Title of Invention


Abstract A collector system (12) is disclosed that comprises a row of linearly conjoined collector structures (13). The collector system is arranged to be located at a level above a field of reflectors (10) and to receive solar radiation reflected from the reflectors within the field. The collector structure (13) comprises an inverted trough (16) and, located within the trough, a plurality of longitudinally extending absorber tubes (30) that, in use, are arranged to carry a heat exchange fluid. The absorber tubes (30) are supported side-by-side within the trough and each absorber tube has a diameter that is small relative to the aperture of the trough. The ratio of the diameter of each absorber tube to the trough aperture dimension is of the order of 0.01:1.00 to 0.10:1.00 and, thus, the plurality of absorber tubes functions, in the limit, effectively to simulate a flat plate absorber.
This invention relates to a solar collector structure that employs a
plurality of absorber tubes that are arranged to be illuminated by solar
radiation from a reflector field and to transfer absorbed energy to a heat
exchange fluid that is, in use of the structure, carried by the tubes. The
invention has been developed in the context of a so-called compact
linear Fresnel reflector (CLFR) system and is hereinafter described in
relation to such a system. However, it will be understood that the
invention may have broader application.
Prior art solar collector structures of the type with which the present
invention might be compared may be categorised generally as falling
within two groups; a first group that employs effectively a single
absorber tube that extends along the focal line of a non-inverted
trough-type reflector and a second group that employs a single absorber
tube that extends along the focal line of an inverted trough-type
reflector. Collector systems of the first group suffer the disadvantages
that the absorber tube collects incident solar energy from one only
reflector element and requires complex mounting and fluid coupling
arrangements. Collector systems of the second group largely avoid the
disadvantages of the first group but suffer the disadvantage of losses
. occasioned by the need for multiple reflections, firstly from ground-
mounted reflectors and then from the inverted trough reflectors.
Moreover, collector systems of the second group (if not both groups)
suffer a relatively high emissivity-to-absorptance ratio as a
consequence, in part, of the surface area-to-aperture ratio attributable
to the relatively large diameter tube required of a single-tube collector
system. Furthermore, as a secondary issue, collector systems of both

the first and second groups suffer loss of operating efficiency due to
movement of unconfined heated air from the interior of the trough-like
reflectors. Still further, as a tertiary issue, to the extent that the
collector systems of the first and second groups employ a single
absorber tube, those collector systems are not capable of providing for a
variable absorption aperture.
The present invention provides a collector structure that is arranged to
be located at a level above a field of reflectors and to receive solar
radiation reflected from reflectors within the field. The collector
structure comprises an inverted trough and, located within the. trough,
a plurality of longitudinally extending absorber tubes that, in use, are
arranged to carry a heat exchange fluid. The absorber tubes are
supported side-by-side within the trough and each absorber tube has a
diameter that is small relative to the aperture of the trough.
The ratio of each absorber tube diameter to the trough aperture
dimension may, for example, be in the range of 0.01:1.00 to 0.10:1.00
and typically may be of the order of 0.03:1.00. With this arrangement
the plurality of tubes will, in the limit, effectively simulate a flat plate
The expressions "aperture of the trough" and "trough aperture" are both
intended to be understood as defining, effectively, the opening of the
trough through which incident radiation may pass to impinge on the
absorber tubes.
A plurality of the collector structures as above defined may be
connected together co-linearly to form a row of the structures and, in
such case, each of the absorber tubes will extend along the full row,
either as a single length of tubing or as conjoined lengths of tubing.

