Title of Invention


Abstract A method of updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier, the method comprising determining an updated configuration parameter by an update/recovery server in response to a received current terminal identifier from the mobile terminal; generating an update/recovery data package by a central signing server, the update/recovery data package including the current terminal identifier, the updated configuration parameter, and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital signature is verifiable by said public key; storing the current terminal identifier and the updated configuration parameter by the central signing server; sending the update/recovery data package by the update/recovery server to the mobile terminal causing the mobile terminal to verify the received update/recovery data package and to store the! updated configuration parameter of the verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
Full Text This invention relates to the secure update of configuration parameters in a
mobile terminal.
Mobile terminals are required to carry a unique hardware identity (ID) such as
IMEI/ESN. The identity is used to trace a particular mobile terminal and can
also be used to block the terminal from accessing the mobile network.
Hence, malicious users are interested in modifying the unique ID of the
terminal, and manufactures need to protect tampering of the terminal ID.
Furthermore, it is also desirable to protect other security critical parameters
of the terminal, for example SIM-lock codes etc. From a security point of view
it would thus be desirable that security critical parameters are never changed
after the terminal has left the factory, e.g. by writing the data in a One-Time-
Programmable (OTP) portion of the memory of the mobile terminal, thereby
preventing subsequent tempering with the data. However, in practice there
are situations where this is not possible/desirable: For example, the flash
memory of the mobile terminal where security sensitive parameters are
stored may have been corrupted, or the hardware ID may need to be
changed, because the terminal has a new owner and some existing user
services might be connected to the terminal ID.
Hence, there is a need for a secure mechanism for updating security
sensitive parameters in a mobile terminal, such as a mobile telephone, a
pager, an electronic organiser, a smart phone, a personal digital assistant
(PDAs), or the like.
US patent no. 6,026,293 discloses a method for preventing electronic
memory tampering in an electronic device. According to this prior art method,
when the electronic device is to be reprogrammed by a data transfer device,

the electronic device initiates a public/private key based challenge-response
authentication scheme to authenticate the data transfer device. Once
authenticated, the data transfer device is permitted access to reprogram the
memory. Following the reprogramming of the memory, the electronic device
performs a hash calculation of the modified memory contents. The calculated
hash value is sent to the data transfer device for a digital signature, and the
signed hash value is returned to the electronic device for storage. The signed
hash value is subsequently used for auditing the integrity of the memory
content, e.g. during boot-up or periodically.
Even though the above prior art method provides for an integrity protection of
the stored data and security during the update process, it is a problem to
provide a stricter control over the hardware IDs of mobile terminals.
Consequently, it is an object to provide an update method and system that
allows a mobile terminal manufacturer to maintain strict control over the
hardware IDs of the mobile terminal.
It is a further object to provide an efficient update procedure that allows a
world-wide update of hardware IDs and/or other security sensitive
parameters in a customer-friendly way.
The above and other problems are solved by a method of
updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile terminal, the
mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a public-key
cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said mobile terminal,
the method comprising
- determining at least one updated configuration parameter by an
update/recovery server in response to a received current terminal
identifier from the mobile terminal;

- generating an update/recovery data package by a central signing
server, the update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key;
- storing the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter by the central signing server;
- sending the update/recovery data package by the update/recovery
server to the mobile terminal causing the mobile terminal to verify the
received update/recovery data package and to store the at least one
updated configuration parameter of the verified update/recovery data
package in the mobile terminal.
In particular, since the update procedure is performed by a number of
decentralised update/recovery servers, an efficient update process is
ensured while maintaining strict centralised control over the hardware ID via
the central signing server.
Since the system allows a plurality of update/recovery servers, it is an
advantage that a compromised update/recovery server can easily be blocked
from future use without significantly reducing the efficiency of the update
system as a whole, since there are still a number of alternative
update/recovery servers operational.
It is a further advantage that a secure, strictly controlled update processes for
the security sensitive parameters of a mobile terminal is provided.
Furthermore, if cloned mobile terminals appear on the market or terminals
that are otherwise tampered with, the update process and system described
herein allows an easy detection of the current hardware ID of the mobile
terminal and/or the identity of the update/recovery server used to change the

hardware ID of the terminal. Hence, it is an advantage that the method
described herein facilitates an easy tracing of illegal tampering with the
mobile terminal and dishonest service centres for mobile terminals.
It is a further advantage that, once an update/recovery package is sent to a
terminal, the logging of the data prevents a reuse of that package in a replay
The term update/recovery server is intended to include any computer or other
data processing system that is adapted to update the hardware ID and/or
other security sensitive parameters of a mobile terminal and/or adapted to
recover a corrupted hardware ID and/or other security sensitive parameters
of a mobile terminal. The term signing server is intended to include any
suitably programmed/configured computer or other data processing system.
The term configuration parameter is intended to include any parameter
stored in the mobile terminal, in particular any data item for which a secure
update procedure is desirable. In the following such configuration parameters
will also be referred to as security parameters. In particular, the term
configuration parameter comprises a hardware identifier identifying the
mobile terminal, e.g. an IMEI and an ESN. The IMEI (International Mobile
Equipment Identity) is a unique number given to every mobile phone. A list of
all IMEIs on the network is stored in an Equipment Identity Register (EIR).
The ESN (Electronic Serial Number) is a unique serial number used in the
United States and given to a handset at the time of manufacture. Further
examples of security-sensitive configuration parameters include SIM-lock
codes, phone domains, root certificates, security policies, etc.
In one embodiment, the method further comprises comparing, by the central
signing server, at least one of the current terminal identifier and a generated
updated terminal identifier with an ID repository to determine whether the

