Title of Invention


Abstract There is disclosed a process for introducing a solution into an evaporative cooling apparatus(14), said process comprising (a) positioning a selectively permeable membrane (16) between a first solution (18) and a second solution (20), the second solution having a higher solute concentration than that of the first solution (18), such that the solvent from the first solution (18) flows across the selectively permeable membrane (16) to dilute the second solution; (b) introducing the second solution (20) into the evaporative cooling apparatus (14), in which solvent is removed from the second solution (20) by evaporation; and (c) recycling the second solution (20) from step (b) to step (a) to draw solvent from the first solution (18), characterised in that the second solution (20) is formed by introducing at least one solute, such as herein described, into at least one solvent, such as herein described, and the first solution (18) is seawater, brackish water, river water and/or waste water.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus
for introducing a solution into a cooling apparatus. In
particular, although not exclusively, the present invention
relates to a method arid apparatus for removing heat from a
heat source.
Heat exchangers are often used to remove excess heat
from industrial processes. Typical heat exchangers include
shell and tube-type heat exchangers, which comprise a length
of tubing partially enclosed within a housing or shell. An
industrial process stream containing excess heat is
introduced into the tubing, whilst a coolant, such as water,
is passed through the shell via a separate inlet and outlet.
The water removes excess heat from the process stream.
Thus, the water exiting the shell is at a higher temperature
than the coolant entering the shell. The heated water
stream is cooled in a cooling tower before it is
recirculated back through the shell. In this way, heat
removal can be carried out in a continuous manner.
Most cooling towers contain a porous filler material,
known as decking (packing). Water is introduced into the
top of the cooling tower and drips down through the decking,
whilst air is blown through the decking, causing some of the
water to evaporate. The loss of heat by evaporation
(evaporative cooling) lowers the remaining water
temperature. The cooled water is recirculated to the heat

As evaporation occurs, contaminants,such as dissolved
solids, build up in the recirculating water. Such
contaminants can cause fouling, for example, as a result of
biological growth, scale formation, corrosion and/or sludge
deposition. The contaminant level may be reduced by
removing a portion of the recirculating water from the
system. The removal of water in this manner is known as
To replace the total water loss from the system, make-
up water is introduced. The make-up water is treated with,
for example, scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors,
biocides and dispersants. These additives tend to be
expensive and have to be added continuously to the make-up-
water, adding to the cost of the overall process.
The water quality of the cooling system has a
significant effect on the thermal efficiency and life of the
cooling tower and heat exchangers.
In an air-cooler, warm air from the surroundings is .
blown through wet decking or packing material. Heat from
the air is transferred to the wet decking material, causing
the water contained in the decking to evaporate. As a
result, air emerging from the cooler is at a lower
temperature than air introduced into the cooler. As the
water evaporates, contaminants in the water may deposit on
the decking material. Such deposits have a detrimental
effect on the thermal efficiency and life of the air-cooler.
JP 09 060320 A describes an apparatus for introducing solution into an
evaporative cooling apparatus using a reverse osmosis membrane device.

According to the present invention, there is provided a
process for introducing a solution into an evaporative
cooling apparatus, said process comprising
a) positioning a selectively permeable membrane between
a first solution and a second solution having a higher
solute concentration than the first solution, such that the
solvent from the first solution flows across, the selectively-
permeable membrane to dilute the second solution,
b) introducing the second solution into an evaporative
cooling apparatus- in which solvent is removed from the
second solution by evaporation, and
c) recycling the second solution from step b) to step
a) to draw solvent from the first solution.
Preferably, the evaporative cooling apparatus is a
cooling tower or an air-cooler. Suitable air-coolers
include air-coolers for domestic and industrial use.
The selective nature of the membrane prevents
undesirable solute(s) and other containments in the first
solution from passing into the second solution.
The first solution may be an impure aqueous stream,
such as seawater, brackish water, river water and waste
streams from, for example, an industrial or agricultural
process. When such solutions are used, water is selectively allowed to pass across the membrane to dilute the second
The second solution may comprise seawater, brackish
water and industrial process streams. Suitable industrial
process streams may be derived from, for example, the salty