The absorber tubes may be constituted by metal tubes and each tube
may, if required, be coated over at least a portion of its surface with a
solar absorptive coating. In an alternative arrangement, each absorber
tube may comprise a glass or metal tubular component that is coated
with a solar selective surface coating and a surrounding glass tubular
component, with the space between the two tubular components being
The inverted trough may (but need not necessarily) be located in spaced
relationship below a longitudinally extending roof and, in such case, an
insulating material may be located in the space between the trough and
the roof.
A window that is substantially transparent to solar radiation may be
employed to close (the aperture of) the trough and, in so doing, create a
heat confining cavity within the trough. The window may be formed
from a rigid material such as glass or it may, for example, be formed
from a flexible plastics sheet material that is connected to marginal side
wall portions of the trough. In this latter case the cavity may be
pressurised to an extent sufficient to inflate the window in a direction
away from the absorber tubes.
The heat exchange fluid may in use of the collector structure be
controlled to flow in parallel, unidirectional streams through the
plurality of absorber tubes. Alternatively, means may be provided for
selectively varying the channelling of the heat exchange fluid into and
through the plurality of absorber tubes whereby the absorption
aperture of the collector structure may, in use, effectively be varied.
The invention will be more fully understood from the following
description of an exemplary embodiment of the solar collector structure.

The description is provided, by way of example, with reference to me
accompanying drawings.
In the drawings-
Figure 1 shows a largely diagrammatic representation of a CLFR system
that comprises a field of ground mounted reflectors that are arrayed in
rows and collector systems that are constituted by rows of aligned
collector structures;
Figure 2 illustrates schematically the reflection of solar radiation from
four reflectors to two collector systems within the CLFR system;
Figure 3 shows an aerial view of a portion of a field of reflectors and a
single collector structure positioned adjacent one edge of the field;
Figure 4 shows a perspective view (from above) of a terminal end of a
collector structure of the type shown in Figure 3;
Figure 5 shows a sectional end view of the collector structure of
Figure 4;
Figure 6 shows a portion of the collector structure which is encircled by
circle A in Figure 5;
Figure 7 shows a portion of the collector structure which is encircled by
circle B in Figure 5;
Figure 8 shows diagrammatically a fluid flow control arrangement for a
collector system that comprises a row of four interconnected collector
structures; and
Figures 9A, 9B and 9C show alternative fluid channelling arrangements
that provide for different effective absorption apertures.
As shown in Figures 1 to 3, the CLFR system comprises a field, of
ground mounted reflectors 10 that are arrayed in rows 11 and further
comprises parallel collector systems 12, each of which is constituted by
aligned collector structures 13. A complete CLFR system might occupy

a ground area within the range 5x101 m2 to 25x106 m2 and the system
as illustrated in Figure 1 may be considered as a portion only of a larger
CLFR system.
The reflectors 10 may be of the type described in co-pending
International Patent Applications numbered PCT/AU2004/000883 and
PCT/AU2004/000884, filed 01 July 2004 by the present Applicant, and
the disclosures of these Patent Applications are incorporated herein by
The reflectors 10 are driven collectively or regionally, as rows or
individually, to track movement of the sun (relative to the earth) and
they are orientated to reflect incident radiation to respective ones of the
collector systems 12, as shown schematically and by way of example in
Figure 2. Also, some or all of the reflectors 10 may be driven so as to
reorientate, when required, to change the direction of reflected radiation
from one collector system 12 to another.
In the system as illustrated in Figure 1, and as may typically be the
case, each collector system 12 receives reflected radiation from twelve
rows of reflectors 10. Thus, each collector system 12 receives reflected
radiation from six rows at one side of the collector system and from six
rows at the other side, although (as indicated in Figure 2) the reflecting
rows that are associated with any one receiving collector system need
not necessarily be located immediately adjacent that receiving collector
Each rowl 1 of reflectorslO and, hence, each collector system 12 might
typically have an overall length of 300 metres, and the parallel collector
systems 12 might typically be spaced apart by 30 to 35 metres. The
collector systems 12 are supported at a height of approximately 11
metres by stanchions 14 which are stayed by ground-anchored guy