corresponding current or updated terminal identifier is blocked. Hence, the
method provides a protection against unauthorised updates of previously
invalidated terminal IDs e.g. in order to circumvent the black-listing of a
stolen terminal.
According to one embodiment, the method further comprises sending the
current terminal identifier and the at least one updated configuration
parameter by the update/recovery server to the signings server.
In one embodiment, the method further comprises receiving an indication
from the mobile terminal that the current terminal identifier is corrupted; and
receiving a pseudo terminal identifier generated by the mobile terminal as the
current terminal identifier. Consequently, the method provides a secure and
efficient process for recovering mobile terminals with corrupted configuration
parameters, i.e. mobile terminals that can no longer access one or more of its
configuration parameters.
In another embodiment, the pseudo terminal identifier is a message
authentication code value calculated from a device dependant key of the
mobile terminal. It is an advantage that the mobile terminal subsequently can
verify the pseudo terminal identifier when receiving a recovery package and,
thus, may accept an updated/recovered ID only, if the mobile terminal has
detected that the current ID is corrupted.
In yet another embodiment, the method further comprises receiving a random
number from the mobile terminal by the update/recovery server; and
generating an update/recovery data package comprises including the random
number in the digital signature of the update/recovery data package.
Consequently, due to the random number, a previously issued recovery
package cannot be used in a replay attack.

When the method further comprises verification by the central signing server
whether the update/recovery server is authorised to update the mobile
terminal, a mechanism is provided for detecting unauthorised
update/recovery servers which may then easily be blocked from future use,
thereby facilitating the prevention of dishonest service centres for mobile
When the update/recovery data package comprises a digital certificate
certifying the holder of the private key of the update/recovery data package,
the security is further increased, because the update/recovery server and/or
the mobile terminal can verify the authenticity of the update/recovery data
package. In one embodiment, the digital certificate comprises an
update/recovery flag indicating that the holder of the private key is authorised
to update/recover the mobile terminal with the at least one updated
configuration parameter. Alternatively or additionally, the digital certificate
comprises a manufacturer identifier identifying a manufacturer of the mobile
terminal, allowing the mobile terminal to compare the manufacturer identifier
with a corresponding manufacturer identifier stored in the mobile terminal.
In yet another embodiment, the sending of the update/recovery data package
by the update/recovery server to the mobile terminal further causes the
mobile terminal to generate and store a message authentication code of the
received at least one updated configuration parameter. Consequently, the
received updated configuration parameter is stored integrity protected,
thereby facilitating a subsequent verification of the integrity of the stored
parameter by the mobile terminal.
In yet another embodiment, the method further comprises sending a loader
program to the mobile terminal, said loader program being adapted, when
executed on the mobile terminal, to perform at least the generating of said
message authentication code of the received at least one updated

configuration parameter. Hence, the calculation of the reference message
authentication code for use during a subsequent memory audit is performed
by software that does not normally reside on the mobile terminal, thereby
reducing the risk of a hacker or other malicious user gaining access to that
functionality. While the reference message authentication code is made
available for storage by the program calculating it, the subsequent audit
process does not need to output the calculated audit message authentication
code but merely a result of the comparison with the stored reference code.
In an alternative embodiment, at least the generation of the message
authentication code of the received at least one updated configuration
parameter and/or the verification of the update package is performed by
protected boot ROM (Read Only Memory) code or integrity-protected boot
code of the mobile terminal.
It is noted that the features of the method described above and in the
following may be implemented in software and carried out on a data
processing system comprising one or more processing means caused by the
execution of program code means such as computer-executable instructions.
Here and in the following, the term processing means comprises any circuit
and/or device suitably adapted to perform the above functions. In particular,
the above term comprises general- or special-purpose programmable
microprocessors, Digital Signal Processors (DSP), Application Specific
Integrated Circuits (ASIC), Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA), Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), special purpose electronic circuits, etc.,
or a combination thereof.
The present invention can be implemented in different ways including the
method described above and in the following, corresponding devices, and
computer programs, each yielding one or more of the benefits and
advantages described in connection with the above-mentioned method, and
each having one or more embodiments corresponding to the embodiments
described in connection with the above-mentioned method.