residues of desalination plants, such as thermal
desalination and/or reverse osmosis plants, and aqueous
effluents, such as those typically employed as-make-up water
for conventional cooling towers. The seawater, brackish
water and industrial process streams employed may be
concentrated prior to use. Alternatively or additionally,
the seawater, brackish water and/or industrial process
streams employed may be concentrated during the course of
the process of the present invention, such that the solution
in contact with the membrane in step a) has a higher solute
(total dissolved salts) concentration than the first
solution. For example, the evaporative cooling apparatus
may be employed to remove solvent from the second solution
by evaporation to produce a concentrated second solution
that can be used to draw solvent from the first solution in
step a). By recycling the second solution between steps a)
and b) in a closed loop, solutes dissolved in the second
solution may be "immobilised". Thus, it may be possible to
recycle industrial process streams containing, for example,
undesirable impurities, such as toxic and radioactive
materials in such a closed loop which isolates the
impurities from the surrounding environment.
When seawater, brackish water and industrial process
streams are used as the second solution, it is desirable to
add additives, such as scale inhibitors, corrosion,
inhibitors, biocides and dispersants to reduce or avoid
fouling and corrosion in the process. These additives may
be "immobilised" in the system when the second solution is
recycled between steps a) and b) in a closed loop. Thus, it
may not be necessary to continuously add such additives to
the second solution.

The second solution may have a known composition. For
example, in one embodiment, the second solution is formed by-
introducing a known quantity of a solute into a known
quantity of solvent. Thus, the second solution may consist
essentially of a selected solute dissolved in a selected-
solvent. This second solution may be formed prior to step
a). By forming the second solution in this manner, a
substantially clean solution may be produced. Thus, the
second solution may have a reduced concentration of
suspended particles, biological matter and/or other
components that may cause fouling of the cooling system.
More preferably, the second solution is substantially free
of such components. In one embodiment, additives such as
scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors-, biocides and/or
dispersants are included in the second solution. The second
solution may be recirculated in a closed-loop, for example,
such that it is continuously reused in steps a) and b). In
such an embodiment, the components of the second solution
are effectively "immobilised", within the loop. Thus, once
the second solution is formed, further addition of solute
and/or additives such as scale inhibitors, corrosion
inhibitors, biocides and/or dispersants may not be
The solvent in the second solution is preferably water.
The solute (osmotic agent) in the second solution is
preferably a water-soluble solute, such as a water-soluble
salt. Suitable salts include salts of ammonium and metals,
such as alkali metals (e.g. Li, Na, K) and alkali earth
metals (e.g. Mg and Ca). The salts may be fluorides,

chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulphates, sulphites,
sulphides,, carbonates, hydrogencarbonates, nitrates,
nitrites, nitrides, phosphates, aluminates, borates,
bromates, carbides, chlorides, perchlorates, hypochlorates,
chromates, fluorosilicates, fluorosilicates,
fluorosulphates, silicates, cyanides and cyanates. One or
more salts may be employed. In a preferred embodiment, the
solute of the second solution is a sodium and/or potassium
salt. Thus, the second solution may be formed by dissolving
a known amount of "a sodium and/or potassium salt in water.
In one embodiment, the second solution is formed by
dissolving a sodium chloride in water. In a further
preferred embodiment the second solution may be a solution
of ammonia and carbon dioxide, with resultant aqueous
species: ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate and
ammonium carbamates (see WO 02/0608025). The second
solution initially used in step a) may have a solute or
total dissolved salts (TDS) concentration that is higher
than the solute or TDS concentration of the first solution.
In step a) of the present invention, the first solution
is placed on one side of a semi-permeable membrane. A
second solution having a higher solute concentration (and,
therefore, a lower solvent concentration) is placed on the
opposite side of the membrane. As a result, solvent passes
across the membrane from the side of low solute
concentration (high solvent concentration) to the side of
high solute concentration (low solvent concentration). The
flow occurs along a concentration gradient. Thus, high
pressures are not required to induce solvent flow. However,
a pressure differential across the membrane may be applied,
for example, to increase the flux of water.

