Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to novel printable etching media having improved properties for the use in the production process of solar cells. They are respective compositions containing particles, by means of which the finest of lines and structures can be etched very selectively without damaging or affecting neighboring surfaces.
Full Text Printable medium for etching oxidic,
transparent and conductive layers
The present invention relates to novel printable etching media having
improved properties for use in the process for the production of solar
cells. These are corresponding particle-containing compositions by
means of which extremely fine lines and structures can be etched very
selectively without damaging or attacking adjacent areas.
Prior art and object of the invention
During the process for the production of solar cells, it is necessary, inter
alia, to structure oxide layers on a support material. A crystalline silicon
solar cell usually consists of a p-conducting substrate into which a layer
of an n-conducting substance, for example phosphorus, of homogeneous
thickness is diffused on the front. In order to conduct away the current
generated during incidence of light, metallically conducting contacts
are applied to the front and back of the wafer. For the purposes of an inexpensive
production method which is suitable for mass production, the
contacts are usually produced by means of screen printing.
Besides the oxide layers which have to be structured during the produc-
tion of solar cells, silicon nitride layers also have to be etched. For the
etching of corresponding nitride layers, the methods used have to be
modified and the etching pastes adapted in a suitable manner.
The surfaces of crystalline silicon solar cells are coated with thin inor-
ganic layers during the production process, and if desired also when it is
complete. These layers have thicknesses in the range from 20 to 200
nm, in most cases in the range from 50 to 150 nm.
In the course of the process for the production of crystalline silicon solar
cells, it is therefore advantageous to etch fine lines into these inorganic
layers of the solar cell in a number of process steps.

These openings in the surface of the solar cell can be used, for example,
for the generation of a so-called selective emitter, also known as two-
stage emitter. To this end, high n-doping is produced in a subsequent
diffusion step in the partial openings of a diffusion barrier located on the
silicon, preferably by means of phosphorus diffusing in.
In the present description, inorganic surfaces are taken to mean oxidic
and nitride-containing compounds of silicon, in particular silicon oxide
and silicon nitride surfaces. The way in which diffusion barriers of this
type work is known to the person skilled in the art and is described in the
literature [A. Goetzberger; B. VoB; J. Knobloch, Sonnenenergie: Photo-
voltaik [Solar Energy: Photovoltaics], Teubner Studienbucher Stuttgart
1997, pp 40, 107]. These diffusion barriers can be produced here in a
variety of ways:
Very dense silicon dioxide layers are obtained, for example, by heat
treatment of silicon in an oxygen-containing atmosphere at temperatures
in the region of 900°C (thermal oxide).
Likewise known to the person skilled in the art is the deposition of silicon
dioxide by the CVD process. Depending on the way in which the reaction
is carried out, a distinction is made, inter alia, between the following
- APCVD (atmospheric pressure CVD)
- PE-CVD (plasma enhanced CVD)
- LP-CVD (low pressure CVD)
A common feature of these processes is that the desired inorganic com-
pound is obtained from the gas phase of a volatile precursor, in the ex-
ample silicon dioxide this is, for example, silane (SiH4) or TEOS (tetra-
ethyl orthosilicate), by deposition of the precursor on the target substrate
with decomposition.
Silicon dioxide layers which represent a diffusion barrier can also be ob-
tained by means of wet-chemical coating with a liquid or dissolved solid
precursor in a solvent or solvent mixture. These liquid systems are usu-

