Title of Invention


Abstract Disclosed herein are NOx reduction catalysts, particulate filters, exhaust treatment systems, and methods of treating a gas stream. In one embodiment, a NOx reduction catalyst comprises Cea-Zrb-Rc.-Ad-Me-Ox. "R" is W and/or Mn. If "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and if "R" is Mn, A is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the oregoing "A". "M" is a trivalent rare earth ion. a + b + c + d + e = l. "a" is about C.l tO about 0.6; "b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7; "c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5; and if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d" is less than or equal to about 0.2; while "e" is less than or equal to about 0.15. The NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.
[0001] The present disclosure relates to catalysts, particularly selective
catalytic reduction catalysts comprising cerium, zirconium, and manganese and/or
tungsten, and methods of making and using the same.
[0002] Up coming emission regulations are driving original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) to incorporate after treatment devices, e.g., exhaust emission
control devices, into the exhaust systems in order to comply with these regulations.
These exhaust emission control devices could include: catalytic converters (e.g., three-
way catalyst, oxidation catalysts, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts, and the
like), evaporative emissions devices, scrubbing devices (e.g., hydrocarbon (HC), sulfur,
and the like), particulate filters/traps, adsorbers/absorbers, plasma reactors (e.g., non-
thermal plasma reactors), and the like.
[0003] A major challenge in meeting the future diesel emission
requirements is treating the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) due to the inherently lean exhaust
air-to-fuel ratio. One method of treating the NOx is the use of SCR catalysts that use
ammonia as the reducing agent. Currently, ammonia is produced on-board a vehicle by
injecting aqueous urea into the hot exhaust gas, upstream of the SCR catalyst. The urea
decomposes to ammonia in the exhaust system and is used by the SCR catalyst to react
with the NOx. The desirable reaction comprises ammonia NH3, nitrogen oxides (NOx),
and oxygen (O2) being converted to nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O) in the presence of
the catalyst.
[0004] Exhaust systems designed in an attempt to meet the emission
regulations tend to be complex and highly temperature sensitive. As a result of the
temperature sensitivity, many of the components of the system require specific
locations in the exhaust system to inhibit deactivation of the component (i.e., of the
catalyst in the component), and to attain and retain the catalyst operating temperature.
[0005] What is continuously needed in the art are simplified systems
and/or catalysts that have a wider operating range and therefore enable greater
flexibility in the exhaust system design.

[0006] Disclosed herein are NOx reduction catalysts, particulate filters,
exhaust treatment systems, and methods of treating a gas stream.
[0007] In one embodiment, a NOx reduction catalyst comprises
Cea-Zrb-Rc.-Ad-Me-Ox. "R" is W and/or Mn. If "R" is W, "A" is selected from the
group consisting of Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the
foregoing "A", and if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo,
Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A". "M" is a
trivalent rare earth ion. a + b + c + d + e = 1. "a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6; "b" is about
0.25 to about 0.7; "c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5; and if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to
about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d" is less than or equal to about 0.2; while "e" is less than
or equal to about 0.15. The NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.
[0008] In one embodiment, a particulate filter comprises a shell and a
filter element for removing particulate matter from a gas stream. The filter element is
disposed within the shell and comprises a NOx reduction catalyst.
[0009] In one embodiment, a method for treating a gas stream comprises
introducing the gas stream to a NOx reduction catalyst, and reducing greater than or
equal to about 50 vol% of the NOx in the gas stream, based upon a total volume of the
NOx initially in the gas stream, wherein the gas stream has a temperature of about
150°C to about 550°C.
[0010] In another embodiment, a method of treating a gas stream
comprises: introducing exhaust gas to a particulate filter without treating the exhaust
gas with an oxidation catalyst, passing the exhaust gas directly from the particulate
filter through an optional SCR, and then directly venting the exhaust gas to the
environment. If the SCR is present, the SCR and/or the particulate filter comprises a
NOx reduction catalyst, and if the SCR is not present, the particulate filter comprises
the NOx reduction catalyst.
[0011] In one embodiment, a NOx treatment system comprises: a
particulate filter disposed to be capable of receiving exhaust gas that has not been
treated with an oxidation catalyst, and, optionally, a SCR catalyst disposed downstream
and in direct fluid communication with the particulate filter for receiving the gas
directly from the particulate filter, and a vent to the environment in direct fluid
communication with the SCR, if present, or with the particulate filter if the SCR is not
present. If the SCR is present, the SCR and/or the particulate filter comprises a NOx

reduction catalyst, and if the SCR is not present, the particulate filter comprises the
NOx reduction catalyst.
[0012] In one embodiment, a method for making a NOx catalyst,
comprises: dissolving cerium salt to form a first acidic solution, dissolving zirconium
salt to form a second acidic solution, and dissolving a salt of "R", wherein, if "R" is
Mn, "R" is dissolved to form a third acidic solution, and if "R" is W, "R" is dissolved
to form a first basic solution. If "R" is Mn, a salt of "A" is dissolved to form a second
basic solution, wherein "A" is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo, Ta, Nb,
and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing A. The first acidic solution
and second acidic solution, and, if present, the second basic solution, and if present, the
third acidic solution, and if present, the first basic solution, are mixed to form a
precipitate that is dried and calcined to form the catalyst.
[0013] The above-described and other features will be appreciated and
understood by those skilled in the art from the following detailed description, drawings,
and appended claims.
[0014] Refer now to the figures, which are exemplary embodiments, and
wherein the like elements are numbered alike.
[0015] Figure 1 is a graphical comparison of percent NOx conversion at
different inlet temperatures for a Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalyst and a MnCe catalyst.
[0016] Figure 2 is a graphical comparison of percent NOx conversion at
different inlet temperatures for aged Ce-Zr-Mn-W-O catalysts versus fresh and aged
VOx-W03-TiO2 catalysts.
[0017] Figure 3 is a graphical comparison of percent NH3 conversion for
at different inlet temperatures aged Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalysts versus fresh and aged
VOx-W03-TiO2 catalysts.
[0018] Figure 4 is a graphical comparison of percent NOx conversion at
different inlet temperatures for other aged Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalysts versus fresh and
aged V0x-W03-TiO2 catalysts.
[0019] Figure 5 is a graphical comparison of percent NH3 conversion at
different inlet temperatures for the other aged Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalysts versus fresh
and aged VOx-W03-TiO2 catalysts.