After solvent (e.g. water) from the first solution has
passed into the second solution, the second solution may be
at an elevated pressure (osmotic pressure when water is used
as a solvent), even when a pressure is not applied to induce
solvent flow from the first solution to the second solution.
This is because the flow of solvent from the first solution
into the second solution occurs along a concentration
gradient. This pressure may be used to aid the transfer of
the second solution to subsequent processing steps of the
present invention. This pressure may be sufficient to
transfer the second solution to subsequent processing steps,
for example, without the aid of pumps. In one embodiment,
excess pressure is converted into mechanical work. Thus,
the pressure (e.g. osmotic pressure) generated in the second
solution may be used to reduce the power consumption and/or
increase the heat transfer efficiency of the overall
In one embodiment, the diluted second solution from
step a) may be contacted with one side of a further
selectively permeable membrane, whilst a third solution
having a higher solute concentration than the diluted second
solution is contacted with the other side of the membrane.
As the second solution has a higher solvent concentration
than the third solution, solvent from the second solution
flows across the membrane to dilute the third solution.
Like the second solution, the third solution may consist
essentially of a selected solute dissolved in a selected
solvent. Thus,by repeating steps (a) one or more times,
the composition of the solution introduced into the cooling
tower may be better controlled.

The third and/or subsequent solution may be formed of
any of the solutions described above in relation to the
second solution. Thus, the solvent in the third and/or
subsequent solution is preferably water.
The solute (osmotic agent) in the third and/or
■subsequent solution is preferably a water-soluble solute,
such as a water-soluble salt. Suitable salts include salts
of ammonium and metals, such as alkali metals (e.g. Li, Na,
K) and alkali earth metals (e.g. Mg and Ca) . The salts may
be fluorides, chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulphates,
sulphites, sulphides, carbonates, hydrogencarbonates,
nitrates, nitrites, nitrides, phosphates, aluminates,
borates, bromates, carbides, chlorides, perchlorates,
hypochlorates, chromates, fluorosilicates, fluorosilicates,
fluorosulphates, silicates, cyanides and cyanates. One or
more salts may be employed. In a preferred embodiment, the
solute of the third and/or subsequent solution is a sodium
and/or potassium salt. Thus,, the third and/or subsequent
solution may be formed by dissolving a known amount of a
sodium and/or potassium salt in water. In one embodiment,
the third and/or subsequent solution is formed by dissolving
a sodium chloride in water. In another embodiment the
third/ and or subsequent solution may.be a solution of
ammonia and carbon dioxide, with resultant aqueous species:
ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium
carbamates (see WO 02/060825).
The third and/or subsequent solution may be contain the
same solute(s) and solvent(s) as the second solution.- It

may also be possible to use different solutions as the
second, third and/or subsequent solutions.
■ In one embodiment, additives such as scale inhibitors,
corrosion inhibitors, biocides and/or dispersants are
included in the third and/or subsequent solution. As will
be described in further detail below, the third and/or
subsequent solution may be recirculated in a closed-loop,
for example, such that it is continuously reused in steps a)
and b). In such ah embodiment, the components of the third -
and/or subsequent solution are effectively "immobilised"
within the loop. Thus, once the third and/or subsequent
solution is formed, further addition of solute and/or
additives such as scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors,
biocides and/or dispersants may not be necessary.
In step b), the second solution is introduced into an .
evaporative cooling apparatus. The cooling apparatus
preferably comprises supporting material from which solvent
(e.g. water) can evaporate. The supporting material is
preferably porous and may advantageously have a large
surface area. The supporting material may be made from
plastic, metal, ceramic and natural materials, such as wood.
In use,, the second solution is contacted with the
supporting material. A gas, such as.air, may then be. passed
through the wet supporting material causing the solvent of
the second solution to evaporate. Depending on the relative
temperatures of the solution and the gas, the temperature of
either the solution or the gas is reduced as a result of the
evaporative cooling. The cooled solution or gas may be used

as a coolant, for example, to remove heat from a heat source
or to cool the surrounding atmosphere.
Solution emerging from step b) is recycled in step a) •.
The second solution from step b) may be directly recycled to
step a) to draw the solvent from the first solution.
Alternatively, the second solution may be recycled to step
a) after one or more intermediate steps. For example, the
second solution from step b) may be used to remove heat from
a heat source prior to being recycled to step a). In one
embodiment, the second solution is used as a coolant in a
heat exchanger prior to being recycled to step a). It may
be possible to recirculate the second solution, for example,
in a closed loop. Optionally, additional components, such
as solvents, solutes and additives selected from, for
example, scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors, biocides
and/or dispersants may be added to the closed loop.
Examples of suitable evaporative cooling apparatuses
include cooling towers and air-coolers, such as air-coolers
for domestic and industrial use.
Air-coolers typically comprise a housing containing a
porous filler material (e.g. decking or packing). The
second solution is introduced into the air-cooler and wets
the filler material. When warm air from the surroundings is
blown through the filler material, some of the solvent (e.g.
water) of the second solution evaporates. The loss of heat
by evaporation (evaporative cooling) lowers the temperature
of the air. Thus, the temperature of the air emerging from •
the air-cooler is lower than that of the air introduced into
the air-cooler. The air emerging from the air cooler may be