ally applied by spin coating to the substrate to be coated. These systems
are known to the person skilled in the art as spin-on-glass (SOG).
In many cases, the applied SiO2 layer also remains as reflection-reduc-
ing passivation layer. This is frequently the case, in particular, in the
case of thermally grown SiO2.
Apart from silicon oxide layers, transparent conductive layers (TCOs)
play an important role (for example LC displays, touch panels, etc.).
Besides ZnO compounds with binary or ternary doping (such as, for
example, indium-zinc oxide, Al-ZnO, antimony-ZnO), the indium-tin oxide
layers in particular are widespread. Indium-tin oxides are mixed oxides
consisting of indium oxide (ln2O3) and tin(IV) oxide (SnO2) (but can also
be used with other dopants, such as, for example, fluorine as FI:SnO2).
These TCO layers are referred to below by way of example as ITO.
These transparent semiconductors have the property of being electrically
conductive and transparent. In the electronics industry, they are
employed for the production of thin-film solar cells, transparent elec-
trodes in liquid-crystal screens, organic light-emitting diodes and touch
screens. As a semiconductor which strongly reflects infrared radiation,
ITO is applied in a scattered manner or over a large area as thermal
protection to sheets of window glass. A very wide variety of surfaces, for
example plastic films, can likewise be coated with ITO in order that they
do not become electrostatically charged.
ITO usually consists of 90% of indium oxide (ln2O3) and 10% of tin(IV)
oxide (SnO2). The tin(IV) oxide, as dopant, produces the flaws necessary
for good electrical conductivity in the crystal structure of the indium
oxide. Thin layers of typically about 200 nm have high transparency and
have a surface resistance of about 6 ohm/cm2.
ITO is usually applied to the corresponding substrates - almost always
glasses - by cathode sputtering. However, ITO can also be applied by
high-vacuum vapour deposition, although the components coated by
vapour deposition have to be warmed to up to 360°C, which restricts the

Silicon nitride layers are used less as diffusion barriers in the technology
of crystalline solar cells, although they are in principle likewise suitable
for this purpose. Silicon nitride layers are essentially used as passivation
and antireflection layer.
In the production of crystalline silicon solar cells, it is advantageous also
to be able to produce openings in a targeted manner in silicon nitride
layers. An example which may be mentioned here is the application of
electrically conductive pastes. These metal pastes are usually "fired"
through the silicon nitride layer at temperatures of about 600°C, enabling
electrical contact to the emitter layer. Due to the high temperatures,
polymer-based (epoxy or phenolic resin) metallisation pastes therefore
cannot be used for this purpose. Crystal defects and metallic contamina-
tion in the underlying silicon also arise during performance of the fire-
through process. As a consequence of the system, the passivation layer
is in addition totally destroyed by the printed-on metal paste on top. It
would therefore be more advantageous to produce a partial, narrower
opening in the silicon nitride layer for electrical contacting and to retain
the passivation layer in the edge regions, which are masked by the met-
allisation layer on top.
Besides pure diffusion barriers consisting of silicon dioxide or silicon
nitride, it is also possible to use thin glass layers in the production of
crystalline silicon solar cells.
Definition of glass:
Glass is taken to mean per se a uniform composition, for example
quartz, window glass, borosilicate glass, but also thin layers of these
materials produced on other substrates (for example ceramics, metal
sheets, silicon wafers) by various methods known to the person skilled in
the art (CVD, PVD, spin-on, thermal oxidation, inter alia).
Glasses below are taken to mean silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-con-
taining materials which are in the solid amorphous physical state without
the glass components crystallising out and have a high degree of dis-
order in the microstructure owing to the lack of long-range order.

Besides pure SiO2 glass (quartz), these encompass all glasses (for
example doped glasses, such as borosilicate, phosphosilicate and boro-
phosphosilicate glasses, coloured glasses, milk glasses, crystal glasses,
optical glasses) which contain SiO2 and other components, in particular
elements such as, for example, calcium, sodium, aluminium, lead, lith-
ium, magnesium, barium, potassium, boron, beryllium, phosphorus, gal-
lium, arsenic, antimony, lanthanum, zinc, thorium, copper, chromium,
manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, titanium, gold,
platinum, palladium, silver, cerium, caesium, niobium, tantalum, zircon-
ium, neodymium, praseodymium, which occur in the glasses in the form
of oxides, carbonates, nitrates, phosphates, sulfates and/or halides or
function as doping elements in the glasses. Doped glasses are, for
example, borosilicate, phosphosilicate and borophosphosilicate glasses,
coloured glasses, milk glasses, crystal glasses and optical glasses.
The silicon nitride may likewise comprise other elements, such as boron,
aluminium, gallium, indium, phosphorus, arsenic or antimony.
Definition of silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems:
Silicon oxide-based systems are defined below as all crystalline systems
which do not fall under the definition of amorphous SiO2 glasses given
above and are based on silicon dioxide; these can be, in particular, the
salts and esters of orthosilicic acid and condensation products thereof -
generally referred to as silicates by the person skilled in the art - as well
as quartz and glass-ceramics.
Furthermore, other silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems, in
particular the salts and esters of orthosilicic acid and condensation prod-
ucts thereof, are also encompassed. Besides pure SiO2 (quartz, tridy-
mite, cristobalite), all SiO2-based systems built up from SiO2 or "discrete"
and/or linked [SiO4] tetrahedra, such as, for example, mesosilicates,
sorosilicates, cyclosilicates, inosilicates, phyllosilicates, tectosilicates,
and comprising other components, in particular elements/components
such as, for example, calcium, sodium, aluminium, lithium, magnesium,
barium, potassium, beryllium, scandium, manganese, iron, titanium, zir-
conium, zinc, cerium, yttrium, oxygen, hydroxyl groups, halides, are also

