. YGP particles that were
preloaded with a trapping polymer such as PEI or chitosan before exposure to the protein load
such retained 68% and 60%, respectively, of the protein load.

The results demonstrate that serum proteins are not effectively loaded and trapped into
YGP without trapping polymers. Using YGP that were preloaded with trapping polymers before
exposure to the payload proteins resulted in increased protein trapping. Alternatively, proteins
can be trapped inside YGP by first loading the protein, and then adding a soluble trapping
polymer to sequester the protein within the particle.
Example 16: Comparison of Various Methods of Loading DNA into YGP
Several methods of loading salmon sperm DNA into YGP, YGP containing low
molecular weight (LMW) chitosans or YGP containing high molecular weight (HMW) chitosans
were evaluated.
a. Capillary loading followed by ethanol precipitation

Salmon sperm DNA Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was sheared by 40 passes through 18 gauge
needle and diluted to a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml in 50 mM TE (Tris-HCl, pH 8,2 mM
EDTA). Loading volumes of the DNA solution were determined and mixed in centrifuge tubes
in duplicate with 100 mg aliquots of YGP, YGP: LMW chitosan or YGP: HMW chitosan as in
Example 2 and incubated 1 hour. The incubated mixtures were ethanol precipitated by adding
1.5 ml ethanol to each tube. The insoluble products were collected by centrifugation at 2,000
rpm for 10 minutes. 10ml TE was added to each tube, incubated for 1 hr at 37 degrees
CelsiuSjCentrifuged 2,000 rpm for 10 minutes to sediment the insoluble YGP and the DNA
content of the supernatant was determined by absorbance at 260 nm. The amount of DNA
remaining in the YGP was calculated.
b. DNA loading by absorption
Loading volumes of the DNA solution were mixed in centrifuge tubes in duplicate with
100 mg aliquots of YGP, YGP: LMW chitosan or YGP: HMW chitosan as in Example 4a and
incubated 1 hour. 10ml TE was added to each tube, incubated for 1 hr at 37 degrees Celsius,,
centrifuged 2,000 rpm for 10 minutes to sediment the insoluble YGP. The DNA content of the
supernatant was determined by absorbance at 260 nm. The amount of DNA remaining in the
YGP was calculated.
c. DNA loading by CTAB trapping
Loading volumes of the DNA solution were mixed in centrifuge tubes in duplicate with
100 mg aliquots of YGP, YGP: LMW chitosan or YGP: HMW chitosan as in Example 4 and
incubated 1 hour. The incubated mixtures were precipitated by adding 1.5 ml 2%
hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide (also known as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide or
CTAB) solution to each tube. 10ml TE was added to each tube, which was incubated for 1 hr at
37 degrees Celsius, and centrifuged 2,000 rpm for 10 minutes to sediment the insoluble YGP.
The DNA content of the supernatant was determined by absorbance at 260 nm. The amount of
DNA remaining in the YGP was calculated.
The amount of DNA remaining in the YGP was calculated.
The results are presented in Table 9, below.

Simple DNA loading or precipitation failed to effectively load and trap DNA into the
YGP. In contrast, the use of the cationic trapping polymer, chitosan, resulted in the formation of
chitosan-DNA complexes that can trap DNA inside YGP. In addition, the
cationic agent CTAB can be effectively used to trap loaded DNA into YGP.
Example 17: DNA Loading and Trapping
Fluorescent salmon sperm DNA was prepared by mixing 1 ml of a 1 mg/ml solution of
salmon sperm DNA in 0.1M carbonate buffer pH 9.2 with 100 ul of a 1 mg/ml suspension of
DTAF in 10 mM carbonate buffer ph 9.2. After overnight incubation at 37 degrees Celsius, 200
ul 1M Tris-HCl pH 8.3 was added and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then, 100
ul lMNaCl and 3 mis ethanol were added to ethanol precipitate the DNA. After storage at -20C
overnight, the ethanol precipitate was collected by centrimgation at 10,000 rpm 15 minutes. The .
ethanol precipitate was washed with 70% ethanol until supernatant was clear and resuspended in
The YGP suspensions were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. After the
incubation, 0.45 ml 95% ethanol was added to one set (YGP, YGP-P, YGP-Chitosan) of three
tubes, 0.2 ml 2% PEI was added to two sets of three tubes and 0.2 ml 2% CTAB was added to
another set of three tubes. After30 minutes incubation at room temperature, 0.2 ml 2% CTAB
was added to one set of the PEI tubes and incubation proceeded for a further 30 minutes.
Ethanol (1ml, 95%) was added and the YGPs were stored overnight at-20 degrees Celsius. The
YGP suspensions were washed with 70% ethanol and resuspended in 0.5 ml PBS. Results were
evaluated by fluorescence microscopy, and are shown in Table 10.