[0020] Figure 6 is a graphical comparison of percent NOx conversion at
different inlet temperatures for two different Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalysts each aged at two
different temperatures.
[0021] Figure 7 is a graphical comparison of the two different Ce-Zr-
Mn-W-0 catalysts that have been aged at 950°C to a fresh VOx-W03-TiO2 catalyst.
[0022] Figure 8 is a graphical comparison of Mn catalysts with and
without Fe, e.g., comprising various amounts of Ce/Zr/Mn/Fe/La/Y.
[0023] Figure 9 is a graphical representation of how titania content
affects the Ce-Zr-Mn catalyst.
[0024] Unmodified manganese catalysts have a narrow window for
ammonia SCR because at moderate temperatures (e.g., 300°C); these catalyst begin to
oxidize NH3 unselectively to NOx. Titania was a logical element to try because is not
volatile at high temperatures, but it doesn't work well with manganese. With respect to
tungsten, it seemed unlikely to work since it tends to be volatile at high temperature.
For example, V-W-Ti-O catalysts where W(VI) is supported on the surface of anatase
titania suffers from the fact that WO3 can volatilize at temperatures of about 600°C. In
addition, WO3 is volatile when supported on alumina. So, Mn-W-Al-O catalysts are
not expected to be viable after high temperature aging.
[0025] Although, to our knowledge, there are no reports of tungsten in
oxide systems with a coordination number greater than 6, a tungsten fluorite structure
was sought. In fluorite, if all atoms are at normal crystallographic positions, metal
atoms are coordinated by 8 oxygen atoms, with the metal atom at the center of a cube
of 8 oxygen atoms.
[0026] Some embodiments of the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 compositions (e.g.,
the Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 catalyst, and the Ce-Zr-W-0 catalyst) seemed to solve one or more
of the above problems. The temperature window expanded, and no evidence of
tungsten volatility at 850°C and 950°C was found. As oppose to merely an intimate
mixture of WO3 with another oxide, it is believed that our composition is a new
compound. The fact that tungsten appears to go into the fluorite structure in the present
compositions is unprecedented. Further, the simultaneous presence of Ce-Zr-Mn-A-0
(wherein A is W, Nb, Ta, and/or Mo) in a fluorite is also unprecedented, as is the
simultaneous presence of Ce-Zr-W-A-0 (wherein A, which is optional, is Nb, Ta,

and/or Mo) in a fluorite. Not to be bound by theory, for tungsten, the fluorite structure
is believed to be significant because, unlike alumina (either spinel γ-Al2O3 or corundum
OC-Al2O3) or titania (either anatase or rutile) or silica (whether as a zeolite, or
amorphous silica, or quartz) the fluorite structure accommodates tungsten atoms in
lattice positions. In the other oxides, the tungsten is merely mixed with the oxide and
not part of the lattice.
[0027] The Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst, e.g., a mesoporous Ce-Zr-Mn-A-
M-0 fluorite catalyst (optionally comprising both fluorite and M11WO4 phases), is a
NOx reduction catalyst, that can attain NOx reduction light-off temperatures of about
150°C, with NOx conversion at about 150°C to about 300°C, and thermal stability up
to and exceeding about 850°C. As used herein, a material is "mesoporous" if greater
than or equal to 50% of its pore volume is in pores having a size (as measured along a
major axis) of 2 nanometers (nm) to 50 nm. This catalyst is particularly useful for NOx
reduction and is capable of reducing the NOx without the need for a precious metal
catalyst (e.g., without the need to convert some of the NO to NO2). Two common
mechanisms for catalytic reduction of NOx, known as the "Standard Reaction" and the
"Fast Reaction," are:
4NO + 4NH3 + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O Standard Reaction
2NO + 2NO2 + 4NH3 → 4N2 + 6H2O Fast Reaction
When the "Standard Reaction" attains better results, a catalyst for forming N02 is not
needed; e.g., no precious metal (e.g., platinum) catalyst is needed with or upstream of
the NOx catalyst. The catalyst can be employed as a downstream SCR device, e.g., and
underfloor catalyst or disposed after a particulate filter, or can be combined with the
particulate filter to reduce NOx and also eliminate soot.
[0028] If the SCR device is downstream of the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst
that functions as a particulate filter, the SCR catalyst may be any of various materials
known to reduce NOx with ammonia, such as zeolites containing copper or iron, or
vanadia (optionally with tungsta or molybdena) supported on anatase titania. In
another embodiment the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst can be disposed in the SCR,
downstream of a particulate filter.
[0029] The catalyst formula is Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox. The subscripts a,
b, c, d, e, and x, represent atomic fractions, subject to the proviso that (a + b + c + d + e
= 1). In addition, the value of "a" can be about 0.1 to about 0.6, or, more specifically,

about 0.25 to about 0.5, and even more specifically, about 0.3 to about 0.4. "b" can be
about 0.25 to about 0.7, or, more specifically, about 0.3 to about 0.6, and even more
specifically, about 0.35 to about 0.5. "c" can be about 0.02 to about 0.5, or, more
specifically, about 0.1 to about 0.4, and even more specifically, about 0.2 to about 0.35,
or, in some embodiments 0.05 to about 0.2. When "R" is Mn, "d" can be about 0.04 to
about 0.2, or, more specifically, about 0.05 to about 0.15, and even more specifically,
about 0.07 to about 0.12. When "R" is W, "d" can be less than or equal to about 0.2,
or, more specifically, about 0.04 to about 0.2, yet more specifically, about 0.05 to about
0.15, and even more specifically, about 0.07 to about 0.12. "e" can be less than or
equal to about 0.15, or, more specifically, about 0.03 to about 0.1. The precise value
for "x" (and therefore the precise value for 6)depends on the type of metal component,
its charge, atomic fraction, and the requirement that the metal oxide have a neutral
overall charge. Examples of the catalyst include, for example, Ceo.35-Zro.35-Mno.25-
W0.05-O; Ce0.3o-Zro.3o-Mno.30-Wo.1-0; and Ceo.45-Zr0.45W0.i-O2+δ.
[0030] "R" is Mn or W. If "R" is Mn, "A" comprises W, Mo, Ta, and
Nb, as well as combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing. If R is W, A,
which is optional, comprises Mo, Ta, and Nb, as well as combinations comprising at
least one of the foregoing. "M", which is optional, comprises trivalent rare earth ion(s)
(e.g., dysprosium (Dy), erbium (Er), ytterbium (Yb), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er),
thulium (Tm), lanthanum (La), yttrium (Y), lutetium (La), samarium (Sm), and
gadolinium (Gd), as well as combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing. In
some embodiments, the catalyst is free of La and Y. As defined herein, "free" means
that La and Y were not added to the catalyst, but may exist as an impurity in a reagent
used to make the catalyst.
[0031] The Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox catalyst can be formed in various
fashions. For example, water soluble salts of cerium, zirconium, "M", and "R" (if "R"
is Mn), can be prepared in a sufficiently acidic solution to dissolve the salts (e.g., a
slightly acidic solutions, such as a pH of less than or equal to about 2.0, or, more
specifically, a pH of about 0.5 to about 2.0). For W, however, (when "R" is W), a
water soluble salt of the tungsten, preferably a sodium tungstate or ammonium
tungstate is prepared, e.g., by dissolving the salt in water to give a solution with a pH of
about 7.5 to about 10.0, or, more specifically, about 7.5 to about 9.0. A salt (e.g., a
sodium and/or ammonium salt) of "A" can be dissolved into the basic solution (e.g.,
having a pH of about 7.5 to about 10.0). For example, for the cerium, zirconium, "R"