Silicon nitride-based systems are defined below as all crystalline and
partially crystalline (usually referred to as microcrystalline) systems
which do not fall under the definition of amorphous silicon nitride
glasses/layers given above. These include Si3N4 in its modifications as
a-Si3N4 and p-Si3N4 and all crystalline and partially crystalline SiNx and
SiNx:H layers. Crystalline silicon nitride may comprise other elements,
such as boron, aluminium, gallium, indium, phosphorus, arsenic and
Etching of structures
The use of etchants, i.e. chemically aggressive compounds, results in
the dissolution of the material exposed to the etchant attack. In most
cases, the aim is completely to remove the layer to be etched. The end
of the etching is reached by the encountering of a layer which is sub-
stantially resistant to the etchant. In addition, there is the process known
to the person skilled in the art of partial removal of a layer by etching to a
target thickness which is usually defined.
Etching of structures on silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based glasses
and other silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems:
According to the current state of the art, any desired structures can be
etched selectively in silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based glasses and
other silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems or surfaces thereof
and layers thereof of variable thickness directly by laser-supported etch-
ing methods or, after masking, by wet-chemical methods ([1] D.J. Monk,
D.S. Soane, R.T. Howe, Thin Solid Films 232 (1993), 1; [2]J. Buhler, F.-
P. Steiner, H. Baltes, J. Micromech. Microeng. 7 (1997), R1) or by dry-
etching methods ([3] M. Kdhler "Atzverfahren fur die Mikrotechnik"
[Etching Methods for Microtechnology], Wiley VCH 1983).
In the laser-supported etching methods, the laser beam scans the entire
etching pattern on the glass dot by dot or line by line in the case of vec-
tor-orienting systems, which, besides a high degree of precision, also
requires considerable adjustment effort and time.

The wet-chemical and dry-etching methods include material-intensive,
time-consuming and expensive process steps:
A. Masking of the areas not to be etched, for example by:
• photolithography: Production of a negative or positive of the etching
structure (depending on the resist), coating of the substrate surface
(for example by spin-coating with a liquid photoresist), drying of the
photoresist, exposure of the coated substrate surface, development,
rinsing, optionally drying
B. Etching of the structures by:
• dip methods (for example wet etching in wet-chemistry benches): dip-
ping of the substrates into the etching bath, etching operation,
repeated rinsing in H2O cascade sinks, drying
• spin-on or spray methods: the etching solution is applied to a rotating
substrate, the etching operation can be carried out without or with
input of energy (for example IR or UV irradiation), this is followed by
rinsing and drying
• dry-etching methods, such as, for example, plasma etching, in expen-
sive vacuum units or etching with reactive gases in flow reactors
C. Removal of the photoresist:
In a final process step, the photoresist covering the protecting areas of
the substrate must be removed. This can be carried out by means of sol-
vents, such as, for example, acetone, or dilute aqueous alkaline solu-
tions. The substrates are finally rinsed and dried.
Full-area etching of silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based glasses and
other silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems:
In order to etch silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based glasses and other
silicon oxide- and silicon nitride-based systems and layers of variable