used as a coolant for, for example, a heat exchanger.
Alternatively, the emerging air may be used to cool an
enclosed space, such as a room.
Cooling towers typically contain a porous filler
material, known as decking (packing). The second solution
is introduced into the top of the cooling tower and drips
down through the decking, whilst a coolant, such as air, is
blown through the decking, causing some of the solvent of
the second solution-'to evaporate. The loss of heat by
evaporation (evaporative cooling) lowers the temperature of
the remaining second solution.
As evaporation occurs, the concentration of the second
solution increases. If contaminants are present in the
second solution, they may be at least partially removed by
removing a portion of the second solution entering the
cooling tower (e.g. as a bleed). This removal is known as
Any suitable cooling tower may be employed in the
process of the present invention. Examples of suitable"
cooling towers include natural draft and mechanical draft
cooling towers.
After step a), the second solution may be used to
remove excess heat from a heat source (step d). Thus,
according to a preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the present invention provides a method for
removing heat from a heat source. Step d) may be carried
out before and/or after the second solution is introduced
into the evaporative cooling apparatus in step b) provided

that the second solution used in step (d) is at a lower
temperature than the heat source. •In one embodiment, step
d) is carried out before and/or after the second-solution is
cooled in a cooling tower in step b).
In one embodiment, the second solution is used as a
coolant in a heat exchanger to remove heat from an
industrial process stream, such as steam from a power plant.
For example, the heat exchanger may be a shell-and-tube-type
heat exchanger, which comprises a length of tubing partially
enclosed within a housing or shell. The industrial process
stream is introduced into the tubing, whilst the second
solution is passed through the shell via a separate inlet
and outlet. The second solution removes excess heat from
the process stream. Thus., the second solution exiting the .
shell is at a higher temperature than the second solution
entering the shell.
Once the second solution has been heated in the heat
removal step (d), it may be reused in step a). However, if
the second solution is reused in step a), the overall
concentration of solute in the second solution in contact
with the selectively permeable membrane should be higher
than the concentration of solute in the first solution, so
that solvent from the first solution will pass across the
selectively permeable membrane into the second solution. In
a preferred embodiment, therefore, the removal of solvent
from the second■solution is controlled to ensure that the
second solution in contact with the selectively permeable
membrane has a desired concentration. In one embodiment,
.the second solution may be cooled prior to reuse in step a)
(e.g. in a cooling tower).

In step c), the solution used in steps a) , b) and,
optionally, d) may be recirculated in a closed loop.
Optionally, additional components, such as solvents, solutes
and additives selected from, for example, scale inhibitors,
corrosion inhibitors, biocides and/or dispersants may be
added to the closed loop.
Any suitable selectively membrane may be used in the
process of the present invention. An array of membranes may
be employed. Suitable membranes include cellulose acetate
(CA) and cellulose triacetate (CTA) (such as those described
in McCutcheon et al., Desalination 174 (2005) 1-11) and
polyamide (PA) membranes. The membrane may be planar or
take the form of a tube or hollow fibre. Thin membranes may
be employed, particularly, when a high pressure is not
applied to induce solvent flow from the first solution to
the second solution. If desired, the membrane may be
supported on a supporting structure, such as a mesh support.
In one embodiment, one or more tubular membranes may be
disposed within a housing or shell. The first solution may
be introduced into the housing, whilst the second solution
may be introduced into the tubes. As the solvent
concentration of the first solution is higher than that of
the second, solvent will diffuse across the membrane from
the first solution into the second solution. Thus, the
second solution will become increasingly diluted and the
first solution, increasingly concentrated. The diluted
second solution may be recovered from the interior of the
tubes, whilst, the concentrated first solution may be removed
from the housing.