(when "R" is Mn), and "M", the salts can be nitrates, acetates, and/or chlorides
(preferably nitrates and/or acetates), with nitric acid or acetic acid being suitable acids
for acidifying this solution. For "A" and "R" (when "R" is W), the salt can be alkali or
ammonium salts (preferably sodium salts), with sodium hydroxide, potassium
hydroxide, or tetraalkylammonium hydroxide optionally present for maintaining a
suitably basic solution.
[0032] The salts can separately be dissolved in the appropriate solutions
and then combined. Alternatively, the acidic solutions can be formed as one solution
and the basic solutions can be formed as one solution. In one example, cerium (III)
nitrate hydrate can be dissolved in water without additional acid, e.g., to yield a
solution with a pH of about 1.2 to about 1.4. Zirconyl nitrate hydrate can be dissolved
in water with a bit of nitric acid, e.g., to yield a solution with a pH of about 0.7, while
manganese nitrate can be dissolved without extra acid, e.g., to yield a solution with a
pH of about 1.4. These solutions can, optionally, be initially combined for form a
single acidic solution for combination with the basic solution(s), or each can be
combined directly with the basic solution(s) in a single step. With respect to the basic
solution, Na2WO4, for example, can be dissolved without extra base, e.g., to yield a
solution with a pH of about 8.5, and/or [NH4]10W12O41 can be dissolved without extra
base, e.g., to yield a solution with a pH of about 7.8 - 8.0. Sodium or ammonium
molybdates, tantalates, or niobates can be similarly dissolved. As with the acidic
solution(s), the basic solutions can be initially combined to form a single basic solution,
or can be individually added directly to the acidic solution(s) to form the precipitate.
[0033] These solutions can be mixed, e.g., by adding the basic
solution(s) to the acidic solution(s), to form an initial precipitate. Optional heating,
e.g., to about 50°C to about 90°C, of one or more of the solutions, prior to mixing, can
be employed. Precipitation is completed by adding NaOH or KOH to raise the pH, e.g.,
to about 8.8 to about 9.2. The solution is then optionally heated to a temperature of
about 50°C to about 90°C, or, more specifically, about 60°C to about 80°C (e.g., about
70°C), and stirred for less than or equal to about 6 hours or so (e.g., about 1 to about 6
hours, or, more specifically, about 1.5 to about 2.5 hour (e.g., about 2 hours). The
precipitate can then be washed to remove soluble salts, dried (e.g., actively and/or
passively), and calcined. Calcination can be at a temperature of less than or equal to
about 700°C, or, more specifically, about 600°C to about 700°C, or, yet more
specifically, about 650°C to about 700°C.

[0034] It is possible to make and use precursor solutions with
concentrations of XO2 of 100 grams per liter (g/liter) or more (wherein "X" represents
Ce, Zr, "R" (when "R" is Mn), and "M"). In this nomenclature of X02, the amount of
CeO2, ZrO2, and MnO2 equivalent to the Ce(III) salt (e.g., Ce(III) nitrate), zirconyl salt
(e.g., zirconyl nitrate), and Mn(II) salt (e.g., Mn(H) nitrate) is calculated and put into
the precursor solution (e.g., nitrate solution). When "R" is W, an initial solution
containing a tungsten concentration equivalent to up to 20 g/liter WO3 is prepared. For
example, the concentration of tungsten, in its original basic solution prior to addition to
the XO2 acidic solution(s), can be equivalent to about 15 g/liter to about 25 g/liter WO3
(e.g., about 20 g/liter WO3), while the concentration of Ce, Zr, Mn, and "M" can each
be about 50 g XO2/liter to about 100 g XO2/liter.
[0035] Also, it is noted that while precursor nitrates were used in
preparing the above samples, it is possible to use other water-soluble salts of cerium,
zirconium, and manganese including, for example, acetate and/or chloride salts. If
chloride salts are used, the precipitate will be washed to ensure essentially complete
removal of sodium chloride.
[0036] It is noted that not all materials provide desirable catalysts. As
can be seen in Figure 8, a six-component Ce-Zr-La-Y-Mn-Fe catalyst (line 807), while
possessing a thermally stable fluorite structure after treatment at 1,000°C, is less active
for SCR than similar less complex compositions. Only low levels (about 2 mol%) of
both Mn and Fe were present in that material. Higher concentrations of manganese are
also shown in Figure 8. Increasing the Mn mol fraction from 2% to 30% resulted in
gradual broadening, to lower temperatures, of the NOx reduction window (lines 801,
803, 805, and 809).
[0037] Similarly, employment of titanium dioxide (TiO2), e.g., the use
of various amounts of TiO2 in the composition, did not improve the performance as is
illustrated in Figure 9. Figure 9 actually illustrates that the titania is failing to decrease
the parasitic oxidation at temperatures of greater than or equal to about 450°C. As can
be seen, as the amount of titania in the catalyst increases, the NOx conversion of the
catalyst decreases (line 901 (least amount of titania (2.5 mol%)) to line 907 (most
amount of titania (20 mol%)).
[0038] The catalyst structure can affect the performance, e.g., NOx
and/or NH3 conversion. Both (NH4)10W12O41 and Na2(W04) have proven useful in the
synthesis of the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst. It is noted that in some of the synthesized

catalysts, the catalyst contains both fluorite and MnWO4 phases. Next, we can make a
rough estimate of the ratio of fluorite to MnWO4 in Ceo.3Zro.3Mno.3Wo.1O2 that has been
calcined at 700°C based on our X-ray diffraction results. We examine the 200 fluorite
reflection and the 011 MnWO4 reflection. The most intense feature in the X-ray
diffraction patterns occurs at about 30° 2-theta in our diffraction pattern; this diffraction
intensity results from contributions of fluorite (100) and MnWO4 (l-bar 11). So, we
base our analysis on reflections due solely to fluorite, namely the (200) reflection
occurring at about 34° 2-theta) and (011) for MnWO4, occurring at about 26.3° 2-theta.
We determine maximum intensity of these two reflections and weight them according
to the relative intensity of these reflections, as reported on JCPDS cards 13-0434 (for
MnWO4) and 43-1002 (for CeO2). JCPDS is an acronym for the Join Committee on
Powder Diffraction Standards, now associated with the International Centre for
Diffraction Data. The MnWCVfluorite ratio can, roughly, be described as:

The MnWCVfluorite ratio can be less than or equal to about 0.25, or, more specifically,
less than or equal to about 0.15.
[0039] An exemplary synthesis method comprises dissolving an
appropriate amount of Na2WO4 in an aqueous alkali hydroxide solution (e.g., NaOH
and/or KOH solution). Separately, nitrates of cerium, zirconium, and manganese, (e.g.,
Ce(NO3)3 hydrate, ZrO(NO3)2 hydrate, and Mn(NO3)2) can be dissolved in an aqueous
acidic acid that optionally contains a bit of nitric acid to promote dissolution. These
solutions are slowly combined and the Ce-Zr-Mn-W-0 material is precipitated. The
precipitate is washed and calcined.
[0040] When the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst is used in the SCR device,
e.g., in an underfloor location, the SCR device comprises a porous support with the
Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst located therein and/or thereon. Examples of porous support
materials include cordierite, metallic supports, silicon carbide (SiC), alumina (e.g.,
zirconium toughened alumina), and the like, as well as combinations comprising at
least one of the foregoing materials. The porous support can be in the form of a

monolith, sponge, foil, and so forth, and may also comprise a protective coating, e.g., of
phosphate or metal phosphate.
[0041] The Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst can, alternatively or in addition, be
located in the particulate filter. The particulate filter can comprise any filter and design
capable of removing particulate matter from the exhaust stream and preventing the
emission of such particulate matter into the atmosphere. In addition, when the
Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst is also disposed in the filter, the filter is capable of reducing
NOx. For example, after calcination at 600°C, some of the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalysts
are capable of NOx conversion down to less than 50 parts per million by volume (ppm)
(i.e., 85% conversion) can be attained over a temperature of about 200°C to about
[0042] As noted above, the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst can be used in a
particulate filter. A particulate filter generally comprises a shell and a filter element
with a retention material disposed therebetween. The filter element removes particulate
matter from the exhaust stream. The filter element can comprise any material designed
for use in the environment and which can remove particulate matter from a gaseous
stream. Some possible materials include ceramics (e.g., extruded ceramics), metals
(e.g., extruded, sintered metals), and silicon carbide; and so forth, as well as
combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing materials, such as cordierite,
aluminum oxide, aluminum phosphate, sintered steel (such as sintered stainless steel).
For example, the filter element can comprise a gas permeable ceramic material having a
honeycomb structure consisting of a plurality of channels, e.g., parallel channels. The
channels can be divided into alternating inlet channels and outlet channels. The inlet
channels are open at an inlet end of the filter element and closed at the opposite end of
the filter element, while outlet channels are closed at the inlet end and open at the outlet
end. The inlet and outlet channels are separated by porous longitudinal sidewalls that
permit the exhaust gases to pass from the inlet channels to the outlet channels along
their length.
[0043] Optionally, a composition appropriate for soot oxidation can be
disposed in one or more of the inlet channel(s), while the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-O catalyst can
be disposed in one or more of the outlet channel(s). These materials may be wash
coated, imbibed, impregnated, physisorbed, chemisorbed, precipitated, sprayed, or
otherwise applied to the filter element. Depending upon the location of the
Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst in the particulate filter, the composition for soot oxidation

may also be chosen for its reactivity with other exhaust components. For example, a
soot oxidation composition may be chosen that does not unselectively oxidize ammonia
(or urea) without coreaction of NOx, within the temperature range of interest (e.g.,
150°C to about 500°C or so).
[0044] Soot oxidation catalysts are any material capable of oxidizing
soot, with an ignition temperature below about 550°C, that does not have activity to
oxidize NH3 at temperatures below about 600°C. Possible examples of such catalysts
are those of the catalysts discussed in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2005-0282698 that
lack ammonia oxidation activity. Many base metal catalyst compositions will provide
this sort of activity. In general, soot oxidation catalysts containing platinum (Pt) and/or
palladium (Pd) will not be suitable, however.
[0045] If an oxidation catalyst is employed, as with the SCR device, the
oxidation catalyst comprises a substrate, catalytic material, and shell, with a retention
material disposed between the substrate and the shell. The catalyst material(s) for the
oxidation catalyst can be a catalyst capable of oxidizing at least one of HC and CO to
water and CO2, respectively, and preferably that does not oxidize NO to N02. The
substrate can comprise materials employed in the particulate filter and/or the SCR
device. Although the substrate can have any size or geometry, the size and geometry
are preferably chosen to optimize surface area in the given exhaust emission control
device. Typically, the substrate has a honeycomb geometry, with the combs through-
channel having any multi-sided or rounded shape, with substantially square, triangular,
pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, or octagonal, or similar geometries preferred due to
ease of manufacturing and increased surface area.
[0046] As mentioned above, seemingly due to the mechanism of
operation of the present catalyst, the catalyst has improved NOx reduction and
ammonia conversion when operated under the "Standard Reaction" conditions. As a
result exhaust from a diesel engine can optionally be passed from the manifold directly
through the particulate filter and from the particulate filter, directly through an optional
SCR and then directly vented to the environment (i.e., without the use of additional or
other exhaust treatment devices). In this embodiment, the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-O catalyst can
be disposed in the particulate filter and/or in the SCR. Regardless of the catalysts
location, ammonia (and/or urea) is also introduced to the catalyst, by introduction
directly to the device comprising the catalyst, or introduction to the exhaust stream
upstream thereof. Alternately, ammonia could be produced on-board through thermal