thickness thereof over the entire area completely or only to a certain
depth, use is predominantly made of wet-etching methods. The silicon
oxide- and silicon nitride-based glasses and other silicon oxide- and sili-
con nitride-based systems and layers of variable thickness thereof are
dipped into etching baths, which usually contain the toxic and highly
caustic hydrofluoric acid and optionally additives of other mineral acids.
The disadvantages of the etching methods described are due to the
time-consuming, material-intensive and expensive process steps, which
are in some cases very complex in technological and safety terms and,
in addition, are frequently carried out discontinuously.
International Application WO 01/83391 A describes etching media in the
form of printable, homogeneous, particle-free etching pastes having non-
Newtonian flow behaviour for the etching of inorganic, glass-like amor-
phous or crystalline surfaces, in particular of glasses or ceramics, pref-
erably SiO2- or silicon nitride-based systems, and the use of these etch-
ing media. In particular on printing of surfaces, use of these particle-free
media gives rise to problems due to inadequate resilience of the printed
lines, dots or structures (inadequate structure fidelity), meaning that a
significant broadening of the originally printed lines occurs (running of
the etching species on the substrate).
US 5,688,366 A uses particle-containing etching pastes for etching a
transparent conductive layer, such as, for example, an ITO layer. The
etching pastes used are prepared from molten iron chloride containing
water of crystallisation, glycerol and polymer particles. These composi-
tions are suitable for etching lines having a width of about 1 mm.
Experiments have shown that these etching pastes are not suitable for
etching very thin lines having a width of less than 1 mm cleanly and
without flaws, irrespective of whether polymer particles having a diame-
ter of 0.01 urn or of 30 urn are employed for the preparation of the

The object of the present invention is therefore to provide novel, inex-
pensive etching pastes for etching very uniform, thin lines having a width
of less than 100 urn, in particular less than 80 urn, and extremely fine
structures on silicon dioxide and/or silicon nitride layers, in particular also
in conductive layers, which are located on silicon solar cells. A further
object of the present invention is to provide novel etching media which
can be removed from the treated surfaces after the etching in a simple
manner without leaving residues and have more environmentally friendly
properties than known pastes.
Brief description of the invention
The object is achieved by a novel printable, dispensable etching medium
for etching oxidic transparent and conductive surfaces and layers in the
form of an etching paste comprising
a) phosphoric acid,
b) at least one solvent,
c) graphite and/or carbon black having a relative particle diameter in
the range from 80 nm to 20 nm and a specific BET surface area
in the range from 40 to 100 m2/g,
d) optionally thickeners, and
e) optionally additives, such as antifoams, thixotropic agents, flow-
control agents, deaerators and adhesion promoters.
In a particular embodiment, etching media of this type comprise graphite
or carbon-black powder having relative particle diameters of less than 50
nm and a specific BET surface area in the range from 50 to 70 m2/g. It
has proven particularly advantageous for the graphite or carbon-black
powder present to have relative particle diameters in the range from
30 nm to 45 nm. Etching media comprising carbon-black powder having
a relative particle diameter of 40 nm and a specific BET surface area of
62 m2/g have very particularly good properties. While higher proportions
of solids were necessary in earlier compositions, the addition of less than
8% by weight, but more than 0.5% by weight, of graphite or carbon-black
powder having the said properties gives, in accordance with the inven-

tion, compositions which can be printed in the form of extremely fine
lines. Compositions which have a graphite or carbon-black powder con-
tent in the range from 3 to 7% by weight and a viscosity in the range
from 25 to 35 Pas have particularly good properties. Corresponding
compositions can advantageously be used for etching ITO layers at tem-
peratures between 120-170°C.
Description of the invention
The novel paste formulations have significantly improved properties with
respect to surface cleaning, print precision and waste-water pollution
after the etching operation. Surprisingly, it has been found that the etch-
ing pastes to which extremely fine-particulate inorganic powders, in par-
ticular fine-particulate graphite and/or carbon black, have been added
have improved cleaning properties if they are employed for etching ITO
at temperatures between 120-170°C, compared with pastes to which
commercially available graphite or carbon black has been added. The
subsequent cleaning of the treated surfaces is carried out with deionised
An essential advantage of the novel paste formulations according to the
invention furthermore consists in that the inorganic powders present
remain unchanged and do not melt at the etching temperatures, but
contribute to the fact that the etching paste can be applied to the sur-
faces in extremely thin lines or extremely fine structures without running
and bleeding and are able subsequently to diffuse to the site of action
during the etching operation. In particular, the use of inorganic graphite
or carbon-black powder having relative particle diameters of less than 80
nm, in particular less than 50 nm, preferably 45 nm to 30 nm, and a spe-
cific BET surface area in the range from 40 to 100 m2/g, preferably from
50 to 70 m2/g, gives improved results. The use of carbon-black powders
having particle diameters of about 40 nm and a specific BET surface
area of about 62 m2/g is very particularly preferred. The use of these
carbon-black powders gives particularly good etching results. Compared
with the use of polymer powders, whose smallest particle sizes are 3-5