No significant trapping of fluorescent-labeled DNA occurred if only simple ethanol
precipitation without a trapping polymer was used, demonstrating that the prior art technology is
not effective as a DNA delivery system. Fluorescent-labeled DNA was clearly being trapped by
cationic trapping polymers PEI or chitosan, or with the cationic detergent CTAP inside YGP
particles. The best DNA trapping occurred when a combination of trapping polymer and CTAB
was used, such as YGP:PEI: DNACTAB, YGP:chitosan:DNA: CTAB or
Example 18: Fhiorescently Labeled Plasmid DNA Loading and Trapping
YGP containing pIRES plasmid was prepared for transfection and expression of encoded
EGFP in 111 A cells, a murine macrophage derived cell line. Cationic trapping agents used
included cationic polymers such as polyethylenimine (PET), CytoPure™, a proprietary,
commercially available, water-soluble cationic polymer transfection reagent (Qbiogene, Inc.,
CA), chitosan and a cationic detergent hexadecyltritnethyl-ammoniumbromide (CTAB). A
preferred PEI is JetPEI, a commercially available linear polyethylenimine cationic polymer
transfection reagent (Qbiogene, Inc., CA).
pIRES-EGFP (Clonetech, CA) contains the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) of the
encephalomyocarditis virus (ECMV) between the MCS and the EGFP (enhanced green
fluorescent protein) coding region. This permits both the gene of interest (cloned into the MCS)
and the EGFP gene to be translated from a single bicistronic rnRNA. pIRES-EGFP is designed
for the efficient selection (by flow cytometry or other methods) of transiently transfected
mammalian cells expressing EGFP and another protein of interest. To optimize the selection of

cells expressing high levels of the protein of interest, pIRES-EGFP utilizes a partially disabled
IRES sequence (1). This attenuated IRES leads to a reduced rate of translation initiation at the
EGFP start codon relative to that of the cloned gene. This enables the selection of those cells in
which the mRNA, and hence the target protein, is produced at high levels to compensate for a
suboptimal rate of translation of EGFP. This vector can also be used to express EGFP alone or to
obtain stably transfected cell lines without time-consuming drug and clonal selection. EGFP is a
red-shifted variant of wild-type GFP that has been optimized for brighter fluorescence and higher
expression in mammalian cells. (Excitation maximum = 488 nm; emission maximum = 509 nm)
EGFP encodes the GFPmutl variant, which contains the amino acid substitutions Phe-64 to Leu
and Ser-65 to Thr. These mutations increase the brightness and solubility of GFP, primarily due
to improved protein folding properties and efficiency of chromophore formation. EGFP also
contains an open reading frame composed almost entirely of preferred human codons. This leads
to more efficient translation and, hence, higher expression levels in eukaryotic cells, relative to
wild type GFP.
Solutions prepared were: pIRES EGFP plasmid DNA, 0.72 ug/ul in water, 0.2% w/v PEI
(Sigma) in TE, 2 ul CytoPure (Qbiogene) + 48 ul 0.15MNaCl, 2 ul JetPEI (Qbiogene) + 48 ul
TE, 0.2% Spermidine in TE, 2% (aq) CTAB and phosphate buffered saline (PBS).
' Fluorescent pIRES plasmid DNA was prepared by mixing 1 ml of a 1 mg/ml solution of
pIRES DNA in 0.1M carbonate buffer pH 9.2 with 100 ul of a 1 mg/ml suspension of DTAF in
10 mM carbonate buffer pH 9.2. After overnight incubation at 37 degrees Celsius, 200 ul 1M
Tris-HCl pH 8.3 was added and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then 100 ul 1M
NaCl and 3 ml ethanol were added to ethanol precipitate the DNA. After storage at -20 degrees
Celsius overnight, the ethanol precipitate was collected by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm 15
minutes. The ethanol precipitate was washed with 70% ethanol until supernatant was clear and
resuspended in 1 ml TE.
The YGP suspensions were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. After the
incubation, 0.45 ml 95% ethanol was added to one set (YGP, YGP-P, YGP-Chitosan) of three
tubes, 0.2 ml 2% PEI was added to two sets of three tubes and 0.2 ml 2% CTAB was added to
another set of three tubes. After 30 minutes incubation at room temperature, 0.2 ml 2% CTAB
was added to one set of the PEI tubes and incubation proceeded for a further 30 minutes.
Ethanol (lml, 95%) was added and the YGPs were stored overnight at-20 degrees Celsius. The
YGP suspensions were washed with 70% ethanol and resuspended in 0.5 ml PBS.

