Title of Invention


Abstract A twin unit comprises two drafting devices for drafting fibre strands and is applicable in a spinning machine. The twin unit comprises a common housing for the two driveable drafting devices, whereby the housing is mounted in a detachable way in a machine frame. The drafting devices comprise a number of driveable bottom rollers and are arranged essentially mirror-symmetrical to one another. Each bottom roller comprises an area which drafts the fibre strand and is characterized in that said bottom roller comprises two bearing points. The two bearing points of each bottom roller are arranged one on either side of the area which drafts the fibre strand. In one variation it can be provided that at least two opposite bottom rollers can form a bottom roller pair, in which the bearing points facing to the plane of symmetry of the twin unit are taken up in a joint bearing take-up. In addition it can be provided that a top roller in the form of a twin pressure roller is arranged to a bottom roller pair.
Full Text 2
A twin unit comprising two drafting devices for a spinning machine
The present invention relates to a twin unit comprising two drafting devices for
drafting fibre strands for a spinning machine comprising one housing for both of the
drafting devices which housing is mounted in a detachable way on a machine frame,
each of which drafting device can be driven separately, whereby the drafting devices
are arranged essentially mirror-symmetrical to one another and comprise a number
of driveable bottom rollers, and whereby each bottom roller comprises an area which
drafts the fibre strand.
A spinning machine built in modular design is known in European published patent
application 1422 323. A number of self-supporting spinning units attached to a
machine frame are provided there in machine longitudinal direction, which units serve
the production of yarn. Each spinning unit can, as a module, be simply replaced. In
the case of airjet spinning machines, these spinning units comprise at least one
drafting device, a drive and an airjet aggregate. The drafting device of each individual
spinning position can be separately driven.
In the case of drafting devices of this type which are driven separately, it is standard
practice to support the bottom rollers in an overhung position. The bottom rollers are
hereby supported only on their ends facing the housing, while the area of the bottom
roller which drafts the fibre strand projects upwards from the frame and has there no
further bearing point.
For reasons of efficient use of space it is intended that, in the spinning machine, the
smallest possible gauge, that is the smallest possible distance between each
spinning position, is realized. The spinning units having a complete housing for each
individual drafting device and the overhung supported bottom rollers therein have the
disadvantage in that they set limits to the reduction of the gauge.
The overhung supporting arrangements have the disadvantage in that they require a
very complicated bearing of large dimensions. The shorter the bearing is designed,
the higher the bearing forces are.