|jm, significantly finer lines and smaller structures can be printed and
etched due to the addition of nanoparticulate carbon-black particles, i.e.
significantly improved printing precision is achieved, and significantly
smaller structures can be printed and etched on ITO. Consequently,
novel potential applications in simple displays and also in high-resolution
TFT displays arise, as shown by Figures 1 to 4.
The pastes according to the invention are prepared using commercially
available graphite or carbon-black powders which have the properties
described above and meet the size and surface requirements. Mention
may be made here by way of example of the commercial product Super
P™ (conductive carbon black from TIMCAL Graphite & Carbon, Switzer-
land). The particle sizes can generally be determined using conventional
methods. For example, the particle size can be determined by means of
particle correlation spectroscopy (PCS), with the investigation being car-
ried out using a Malvern Zetasizer in accordance with the instruction
manual. The diameter of the particles is determined here as the dso or
dgo value. The particle diameters indicated are preferably quoted as d50
The particle diameters can generally be determined by means of laser
diffraction combined with on-line analysis. To this end, a laser beam is
shone into a particle cloud distributed in a transparent gas, for example
air. The particles refract the light, with small particles refracting the light
at a greater angle than large particles. The scatter angle is thus directly
correlated to the particle size. The observed scatter angle increases
logarithmically with decreasing particle size. The refracted light is meas-
ured by a number of photodetectors arranged at various angles. The
measurements are preferably evaluated using Mie light diffraction theory,
which is based on Maxwell's electromagnetic field equation. This theory
is based on two assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed that the particles to
be measured are spherical, but this only really applies to few particles.
The measured laser diffraction is used to calculate the volume of parti-
cles. Secondly, dilute particle suspensions are assumed. The method
usually used to determine particle sizes in the nano range by dynamic

light scattering is described in greater detail in the brochure "Dynamic
Light Scattering: An Introduction in 30 Minutes", DLS technical note,
MRK656-01 from Malvern Instruments Ltd.
The particle size in the nanoparticulate range can also be determined
with the aid of scanning electron photomicrographs (SEM photographs).
To this end, particle-containing emulsions can be prepared and applied
to a suitable surface in an extremely thin layer in a spin-coating process.
After evaporation of the solvent, SEM photographs are taken and the
particle diameters recorded are measured. The relative particle diameter
of the measured sample is determined by statistical evaluation. Stan-
dardised methods for determining particle sizes and devices suitable for
this purpose are described in ISO 13321, Methods for Determination of
Particle Size Distribution Part 8: Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, International
Organisation for Standardisation [(ISO) 1996 (First Edition
1996-07-01)], including methods for determining sizes in the nm measurement
It has proven particularly advantageous that the use in accordance with
the invention of nanoparticulate carbon black enables the addition of
solids to the etching paste compositions to be significantly reduced. Surprisingly,
it has been found that the percentage of solid in the etching
paste can be reduced by more than 70% by weight if nanoparticulate
carbon-black powder is employed compared with the use of polymer
particles in pastes of comparable viscosity. This applies, in particular, to
the use of graphite and/or carbon black having relative particle diameters
in the range from 20 nm to 80 nm and a specific BET surface area in the
range from 40 to 100 m2/g.
In particular if carbon-black particles having relative particle diameters of
about 40 nm and a specific BET surface area of about 62 m2/g are used
as solid in a corresponding composition, the addition of solids can be
reduced by about 74% compared with the addition of polymer particles
having a relative particle diameter in the range 3-5 urn in order to prepare
a paste having a viscosity of less than 40 Pas, in particular about
30 Pas. In this way, a significantly more environmentally friendly paste
can be prepared. This also enables the service life of the waste-water
filters necessary for the removal of suspended particles from the waste