More specifically, according to a further aspect, the above problems are
solved by a system for updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a
mobile terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a
public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said
mobile terminal, the system comprising
at least one update/recovery server adapted to determine at least one
updated configuration parameter in response to a received current terminal
identifier from the mobile terminal; and
a central signing server adapted to
- generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key; and
- to store the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter by the central signing server;
the update/recovery server being further adapted to send the
update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal causing the mobile
terminal to verify the received update/recovery data package and to store
the at least one updated configuration parameter of the verified
update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
In one embodiment, the update/recovery server and the signing server are
connected via a secure communications link.
According to a yet further aspect, the above problems are solved by a signing
server for updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile terminal,
the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a public-key

cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said mobile terminal,
wherein the signing server is configured
- to receive at least one updated configuration parameter generated by
an update/recovery server in response to a received current terminal
identifier from the mobile terminal;
- to generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key;
- to store the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter; and
- to send the update/recovery data package to the update/recovery
server causing the update/recovery server to forward the
update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal and causing the
mobile terminal to verify the received update/recovery data package
and to store the at least one updated configuration parameter of the
verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
In one embodiment, the signing server is further adapted to compare at least
one of the current terminal identifier and a generated updated terminal
identifier with an ID repository to determine whether the corresponding
current or updated terminal identifier is blocked.
In another embodiment, the signing server is further adapted to verify
whether the update/recovery server is authorised to update the mobile
According to a yet further aspect, the above problems are solved by an
update/recovery server for updating/recovering a configuration parameter of
a mobile terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of

a public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said
mobile terminal, wherein the update/recovery server is configured
- to generate at least one updated configuration parameter in response
to a received current terminal identifier from the mobile terminal;
- to send the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter to a signing server causing the signing server
to generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key, and to store the current
terminal identifier and the at least one updated configuration
parameter by the central signing server;
- to receive the update/recovery data package from the signing server;
- to send the update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal to
cause the mobile terminal to verify the received update/recovery data
package and to store the at least one updated configuration parameter
of the verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
In one embodiment, the update/recovery server is further adapted to receive
an indication from the mobile terminal that the current terminal identifier is
corrupted; and to receive a pseudo terminal identifier generated by the
mobile terminal as the current terminal identifier.
In one embodiment, the pseudo terminal identifier is a message
authentication code value calculated from a device dependant key of the
mobile terminal.
In one embodiment, the update/recovery server is further adapted to receive
a random number from the mobile terminal; and to include the random
number in the digital signature of the update/recovery data package.

In one embodiment, the update/recovery server is further adapted to send a
loader program to the mobile terminal, said loader program being adapted,
when executed on the mobile terminal, to perform at least a generating of a
message authentication code of the received at least one updated
configuration parameter.
According to a yet further aspect, the above problems are solved by a
computer program product comprising computer program code means
adapted to perform the steps of the method described above and in the
following, when said computer program is run on the data processing system.
In particular, the computer program product may comprise respective
computer program code modules to be executed on the update/recovery
server and on the signing server.
For example, the program code means may be loaded in a memory, such as
a Random Access Memory (RAM), from a storage medium or from another
computer via a computer network. Alternatively, the described features may
be implemented by hardwired circuitry instead of software or in combination
with software.
According to a yet further aspect, the above problems are solved by a data
processing system configured to perform the steps of the method described
above and in the following.
The above and other aspects will be apparent and elucidated from the
embodiments described in the following with reference to the drawing in
Fig. 1 shows a schematic block diagram of a system for updating/recovering
configuration parameters of a mobile terminal;

Fig. 2 shows a schematic block diagram of an example of a mobile terminal;
Fig. 3 shows a flow diagram of an embodiment of a method for updating
configuration parameters of a mobile terminal;
Fig. 4 shows a flow diagram of an embodiment of a method for recovering
corrupted configuration parameters of a mobile terminal;
Fig. 5 shows a flow diagram of another embodiment of a method for
updating/recovering corrupted configuration parameters of a mobile terminal.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic block diagram of a system for updating/recovering
configuration parameters of a mobile terminal. The system comprises a
central signing server 101 with access to an ID repository 102, and a number
of update/recovery servers 103,103', and 103"'.
In fig. 1, three update/recovery servers are shown as an example. However,
it will be appreciated that a different number of update/recovery servers is
possible. The update/recovery servers 103,103', and 103" perform the
update of hardware IDs and/or other security parameters of mobile terminals
and/or the recovery of corrupted hardware IDs and/or other security
parameters. It is understood that each server 103,103', 103" may be
adapted to perform both parameter updates and parameter recoveries, i.e.
they may have the role of an update server and of a recovery server. In some
embodiments, however, some or all servers may act only as either an update
server or a recovery server. In the present description, the terms update
server and recovery server are merely used in order to illustrate the role of
the respective server. Use of the term update server is not intended to imply
that the server is only adapted to perform parameter updates. Similarly, use
of the term recovery server is not intended to imply that the server is only
adapted to perform parameter recoveries.