desorption of ammonia from an ammoniacal salt, such as Mg(NH3)6Cl2, contained in a
dedicated ammonia delivery system. Once the catalyst has attained a temperature of
greater than or equal to about 150°C, it attains light-off, converting the NH3 and NOx
to nitrogen and water.
[0047] If the catalyst is located in the particulate filter, e.g., in the outlet
channels of the filter, the exhaust stream flows into the inlet channels and passes
through the walls of the channels, thereby filtering out soot and particulate matter from
the stream. As the stream passes through the outlet channels, the NOx and ammonia
are converted to nitrogen and water. After the stream exits the filter, it can optionally
be treated to oxidize HC and CO in the stream prior to venting to the environment.
[0048] When an oxidation catalyst is employed, it is preferable to
employ an oxidation catalyst that does not convert the NO to NO2, but oxidizes the HC
and CO. From the oxidation catalyst, the stream can pass through a particulate filter to
remove the soot and/or other particulate matter. If the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst is not
located in the filter, the NOx is reduced downstream in a SCR comprising the
Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst.
[0049] The following examples are provided merely to further illustrate
the present Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst and not to limit the scope hereof.
Example 1: Sample 1 is a Ceo.35Zro.35Mno.25Wo.05O2 catalyst.
[0050] 168.3 milliliter (ml) solution of ammonium para-tungstate,
(NH4)10W12O41 (concentration 12.5 grams (g) WO3 per liter (1)), was poured to a
solution obtained by mixing of 220.5 ml Ce(NO3)3, 158 ml ZrO(NO3)2, and 79.5 ml
Mn(NO3)2 with concentrations 50 g MO2/1. The pouring of ammonium para-tungstate
was performed at room temperature (20-23 CC) at the rate of 10 milliliters per minute
(ml/min) under intensive stirring. After ammonium para-tungstate was added to the
mixed nitrate solution, the resultant suspension was heated to 70°C, and then, 2N KOH
was added until attaining pH 9 ± 0.1. The suspension was stirred under these
conditions for 2 hours. The suspension was filtered, and the precipitate was washed
with distilled water until there was an absence of nitrates in the filtrate. Finally, the
precipitate was washed with ethanol. The precipitate was dried, first in air and then in a

drying furnace at 110°C to 120°C for 12 to 14 hours, and, after that, was calcined at
600°C for 4 hours.
Example 2: Sample 2 is a Ceo.3Zro.3Mno.3Wo.1O2 catalyst.
[0051] 336.5 ml solution of ammonium para-tungstate, (NH4)10W12O41
(concentration 12.5 g WO3/I), was poured to a solution obtained by mixing of 187 ml
Ce(NO3)3, 134 ml ZrO(NO3)2 and 95 ml Mn(NO3)2 with concentrations 50 g MO2/1.
The pouring of ammonium para-tungstate was performed at room temperature (20-
23°C) at the rate of 10 ml/min under intensive stirring. After ammonium para-tungstate
was added to the mixed nitrate solution, a suspension obtained was heated to 70°C, and
then, 2N KOH was added until attaining pH 9 ± 0.1. The suspension was stirred under
these conditions for 2 hours. The suspension was filtered, and the precipitate was
washed with distilled water till the absence of nitrates in the filtrate. Finally, the
precipitate was washed with ethanol. The precipitate was dried first in air and then in a
drying furnace at 110°C to 120°C for 12 to 14 hours, and, after that, was calcined at
600°C for 4 hours.
[0052] When calcined at low temperatures (e.g., less than or equal to
700°C), both materials (Samples I and 2) comprise a fluorite structure. Additionally,
MnWO4 was detected in Sample 2 after calcination at 700°C, but not after calcination
at 600°C, while MnWO4 is not detected after calcination at 600°C or 700°C in Sample
[0053] Fresh and/or aged Samples 1 and 2, as well as reference catalysts
(as is explained in each figure), were tested. The aging conditions were 16 hours (hr) at
the aging temperature in an environment comprising 28 parts per million by volume
(ppm) SO2, 4.5 volume percent (vol%) H2O,14 vol°/o O2, balance N2 and Ar. The
evaluation conditions that were then employed to test the catalysts comprised: 350
ppm NO, 350 ppm NH3, 4.5 vol% H2O, 14 vol% O2, balance He.
[0054] Figure 1 graphically illustrates a comparison of NOx reduction
for Sample 2 compared to a MnCe material. MnCe contains, formally, about 50 wt%
MnO2 and 50% CeO2. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals two phases: CeO2 and
Mn2O3. A contraction of the fluorite CeO2 lattice parameter indicates some doping of
ceria with partial occupancy by manganese atoms at the cerium position. As is evident
fiom the graphs, the MnCe catalyst (line 101) had a NOx reduction window of about

150°C to about 275°C, and then actually oxidized the NH3 to NOx at temperatures of
about 300°C and greater. Sample 2 (line 103) had a NOx reduction window of about
150°C to about 475°C, with oxidation of NH3 to NOx not occurring until temperatures
exceeding 500°C and even exceeding 525°C. Addition of W to the composition
broadened the NOx reduction window to higher temperatures. NOx reduction windows
of greater than or equal to about 350°C and even greater than or equal to about 400°C
(e.g., about 200°C to about 600°C or so), can be attained with a Ce-Zr-W-A-M-O
catalyst, where both "A" and "M" are optional, e.g., Ceo.45-Zro.45Wo.1-O2+δ that has been
sintered at 600°C.
[0055] Figure 2 compares NOx conversion for Sample 2 after aging at
700°C (line 201), and Sample 2 after aging at 850°C (line 203), to fresh and 850°C
aged VOx-WO3-TiO2 reference catalyst (lines 205 and 207, respectively). Inspection
revealed that the reference catalyst completely deactivated for NOx reduction after
aging at 850°C (line 207). The 700°C aged Sample 2 (line 201) had better performance
than even the fresh reference catalyst (line 205) while the 850°C aged Sample 2 (line
203) had only slightly worse performance than fresh reference catalyst (line 205).
[0056] Figure 3 compares NH3 conversion for Sample 2 after aging at
700°C (line 301), and Sample 2 after aging at 850°C (line 303), to fresh and 850°C
aged VOX-WO3-T1O2 reference catalyst (lines 305 and 307, respectively). NH3
conversion for aged Sample 2 is slightly better than NH3 conversion for the fresh
reference catalyst. After aging, the reference catalyst deactivates very substantially for
NH3 conversion (line 307). Fresh reference catalyst (line 305) attained nearly 100%
NH3 conversion at temperatures of greater than 275°C, with light-off at about 240°C,
while the aged reference catalyst (line 307) did not attained nearly 100% NH3
conversion until temperatures of greater than 550°C, with light-off at about 525°C.
Sample 2, even aged at 850°C (line 303), attained NH3 conversion at temperatures of
greater than or equal to about 275°C with light-off at around 240°C. The Sample 2 that
was only aged to 700°C (line 301) actually attained light-off at temperatures of less
than or equal to about 200°C, with NH3 conversion at temperatures of greater than or
equal to about 260°C.
[0057] Figure 4 shows analogous trends involving Sample 1. This
figure compares NOx conversion for Sample 1 after aging at 700°C (line 401), and
Sample 1 after aging at 850°C (line 403), to fresh and 850°C aged VOx-WO3-TiO2
reference catalyst (lines 405 and 407, respectively). Inspection revealed that the