From the German published patent application 39 04 348 it is known that such
drafting devices having overhung supported bottom rollers are designed as twin
units, in which two drafting devices are arranged in a common housing. Both drafting
devices are arranged essentially mirror-symmetric to one another and are driven
separately. Due to the mirror-symmetrical assembly as a twin unit, a little saving of
space can be achieved, but because of the overhung supported bottom rollers, quite
a large installation space is stilt required.
It is an object of the present invention to create a spinning unit in which the space
requirements in longitudinal direction of the spinning machine are reduced, thus
permitting a smaller gauge.
This object has been achieved in that each bottom roller comprises two bearing
points, whereby one bearing point is arranged on each side of the area which drafts
the fibre strand.
Because of the placing of two bearing points essentially at both ends of the bottom
rollers, the bearing forces are reduced and the bearing points can be of smaller
dimensions. The support of the bottom roller on both sides of the area which drafts
the fibre strand avoids a multiplication of the forces mainly occuring due to the
pressure of the assigned top rollers, as such multiplication occurs in the case of the
overhung support. The load is rathermore divided almost evenly between both
bearing points.
Due to the mirror-symmetric arrangement, both bottom rollers, which lie opposite one
another on either side of the plane of symmetry of the twin unit, can be defined as a
bottom roller pair. These bottom roller pairs of both drafting devices of the twin unit
are often only jointly adjusted in their position along the fibre transport direction. It is
then advantageous when the bearing points facing the plane of symmetry comprise a
joint bearing take-up. Design and adjustibility are hereby simplified, and further
installation space can be saved by placing the bearing points accordingly.
Flexibily pressable top rollers are arranged to the bottom rollers of the drafting
device. The top rollers can be supported and pressed in different ways. If it is
necessary that individual top rollers be raised separately, then these top rollers are
advantageously individually supported and pressed. In order to further reduce space
requirements, it can be advantageous to design as many top rollers as so-called twin
pressure rollers. The two top rollers of a so-called bottom roller pair are hereby
rotatably supported on a joint stationary axle and pressed by a joint loading
It is in addition advantageous to assign to each drafting device at least one separate
drive motor, which is also arranged in the housing of the twin unit. Thus each drafting
device can be individually controlled and also brought to standstill in a simple way.
These and further objects, features and advantages of the present invention will
become more readily apparent from the following detailed description thereof when
taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein:
Figure 1 shows a top view of a twin unit comprising two drafting devices, whereby a
number of top rollers have been omitted for reasons of clarity,
Figure 2 shows an intersectional view of the twin unit along the surface ll-ll.
The twin unit 1 according to Figures 1 and 2 comprises two drafting devices 2 in a
common housing 3. The drafting devices 2 are arranged to two adjacent spinning
positions S1 and S2 of a spinning machine and serve in the known way to draft fibre
strands 4 and 5 to the desired degree of fineness.
The housing 3 of the twin unit 1 is releaseably attached to a machine frame 6 which
extends in machine longitudinal direction. Along the spinning machine a number of
twin units 1 having a number of spinning positions S are arranged on the machine
frame 6. The adjacent twin unit 1' of the next spinning position S3 is denoted in
Figure 1. The distance between the spinning positions S1 S2, S3 is identical and is
referred to as the gauge of the spinning machine.
The spinning twist imparted to the drafted fibre strands 4, 5 can take place in a
variety of known ways, for example by means of airjet aggregates 7. The airjet
aggregates 7 can be arranged together with the drafting devices 2 as well as the
withdrawal roller pairs 8 in the housing 3 of the twin unit 1. The twin unit 1 can form in
an advantageous way a complete spinning unit, which, as a compact module, can be
installed and dismantled in the spinning machine in a simple way.
The shown drafting devices 2 are designed as four cylinder drafting devices, but
could just as well alternatively be designed as three cylinder drafting devices.
The drafting devices 2 each comprise four bottom rollers 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, 14, 15,
16, which are arranged one behind the other in fibre transport direction A and which
are driveable at increasing speeds. Top rollers 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 are arranged
respectively to the bottom rollers 9 to 16. For reasons of clarity, the top rollers 19, 20
belonging to the bottom rollers 11, 12,15, 16 are not shown in Figure 1.
The top rollers 17 to 22 are flexibly pressed against the bottom rollers 9 to 16 and are
thus taken along. In order to improve the quality of the drafted fibre strands 4, 5,
guiding belts 23, 24 can loop the bottom rollers 11,15 and the top rollers 19 in the
known way.
The fibre strands 4, 5 are fed downstream of the front roller pairs 25 of the drafting
devices 2 to the twist devices, which are designed as airjets aggregates 7 in the
shown embodiment. The forming threads 26, 27 are fed by the withdrawal roller
pairs 8 in withdrawal direction B to winding devices (not shown) of the spinning
machine. The withdrawal roller pairs 8 also comprise driven bottom rollers 28, 29,
and top rollers 30 which are flexibly pressed against the bottom rollers 30, whereby
the top rollers 30 belonging to the bottom rollers 28, 29 are again not shown in Figure
The bottom rollers 9 to 12 and 28 of the spinning position S1 are driven by the motors
31, 32 in the way denoted by the dot-dash line, which are also advantageously
applied to the housing 3. The bottom rollers 13 to 16 and 29 of the second spinning
position S2 of the twin unit 1 are driven in the same way by two motors (not shown).
The power transmission can take place via drive gears 33 in the form of toothed belt
It is the object of the present invention to support the bottom rollers 9 to 16 and 28,
29 in such a way that, in comparison to the above mentioned prior art, a reduction in
the amount of space required is achieved. The gauge of the spinning machine is to
be reduced, so that a spinning machine with the same number of spinning positions
S1, S2... has a shorter overall length, and that with the same overall length, a larger
number of spinning positions S1 S2,... can be installed.