The ID repository 102 may be a database separate from the signing server or
it may be an internal database of the signing server, e.g. an internal signing
log storage. When a single signing server handles all updates of terminals
from the same manufacturer, a strict centralised control is provided.
However, a system with a small number of signing servers, e.g. 2, 3, or 4, is
possible as well. In this case, the signing servers may have access to the
same ID repository or to synchronised repositories. In one embodiment, the
ID repository 102 for logging updates of the hardware IDs is collocated with
the EIR. Each signing server is responsible for generating update/recovery
packages for a plurality of update/recovery servers, thereby providing an
efficient system allowing the servicing of a large number of mobile terminals.
Each update/recovery server can communicate with one or more mobile
terminals at the same time. In the example of fig. 1, three mobile terminals
104,104', and 104" are shown in communication with update/recovery server
103, and two mobile terminals 104'" and 104"" in communication with
update/recovery server 103". It is understood that the signing server may be
integrated with one of the update/recovery servers, e.g. one server computer
may function both as the central signing server and as one of the
update/recovery servers.
The update/recovery servers communicate with the mobile terminals via a
suitable communications link. For example, the update/recovery servers may
communicate with the mobile terminals over-the-air, i.e. via a cellular
telecommunications network. In other embodiments an update/recovery
server may communicate with a mobile terminal via a local communications
link, e.g. a short range wireless communications channel, such as a radio-
based channel, e.g. Bluetooth, or an infrared communications channel, e.g.
IrDa. Furthermore, the update/recovery server may communicate with a
mobile terminal via a wired connection, e.g. a serial port such as USB,
FireWire, or the like.

The update/recovery servers communicate with the signing server via
respective communications channels 105,105', 105". The connection may
be a local connection, e.g. a Local Area Network (LAN), a Wireless Local
area Network (WLAN), or the like, or a remote connection, e.g. via the
Internet or another communications network. When the connection between
the update/recovery server and the signing server is confidentiality and
integrity protected and/or when a mutual authentication between the update
and signing server takes place, the security of the system is increased, in
particular if a remote connection is used. For example, the connection
between the update/recovery server and the signing server may utilise TLS
(Transport Layer Security) with server and client authentication or another
suitably secure protocol.
Fig. 2 shows a schematic block diagram of an example of a mobile terminal.
The mobile terminal 104 comprises a communications circuit 206 and an
antenna connected to the communications circuit for communicating via a
cellular telecommunications network, e.g. a GSM network, GPRS network, a
UMTS network, or any other suitable communications network. Additionally,
the mobile terminal 104 may comprise further data communications
interfaces, e.g. an IrDa port, a serial interface e.g. USB, Firewire, or the like,
a Bluetooth interface, and/or the like. The mobile terminal 104 further
comprises a processing unit 207 and a memory 208. The memory 208 may
comprise one or more physically and/or logically separated memory sections.
For example, the mobile terminal may comprise a RAM and one or more
non-volatile memory/memories, e.g. a ROM and a re-writable memory, e.g. a
flash memory.
The mobile terminal 104 is pre-configured with a public root key 211 of a
public-key cryptosystem. The key 211 may be stored in a protected non-
volatile memory such as a ROM, thereby providing a high level of security.

The key is used to check the correctness of all updates or recovery of the
security critical parameters of the terminal 104.
Furthermore, the terminal 104 has stored thereon a unique hardware ID 209
such as an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) and/or an ESN
(Electronic Serial Number). In addition to the hardware ID 209, the mobile
terminal may have stored thereon other security sensitive parameters 210
such as a SIM-unlock code and/or the like. The hardware ID 209 and the
optional further parameters 210 are stored protected in a terminal non-
volatile memory that can be rewritten. The data may be protected with a hash
value, a message authentication code, or the like, e.g. as described in US
6,026,293 where the mobile terminal microprocessor performs a hash
calculation on the content of the terminal memory to derive an audit hash
value, which is compared with a securely stored or a digitally signed pre-
calculated hash value. Only if the two hash values agree, the memory
content is accepted. For example, such an authentication code may be
checked each time the terminal boots and if the check fails, the terminal will
not run with full functionality.
In the following two scenarios will be described with reference to figs. 3 and
4, respectively: The update of terminal security parameters and a security
parameters recovery procedure in case the parameters of a mobile terminal
are corrupted and/or unreadable.
Fig. 3 shows a flow diagram of an embodiment of a method for updating
configuration parameters of a mobile terminal 104 by an update server 103.
In this embodiment, the server 103 will be referred to as an update server. It
is understood however, that this terminology merely refers to a server role in
the update/recovery process. It will be recognised that the same server
computer may act both as update as well as recovery server.