reference catalyst completely deactivated for NOx reduction after aging at 850°C (line
407). The 700°C aged Sample 1 (line 401) had better performance than even the fresh
reference catalyst (line 405) while the 850°C aged Sample 1 (line 403) had only
slightly worse performance than fresh reference catalyst (line 405).
[0058] Figure 5 compares NH3 conversion for Sample 1 after aging at
700°C (line 501), and Sample 1 after aging at 850°C (line 503), to fresh and 850°C
aged VOX-WO3-T1O2 reference catalyst (lines 505 and 507, respectively). NH3
conversion for aged Sample 1 is slightly better than NH3 conversion for the fresh
reference catalyst. After aging, the reference catalyst deactivates very substantially for
NH3 conversion (line 507). Fresh reference catalyst (line 505) attained NH3
conversion at temperatures of greater than 285°C, with light-off at about 250°C, while
the aged reference catalyst (line 507) attained NH3 conversion at temperatures of
greater than 570°C, with light-off at about 520°C. Sample 1, even aged at 850oC (line
503), attained NH3 conversion at temperatures of greater than or equal to about 320°C
with light-off substantially the same as the fresh reference catalyst at about 250°C. The
Sample 1 that was only aged to 700°C (line 501) actually attained light-off at
temperatures of less than or equal to about 200°C, with NH3 conversion at temperatures
of greater than or equal to about 240°C.
[0059] Figure 6 graphically illustrates further aging of Samples 1 and 2
to determine the effect of higher temperature aging. It is shown that higher temperature
aging does not result in deactivation, wherein the reference catalyst deactivated when
aged at 850°C. Sample 1, when aged at 950°C (line 601), had a light-off at close to
about 300°C and a peak NOx conversion percentage of 40% at about 400°C, while
when aged at 850°C (line 605), had a light-off of about 240°C and a peak NOx
conversion percentage of 80% at about 350°C. With respect to Sample 2, when aged at
950°C (line 605), had a light-off at close to about 290°C and a peak NOx conversion
percentage of 60% at about 380°C, while when aged at 850°C (line 607), had a light-off
of about 225°C and a peak NOx conversion percentage of 80% at about 315°C. Even
with high temperature aging (e.g., 950°C), e.g., at inlet temperatures below 500°C,
Sample 1 retained some NOx conversion capability (greater than or equal to about
40%), while Sample 2 retained substantial NOx conversion capability ((greater than or
equal to about 60%). As can be seen in Figures 2 and 4, the reference catalyst, even
when aged to just 850°C, retained no NOx conversion capability.

[0060] Figure 7 shows that aging of Samples 1 and 2 at 950°C causes
some loss of NH3 conversion performance; e.g., the fresh reference catalyst is better at
NH3 conversion than the aged Samples 1 and 2. However, Samples 1 and 2, even aged
at 950°C, exhibit substantially better NH3 conversion (e.g., at temperatures of less than
500°C) than the reference catalyst aged at 850°C. (Also see Figures 3 and 5)
[0061] In one embodiment, a NOx reduction catalyst consists essentially
of Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox fluorite, wherein only elements that do not reduce NOx
conversion can additionally be incorporated into the catalyst, "a" can be about 0.1 to
about 0.6, or, more specifically, about 0.25 to about 0.5, and even more specifically,
about 0.3 to about 0.4. "b" can be about 0.25 to about 0.7, or, more specifically, about
0.3 to about 0.6, and even more specifically, about 0.35 to about 0.5. "c" can be about
0.02 to about 0.5, or, more specifically, about 0.1 to about 0.4, and even more
specifically, about 0.2 to about 0.35, or, in some embodiments 0.05 to about 0.2. When
"R" is Mn, "d" can be about 0.04 to about 0.2, or, more specifically, about 0.05 to
about 0.15, and even more specifically, about 0.07 to about 0.12. When "R" is W, "d"
can be less than or equal to about 0.2, or, more specifically, about 0.04 to about 0.2, yet
more specifically, about 0.05 to about 0.15, and even more specifically, about 0.07 to
about 0.12. "e" can be less than or equal to about 0.15, or, more specifically, about
0.03 to about 0.1. The NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx (e.g.,
promoting a chemical reaction between NOx and reduced nitrogen species (such as
ammonia) to make, predominantly, nitrogen (N2)).
[0062] The catalyst disclosed herein has low light-off temperatures of
less than or equal to about 200°C, even less than or equal to about 175°C, e.g., about
140°C to about 160°C. Catalyst also has a wider operating range of greater than or
equal to about 200°C, or, more specifically, greater than or equal to about 300°C, and
even greater than or equal to about 400°C.
[0063] Additionally, the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst disclosed herein is
unexpectedly highly thermally stable (e.g., stable at temperatures of greater than or
equal to 700°C), and retains NOx reduction capabilities even after 16 hours of aging
under hydrothermal conditions at a temperature of 850°C. Since this catalyst exhibits
greater NOx reduction capabilities without the presence of NO2, an oxidation catalyst
upstream of this NOx catalyst can be eliminated while high NOx conversion is attained.
It is further noted that the present catalysts show good tolerance to sulfur (e.g., SO2 and
SO3) and superior oxygen atom transport, e.g., compared to neat ceria. Hence, it is

believed that the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalysts will function as effective soot oxidation
catalysts as well as a NOx reduction catalyst. Therefore, a single material can be used
to perform the two more difficult functions of diesel exhaust gas detoxification:
removal of NOx and removal of carbonaceous particulate matter.
[0064] For example, diesel emissions control systems that do not
employ the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst disclosed herein, and that utilize SCR and
particulate traps, will often have, as a first catalyst in the emissions control system, an
oxidation catalyst. This catalyst (typically Pt based) serves two or three functions:
oxidizing CO and HC coming from the engine, oxidizing NO to NO2 (e.g., for the
FAST NOx reaction), and serving as a heat source to heat up the particulate trap to
temperatures sufficient to cause its regeneration by oxidizing carbon stored in the trap.
The heating is accomplished by injecting sufficient (relatively large, compared to
normal engine operation) amounts of hydrocarbons upstream of the engine as a late
pulse during the combustion cycle (so that the hydrocarbons emerge from the cylinder
largely uncombusted) and/or in the exhaust pipe, upstream of the oxidation catalyst.
The hydrocarbons, when oxidized over the oxidation catalyst, increase the temperature
of the exhaust gas sufficient to heat the particulate trap to soot regeneration
[0065] Downstream of this oxidation catalyst is generally a particulate
trap followed by an SCR catalyst (since the SCR catalyst generally fails at temperatures
below particulate trap regeneration temperatures); e.g., zeolite-based SCR catalysts and
vanadia-titania-based catalysts fail at a temperature below about 750°C. However,
since the Ce-Zr-Mn-A-M-0 catalyst disclosed herein are more temperature tolerant,
they are better able to withstand the middle position (between the oxidation catalyst and
the particulate trap).
[0066] Not to be bound by theory, the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-O catalysts (Ce-Zr-
Mn-A-M-0 catalysts) appear to reduce NO more effectively than NO2, thereby
allowing the use of Pd oxidation catalysts (at a substantial cost savings to the use of Pt
catalysts) to heat exhaust to temperatures needed to regenerate a particulate trap. Pd
catalysts are less effective than Pt catalysts at oxidizing NO to NO2 which appears
desirable for the new catalysts disclosed herein. In other words, unlike iron zeolite
catalysts and V-W-TiO2 catalysts used for mobile applications, the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0
catalyst does not require the use of Pt oxidation catalysts to convert NO to NO2 because
it is active for the "Standard Reaction". This substantially reduces cost.