J774 murine macrophages were plated in six well plates at a density of 2.5 xlO cells per
well and incubated overnight as described in Example 14. The transfections were performed as
summarized in Table 11. The particles were added to the culture medium at a 10 particle per cell
ratio and the plates were swirled to distribute particles. The cells were incubated for 4 hours. At
end of the incubation period, the culture medium was removed, the cells were washed with PBS
and fixed in 0.4% formalin in PBS.
Fluorescent DNA-containing particles and J774 cells incubated with fluorescent DNA-
containing particles were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy, and results are summarized in
Table 12 and shown in Figures 3 A and 3B.

Figure 3 A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color light
photomicrograph of cells exposed to YGP particles loaded with fluorescent labeled pIRES
plasmid with PEI as the cationic trapping polymer and CTAB as a cationic detergent, indicating
a cell 310. Figure 3B is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing bright staining representing fluorescent YGP
particles containing fluorescent plasmid DNA internalized by the same cell 310 indicated in
Figure 3B.

Example 19: EGFP Expression By J774 Murine Macrophages Incubated With YGP:pIRES
The pIRES plasmid DNA was not fluorescently labeled in this Example, rather the
functional expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) encoded by pIRES was used as a
demonstration of uptake of loaded yeast cell wall particles, intracellular release of the pIRES
DNA and expression of the GFP as evidenced by the production of fluorescence.
The YGP: pIRES formulations were prepared as summarized in Table 12, below. DNA
was prepared from dilutions in deionized water of 1 mg/ml stock. The indicated amount of DNA
solution was added to YGP and incubated for at least 30 minutes to allow for liquid absorption.
The indicated amount of 0.2% PEI in TE or 0.2% chitosan in acetate buffer was added and the
mixture was allowed to incubate for 5 minutes before sonication to produce single particles.
After a further incubation of at least 30 minutes, the indicated amount of 2% CTAB was added.
After an additional 5 minute incubation, the tubes were vortex mixed and incubated again for at
least 30 minutes. The indicated amount of95%ethanol was added. Each tube was then mixed .
and stored at -20 Celsius overnight. The YGP:pIRES formulated particles were then centrifuged,
washed twice in 70% ethanol, collected by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 5 minutes,
resuspended in 0.5 ml sterile PBS and sonicated to produce single particles. The number of
particles per ml was counted and each formulation was and stored at -20 degrees Celsius.
J774 murine macrophages were plated in 6 well plates at a density of 2.5 xlO5 cells per
well and incubated overnight as described in Example 14. The transfections were performed as
summarized in Table 11, above. The particles were added to the culture medium at a 10 particle
per cell ratio and the plates were swirled to distribute particles. The cells were fed daily and
incubated for 2 days. At end of the incubation period, the culture medium was removed the cells
were washed with PBS and fixed in 0.4% formalin in PBS.
The results are summarized in Table 13 and shown in Figures 4A - C. Cells were
examined using fluorescence microscopy. Eighty nine percent of J774 cells took up YGP-F
particles (Table 13, well IB, Figure 4A). EGFP expression was evident in >80% of J774 cells as
punctate fluorescence in vacuoles in wells IE (Figure 4B) and IF (Figure 4C).