In initial steps 301 and 302 performed by the update server 103 and the
mobile terminal 104, respectively, the update server and the mobile terminal
establish a local or remote, wired or wireless, connection with each other. In
some embodiments, the update server initiates this process, while in other
embodiments the terminal connects to the update server. As part of step 301,
the update server 103 sends an update request to the terminal 104.
In step 303, the mobile terminal 104 returns the current hardware ID,
designated IDC, and, optionally, the current values of further security
parameters to the update server 104. The mobile terminal 104 generates and
also sends a random value rand to the update server.
In step 304, the update server 103 chooses the new terminal parameters, i.e.
the new hardware ID, designated IDN, and/or new values of the other security
parameters. Typically, the update server selects the new parameters in
response to an input from a user of the update server, e.g. an operator at a
service location. The actual selection of parameters may be performed by the
update server under control of the user, or the updated parameters may be
entered by the user. For example, the update server may select a new
hardware ID from a pool of available IDs if a new hardware ID is requested
by the user in connection with a change in subscription. In another scenario
the mobile terminal may be transferred from one phone domain (e.g. type of
phone, product, R&D) to another, e.g. for test purposes. In this scenario, the
domain parameters of the mobile terminal are changed accordingly by the
update server upon request from the operator. It is understood that a
parameter update may include an update of the hardware ID or it may merely
be an update of other security sensitive parameters while maintaining the
hardware ID constant.
In steps 305 and 306 performed by the update server 103 and a signing
server 101, respectively, a connection is established between the update

server 103 and the signing server 101 (uniess the signing server is collocated
with the update server) via a suitable communications channel, e.g. as
described in connection with fig. 1 above.
In step 307, the update server 103 sends the new and current values of the
hardware ID and the corresponding current and new values of the security
parameters to the signing server 101 together with the random value rand
received from the mobile terminal 104.
In step 308, the signing server 101 checks that the update server 103 is
authorized to perform a terminal update. In particular, the signing server
verifies the current (and optionally the new) hardware ID of the terminal. To
this end, the signing server 101 includes functionality for blocking updates of
certain IDs, e.g. by maintaining a list of blocked IDs. Hence, the verification of
the new and/or current ID(s) may include a comparison of the new and/or
current ID(s) with the IDs on the list of blocked IDs. If the update server is
authorized for updates and if the requested current terminal or new terminal
ID is not blocked, the signing server proceeds with the updating procedure at
step 309; otherwise the process is aborted.
In step 309, the signing server 101 creates a signed update package with the
new terminal security parameters. The signed update package includes the
new terminal parameters including the new terminal hardware ID as well as
the current terminal hardware ID. In some embodiments, the package further
includes a digital certificate. The update package is signed with a signature
based either on the private key corresponding to the public root key 211 in
the mobile terminal or a private key that is certified through a private key
corresponding to the public root key 211 in the terminal. Furthermore, in
some embodiments, the certificate certifying the signing key contains an
update flag that indicates that the holder of the private key is authorized to
perform a security parameter update. The certificate may also include a field

with the ID of the manufacturer of the mobile terminal. When the signature is
computed including the random value rand, replay attacks are prevented.
In step 310, the signing server 101 stores the new parameters, the terminal
ID(s) (current and possible new ID) and the update server identity in the ID
repository 102.
In subsequent step 311, the signing server 101 sends the signed update
package back to the upgrade server 103.
In step 312, the upgrade server 103 sends the received update package to
the mobile terminal 104.
In step 313, the mobile terminal 104 receives the update package from the
update server 103. Upon receipt of the update package, the mobile terminal
checks the certificate and signature of the update package using its public
root key 211. If the certificate contains an update flag field and/or a
manufacturer field, this/these fields are also checked. To this end, the
terminal may have the ID of its manufacturer stored in, for example, an OTP
memory. Next, the terminal checks the current hardware ID in the update
package against its own current ID. If the two values agree, the terminal
proceeds with the update. The old security parameters are deleted from the
memory and the new parameters are stored in the terminal memory. The
new ID and parameters may be securely stored in a terminal non-volatile
In embodiments in which the security parameters stored on the mobile
terminal are protected with an authentication code, the mobile terminal
calculates a corresponding authentication code (MAC) of the received new
parameters and stores the authentication code together with the new

Fig. 4 shows a flow diagram of an embodiment of a method for recovering
corrupted configuration parameters of a mobile terminal. Hence, in this
scenario it is assumed that one or more of the security sensitive parameters
of the mobile terminal are corrupted, i.e. cannot be retrieved by the mobile
terminal any longer. In this embodiment, the server 103 will be referred to as
a recovery server. It is understood however, that this terminology merely
refers to a server role in the update/recovery process. It will be recognised
that the same server computer may act both as update as well as recovery
In initial steps 401 and 402 performed by the recovery server 103 and the
mobile terminal 104, respectively, the recovery server and the mobile
terminal establish a local or remote, wired or wireless, connection with each
other. In some embodiments, the recovery server initiates this process, while
in other embodiments the terminal connects to the recovery server.
It is understood that a parameter recovery may include a recovery of the
hardware ID or it may merely be a recovery of other security sensitive
parameters while maintaining the hardware ID constant. In the following, it is
assumed that the hardware ID is unreadable. It is understood that the
recovery process is performed analogously in the case of other security
parameters being corrupted.
In step 420, the mobile terminal generates a random value rand and a
pseudo identity PSID defined as PSID=DEVMAC(rand), where DEVMAC is a
MAC using a device dependent key. For example, the device dependant key,
may be a unique key for the chipset of the mobile terminal, e.g. a key that is
programmed during production. When the device dependant key is stored
such that it cannot be extracted from the chip, the security of the generation
of the PSID is further increased.