[0067] The Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalysts (e.g., Ce-Zr-Mn-A-M-0 catalysts)
could be coated onto a particulate trap, allowing the combination of the SCR and
particulate matter (PM) control with a single coated substrate, permitting helpful
reductions in system complexity and cost. After the SCR and particulate trap catalysts,
an additional oxidation catalyst can be used to oxidize CO slipping from the particulate
trap during high temperature regeneration and to oxidize any ammonia that slips from
the SCR catalyst.
[0068] Not to be bound by theory, the present composition enables a
process for reducing NOx, where the NOx is mostly NO (e.g., greater than or equal to
about 60 vol% NO, based on the total vol% of the NOx), using ammonia such that at
temperatures below about 300°C, the characteristics of NOx reduction improve as the
NO/NO2 ratio increases. The NOx reduction characteristics of the catalyst at
temperatures below 300°C are better when the NOx is about 95 vol% NO, 5 vol% NO2
compared to when the NOx is 50 vol% NO, 50 vol% NO2. Hence, for many
embodiments of the Ce-Zr-R-A-M-0 catalyst, the NOx reduction characteristics at
temperatures below about 300°C are better when NOx is greater than or equal to about
75 vol% NO.(e.g., less than or equal to 25 vol% NO2) than when NOx is less than or
equal to 50 vol% NO (e.g., 50 vol% NO2), based on the total volume of the NOx. It is
noted that NOx in normal engine is exhaust is typically greater than 75 vol% NO and
usually greater than 90 vol% NO. As a result, the present catalyst benefits from the
normal exhaust conditions, able to use the exhaust NOx as it, without converting the
NO/NO2 ratio. The present catalyst can reduce greater than or equal to about 50% of
NOx in a gas stream, or more specifically, greater than or equal to about 80 vol% of
NOx in a gas stream, and, even more specifically, greater than or equal to about 90
vol% of NOx in a gas stream (based upon a total volume of NOx in the gas stream), in
at a temperature of about 150°C to about 550°C, or, more specifically, the temperature
is about 150°C to about 400°C. Additionally, the present catalyst can have a NOx
reduction temperature window of about greater than or equal to about 250°C, even
greater than or equal to about 300°C, and even greater than or equal to about 350°C,
where greater than or equal to about 50%, and even greater than or equal to about 70%
NOx conversion can be attained.
[0069] Ranges disclosed herein are inclusive and combinable (e.g.,
ranges of "up to about 25 wt%, or, more specifically, about 5 wt% to about 20 wt %", is
inclusive of the endpoints and all intermediate values of the ranges of "about 5 wt% to

about 25 wt%," etc). As used herein, "combination" is inclusive of blends, mixtures,
alloys, oxides, copolymers, reaction products, and the like, as applicable. Furthermore,
the terms "first," "second," and the like, herein do not denote any order, quantity, or
importance, but rather are used to distinguish one element from another, and the terms
"a" and "an" herein do not denote a limitation of quantity, but rather denote the
presence of at least one of the referenced item. The modifier "about" used in
connection with a quantity is inclusive of the stated value and has the meaning dictated
by the context, (e.g., includes the degree of error associated with measurement of the
particular quantity). The suffix "(s)" as used herein is intended to include both the
singular and the plural of the term that it modifies, thereby including one or more of
that term (e.g., the colorant(s) includes one or more colorants).
[0070] All cited patents, patent applications, and other references are
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. However, if a term in the present
application contradicts or conflicts with a term in the incorporated reference, the term
from the present application takes precedence over the conflicting term from the
incorporated reference.
[0071] While the invention has been described with reference to an
exemplary embodiment, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various
changes may be made and equivalents may be substituted for elements thereof without
departing from the scope of the invention. In addition, many modifications may be
made to adapt a particular situation or material to the teachings of the invention without
departing from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that the invention
not be limited to the particular embodiment disclosed as the best mode contemplated
for carrying out this invention, but that the invention will include all embodiments
falling within the scope of the appended claims.
[0072] What is claimed is:

1. A NOx reduction catalyst, comprising:
"R" is W or Mn
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W,
Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A"; and
"M" is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d + e =1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
wherein the catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.
2. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein the trivalent rare earth ion is
selected from the group consisting of Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, and
combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing.
3. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein "M" is free of La and Y.
4. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.4;
"b" is about 0.3 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.1 to about 0.4; and
"d" is about 0.05 to about 0.2.
5. The-catalyst of Claim 4, wherein "e" is about 0.03 about 0.1.
6. The catalyst of Claim 1, having a fluorite structure.

7. The catalyst of Claim 6, wherein the catalyst is a mesoporous
8. The catalyst of Claim 1, comprising fluorite and MnWO4 phases.
9. The catalyst of Claim 8, wherein a ratio of the MnWO4 phase to
the fluorite phase is less than or equal to about 0.25.
10. The catalyst of Claim 9, wherein the ratio is less than or equal to
about 0.15.
11. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein "R" is Mn.
12. The catalyst of Claim 11, wherein "A" comprises W.
13. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein the catalyst is configured such
that, when reducing NOx, the catalyst attains a greater degree of NOx reduction via a
"Standard Reaction" than a "Fast Reaction" under the same gas stream conditions.
14. The catalyst of Claim 1, wherein "R" is W.
15. The catalyst of Claim 14, wherein "c" is about 0.05 to about 0.2

16. Method of treating a gas stream, comprising:
introducing the gas stream to a NOx reduction catalyst, wherein the NOx
reduction catalyst comprises Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox, wherein
"R" is W or Mn
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W,
Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A"; and
"M" is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d + e = 1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
reducing greater than or equal to about 50 vol% of the NOx in the gas
stream, based upon a total volume of the NOx initially in the gas stream,
wherein the gas stream has a temperature of about 150°C to about
17. The method of Claim 16, wherein the gas stream comprises
greater than or equal to about 60 vol% NO, based upon a total volume of NOx in the
18. The method of Claim 17, wherein the gas stream comprises
greater than or equal to about 75 vol% NO.
19. The method of Claim 18, wherein the gas stream comprises
greater than or equal to about 90 vol% NO.
20. The method of Claim 16, comprising reducing greater than or
equal to about 80 vol% of the NOx in a gas stream.