wires 15, although other similar support arrangements might be
As indicated previously, each of the collector systems 12 comprises a .
plurality of collector structures 13 that are connected together co-
linearly to form a row of the structures. Each of the collector structures
might typically have a length of the order of 12 metres and an overall
width of the order of 1.4 metres.
Each collector structure 13 comprises an inverted trough 16 which
night typically be formed from stainless steel sheeting and which, as
best seen in Figure 5, has a longitudinally extending channel portion 17
and flared side walls 18 that, at their margins, define an aperture of the
inverted trough. The trough 16 is supported and provided with
structural integrity by side rails 19 and transverse bridging members
20, and the trough is surmounted by a corrugated steel roof 21 that is
carried by arched structural members 22.
The void between the trough 16 and the roof 21 is filled with a thermal
insulating material 23, typically a glass wool material, and desirably
with an insulating material that is clad with a reflective metal layer. The
function of the insulating material and the reflective metal layer is to
inhibit upward conduction and radiation of heat from within the trough.
A longitudinally extending window 24 is provided to interconnect the
side walls 18 of the trough. The window is formed from a sheet of
material that is substantially transparent to solar radiation and it
functions to define a closed (heat retaining) longitudinally extending
cavity 25 within the trough.
The window 24 may be formed from glass but it desirably is formed
from a transparent heat resistant plastics material having a thickness

of the order of 60x10-6 m. As shown in Figure 7, side margins of the
window may be welded to a wire or other heat resistant rope core 26
and the window may be held in position by slideably locating the cored
side margins in fluted side connectors 27.
Figure 4 shows a collector structure 13 that is intended to be located at
a terminal end of a row 12 of the collector structures, and it is provided
with an end wall 28 to which is mounted a motor driven blower 29. The
blower is provided in use to maintain a positive air pressure within the
cavity 25 (relative to the ambient atmospheric pressure) and so to
inflate the window in a direction away from absorber tubes 30 within
the inverted trough 16.
In the collector structure as illustrated, sixteen longitudinally extending
stainless steel absorber tubes 30 are provided for carrying heat
exchange fluid (typically water or, following heat absorption,
water-steam or steam). However, the actual number of absorber tubes
may be varied to suit specific system requirements, provided that each
absorber tube has a diameter that is small relative to the dimension of
the trough aperture between the side walls 19 of the trough, and the
collector system might typically have between ten and thirty absorber
tubes 30 supported side-by-side within the trough.
The actual ratio of the absorber tube diameter to the trough aperture
dimension may be varied to meet system requirements but, in order to
indicate an order of magnitude of the ratio, it might typically be within
the range 0.01:1.00 to 0.10:1.00. Each absorber tube30 might have an
outside diameter of 33 mm. and, with an aperture dimension of, for
example, 1100mm, the ratio of the absorber tube diameter to the
aperture dimension will be 0.03:1.00.
As indicated previously, with the above described arrangement the
plurality of absorber tubes 30 will, in the limit, effectively simulate a flat

plate absorber, as compared with a single-tube collector in a
concentrating trough. This provides for increased operating efficiency,
in terms of a reduced level of heat emission from the upper, non-
illuminated circumferential portion of the absorber tubes. Moreover, by
positioning the absorber tubes in the inverted trough in the manner
described, the underside portion only of each of the absorber tubes is
illuminated with incident radiation, this providing for efficient heat
absorption in absorber tubes that carry steam above water.
As illustrated in Figure 6, the absorber tubes 30 are freely supported by
a series of parallel support tubes 31 which extend orthogonally between
side walls 32 of the channel portion 17 of the inverted trough, and the
support tubes 31 are carried for rotational movement by spigots 33.
This arrangement accommodates expansion of the absorber tubes and
relative expansion of the individual tubes. Disk-shaped spacers 34 are
carried by the support tubes 31 and serve to maintain the absorber
tubes 30 in spaced relationship.
Each of the absorber tubes 30 is coated, along its length and around a
(lower) portion of its circumference that is exposed to incident solar
radiation, with a solar absorptive coating. The coating may comprise a
solar selective surface coating that remains stable under high
temperature conditions in ambient air or it may comprise a black paint
that is stable in air under high-temperature conditions.
Figure 8 of the drawings shows diagrammatically a flow control
arrangement for controlling flow of heat exchange fluid into and
through four in-line collector structures 13 of a collector system. As
illustrated, each of the fluid lines 30A, B, C and D is representative of
four of the absorber tubes 30 as shown in Figure 5.