In subsequent step 403, the mobile terminal 104 sends a status message to
the recovery server 103 indicating that one or more security parameters are
unreadable (or if they are not, abort the process). The mobile terminal also
sends the random value rand and the pseudo identity PSID to the recovery
server 103.
In step 404, the recovery server 103 chooses the new terminal parameters,
i.e. the new hardware ID, designated IDN, and optionally new values of the
other security parameters, e.g. as described above. In some embodiments
the hardware ID and/or some or all of the other parameters may be
recovered from a suitable database.
In steps 405 and 406 performed by the recovery server 103 and a signing
server 101, respectively, a connection is established between the recovery
server 103 and the signing server 101 (unless the signing server is collocated
with the recovery server) via a suitable communications channel, e.g. as
described in connection with fig. 1 above.
In step 407, the recovery server 103 sends the new hardware ID and the
pseudo identifier PSID and optionally new and current values of the other
security parameters to the signing server 101 together the random value rand
received from the mobile terminal 104.
In step 408, the signing server 101 checks that the recovery server 103 is
authorized to perform a terminal recovery. In particular, the signing server
verifies the new hardware ID of the terminal. To this end, the signing server
101 includes functionality for blocking updates to certain IDs, e.g. by
maintaining a list of blocked IDs. For example, some ranges of IDs are used
in phones where the ID is programmed in one-time-programmable memory.
Accordingly, in some embodiments it may be desirable to block updates to

IDs from these ranges. Hence, the verification of the new ID may include a
comparison of the new ID with the IDs on the list of blocked IDs. If the
recovery server is authorized for recovery and if the requested new terminal
ID is not blocked, the signing server proceeds with the recovery procedure at
step 409; otherwise the process is aborted.
In step 409, the signing server 101 creates a signed recovery package with
the new terminal security parameters. The signed recovery package includes
the new terminal parameters as well as the pseudo identifier PSID. In some
embodiments, the package further includes a digital certificate. The recovery
package is signed with a signature based either on the private key
corresponding to the public root key 211 in the mobile terminal or a private
key that is certified through a private key corresponding to the public root key
211 in the terminal. Furthermore, in some embodiments, the certificate
certifying the signing key contains a recovery flag that indicates that the
holder of the private key is authorized to perform a security parameter
recovery. The certificate may also include a field with the ID of the
manufacturer of the mobile terminal. When the signature is computed
including the random value rand, replay attacks are prevented.
In step 410, the signing server 101 stores the new terminal ID, the pseudo
identifier and optionally the new parameters together with the identity of the
recovery server in the ID repository 102.
In subsequent step 411, the signing server 101 sends the signed recovery
package back to the recovery server 103.
In step 412, the recovery server 103 sends the received recovery package to
the mobile terminal 104.

In step 413, the mobile terminal 104 receives the recovery package from the
recovery server 103. Upon receipt of the recovery package, the mobile
terminal checks the certificate and signature of the recovery package using
its public root key 211. If the certificate contains a recovery flag field and/or a
manufacturer field, this/these fields are also checked. To this end, the
terminal may have the ID of its manufacturer stored in, for example, an OTP
memory. Next, the terminal checks the pseudo identifier PSID received in the
recovery package against the PSID generated by it in step 420. If the two
values agree, the terminal proceeds with the recovery. The new hardware ID
and optionally further parameters are stored in the terminal memory. For
example, the new JD and parameters are securely stored in a terminal non-
volatile memory.
In embodiments in which the security parameters stored on the mobile
terminal are protected with an authentication code, the mobile terminal
calculates a corresponding message authentication code (MAC) of the
received new parameters and stores the message authentication code
(MAC) together with the new parameters.
In some situations the mobile terminal may not be able to contact the server,
e.g. because the current terminal identity has been blacklisted, or because
the device is malfunctioning and is sent in for repair. Furthermore, when the
steps 313 and 413 include a recalculation of a message authentication code
(MAC) as described above, it may be disadvantageous from a security point
of view to have the MAC recalculation capability available as part of the
normal software stored in the mobile terminal.
The above problems are solved when the update/recovery server initially
sends a trusted loader software to the mobile terminal and when the loader
software subsequently performs the communication and some or all of the
further steps to be taken in the mobile terminal, in particular the calculation of