When a planar membrane is employed, the sheet may be
rolled such that it defines a spiral in cross-section.
The pore size of the membrane may be selected depending
on the size of the solvent molecules that require
separation. It may be possible to use a membrane having a
pore size that allows two or more different types of solvent
molecules to pass through the'membrane. Preferably, the
pore size of the membrane-is selective to the passage of
water. The pore size of the membrane is preferably selected
to prevent the flow of solute and other contaminants from
the first solution to the second solution. Typical pore
sizes range from 1 to 100 Angstroms, preferably 5 to 50
Angstroms, for example 10 to 40 Angstroms.
The flow of solvent across a selectively membrane is
generally influenced by thermal conditions. Thus, the
solutions on either side of the•membrane may be heated or
cooled, if desired. The solutions may be heated to higher
temperatures of 40 to 90°C, for example, 60 to 80°C.
Alternatively, the solutions may be cooled to -20 to 40°C,
for example, 5 to 2 0°C. .The solution on one side of the
membrane may be heated, while the other side cooled. The
heating or cooling may be carried out on each solution
independently. Chemical reactions may also be carried out
on either side of the membrane, if desired.
To improve the efficacy of the osmosis step, the first
and/or second solution may be treated to reduce fouling and
scaling of the membrane. Accordingly, anti-scaling and/or
anti-fouling agents may be added to one or both solutions.

Although not required, pressure may be applied to the first
solution side of the membrane to increase the rate of flux
of water across the membrane. For example, pressures of l'x
10s Pa to 5 x 10s Pa [1 to 5 bar] may be applied, preferably
pressures of.2 x 105 Pa to 4 x 105 Pa [2 to 4 bar].
Additionally or alternatively, the pressure on the second
solution side of the membrane may be reduced. For example
the pressure may be less than 1 x 105 Pa [1 bar] , preferably
less than 0.5 x 10s Pa [0.5 bar].
The viscosities of the first solution and/or the second
solution may also be modified to improve the rate of flux
across the membrane. For example, viscosity modifying
agents may be employed.
The process of the present invention may further
comprise a pre-treatment step of removing contaminants, such
as suspended particles and biological matter, from the first
solution. Additionally or alternatively, a threshold
inhibitor to control scaling may be added to the first
solution. Pre-treatment steps to alter the pH of the first
solution may also be employed. When seawater is used 'as a
feed, it is preferable to use a deep sea intake, as deep
seawater typically contains fewer contaminants.
According, to a further embodiment of the present
invention, there is provided an apparatus for introducing a
solution into an evaporative cooling apparatus, said
apparatus comprising
a housing comprising a selectively permeable membrane
for separating a first solution from a second solution
having a higher solute concentration than the first

solution, said membrane being configured to selectively
allow solvent to pass from the first solution-side of the
membrane to the second solution-side of the membrane,
an evaporative cooling apparatus, and
means for removing.second solution from the housing,
means for introducing the second solution into the
evaporative cooling apparatus.
The apparatus of the present invention may further
comprise a heat exchanger.
These and other aspects of the present invention will
now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings
in which:
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus
according to a first embodiment of the present invention,
Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus
according to a second embodiment of the present invention
Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus
according to a third embodiment of the present invention,
Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus
according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to Figure 1, there is provided an apparatus
10 for producing a cool stream of air.

The apparatus 10 comprises a housing 12 and an air
cooler 14. The housing 12 comprises a selectively- permeable
membrane 16 for separating seawater 18 from a solution 20
formed by dissolving a known amount of sodium chloride in
In use, "seawater 18 is circulated through the housing
12 on one side of the membrane 16, whilst sodium chloride
solution 2 0 is circulated through the housing 12 on the
opposite side of the membrane 16. The sodium chloride
solution 2 0 in contact with the membrane 16 has a higher
total dissolved salt (solute) concentration than the
seawater 18. Thus, water flows from the seawater-side of
the membrane 16 to the solution-side of the membrane 16 by
The flow of water across the membrane 16 dilutes the
sodium chloride solution 20. The diluted solution 20' is
removed from the. housing 12 and is introduced into the air
cooler 14. The air cooler 14 contains a porous filler
material (not shown). The solution 20 is introduced into
■the top of the air cooler 14 and wets the porous material.
When.warm air 22 from the surroundings is blown through
the wet porous material, heat from the air 22 is transferred
to the wet porous material, causing water in the solution 20
to evaporate. As a result, the air 24 emerging from the
cooler 14 is at a lower temperature than the air 22
introduced into the cooler 14'. The emerging air 24 may be
used to cool an enclosed space, such as a .room.