Under the controlled condition illustrated in Figure 8, in-flowing heat
exchange fluid is first directed along forward line 30A, along return line
30B, along forward line 30C and finally along and from return line 30D.
This results in fluid at a lower temperature being directed through
tubes that are located along the margins of the inverted trough and a
consequential emission reduction when radiation is concentrated over
the central region of the inverted trough. An electrically actuated
control device 35 is provided to enable selective control over the
channelling of the heat exchange fluid.
Alternative fluid flow conditions may be established to meet load
demands and/or prevailing ambient conditions, and provision may
effectively be made for a variable aperture collector structure by closing
selected ones of the absorber tubes. Thus, variation of the effective
absorption aperture of each collector structure and, hence, of a
complete collector system may be achieved by controlling the
channelling of the heat exchange fluid in the alternative manners
shown in Figures 9A to 9C.
It is to be understood that the embodiment of the invention as
described with reference to the drawings is presented solely as an
example of one possible form of the invention. Thus, variations and
modifications may be made in the embodiment of the invention as
described without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention
as defined in the appended claims.

1. A collector structure that is arranged to be located at a level
above a field of reflectors and to receive solar radiation reflected from
reflectors within the field, the collector structure comprising an inverted
trough having an aperture and an enclosing window and, located within
the trough, a plurality of longitudinally extending absorber tubes that
are arranged to carry a heat exchange fluid, the absorber tubes being
supported side-by-side within the trough, each absorber tube having a
diameter that is small relative to the aperture of the trough through
which the tubes are illuminated, wherein: the plurality of absorber
tubes are freely supported by a rotatable support member which rotates
about an axis that is orthogonal to the absorber tubes, and wherein
said rotatable support member extends in a direction from a first side
wall of a channel portion of the inverted trough toward a second side
wall of the channel portion of the inverted trough; or wherein the tubes
are configured such that the heat exchange fluid at a lower temperature
is directed through tubes that are located along the margins of the
inverted trough.
2. The collector structure as claimed in claim 1 wherein the
ratio of the diameter of each absorber tube to the dimension of the
trough aperture is in the range of 0.01: 1.00 to 0.10: 1.00.
3. The collector structure as claimed in claim 1 wherein the
ratio of the diameter of each absorber tube to the dimension of the
trough aperture is in the range of 0.03: 1.00.
4. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to
3 wherein there are ten to thirty of the absorber tubes supported side-
by-side within the trough.

5. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to
3 wherein there are sixteen of the absorber tubes supported side-by-
side within the trough.
6. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to
5 wherein each of the absorber tubes is constituted by a metal tube.
7. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to
6 wherein each of the absorber tubes is coated over at least a portion of
its surface with a solar absorptive material coating.
8. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to
7 wherein the absorber tubes are freely supported by a series of
rotatable support members which extend orthogonally with respect to
the absorber tubes.
9. The collector structure as claimed in any one of the
preceding claims and incorporating a longitudinally extending roof, and
wherein the inverted trough is located in spaced relationship below the
10. The collector structure as claimed in claim 9 wherein an
insulating material is located in the space between the inverted trough
and the roof.
11. The collector structure as claimed in any one of the
preceding claims wherein the enclosing window extends across the
aperture of the inverted trough and thereby closes the trough to create
a heat confining cavity within the trough.

12. The collector structure as claimed in claim 11 wherein the
window is formed from a flexible plastics sheet material that is
connected to marginal side wall portions of the trough.
13. The collector structure as claimed in claim 12 wherein
means are provided to pressurize the cavity and thereby inflate the
window in a direction away from the absorber tubes.
14. The collector structure as claimed in any one of the
preceding claims wherein means are provided in use to control flow of
the heat exchange fluid in parallel, linear streams through the plurality
of absorber tubes.
15. The collector structure as claimed in any one of the
preceding claims and including means such as described herein
provided for selectively varying the channeling of the heat exchange
fluid into and through the plurality of absorber tubes whereby the
absorption aperture of the collector structure is, in use, varied.
16. A collector structure comprising a plurality of the collector
structures as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, the collector
structures being connected together co-linearly to form a row of the
17. The collector structure as claimed in claim 16 wherein each
of the absorber tubes extends along the full row as a single length of
18. The collector structure as claimed in claim 16, wherein
the roof is a corrugated roof.