water to be considerably extended, more precisely for the removal of the
suspended particles from the waste water produced in the rinsing opera-
tions for cleaning the etched surfaces.
Surprisingly, measurements have shown that the rinsed-off carbon-black
particles (active carbon) have an adsorptive action for the organic thick-
ener additives and organic solvent components of the paste. This has
the consequence that the BOD5 value (mg/l) in the rinse water can be
reduced by simple particle filtration. The BOD5 value is the biological
oxygen demand (mg/l) of waste water in 5 days, measured in accor-
dance with DIN 38409 H51. Whereas a BOD5 value of 14 mg/l is deter-
mined, for example, on use of an etching paste comprising polymer par-
ticles with otherwise identical composition, a BOD5 value of only
7-8 mg/l arises for pastes comprising carbon-black particles added in
accordance with the invention for the same amount of paste in the rinse
water in each case (135 mg of paste/0.51 of rinse water).
An effective etching component which has proven particularly effective
is, in particular, phosphoric acid, more precisely in concentrations in the
range from about 35 to 50% by weight. Compositions having a phospho-
ric acid concentration in the range from 40 to 50% by weight have
proven particularly effective. They have very particularly advantageous
properties since they can be printed well onto the surfaces and give very
good etching results. Particular preference is given to etching pastes
having a phosphoric acid content of 45 to 46% by weight.
In order to prepare the etching pastes, the various components are
mixed with one another successively with adequate mixing in such a way
that the temperature is only able to increase moderately during the addi-
tion of etching component, but a paste having a suitable viscosity forms
during the mixing.
As already indicated above, etching pastes can be printed in particularly
fine lines and structures if graphite and/or carbon black having a relative
particle diameter in the range from 20 nm to 80 nm and a specific BET
surface area in the range from 40 to 100 m2/g are present therein. The
surface nature of the particles here is not only of importance for the

properties as etching paste, but also, as described above, considerably
influences the environmental acceptability of the pastes.
For the preparation of the pastes according to the invention, graphite
and/or carbon black having a relative particle diameter of less than
50 nm and a specific BET surface area in the range 50 to 70 m2/g are
therefore preferably used. Particular preference is given to powders
having relative particle diameters in the range from 30 nm to 45 nm and
very particularly preferably carbon-black powders having a relative parti-
cle diameter of 40 nm and a specific BET surface area of 62 m2/g, since
these compositions result in particularly low BOD5 values.
In order to result in the advantageous paste properties, the solids parti-
cles in the form of graphite and/or carbon black must be present in the
compositions in amounts of less than 8% by weight. 3 to 7% by weight of
the nanoparticulate graphite or carbon-black powder are preferably
added to the pastes. In particular, the addition of about 5 to 6% by
weight gives etching pastes having a viscosity in the range from 25 to
35 Pas, which can be printed extremely well, as shown very clearly by
the etch pictures in Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. However, addition of less nano-
particulate carbon black or graphite in an amount of 0.5% by weight also
already results in improved behaviour during printing compared with the
use of pastes in which polymer particles are present in the same
amount. Even these small amounts of particles enable printing with a
reduced line width.
Besides the nanoparticulate graphite or carbon black, the pastes may
comprise thickeners and optionally additives, such as antifoams, thixo-
tropic agents, flow-control agents, deaerators and adhesion promoters.
' Solvents which may be incorporated are water and/or organic solvents.
Thus, the pastes according to the invention may comprise water, poly-
vinylpyrrolidone and 1-methylpyrrolidone besides the basic constituents
of phosphoric acid and carbon-black or graphite powder. Whereas
1-methylpyrrolidone may be present in the same amounts as phosphoric
acid, polyvinylpyrrolidone is usually present in an amount of less than
10% by weight, preferably in an amount of about 5 to 6% by weight.

Additives having advantageous properties for the desired purpose are
antifoams, such as, for example, those available under the trade name
TEGO® Foamex N,
thixotropic agents, such as BYK® 410, Borchigel® Thixo2,
flow-control agents, such as TEGO® Glide ZG 400,
deaerators, such as TEGO® Airex 985, and
adhesion promoters, such as Bayowet® FT 929.
It goes without saying per se to the person skilled in the art that these
additives may also be replaced by other commercially available products
with the same action. It is essential in this connection that the addition of
such additives improves the product properties.
Additives employed specifically in experiments carried out are also
revealed in the examples given below.
These may have a positive influence on the printability of the etching
paste. The proportion of the additives is in the range 0-5% by weight,
based on the total weight of the etching paste.
The etching pastes according to the invention can be printed on the
wafer surfaces in a known manner. In particular, they are applied in fine
line printing having the following parameters:

Figures 1 to 4 show etching results for the production of which lines of
different thickness have been printed. In addition, it can be seen from
these figures that lines at a separation of less than 100 urn can be
etched using the pastes according to the invention without having to use
photoresist layers. It is therefore possible to produce high-resolution
etched structures in a simple manner using the etching pastes according
to the invention.