As water evaporates from the solution 20,.. .the solution
2 0 becomes more concentrated. This concentrated solution 2 0
is removed from-the air cooler 14 via line 26 and--
recirculated to the solution-side of the membrane 16 in'
housing 12 in a closed loop. The concentration of the
solution 2 0 in contact with the membrane 16 is higher than
that of the seawater 18 on the other side of the membrane
The apparatus of- Figure 2 is similar to the apparatus
of Figure 1. Thus, like numerals have been used to
designate like parts. Unlike the apparatus of Figure 1,
however, the apparatus of Figure 2 comprises two housings
12a and 12b are used in series.
The first housing 12a comprises a selectively permeable
membrane 16a for separating seawater 18 from a solution 20a
formed by dissolving a known amount of sodium chloride in
water. The second housing 12b comprises a selectively
permeable membrane 16b for separating solution 2 0a from the
first housing 12a from a solution 20b formed by dissolving a
known amount of sodium chloride in water.
In use, seawater 18 is circulated through the housing
12a on one side of the membrane 16a, -whilst sodium chloride
solution 20a is circulated through the housing 12a on the
opposite side of the membrane 16a. The sodium chloride
solution 20a in contact with .the membrane 16 has a higher
total dissolved salt (solute) concentration than the
seawater 18. . Thus, water flows from the seawater-side of
the membrane 16 to the solution-side of the membrane 16 by

The flow of water across the membrane 16a dilutes the
sodium chloride solution 20a. The diluted solution 20a is
circulated through the housing 12b on one side of the
membrane 16b, whilst sodium chloride solution 2 0b is
circulated through the housing 12b on the opposite side of
the membrane 16b. • The sodium chloride solution 20b in
contact with the membrane 16b has a higher total dissolved
salt (solute) concentration than the solution 2 0a. Thus,
water flows across the membrane 16b by osmosis to dilute the
sodium chloride solution 20b. The diluted solution 2.0b is
introduced into an air cooler 14 in the manner described
with reference to Figure 1. As water flows across the
membrane by osmosis, the sodium chloride solution 20a
becomes increasingly concentrated and this is recirculated
to housing 12a.
In Figure 3, there is provided an apparatus 100 for
removing heat from an industrial process stream.
The apparatus 100 comprises a housing 110, a heat
exchanger 112 and a cooling tower 114. The housing 110
comprises a selectively permeable membrane 116 for
separating seawater 118 from a solution 120 formed by
dissolving a known amount of sodium chloride in water.
In use, seawater 118 is circulated through the housing
110 on one side of the membrane 116, whilst sodium chloride
solution 120 is circulated through the housing 110 on the
opposite side of the membrane 116. The sodium chloride
solution 120 in contact with the membrane 116 has a higher
total dissolved salt (solute) concentration than the

seawater 118 . Thus, water flows from the seawater-side of
the membrane 116 to the solution-side of the membrane 116 by-
osmosis .
The flow of water across the membrane 116 dilutes the
sodium chloride solution 120. This diluted solution 120 is
introduced into the cooling tower 114. The cooling-tower
114 contains a porous filler material, known as decking (not
shown). The solution 12 0 is introduced into the top of the
cooling tower 114 and-drips down through the decking, whilst
cool air 126 is blown through the decking, causing some of
the water from the solution 120 to evaporate. The loss of
heat by evaporation (evaporative cooling) lowers the
temperature of the remaining solution 120. The remaining
solution, however, is more concentrated than the solution
entering the cooling tower 114 because of the loss of water
by evaporation.
The cooled solution 120 is.introduced into the heat
': exchanger 112. In the heat exchanger 112, the solution 120
used as a coolant to remove heat from an industrial process
stream 124. Heat from the stream 124 is transferred to the
solution 120 through the walls of the heat exchanger 112.
Thus, the temperature of solution 120 is increased.-
The solution 12 0 is withdrawn from the.heat exchanger
124 via line 128 and reintroduced to the solution-side of
the membrane 116 in a closed loop. The concentration of the
solution 12 0 in contact with the membrane 116 is higher than
that of the seawater 118 on the other side of the membrane

The apparatus of Figure 4 is similar to the.apparatus
of Figure 3. Thus, like numerals have been used to
designate like parts. Unlike the apparatus of Figure 3,
solution 120 from the housing 110 is introduced into the
heat exchanger 112 before it is introduced into the cooling
tower 114.