Figure 4A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 410, exposed to fluorescent labeled YGP
particles, Figure 4B is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 420, expressing GFP from pIRES DNA
delivered by YGP with a cationic trapping polymer polyethylenirnine (PET) and cationic
detergent hexadecyllrimethylammoniumbromide (also known as cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide or CTAB) and Figure 4C is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color
fluorescence photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 430, expressing GFP frompIRES
DNA delivered by YGP with a cationic trapping polymer chitosan and cationic detergent CTAB.
Example 20: Fluorescent DNA, Oligonucleotide and siRNA Oligonucleotide Delivery into
J774 Cells Using YGP-Cation Trapping Polymer Technology
The following materials were used: YGP:Fluorescent salmon sperm DNA:PEI:CTAB
particles, YGP:Fluorescent oUgonucleotide:PEI:CTAB particles, and YGP:Fluorescent
siRNA:PEI:CTAB. The fluorescent oligonucleotide was an 18 mer synthesized by Sigma
Genosys with a fluorescein residue attached to the 5' end:
The fluorescent sIRNA was a 21 mer non-silencing control siRNA synthesized with a fluorescein
residue attached to the 5' end (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, Catalog No. 1022079):

J774 murine macrophages were plated in 6 well plates at a density of 2.5 xlO cells per
well and incubated overnight as described in Example 14. The transfections were performed as
summarized in Table 14. The control and polynucleotide-loaded particles were added to the
culture medium and the plates were swirled to distribute particles. The cells were fed daily and
incubated for 24 hours. At end of the incubation period, the culture medium was removed the
cells were washed with PBS and fixed in 0.4% formalin in PBS.

The results are illustrated in Figures 5A -1. Cells were examined using fluorescence
microscopy and FACS. 92% of J774 cells took up YGP-F particles (Table 14, well IB, Figure
5A). Fluorescent oligonucleotide (SEQ ID NO:l) delivery was evident in >80% of J774 cells as
punctate endosomal fluoresence and diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence. Fluorescent non-
silencing siRNA (SEQ ID NO:l) delivery was evident in >80% of J774 cells as punctate
endosomal fluorescence and difiuse cytoplasmic fluorescence.
Figure 5 A is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color combined light and
fluorescence photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 510, exposed to fluorescent labeled
YGP particles; Figure 5B is a graphic representation of the results of a fluorescence activated
cell sorting (FACS) study showing a major peak 520 representing the distribution of signals from
cells that have internalized fluorescent labeled YGP particles and a minor peak 530 representing
the distribution of signals from cells without fluorescent labeled YGP particles; Figure 5C is a
reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color light photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an
indicated cell 540, exposed to YGP particles containing fluorescent labeled DNA, a cationic
trapping polymer PEI and cationic detergent CTAB; Figure 5D is a reversed contrast (negative)
grayscale image of a color fluorescence photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing the
same indicated cell 540, Figure 5E is a graphic representation of the results of a FACS study
showing a maj or peak 610 representing the distribution of signals from cells that have
internalized YGP particles with fluorescent DNA payload and a shoulder 620 representing the