Because each bottom roller 9 to 16 and 28, 29 comprises two bearing points 34 and
35, one of which is arranged on either side of the area which guides the fibre strand
4, 5, a reduction in the bearing forces is achieved, which permits a radical reduction
of the bearing points 34. Despite the additional necessary installation space for the
bearing points 35, in contrast to prior art, installation space can be reduced overall,
as the bearing point 34 alone present in the overhung bearing arrangement requires
more installation space in any case than the sum of the downsized bearing points 34
and the bearing points 35 together.
The bearing points 34 and 35 can be advantageously designed as roller bearings
and are taken up in bearing take-ups 36, 37, 38 and affixed to the housing 3 by
means of a fastening means 39, for example screws, it can be provided that the
bearing take-ups 36, 37, 38 are adjustable in fibre transport direction A, so that the
distances between the bottom rollers 9 to 12 and 13 to 16 can be adjusted.
It is advantageous to design the drafting devices 2 of both spinning positions S1 and
S2 of the twin unit 1 essentially mirror-symmetrical to one another. The plane of
symmetry is denoted in Figure 1 by a dot-dash line 40. A mirror-symmetrical placing
of the components of the drafting devices 2 permits a further reduction of the
installation space and thus also of the gauge.
In an embodiment of the present invention it can be provided that fibre strands 4 and
5 made of identical material are processed on adjacent spinning positionsS1 and S2.
The bottom rollers 8 to 12, and 13 to 16 are so adjusted, that the axes of two bottom
rollers 9 to 16 lying opposite one another on either side of the plane of symmetry 40,
for example the bottom rollers 11 and 15, are aligned exactly with one another. The
bottom rollers 11 and 15 thus form a bottom roller pair in a line. In this case it is
advantageous to take up the bearing points 35 facing the plane of symmetry 40 of
the twin unit 1 in a joint bearing take-up 38. This ensures that the respective bottom
rollers 9 to 16 forming a bottom roller pair are jointly adjusted and are disposed in
exact alignment with each other. If all the bearing points 35 are taken up by joint
bearing take-ups 38, even more installation space can be saved by means of skilled
design of the bearing take-ups 38.
The bottom rollers 9 to 16 and 28, 29 disposed opposite one another at the plane of
symmetry 40 should on no account be connected with one another inside the joint

bearing take-ups 38, as then none of the spinning positions S1, S2 can be
autonomously driven or individually stopped in the case of an end break.
If individual bottom roller pairs of the bottom rollers 9 to 16 and 28, 29 are taken up
by joint bearing take-ups 38, it can be advantageous when the respective top rollers
17 to 22 and 30 are designed as twin pressure rollers 41. A joint axle 42, 43, 44 is
then assigned respectively to two top rollers 17 to 22 and 30 disposed opposite one
another at the plane of symmetry 40, which axles 42, 43, 44 can also be supported
by a joint loading aggregate 45.
For example, the bottom rollers 10 and 14 can form, together with a joint bearing
take-up 38, a so-called bottom roller pair, to which the top rollers 18 and 22 in the
form of a twin pressure roller 41 are assigned. The top rollers 18 and 22 are
rotatably supported on a joint stationary axle 43, whereby the axle 43 is held by the
loading aggregate 45.
For specific procedural steps, in particular in the case of re-starting of a temporarily
stopped spinning postion S1 after an interruption, it may be necessary that for
example the top roller 20 and 30 of the front roller pair 25 and of the withdrawal roller
pair 8 respectively have to be opened individually. In such a case it is advantageous
to support these top rollers 20, 30 individually and to press them by means of
separate loading devices 46, 47. Thus a disruption of the spinning process at the
adjacent spinning position S2 is avoided if the upper rollers 20, 30 of the spinning
station S1 have to be opened.

1. A twin unit (1) comprising two drafting devices (2) for drafting fibre strands (4,
5) for a spinning machine comprising one housing (3) for both of the drafting
devices (2), which housing (3) mounted in a detachable way in a machine
frame (6), each of which drafting device (2) can be driven separately,
whereby the drafting devices (2) are arranged essentially mirror-
symmetrically to one another and comprise a number of driveable bottom
rollers (9 to 16), and whereby each bottom roller (9 to 16) comprises an area
which drafts the fibre strand (4; 5), characterized in that each bottom roller (9
to 16) has two bearing points (34, 35), whereby one bearing point (34; 35) is
arranged on either side of the area which drafts the fibre stand (4; 5).
2. A twin unit according to claim 1, characterized in that at least two bottom
rollers (9-16) disposed opposite one another at the plane of symmetry (40) of
the twin unit (1) form a bottom roller pair, in which the bearing points (35)
facing the plane of symmetry (40) have a joint bearing take-up (38).
3. A twin unit according to claim 2, characterized in that top rollers (17 to 22) in
the form of twin pressure rollers (41) are assigned to at least one bottom roller
4. A twin unit according to any one of the claims 1 to 3, characterized in that at
least one separate drive motor (31, 32) is assigned to the bottom rollers (9 to
12; 13 to16) belonging to one drafting device (2).


Patent Number 263679
Indian Patent Application Number 438/KOL/2006
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 13-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 11-May-2006
Applicant Address Klosterstrasse 20 8406 Winterthur
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 GERD STAHLECKER Auf Der Ebene 30, D-73054 Eislingen/Fils,
2 GERNOT SCHAFFLER Narzissenweg 4, D-73116 Waschenbeuren, Germany
PCT International Classification Number D01H13/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005027193.6 2005-06-06 Germany