Fig. 1 shows an etched line having a width of 20.93 urn which has been
etched into an ITO layer.
Fig. 2 shows three etched lines having a width of 37.95 urn alongside
one another, in each case at a separation of 98.26 urn.
Fig. 3 shows the continuous structure of an etched line having a width of
38.4 um.
It can be seen from the etch pictures shown that the etching pastes
according to the invention are suitable for continuously etching even
extremely thin lines without termination of the lines occurring in the
course of the etched tracks.
For better understanding and in order to illustrate the invention, exam-
ples are given below which are within the scope of protection of the pre-
sent invention. These examples also serve to illustrate possible variants.
Owing to the general validity of the inventive principle described, how-
ever, the examples are not suitable for reducing the scope of protection
of the present application to these alone.
It goes without saying per se to the person skilled in the art that, both in
the examples given and also in the remainder of the description, the
component amounts present in the paste compositions always add up in
total only to 100% and cannot be greater even if higher values could
arise from the per cent ranges indicated.
Example 1
Etching paste comprising an inorganic nanoparticulate solid additive
218 g of deionised water
223 g of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
1.6 g of ethylene glycol
The following are added successively with stirring to this solvent mixture:

465 g of phosphoric acid (85%)
11 g of polyvinylpyrrolidone,
where polyvinylpyrrolidone is incorporated with vigorous stirring.
50 g of carbon black
are then added to the clear homogeneous mixture, which is stirred for a
further 2 hours.
The ready-to-use paste can be printed using a 280 mesh stainless-steel
fabric screen. In principle, polyesters or similar screen materials can also
be used. The crucial factor is that the screen material selected is inert to
the etching component present in the etching composition.
The etching paste prepared has proven to be stable on storage over a
long period with retention of the advantageous etching properties.
Further examples of compositions according to the invention having
advantageous properties are given in the following tables:

1. Printable, dispensable etching medium for etching oxidic transparent
and conductive surfaces and layers in the form of an etching paste
a) phosphoric acid,
b) at least one solvent
c) graphite and/or carbon black having a relative particle diameter
in the range from 20 nm to 80 nm and a specific BET surface
area in the range from 40 to 100 m2/g,
d) optionally thickeners, and
e) optionally additives, such as antifoams, thixotropic agents, flow-
control agents, deaerators and adhesion promoters.

2. Etching medium according to Claim 1, comprising graphite or carbon-
black powder having relative particle diameters of less than 50 nm
and a specific BET surface area in the range 50 to 70 m2/g.
3. Etching medium according to Claim 1, comprising graphite or carbon-
black powder having relative particle diameters in the range from
30 nm to 45 nm.
4. Etching medium according to Claim 1, comprising carbon-black pow-
der having a relative particle diameter of 40 nm and a specific BET
surface area of 62 m2/g.
5. Etching medium according to one or more of Claims 1 to 4, comprising
graphite or carbon-black powder in an amount of less than 8% by
weight, but more than 0.5% by weight.
6. Etching medium according to one or more of Claims 1 to 4, comprising
graphite or carbon-black powder in an amount of 3 to 7% by weight
and a viscosity in the range from 25 to 35 Pas.
7. Use of an etching medium according to one or more of Claims 1 to 6
for etching transparent, conductive oxidic layers during semiconductor

8. Use of an etching medium according to one or more of Claims 1 to 6
for etching ITO at temperatures between 120-170°C.

The present invention relates to novel printable etching media having improved properties for the use in the production process of solar cells. They are respective compositions containing particles, by means of which the finest of lines and structures can be etched very selectively without damaging or affecting neighboring surfaces.


1868-KOLNP-2009-(22-08-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE-137.pdf





1868-kolnp-2009-description (complete).pdf


1868-kolnp-2009-form 1.pdf

1868-KOLNP-2009-FORM 18.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-form 2.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-form 3.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-form 5.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-international publication.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-international search report.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-pct priority document notification.pdf

1868-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



1868-kolnp-2009-translated copy of priority document.pdf


Patent Number 263829
Indian Patent Application Number 1868/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 24-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 20-May-2009
Name of Patentee MERCK PATENT GMBH
Applicant Address FRANKFURTER STRASSE 250, 64293 DARMSTADT
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C09K 13/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/008663
PCT International Filing date 2007-10-05
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2006 051 735.0 2006-10-30 Germany