distribution of signals from cells without YGP particles; Figure 5F is a reversed contrast
(negative) grayscale image of a color light photomicrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell 710,
incubated with YGP particles containing fluorescent labeled antisense RNA, PEI and CTAB;
Figure 5G is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing the same indicated cell 710 containing
internalized YGP particles with fluorescent antisense RNA payload; Figure 5H is a reversed
contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color light micrograph of cells, e.g., an indicated cell
810, incubated with YGP particles containing fluorescent labeled siRNA, PEI and CTAB and
Figure 51 is a reversed contrast (negative) grayscale image of a color fluorescence
photomicrograph of the same field of cells showing the same indicated cell 810 containing
internalized YGP particles with fluorescent RNAi payload.
In summary, fluorescent DNA, oligonucleotide or siRNA payloads loaded into YGP
using a cationic trapping polymer efficiently delivers the payload into J774 cells. Payloads are
released from the endosomal compartment within 24 hours into the cytoplasm and nuclear
The claims should not be read as limited to the described order or elements unless stated
to that effect. Therefore, all embodiments that come within the scope and spirit of the following
claims and equivalents thereto are claimed as the invention.

We Claim:
1. A particulate delivery system comprising an extracted yeast cell wall comprising less than 90
weight percent beta-glucan, a payload molecule such as herein described, and a payload trapping
molecule selected from the group consisting of a polymer, a polyelectrolyte, a detergent and a
mixture thereof, wherein the payload molecule and the payload trapping molecule are soluble in the
same solvent system such as herein described.
2. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the solvent system comprises
3. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the extracted yeast cell wall
further comprises more than 50 weight percent chintin, more than 30 weight percent mannan,
and/or more than 1 weight percent protein.
4. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the payload trapping molecule is
selected from the group consisting of
(i) a polysaccharide selected from the group consisting of agarose, an alginate, a xanthan, a
dextran, a chitosan, a galactomannan gum, a derivative thereof and a mixture thereof;
(ii) polyacrylamide;
(iii) polyamide; and
(iv) a compound selected from the group consisting of a cationic polymer, an anionic
polymer, a cationic detergent, an anionic detergent and a mixture thereof.
5. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 4 wherein the cationic polymer is selected
from the group consisting of chitosan, polyethylenimine and poly-L-lysine.
6. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 4 wherein the payload trapping molecule is a
mixture of a cationic polymer and a cationic detergent.
7. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 4 wherein the cationic polymer is selected
from the group consisting of a protein, a polypeptide, a short synthetic peptide, a helical
amphiphilic peptide, a cationic dendrimer, glucaramide polymer, a N-substituted glycine oligomer,

poly(2-methyl-acrylic acid 2-[(2-dimethylamino-ethyl)-methyl-amino]-ethyl ester), poly(2-
dimethylamino ethy])-methacrylate and mixtures thereof.
8. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 4 wherein the anionic polymer is selected
from the group consisting of alginate and xanthan.
9. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 4 wherein the cationic detergent is

10. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the payload trapping molecule is
selected from the group consisting of a cationic polyelectrolyte, an anionic polyelectrolyte and an
amphoteric polyelectrolyte.
11. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 10 wherein the cationic polyelectrolyte is
selected from the group consisting of a copolymer of vinyl pyrrolidone and quaternary methyl
methacrylate, a substituted polyacrylamide, polyethyleneimine, polypropyleneimine, a polyamine
homopolymer, a polyamine co-polymer, polydiallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, substituted
dextrans; modified guar gum, a substituted protein, a polyamino acid, spermine and spermidine.
12. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 10 wherein the anionic polyelectrolyte is
selected from the group consisting of a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride, a
copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic acid, alginic acid and carboxymethyl cellulose, a
substituted polyacrylamide, a polyacrylic acid, a polystyrene sulfonic acid, a dextran sulfate, a
substituted saccharide, heparin and pharmaceutieally acceptable salts.
13. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1 wherein the payload molecule is selected
from the group consisting of a polynucleotide, a peptide, a protein, a small organic active agent, a
small inorganic active agent and a mixture thereof.
14. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 13 wherein the polynucleotide is selected
from the group consisting of an oligonucleotide, an antisense construct, a siRNA, an enzymatic
RNA, a recombinant DNA construct and a mixture thereof.
15. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 13 or 14 wherein the recombinant DNA
construct is an expression vector comprising a control element operatively linked to an open
reading frame encoding a protein.

16. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 15 wherein the protein encoded by the open
reading frame is a structural protein, a protein having enzymatic activity, a membrane protein, a
DNA binding protein or a signaling protein.
17. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 15 wherein the protein encoded by the open
reading frame is an antigenic protein.
18. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 13 or 14 wherein the polynucleotide
comprises a nucleotide sequence that restores the function of an absent, defective or inhibited gene.
19. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 15 wherein the protein encoded by the open
reading frame is a protein that produces a therapeutic effect in an individual having a genetic
20. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 19 wherein the genetic disorder is Aarskog-
Scott syndrome, Aase syndrome, achondroplasia, acrodysostosis, addiction, adreno-
leukodystrophy, albinism, ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome, alagille syndrome, alkaptonuria,
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, Alport's syndrome, Alzheimer disease, asthma, autoimmune
polyglandular syndrome, androgen insensitivity syndrome, Angelman syndrome, ataxia, ataxia
telangiectasia, atherosclerosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, baldness,
Batten disease, Beckwith- Wiedemann syndrome, Best disease, bipolar disorder, brachydactyly,
breast cancer, Burkitt lymphoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Crohn's
disease, cleft lip, Cockayne syndrome, Coffin Lowry syndrome, colon cancer, congenital adrenal
hyperplasia, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, Costello syndrome, Cowden syndrome,
craniofrontonasal dysplasia, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cystic fibrosis,
deafness, depression, diabetes, diastrophic dysplasia, DiGeorge syndrome, Down's syndrome,
dyslexia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Dubowitz syndrome, ectodermal dysplasia, Ellis-van
Creveld syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, epidermolysis bullosa, epilepsy, essential tremor,
familial hypercholesterolemia, familial Mediterranean fever, fragile X syndrome, Friedreich's
ataxia, Gaucher disease, glaucoma, glucose galactose malabsorption, glutaricaciduria, gyrate
atrophy, Goldberg Shprintzen syndrome (velocardiofacial syndrome), Gorlin syndrome, Hailey-
Hailey disease, hemihypertrophy, hemochromatosis, hemophilia, hereditary motor and sensory
neuropathy (HMSN), hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), Huntington's disease,
immunodeficiency with hyper-IgM, juvenile onset diabetes, Klinefelter's syndrome, Kabuki
syndrome, Leigh's disease, long QT syndrome, lung cancer, malignant melanoma, manic

depression, Marfan syndrome, Menkes syndrome, miscarriage, mucopolysaccharide disease,
multiple endocrine neoplasia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, myotrophic lateral sclerosis,
myotonic dystrophy, neurofibromatosis, Niemann-Pick disease, Noonan syndrome, obesity, ovarian
cancer, p53 tumor suppressor, pancreatic cancer, Parkinson disease, paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria, Pendred syndrome, peroneal muscular atrophy, phenylketonuria (PKU), polycystic
kidney disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, primary biliary cirrhosis, prostate cancer, REAR syndrome,
Refsum disease, retinitis pigmentosa, retinoblastoma, Rett syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome,
schizophrenia, severe combined immunodeficiency, sickle cell anemia, spina bifida, spinal
muscular atrophy, spinocerebellar atrophy, SRY: sex determination, sudden adult death syndrome,
Tangier disease, Tay-Sachs disease, thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome, Townes-Brocks
syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turner syndrome, Usher syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome,
Waardenburg syndrome, Weaver syndrome, Werner syndrome, Williams syndrome, Wilson's
disease, xeroderma pigmentosum or Zellweger syndrome.
21. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 13, 14 or 15 wherein the protein is selected
from the group consisting of growth hormone, prolactin, placental lactogen, erythropoietin,
thrombopoietin, interleukin-2, interleukin-3, interleukin-4, interleukin-5, interleukin-6, interleukin-
7, interleukin-9, interleukin-10, interleukin-11, interleukin-12 (p35 subunit), interleulcin-13,
interleukin-15, oncostatin M, ciliary neurotrophic factor, leukemia inhibitory factor, alpha
interferon, beta interferon, gamma interferon, omega interferon, tau interferon, granulocyte-colony
stimulating factor, granulocyte- macrophage colony stimulating factor, macrophage colony
stimulating factor, cardiotrophin-1, growth hormone releasing factor, parathyroid hormone; thyroid
stimulating hormone; lipoproteins; alpha-1-antitrypsin; insulin A-chain; insulin B-chain; proinsulin;
follicle stimulating hormone; calcitonin; luteinizing hormone; glucagon; factor VIIIC, factor IX
tissue factor, von Willebrands factor, Protein C, atrial natriuretic factor, lung surfactant, urokinase,
tissue-type plasminogen activator, bombazine, thrombin, alpha tumor necrosis factor, beta tumor
necrosis factor, enkephalinase; RANTES, human macrophage inflammatory protein, serum
albumin, mullerian-inhibiting substance, relaxin A-chain, relaxin B-chain, prorelaxin, mouse
gonadotropin-associated peptide, DNase, inhibin, activin, vascular endothelial growth factor, a
hormone receptor, a growth factor receptor, an integrin, protein A, protein D, a rheumatoid factor, a
neurotrophic factor, bone-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3, neurotrophin-4,
neurotrophin-5, neurotrophin-6, NGF-beta, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF); fibroblast
growth factor, a or b (aFGF or bFGF), epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-alpha,