the MAC. An embodiment of an update process utilising a loader software
will now be described with reference to fig. 5.
Fig. 5 shows a flow diagram of another embodiment of a method for updating
configuration parameters of a mobile terminal. The method of fig. 5 is similar
to the method described in connection with fig. 3, but with an initial loading
stage of the loader software. It is understood that a recovery process of fig. 4
may be modified in the same way in order to utilise a loader software.
In initial step 531, an update server 103 sends a loader software to the
mobile terminal 104. This trusted loader includes functionality adapted to
recalculate the MAC value of the updated parameters. Methods for loading
software into a mobile terminal are known and will not be described here in
detail. In one embodiment the loader software is digitally signed with a secret
private key and the matching public key is stored integrity protected in the
mobile terminal. For example, the public key may be stored in ROM or in
one-time-programmable memory of the digital ASIC of the mobile terminal.
Accordingly, in step 532 upon receipt of the loader software, the mobile
terminal verifies the authenticity of the received loader.
Subsequently, the mobile terminal executes the loader software, and the
loader software establishes a communications link with the update server
(steps 533 and 534 performed by the update server and by the mobile
terminal under the control of the loader software, respectively).
The remaining steps 303-313 are identical to the corresponding steps
described in connection with fig. 3 and will not be described again here. In
the embodiment of fig. 5, the steps 533, 303, and 313 performed by the
mobile terminal are performed by, or under the control of, the loader
software, as indicated by the dashed-dotted line 535.

Hence, in this embodiment, the security of the update process is increased,
since, the MAC recalculation capability is only available as part of the loader
software that does not normally reside on the mobile terminal. Furthermore,
when also the remaining updating steps on the mobile terminal are
performed by the loader software, the updating process may be performed
even in situations when the mobile terminal software is not able to perform
the update any longer.
Although some embodiments have been described and shown in detail, the
invention is not restricted to them, but may also be embodied in other ways
within the scope of the subject matter defined in the following claims.
In particular, the embodiments have mainly been described with reference to
a mobile terminal as an example of a data processing device. It is
understood, however, that the described method, system, devices, and
product means may also applied to other data processing devices having
security critical configuration parameters that require updating.
The invention can be implemented by means of hardware comprising several
distinct elements, and by means of a suitably programmed microprocessor.
In the device claims enumerating several means, several of these means can
be embodied by one and the same item of hardware, e.g. a suitably
programmed microprocessor, one or more digital signal processor, or the
like. The mere fact that certain measures are recited in mutually different
dependent claims or described in different embodiments does not indicate
that a combination of these measures cannot be used to advantage.
It should be emphasized that the term "comprises/comprising" when used in
this specification is taken to specify the presence of stated features, integers,
steps or components but does not preclude the presence or addition of one
or more other features, integers, steps, components or groups thereof.

1. A method of updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile
terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a public-
key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said mobile
terminal, the method comprising
- determining at least one updated configuration parameter by an
update/recovery server in response to a received current terminal
identifier from the mobile terminal;
- generating an update/recovery data package by a central signing
server, the update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration" parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key;
- storing the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter by the central signing server;
- sending the update/recovery data package by the update/recovery
server to the mobile terminal causing the mobile terminal to verify the
received update/recovery data package and to store the at least one
updated configuration parameter of the verified update/recovery data
package in the mobile terminal.

2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the at least one updated
configuration parameter includes an updated terminal identifier.
3. A method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the current terminal identifier
comprises at least one of an IMEI and an ESN.
4. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 3, further comprising
comparing, by the central signing server, at least one of the current terminal

identifier and a generated updated terminal identifier with an ID repository to
determine whether the corresponding current or updated terminal identifier is
5. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 4, further comprising
receiving an indication from the mobile terminal that the current terminal
identifier is corrupted; and receiving a pseudo terminal identifier generated by
the mobile terminal as the current terminal identifier.
6. A method according to claim 5, wherein the pseudo terminal identifier is a
message authentication code value calculated from a device dependant key
of the mobile terminal.
7. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 6, further comprising
receiving a random number from the mobile terminal by the update/recovery
server; and wherein generating an update/recovery data package comprises
including the random number in the digital signature of the update/recovery
data package.
8. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 7, further comprising
verifying, by the central signing server, whether the update/recovery server is
authorised to update the mobile terminal.
9. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 8, wherein the
update/recovery data package comprises a digital certificate certifying the
holder of the private key of the update/recovery data package.
10. A method according to claim 9, wherein the digital certificate comprises
an update/recovery flag indicating that the holder of the private key is
authorised to update/recover the mobile terminal with the at least one
updated configuration parameter.

11. A method according to claim 9 or 10, wherein the digital certificate
comprises a manufacturer identifier identifying a manufacturer of the mobile
terminal, allowing the mobile terminal to compare the manufacturer identifier
with a corresponding manufacturer identifier stored in the mobile terminal.
12. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 11, wherein sending
the update/recovery data package by the update/recovery server to the
mobile terminal further causes the mobile terminal to generate and store a
message authentication code of the received at least one updated
configuration parameter.
13. A method according to claim 12, further comprising sending a loader
program to the mobile terminal, said loader program being adapted, when
executed on the mobile terminal, to perform at least a generating of said
message authentication code of the received at least one updated
configuration parameter.
14. A method according to any one of claims 1 through 13, further comprising
sending the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter by the update/recovery server to the signing server.
15. A system for updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile
terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a public-
key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said mobile
terminal, the system comprising
at least one update/recovery server (103,103', 103") adapted to determine at
least one updated configuration parameter in response to a received current
terminal identifier from the mobile terminal; and

a central signing server (101) adapted to
- generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key; and
- to store the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter by the central signing server;
the update/recovery server being further adapted to send the
update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal causing the mobile
terminal to verify the received update/recovery data package and to store
the at least one updated configuration parameter of the verified
update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
16. A system according to claim 15, wherein the update/recovery server and
the signing server are connected via a secure communications link.
17. A signing server for updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a
mobile terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a public key of a
public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier identifying said
mobile terminal, wherein the signing server is configured