1. A process for introducing a solution into an evaporative cooling
apparatus(14), said process comprising :
(a) positioning a selectively permeable membrane (16) between a first
solution (18) and a second solution (20), the second solution having a higher solute
concentration than that of the first solution (18), such that the solvent from the first
solution (18) flows across the selectively permeable membrane (16) to dilute the
second solution;
(b) introducing the second solution (20) into the evaporative cooling
apparatus (14), in which solvent is removed from the second solution (20) by
evaporation; and
(c) recycling the second solution (20) from step (b) to step (a) to draw solvent
from the first solution (18),
characterised in that the second solution (20) is formed by introducing at least
one solute, such as herein described, into at least one solvent, such as herein
and the first solution (18) is seawater, brackish water, river water and/or
waste water.
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein, in step (a), the second solution (20)
is recirculated through steps (a) and (b) in a closed loop.
3. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein, after carrying out the step (a) the
second solution (20) is contacted with a heat source to remove heat from the heat
source in a step (d).
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, wherein the second solution (20) is used as a
coolant in a heat exchanger to remove heat from the heat source.

5. A process as claimed in claims 3 and 4, wherein, in step (c), the second
solution (20) is recirculated through steps (a), (b) and (d) in a closed loop.
6. A process as claimed in any of claims 3 to 5, wherein step (d) is carried out
after step (b).
7. A process as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the evaporative cooling
apparatus (14) comprises an air cooler.
8. A process as claimed in any of claims 1 to 6, wherein the evaporative cooling
apparatus(14) comprises a cooling tower.
9. A process as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the solute
introduced into the second solution is a water-soluble solute.
10. A process as claimed in claim 9, wherein the solute introduced in the second
solution is a salt of ammonia, alkali metal and/or an alkaline earth metal, such as
herein described.
11. A process as claimed in claim 10 wherein the salt is a fluoride, chloride,
bromide, iodide, sulphate, sulphite, sulphide, carbonate, bicarbonate, carbamate,
hydrogencarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, nitride, phosphate, aluminate, borate, bromate,
carbide,chloride, perchlorate, hypochlorite, chromate, fluorosilicate,
fluorosilicate, fluorosulphate, silicate, cyanide and/or cyanate.
12. A process as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the first and/or
second solution contains additives selected from at least one scale inhibitor, corrosion
inhibitor, biocide, or dispersant.

13. A process as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the pressure
generated by the flow of solvent across the membrane in step (a) is used to aid the
transfer of the second solution to step (b).
14. A process as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein step (a) is
carried out by:
i) positioning one selectively permeable membrane between a first solution
and a second solution, the second solution having a higher solute concentration than
that of the first solution, such that the solvent from the first solution flows across said
selectively permeable membrane to dilute the second solution,
ii) positioning another selectively permeable membrane between the diluted
second solution and a further solution, the further solution having a higher solute
concentration than that of the diluted second solution, such that the solvent from the
diluted second solution flows across said another selectively permeable membrane to
dilute the further solution.


There is disclosed a process for introducing a solution into an evaporative
cooling apparatus(14), said process comprising (a) positioning a selectively
permeable membrane (16) between a first solution (18) and a second solution (20),
the second solution having a higher solute concentration than that of the first solution
(18), such that the solvent from the first solution (18) flows across the selectively
permeable membrane (16) to dilute the second solution; (b) introducing the second
solution (20) into the evaporative cooling apparatus (14), in which solvent is
removed from the second solution (20) by evaporation; and (c) recycling the second
solution (20) from step (b) to step (a) to draw solvent from the first solution (18),
characterised in that the second solution (20) is formed by introducing at least one
solute, such as herein described, into at least one solvent, such as herein described,
and the first solution (18) is seawater, brackish water, river water and/or waste water.





03759-kolnp-2006-correspondence others.pdf









03759-kolnp-2006-international publication.pdf

03759-kolnp-2006-international search authority report.pdf

03759-kolnp-2006-pct others-1.1.pdf

03759-kolnp-2006-pct others.pdf

03759-kolnp-2006-pct request form.pdf

3759-KOLNP-2006-(17-06-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf





3759-KOLNP-2006-(23-10-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf










3759-kolnp-2006-CANCELLED PAGES.pdf


3759-kolnp-2006-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf

3759-kolnp-2006-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

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3759-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

3759-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

3759-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

3759-kolnp-2006-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf







Patent Number 263681
Indian Patent Application Number 3759/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 46/2014
Publication Date 14-Nov-2014
Grant Date 13-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 13-Dec-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01D61/00; F28C1/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/GB2005/002307
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0413110.8 2004-06-11 U.K.