transforming growth factor-betal, transforming growth factor-beta2, transforming growth
factorbeta3, transforming growth factor-beta4, transforming growth factor-beta5, insulin-like
growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor-H, des(l-3)-insulin-like growth factor-I, an insulin-like
growth factor binding protein, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD20, an osteoinductive factor, an
immunotoxin, a bone morphogenetic protein, a T-cell receptor, surface membrane proteins, decay
accelerating factor, a viral antigen, a transport protein, homing receptor, an addressin, a regulatory
protein, an immunoadhesin, an antibody and biologically active fragments or variants thereof.
22. The particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 13 or 14 wherein the small organic active
agent is selected from the group consisting of
(i) an oligomer of heterocyclic polyamides that binds to the minor groove of double
stranded DNA in a sequence specific manner;
(ii) an oligomer having monomeric subunits selected from the group consisting of N-
methylimidazole carboxamide, N-methylpyrrole carboxamide, beta-alanine and
(iii) a contraceptive agent, a gastrointestinal therapeutic agent, a non-steroidal antiferulity
agent, a parasympathomimetic agent, a psychotherapeutic agent, a major tranquilizer, a minor
tranquilizer, a rhinological decongestant, a sedative-hypnotic, a steroid, a sulfonamide, a vaccine; a
vitamin, a nutrient, an antimalarial, an antimigraine agent, an anti-Parkinson agent, an anti-
spasmodic, an anticholinergic agent, an antitussive, a bronchodilator, a cardiovascular agent; an
anti-hypertensive agent, a coronary vasodilator, an organic nitrate, an alkaloid, an analgesic, a
narcotic, an anti-cancer agent, an anti-convulsant, an anti-emetic, an anti-inflammatory agent, a
cytotoxic drug or an antibiotic; and
(iv) an antibiotic selected from the group consisting of a cephalosporin, chloramphenical,
gentamicin, kanamycin A, kanamycin B, a penicillin, ampicillin, streptomycin A, antimycin A,
chloropamtheniol, metronidazole, oxytetracycline, penicillin G, a tetracycline and mixtures thereof.
23. An article of manufacture comprising a first container containing a payload molecule selected
from the group consisting of a nucleic acid composition, protein composition, small organic
molecule and mixtures thereof, a second container containing the particulate delivery system as
claimed in claim 1.

24. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the particulate delivery system as claimed in claim 1,
a payload molecule selected from the group consisting of a polynucleotide, a protein, a small
organic molecule and a mixture thereof, and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipients.
25. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the particulate delivery system as claimed in any one
of claims 1 to 22.
26. A method of making a particulate delivery system as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 22
comprising the steps of providing an extracted yeast cell wall comprising beta-glucan, the yeast cell
wall defining an internal space; contacting the extracted yeast cell wall with a payload molecule
wherein the payload molecule becomes associated with the extracted yeast cell wall; and contacting
the extracted yeast cell wall with a payload trapping molecule wherein the payload trapping
molecule stabilizes the association of the payload molecule and the extracted yeast cell wall to form
a particulate delivery system and wherein the payload trapping molecule is a polymer.
27. The method as claimed in claim 26 further comprising the steps of washing and drying the
particulate delivery system.
28. The method as claimed in claim 26 wherein the payload molecule is at least partially within the
internal space defined by the yeast cell wall.
29. The method as claimed in claim 26 wherein the stabilization of the association of the payload
molecule occurs at least partially within the internal space defined by the yeast cell wall.
30. The method as claimed in claim 26 wherein the payload molecule is selected from the group
consisting of a polynucleotide, a peptide, a protein, a small organic active agent, a small inorganic
active agent and a mixture thereof.
31. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein the polynucleotide is selected from the group
consisting of an oligonucleotide, an antisense construct, a siRNA, an enzymatic RNA, a
recombinant DNA construct and a mixture thereof.
32. The method as claimed in claim 31 wherein the recombinant DNA construct is an expression
vector comprising a control element operatively linked to an open reading frame encoding a

33. The method as claimed in claim 30 wherein the peptide is selected from the group consisting of
a hormone, a neurotransmitter, a neuromodulator, an active fragment of a signaling protein, an
active fragment of a receptor, an active fragment of a enzyme and an active fragment of a nucleic
acid binding protein.
34. The method as claimed in claim 32 wherein the protein is selected from the group consisting of
an enzyme, a structural protein, a signaling protein, a nucleic acid binding protein and a
transcription factor.
35. The method as claimed in any one of claims 26 to 29 wherein the particulate delivery system is
a particulate delivery system as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 22.
36. The particulate delivery system as claimed in anyone of claims 1 -22, wherein the payload
trapping molecule is contained within an interior space defined by the extracted yeast cell wall and
wherein the payload trapping molecule is present in an amount sufficient to facilitate retention of a
payload within the extracted yeast cell wall.
37. The particulate delivery system as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 22 and 36, which is an oral
particulate delivery system.
38. The article of manufacture as claimed in claim 23, wherein the particulate delivery system is an
oral particulate delivery system
39. The pharmaceutical composition as claimed in claim 24, wherein the particulate delivery
system is an oral particulate delivery system.


The present invention provides a particulate delivery system comprising an extracted
yeast cell wall comprising less than 90 weight percent beta-glucan, a payload molecule such
as herein described, and a payload trapping molecule selected from the group consisting of a
polymer, a polyelectrolyte, a detergent and a mixture thereof, wherein the payload molecule
and the payload trapping molecule are soluble in the same solvent system such as herein
described. The present invention also relates to an article of manufacture, a pharmaceutical
composition comprising the particulate delivery system as described in the specification and a
method of making a particulate delivery system.






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163-KOLNP-2007-(09-12-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




163-KOLNP-2007-(21-10-2014)-DESCRIPTION PAGES.pdf




163-KOLNP-2007-(30-03-2012)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf

163-KOLNP-2007-(30-03-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf








163-KOLNP-2007-(30-03-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137-1.pdf

163-KOLNP-2007-(30-03-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

163-KOLNP-2007-(30-03-2012)-SEQUENCE LISTING.pdf



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163-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

163-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf








Patent Number 263499
Indian Patent Application Number 163/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 44/2014
Publication Date 31-Oct-2014
Grant Date 30-Oct-2014
Date of Filing 12-Jan-2007
Name of Patentee OSTROFF GARY R
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K9/00; A61K9/50
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/021161
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/869,693 2004-06-16 U.S.A.