21. A particulate filter, comprising:
a shell;
a filter element for removing particulate matter from a gas stream,
wherein the filter element is disposed within the shell, wherein the filter element
comprises a NOx reduction catalyst, wherein the NOx reduction catalyst comprises
Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox, wherein
"R" is W or Mn
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W,
Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A"; and
"M" is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d + e =1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
wherein the catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.

22. A NOx treatment system, comprising:
introducing exhaust gas to a particulate filter without treating the
exhaust gas with an oxidation catalyst; and
passing the exhaust gas directly from the particulate filter through an
optional SCR and then directly venting the exhaust gas to the environment;
wherein if the SCR is present, the SCR and/or the particulate filter
comprises a NOx reduction catalyst;
wherein if the SCR is not present, the particulate filter comprises the
NOx reduction catalyst; and
wherein the NOx reduction catalyst comprises Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox,
"R" is W or Mn
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W,
Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A"; and
"M" is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d + e =1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
wherein the NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.

23. A NOx treatment system, comprising:
a particulate filter disposed to be capable of receiving exhaust gas that
has not been treated with an oxidation catalyst;
optionally a SCR disposed downstream and in direct fluid
communication with the particulate filter for receiving the gas directly from the
particulate filter; and
a vent to the environment in direct fluid communication with the SCR, if
present, or with the particulate filter if the SCR is not present;
wherein if the SCR is present, the SCR and/or the particulate filter
comprises a NOx reduction catalyst;
wherein if the SCR is not present, the particulate filter comprises the
NOx reduction catalyst; and
wherein the NOx reduction catalyst comprises Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox,
"R" is W and/or Mn
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if "R" is Mn, "A" is selected from the group consisting of W,
Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A"; and
"M" is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d+e =1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
wherein the NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.

24. A NOx reduction catalyst, consisting essentially of:
Cea-Zrb-Rc-Ad-Me-Ox fluorite;
"R" is W or Mn;
if "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and
if R is Mn, A is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo, Ta,
Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing A; and
M is a trivalent rare earth ion;
a + b + c + d + e =1;
"a" is about 0.1 to about 0.6;
"b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7;
"c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5;
if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d"
is less than or equal to about 0.2; and
"e" is less than or equal to about 0.15; and
wherein the catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.
25. A method for making a NOx catalyst, comprising:
dissolving cerium salt to form a first acidic solution;
dissolving zirconium salt to form a second acidic solution;
dissolving a salt of "R", wherein "R" is Mn or W, and if "R" is Mn, "R"
is dissolved to form a third acidic solution, and if "R" is W, "R" is dissolved to form a
first basic solution;
if "R" is Mn, dissolving salt of "A" to form a second basic solution,
wherein "A" is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations
comprising at least one of the foregoing "A";
mixing the first acidic solution and second acidic solution, and if present
the second basic solution, and if present the third acidic solution, and, if present, the
first basic solution, to form a precipitate;
drying the precipitate; and
calcining the precipitate to form the catalyst.

26. The method of Claim 25, further comprising
dissolving a salt of "M" to form a fourth acidic solution, wherein "M" is
selected from the group consisting of Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, and
combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing; and
forming the precipitate further comprises mixing the fourth basic
solution with the first acidic solution, second acidic solution, the third acidic solution,
the first basic solution, and the second basic solution.
27. The method of Claim 25, wherein the acidic solution has a pH of
about 0.5 to about 2.0, and the basic solution has a pH of about 7.5 to about 10.0.
28. The method of Claim 25, further comprising, prior to dissolving
the water soluble salts of cerium, zirconium, and "R" in the acidic solution, calculating
an amount of CeO2 equivalent to Ce(III) salt, an amount of ZxO2 equivalent to zirconyl
salt, and an amount of MnO2 equivalent to Mn(II) salt, and dissolving the calculated
amounts in the acidic solution.
29. The method of Claim 25, wherein the precipitate is calcined at a
temperature of less than or equal to about 700°C.
30. The method of Claim 25, further comprising, prior to the mixing,
heating the first acidic solution, second acidic solution, the third acidic solution, the
first basic solution, and/or the second basic solution to a temperature of about 50°C to
about 90°C.
31. The method of Claim 25, wherein, if present, the concentration
of W, in the first basic solution is about 15 g/liter to about 25 g/liter WO3, the
concentration of Ce in the first acidic solution is about 50 g XO2/liter to about 100 g
XCVliter, the concentration of Zr in the second acidic solution is about 50 g XCVliter
to about 100 g XO2/liter, and, if present, the concentration of Mn in the third acidic
solution is about 50 g XO2/liter to about 100 g XO2/liter.

32. The method of Claim 25, wherein "R" is W, further comprising
dissolving salt of "A" to form a second basic solution, wherein "A" is selected from the
group consisting of Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the
foregoing A.

Disclosed herein are NOx reduction catalysts,
particulate filters, exhaust treatment systems, and methods of treating a gas stream. In one embodiment, a NOx reduction catalyst comprises Cea-Zrb-Rc.-Ad-Me-Ox. "R" is W and/or Mn. If "R" is W, "A" is selected from the group consisting of Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the foregoing "A", and if
"R" is Mn, A is selected from the group consisting of W, Mo, Ta, Nb, and combinations comprising at least one of the oregoing "A". "M" is a trivalent rare earth ion. a + b + c + d + e = l. "a" is about C.l tO about 0.6; "b" is about 0.25 to about 0.7; "c" is about 0.02 to about 0.5; and if "R" is Mn, "d" is about 0.04 to
about 0.2, and if "R" is W, "d" is less than or equal to about 0.2; while "e" is less than or equal to about 0.15. The NOx reduction catalyst is capable of reducing NOx.


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1431-kolnp-2009-international search report.pdf

1431-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 263922
Indian Patent Application Number 1431/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 49/2014
Publication Date 05-Dec-2014
Grant Date 27-Nov-2014
Date of Filing 17-Apr-2009
Name of Patentee UMICORE AG & CO. KG
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 23/10
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2007/081412
PCT International Filing date 2007-10-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/550,861 2006-10-19 U.S.A.