19. The collector structure as claimed in claim 16, wherein
the roof is carried by arched structural members.
20. The collector structure as claimed in any claim above
wherein the aperture is about 1100 mm.
21. The collector structure as claimed in any claim above
wherein a plurality of said tubes each has an outside diameter of about
33 mm.
22. The collector structure as claimed in any of claims 1-21
wherein the plurality of absorber tubes are freely supported by the
rotatable support member which rotates about an axis that is
orthogonal to the absorber tubes.
23. The collector structure as claimed in any of claims 1-21
wherein some of said absorber tubes are located along margins of the
inverted trough, wherein the collector structure is configured such that
a portion of heat exchange fluid within the collector structure and
having a lower temperature than other of the heat exchange fluid within
the collector structure is directed through said tubes located along the
margins of the inverted trough.
24. The collector structure as claimed in any claim above
wherein the plurality of collector tubes are arranged in coplanar
25. The collector structure as claimed in any one of claims 22-
24 wherein the trough has a longitudinally extending channel portion
and flared side walls.

26. A linear Fresnel reflector system comprising a field of
ground mounted reflectors arrayed in rows and a stationary collector
structure as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 25.
27. A linear Fresnel reflector system as claimed in claim 26
wherein rows of the reflectors are on one side and the other side of the
collector to focus solar energy upon the collector.
28. A linear Fresnel reflector system as claimed in claim 26 or
claim 27 wherein the array of reflectors is configured to concentrate
solar radiation over a central region of the inverted trough.
29. The linear Fresnel reflector system as claimed in any of
claims 26-28 wherein the arrangement of the absorber tubes simulates
a flat plate collector as compared with a single-tube collector in a
concentrating trough.


A collector system (12) is disclosed that comprises a row of
linearly conjoined collector structures (13). The collector system is
arranged to be located at a level above a field of reflectors (10) and to
receive solar radiation reflected from the reflectors within the field. The
collector structure (13) comprises an inverted trough (16) and, located
within the trough, a plurality of longitudinally extending absorber tubes
(30) that, in use, are arranged to carry a heat exchange fluid. The
absorber tubes (30) are supported side-by-side within the trough and
each absorber tube has a diameter that is small relative to the aperture
of the trough. The ratio of the diameter of each absorber tube to the
trough aperture dimension is of the order of 0.01:1.00 to 0.10:1.00 and,
thus, the plurality of absorber tubes functions, in the limit, effectively to
simulate a flat plate absorber.





02245-kolnp-2006-correspondence others.pdf


02245-kolnp-2006-description (complete).pdf






02245-kolnp-2006-international publication.pdf

02245-kolnp-2006-international search authority report.pdf

02245-kolnp-2006-pct request.pdf

02245-kolnp-2006-priority document.pdf


2245-KOLNP-2006-(03-01-2012)-PA-CERTIFIED COPIES.pdf


2245-KOLNP-2006-(04-04-2012)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf


2245-KOLNP-2006-(04-04-2012)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf








2245-KOLNP-2006-(04-04-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf







2245-KOLNP-2006-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-CORRESPONDENCE 1.3.pdf




2245-KOLNP-2006-FORM 1-1.1.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-FORM 13.pdf

2245-kolnp-2006-form 18.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-FORM 2.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-FORM 3-1.2.pdf

2245-KOLNP-2006-FORM 5-1.1.pdf









Patent Number 263680
Indian Patent Application Number 2245/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 13-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 08-Aug-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F24J2/16; F24J2/24
PCT International Application Number PCT/AU2005/000208
PCT International Filing date 2005-02-17
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2004900786 2005-02-17 Australia
2 2004900788 2005-02-17 Australia
3 2004900787 2004-02-17 Australia