- to receive at least one updated configuration parameter generated by
an update/recovery server in response to a received current terminal
identifier from the mobile terminal;
- to generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key;
- to store the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter; and

- to send the update/recovery data package to the update/recovery
server causing the update/recovery server to forward the
update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal and causing the
mobile terminal to verify the received update/recovery data package
and to store the at least one updated configuration parameter of the
verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.
18. A signing server according to claim 17, further adapted to compare at
least one of the current terminal identifier and a generated updated terminal
identifier with an ID repository to determine whether the corresponding
current or updated terminal identifier is blocked.
19. A signing server according to claim 17 or 18, further adapted to verify
whether the update/recovery server is authorised to update the mobile
20. An update/recovery server for updating/recovering a configuration
parameter of a mobile terminal, the mobile terminal having stored thereon a
public key of a public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier
identifying said mobile terminal, wherein the update/recovery server is
- to generate at least one updated configuration parameter in response
to a received current terminal identifier from the mobile terminal;
- to send the current terminal identifier and the at least one updated
configuration parameter to a signing server causing the signing server
to generate an update/recovery data package including the current
terminal identifier, the at least one updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital
signature is verifiable by said public key, and to store the current
terminal identifier and the at least one updated configuration
parameter by the central signing server;

- to receive the update/recovery data package from the signing server;
- to send the update/recovery data package to the mobile terminal to
cause the mobile terminal to verify the received update/recovery data
package and to store the at least one updated configuration parameter
of the verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.

21. An update/recovery server according to claim 20, further adapted to
receive an indication from the mobile terminal that the current terminal
identifier is corrupted; and to receive a pseudo terminal identifier generated
by the mobile terminal as the current terminal identifier.
22. An update/recovery server according to claim 21, wherein the pseudo
terminal identifier is a message authentication code value calculated from a
device dependant key of the mobile terminal.
23. An update/recovery server according to any one of claims 20 through 22,
further adapted to receive a random number from the mobile terminal; and to
include the random number in the digital signature of the update/recovery
data package.
24. An update/recovery server according to any one of claims 20 through 23,
further adapted to send a loader program to the mobile terminal, said loader
program being adapted, when executed on the mobile terminal, to perform at
least a generating of a message authentication code of the received at least
one updated configuration parameter.
25. A computer program product comprising computer program code means
adapted to perform when run on a data processing system the steps of the
method according to any one of claims 1 through 14.

26. A data processing system configured to perform the steps of the method
according to anyone of claims 1 through 14.

A method of updating/recovering a configuration parameter of a mobile terminal having
stored thereon a public key of a public-key cryptosystem and a current terminal identifier, the method comprising determining an updated configuration parameter by an update/recovery
server in response to a received current terminal identifier from the mobile terminal;
generating an update/recovery data package by a central signing server, the update/recovery
data package including the current terminal identifier, the updated configuration parameter,
and a digital signature based on a private key, where the digital signature is verifiable by said
public key; storing the current terminal identifier and the updated configuration parameter by
the central signing server; sending the update/recovery data package by the update/recovery
server to the mobile terminal causing the mobile terminal to verify the received
update/recovery data package and to store the! updated configuration parameter of the
verified update/recovery data package in the mobile terminal.




02103-kolnp-2007-correspondence others 1.1.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


02103-kolnp-2007-form 1 1.1.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-form 2.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf


02103-kolnp-2007-international exm report.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf


02103-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf

02103-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf



2103-KOLNP-2007-(18-06-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf








2103-KOLNP-2007-(27-07-2012)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



2103-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

2103-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf






2103-KOLNP-2007-FORM 1-1.2.pdf

2103-KOLNP-2007-FORM 2.pdf

2103-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3-1.2.pdf

2103-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3.1.1.pdf

2103-KOLNP-2007-FORM 5.pdf


2103-KOLNP-2007-OTHERS 1.1.pdf



2103-KOLNP-2007-PCT IPER.pdf


Petition under rule 137- corresponding foreign filing.pdf

Patent Number 263830
Indian Patent Application Number 2103/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 48/2014
Publication Date 28-Nov-2014
Grant Date 24-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 11-Jun-2007
Applicant Address S-164 83 STOCKHOLM
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04Q 7/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/011012
PCT International Filing date 2005-10-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 04388076.4 2004-11-17 EUROPEAN UNION
2 05388014.2 2005-02-22 EUROPEAN UNION
3 60/630,974 2004-11-24 EUROPEAN UNION